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4,JULY / AUGUST 1994

Deadbeat Flux Level Control of

Direct-Field-Oriented High-Horsepower
Induction Servo Motor Using Adaptive
Rotor Flux Observer
Lipei Huang, Yasuki Tadokoro, and Kouki Matsuse, Senior Member, IEEE,

Abstract-A method for the deadbeat flux level control of an adaptive rotor flux observer. The observer is a full-order
direct-field-oriented high-power induction servo motor drives type, and has the additional function of determining the
has been developed that employs an adaptive rotor flux ob- stator and rotor resistances of the motor on the basis of
server. The observer is a full-order type and is used not only in
the direct-field-oriented controller, but also to determine the adaptive control theory.
stator and rotor resistances of the servo motor. The observer This paper discusses the operational efficiency of a
reduces the sensitivity of a deadbeat controller to fluctuations in servo motor driven by the proposed system in both steady
the motor parameters. The main advantage of this method is and transient states, and also the dynamic performance.
that it improves the efficiency of an induction servo motor
without sacrificing dynamic performance. This paper describes
The load cycle dependency is also considered, as is appro-
the method as well as the fundamental characteristics of the priate for high-horsepower induction servo motors. This is
system derived from experimental and simulation results. important because increasing the rotor flux level at mo-
ments of high torque demand requires extra current, and
consequently, extra loss. The principles and fundamental
I. INTRODUC~ON characteristics of the system are presented and discussed

T HE indirect-field-oriented control of an induction

servo motor is widely used to obtain good dynamic
torque response. The system generally keeps the rotor
on the basis of simulation and experimental results.
flux level constant, but it has the disadvantage of being A. Deadbeat Control of the Rotor F l u Level TakingMagnetic
very sensitive to fluctuations in the motor parameters. In Saturation into Account
order to overcome this drawback, a direct-field-oriented One way to improve the steady-state efficiency of a
control method employing an adaptive rotor flux observer motor is to change the magnitude of the rotor flux in
has recently been proposed [ll, 121. accordance with the topic required. To achieve this, the
On the other hand, it has been reported that changing approach taken in this study is to employ a deadbeat
the rotor flux level in accordance with the load improves response to regulate the rotor flux level. This should yield
the steady-state efficiency of an induction motor [31-[5]. a design for a digital controller that produces a flux level
But those papers do not discuss the transient speed and response with zero steady-state error and has a minimum
torque response. To obtain higher steady-state efficiency finite settling time in response to a unit step input.
without degradation of the dynamic response, a method of
rapidly controlling the rotor flux level by means of a
In a rotating frame of reference, the rotor flux, +,, can
be expressed in terms of the flux current, i,, by (1) taking
deadbeat response has been proposed [6]-[8]. magnetic saturation into account:
Based on these considerations, a deadbeat flux level
control system applicable to direct-field-oriented induc-
tion servo motor drives has been developed that employs

Paper IPCSD 94-28, amroved by the Industrial Drives Committee of where & is the rotor flux, i , is the flux current, M is the
the iEEE Industry Ap&cations Society for presentation at the 1993 mutual inductance, L , is the’rotor self-inductance, and R ,
IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, xxx, m, Date.
Manuscript released for publication April 1, 1994. is the rotor resistance.
L. Huang is with the Department ofElectrica1 Engineering, Tsinghua In practice, the effects of magnetic saturation can have
University, Beijing 100084,-China. a significant impact on rotor flux level control because
Y. Tadokoro was with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Meiji University, Higashimita, Tama-ku, Kawasaki 214 Japan. He is now both the rotor time ‘Onstant, ‘r7 and the indue-
with the Ebara Comration. Power Electronics DeDartment, 2-1, Honfu- tanCe, M , Vary ill the Operating region O f the motor.
jisawa 4-chome, Fuj’isawa-shi 251, Japan. Tables I and I i list the rafings ofthe-two induction servo
K. Matsuse is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Meiji
University, Higashimita, Tama-ku, Kawasaki 214 Japan. motors tested, and Fig. 1 shows the characteristics of
IEEE Log Number 9402640. servo motor I. Fig. l(a> shows the relationship between

0094-9994/94$04.00 0 1994 IEEE



170 V 10.5 A 2.2 kW

2000 rpm 120 kg-cm 4 pole

RATINGSOF SERVOMOTOR11 where * indicates reference value, indicates estimated

value, T is the settling time, ~ , [ i T lis the rotor time

140 V 184.0 A 37 kW constant (7, = L , / R , ) at sampling time iT, M[iTI is the
50 Hz 2300 kg-cm 4 pole mutual inductance at sampling time i T , +,[iT] is the flux
level at sampling t i p e iT, and i equals n - 2, n - 1, n.
The flux level, +,, is estimated by the adaptive rotor
flux observer, which also determines the stator and rotor
resistances on the basis of adaptive control theory.
Fig. 2 illustrates how deadbeat flux level control works.
In a conventional linear system, Fig. 2(a), the flux settles
by an amount A+, during the settling time T . But in the
proposed method, Fig. 2(b), the flux settles in a series of
steps by an amount A+; during the subsettling time T'.
This is because the flux current is limited to its maximum
value if the change in the rotor flux is too large. In this
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 study, T' was set to 7.5 msec based on the CPU speed. In
im (A)
Fig. 2(b), the dotted lines A and B show the effects of
(a) Rotor Flux (e,) vs. Flux Current (i,,,) magnetic saturation.
B. Adaptive Rotor Flux Observer
Eqs. (3) and (4) are the state and output equations,
g 0.044 respectively, for a stationary frame of reference. Eq. ( 5 )
2 0.042 describes the full-order state observer, which simultane-
ously estimates the stator current and the rotor flux. Eq.
(6) is the observer gain matrix, which is calculated in such
0.038 a way that the observer poles are proportional to those of
I). 1 . 1
the induction motor (with a constant of proportionality,
0 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 k > 0). An induction motor itself is stable, so the adaptive
observer is also stable under normal operation:
(b) Mutual Inductance ( M ) vs.Rotor Flux (e,)
Fig. 1. Characteristics of servo motor I.

rotor flux and flux current, and Fig. l(b) shows the rela-
tionship between mutual inductance and rotor flux. In the i = CX, (4)
latter, it should be noted that the mutual inductance is
constant when the rotor flux is less than 0.25 Wb. This where
figure demonstrates that the mutual inductance changes
in the region of magnetic saturation, and so its effects
must be taken into consideration when controlling the
flux [9].
Accordingly, the reference flux current, i:, can be given
as follows [8]:
i:[nT] =
1 - exp ( - T/T,[n T ]

. +,*[nTl ~
M [ ( n - 1)Tl
exp ( - T / T , [ ( -
~ 1)TI)
1 I=[; ;I J = i0l -11
R, stator resistance
L , stator self-inductance
a leakage coefficient ( a = 1 - M 2 / ( L , L , ) )
1 - exp ( - T / T , [ ( -
~ 1)TI)
w, motor angular velocity

(a) d-axis Equivalent Circuit

n l t

(a) Linear System (b) Proposed System

Fig. 2. Deadbeat flux level control.

= i- BU, + ~ ( i '-, i s ) , (b) q-axis Equivalent Circuit

Fig. 3. Steady-state equivalent circuits taking core loss into account.



- l)(UrI, + ur,,)
- l)(UrlI - U r 3 )
g, = (k - 1)Ui2,

+ c ( k - l)(Ur1l + UrZ2) m+ - Or @qr


For steady-state operation, the d- and q-axis equivalent For transient-state operation, the circuits are shown in
circuits of an induction motor that take loss into Figs. 4 a ) and 403). Here, the core loss is accounted for by
account can be drawn as in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b), respec- the eddy current loops [lo]. These circuits yield the follow-
tively. These circuits yield the following equations for the ing equations for the and the core loss [111:
stator copper loss, the rotor copper loss, and the stator
core loss in the steady state:

w,,= R S & 1- i & ) , (9) 9 (12)

~2 = Rr(i2r + i i r ) , (10)

U: = R,,,((ids+ i d r l 2+ ( i q r+ i q r ) 2 ) , (11) where

where i, = [idr i,,lT is the rotor current. i, = [ i d , i,,lT eddy current


h l o o n

$r=0.250Wb Constant
W .......
p o . 3 0 0 Wb Constant
p=0.350 Wb Constant
.... +r=0.400 Wb Constant
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Load Torque (kg-cm)
(a) Efficiency
- U
Fig. 5. Block diagram of proposed control system for application to Deadbeat Flux Level Control
direct-field-oriented induction motor drives. (CR: current regulated.) p=0.250 Wb Constant

0 40 80 120
Load Torque (kg-cm)

Fig. 7. Motor efficiency and total loss for servo motor I (2.2 kW, ac).

100 , I
Fig. 6. System configuration.

Zll = ( R , + PL:)Z
- Deadbeat Flux Level Control
.. .......
p=0.200 wb Constant
212 = Z,3 PM'Z
= 2 3 1 = Z32 = ...... p=0.250Wb Constant
+1=0.300 Wb Constant
2 2 1 = 2 2 3 = PM'Z - w,M'J - - - p S . 3 5 0 Wb Constant
2 2 2 = ( R , + PL:)Z - W,Z,J
Z3, = ( R e + PM')Z 0 500 lo00 1500 2000
R , core loss resistance Load Torque (kg-cm)
p = - (a) Efficiency
3000 , I
and -m Deadbeat Flux Level Conwol

(13) 5 2000-
-*- @=0.350 Wb Constant

where A
3 1000-

0 I I I

0 500 1000 1500 2000

The total motor loss for transient-state operation is Load Torque (kg-cm)
given by (14). Finally, (15) gives the average motor loss,
which includes the loss during both steady- and transient- Fig. 8. Motor efficiency and total loss for servo motor I1 (37 kW,ac).
state operation, during one speed command cycle, or in
other words, one load cycle:
A. System Configuration
The configuration of the proposed deadbeat rotor flux
level control system is shown in Fig. 5. This system is used
for the direct-field-oriented control of an induction servo
motor 111, [21. The main components are an adaptive rotor
where To is the speed command cycle (i.e., load cycle). flux observer; a deadbeat controller; a numerical function


0' ' :'! : : : : : '
50 m S e C / d

(a) Simulation Results 1V

500r pm/d i v

r----- __

0. ' -. - t


0 . 1 OWb/d i v
--- qr -ir -.-idr
I (a') Simularion Results
(a') Simulation Results

(b) Expenmental Results

( b ) Expenmental Results
Fig. 10. Step-up speed response-stator current (0 + I000 rpm).
Fig. 9. Step-up speed response-motor speed and flux level (0 + 1000

operator, F , that sets the appropriate flux command, +,: ___

in response to the torque command, T: ; a direct-field- r*

orientation controller; and a current-regulated voltage 200rpm/div -U ,

source inverter. Fig. 6 shows the experimental setup for
the digital signal processor and CPU.
B. Direct-Field-Oriented Controller Using an Adaptive Flux
In the vector rotation block in Fig. 5, the stator current 0 . 1 OW s / d 1v _-- q * -Fr ---I
dr 4'
commands, i2s and i:s, for a stationary frame of reference
are calculated from the estimated rotor flux as follows [l]:

izs = i: cos o - iT e",sin (16)

i:s = i: sin e^ + i: cos e", (17)

10A/div i,
&/& 4,= d m ,

where cos e" = O d r / J r , sin e" =

and iT is the torque current command. / -

C. Steady-State EfJiciency and Loss

Figs. 7(a) and 7(b) show the relationship between load
torque and motor efficiency, and that between load torque 104/div
and total loss, respectively, of servo motor I. Figs. 8(a) and
8(b) show the same relationships for the high-horsepower
servo motor 11. The dashed and dotted curves are for 0
various values of the rotor flux level, and the heavy black
curves show the characteristics of the motors when driven
by the proposed deadbeat control system. It is clear that Fig. 11. Step-up speed response-experimental (proposed method).

-Deadbeat Flux Level Control

200rpm/d i v @=0.400[Wb] Constant

(a) Speed

10A/div -ids

(b) @i-=O.250-0.400[Wb] Deadbeat Flux Level Control

~ ids

( c ) @CO 400 Constant Rotor Flux

1O A / d 1 v -Ids

10A/div __ Ids

(d) @r=0.250Constant Rotor Flux
Fig. 14. Comparison of proposed method and two cases of constant
rotor flux method. (The data are from Figs. 11-13.)

Fig. 12. Step-up speed response-experimental (constant 4, = 0.400


___ Ur*
_100rpm/div -U ,
T r-------- --

1 OA/d i v

Fig. 13. Step-up speed response-experimental (constant = 0.250 Fig. 15. Ramp speed response-experimental (500 -, -500 vm).

o p p
100rpm/div 5 0T 0 r pm/d i v _ _ _U:

O.lOWb/div I

-[in .*
10A/div 5A/d i v If

---- 500msec/div

10A/div -Ids

Fig. 16. Load torque response-experimental. 0 5 0 0 m s e c Id i

Fig. 18. Forward-reverse speed response-simulated (constant 4r =
0.400 Wb).

500rpm/div --_ U,' 500rpm/div ___ U ,*

/OOmsec/div /OOmsec/di\j

O.IOWb/div ---$r -qr O.lOWb/div ---$I ~



5A/d i v 11

1 OOW/d iv 'l O O W /d i v
-Loss Loss

0 0
500msec/div 5 0 0 m s e c/ d 1v
Fig. 17. Forward-reverse speed response-simulated (proposed Fig. 19. Forward-reverse speed response-simulated (constant c$~ =
method). 0.250 Wb).

' (a) Condition [I] ' (b) Condition [2]

or'(rpm) 4'(rpm)

(c) Condition [3] (d) Condition [4]

I 300(rpm) Constant Command

(e) Condition [ 5 ] (0 Condition [6] (g) Condition [ 7 ]

Fig. 20. Speed command conditions (i.e., load cycles).

our method significantly improves the efficiency while TABLE I11

reducing the total loss.
beadbeat 0.400 Wb 0.250 Wb
Condition Constant Constant
D.Transient Response Loss 1 Loss 2 Loss 1 Loss 3 Loss 1
Figs. 9 and 10 show the experimental and simulation (s) (W) (w) Loss2 (W) Loss 3
results for the step-up speed response of servo motor I
when using the proposed control method. The speed
command was a step function with values in the range of
0-1000 rpm, and there was no load.
Figs. 11-13 show the experimentally obtained speed,
rotor flux, command current, and stator current for a
step-up speed change operation on servo motor I. Fig. 11
is for our proposed method, and Figs. 12 and 13 are for
the conventional constant flux control method. The speed
command was a step function with values ranging from
-500 to 500 rpm, and there was no load. In each case, 2.0 65.744 89.055 0.738 80.398 0.818
the command torque current, if*, was set to the upper
transient-state limit of the motor. Fig. 14 combines these
results for easier comparison, with Fig. 14(a) showing the
speed, and Figs. 14(b)-14(d) showing the currents. Figs. 7,
8, and 14 clearly demonstrate that driving an induction
servo motor with the proposed system improves the Fig. 17 is for our proposed method, and Figs. 18 and 19
steady-state efficiency without sacrificing the dynamic per- are for the constant flux method with values of +r of 0.400
formance. Wb and 0.250 Wb, respectively. These results enable us to
Fig. 15 shows the experimentally obtained forward- compare the total loss of a motor when driven by the
reverse speed response of servo motor I. The speed com- different methods. The loss was calculated using (91-0 11,
mand was a ramp function with values ranging from 500 (13) and (14) for both the steady and transient states.
to - 500 rpm, and there was no load. Fig. 20 shows the various speed command conditions,
Fig. 16 shows the experimental results on the load that is, load cycles, for servo motor I that were put into
torque response of servo motor I. The load torque changed (15) to calculate the results in Table 111, which compares
in steps from 0 to 60 kg-cm. the average loss obtained for our proposed method and
for the constant flux method with the two values of the
E. Discussion of Steady and Transient Losses flux mentioned in the previous paragraph. The table re-
veals that our proposed method yields a significantly lower
Figs. 17-19 show the simulation results on the loss except for condition 4. In this case, the constant flux
forward-reverse speed change response of servo motor I. method with a of 0.400 Wb gives better results.

V. CONCLUSION Lipei Huang was bom in Jiangsu, China, on July

12, 1946. He received the B.E. and M.E. degrees
A deadbeat flux level control method for direct-field- in electrical engineering from Tsinghua Univer-
oriented induction servo motor drives that employs an sity, Beijing, China, in 1970 and 1982, respec-
adaptive rotor flux observer has been developed. The In 1970 he joined the Department of Electri-
fundamental characteristics of the system were investi- cal Engineering at Tsinghua University. Since
gated through experiments and simulations. It was found 1990, he has been an Associate Professor of
Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua University,
that the application of this system to high-horsepower where he has been vice-chairman of the De-
induction servo motors improves the efficiency in both the Dartment of Electrical Eneineerine since 1992.
steady and transient states without sacrificing dynamic In 1987 he was a Visithg Scholar of Electrical kgineeryng at Tokyo
Institute of Technology, Tokyo, for three months, and at Meiji Univer-
performance. sity, Kawasaki, Japan, for nine months. He joined the research projects
of K. Matsuse Laboratory at the Department of Electrical Engineering,
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Meiji University, Kawasaki, Japan, as Visiting Professor in 1993. His
The authors would like to thank M. Tsukakoshi of Meiji research interests are in power electronics, adjustable-speed drives and
ac machines. He has published over 30 technical articles in the field of
University, N. Ishii of Tokyo Electric Power C o . , Ltd. and power electronics, wind energy utilization, and ac machines.
K. Miyamoto of JR Tokai Co., Ltd. for their support of
the experimental work. They also wish to thank Dr. H.
Kubota of Meiji University and K. Kikuchi of Sanyo
Denki Co., Ltd. for useful discussions.
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