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/** * Textile4J * Java implementation of Textism's Textile Humane Web Text Generator * Portions Copyright (c) 2003 Mark

Lussier, All Rights Reserved * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Textile is Copyright (c) 2003, Dean Allen, www.textism.com, All rights reserv ed * The origional Textile can be found at http://www.textism.com/tools/textile * * _______________ * TEXTILE LICENSE * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modifcation, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name Textile nor the names of its contributors may be used to * endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific * prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package net.sf.textile4j; import import import import import java.util.ArrayList; java.util.List; java.util.StringTokenizer; java.util.regex.Matcher; java.util.regex.Pattern;

/** * Textile * Java implementation of Textism's Textile Humane Web Text Generator * <p/> * For Origional PHP see http://www.textism.com/tools/textile * <p/> * JTextile is another java implementation compatible with older (ie 1.3) versio ns of * the JDK, and uses GNU-REGEX for the expressions * See http://pipthepixie.tripod.com/code/jtextile.html *

* @author Mark Lussier * @version $Id: Textile.java,v 1.9 2004/05/26 19:14:35 intabulas Exp $ */ public class Textile implements TextileConstants { /** * Public Constructor */ public Textile() { } /** * Process a textile formatted string * * @param origionalContent Textile formatted content * @return Content converted to HTML */ public final String process(final String origionalContent) { String content = origionalContent; /** * Turn any incoming ampersands into a dummy character for now. * This uses a negative lookahead for alphanumerics followed by a semico lon, * implying an incoming html entity, to be skipped */ //text = preg_replace("&(?![#a-zA-Z0-9]+;)","x%x%",text); content = content.replaceAll(EXP_AMPERSAND, EXP_AMPERSAND_REPLACE); /** * unentify angle brackets */ content = replace(content, content = replace(content, content = replace(content, and ampersands GREATER_THAN, ">"); LESS_THAN, "<"); "&amp;", "&");

/** * zap carriage returns */ content = replace(content, "\r\n", "\n"); /** * zap tabs */ content = replace(content, "\t", ""); /** * preserve double line breaks */ content = replace(content, "\n\n", "\n \n"); /** * trim each line.. no it is not faster to String.split() here since we are just trimming fat */ StringBuffer splitBuffer = new StringBuffer(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(content, "\n", false); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { splitBuffer.append(tokenizer.nextToken().trim());

splitBuffer.append("\n"); } content = splitBuffer.toString(); //### Find and replace quick tags /** * double equal signs mean <notextile> */ content = content.replaceAll(EXP_DOUBLEQUOTE_MATCH, EXP_DOUBLEQUOTE_REPL ACE); /** * image qtag */ content = content.replaceAll(EXP_IMAGE_QTAG_MATCH, EXP_IMAGE_QTAG_REPLAC E); /** * image with hyperlink */ content = content.replaceAll(EXP_IMAGE_WITH_HREF_QTAG_MATCH, EXP_IMAGE_W ITH_HREF_QTAG_REPLACE); /** * hyperlink qtag */ content = content.replaceAll(EXP_HREF_QTAG_MATCH, EXP_HREF_QTAG_REPLACE) ; /** * loop through the array, replacing qtags with html */ for (int x = 0; x < EXP_PHRASE_MODIFIER_SOURCETAGS.length; x++) { String prefix = "(^ \\s >)" + EXP_PHRASE_MODIFIER_SOURCETAGS[x] + "(.+?)([^\\w\\s]*?)" + EXP_PHRASE_MODIFIER_SOURCETAGS[x]; //+ "([^\\w\\s]{0,2})(\\s $)?"; //String suffix = "$1<" + EXP_PHRASE_MODIFIER_REPLACETAGS[x] + ">$2$ 3</" + EXP_PHRASE_MODIFIER_REPLACETAGS[x] + ">$4"; String suffix = "$1<" + EXP_PHRASE_MODIFIER_REPLACETAGS[x] + ">$2$3< /" + EXP_PHRASE_MODIFIER_REPLACETAGS[x] + ">"; content = content.replaceAll(prefix, suffix); } /** * From the Origional Docs: * "some weird bs with underscores and \b word boundaries, * so we'll do those on their own" */ content = content.replaceAll(EXP_ITALICS_MATCH, EXP_ITALICS_REPLACE); content = content.replaceAll(EXP_EMPHASIS_MATCH, EXP_EMPHASIS_REPLACE); content = content.replaceAll(EXP_SUPERSCRIPT_MATCH, EXP_SUPERSCRIPT_REPL ACE); /**

* small problem with double quotes at the end of a string */ content = content.replaceAll(EXP_EOL_DBL_QUOTES, " "); String[] glyphMatches = {EXP_SINGLE_CLOSING, EXP_SINGLE_OPENING, EXP_DOUBLE_CLOSING, EXP_DOUBLE_OPENING, EXP_ELLIPSES, EXP_3UPPER_ACCRONYM, EXP_3UPPERCASE_CAPS, EXP_EM_DASH, EXP_EN_DASH, EXP_EN_DECIMAL_DASH, EXP_DIMENSION_SIGN, EXP_TRADEMARK, EXP_REGISTERED, EXP_COPYRIGHT}; String[] glyphReplacement = {REPLACE_SINGLE_CLOSING, REPLACE_SINGLE_OPENING, REPLACE_DOUBLE_CLOSING, REPLACE_DOUBLE_OPENING, REPLACE_ELLIPSES, REPLACE_3UPPER_ACCRONYM, REPLACE_3UPPERCASE_CAPS, REPLACE_EM_DASH, REPLACE_EN_DASH, REPLACE_EN_DECIMAL_DASH, REPLACE_DIMENSION_SIGN, REPLACE_TRADEMARK, REPLACE_REGISTERED, REPLACE_COPYRIGHT}; boolean ishtml = Pattern.compile(EXP_ISHTML, Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher( content).find(); boolean inpreservation = false; if (!ishtml) { content = arrayReplaceAll(content, glyphMatches, glyphReplacement); } else { String[] segments = splitContent(EXP_ISHTML, content); StringBuffer segmentBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int x = 0; x < segments.length; x++) { // # matches are off if we're between <code>, <pre> etc. if (segments[x].toLowerCase().matches(EXP_STARTPRESERVE)) { inpreservation = true; } else if (segments[x].toLowerCase().matches(EXP_ENDPRESERVE)) { inpreservation = false; } if (!Pattern.compile(EXP_ISHTML, Pattern.MULTILINE).matcher(segm ents[x]).find() && !inpreservation) { segments[x] = arrayReplaceAll(segments[x], glyphMatches, gly phReplacement); }

//# convert htmlspecial if between <code> if (inpreservation) { segments[x] = htmlSpecialChars(segments[x], MODE_ENT_NOQUOTE S); segments[x] = replace(segments[x], "&lt;pre&gt;", "<pre>"); segments[x] = replace(segments[x], "&lt;code&gt;", "<code>") ; segments[x] = replace(segments[x], "&lt;notextile&gt;", "<no textile>"); } segmentBuffer.append(segments[x]); } content = segmentBuffer.toString(); } //### Block level formatting //# deal with forced breaks; this is going to be a problem between //# <pre> tags, but we'll clean them later content = content.replaceAll(EXP_FORCESLINEBREAKS, REPLACE_FORCESLINEBRE AK); //# might be a problem with lists content = replace(content, "l><br />", "l>\n"); String[] blockMatches = {EXP_BULLETED_LIST, EXP_NUMERIC_LIST, EXP_BLOCKQUOTE, EXP_HEADER_WITHCLASS, EXP_HEADER, EXP_PARA_WITHCLASS, EXP_PARA, EXP_REMAINING_PARA}; String[] blockReplace = {REPLACE_BULLETED_LIST, REPLACE_NUMERIC_LIST, REPLACE_BLOCKQUOTE, REPLACE_HEADER_WITHCLASS, REPLACE_HEADER, REPLACE_PARA_WITHCLASS, REPLACE_PARA, REPLACE_REMAINING_PARA}; StringBuffer blockBuffer = new StringBuffer(); String list = ""; content += "\n"; boolean inpre = false; //# split the text into an array by newlines String[] tokens = content.split("\n"); int tokenCount = tokens.length;

for (int x = 0; x < tokenCount; x++) { String line = tokens[x]; //#make sure the line isn't blank if (!line.matches("^$")) { //# matches are off if we're between <pre> or <code> tags if (line.toLowerCase().indexOf("<pre>") > -1) { inpre = true; } //# deal with block replacements first, then see if we're in a l ist if (!inpre) { line = arrayReplaceAll(line, blockMatches, blockReplace); } //# kill any br tags that slipped in earlier if (inpre) { line = replace(line, "<br />", "\n"); line = replace(line, "<br/>", "\n"); } //# matches back on after </pre> if (line.toLowerCase().indexOf("</pre>") > -1) { inpre = false; } //# at the beginning of a list, $line switches to a value boolean islist = Pattern.compile(EXP_LISTSTART, Pattern.MULTILIN E).matcher(line).find(); boolean islistline = Pattern.compile(EXP_LISTSTART + list, Patte rn.MULTILINE).matcher(line).find(); if (list.length() == 0 && islist) { line = line.replaceAll(EXP_MATCHLIST, REPLACE_MATCHLIST); list = line.substring(2, 3); //# at the end of a list, $line switches to empty } else if (list.length() > 0 && !islistline) { line = line.replaceAll(EXP_ENDMATCHLIST, "</" + list + REPLA CE_ENDMATCHLIST); list = ""; } } // push each line to a new array once it's processed blockBuffer.append(line); blockBuffer.append("\n"); } if (!list.equals("")) { blockBuffer.append("</" + list + "l>\n"); list = ""; } content = blockBuffer.toString(); // Trim trailing EOL if (content.endsWith("\n")) { content = content.substring(0, content.length() - 1); }

// // // //

// Trim starting EOL if (content.startsWith("\n") content.startsWith("\t")) { content = content.substring(1, content.length()); }

// Clean Up <notextile> content = content.replaceAll("<\\/?notextile>", ""); // Clean up liu and lio content = content.replaceAll("<(\\/?)li(u o)>", "<$1li>"); // Turn the temp char back to an ampersand entity content = replace(content, "x%x%", "&#38;"); //# Newline linebreaks, just for markup tidiness content = replace(content, "<br />", "<br />\n"); return content; } /** * An implementation of the PHP htmlspecialchars() * * @param origContent Source string * @param mode Mode to select replacement string for quotes * @return String with replace occurrences */ private String htmlSpecialChars(final String origContent, final int mode) { String content = origContent; content = replace(content, "&", "&amp;"); if (mode != MODE_ENT_NOQUOTES) { content = replace(content, "\"", "&quot;"); } if (mode == MODE_ENT_QUOTES) { content = replace(content, "'", "&#039;"); } content = replace(content, "<", LESS_THAN); content = replace(content, ">", GREATER_THAN); return content; } /** * Splits a string into a string array based on a matching regex * * @param matchexp Expression to match * @param content Content to split * @return String array of split content */ private String[] splitContent(final String matchexp, final String content) { int startAt = 0; List tempList = new ArrayList(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(matchexp, Pattern.MULTILINE); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content);

while (matcher.find()) { tempList.add(content.substring(startAt, matcher.start())); tempList.add(matcher.group()); startAt = matcher.end(); } tempList.add(content.substring(startAt)); String[] result = new String[tempList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result[i] = (String) tempList.get(i); } return result; } /** * Replace an array of match patterns in a string * * @param content Source string * @param matches Match patterns * @param replaces Replacement patterns * @return String with replaced occurrences */ private String arrayReplaceAll(final String content, final String[] matches, final String[] replaces) { String result = content; for (int x String String result } } /** * Replace any occurances of a string pattern within a string with a differe nt string. * * @param str The source string. This is the string that will be search ed and have the replacements * @param pattern The pattern to look for in str * @param replace The string to insert in the place of <i>pattern</i> * @return String with replaced occurences */ private static String replace(final String str, final String pattern, final String replace) { if (str == null "".equals(str)) { return str; } if (replace == null) { return str; } = 0; x < matches.length; x++) { match = matches[x]; replace = replaces[x]; = result.replaceAll(match, replace);

return result;

if ("".equals(pattern)) { return str; } int s = 0; int e = 0; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); while ((e = str.indexOf(pattern, s)) >= 0) { result.append(str.substring(s, e)); result.append(replace); s = e + pattern.length(); } result.append(str.substring(s)); return result.toString(); } }

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