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Suggested solutions MaA4NVCO09 Graphs and Functions


Instructions Test period Resources The test 105 minutes: 8:05-9:50 Monday December 7, 2009 Formula sheet, your personalised formula booklet, ruler, protractor, a graphic calculator, and a lexicon. A single answer is not enough. It is also expected that you write down what you do that you explain/motivate your reasoning that you draw any necessary illustrations. Try all of the problems. It can be relatively easy, even towards the end of the test, to receive some points for partial solutions. A positive evaluation can be given even for unfinished solutions. Score and mark levels The maximum number of points you can receive for each solution is indicated after each problem. If a problem can give 2 Pass-points and 1 Pass with distinction-point this is written [2/1]. Some problems are marked with , which means that they more than other problems offer opportunities to show knowledge that can be related to the criteria for Pass with Special Distinction in Assessment Criteria 2000. Lower limit for the mark on the test G: Pass: At least 20 points VG: At least 40 points 11 of which are VG-points MVG: At least 45 points 22 of which are VG-points. High quality of calculations and deep level of understanding must be illustrated through out the test, especially in problems marked by . Name: ________________________ Student Number: NVC09 Sjdalsgymnasiet The maximum score is 59 points, of them 32 VG points. There are 4 problems

1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 2a 2b 2c 2d 3a 3b 3c 3d 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 VG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 3 G VG 5a 5b 6 7a 7b 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 9a 9b 9c 9d 10 Su m Gr ade G 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 27 VG 0 0 3 2 3 0 0 2 2 4 0 1 2 3 2 32 G VG
behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA4NVCO09 Graphs and Functions


Useful formulas
Order of Operations: [], (), exponents (powers), , , +,

y = kx + m where k is the slope, and m is the y-intercept.

log x = y x = 10 y log x + log y = log( x y ) x log x log y = log( ) y n log x = n log x

a x a y = a x+ y Note: Both terms share identical base a . ax = a x y y a

(a )

x y

= a x y

1 1 = ay y = a y y a a 0 a =1
1 b = a a b
a x b x = (ab ) Note: Both a and b share identical power, x .

(a b )

y z

= a xz b yz

( a )n = a n n : even number ( a )n = a n n : odd number

( a )( b ) = ab (a )( b ) = ab
a c = ad = bc b d a a a c = 1 = b b b c a c ad + bc + = b d bd a a c c = b b
With addition and subtraction we may add the individual margin of errors! a + b = (427 1) + (5.5 0.5) = 432.5 1.5 a b = (427 1) (5.5 0.5) = 421.5 1.5 Equation of straight line:
behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA4NVCO09 Graphs and Functions


Glossary-English-Swedish-Lexicon Mathematics Course A:

English quotient, ratio fraction integer number simplify express surd (exact) form quantities exchange places investigate base power, exponent percent per thousand ppm.: part per millions scientific notation significant figure round off changing factor factorize abbreviating, simplify extend, expand Numerator Denominator quotient, ratio Factor Difference real numbers rational numbers irrational numbers prime numbers annual interest equilateral triangle Isosceles triangle slope Swedish kvot brk heltal frenkla uttrycka exakt form kvantitet, mngd, storhet byta plats UTFORSKA bas potens, exponent procent promille ppm grundpotensform vrdesiffror, gllande siffror avrunda frndringsfaktor, tillvxtfaktor, ndringsfaktor faktorisera frkortning frlngning tljare nmnare kvot faktor differens reella talen rationella tal irrationella tal primtal rsrntan Liksidigt triangel Likbent triangel lutning Comments

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA4NVCO09 Graphs and Functions


In each case, show how you arrived at your answer by clearly indicating all of the necessary steps, formula substitutions, diagrams, graphs, charts, etc. In none of problems except for the last problem (i.e. UNIT CIRCLE) measurement from the figure is valid. 1. f ( x ) = 5 x + 7 . a) Find f (0 ) . [1/0] b) Find f (3) . [1/0] c) Find f ( 3) . [1/0] d) Find the slope, i.e. k of the function. [1/0] e) Find the y-intercept, i.e. m of the function. [1/0] [1/0] f) Solve f ( x ) = 0 . Suggested solutions: f ( x ) = 5 x + 7 a) f (0 ) = 5 (0 ) + 7 = 7 Answer: f (0 ) = 7 [1/0] b) f (3) = 5 (3) + 7 = 15 + 7 = 8 Answer: f (3) = 8 [1/0] c) f ( 3) = 5 ( 3) + 7 = 15 + 7 = 22 Answer: f ( 3) = 22 [1/0] d) Answer: The slope of the function f ( x ) = 5 x + 7 is k = 5 . [1/0] e) Answer: The y-intercept of the function f ( x ) = 5 x + 7 is m = 7 . [1/0] 7 f ( x ) = 5 x + 7 = 0 5 x = 7 x = x = 1.4 . Answer: x-intercept of f) 5 the function is x = 1.4 . [1/0] 2. The figure below illustrates the graph of the linear function y = f ( x ) . a) Find f (0 ) . b) Find f (3) . c) Find x such that f (x ) = 8 . d) Find the equation of the function y = f ( x ) . Suggested Solutions: a) b) c) d) Answer: f (0 ) = 5 . [1/0] Answer: f (3) = 4 . [1/0] Answer: f ( x ) = 8 x = 1 . [1/0] Find the equation of the function y = f ( x ) . [2/0]
10 8 6 4 2 -2 -1 0 -2 0 -4 -6 -8 -10 x y 1 2 3 4 5

[1/0] [1/0] [1/0] [2/0]

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA4NVCO09 Graphs and Functions


3. Rewrite the formulas below, and determine if y is proportional to x . If y is proportional to x find the proportionality constant k . 5y = 7x . a) [1/0] 5 y = 0. b) [1/0] x 0.5 x 4 y = 3 . c) [1/1] x y = 2. d) [1/1] 3 5 Suggested solutions: 7 a) 5 y = 7 x y = x = 1.4 x . 5

y is proportional to x with the proportionality constant k =

7 = 1.4 . 5 [1/0]


5 5 y=0 y= . x x y is inversely proportional to x with the proportionality constant [1/0] k = 5 . ( y is not directly proportional to x .) 0.5 x 4 y = 3 4 y = 0.5 x 3 y = 0.5 3 1 3 x y = x . 4 4 8 4


y is a linear function of x with the proportionality constant k =

3 and y-intercept m = . 4 5 5 x y x y = 2 5 5 = 5 2 x 10 = y y = x 10 . / 3 5 3 5 3 3 /

1 , 8

[1/0] [0/1]


y is a linear function of x with the proportionality constant k =

and y-intercept m = 10 .

5 , 3 [1/0]

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA4NVCO09 Graphs and Functions


4. In a report the following diagram and table is attached. They illustrate how the height of a tree changes as function of time. The height of the tree is initially 1.00 m . a) How many percent does the height of tree change during the second year. [1/0] b) Investigate how the height of the tree changes. Present your conclusion in word. [1/1] c) Give a formula that could be used to calculate the height of the tree h(t ) m as function of time. [0/2] d) How does the formula change if the height of the tree [2/0] initially was instead 2.00 m ? e) The formula obtained in part c above is a mathematical model to calculate how the height of a tree changes as a function of time. Investigate the limitations of the model. [0/3/]
t height of change of h (t ) = 1 .00 (1 .25 ) m Time t (year) tree h (m) h m per year 0 1,00 1 1,25 0,25 1,25 2 1,56 0,25 1,56 3 1,95 0,25 1,95 4 2,44 0,25 2,44 5 3,05 0,25 3,05 6 3,81 0,25 3,81

Time t (year) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

height of tree h (m) 1,00 1,25 1,56 1,95 2,44 3,05 3,81

Suggested Solution: a) During the second year the height of tree changed from 1.20 m to 1.44 m : 1.44 1.20 100 = 20% .. [1/0] 1.20 b)

4,0 3,5 Tree's height h (m) 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 0,0

0 As illustrated in the figure and the table above, the height of the tree increases by 20% every year.

3 Time t (year)

[1/1] [0/2] [2/0]

c) d) e)

h(t ) = 1.00 (1.25) m


h(t ) = 2.00 (1.25) m


The most serious problem with the model is the fact it is unlimited and goes for ever. The other limitation is trees constant growth. Usually, trees grow faster initially, and the growth rate decreases rapidly after a few year. [0/3/]

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA4NVCO09 Graphs and Functions


5. A straight line is drawn from a vertex of an square to a point of the side opposite to the vertex, as illustrated in the figure below. a) Fine the angle . [2/0] b) Fine the equation of the line if the vertex is the origin of the Cartesian coordinates, the left hand side vertical side of the square is the y-axis and the lower side of the square is the x-axis as illustrated below. [2/0]

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Suggested solution: 3 tan = = 0.75 = tan 1 (0.75) = 36.87 36.9 a. Answer: 37 [2/0] 4 3 b. Answer: The equation of the line is: y = x [2/0] 4 Note that slope of the line is k = 0.75 which is tan , i.e. k = tan = 0.75 . 6. Eight people may work three weeks each for the total price of 123 600 kr . How long do five people with the same salary work for 180 250 kr ? [0/3] Suggested solution: Eight people working for three weeks is equivalent to one person working for 8 3 = 24 weeks . 123 600 kr = 5150 kr / w Therefore, weekly salary of a worker is: [0/1] 24 180 250 kr 180 250 kr is therefore salary of = 35 w of a worker. 5150 kr / w 35 w = 7 w weeks for weekly Answer: Five people therefore may work for 5 salary of 5150 kr / w each. [0/1] Answer: 7 w

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA4NVCO09 Graphs and Functions


7. Investigate the following claims. Is it true or false? Explain and prove your reasoning. a) The sum of two linear functions of the type y = kx + m is always a linear function. [0/2] x b) The product of two exponential functions the type y = C a is always an exponential function if a > 0 . [0/3] Suggested solutions: Lets assume the equations of the linear functions are: y1 = k1 x + m1 and y 2 = k 2 x + m2 . where k1 , m1 , k 2 , and m2 are constants. The sum of these two functions is: y = y1 + y 2 = (k1 x + m1 ) + (k 2 x + m2 ) = (k1 + k 2 )x + (m1 + m2 ) = kx + m where k k1 + k 2 and m m1 + m2 are also constants. Answer: True. The sum of two linear functions y1 = k1 x + m1 and y 2 = k 2 x + m2 is a linear function where its slope is the algebraic sum of the slopes of the give functions: k = k1 + k 2 and its y-intercept is the algebraic sum of the yintercepts of the functions involved: m = m1 + m2 . [0/2] Lets assume the equations of the linear functions are: x y1 = C1 a1x and y 2 = C 2 a2 . where C1 , a1 > 0 , C 2 , and a2 > 0 are constants. The product of these two functions is: x x x y = y1 y 2 = (C1 a1x )(C 2 a2 ) = C1 C 2 a1x a2 = C1C 2 (a1 a2 ) C a x where C C1 C 2 and a a1 a 2 > 0 are also constants. Therefore, the statement is correct Answer: True. The product of two exponential functions y1 = C1 a1x and
x y 2 = C 2 a2 is also an exponential function linear function y = C a x where C C1 C 2 and a a1 a 2 > 0 . [0/3]

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA4NVCO09 Graphs and Functions


At the aspect assessment of your work with problems 13-15 your teacher will consider what mathematical knowledge you have demonstrated and how well you have carried through the task how well you have explained your work and motivated your conclusions how well you have written your solutions.

8. The functions f ( x ) =

[1/0] a) Find f (8) . b) Simplify f (a + 8) . [2/0] c) Simplify f (a + 8) f (a ) . [0/2] d) Simplify f ( f (a )) . [0/2] e) Investigate f ( g (a )) = g ( f (a )) . [0/4/] Suggested solutions: 38 f (8) = 5 = 6 5 =1 a. [2/0] Answer: f (8) = 1 4 3 (a + 8) 3 a + 24 3 a 3 a f (a + 8) = 5 = 5 = +65 = +1 b. [2/0] 4 4 4 4 3 a f (a + 8) = +1 4 3 a 3a 3a 3 a c. [0/2] +1 + 5 = 6 f (a + 8) f (a ) = +1 5 = 4 4 4 4 Answer: f (a + 8) f (a ) = 6 / 3 g (a ) 3 ( 8a + 4) 3 4 ( 2a + 1) f ( g (a )) = 5 = 5 = 6a + 3 5 = 6a 2 5 = d. / 4 4 4 Answer: f ( g (a )) = 6a 2 [0/2] 3 a [0/2] g ( f (a )) = 8 f (a ) + 4 = 8 5 + 4 = 6 a + 40 + 4 = 6 a + 44 4 Answer: g ( f (a )) = 6 a + 44 Answer: f ( g (a )) g ( f (a )) []

3x 5 and g (x ) = 8 x + 4 are given 4

behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.

Suggested solutions MaA4NVCO09 Graphs and Functions


9. Lindas height x months after her 12th birthday is y = 149 (1.0024 ) cm . a) How tall was Linda on her 12th birthday? [1/0] x [0/1] b) What does the factor 1.0024 mean in y = 149 (1.0024 ) cm ? th c) How tall was Linda on her 15 birthday? [0/2] x d) Analyze the model y = 149 (1.0024 ) cm . Your analyze must include the natural domain of x (i.e. how long the model is possibly valid), the natural possible range y , and a possible graph of the development of Lindas height from her 12th birthday up to her 60th birthday. [0/3/] Suggested solution a) Linda was 149 cm on her 12th birthday. This is due to the fact that on

b) c)

The factor 1.0024 in the equation y = 149 (1.0024 ) cm means that Lindas height increases at the rate of .0024 100 = 0.24% per month . [0/1]

her 12th birthday x = 0 y = 149 (1.0024 ) = 149 cm .


y = 149 cm



y = 149 (1.0024 ) cm y (36 ) = 149 (1.0024 ) = 162.4 cm 162 cm . Answer: According to the model Linda was 162 cm on her 15th birthday. [0/2] The model is possibly valid only for five years. Therefore the domain of x is 0 x 60 months , and the range of y is 149 cm y 172 cm . The growth of Lindas height x months after her 17th birthday possibly will 0 .3 x slow down to y = 172 (1.024 ) cm , where 0 x 24 months , and finally saturate to y = 175 cm on her 19th birthday: 172 cm y 175 cm Lindas height is going to be y = 175 cm until she is 60 years old. The following curve illustrates the model described above: [0/3/]
x 36

180 175 170 165 y 160 155 150 145 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x 70 80 90 100 110 120
behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.


Suggested solutions MaA4NVCO09 Graphs and Functions


10. Solve graphically (2.3) = 5 x + 7 . Give the answer using four decimal points.


Plot \ Y1 = (2.3) and \ Y2 = 5 x + 7 on the same coordinate system. Find their intersection using a graphic calculator. For example using TI-83 or equivalent, we may use: 2nd, calc, intersection, . Answer: x = 0.9564 0,9564 2,2180 2,2180

Suggested solutions: y = (2.3) y = 5 x + 7


y = 5 x + 7
4 3 x=0,9564 2 y 1 0 0,0 -1 -2 x 0,5 1,0

y = (2.3)



behzad.massoumzadeh@huddinge.se Free to use for educational purposes. Not for sale.


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