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T. divides Ps. in groups of four. T. checks the homework and asks P. to read it aloud.

Ps. stay four by four.




Presentation of the new vocabulary

P. show their notebooks and read aloud the sentences. They make the correct adjustments. T. asks P. to define P. define nouns imposed different kind of nouns by T. or by themselves, (names, places, things), using who, which, where. by using who, which, where. T. asks Ps. to work in P. answer T.s questions pairs, that is P. ask each first, after that they ask other to define different and answer their own things. questions, like: Who is Dan? The mate who sits next to me. What is English? A subject which I like. What is Romania? The country where I live. Etc. Using the previous Ps. listen to the teacher. pattern, T. asks P. to use They will remember the Future simple and two ways of expressing Going to future in future theyve learnt defining certain things. (Future simple and Eventually he will give Going-to future). sentences in Romanian, They make sentences in case they dont using both relative understand the task: connectors and a verb in Translate: the future. John este biatul care John is the boy who will va juca fotbal mine. play football tomorrow. If possible: What is It is something I am homework? going to do this afternoon. T. presents the new Ps. listen to the tenses which express explanation and give, on future events. T. their turns, examples, as explains the rules and theyve already learnt the gives examples. three tenses, but they use them with a new meaning.


Controlled practice


Homework assignment

T. gives Ps. a petal formed sheet of paper, divided in eight parts. T asks Ps to write down on every petal: A promise they make. A prediction. An intention they have. A plan. After that, they will do the same, this time writing about a friend of theirs. T. evaluates the final products based definite criteria. T. announces the Ps. write down the homework. homework.

Im going to watch TV tonight. Ps. write down sentences, using the new learnt tenses. At first they write about themselves, after that about someone who is close to them (a relative or a friend).

Lesson Plan
Date: 24th November 2006 Form: 7th Level: Pre-Intermediate Title: Ways of expressing future Aims: -to express a future event; -to make the difference between the ways of expressing future; -to use correctly the tenses in sentences; -to make up sentences about ways of expressing future. Teaching material: textbooks, work sheets. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing. Organization: class work, pair work, group work, individual work.

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