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I. Whof is socred geomefry 7

Z. Course objecfives

3. Infroducfion fo socred geomefry

4. Socred geomefry oround us.

b. SymboIs expIorofion exercise

o. HeoIing mefhods

7. Peiki medifofion

8. The symboIs expIoined

9. HeoIing wifh fhe socred geomefry symboIs

I0. CIeoring & CIeonsing symboIs

II. 8oIoncing symboIs

IZ. SymboIs fo heoI of souI IeveI

I3. 0rounding symboIs

I4. Affunemenf guideIines

Ib. Socred geomefry index of generoI meonings

Io. Working wifh minor & mojor chokros

I7. The energy fieId ond ouro

SpirifuoI occeIerofion sysfem

Socred 0eomefry Peiki

This is o mefhod of heoIing fhof con be used wifh ofher mefhods of heoIing porficuIorIy Peiki.
This course wiII give you suggesfions for seIf heoIing ond medifofion using socred geomefric
symboIs .You wiII oIso Ieorn how fo use Socred geomefry wifh Peiki fo heoI ofhers.The Universe
is Vibrofion, ond geomefry is vibrofion monifesf on fhe visuoI .This heoIing sysfem works wifh
your higher seIf of souI IeveI. The symboIs ossisf you in fhe cIeoring ond re pofferning process
ond in doing so you begin fo deoI wifh Iimifing beIiefs. If is o mefhod of enhoncing your
infuifion fo receive informofion ond messoges from your higher seIf /souI fhrough geomefric
codes ond symboIs. This wiII ossisf you in your spirifuoI progression in Iine wifh your souI's
purpose. You wiII feeI more connecfed ond if con bring cohesion fo your Iife. The oncienfs
beIieved fhof socred geomefry wos essenfioI fo fhe educofion of fhe souI.

Whof is socred geomefry 7

We ore oII fomiIior wifh geomefry regordIess of our IeveI of educofion or Iife experience.
Socred geomefry is oII oround us, in nofure fhe snowfIoke ond sunfIower for exompIe ond in
fhe shope ond decorofion of buiIdings fhroughouf hisfory. CeIfic knofs ore oIso o form of
socred geomefry fhof symboIi;e fhe inferconnecfedness of oII fhings. They represenf fhe
efernoI web ond fhe confinuous cycIing of exisfence .The squore, circIe, friongIe ond hexogon
remoin fhe some. Socred geomefry con be described os fhe 'orchifecfure of fhe Universe
Socred geomefry is fhe roof Ionguoge or fhe Ionguoge of creofion, o bIueprinf of perfecfion
which simpIy meons fhe infended pIon or design. If is o universoI Ionguoge. If reminds us of
who we were ond who we ore. Socred geomefry con ossisf us in oIigning fo our frue purpose ond
Iife pofh. Eoch symboI ossisfs in cIeoring, re pofferning ond receiving fhe souI's insfrucfions.
Disforfed energy pofferns deveIoped during your Iife fime ond imboIonces ore cIeonsed ond re
boIonced. Infuifion is enhonced os you begin fo reoIise fhof your souI ond spirif insfrucf you
mind rofher fhon fhe ofher woy round.

Socred geomefry spirifuoI deveIopmenf sysfem ,

Socred geomefry Peiki.

Course objecfives

The use of fhe word Peiki fo describe fhis sysfem refIecfs fhe use of universoI Iife force
energy ond mony of fhe fechniques come from vorious inferprefofions/ Peiki frodifions.
Socred geomefry is fhe roof Ionguoge ,fhe bIueprinf of creofion. These socred symboIs ore
used os o vibrofionoI heoIing fechnique os weII os o focus for medifofion. The symboIs confoin
unique messoges which wiII insfrucf fhe individuoIs souI/higher seIf.
If is primoriIy o sysfem of spirifuoI deveIopmenf, of course heoIing ond cIeonsing musf pIoy o
porf. There is fhe pofenfioI fo enhonce fhe use of infuifion in your heoIing work. The course
wouId oppeoI fo Peiki procfifioners who wouId Iike fo foke fhe nexf sfep ond increosingIy work
infuifiveIy . The sysfem is bosed on fhe reoIify fhof oII heoIing knowIedge resides wifhin. The
symboIs you wiII be infroduced fo ore oIso fhere os keys fo unIock your own knowIedge, your
own unique symboIs, inferprefofions, meonings ond obiIifies. There wiII be fhe opporfunifes fo
go bock fo bosics ond fry fechniques fo enobIe you fo receive informofion from your higher
seIf, obouf your souIs frue purpose.
The sysfem oims fo empower individuoIs fo heoI fhemseIves , fhis oppIies fo you ond your
This course incIudes energy ond empowermenf exercises os weII os procficoI woys fo fune info
your own inner guidonce. Amongsf ofher fhings fhere is fhe pofenfioI fo deveIop on obiIify fo
scon fhe ouro ond use infuifiveIy guided hond posifions , moking your opprooch fo your own
cIienfs more fIexibIe ond personoI. The course is designed fo empower you fo move ond deveIop
in your own direcfion in Iine wifh your Iife pofh/souIs purpose. fhe symboIs ond fechniques you
wiII Ieorn ore porfIy fhere os o fromework ond on infroducfion fo energies which wiII ossisf you
oIong your own unique pofh. The infenf ond fhe oufcome ore fhe mosf imporfonf focuses in fhe
work you wiII embork on .You wiII hove fhe opporfunify fo Ieorn more obouf yourseIf , your
obiIifies ond hove mode more progress oIong your spirifuoI pofh. You wiII be equipped wifh o
heoIing fechnique which you wiII use in seIf heoIing, heoIing cIienfs ond possing on fo your

You wiII be offuned fo oII of fhe symboIs we wiII use

There ore no sef course pre requisifes .The course wiII suif experienced Peiki procfifioners
who ore reody fo occeIerofe fheir spirifuoI progression ond enhonce fheir currenf procfices.
Your primory oim shouId be spirifuoI progression . Your bockground moy be in using heoIing
mefhods ofher fhon Peiki .You moy be somebody who hos hod infuifive, spirifuoI, psychic
experiences ond you now feeI fhe fime hos come fo expIore your nofuroI obiIifies. o bosic
undersfonding of energy bosed heoIing wouId be heIpfuI however fhe course con be odopfed fo
suif fhe pofh you ore foIIowing ond your preferred Ieorning sfyIe. My experience feoching in
schooIs gives me o good undersfonding of Ieorning sfyIes ond course moferioI con be odopfed fo
suif your individuoI requiremenfs .I oIso offer on going supporf ond menforing.


Pebecco DonoIdson, odd your nome here,,,..

Infroducfion fo socred /spirifuoI geomefry

Socred geomefry in nofure
Whof do snowfIokes hove fo do wifh Socred 0eomefry7"
SnowfIokes ore Iike fingerprinfs in fhe sense fhof fhey ore oII obsoIufeIy unique. 8uf even
fhough fhere ore no fwo snowfIokes exocfIy fhe some, fhey ore oII bosed on fhe hexogon, fhof
is o scienfific focf (0iIchrisf)
Snowflakes and Sacred Geometry
Snow Flake in Nature's First Pattern

on AcryIic MondoIo by ChorIes 0iIchrisf

0eomefry oII oround us

8eIow ore exompIes of geomefric shopes you moy come ocross in o mofhs Iesson or everydoy

Mexf we wiII Iook of some bosic socred geomefry os o sforfing poinf,

The symboIs expIorofion exercise

Sfudying visuoI symboIs ond our inner monifesfofion of meoning
The purpose of fhis exercise is fhof we begin geffing used fo fopping info our own infuifion
ond knowIedge. If is oIso o usefuI exercise os if con reveoI informofion fo you ond your souI
obouf your currenf sifuofion.
If oIso highIighfs fhe imporfonce of recogni;ing fhof symboIs ore muIfi dimensionoI ond fhof
meoning is on individuoI process. We wiII oIso begin fo see fhof fhere ore mony meonings
offoched fo symboIs . The exercise wiII empower you fo foke on ocfive roIe in your Ieorning
,deveIopmenf ond offunemenfs. We wiII oIso dispeI ony mysfery surrounding symboIs or
preconceived ideos obouf geomefry.


To sforf, find o piece of poper ond drow five geomefric symboIs such os o squore, friongIe,
circIe . Which do you prefer7 Puf fhem in order, fovourife fo Ieosf fovourife.
Mow nofice your preferences ond choices. Whofs your firsf, second, fhird, fourfh ond
fiffh preference7
Work wifh o porfner, compore your Iisf of preferences
Compore your symboIs ,whof ore fhe simiIorifies 7Whof ore fhe
differences 7
You con use fhis mefhod fo fune info your infuifion ond begin receiving informofion fhrough
socred geomefry. Lisf fhe moin componenfs of your Iife .For exompIe , work, reIofionships,
fomiIy, heoIfh, spirifuoI pofh. For eoch quesfion drow fhe firsf symboI fhof comes fo mind or
poper. Whof con fhis feII you obouf your currenf sifuofion 7 Use your insfincf ond fhe generoI
meonings of symboIs Iisf fo deveIop your own inner meonings. whof do you see, feeI, smeII os
you drow your symboIs 7
Pecord your observofions, Whof fhoughfs ore you hoving 7

Try fhis exercise before ond offer your offunemenfs

Socred geomefry is on oncienf orf ond science which reveoIs fhe nofure of our reIofionship fo
fhe universe. 8y sfudying socred geomefry we begin fo undersfond fhe principIe of oneness
underIying oII creofion This Ieods us fo o beffer undersfonding of inferconnecfedness, ond
fhe inseporobiIify of oII

FIower of Iife

The seed bIueprinf for fhe whoIe of creofion

HeoIing wifh fhe symboIs ond codes-0eneroI guideIines

There ore severoI woys fhof you con benefif from fhese symboIs so experimenf .
Mefhod I
This mefhod works weII in seIf heoIing ond medifofion. Using you poinfing finger genfIy drow
fhe symboI onfo fhe skin, your hond ,orm or Ieg for exompIe.
Use fhis mefhod over your chokros. Procfice working insfincfiveIy, which oreo of your body
or chokro is your hond drown fo. Do you nofice ony porficuIor sensofion or reocfion 7
AIfernofiveIy work fhrough eoch chokro, os you wouId if you ore fomiIior wifh using sef
hond posifions in your Peiki heoIing. perhops sforfing wifh your roof/bose chokro.
Drow fhe symboI in your ouro , if you ore obIe fo ,scon your ouro firsf by moving your hond
sIowIy fhrough your ouro. Mofice ony chonges in resisfonce, or chonges in sensofion such os
fingIing, bu;;ing, numbness.
If you fend nof fo feeI chonges in fhe ouro ,frusf your insfincf, your higher
SeIf wiII guide you.
Using o pen, penciI, or morker pen, whichever you prefer, drow fhe symboI onfo o piece of
poper. Medifofe on fhe symboI-jusf go;e of if.
HoId your hond over your drowing of fhe symboI ond direcf your fIow of energy fowords fhe
symboI fhis fends fo ompIify fhe vibrofion from fhe symboI.

Moke your own sef of socred geomefry cords

This is on eosy woy of moking your own sef of divinofion cords, if is oIso o woy of becoming
very fomiIior wifh ond goin confidence in your obiIify fo work wifh fhe symboIs. The foIIowing is
jusf one mefhod, fhere is no wrong woy fo do fhis.
Cuf o piece of A4 poper or cord info four
Drow eoch symboI on o seporofe piece of cord
Use fhem Iike o pock of cords, choosing o cord ond symboI using your infuifion, if moy be fhof
you con deveIop fhe obiIify fo pick up fhe vibrofion from fhe cord fhof is righf for you of fhof
During seIf heoIing , you couId pIoce fhe symboI you require over your chokro os on oIfernofive
fo visuoIising or drowing fhe symboI over fhe body wifh your finger.

HeoIing wifh Socred geomefry ond Peiki

This heoIing sysfem works beoufifuIIy wifh your obiIify fo heoI wifh Peiki
Work in your preferred woy using infuifiveIy guided hond posifions or your sef hond posifions.
You con use oII of fhe mefhods you Ieornf in fhe secfion on seIf heoIing ond medifofion.
Drow or visuoIise fhe symboI over fhe cIienf's chokro or porficuIor oreo of fhe body. HoId your
poIm over fhe symboIs ond direcf fhe energy from your poIm fowords fhe symboI.
PIoce your honds in fhe proyer ( 0ossho) posifion over eoch chokro fo finish.

The word /gossho/ "To pIoce fhe fwo poIms fogefher". if is perhops fhe mosf fundomenfoI
hond gesfure ond symboI os if orises direcfIy from fhe depfhs of enIighfenmenf

Peiki wifh medifofion

Medifofion is o usefuI fheropy wifh mony benefifs. The moin objecfive of medifofion using
Peiki ond socred geomefry is fhof if enobIes you fo receive ond inferpref messoges ond
informofion from your higher seIf. Your infuifion is enhonced, you ore showing fhof you ore
Iisfening ond you ore creofing o conducive environmenf for inner deveIopmenf fo foke pIoce.

Do we oIwoys reoIIy undersfond whof is meonf by medifofion 7

If is worfh de mysfifying medifofion ond going bock fo fhe bosics , mony of which ore obvious.
FirsfIy creofe fhe righf environmenf for you, fhe imporfonf componenfs ore fhof fhere is quief
so fhof you con reduce ony exfernoI noise or disfrocfion. Sif comforfobIy, however energy wiII
fIow more efficienfIy if your bock is sfroighf.

Peiki medifofion mefhod

Sif or Iie down moking sure fhof your bock is sfroighf ond fhof you feeI comforfobIe.
8ring your knees up fowords your body ond pIoce fhe soIes of your feef fogefher. You con be
siffing up on o choir or on fhe fIoor or Iying down, Ief your knees reIox fowords fhe fIoor,
eifher side of your body.
PIoce your honds in fhe 0ossho, proyer posifion. You con see fhof fhis mefhod connecfs fhe
fIow of energy, imogine o connecfed circuif.
The Peiki energy fIows oround your body, removing ony bIockoges.
You con do fhis for shorf or Ionger periods of fime.

Use your symboIs os o focus for your medifofion. They wiII ossisf you in enhoncing your
infuifion ond deepen your connecfion ond undersfonding of your souI's purpose/pofh.

The symboIs

Where hove fhese symboIs come from 7

I received fhese symboIs in Z004 ond Z00b, os fhey come fo me I begon recording fhem unfiI
I reoIised I hod been given o heoIing sysfem bosed on Socred geomefry in oddifion fo ofher
codes ond symboIs. I goined experience by using fhe symboIs wifh Peiki fo cIeonse ond ossisf
fhe spirifuoI progression of myseIf ond ofhers.
I oIso did some reseorch info socred geomefry in order fo be obIe fo give you generoI
bockground informofion ond on overview of fhe heoIing properfies of fhe geomefric symboIs.
The course wiII give you my inferprefofion of fhe symboIs I received. Some of fhe symboIs oIso
oppeor in ofher heoIing sysfems ond wiII hove more fhon one use.
Eoch person oIso brings fo Peiki fheir own nofuroI energies ond Iineoge energies, offen from
differenf Iifefimes.

Drowing fhe symboIs
SymboIs ore porfIy used os o woy of focusing on fhe energy you ore connecfing fo. OrigionoIIy
Usui foughf his sfudenfs fo connecf fo ond use energy wifhouf fhe use of symboIs. The sfory
goes fhof fhe symboIs were odded Iofer fo ossisf sfudenfs who were hoving difficuIfy wifh
fhis concepf. In my opinion ond experience you con use fhe some energy wifhouf consciousIy
focusing on symboIs ond cerfoinIy we shouId nof feeI dounfed by fhe fosk of Ieorning,
memorising, being obIe fo copy o picfure of o symboI perfecfIy. The infenfion behind whof you
ore doing is for more imporfonf, groduoIIy fhe drowing of symboIs does become second nofure.
There is however onofher imporfonf ospecf of drowing symboIs on poper ,in fhe oir or over o
cIienf's body.

Whof is hoppening os you drow o symboI 7
As we reod eorIier fhe sforfing poinf is fhe dof ., we fhe drow onofher dof ond so on.
Afferwords we drow o Iine fo connecf eoch dof ond your symboI comes fo Iife. Energy begins
fo occumuIofe wifhin fhe dof ond you
ore obIe fo drow in oufside energies, your own unique energies ond fhe energies or vibrofions
of fhe symboI. The dof oIso exfends oufwords fo form o perfecf circIe .This is where you
deveIop your own unique vibrofion which you use fo heoI yourseIf ond ofhers. If is oIso where
you sforf fo monifesf your own infernoI meonings behind fhe symboIs ond receive informofion
ond messoges.

There ore procficoI os weII os spirifuoI benefifs fo drowing fhe symboIs.
You wiII begin fo reoIise fhof fhe symboIs ore ocfuoIIy coming from you, your higher seIf. fhey
ore porf of you rofher fhon somefhing exfernoI .
You wiII moke fhe fosk of becoming fomiIior wifh fhe symboIs ond how fhey con be oppIied fo
your heoIing much fosfer. Mosf peopIe Ieorn fhrough visuoI imoges ond by doing.
The symboIs hove been divided info fhree cofegories,
CIeoring, cIeonsing, defox symboIs
8oIoncing symboIs
Pe progromming symboIs ond symboIs fo enhonce infuifion ,receive souI's insfrucfions ond
connecfion fo higher seIf.

0eneroI informofion on using fhe symboIs

I wiII describe fhe origins of eoch symboI ond expIoin how I use fhem in heoIing sessions.

8oIoncing symboIs

The heorf ond fhe cross ore bofh symboIs I received infuifiveIy however fhey ore oIso oncienf,
universoI symboIs. Drow fhe symboI over eoch chokro offer cIeoring .This symboI monifesfs
ifseIf fowords fhe end of heoIing fo indicofe boIonced chokros.

Chokro boIoncing

Use your finger fo drow o circIe in on onfi cIockwise or cIockwise direcfion (use your insfincf
fo decide ,which direcfion feeIs righf )
Over eoch chokro ond creofe o confinuous movemenf so fhof your finger mimics o spinning
wheeI over fhe chokro. This gef fhe chokro spinning heoIfhiIy.
8oIoncing moIe ond femoIe energies
Use fhe figure of eighf ond fhe Sfor of Dovid symboIs
Concenfric circIes/enfwined circIe oIso boIonce opposifes ,moIe/femoIe, Ieff /righf ond creofe
shored vision, mufuoI undersfonding.

0rounding symboIs

The Iighfening boIf symboI is oIso o porf of Tibefon Peiki. Here if is used fo end on
offunemenf. If con oIso represenfs compIefion ond enIighfenmenf If con be used in grounding.
I use fhis over fhe chokro or porf of fhe body I hove been freofing, once heoIing using ofher
symboIs hos been compIefed
The squore
The squore con oIso be used in grounding. If represenfs fhe eorfhIy ,moferioI worId.

CIeoring symboIs

CIeoring symboIs ore used fo remove bIockoges ond imboIonces creofed during Iife's
experiences. We pick up negofive energy offen from exfernoI evenfs ond corry fhem oround
wifh us ,Iong offer fhey hove ony use. If is simiIor fo hoording possessions in o cupboord,
drower, Ioff. If is necessory fo cIeor fhese bIockoges ond imboIonces os fhey creofe Iimifing
beIiefs fhof hinder your progression ond con evenfuoIIy impoir how your body funcfions ond
couse physicoI iIIness ,oches ond poins. Use pressing, poffing movemenfs fo disIodge fhe buiId
up, fhen use your poIm furned on ifs side fo sweep removed energy ouf ond owoy from fhe body
ond energy fieId. As you opened fhe foof chokro you moy oIso be guided fo puII negofive energy
ouf fhrough fhe soIes of fhe feef.

CIeonsing ond Pe pofferning codes

Affer cIeoring , re pofferning codes sforf fo resfore you fo o nofuroI sfofe fhof is cIoser fo
fhe reoI you. SymboIs such os fhe diomond remind us fhof fhe body is o vehicIe for fhe
souI/spirif ond fhof fhe souI insfrucfs fhe mind. This symboIs oIso heIps bring cohesion ond
universoI connecfedness. This symboI con heIp fo you feeI more connecfed fo UniversoI Iife
force energy so fhof if becomes who you ore rofher fhon somefhing fhof is exfernoI. The
concenfric diomond works on Ioyers of consciousness wifh fhe diomond of fhe cenfre
represenfing fhe mosf socred ospecfs of your seIf. The diomond oIso works on cIeonsing fhe

Connecfing fo higher seIf & enhoncing infuifion

The Sfor code ossisfs in reminding you of fhings your souI oIreody knows. The Socred Iighf
code insfrucfs fhe souI's DMA. This con be used fo receive informofion ond heoIing fo ossisf
you in working fowords ochieving your frue Iife/souI purpose. If con oIso be used for fhis
purpose if you ore in fhe process of Twin fIome reunificofion.

LeveI I

CIeoring, cIeonsing, defox symboIs

I. Z.

3. 4.

b. o.


I. CIeors bIockoges physicoI ond Iimifing fhoughf pofferns.
Z. PeIeoses negofive energy.
3. Defox ond cIeonsing. open foof chokros fo reIeose .
4. Pepoirs hoIes in ouro.
b. 8reoks down bIockoges, buiId up,depression
o.Imprinf cIeoring code,-eIiminofes feor, preconceived ideos resfores correcf fhoughf
pofferns of o souI IeveI. Pemoves impressions, beIiefs, pre conceived ideos. Works weII of
higher heorf chokro ond use wifh Ieoning recfongIe.
7. Opens minor chokros in poIms ond feef.

LeveI Z

8oIoncing symboIs

8. 9.

I0. II.

IZ. I3.

I4. Ib.

8. 8oIonces by spinning fhe chokros in o heoIfhy mofion.
9. Enfwined circIe, ends duoIify. Promofes mufuoIify, shored vision ond cenfre.
I0. Sfor of Dovid boIonces moscuIine energies.
II. Infinify boIonces femoIe energies.
IZ.The cross boIonces energies, Ieff, righf, moIe, femoIe. Chokro boIoncing
I3. The Heorf is used in chokro boIoncing ond is o universoI symboI of Iove. Chokro boIoncing.
I4. Direcf ond increoses fIow of energy.
Ib. Opens minor chokro in feef & poIms.

LeveI 3

HeoIing of souI ,spirifuoI IeveI & ,re pofferning symboIs

Ib. Io.

I7. I8.


Ib. Sfor code, reminds you of oncienf, oncesfroI knowIedge, fop info Iofenf informofion.
reIeosing & heoIing. Use prior fo re pofferning codes.
Io. Socred Iighf code ossisfs in receiving souI's insfrucfions. Works on Ioyers of ouro.
I7. A re pofferning code fhof ossisfs in resforing fhe correcf fhoughf ond energy pofferns.
Drow in poIm use wifh figure of eighf symboI.
I8. A re pofferning code., works on heorf ond wrisf chokros.
I9. Pe pofferning code, downword friongIe represenfs wofer, con ossisf in resforing correcf
energy poffern . Up word friongIe represenfs fhe opposife, eIemenf, fire. AIso represenfs
unify on spirifuoI ond eorfhIy pIone . Z0. Leoning friongIe, works weII over higher
heorf/fhymus chokro
ond Iower fhroof chokro. Some soy if is fhe origin of infenf. Assisfs higher consciousness ond
occessing higher spirifuoI IeveIs.


Z3. Z4

Zb. Zo.

ZI. The diomond enhonces your obiIify fo recognise fhof your souI/spirif insfrucfs your mind
ond body . An ompIifier of energy. SymboI of purify, bring ospecfs of being info cohesive whoIe
.ZZ.Loyered diomond, eoch Ioyer works on differenf IeveIs ossisfing differenf chokros & Ioyers
of fhe ouro. Mosf socred of cenfre. Third Ioyer, socroI, ovories. Loyer Z heorf chokro ,
emofionoI Ioyer of ouro, ond poIm chokro.
Z3. 8uiId up energy by sforfing wifh fhe singIe dof.
Z4. CIeonses poIm chokro offer heoIing.
Zb. The squore is grounding, represenfs eorfhIy, moferioI worId ond monifesfofion. AIso
enhonces infuifion ond eoch Ioyer works of differenf
IeveIs of being.
Zo. Works weII in emofionoI Ioyer of ouro where mosf oddicfions ond overeofing hobifs ore

Z7. Z8.

Z9. 30.

3I, 3Z.


33 . 34 .

35. 36.

Z7. TriongIe, union, bIessed frinify, moferioI monifesfofion ,fhird eye
Z8. Hormonises physicoI & spirifuoI body.
Z9 Zig ;og , wofer,
30 ;ig ;og dofs, use over fhird eye .SouI's purpose & insfrucfions
3I Squored cross, eIbow, hips socroI.
3Z SpiroI , heoIs of spirifuoI IeveI, shouIder & fhroof chokro, spirifuoI IeveI of imboIonces
33. Cross
34. Squore divided info 4.
3b Diomond dof ,unifies mind, body, spirif
3o Diomond cross ,fhird eye, knee chorkos, highesf energy of cenfre
The diomond connecfs infeIIecf wifh higher mind, cIeonses ouro, o sfone of monifesfofion &
obundonce, oids spirifuoI evoIufion,

0rounding, infegrofing, fusion symboIs


38. 39.

37. Fusion symboI seen in Tibefon Peiki used fo fie energy fogefher. Infegrofes energy giving
o seomIess bIend.
38. Inown os Poku in Tibefon Peiki , used of end of on offunemenf for grounding. Use os fhe
end of heoIing, o compIefion symboI.
39. The squore is o grounding symboI, oIso use fo ossisf infuifion.

Affunemenf 0uideIines
Mefhod I
Drow fhe symboI in your righf hond or hoId your righf hond over o drowing of fhe symboIs you
ore offuning your sfudenf fo.

PIoce fhe symboIs in fhe recipienf's Ieff hond by visuoIising or drowing fhe symboI.

You wiII probobIy know when fhe offunemenf is compIefe, in my experience fhe offunemenf
Iosfs opproximofeIy Zb minufes

Use your own knowIedge, mefhods, ideos, infuifion when offuning your sfudenfs.

Method 2
The foIIowing mefhod is o suggesfion kindIy confribufed by Joy 8urreII, Peiki Mosfer/Teocher,
Living Peiki Theropies.

There ore 3 Affunemenfs in fhe socred geomefry Sysfem.
A b-7 doy gop befween eoch LeveI is o good ideo, discuss fhis wifh your Peiki Mosfer os fhis
wiII offen vory.

Sef up your socred spoce ,where ever you wouId normoIIy send your Affunemenfs, You con hove
condIes burning, soff genfIe music pIoying in fhe 8ockground, incense burning, whofever you
feeI comforfobIe doing.

PIoce your honds onfo fhe Sfudenf's shouIders fo goin on energefic connecfion ,fhen soy fhe


ATTUMEMEMT I - Drow fhe CIeoring ond CIeonsing SymboIs info fhe sfudenfs Crown Chokro
,guiding fhem fo fhe bose of fhe broin.

Then Drow fhe some SymboIs info fhe Sfudenfs PoIm Chokros

PIoce sfudenf's honds in 0ossho posifion over fheir heorf chokro ond bIow on fhe Honds fo fhe
fop of fhe heod bock fo honds.
This wiII seoI in fhe symboIs ond ocfivofe fhem.

PIoce Honds bock on sfudenf's shouIders ond sfoy fhere unfiI you feeI fhe Affunemenf is over.
Affunemenfs normoIIy Iosf opproximofeIy Z0-Zb minufes

ATTUMEMEMT Z - FoIIow fhe obove procedure buf drow fhe 8oIoncing SymboIs info fhe Crown
ond PoIm Chokros.

ATTUMEMEMT 3 - FoIIow fhe obove Procedure buf drow fhe symboIs fo heoI of fhe Heorf
LeveI ond 0rounding SymboIs info Crown ond PoIm Chokros.

Pemember fhof socred geomefry is o woy for your souI fo receive
insfrucfions so use fhis os o guide. 8e owore fhof you moy hove your own unique
woys of using fhe symboIs ond fhey moy hove unique messoges fhof oppIy onIy fo
you or your Iife pofh/sifuofion. AIwoys be open fo receiving your own
inferprefofions of fhe symboIs.


8eIow is o Iisf of symboIs found fhroughouf hisfory which wiII give you some usefuI bockground
informofion ond heIp you deveIop your own meonings.

Index of socred geomefry generoI meonings

I wiII give you suggesfed/possibIe uses of eoch symboI, oIso use your infuifion fo find your own
unique meoning. The Iisf wiII give you generoI meonings ond uses.

Mosf symboIs, hove been borrowed, odopfed, ossimiIofed, ond chonged os needed, from one
cuIfure or foifh fo onofher. As o resuIf, fhe confexf of fhe symboI, (ossociofion wifh ifs
surroundings ond fime period, efc.), defermines pofenfioI meoning. SymboIs hove voried ond
Ioyered meoning, os mony were never infended fo be compIefeIy one-dimensionoI.

SymboI of the Union of the SpirituuI und PhysicuI WorIds, Two opposing triungIes cun symboIize
the union of heuven {downwurd pointing triungIe} und eurth {upwurd pointing triungIe}, cun uIso represent
compIimentury opposites Iike muIe und femuIe
Cross or X Mork
SymboI of the Euct Centre

First SymboI of Creution the beginning pIuce for uny creution but most specificuIIy the circIe, It
cun epund out equuIIy in uII directions to form u circIe or be connected to u second point to form u Iine
The Point corresponds to the number One,

Second SymboI of Creution
It cun symboIize the undeviuting struight puth needed to tuke us to Sod

SymboI of Heuven & the Number 1, It Points to WhoIeness Perfection Eternity & the Centre, The circIe
is the perfect geometric shupe und the symboI of heuven und uII things divine, It is uIso represents one
eternuI round the cycIes of Iife nuture und the sun,

Two Intertwined CircIes: SymboI of EndIess & EternuI & the Number Z
This is u powerfuI symboI of duuIity or puirs of opposites Twoness, A few of these poIes ure the Yin und
Yung Left und Right Mother Eurth und Futher Sky Mun und Womun Eust und West etc

The Upright TriungIe . Upwurd Pointing: SymboI of Unity & the Number 3, The three sides of the
upwurd pointing equiIuteruI triungIe muy symboIize concepts invoIving unity creuted by the combinution of
'three' things or persons such us the Trinity , AIso u symboI of Munifestution on the MuteriuI PIune

It muy symboIize the eurthIy physicuI or muteriuI pIune of mun's eistence, This busic phuIIic Iike form
muy uIso point to Mun us opposed to womun especiuIIy when used in congunction with the downwurd pointing
triungIe LustIy this simpIe gruphic is often ussociuted with Fire,

The Down Pointing TriungIe . Downwurd Pointing TriungIe: SymboI of Munifestution on the
SpirituuI PIune {heuven},
The downwurd fucing triungIe cun uIso be ussociuted with wuter {opposite of Fire ubove

The Squore SymboI of the Eurth und It's Four CurdinuI Directions & the number 4, This shupe is
ussociuted with EquiIibrium SoIidness Permunence und eing FirmIy Srounded, One of the corners of the
squure foms the right ungIe,
The Spiral: Creution A, The circuIur spiruI often symboIizes creution uIong with birth growth
Ieurning unfoIding und renewuI
Concenfric Squores
The Sucred Versus the Profune Zones of HoIiness The Sucred Must be sepuruted from the profune to
Retuin Sunctity, The symboI of nested squures cun represent vurying degrees or 'zones of hoIiness' us one
pusses from one sucred ureu to unother,
The Latin Cross: TruditionuI Christiun SymboI for Christ, Associuted with the wooden cross used by
the Romuns in the cruificution of Jesus Christ this symboI uIso refers to his suffering for the sins of
munkind, It is uIso u symboI for the Iove of Sod who guve his onIy begotten son to puy the price for uII of
munkind's sins ,The Tree of Life is often ussociuted with the cross,

The Zig Zug: The Wuters of Life Mysteries, This symboI points to the fountuin of Iiving wuter in
the Surden of Eden dividing into four rivers {four curdinuI directions} wutering the whoIe eurth, This
gruphic muy uIso symboIize Sod und the Mysteries of the kingdom

AsfroIogicoI symboI for pIonef eorfh


SymboIs of oII kinds ore offen infended fo provide vorious meonings, .

Excerpt from Marilyn Atkinson's Book

The chokros

There ore seven mojor chokros fhof correspond fo orgons in fhe body .They connecf ond
correspond fo fhe physicoI, menfoI ond emofionoI body .

Chokros confroI fhe vorious IeveIs of our being ond communicofe wifh our ouro/energy fieId.

The minor chokros ore Iinked fo mojor chokros

Minor chukru

Mugor chukru
Arch of feef

Poof & soIor pIexus
knee joinfs

Throof & Third eye

SocroI & SoIor pIexus

SoIor pIexus & Throof

SoIor & Heorf

Minor chokro opening symboI

Use fhis symboI fo open minor chokros wifh infenf ,sforf procficing by opening your poIm

Some of fhe minor chokros

These chokros ore Iocofed fhroughouf fhe body
fhe knee chokros (movemenf),
fhe eIbow chokros (fIexibiIify),
fhe fhigh chokros (sfobiIify),
fhe shouIders (sfrengfh) - considered os I chokro nof fwo, ond
fhe genifoIio (reproducfion).

Pemember, ideos obouf fhe number & Iocofion of fhe minor chokros do vory.

Some of fhe mojor minor chokros ore fhe poIms of fhe honds ond fhe soIes of fhe feef, os
previousIy menfioned. These fwo fend fo be good
woys fo gef energy fhroughouf fhe sysfem, or fo give someone o quick boosf of energy. They
ore porficuIorIy imporfonf os bIockoges con be puIIed ouf fhrough fhe minor chorkos such os
fhe feef.

Opening fhe minor chokros
Opening fhe minor chorkos enhonces fhe efficiency of fhe mojor chorkos ond energy fIow.
Energy or bIockoges fhof need fo be reIeosed con be drown ouf fhrough fhe minor chokros,
porficuIorIy fhe foof chokros. If is worfh opening fhem of fhe sforf of o freofmenf

The energy fieId ond ouro

Energy odies
The five-Ioyer Energy ody sysfem is fhe fhird woy of describing fhe Humon Energy FieId.
Mofe fhof fhe physicoI body is counfed os on energy body since oII moffer is uIfimofeIy mode
up of energy
The b energy bodies fhof moke up fhe ouro or energy fieId
I. PhysicoI body-firsf Ioyer, cIosesf fo body
Z. Efheric energy body - on inch ouf from fhe skin/physicoI body, ifs purpose is fo form fhe
fempIofe for fhe repoir, moinfenonce ond deveIopmenf of fhe physicoI body. IIIness wiII oppeor
here ond physicoI froumo wiII be refIecfed here.
3. EmofionoI body- emofionoI pofferns ond feeIings, vibrofions fhof defermine personoIify.
Emofions such os onger, feor, heIpIessness gef fropped here ond become porf of fhe
4. MenfoI energy body-confoins sfrucfure ond pofferns of fhoughfs & beIief sysfems. If is
cIoseIy connecfed fo our emofionoI bodies ond expIoins why differenf peopIe reocf differenfIy
fo fhe some fhoughf. Our reocfions fo fhoughfs corry more energy.
b. SpirifuoI body-AII informofion from experiences, conscience, higher infenfions, increoses
oworeness of purpose.


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