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By - c. v. R. r-DJi?rt+7 8.trM04 - ~HTPN>..

Hff f2 3' t..OT v ~ iCp!-l-' ~ AI Sl!':.cON SV~II1C.iJ


Draft/or Di-fms.riol1:: A.j2.ri12004

IRC 6 Provisions

on Seismic Design

of Bridges

AlabcJ/JC. Talldoll, S. K Tbakkar, 5/1dbirK Jaill, alld C. V.RA1/1rty

For the purpose of this standard, the following terms are defined: lbse: The level at which inertia forces generated ill the substructure and supcrstructure the foundation.

ne tf:lnsferreJ


Bridge Flexibiliry Factor <.: .-\ r.:l.:t~l to 0b~,.> .~A plastic acceleration specu"Um depending on tlexibility of the structure; it depends on natural period of vibranull of the bridge. Ce.:nter of ~lass: Ti1e.:poinr through ,,"hich the resultant of the masses of a syste.:m acts. This po lilt corresponds ro the center of gr:l\oity of the system. . Critical Damping: The minimum damping above which free vibration motion :s f)or mcillator::. Damping: Th~ ,.ffeC! of internal friction, imperfect elasticity of material, slipping, slid!::;, :::"...in reducing the amplitUde of vibration and is expressed as a percentage of critical damping. Design Seismic force: The seism:L :0::ce prescribed by this standard for each bridge com!'onent th:lt shall be used i:-, i..0; design. It ~:. obtained as the maxinmm elastic seismic force divided by the approprl:lte response.: reduction facrar spl'cified in this srandard for each component. I)l.'sigIl Seismic Force Resultant 1 ': The force resultant (namely axial force, slH.:arforce, bending momenr ;;l' rorsional moment) at a cross-secti(>n of the bridge due to d(',rZ~1I .rt:i.l/llil)om'for shaking :llong :: considered direcrion applicd on thc stn!crun:. Uuctiliry: Dt:ctiliry of :l strucrun.:. or IrS tn;.:mbcrs, is rhe Glpacity to undergo large incbstic dcformatlon~ wirhour significant lo~~ of strcngth or stiffness. Ducrile Detailing: The prefern:d choice of location and amount of rdnforct.:menr in re.:inforceli cnnCrl.!l struC!1lrcs to prm'idt.: for adt.:ljuate ductility in them. In steel structurt.:s, it is the de.:sign of me.:mbe:rs and their conncctions to makc thcm adcl)uarely ductile. Elastic Seismic .-\cccleration Coefficient /1: J\ plot of horizontal acceleration value, as a fraction of of accelerauon due to gra,'ity, lJeHlI,r atur:rl period of vibration T that shall be used iI, the desi,l.'11 n structures. Imporrance

Factor I: :\ facror used ro obtain the design spectrum depending


on the importance

of the

Line:lr Elastic l\nal:,"sis: _Analysis of the strucrure cunsiJering linear properries load-,'ersus deformauon of the different components of the strucrure. Liquefaction: Liquefaction is the state in saturated cohesion less soil wherein is reduced to negligible value for all engineering purposes due ro ,"ibratinnc: durin~ an earthquake when they approach the rotal confining the soil tends to beha,"e like a fluid m~:;s.

of the material and of the the effectivc shear strcngth pore pressures caused by pressurc. In this condition
shear force, bending





[J': The




axial force,

moment or torsional momenr) at a cross-section of the bridge due to maXilJllI1IIe/m"/i..J'('irlllit'fo/i't' for shaking along a considered dircction applied on the ~tructure, . J\laximum Elastic Scismic I'orce.:: Thl' maximum force: in the bridgc componenr duc to the cXPl'unl seismic shaking in rhc considered seismic zone, [\Iodes of Vibr:lIi(Ji1: (see !\onnal ,\lode) f\lodes Natural Participation Period I:actor })/:.: How much modc k. of vibration of thc briJgc vibration. of ,..ibration along tht.: partICIpates whcn subjected to base excitation. T Narural direction period of a structure motion. narur:l] period of modc l. is rhe rimc pt.:riod of ",ibration \':dues (If displaccmcl1ls anJ is its time period of undampeu modal time period Na!1lral Period 'Ii: '1',: It is the highest The (nodal at \\'hich

(:'i) Fundamental considcred

of earth()uakt.:

(b) I\lodal l"atur:11 PcrioJ in me Illc k.. Normal :\Iode:

!\1'Jdc of ,'ibrarion

all ils masst.:s a!l:lill m:l~imllm

Draft IRC6 ProzliJioNSfor eiJlllil'DesigNq(Blidge/ S Page ,!{:::1~' 2 rorations simulraneously, and they also pass through eqtIilibrium positions simultaneously. -'Overstrength: Strength considering all factors that may cause an increase, e.g., steel strength heing higher than the specified characteristic strength, effect of strain hardening in steel with large strains, and concrete strength being higher than specified characteristic value. Principal Axes: Principal axes of a structure are two mutually perpendicular horizontal directions in pbn . of a structure along which the geometry of the structun.: is orienred. Response Reduction Factor R: The factor by which the acruallateral force, that would be gener:m:d if the structure were to remain elastic during the most severe shaking that is likely at that site, shall be reduced to obtain the design lateral force. Response Spectnun: It is a representation of the maximum response of iJealized single degree of freedom systems of different periods for a fL""edvalue of damping, during that earthquake. The maximum response is plotted agairist the undamped narural period and for various dampip.g values, and can be expressed in terms of maximum absolute acceleration, maximum relati\"e \-elociry or maximum relative displacemenr. Seismic ~Iass: Seismic weight divided by acceleration due to gravity. ::;...i."mcX/eight IF': Total dead load plus part of live load as per clause 3.2.3. \ Soil Profile Factor 5: A fact0!: used to obtain the elastic acceleration spectrum depending on the s(,~l

protlle urdemeath the structure at the site. StIength: The usable capaciry of a strucrure or its n:l.~})'~rs to resist the applied loads. Stiffness of Piers: The force requiIed ro produce U11l~ a..:formation in the pier under a bteralload applieu at its top. Zone Factor Z: .-\ factor to obtain the design sp~ctrum depending on the percei\"ed seismic risk of rht.: zone in which the strucrure is located.

0.2 Symbols


The symbols and norations given be\o-,y apply to provisions of this standard. The unirs ust.:d r"r rhe items covered by these symbols shall be consistent throughout, unless specifically nott.:d otht.:rwisc. /1 Elastic seismic acceleration coefficient 7r 7
~\rea of the concrete core


: Dk

Ak ./1,;. C

Elastic seismic acceleration coeHicient Area of the bar cross section Bridge flexibility factOr

of mode k

C I?

Bridge flexibility

force coe fficient

factor of mode k of \-ibration

Fraction of missing mass for /h mode.

Pressure coefficients to estim::.te flow load due to stream on the substrucrure

e I' C 2 '
C3,C+ D DJ. t( E, E,

Dead load reaction of the bridge; dead load reaction at the support Diameter of core measured to the outside of the spiral or hoops Thick ness of any layer i :.!odulus of elasticity of concrett' :.lodulus of elasticity of steel


force or:. SUb:;tfucrure;


corce in K.J\' applied

at cenn.r of 111:1:,S!' o

superstructUn.: for one IIlIIIhorizontal deflection of bridgt.: along considered direction of horizonral force F"


.I.~ .l

Inertia force due to mass of a bridge component under carthyuake shaking along a Jirecf1<)(1 . .. e' gI _atera I Loree assOcIate d WitI1 011SSll1g ass m Characteristic strength of concrete :H 28 days in !\[Pa Yield stress of steel

( II av.: cJ I .:<:l':l I ( . -I.wk,<;


.. I an cJ a cJI J C,l,jd..I!~III" ll.:l

S N , N ,."g.(.".g.J!.II(S). S/

"'./' 1


~i/1 "

r(S) ().<!Ik,


Draft IRC6 Pro",:riol1s/or eiJlJ/it'DeJZ~lI-!lB,id..~eJ S ' Ft.


Inertia force vecror due to mass of bridge under earthquake shaking along a direccion in modt: k

I.~;~f !\1aximum elascic force resultants at a cross-seccion dut: to all modes considered
.~ Acceleration due to gra,'ity

H f L /1/ IIIj [IllI N ]\.1, 1>k Pb

Height of water surface from lcn~l of deepest scour; height of substructure Importance Factor Length of bridge deck as per clause 8.2.2 Number of modes of ,'ibration considered Total mass of the l\ mode, Seismic mass matrL\: of the bridg~ structure A,'erage SPT value of the soil prof1le Standard penetration resistance of layer i i\lodal participation facror of mode k. of ,'ibrarion Pressure due to fluid on submerged superstructures

as per clausc 8.2.2

R Response ReJuccioli Factor 'i,'2 ,rJ Force resultants due to full design seismic force along two principal horizontal S .r
(> '0

direccions and

along the "ercical direccion, respeccivcly Soil Profile Factor pirch of spiral or spacing of hoops Bridge flexibility factor along the considered direccion

( g ]k
'ii Tk

Bridge flexibility factor of mode k. of ,'ibration hll1damenral natural period of ,'ibrarion of bridge in considered direction

Natural Period of \-ibracion of mode k \' errical force at support uue ro seismic force corresponding to the weight of the superstructure and substrucrure above the ground surface for seismic desif,>11 assumed to act in the accing direccion of inercial force is Lateral Shear Force .

11(5) Displacement at posicion s causl:u in the accing uireccion of inerrial force wht:n rhe forcc =



I\Iaximum elascic force resultant at a cross-seccion of a briuge component

Oesif,>11 seismic force resultant in any componenr of the bridge due ro all modes considered

IF' Seismic weight, which includes full dead load and part live load as discussed in clause 3.2.3, lFb, 1Ft, IF2 Width~ of scating at bearing supports ;It expansion ends of girders. IF''e \,\feight of water in a hypothecical el1\'eI0fJ~h5 .::-:';nder around a substructure and substructure at posicion s \\'hen rhe force
slIrf:lcL' ("I' ~eisllll<': to ae! 111thL' :1<':(II1.~',

W(s) =' Weight of the superstrucrure Z Seismic zone factor 8 Oisplacemenr

at the acting posirion

of int:rrial force of rhe superstrucrures

.com.:sponding to ROil" ()f rhe \\'ci~h( of illL' :,ub:,rrucrure aho\'e the ground tksign and all \veight of rhe supersrructllre portion supported by ir is assumed dirt'crio!1 of inerriai forct: (Ill),

f3 {Ipk

Racio of narural freyuencit:s of modes i anu

l\Iode shape "ector of the briuge in mode k of ,-ibr:lciol1

l\Ioue shape coefficienr for/', dt:grt:t: of frt:edolll in k-'" mode of vibr:nion

it }'k. };.*

Net response due ro all moues considereu. Responst: in mou'e k. of ,'ibration. I\laximul11 rt:sponse due ro closcly-sp:lccd Ill"lk-S
respc ,nse C)f 1111SSll1g111:ISS
' .

' ),. lIIi~ sin '-.: ',\ I aXlIl1um

Draft IRC6

Pro/fiJiolls/or 5 eiJ/JIicDeJ~gll qf B,ir(ges

P ij


used in combining modal quancitics of modes i and PRINCIPLES2

b:~ C:.:::.:::~.lcrhod

1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Scope

This standard is applicable for the seismic design of ncw bridges an-i ,- r e'-aluacion of safety / adequacy of design for the seismic forces on exiscing bridgcs. Bridges and porn.~;~" ,~~<.:n:0f hall s bc designed and constructcd, to resist the effccts of design seismic forcc specificd l!1 fa::, '-:.l:iu..uJ as :1 mllurnum. The prO\-isions of this standard o(\rc applicable for normal bridges. Howc\'cr, for a~ ~, ,r ~.~.: special bridge projects, detailed analysis and invescigacions shall be conductcd; specialist literarurc :n.. ..}.; consulted for this purpose. In such cases, seismic design shall be based on site-specific critena deycivp-.:.i for the project.


1.2 The inrencion of dlis standard is to ensure that bridges possess at least a mininml11 strength [. withstand eardIquakes. The intencion is not to prevent damage to them due to the most se"crc shakU1~ that they may be subjected to during their lifecimc. /,ctuai [0i:CeS that appear on porcions of bridges during earthquakes may be gre:uer than the dcsib'11seismic forc.e~ specified in .:his standard. However. d/lt'/i/i(~"rismg from material beha\'iour and detailing, and ovm'lrel,,~/h a arising from the additional resern.' suen:;,th ;]1 them .over and abO\'e dIe design forccs, are relied upon to account for this difference in actual and design lateral loads. 1.3 . The reinforced and prcstrc%t:J concrete componcnts shall bc undt:r-rcinforced so as co cause :1 tensile failure. Furrher, they should be suitably designed to ensure that premature failurt: due to "hear or bond does not occur. Stresses induced in the superstructure due to earrhquake induced ~rol1nd m()[i(>11 arc usually quitc nominal. Therefore, ductility demand under seismic shaking has not been a major concern in bridge superstrucrures during past carrhquakes. Howe,'er, the seismic response of bridges is cricically dependent on dIe duccile characteriscics of thc substructures, foundacions and connectiolb. Provisions for appropriate duccile detailing of reinforced concrete members given in IS: 139:20-199.') shall be applicable to substrucrures, foundations and conneccions. 1.4 Masonry and plain concrete nch severe seismic zones IV and V. 1.5 Ground Motion :H an~' locatiO! the epicenrer. on which the \-ibrate, can be bridges wim spans more than 10 IJ/ shall not be built in the

The characteristics (intensity, duration, eft:,) of seismic ground vibracions cxpected depends upon the magnirude of earthquake, the' dcpth of focus, distancc from characteristics of the path through which the seismic 'v aves tra,'el, and the soil strata structure stands. The random earthquake ground mocioi;.5, which cause the struerures tc ~esolved in any duee mutually perpendicular direccions.
, .

1.6 Situations arise where earthquake-generated vercical inercia forces need, to be specificall~" considered in design. These siruacions include bridges with large spans, those in which stability (overrurning and/or sliding) is a criterion for design, design of venical hold-do\\'n de,"ict:s at supports or tor overall stability analysis of bridges. Vt:rcical component at ground 11lotions Clil be parricuhr!~ dctrinwntaJ in 'jH"estressed concrete girders and. canrileven.:J components such as canrile'"('rs of lkck slabs and cancilever bridges. Hence, special attenrion should be paid to the effect of ,'ertie:!l componl:1H of the ground motion on them. 1.7 The spatial variation of ground motion shall be considered ,vhen: (i) Geological discontinuicies (e.g. soft soil contiguous to crystalline rock) or m:1rked ropographic:d ft".arurc~arc: Dresen r:
., marked ropographical t<:arures. . l...

2 This section

not yd disclissed

by the cOlllll1itl<.:e

Drq(t JRC6

ProflisiollS/Or J ei.flJli( DeJi,gll q! B1id.~I'J

Specialist literature may be consulted for this purpose.

1.8 . The response of a strucrure to earthquake shaking is a function of the narure of foundation soil; materials, form, size and mode of constrllction; and characteristics and duration of ground motion. This standard specifics design forces for strucrures standing on soils or rocks which do not settle or slide due to loss of strength during shaking. 1.9 Assumptions The following assumptions are made in the earthquake-resistant design of bridges: (a) Earthquake causes impulsive ground motions, which are complex and random in character, changing in period and :unplitude, and each lasting for a small duration. Therefore, resonance of tl1e type :>.s visualized under steady-state sinusoidal excitations, will not occur, as it would need time to build up such amplitudes. (b) EarrlH.luake is not likdy to occur simultaneously \\.ith wind or maximum tlood or maximum se:l

(c) The ,'alue df elastic modulus of materials, wherever requireo, l1)a)"b:: raken as for slatic analysis unless a mor~ defmite ,"alue is available for use in seismic conditions.

2.0 DE::;IGN CRITERIA 2.1 Seismic Zone Map For the purpose of determining design seismic forces, the country is classified into four seismic zones. .\ seismic zone map of India is shown in Figure D-.1.
. .

2.2 Methods of Calculating Design Seismic Force The seismic forcc~ for bridges shall be estimated by either onc of the twO methods, namely (a) the Scismic Coefficient I\lethod described in section 3.0, or (b) the Response Specu"Um t'-.1cthod described in section 4.0. Response spectrum method will be used for all important bridges in seismic zones IV and \". Further, for seismic zones V, IV and III, if (//!J' 0111' the following conditions holds, the use of of Response Specu"Um Method is mandatory: (a) Irregular bridge as defined in section 2.2.1, (b) Indiyidual span more than 60/1/; (c) Height of top of picr / abutment from the base of foundation is more than 2011/,or (d) Inno,"atin: bridge. The stmcrural analysis of the bridge to obtain the force resultants (c:.g.,bent..ling moment, shear force and axial force) at the different locations in the bridge, must appropri:ltely model the stiffnesses of superstmcrure, bearings, 'piers, abutments and foundations. Detailed investigations and desi!:,'11 referred to in clause 1.1 shall be carried out based on siresp~cific considerations if any of the following conditions are met with:
(a) Important bridges in seismic zones IV and V where soil conditions ate poor consisting of m:!.rine clay or loose sant..l (e.g., wherc the soil lip to 30m dcpth has SPT N '"aim' eYlIal to or less than 20), 0) ..\11bridgcs wirh span morc rh:1I1 I:!(J Ill; and (c) All bridgcs with hcighr of rop of Pler/abllul1<:nrs from basc of fOlinJarions (for all rypcs (It foundations, i.c., open, wcll or piles) is morc rhan i{) III, and (d) Bridgcs locatcd ncar :I known fault or the arca is known for cOI~~plcx scismo-tecronic geological settIng.

2.2.1 Regular and Irregular Bridge Regular Bridge ;\ n:gular bridge has no abrupt or unusual changes in mass, sriffness or gcomcrry along irs span anJ has no brgc diffcrcncl:s in thcsc par:l1l1cu.:rs bcrwc.:en adjac<:nr Sllpp01"lS (abutmenrs excludcd). .\ bridg<: shall bc considcred rcgular for th<:purpos<:s of this standard, if
(a) It is srraighr or ir describcs :1 s<:Cfor of all arc ~'hich subrcnds :In angle less than lJ{)o al Ih<: CCllllT ,.t'

Drc~ftIRc;6 ProtiJiol1JjorSeiJlI/k DeJ';g1/ o./Bn'(!geJ P(~~f o/-~!;-. 6 the arc, and (b) The adjacent piers do not differ in stiffness by more than 25(~~ (percentage diffcn:nce shall bc calculated based on the lesser of the two stiffnesses as reference.). Irregular Bridge . ..\ll bridges not conforming to clause shall be considered irregular. further, arch brit!gcs of span exceeding 30m, cable stayed bridges, suspension bridges, and other innovative bridgcs shall ;IL'lJ be treated as irregular bridges.

2.3 Vertical Motions'! The seismic zone factor for verrical motions, when required (see clause 1.6), m:lYbe t:-.kCflIS : two-thirds of thatJor horizontal motions given in Table 2. 2.4 Live Load The desi,gn live loads shall be as specified in IRC:G. 2.4.1 For Calculation of Magnitude of Seismic Forces Only The !i'"e load shall be ignored while estimating the horiz()Il~:l1 se~s~(: forces along rht: din:cril)lI
of traffic. ." . :..- . ""; .

The horizontal

seismic .force in the direction perpendicular

to traffIc .,hall be calculated using

,,~.., .' --'..

50% of design Jive 10aJ~~ip1pacr).

"..i.he verrical seism:.-c-fortc"shall be calculared using 50% of design live load ~~~Iudi~tmpact). The abo\-e percentages are applic:lble only f0r calculacing magnitUde of seismic ft)rc<.::lnd :m: based on rhe assumpcion that only 50% of the design livc load is present in rhe bridge :H rhe (ime nf rhe: carthquake during service condicions. 2.4.2 For Calculation of Srresses Due to Live Load, bur to be Combined with Sm:sses due (() Seismic Forces For c:llculating the stresses due to li\'t' load to be combined with those due ro se:isnllc fOl"CL'S. 50% of the design live load (including impact) for road bridges shall be considered to be :lCting at the rime of the e:lrrhquake. Table 1 of IRC:6 shall be referred ro for other loads to be: clJnsiJe:re:d simultaneously with seismic loads. 2.5 Seismic Load Combinations~

2.5.1 The seismic forces shall be assumed to come from any horizontal direccion. For this pUlVnse:. two separate analyses shall be performed for design seismic forces :lCring along tWO orthogonal horizonral direcrions. The design seismic force resultants (i.~., axial force, bcnding mO\l1enrs, she~lr forces, and torsion) at any cross-section of a bridge componenr resulting from the analyses in (he (\\., orthogonal horizontal directions shall be combined as below (figure 1) (a) :t 1'1:t O.3r]

(hi 1:.0.3r, :t r2 \vnc1.C


" 1 ~ 1.' '-", r n- b>'\\ Aa...


'-!V= Force resultant due to full design seismic force along~ecri_().?~J..! _"V'v~ ' . .. , ... .


(!j)= Force resultant due to full desIgn SelSI111C force alon~1rect1on. . 2.5.2 \V'hen \'errical seismic forces are also considered, the design seismic force resul(alHs at any c'rosssection of a bridge coinponelH shall be combined :tSbelo\\": (a) :t 'i ::!: .31'2 ::!: .3"J 0 O 0)) ::!: .31i :t r/::!: oj"J O (c) :t 0.3 r, :t 0.3 r2 ::!:'] , where r, and r2 are as defined in clause 2.5.1, and ..5)is the force resultant due co full de:sign "cisnllc force along the verrical direction.

:;Clauses and 2.5.2 10 be modi lieu in \'i..:\\'01' I:uro cod..:..:\tracls read Ollt by Mr. Tandon: Mr. Tandnn lo h..:l[1 dratl. I Replac..: claus..: 2.5.1 and 2.:\.2 with clause .1.IO.Xor AASIITO 1\1' imilar (I'n>r'. (";muon 10 IIdp) s

Orq,'i IRC6 Prol'iiioll.f.!Or('i."llIi(D('...~~II Bli({ge.f J q[ p('--~r' ry:=F97 2.5.3 As an alternative to the proccdurc in 2.5.1 and. 2.5.2, thc forccs duc to thc combined effect of twO or thrcc componems c:m be obtained on the basis of's<'luare root of sum of square (SRSS)' that is

Vr[ +rj or ~7 + rjJ + rj., r-;--, rr whcre r,. r2 and I) arc as defincd in clause2.5.1or2.5.2.
2.6. Increase in Pennissible Stresses 2.6.1 Increase in Pennissible Stresses in Materials \\!hen earthquake forccs are considercd along with other normal dcsign forces. the pcnnissible stresscs in n").aterial, !ohe in clastic method of design, shall bc t:l-k"nas stipulated in Table 1 of IRC:6. 2.6.2 Increase in Allowable Pressure in Founding Strata \\lhen earthquake forces are included, the allowable bcaring pressure in soils and rocks shall be increased as pcr IRC78. 2.7 Material Properties 2.7.1 The modulus of elasticity of c:)!"!crete(2,) can be assumed as follows Eo = 5000y{tJ
\\lhere 2.7.2 2.7.3

is the characteristic cube compressive strength of concrete. I\[odulus of elasticity of steel may be assumed as 200,000 IvlPa. of this code, a soil profile with a\'crage SPT \":lluc N e:..ceeJing 50 is

For the purpose

considered as rock or hard soil, and N \"aiuc in the range of 15 to 50 as mcdium S()i.l.This Jdinition applies to the upper 30m of the soil profile. Profiles comaining disrinctly different $~')ilbyer::: ,:hall he subJi\.iJcd imo layers, each Jesi,S'11ateJ by a number that ranges from 1 (at the rop) to I: :ar the botrum), where there arc a rotal of II layers in the upper 30 metres, and a wcight:.:d :1\"(:rage\\'~J be obrained :1$ follows: .



. 1=1

2: d,

is equal

to 30 m, .,'.. is the stand:1rd



of layer i, n(Jr ro cxcccd


blo\~rs per 300 mm as Jirecrly mcasured in rhe field wirhout corrcctioning, layer i berween 0 and 30m..

and d. is the thicknc,;;:. (,f am"

3.0 SEISMIC COEFFICIENT 3.1 Elastic Seismic Acceleration

METHOD Coefficient


The I~lastic Scismic .-\cccleration din:crioJ) shall be obrained :1'; 2.5Z1


Cncfficienr ".1 due ro de,;ign <.:artlllluake along a cc>nsiden:d

for single - span bridges for all other bridges

where Z

= ZISu
~j 1 L.o
Facror, given

= Zone

in Table

2 for horizontal




for some: importanr



gi\'et1 in J\pp<.:ndix I).For n:rrical motion, refer to cbuse 2.3. Imporrance I:acror, gin;n in Tal)]C 3, ..


DIi:~ji IRC6


De.ii...~11l Blir(~e.f r

5a ~ bridge flexibiliry facrar along the considered direction given as .follmvs:

For IYJCJ:.-)I, hartl.ioil or


5 tl


T1 ::;0.40 0.-10::;T1 ::;4.00 T1 ::;0.55 0.55::; T1 ::;"4.00

g = { 1.00/T1
rOl'lJIL'dlilll1 .ioil Ji/r!.i 5tl

{ 1.36/T1


Fol' J'qjiJail JileJ .

5a _ 2.50 g - { 1.67/T1

Tl ::;0.67 0.67 ::;T1 ::;4.00

period of rhe bridge (along rhe considered direccion).



Sa , A p 1 0 f - versus T.,IS given '.0 rlgcre ~. ot Table 2 : Zone Factor Z for horizontal motion.

Seismic Zone Z

0.10 II

Table 3 : Importance Use

Factor I for different bridges.


1..5 Importanr Bridges 1.0 Other Bridges Note: The imporrance of a bridge shall be decideu' on local conuicion:, cOl1siul:ring rhe various issues like rhe rype of srrucrure, straregic imporrance, \'iral communicarion linb. ere.



Period For simply supported bridges, rhe design vibracion unir consisrs of one substrucrure and :1 superstmcrure porcion supporred by ir (Figure 3a). The funuall1enral narural period (T1) shall bc calculated from the following equacion:


= Displacemenr

at the acting posicion of inercial forcl: vi [he superstmctures when rhe force corresponding to 80~/Oof the weight of the substrucrure above the ground surface for seismic design and all weight of the superstrucrure porcion supporred by it is assumed to act in rhe acting direccion of inercial force (m). i\lrernarin:ly, rhc fundamenral narur:d pcriou T1 (in seconus) uf pieri aburmell[ uf rhe Iniu;..:e .d. '11~

a lwrizonral direction may be esrimated by rhe follO\ving expres:,ion:

W=l\ppropriate dead load of rhe superstrucrures, and live load in kN F= Horizontal force in kN requin.:d to be applied ar the cenrre of mass of rhe :,upe[:,r[ucrun: tor onc mm horizonral deflection ar the rop of the pieri aburmenr along the considered Jin.:crion of 11' [iZOJ1[:d J force. 1-'<>1' multi-span inrcgral briJgcs, the design h~' ir (hgure \'ibcHi,)() .)1. The unir L()nsi:-.h IIt.1 numher lund:ul1etHal n:dur:d III sub..;rrucrures ,hall he

and superstructure



peJ'1' ,d (T})

Drqft IRC6 Prol1isiollsfor SeismicDeJigllq(Brid..geJ Page9 ~ calculated by any suitable method. For example, Rayleigh's method may be used as follows:

T1= 218 8 = fW(S)//(s)2ds


W(s) =\XI eight of the superstructure

and substructure

at position s (kJ\~

I/(s) = Displacement at. position J caused in the actin~ direction of inertial force ,vhe~ the force corresponding to the weight of the superstructure and substructure above the ground surface for seismic design is assumed to act in the acting direction of inertial force (m) For calculating the natural period, rhe stiffness for rhe deformation caused in rhe srmcrural member shall be used and, in principle, the int1uence of deformaaon of foundation ground shall be taken into accOllnt.

3.2 Maximum Elastic Forces and Defonnations The inertia forces due to mass of each component or portion of the bridge as obtained from clause 3.2.1 shall be applied at the center of mass of the corresponding component or portion of the

bridge. A linear static analysis of d1e bridge shall be performed for these applied inertia forces to obtain the force resultants (e.~~..bending moment, shear force and axial force) and deformations (('.~~., displacements and rotations) at different locations in the bridge. The stress resultants 1/" and deformations so obtained are the maximum elastic force resultants (ar the chosen cross-section of the bridge component) and the maximum elastic deformations (at the chosen !lodes ir.. the bridge strucrure): respectively. 3.2.1 Inertia Force Due to Mass of Each Bridge Component s The inertia force due to the mass of each bridge component (e.g., upersrrucrure, subsu-ucrure and foundation) under eard1quake ground shaking along any direction shall be obtained from Fe = AW , where A

= Elastic




along the considered


of shaking


as per


= Seismic weight as discussed in clause 3.2.3.

3.2.2 Elastic Seismic Acceleration Coefficient for Portions of Foundations below Scour Depth

clause 3.1, and

For portions of foundations at depths exceeding 30m from the scour depth (as defined in clause 6.2), the inertia force as defmed in clause 3.2.1 due to that portion of the foundation mass may be computed using the elastic seismic acceleration coefficient taken as O.5A, where A is as obtained from clause 3.1. For portions of foundations placed between the scour depth and 30m depth below the scour depth, the inertia force as defmed in clause 3.2.1 due to that portion of the foundation mass may be computed using the elastic seismic acceleration coefficient value obtained by linearly interpolating between ./1 at scour depth and 0.5..1 at a depth 30/J/ below the scour depth, where ./1 is as spccifieu in clause 3.1. Seismic Weight The seismic weight of the superstructure shall be taken as its full dead load plus appropriate amount of live load specified in clause 2.4.1. The seismic weight of the substructure and of the foundation shall be their respective full dead load. Buoyancy and uplift shall be ignored in the calculation of seismic weight. Seismic Mass The seismic mass of a bridge component divided by the acceleration due to gravity. is its seismic weight obtained as per clause 3.2.3, 3.2.3

Drt~ji IRC6 P/TJlliJioJ/"-jor'(iJ/l/i,' De"-{gJ/ f Bli((~(j: j o

p{{~( 10 11:"-""

3.3 Design Seismic Force Resultants for Bridge Components

The design seismic force resultant Vat a cross-section of a bridge component shaking along a considered dircction shall be gin:n by . .

duc ro carrhyuake

\\'here I ,,' =~Iaximum elasac force resultant at the chosen cross-section of that bridge component earthquake shaking along the considered direction as obtained from clause 3.2, and R Response Reducaon Facror for the component as given in Table 5. Response Reducaorl Factor shall not be applied for calculation of design displacements. due ro

3.4 Multi-directional Shaking \,\'hen carthyuakc ground shaking is considercd along more than one direcriol1. rhe desi~11 seismic force resultants obtained from 3.3 at a cross-secaon of a bridge component duc ro earrhyuake shaking in each considered direcaon, shall be combined as per 2.5. 3.5 Combination of Seismic Design Forces with Design Forces Due to Other Effects The design seismic force resultant at a cross-secaon of a bridge compon.:ni: gi\'en by rhis code shall be appFopriately combined with those due to other forces as per Table 1 of IRC:6. Table 5 : R


R for Brid

C - ---

- --



Component. Supersrructure Subsrructure6 (a) Reinforced Concrete with specid duccile detailing fultiple Column Frames Single Column, Wall or Pier Reinforced Concrete with ordinary derailing (b) Masonry Foundation Connection Bcarings Supersrructure ro abUtment Expansion joints within a span of the super:;rructure Column, piers, or pile bents ro cap beam or superstructure Columns or piers to foundation
No/eJ:' 1. &sponse redm1ioll Jf:z,.tor is Ilot to be applied Jor the t"ok-lilation ofdisplot"ements. 2. IF'hell wing Ilollle! ofR Jor.f0llndotioIIS ond t"oll//ediol/J",pleoie refer to ,'Iollie 7.2 olld 8.1.2. mpedille!y.



2.0 1.5 1.l) 1.0 i

( L-t ( 1'-+

0'-+ 0.5 0.5

4.0 RESPONSE SPECTRUM METHOD The Response Specrrum Method requires the evaluation of natural periods and modc shapes of scyeral modes of vibration of the structure. This method will require usage of a suitable dynamic analysi:; 4.1 Elastic Seismic Acceleration Coefficienr /lk in Mode k The elastic seismic acceleration coefficient Ak for mode k shall be determined by: Ak

= z; (

g )k

whe'e Z aod J a,e as defined in 3.1, aod

(5; ) k

is the bcidge flexibility facror for mode k giveo by rhe

5 To discuss in the committee


Need R value for abutments too

Dr41 /RC6

PIV1,i.,ioI/Jfor 5 eiJmi( De.rigl/ of BlidgeJ

following expression: ror !YJck:;', hard Joil .dlu or

S (


Tk 0.40 5: Tk



; ) k = { 1.00jTk

5: 4.00






= { 1.36jTk

0.55 5: Tk



.For jf!/i Joil JileJ

( g ) k = { 1.67/Tk

0.67 0.67 5: Tk 5: 4.00


where Tk is the narural period of vibration of mode k of the bridge. For modes orher than the fundamental mod~, the bridge flexibiliry factor

( g

for T k 5: 0.1 sec may be taken as:

( S; J k .:>
A plot of

= 1 + 15Tk .

( g Jk

\"ersus Tk is gi\'en in Figure 4.

4.2 Inertia Force due to Mass of Bridge at Node i in Mode k The effect of seismic shaking can be quantified as concentrated seif.mic inertia forces and .moment corresponding to the translacional and rotational degrees of freedom, respectively, at each node of the discretised of the bridge strucrure. Each mod~ of vibration k contributes to these seismic inerria
forces and moments. The vector

{Fk} of


elastic inertia


to be applied

at different


in mode k of yibration due to earthquake


shaking along a considered direction shall be obtained



[m] {CPk} k Ak g, P
mass matri..x of the bridge structure, as defined in clause




{cp} = :Mode shape vector of-vibration mode k of the bridge structure obtained from free vibration k

analysis, = I\"Iodalparticipacion factor of vibration mode k of the bridge structure for a given direction of earthquake shaking
{cp }T k


{cp }T [Ill ]{cp , k k}

./lk = Elastic seismic acceleration coefficient for moue k as uefineu in clause 4.1,

= Acceleration

<;:\ue gravity, and to


= Vector consisting of unity (one) associated with translational degrees of freedom in the
considered direccion of shaking, and zero associated with all other degrees of freedom.

4.2.1 Seismic Mass Matrix The seismic mass matrix of the bridge structure shall be constructed by considering its seismic mass lumped at the nodes of discretisation. The seismic mass of each bridge component shall be estimated as per clause, and shall be proportionally distributed to the nodes of discretisation of
that bridge component. ~

DrqJi IRC6 ProP1JiollJfOr SeirlJlit" DeJ~gl1 (Bl7fl,gp q

PtJ.ge jJl4<r /2

4.3 Maximum Elastic Forces and Deformations

The maximum elastic seismic forces in mode k obtained trom clause 4.2 shall be applied on rhe bridge and a linear sratic analysis of the bridge shall be performed to evaluate the maximum clastic force resultants 1-1 (e.~~.. bending moment, shear force and axial force) and the maximum elastic deformations in mode k at different locations in the briugc for a considereu clastic deformations, due to all

(e.,g.. displacements and rorations) direction of earthquake shaking. The maximum

elastic force resultants

r~:e! and the maximum of earthquake

modes considered, for the considered dire,tion those due [0 the individual modes as follows:

shaking, shall be obrained by combining It due [0 all modes

a) If the structure does not have closely-spaced modes, then the maximum response considered may be estimated by the J"qllarevaI of J"llm I ofJ"qllareJ" (SRSS) methodas:

Where Itk

Number of modes being considered Closely-spaced modes of a strUcrure are those of its natUral modes of \'ibration frequencies differ from each other by 10 percent or less of the lower frequency.


value of response in mode k, and whose natUral

b) If the structUre has a few closely-spaced modes, then the maximum response (It) due to these modes shall be obtained by the absolute sum method as:

X =~A L..



where the summation is fo~ the closely-spaced modes o~ly. This maximum response due to closelyspa~ed modes (It) is then combined with those of the remaining well-separated modes by the square root of sum of square (SRSS) method in a) abm'e. (c)The number of modes to be considered in the analysis shall be such that at leasr 90'0 of the [Otal seismic mass of the structUre is included in the calculations of response for earrhquake shaking along each principal direction. If modes with natUral frequcncy beyond 33 Hz arc [0 be considered, modal combination (Clause 4.3 (a) and 4.3 (b shall be carried out only for modcs with natUral frequency less than 33 Hz. Modes with natUral frequency exceeding 33 Hz shall be treated as rigid modes and accounted for through missing mass correction discussed below.

d) At degree of freedom}: the missing mass is given by


e}11; j

= 1- Pk4>kj m j ( k=1 ]

when~ Pk = Modal participation factor for mode k,


=Mode shape coefficient


for/', degree of freedom in k'h mode-of vibration

mj = Total mass of the/h m~de,


of missing mass for /' mode.

Lateral force associated with missing mass is

F missillg . -c.m.


the structUre will be statically analysed for this set of inertial forces and response It",issingwill be obtained. The response A,lnlssmgwill be combined with regponse It for fl~xiblc modes by the squarc root of sum of square (SRSS) method in a) abm'c.


Draft JRC6 ProlJisiollJ.for Sri.fllli" e.ri,gll .fB1ir(~eJ D o 4.4 Design Seismic Force Resultants in Bridge Compo.nents The design seismic force resultant r /"el at any cross-section considered direction of earthquake shaking shall be determined as Fe Jf =~ II,'{ R.'

Pa..~r ~ 13 in a bridge componcnt for a

where the maximum elastic force resultant r~:el due to all modes considered is as obrained in clause 4.3,
and Response Reduction Factor R' of that component of bridge is as per Table 5. Howc\'er, Reduction Factor shall not be applied for calculation of design displacemenrs. Response

4.5 Multi-directional Shaking \\lhen earthquake ground shaking is considered along more than one direction, the design seismic force resulrants obtained from clause 4.4 at a cro%-sectjon of a bridge compo!1L'1H due (() earrhquake shaking in each consiuercd direction, shall be combine.d as per clause 2.5.

4.6 Combination of Seismic Design Forces with Design rOrl.!:'s Due to Other Effects The de~ign seismjc force resulrant at a cross-section of a b::idge componer.~ given by this code, shall then be appropriately combined with those due to other forces a:.> Table 1 of IRC:6. per
4.7 Site-Svccific Spectrum

In case design spectrum is specifiCilly prepared for a structure at a particular site, rh:: same m:l~' be used for dcsit,'11subjecr ro rhc minimum requiremenrs spccitied in this srandard.

5.0SUPERSTRUCTURE 5.1 The superstructure shall be designcd for the design seismic forces sp~cified in clauses 3. or 4.. plus the orher appropriate loads.
5.2 Cnder simultaneous accion of hOl1.zontal and vertical accelerations, the supersrructlue shall han.: a facror of safet)" of at least 1.5 against overturning. In this calculation, the forces to be considen.:d on the superstructure shall be the maximum elastic forces generated in the superstructure, as ca1cubtcd using clauses 3.2 and 4.3. 5.3 The superstrucmre shall be secured, whcn necessary, ro the substmcturc, parcicularly in seismic 70nes 1\- and V, through \'ertical hold-down de\.ices and/or anti-dislodging elemenrs in horizonral direction. as specified in clauses 5.3.1 and 5.3.2, respecci\'ely. These \'ercical hold-down de\.ices and/or anci-dislodging elements may also be used to secure the suspended spans, if any, with the resrraincd portions of the superstrucrure. Howc\'er, the friccional fOiLes shall not be relied upon in rlw design of these hold-down d~\'ices or anci-dislodging elements.;; 5.3.1 Vertical Hold-Down Devices

\\:rtical hold-down devices shall be prm'ided at all supports (or hinges in continuous srructurcs), where resulting n:rrical force () due ro the maximum clastic horizontal and yerrical scismic furct.:s (combint.:d as pcr clausc 2.5) opposcs and cxcel:Js '50"" of rhc ul:au luau n.:actiu!l D. \Vhere n:rtical force l', due ro the combined effect of maximum clastic hori7.onral anu ,'crrjcal scismic forces, opp()~es and cxct.:cus 50" 0, bur is less than 100" ", of the ut.:ad loau reaction f), rhe ,'crrical hold-uo\\"n de\.ice shall be designed for a minimum net up\\'ard force of 1(y~;;, f the do\\'n\\'aru ucad o load reaccion that would bc exerted if the span were sinlply supported. If the vercieal force U, due to the combjned effect of maximum horizonral and vertical seismic forces, opposes and exceeds 1O()<~:o [he ucad load reaccion D, thcn tht.: de\.icc shall be designcd for a of net upward force ()f 1.2(L'-D); ho\\'c\'er, it shall not be less than IOI!" of the UO\"11\vard dead k)au reacrion thar would be exerred if the span wcre simply s~pp()rrL'd.

7 Sample sketches to be given in appendix

!v!r. -j'andoll.'lI1dothers to 1h.'lp.


D,,!{lIRC6 P~V/.'i.fiolls.lo" 5 "i.wlic Dt'.fZ~1I ( Bli{(~(,J q PI~~('1-1i!!' ... 5.3.2 Anti-Dislodging Elements in the Horizontal Direction Anti-dislodgement clemems shall be prO\'idcd between adjacenr sections of rhe superstructure at supporrs and at expansion joints within ;:lspan. Thc linkages shall be designed' for, at least, elastic seismic acceleration coefficicnr ./1 times the \v.eight of thc lighter of the two adjoining spans or parrs of the structure as in the case of suspended spans. S.).~ ~ l( tI", linkl'.'" IS .\1 \,\,'.\11"1\' \\ h,'\\' \\'\.\lIY,' ,kt, 11\\1 \lll'lh If\' ,11";\1'11\'\\ ,\I-Cur, 11\\'\\ ';UfCI,'i,'1\1 II' " . slack must be allowcd in the linkage so that Imkages start function1l1g only when the design relaun: displaccmenr at the linkage is exceeded and linkage becomes effective, after overcoming the designed slack in the linkage. \'V'hen linkages arc provided ~t columns or piers, the linkage of c:lch span m:l)' be connected ro the column or pier instead of to d1e adjacent span.

6.2 Scour Depth The scour to be considered for design shall be based on mean design flood. In the abscncc of detailed data th~ ~(;0Ur'lObe considered for design shall be 0.9 times the m:1ximum design scour depth. N._,t~: The desigr1'.:r is cautioned d1at the maximum seismic scour casc may not ahvays be gO"-:::ll;!1~ design condition. 6.3 Design Seismic Force The dcsign seismic forccs for the substructUre :,hall bc obtaincd as the maximum ela,;ric force on it (:ISdefmed in clause 6.3.1) di,'ided by thc appropriatc responsc reduction factor gi\'cn in T:1bk ~,. 6.3.1 Maximum Elastic Seismic Forces The maximum elastic seismic force rcsultants at any cross-~ection of thc substructure shall be calculatcd considcring all of the following forces on it: (a) t-.Iaximum ebstic scismic forces transferred from thc superstrucrure to the top of the substructure (b) l\b.ximum ebstic seismic forces applied at its center of mass due co the substrucrure's own iner:l:l forces, Reduction due co buoyancy shall be ignored in thc calculation of scismic \veighr. (c) Hydrodynamic forces acting on piers as pcr clausc 6A, and (d) t-.Iodification in earth-pressure due to eardlquake acting 00 abutmcnrs as per f\ppendi.\: E

6.4 Hydrodynamic Force For the submerged portion of the pier, dle total horizonral direction of ground motion is giyen by F=CeAWc,


force along rhe

whcre C e is a coefficient given by Table 6, depending on dlC hcight of submcrgcnce

of the picr rebti,'c

to dlat of the radius of a hypothetical em.eloping cylinder (Figure 5); and /1 is the clastic seismic acceleration coefficicnr as per clause 3.1; and {We is rhc wcight of the water in the hypothetical enn.:]oping cylinder. The prcssure distribution due to hydrod)'namic effect on pier is gi\'en in l-'igllre (,; the coefticient.s C" C 2, C ; and C.,t in figure 6 arc gi,'cn in Table 7. ,

Table 6 : Values of Ce. 1.0 RadiliS of Ellveloping Cylillder ( Heigill oj Submerged Portiou oj Pier Ce HJ (J.3? O.5S O.6S 0.7] 2.0 3.0 4.0

Drqji IRC6 PIVI.i.iioIlJfOr SeiJ"!)licDe.rig" o/Bri{!~e.r

PaOl' /5 Jff=/:9:' .

Table 7: Pressure Distribution

Coefficients (:" C2, C 3 and Col.


0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4

0.-110 0.673 0.832 0.922 0.970 0.990 0.999 ;.000

0.026 0.093

C-J .

0.50.6 0.8 1.0

0.289 0../03 0.521 0.760 1.000

0.93./5 0.8712 0.8013 0.7515 0.69./5 0.6390 0.5320 0../286

6.4.1.Analysis for ycrtical accelerarion: \,;hilc carrying our rhe analysis for n.:rtical acceleration, rhc added'mass shall nor be considered.

of warer for hydrodynamic


6.5 Substructures. of Continuous Girder Superstructure 6.5.1 'W'hen the superstructure of a multi-span bridge:: consists of a single continuous girder re:.ting on a restrained bearing (in longitudinal direction) over one of the piers and on sliding bearings O\"er the other piers, the design seismic force at the top of the substructures along the longitudinal direction of rhe bridge shall be taken as follows: (a) For the pier supporting the restrained bearing, ir shall be the full elastic seismic force transmirrcd from the superstrucrure to the top of the pier in the longitudinal direction di,-ided by the appropriare response reduction factor, assuming no friction between the other sliding bearings and rhe corresponding piers. (b) For the other piers supporting the sliding bearings, it shall be the horizontal friction force genera red on the pier due ro the superstructure resting on the pier considering the maximum possible friction betWeen the sliding bearings and rhe top of the pier. 6.5.2 In trans':erse direction, the seismic force from superstruc::rure is to be transmirred ro rhe substructures in proportion ro their lareral stiffness. 7.0 FOUNDA TIONS

7.1 In loose sands or poorly graded sands with lirtle or no fInes, vibrations due ro earrhquake may cause liquefaction or excessive total and differential settlements. For the sites of imporranr briJge~ in seismic zone III and of all bridges in seismic zones IV and V, liquefaction porential anal~'sis shall be conducted. If found necessary, remedial measures may be undertaken ro mitigare liquefaction porential or the structural design of bridge shall take inro account the liquefaction effects. Appendi..'( B provides a method for liquefaction analysis. 7.2 The foundations of all bridges in seismic zones IV and V and important bridges in zone III shall be designed ro resist smaller of the following: (a) Design seismic forces obrained from clauses 3.3 or 4.4 using R value for foundations, and (b) Forces de,~eloped when o\Tersrrength plastic moment hinges are formed in rhe subsrrucrurc, as described in secrion 9.

7.3 While considering the srabiliry of rhe substrucrure against overturning, rhe minimum facror of safery shall be 1.5 under simultaneous action of maximum elastic seismic forces in both horizontal and ~'erricaldirections during the earthquake.K 8.0 CONNECTIONS Elastomeric bearings (as referred to in IRC:83 (part II) - 1987) shall not be used for transferring inplane horizontal seismic forces for all bridgt:s in seismic zones IV and V and for important bridges in seismic zone III. 9

To be discussed by the comminee.

To discussand fonnulatea revision

Drc~ji IRC6

ProIJiJ"ioll.r.!or 5 (i.lIIli,' De.r{~11~/ BI7f(~eJ



Design Force for" Connections Subs tructure

within Superstructure

and between



8.1.1 The connections between adjacent sections of the superstructUre or between the supcrstructUre and the substructurc shall be designed to resist at least a horizontal seismic force in the restrained directions cqual to 0.20 times the \'crtical dead load reaction at the bearing, irrcspccti\'C of thc number of
spans. 8.1.2 Seismic


IV and V

The connections between the superstructUre and substrucrure, anJ the subsrrucrure and foundation shall be designed to resist the smaller of the following: (a) I\faximum eL'\stic horizontal seismic force obtained from analysis and transferred through it in the restrained directions divided by the appropriate Response Reduction Factor R applic:lble to connections, which are giyen in Table 5, and (b) i\faximum horizont:ll forcc that develops \vhen o\'erstrength plastic moment hinges :lre formcd in thc substrucrure. The o\'crstrcngth plastic momcnt c:lpacity at thc critical scctions sh:lll bc c:llcubtcd as per clause C-5.2 in Appendix C. 8.2 Provisions to Account for Displacements at Connections where Motions are Permitted 8.2.1 Separation Between Adjacent Units When relative movement between two adjacent units of a bridge are desiglled to occur :It a separation joint: sufficient clearance shall be provided between them, to permit the calculated relatiyc movement under design earthquake conditions to freely occur without inducing damage. Where the tWO units may be out of phase, the clearance to be provided may be estimated as the square root of the sum of squares of the calculated displacements of the two units under maximum elastic seismic forccs gi\'cn b}' clauses 3.2 or 4.3. 8.2.2 The detailing of non-critical srructlJral elemc!1i.s (e.g., deck movement joints) expected to be damaged during the design seismic momenr should cater as far as possible for a predicrable modc of damage and provide for the possibility of permanent repairs. 8.3 Minimum Width of Seating at Supports of Superstructure on Substructure, or of the Suspended Span Portion on the Restrained Portion of the Superstructure The widths of seating W (in 111m) at supports measured normal to the face of thc abutment/pier/pedestal of bearings/restrained portion of superstructure from the closest end of the girder shall be the larger of the following: (a) 1.4 times the calculated displacement under the maximum elastic seismic forces estin1atcd as pcr clauses 3.2 or 4.3, to account for uncerrainry in deflection calculation; and (b) the value specified below:

500 + 1.5L + 6H W where

for seismic zones II and III for seismic zones IV and V

= { 800 + 2.5L + 10H


(in meters) of the superstructure to the adjacent expansion joint or to the end of superstructure, In case of bearings under suspended spans, it is sum of the lengths of the two adjacent portions of the supersaucrure. In case of single span bridges, it is equal to thc length of thc supcrstructure. For b~arings at abutments, H is the average height (in 11Ietm) of all columns sL:pporring thc superstructure to "the next expansion joint. It is equal to zero for single span bridges. For bcarings at columns or piers, H is the height (in meten) of column or pier. For bearings under suspended spans, H is the average height (in meters) of the two adjacent columns or piers.

= Length

Graphical representation of seating widths is shown in Figure 7.

9.0 SPECIAL DUCTILE DETAILING RE UIEMENTS FOR BRIDGE COMPONENTS The design seismic force for bridgcs is lower than the maximum expected seismic force on them. However, to ensure good performance at low cost, the difference in the design seismic force and the




Dr4f IRC6 PIVI'lJ"iOIlJ J('i.f//lil'D(,J(~11! Bli{(~t'J for q

P(~~e/7 oj:.l!/:::

maximum expected seismic force shall be accounteu for through additional safet)' prO\-isions. The capacity design provisions gi\'en under clause 9.0 shall be applicable to important bridges in seismic zone III and to all bridges in seismic zones IV and V. (fhese provisions are meant for briuges ha\'ing reinforced concrete subsU\.1ctUres; however, if steel substructUres are used in high seismic zones, reference should be made to specialist literatUre.) Appendix C uescribes the detailing procedure.

10.0 SPECIAL DEVICES Special devices may be employed to improve the seismic performance of bridges.
10.1 Seismic Isolation Devices

In stiff bridge systems (generally, with funuamental natural. period less than 1.0sec), seismic isolatioG devices may be provided between superstructures and substructures, ~nd thereby thc seismic inertia force transmitted from the former to the latter may be rcuuccd. Howc\'er, specialist literatUre shall be referred ro for the design of such bridge systems anu of the de\-ices themsekes.

10.2 Shock Transxp.ission Units !\fula-sp~n bridgcs with continuous sur.J~rsW:l.1cmre ay bc prO\-idcd with rcstrained bcarings m over only one picrl abuanenr ro sl1:>r~~he seismic rClce generated at the supersuLlcrure to more than one piers. Shock Transmission Units (STUs) may be introduced bctween the supersu'ucrun: and the other pier(s)1 aburmenrs(s) where freel guided bearings arc used, to transfer some of the lateral seismic inenia force generated ar the supt:rstructUre level to those subsaucrurcs also. This may make the seismic design or the substrucrures economical. H()\\"c\'c~, specialist literature shall be consulrcu for the uetails of such ::::TUs and their design in briJg<.:s subjcct<:u TOs<:ismic effects. STl's also facilitate the breathing of thl.: bridge due to rhermal anu shrinkage diccts.+10.3 Restrainers To control excessi\'e dispbcements from causin.~ collapse of thl.: superstructUre prm'ided as discussed under clause 5.0. Se<:.-\nncxurc B for typical Jctails. spans, rcstrainl.:rs ma\" bl.:

II)Mr. Tanuon

10 provide

alt~rnall.: Fig. X.


J)Jl~(tIRC6 PIVliJ"iOIlJ J('i.f/J/i(' ('.I~~11 Bli{(~t'.r for D q! P((~e/7 0]:1.2::: maximum expected seismic force shall be accounreu for through additional safet)' prm-isions. The capacity design provisions gi,-en under clause 9.0 shall be applicable to important bridges in seismic zone III and to all bridges in seismic zones IV and V. (fhese provisions are meant for briuges ha,-ing reinforced concrete subsu"Ucrures; howe,-er, if steel substrucrures are used in high seismic zones, reference should be made to specialist literarure.) Appendix C describes the detailing procedure.

10.0 SPECIAL DEVICES Special devices may be employed to improve the seismic performance of bridges.
10.1 Seismic Isolation Devices

In stiff bridge systems (generally, with fundamental narural_ period less than 1.0sec), seismic isolatioG devices may be provided between superstrUcrures and substrucrures, ~nd thereby the seismic inertia force transrnitted from the former to the latter may be reduced. Howe,-er, specialist literature shall be referred ro for the design of such bridge systems and of the de,-ices themseh-es.

10.2 Shock Transmission


l\Iult1-sp~n bridges with continuous sU,JCrSLll1cruremay be prO\-ided with restrained bearings o\'er only one pier/abutment to sh"r~ :he seismic rCLcegenerated at the supersu"Ucrure to more than one piers. Shock Transmission Units (STUs) may be introduced between the supersu'ucrun: and the other pier(s)/ aburmenrs(s) where free/guided bearings are used, to transfer some of the lateral seismic incnia force generated ar the :mperstructure h~\'cl to those substructures also. This may make the seismic design of rhe substructures economical. H()\\'c\'e~, spccialisr lirerature shall be consulred for rhc details oi such ~TUs and their design in briJgcs subjectcd to scismic efiecrs. STl's abo facilirate the breathing of rhc bridge due to thennal and shrinkage effecrs.+10.3 Restrainers To control excessi\'e dispbcemenrs from causing colbpsc of rhe supersrructure prm'ided as discussed under clause 5.0. Sec .-\nnexure B ior typical derails. spans, n:srrainers mar be

'" Mr. Tandon 10 provide alL~rnale Fig. X.


p(!~( ,- uj:l!c maximum expected seismic force shall be accounted for through additional safet)' prm'isions. The capacity design provisions gi\'en under clause 9.0 shall be applicable to important bridgl:s in seismic zone III and to all bridges in seismic zones IV and V. (fhese provisions are meant for bridges lUI\-ing reinforced concrete subsU"l.lctures; ho\\'e\-er, if steel substructures arc used in high seismic zones, reference should be made to specialist literature.) r\ppendix C describes the detailing procedure.

D,,(ft JRC6 PlVliJ"iOIlJ S ('i llli!"D('.r(~1l Bri{{~t'.r for q!

10.0 SPECIAL DEVICES Special devices may be employed to improve the seismic performance of bridges.
10.1 Seismic Isolation Devices

In stiff bridge systems (generally, with fundamental natural. period less than 1.0sec), selsnllC isolatior.. devices may be provided between superstructures and substrUcrures, and thereby the seismic inertia force transmitted from the former to the latter may be reduced. Howe\'er, specialist literature shall be referred to for the design of such bridge systems antI of the de\'ices themselves.

10.2 Shock Transmission


l\fu!Q-sp~n bridges \vith continuous surJ(~rs.:rl.lcruremay be pro\'ided \vith restrained bearings oyer only one pieri abuQnenr to sh:;.r:c~he seismic rcrce generated at the supersuLlcrure to more than one piers. Shock Transmission Units (STUs) may be introduced between the superstructure and the other pier(s)/ abutlnents(s) where free/guided bearings are used, to transfer some of the lateral seismic inertia force generated ar the superstructure le\'c\ to those substructures also. This may make the seismic design ot the substructures economical. Howe\'c::, spL'cialisr literature shall be consulted for rhe details of stich ~Tl:s and their design in briJgcs subjecTcd to scismic diects. S'lTs also facilitate the breathing of rhe bridge due to thenn:!l and shrinkage dtccts.+10.3 Restrainers To control excessi\'e dispbccments from C:1Usin~collapse of the stlperstrucrure prm'ided as discussed under cl:!use 5.0. See .-\nnexure B for typic:!l details. spans, n;srrainers n1:l~'be

IIIMr. Tandon to provide alt~rnatl: Fig. X.


.I /, ~'... /

; --





Bridge Plan Global X-Z axes

x I

lv/{ ;f lvf~'(





16 I



, i";:;

(Local x-x and ,-= axes)

:.,lomenrsfor ground motion along X-axis

D~sign Moments Mx XIx

fv{oments 1'01' round motion g along Z-axis

.\" I .... ,Z ,\/_- =J/. - -r-().~.!1-.
, '.r Af- =().~,\.f- +:\/- z

= .\I{

= O..J,\Ix

+O.3.\f.f ,.\' Z
+ '\/x

,,'here, AJyand AI; are absolute moments about local axes.

Figure 1: Combination

of orthogonal

seismic forces (clause 2.5.1).


-2:!v::: --


I (Rock, or H ;tru Soil

') _.J2.0

Type II (i\[CUi:Ull Soil)

- Type III (Soft Soil)

Z:> ,;. ;..: -.

:;L ..,..



0,0 n.s


FI . bI
' '

Fundamental Natural Period (Tt>

F fi~Ni(rd (s),

I ".
) )



2 PI

B d


or ot

n ge . eXl I Ity






, ro )l.: LIse






the ~cismic Cocfficient

!\fcthod (claLls~3.1).





S eisnllf

DeJ~~11 f!f 13n'd..~eJ

Page 19"f1j1!L

LoDlihldl.al Dinctioo
Tr;Aunenc [)Irrcliun

Positionat which the inertialforceof lhe



~ r--l

superstructure acts
," i'"





'superstructure acts

Position at which the inertial force of the

a.8W," ,


\ "II '-' ~1 0' \ \


1 I


1 ~i



.1-.t ...

Bridge axis direction

Direction perpendicular to bridge axis

Figure 3a: NatUral period calculation for simply supported bridges






;:) " ~t ;..J '



~-! 1


(:,; Fi1clIsin;

(In t:1C dif'~c(ion


to bridge


Figure 3b: NatUral period calculation model for multi-span integral bridges (clause 3.1.1). .

,,-... 3.0

To be used for k =1

':::;: "5 -.
Q) 0 ,...

-1' pc I (Rock, or Hard Soil T pc II (Mcdiam Soil) T pc III (Soft Soil)

To be llsed for k > 1


..2 ti.

I \

. 1.5 u '" q 1.0


':J t.:... ") :I.

:.... 0.0 CO










Natural Period (Tk) Figure 4: Plot of Bridge Flexibility Factor for mode k
the Response SpeCITUni Method. (clause 4.1).

l :J~, ) k ()

versus NatUral Period Tf to be used in

Figure 5: Hypothetical Enveloping to Seismic Shaking (clause 6.4).

Cylinders to Estimate Hydrodynamic -

Forces on SubstructUres


PrOl.i.,-;IJIl I0r5(i...mi, , ~~II (Bri((~/'.,' D n




(ReSt/llalll ~!pres.lllre OJ! shaded area liP 10 depth C,H)



Figure 6: Hydrodynamic Pressure Distribution on the Subsrrucrun: due tl, :::~2::11. :]O\\" (cbust: ! (>.4).


S!:Jb/Girderr Abutment

(a) Abutment




'.: 1.


Top of Pier

\'\'1 ~


(b) Column or Pier





(c) Suspended Span on Restrained Portion of Superst.ucture Figure 7: ~rinimum \,\:idth of Scaring of Spans on Supports (clausl: 83)


(a) Discominuous


~b) Cununu()u:>


Figure 8: Components of bridge partici~):H-jn~In carrying the lateral load for shaking in the longirudinal direction with and without STUs in multi-span bridges. II


Drt!fi JRC6 PIVI,iJioIlJ.!OrJeiJflliL"DeJ(gll 0/ 13li((~fJ

Appendix C

C-O General



The derailing rules giv'en haye been chosen with the intention that reliable plastic hinges should form at the top and bottom of each pier column, or at the bottom only of a single stem pier under horizontal loading and that the bridge should remain elastic between the hinges (Figure C-l). The aim is to achieve a reliable ductile strucrure. Repair 0f plastic hinges is relatively easy.
Design strategy to be used is based on assumption substrucrure. However, in case of a wall type substrucrure, foundation-ground system (Figure C-2). C-l Specification , that the plastic rc~ponse will occur in thl: the nonlinear beha,'iour may occur in the

C-l.l Minimum grade of concrete should be M25 (/;J: 25 MPa). C-l.l Steel reinforcement of grade Fe 415 (see IS 1786: 1985) or less only shall be used. However, high strength deformed steel bars of grades :fe 500, having elongation more than 14.5 percenr and conforming to other requiiemenrs of IS 1786 : 1985 may also be used for the reinforcement.

C-2 Layout
(a) The use of circular column is preferred for better plastic hinge perfonnal.1ce and ease of construction. (b)The bridge must be proportioned and detailcd by the designer so that plastic hinges occur only at the controlled locations (e.g., pier column ends) and not in other uncomrolled places.

C-3 Longitudinal


The area of the longirudinal reinforcemcnt shall not be less than Q._B perccnt nor more than 6 percenr, of the gross cross section area A,(, Splicing of flexural region is not permitted in the plastic hinge region.' Lap shall not be located \vithin a distance of 2 times the maximum column cross-sectional dimension from the end at which hinging can occur. The splices should be proportioned as a 'tcnsion splice.

C-4 Transverse


The transverse reinforcement for circular columns shall consist of spiral or circular hoops. Continuity of these reinforcements should be provided by either (Figure C3.a and C3.b): (a) Welding, where the minimum length of weld should be 12 bar diameter, and the minimum weld throat thickness should be 0.4 times the bar diameter. (b) Lapping, where the minimum length of L"lpshould be 30 bar diameters and each end of the bar anchored with 135 hooks with a 10 diameter cxtcnsion inra tht: confined core. Splicing of the spiral reinforcemem in the plastic hinge region should be avoided. In rectangular columns, rectangular hoops may be used. .A recmngular hoop is a closed stirrup, having a 135 hook with a 10 diameter extension at ea.ch end that is embedded in the confined core (Figure C3.c). When hoop ties are joined in any place other than a corner the hoop ties shall overlap each other by a length 40 bar diameter of the reinforcing bar which makes the hoop ties with hooks as specified above .

Joint portion of hoop ties for both circularand rectangularhoops should be staggered.

S. K. Thakkar to give a clause on curtailment restrictions.

o rt(ji JRC6 Proll,:rioIlJjor 5 eiJ/J/il' D".r{gllq/13,i((g/J

C-S Design of Plastic Hinge Regions

C-5.1 Seismic Design Force for Substructure PrO\'isions gi,'en in ,-\ppendix C for the ducrile derailing of RC members subjected ro seismic forces shall be adopred for supporring componenrs of the bridge. Furrhcr, the design shear force ar the crirical.secrion(s) of substrucrures shall be the higher of the following: (a) Maximum elasric shear force at rhe crirical secrion of the bridge componenr di,'ided by the response reducrion facror for that componenrs as per Table 5, and (b) ~Iaximum shear force that deyelops wben the substrUcrure has maximum momenr that it can sustain (i.e., the overstrength plasric momenr capacity as per clause C-5.2) in single-column or single-pier type substructure, or maximum shear force that is developed when plastic momenr hinges are formed in the substructure so as to form a collapse mechanism in multiple-column frame type or multiple-pier type subsrmcrures. in which the plasric momenr capaciry shall be the ()\'ersrrengrh plastic momenr capacity as per clause C-5.2. In a single-column type or pier type substructUre, the critical secrion is at the bottom of the column or pier as shown in Figure 7a. And, in multi-column frame-type substmctures or mulri-pier subsrmcrures, the critical sections are at the bottom and/or top of the columns/piers as shown in Figure 7b.



C~5.2 Overstrength Plastic Moment Capacity C.5.2.1 Limit State 'Method of Design The overstrength plastic moment capacity at a reinforced concrete secrion shall be taken as 1.-1times the ultimate momenr capacity based on the usual partial safety facrors recommended by relc\'anr design codes for materials and loads, and on the actUal dimensions of members and the acrual reinfcrcemenr detailing adopted. C.5.2.2 Working Stress Method of Design The overstrength pl:1scic moment capacity at a section mar be taken as 2.1 times the design momenr capaciry obtained using the permissible stresses for materials given in the relevant Indian codes of practice, and on the actual dimensions of the members and the actual reinforcement detailing adopted. The increase in permissible stresses given in clause 2.6.1 need not be considered for calculation of overstrength plastic momenr capacity.

C-5.3 Special Confining Reinforcement:

Special confIning reinforcement shall be provided at the ends of pier columns where plasric hinge can occur. This transyerse reinforcemenr should extend for a distance from the point of maximum momenr over the plastic hinge region over a length fr"The length 1"shall not be less than, (a) 1.5 times the column diameter or 1.5 times the larger cross sectional di.tr1ension where yieldil1g occurs (b) 1/6 of clear height of the column for frame pier (i.e when hinging can occur at both ends of rhe -~column) .

(c) 1/4 of clear height ofd1e column for cantilever pier (i.e when hinging can occur at only one end of the column) (d) 600 mm C-5.4 Spacing of Trans\'erse Reinforcement

The spacing of hoops used as special confIning reinforcemenr shall not exceed (i) 1/5 times the least lateral dimension of the cross section of column, (ii) 6 times the diameter of the longitudinal bar, (iii) 200 mm
The parallel legs of rectangular stirmps shall be spaced not more (han 1/,) of (he small/.'sr dimension of the concrete core nor more than 350 mm centre ro cenrre. If the length of any side of the stirrups exceeds 350 mm,' across tic shall be proyided. i\lternari,-cly, O\'erlapping stirrups may be provided within the column.







sum of rhe oversrrengrh

momenr capacicies of the hinges resiscing bter:1lloads,


derailed. In case of rwin pier this would be the sum of rhe overstrength momenr capacicies ar thc rop and bortom of the column. For single stem piers the oversrrength momenr capaciry at the bottom only should be used (Figure C.4).

=clear height


of the column in the case of a"column in double CUl"varure;heighr to calcubtcd in the case of a column in single curvature.

poinr of

Outside the hinge regions, the spacing of hoops shall not exc(~ed half the lea~t brer~! dimension of the column, nor 300 mm.

C-6.2 Longitudinal reinforcement

The area of the longirudinal reinforcemenr shall not be less than U.01 or more than O.U(>,runc:; the gross cross seccion area ./1, Lap shall not be located within a distance of :2 rimes the maximum column cross-secril>n:d dimension from the end at which hinging can occur. The splices should be proporrioned as :1 rcn:;ion splice.

C-7 Design of Joints:

Beam-column joinrs should be designed properly to resist rhe forces caused b~' axial load:;, bending and shear forces in the joining members. Forces in the joint should be determined b,' considering a free body of the joinr wirh the -forces on rhe joinr member boundanes rrorerl~' represented. The joint shear srrengdi should be entirely prm'ided by rransverse reinforcemcnr. \\'herc rht.: joint is nor confined adequately (i.e. \vhere minimum pier and pile cap width is lcss (han (hrcc column diameters) the special confU1ement requirement should be sacisfied.

C-5.5 Amount of Transverse Steel to Be Provided

1) The area of cross section, A,h' of the bar forming circular hoops or spiral, to be used as special confining reinforcement, shall not be less than

or, whichever is the greater where


= pitch of spiral or spacing of hoops, Dk = Diameter of core measured to the outside of the spiral or hoops 11. = characteristic compressive strength of concrete
S .!r= yield stress of steel (of circular hoops or spiral) /1~= gross area of the column cross section

=area of the bar cross


=;\rea at -the concrete


' =-TC0 ;:

2) The ((>tal area of cross-section of the bar forming n:ctangular hoop and cross ties, ./1d. to be used as special confining reinforcement shall not be less than

_? - 0._4511-L _ 1.0 j ck [ Ac ] Iy

Of, As],

= 0.096511-



exceed 300 mm
.' 1t-

= longer


of the rectangular




to its ourer

face. I t should



= ..\rea

of confined core concrete in the rectangular hoop measure to its ourer side

Note: Cross ties where used should be of the same diameter as the peripheral hoop bar and .-1; shall be measured as the overall core. area, regardless the hoop area. The hooks of cross ties shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars

C-6 Design of Components

between the Hinges

Once the position of the plastic hinges has been determined and these regions detailed ro ensure a ductile performance, the structure between the plastic hinges is designed considering the clp:H.:ity of the plastic hinges. The intention her~ is: (i) To reliably protect the bl~dge against collapse so that it will be a,'ailable for sef\'ice after a major shaking. (ii) To localize structural damage to the plastic hinge regions where it can be controlled and repaired. The process of designing the structure between the plastic hinges is known as "capacity design".

C-6.1 Column Shear and Transverse


To avoid a brittle shear failure design shear force for pier shall be based on O\'erstrcngth capacities of the plastic hinges and given by:

Drcifi IRC6 ProlJi.riollJjor Seismic Design of Bridges


Earthquake Force


Column Cap J J

Potential P 'ClJ'tic Hinge Reg.'ons







Section AA (a) Single column or pier type substructures

Earthquake Force


Potential Plastic Hinge Regions

Earthquake Force

~mf:~; ~~~~~~ID






(b) multi-column or frame type substructures Figure C-l: Potential location of plastic hinges in substructures (clause C-O).


-.. -


Drcift IRC6 Provisiol/J)or Seisllli" DeJig1/ q[Bridges

Horizontal capacity Subsidiary nonlinearity

Page -!fD..,.



damage at base of pier

Principal plastic hinge Subsidiary nonlinearity

(a) When a principal plastic hinge is formed at the base of a pier

Horizontal capacity
Principal nonlinearity

(b) When seismic isolation design is used

Horizontal capacity
Subsidiary nonlinearicy

Nonlinearicy' of foundation-ground (princi pallinc:arity)


(c) When principal nonlinearity OCCUIS the foundation-ground system in

Figure C-2: Nonlinearity assumed in the ductility design method


..-- _..,-




S eislllic DeJZgll of BridgeJ

'1/1 Page~

(a) Welding in Circular hoops

(b) Lapping in circular hoops

(c) Rectangular hoops Figure C-3: Transverse reinforcement in column (clause C-4)

CDKwlo,W1" 0/ t;/CI1nt~ltr.UI''' ~._

In CQ'","""__ ~ . /

~ 'I


Figure C-4: Shear in columns (clause C-6.1)

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