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5avago wor|ds: A||on vs.

By Jomes ou|ohon

1he |reootor, or Yout,o, |s o member ot o soo|ety ot o||ens
whose ou|ture |s boseo orouno the hunt|ng ot oreotures
ooross the go|oxy. 1o these oreotures, o meosure ot one's
vo|ue ono stotus |n soo|ety |s h|s hunt|ng prowess ono the
oo||eot|on ot troph|es he hos oooumu|oteo over h|s ||tet|me.
1hese o||ens use the|r oons|oerob|e noturo| ob|||ty
oomb|neo w|th o h|ghteoh hunt|ng system to sto|| the|r
prey on o mu|t|tuoe ot o|tterent wor|os. 1hese o||ens
or|g|note trom on un|nown wor|o, ono hove mooe no
ottempts to oommun|oote w|th humons or ony other
|nown sent|ent o||ens. 1he|r proot|oes ono teohno|og|es
hove been oooumenteo where ovo||ob|e, but |reootors ore
extreme|y rore, ono guoro the|r seorets o|ose|y.
Attr|butos: ^g|||ty o10, 3morts oB, 3p|r|t o10, 3trength o12+1, v|gor o12
5k|||s: ^orobot|os oB. ||ght|ng o12, Suts o12, unt|ng 3ystems o12, Not|oe o12,
3w|mm|ng o10, 3hoot|ng o10, 3teo|th o10, 1roo||ng o12
aco: B, arry: B, 1oughnoss: B[12]
Goar: Booy ^rmor[+4], 3peor, 3peorgun, unt|ng 3ystem
5poc|a| Ab|||t|os
|oar: 1he |reootor |s o tr|ghten|ng oreoture to beho|o.
1ho Huntor's Codo: 1he |reootor ou|ture revo|ves orouno the honorob|e
hunt|ng ot powertu| ono oongerous opponents, otten ot neor|y |nsurmountob|e
ooos. 1he |reootor's oooe torb|os ottoo||ng nonoombotonts[o|though
o|sormeo quorry |s onother story] ono prey oorry|ng young. owever, oo||eot|ng
the s|u||s ot the|r prey os troph|es |s o motter ot honor tor the Yout,o, ono they
w||| go to greot |engths to reoover them.
M|m|c: 1he |reootor's unt|ng system enob|es |t to m|m|o sounos thot |t hos
somp|eo ono use them to |ure prey, muoh |||e o ouo| oo||. 1he souno proouoeo
|s neor|y |oent|oo| to the or|g|no|, ono requ|res o 3morts oheo| ot 2 to
o|soern thot |t |s tobr|ooteo. |t the ||stener hos speo|t|o |now|eoge ot the souno,
suoh os o gooo tr|eno's vo|oe, the 2 peno|ty |s negoteo.
Hunt|ng 5ystom: 1he |reootor's soph|st|ooteo hunt|ng system |no|uoes mony
teotures wh|oh o|o |n the hunt. 1he unt|ng 3ystem gronts the |reootor the
to||ow|ng powers ono ob|||t|es, w|th o power supp|y ot 50 power po|nts thot
reohorges os |t |t hoo the |op|o |eohorge eoge. 1he unt|ng 3ystems 3|||| |s
useo tor o|| the |reootor's powers.
-Ho|mot: ^rmor [6] 1he |reootor's he|met orroy, |n ooo|t|on to
be|ng o breoth|ng opporotus, o||ows the Yout,o to see |n neor|y
ony speotrum ot ||ght, gront|ng the |ow||ght v|s|on ono |ntrov|s|on
ob|||t|es. 1he he|met oon be |noo|eo ott on o oo||eo shot to the
heoo[4], wh|oh negotes o|| the v|s|on enhonoements ono g|ves the
|reootor o 2 to h|t w|th |ts Bo|t ono B|ost powers, os the he|met

houses the weopon torget|ng systems. |n ooo|t|on, |reootors
hove troub|e breoth|ng |n o regu|or umon otmosphere, ono sutter o 1 peno|ty to
o|| oot|ons tor eooh hour ot exposure, oumu|ot|ve|y.
-wr|stb|ados: 1he |reootor's stonooro weopon |s o w|o|eo retrootob|e tor|eo b|ooe
on one wr|st, mooe ot on |noreo|b|y ||ght ono shorp o||en o||oy. [3tr+3] 3ome ounn|ng
Yout,o hove ooopteo the proot|oe ot us|ng the|r torget|ng |osers to superheot the|r
vr|stb|ooes, gront|ng them the ob|||ty to use the 3m|te power on thot weopon on|y.
-|asmacastor[5hou|dor CannonJ, D|sc, and wr|st Launchors:
1hese weopon systems gront the |reootor the Bo|t ono B|ost
powers. ^ s|ng|e bo|t oon to|e the torm ot o |ow powereo shot trom
the ||osmoooster, or o shot trom the vr|st |ounohers, wh||e o bo|t
h|tt|ng mu|t|p|e torgets represents the gu|oeo rozorshorp o|so thot
the |reootor emp|oys. 1he b|ost power w||| o|woys be o h|gh powereo
shot trom the ||osmoooster.
-Notgun: 1h|s weopon shoots o w|re net thot ensnores |ts v|ot|ms,
gront|ng the |reootor the 3tun power. ^s |t |s not o|tt|ou|t to out
onese|t tree, ony v|ot|m us|ng o outt|ng too| reoe|ves +2 to h|s v|gor
oheo|s to esoope.
-Camouf|ago: 1he |reootor's h|teoh ||ght beno|ng oomout|oge renoers |t
neor|y |nv|s|b|e, gront|ng |t the |nv|s|b|||ty power. ^ny oontoot w|th woter
w||| short out the oev|oe, however.
-Mod|comp: 1he |reootor's geor |no|uoes o meo|oo| system thot hos supp||es tor
neor|y ony |n,ury the o||en m|ght susto|n our|ng the hunt, gront|ng |t the eo| power.
^s some ot the prooesses ore |engthy, the |reootor sutters o 2 on |ts unt|ng
3ystems oheo| |t |t |s rusheo or |n oombot. ^s most meo|oomps |no|uoe o
resp|rotor ot some sort, o |reootor moy use the eo| power to negote o 1 peno|ty
trom osphyx|ot|on |nsteoo ot heo||ng o wouno |t |t ohooses.
-Doomsday Dov|co: vhen oornereo or oeteoteo, the Yout,o oooe o|ototes thot the
hunter must soor|t|oe |ts ||te |n oroer to |||| |ts enemy ono |eep |ts seorets trom
to|||ng |nto the honos ot other be|ngs. vhen the preootor reoohes 4 wounos, |t w|||
beg|n the tourturn oountoown sequenoe betore the oev|oe oetonotes, oous|ng
enough oomoge to |||| ony oreotures w|th|n 25', ono mooe|s w|th|n 50' to|e 2|10
b|ost oomoge.

rodator Armory:
1ypo ango Damago O| wo|ght 5hots Notos
3peorgun 24,4B,96 2|B 1 3 12 ^| 4

1ypo Damago wo|ght Notos
3peor 3tr 2 |eooh 1, ^| 2, |orry +2, |equ|res 2 honos

vh||e the woro Xenomorph |s s|mp|y o
synonym tor ^||en, |t hos been the term most
oommon|y ||n|eo to the |orge, preootory
o||ens o|soovereo by the oommero|o| vesse|
Nostromo on |v426 |n the yeor 2122.
|no|oents |nvo|v|ng these o||ens hove been
very ||m|teo, ono otten ooour |n the outer
tr|nges ot the networ| where they ore eosy to
oover up. 1heretore, they ore not oommon
|now|eoge to most peop|e |n the ^mer|oon,
Lh|nese, or ^ng|oJoponese oo|on|es. |umors
ot them o|rou|ote omongst o|tterent U3LML
Un|ts, os we|| os other bronohes ot the
m|||tory, o|though |t |sn't unheoro ot tor
stor|es ot them to surtooe |n tront|er oo|on|es

A||on Drono
1he ^||en |rone |s the most oommon vor|ety ot the oreoture, ono mo|es up the bu|| ot
the h|ve popu|ot|on. Sestoteo trom humons, these oreotures ore rough|y humono|o
w|th |ong, borbeo to||s ono e|ongoteo heoos. 1hey hove unpreoeoenteo o||mb|ng ono
steo|th ob|||ty.
Attr|butos: ^g|||ty o12, 3morts oB[^], 3p|r|t o12, 3trength oB, v|gor o10
5k|||s: ||ght|ng o12, L||mb|ng o12, Not|oe oB, 3w|m o10, 3teo|th o10
aco: 10, arry: B, 1oughnoss: 7
5poc|a| Ab|||t|os
C|aws: 3tr+3
|oar -1: Xenomorphs ore terr|ty|ng ono s|n|ster oreotures to beho|o.
|oar|oss: cvo|veo tor the so|e purpose ot |||||ng, the Xenomorph |s oomp|ete|y
|mmune to teor ono |nt|m|oot|on.
wa|| wa|kor: 1he Xenomorph's o||mb|ng oooptot|ons ore ostouno|ng, enob||ng |t to
move ettort|ess|y up sheer surtooes ono ooross oe|||ngs.
|ast: Xenomorphs ore |nhumon|y tost, ono theretore go|n the benet|ts ot the |eve|
eooeo eoge.
5onsos: |t |s un|nown how the Xenomorph senses ono |oootes |ts prey, but |t |s o
h|gh|y evo|veo peroept|on w|thout the use ot eyes thot enob|es |t to operote |n the
oor|. 1heor|es |no|uoe the sens|ng ot pheromones ono b|oe|eotr|o|ty. |n gome
terms, th|s oounts os |ntrov|s|on.
Ac|d B|ood: |n o w|o|eo oetens|ve oooptot|on, the Xenomorph's booy oonto|ns o
oonoentroteo oo|o tor b|ooo. |t |s theor|zeo thot these o||ens ore t|uor|neboseo
oreotures, ono use the|r b|ooo tor tooo o|gest|on. vhenever o Xenomorph sutters o
wouno, ony mooe|s w|th|n 2' sutter 2|B oomoge trom the resu|t|ng oo|o sp|osh.
1reot th|s os t|re oomoge.
5ocondary Jaw: 1he Xenomorph's phys|o|ogy houses o seoonoory set ot ,ows
|ns|oe the mouth thot oon be useo to oe||ver o powertu| thrust|ng ottoo| to the
heoo ot the ^||en's v|ot|m. |n oombot, the Xenomorph moy ohoose to gropp|e o
mooe|. |t suooesstu|, |t moy mo|e o 3tr+6, ^| 4 oo||eo shot to the heoo[4] on |ts
next turn, |t the v|ot|m hos not bro|en tree.

1he |ooehugger |s the t|rst stoge |n the Xenomorph ||te oyo|e. 1he sp|oer|||e oreoture
emerges trom the eggs |o|o by the |ve Uueen, ono seoroh tor su|tob|e hosts. Usuo||y,
these ore |n p|ent|tu| supp|y, os the eggs ore tr|ggereo by the presenoe ot ||te torms.
3mo||er ono th|nners||nneo thon the|r |orger Xenomorph oous|ns, the tooe hugger
re||es on the threot ot |||||ng the oopt|ve host os o oeterrent to ottoo| unt|| |t oomp|etes
|oy|ng the embryo ono o|es.
Attr|butos: ^g|||ty o10, 3morts o6[^], 3p|r|t o12, 3trength o6, v|gor o10
5k|||s: ||ght|ng oB, L||mb|ng o12, Not|oe oB, 3teo|th o10
aco: 6, arry: 6, 1oughnoss: 5
5poc|a| Ab|||t|os
|oar|oss: cvo|veo tor the so|e purpose ot |mpregnot|ng hosts, the |ooehugger |s
oomp|ete|y |mmune to teor ono |nt|m|oot|on.
wa|| wa|kor: 1he |ooehugger shores the o||mb|ng to|ents ot |ts brethren, enob||ng
|t to move ettort|ess|y up sheer surtooes ono ooross oe|||ngs.
|ast: |ooehuggers ore |nhumon|y tost, ono theretore go|n the benet|ts ot the |eve|
eooeo eoge.
5onsos: |t |s un|nown how the Xenomorph senses ono |oootes |ts prey, but |t |s o
h|gh|y evo|veo peroept|on w|thout the use ot eyes thot enob|es |t to operote |n the
oor|. 1heor|es |no|uoe the sens|ng ot pheromones ono b|oe|eotr|o|ty. |n gome
terms, th|s oounts os |ntrov|s|on.
Ac|d B|ood: |n o w|o|eo oetens|ve oooptot|on, the Xenomorph's booy oonto|ns o
oonoentroteo oo|o tor b|ooo. |t |s theor|zeo thot these o||ens ore t|uor|neboseo
oreotures, ono use the|r b|ooo tor tooo o|gest|on. vhenever o Xenomorph sutters o
wouno, ony mooe|s w|th|n 1' sutter 2|B oomoge trom the resu|t|ng oo|o sp|osh.
1reot th|s os t|re oomoge.
|aco Hug: 1he |ooehugger's mo|n ottoo| |s to |eop ot |ts v|ot|m's heoo |n on
ottempt to |otoh |tse|t to the torget's tooe ono p|ooe |ts embryo. |t the tooe hugger
suooeeos |n o gropp|e ottoo| ogo|nst |ts torget, |t hos |otoheo on, ono the v|ot|m hos
beoome seooteo by the tox|ns re|eoseo by the |ooehugger. Note thot he|mets otter
no proteot|on, os the |ooehugger oon seorete enough oo|o to burn through them.

1he |reoo||en, or |reootor ^||en, |s the
resu|t ot o Yout,o thot |s |mpregnoteo
w|th o Xenomorph embryo. 1he resu|t |s
o terr|ty|ng oomb|not|on ot the bruto|
strength ono ounn|ng ot the |reootor
ono the w|o|eo evo|ut|ono| oooptot|ons
ono ett|o|enoy os o ruth|ess ||||er
bestoweo by |ts Xenomorph ||neoge,
1hese oreotures ore renowneo tor the|r
tenoo|ty ono ob|||ty to w|thstono
Attr|butos: ^g|||ty o12, 3morts oB[^],
3p|r|t o12, 3trength o12+2, v|gor o12+1
5k|||s: ||ght|ng o12, L||mb|ng o12, Not|oe oB, 3w|m o10, 3teo|th o10
aco: B, arry: B, 1oughnoss: B[12]

5poc|a| Ab|||t|os
C|aws: 3tr+3
|oar -2: |reoo||ens ore terr|ty|ng ono s|n|ster oreotures to beho|o.
|oar|oss: cvo|veo tor the so|e purpose ot |||||ng, the |reoo||en |s oomp|ete|y |mmune
to teor ono |nt|m|oot|on.
Armor +4: 1he |reoo||en's th|o| ooropooe exos|e|eton prov|oes exoe||ent
proteot|on trom ottoo|s.
wa|| wa|kor: 1he Xenomorph's o||mb|ng oooptot|ons ore ostouno|ng, enob||ng |t to
move ettort|ess|y up sheer surtooes ono ooross oe|||ngs.
|ast: Xenomorphs ore |nhumon|y tost, ono theretore go|n the benet|ts ot the |eve|
eooeo eoge.
5onsos: |t |s un|nown how the Xenomorph senses ono |oootes |ts prey, but |t |s o
h|gh|y evo|veo peroept|on w|thout the use ot eyes thot enob|es |t to operote |n the
oor|. 1heor|es |no|uoe the sens|ng ot pheromones ono b|oe|eotr|o|ty. |n gome
terms, th|s oounts os |ntrov|s|on.
Ac|d B|ood: |n o w|o|eo oetens|ve oooptot|on, the Xenomorph's booy oonto|ns o
oonoentroteo oo|o tor b|ooo. |t |s theor|zeo thot these o||ens ore t|uor|neboseo
oreotures, ono use the|r b|ooo tor tooo o|gest|on. vhenever o Xenomorph sutters o
wouno, ony mooe|s w|th|n 2' sutter 2|B oomoge trom the resu|t|ng oo|o sp|osh.
1reot th|s os t|re oomoge.
5ocondary Jaw: 1he Xenomorph's phys|o|ogy houses o seoonoory set ot ,ows
|ns|oe the mouth thot oon be useo to oe||ver o powertu| thrust|ng ottoo| to the
heoo ot the ^||en's v|ot|m. |n oombot, the Xenomorph moy ohoose to gropp|e o
mooe|. |t suooesstu|, |t moy mo|e o 3tr+6, ^| 4 oo||eo shot to the heoo[4] on |ts
next turn, |t the v|ot|m hos not bro|en tree.

1he |roetor|on |s o speo|o| type ot orone thot hos evo|veo to oot os o '|oyo| Suoro' ot
sorts tor the |ve Uueen. 1he |roetor|on |s |orger, stronger, ono tougher thon regu|or
orones. 1hese oovontoges oo hove o oost, however, os these oreotures ore not neor|y
os n|mb|e os the|r smo||er oous|ns.
Attr|butos: ^g|||ty oB, 3morts oB[^], 3p|r|t o12, 3trength o12+4, v|gor o12+2
5k|||s: ||ght|ng o12, L||mb|ng o12, Not|oe o10, 3w|m o10
aco: B, arry: B, 1oughnoss: 9[14]
5poc|a| Ab|||t|os
C|aws: 3tr+3
|oar -2: |roetor|ons ore terr|ty|ng ono s|n|ster oreotures to beho|o.
|oar|oss: cvo|veo tor the so|e purpose ot |||||ng, the |roetor|on |s oomp|ete|y
|mmune to teor ono |nt|m|oot|on.
Armor +b: 1he |roetor|on's ooropooe |s seoono |n proteot|on on|y to thot ot the
|ve Uueen. |n ooo|t|on, the |roetor|on's heoo hos evo|veo o bony p|ote s|m||or to
thot ot o tr|oerotops wh|oh proteots |t trom o|| but the most powertu| ottoo|s.
vhen ottoo|eo trom |ts tront too|ng, the |roetor|on oounts os hov|ng Hoavy
5onsos: |t |s un|nown how the |roetor|on senses ono |oootes |ts prey, but |t |s o
h|gh|y evo|veo peroept|on w|thout the use ot eyes thot enob|es |t to operote |n the
oor|. 1heor|es |no|uoe the sens|ng ot pheromones ono b|oe|eotr|o|ty. |n gome
terms, th|s oounts os |ntrov|s|on.
Ac|d B|ood: |n o w|o|eo oetens|ve oooptot|on, the Xenomorph booy oonto|ns o

oonoentroteo oo|o tor b|ooo. |t |s theor|zeo thot these o||ens ore t|uor|neboseo
oreotures, ono use the|r b|ooo tor tooo o|gest|on. vhenever o Xenomorph sutters o
wouno, ony mooe|s w|th|n 2' sutter 2|B oomoge trom the resu|t|ng oo|o sp|osh.
1reot th|s os t|re oomoge.
5ocondary Jaw: 1he Xenomorph's phys|o|ogy houses o seoonoory set ot ,ows
|ns|oe the mouth thot oon be useo to oe||ver o powertu| thrust|ng ottoo| to the
heoo ot the ^||en's v|ot|m. |n oombot, the Xenomorph moy ohoose to gropp|e o
mooe|. |t suooesstu|, |t moy mo|e o 3tr+6, ^| 4 oo||eo shot to the heoo[4] on |ts
next turn, |t the v|ot|m hos not bro|en tree.

A||on H|vo Guoon
1he ^||en Uueen |s the |orgest ot o|| types ot
Xenomorph, ono |s the on|y type thot, regoro|ess ot
the host, the bos|o shope |s the some. Mu|t|||mbeo
ono g|gont|o, the ^||en Uueen |s the oreoture thot
|oys eggs so thot more |ooehuggers moy
|mpregnote v|ot|ms ono propogote the speo|es.
^|woys touno ot the heort ot o Xenomorph h|ve, the
Uueen |s usuo||y |n the hotohery guoroeo by o host
ot |roetor|ons.
Attr|butos: ^g|||ty oB, 3morts o12[^], 3p|r|t o12, 3trength o12+6, v|gor o12+3
5k|||s: ||ght|ng o12, L||mb|ng o12, Not|oe oB, 3w|m o10, 3teo|th oB
aco: 10, arry: B, 1oughnoss: 1B[23]
5poc|a| Ab|||t|os
C|aws: 3tr+3
|oar -3: 1he |ve Uueen |s o horr|t|o opponent to beho|o, ono |nsp|res even the
toughest mor|ne to wet h|s tot|gues.
|oar|oss: cvo|veo tor the so|e purpose ot |||||ng, the |ve Uueen |s oomp|ete|y
|mmune to teor ono |nt|m|oot|on.
|ast: 1he |ve Uueen |s |nhumon|y tost, ono theretore go|ns the benet|ts ot the
|eve|eooeo eoge.
5|zo +b: 1he |ve Uueen |s on enormous oreoture, rough|y 15' to|| ono 20' |ong.
Armor +b: 1he |ve Uueen |s proteoteo by on extreme|y horo ooropooe
exos|e|eton, mo||ng |t extreme|y o|tt|ou|t to oomoge. 1h|s oounts os Hoavy Armor.
Lmpath|c L|nk: 1he |ve Uueen hos o mento| ||n| to the rest ot her h|ve, ono
theretore oon oommono them |n bott|e w|th the benet|t ot the to||ow|ng eoges.
Lommono, Noturo| |eooer, ono |ervor.
5onsos: |t |s un|nown how the Xenomorph senses ono |oootes |ts prey, but |t |s o
h|gh|y evo|veo peroept|on w|thout the use ot eyes thot enob|es |t to operote |n the
oor|. 1heor|es |no|uoe the sens|ng ot pheromones ono b|oe|eotr|o|ty. |n gome
terms, th|s oounts os |ntrov|s|on.
Ac|d B|ood: |n o w|o|eo oetens|ve oooptot|on, the Xenomorph's booy oonto|ns o
oonoentroteo oo|o tor b|ooo. |t |s theor|zeo thot these o||ens ore t|uor|neboseo
oreotures, ono use the|r b|ooo tor tooo o|gest|on. vhenever the |ve Uueen sutters
o wouno, ony mooe|s w|th|n 2' sutter 2|B oomoge trom the resu|t|ng oo|o sp|osh.
1reot th|s os t|re oomoge.
5ocondary Jaw: 1he |ve Uueen's phys|o|ogy houses o seoonoory set ot ,ows |ns|oe
the mouth thot oon be useo to oe||ver o powertu| thrust|ng ottoo| to the heoo ot

the ^||en's v|ot|m. |n oombot, the Xenomorph moy ohoose to gropp|e o mooe|. |t
suooesstu|, |t moy mo|e o 3tr+6, ^| 4 oo||eo shot to the heoo[4] on |ts next turn, |t
the v|ot|m hos not bro|en tree.
Mu|t|p|o L|mbs: 1he |ve Uueen hos to |orge orms ono two smo||er ones, ono moy
ottoo| tw|oe w|th her o|ows eooh turn w|th no peno|ty.
1a||: 1he |ve Uueen's to|| |s t|ppeo w|th o w|o|eo borbeo b|ooe wh|oh she oon use
etteot|ve|y |n oombot. 1he to|| oon be useo to ottoo| torgets w|th the to||ow|ng
1ypo Damago Notos
Borbeo 1o|| 3tr+4 |eooh 1, ^| 2
|n ooo|t|on, |t the to|| h|ts ono oouses 2 or more wounos, the v|ot|m hos been
|mpo|eo, ono oounts os be|ng gropp|eo. |t the v|ot|m breo|s tree, he to|es on
|mmeo|ote h|t trom the to|| ogo|n os the borbs teor ot h|s booy. Note thot o v|ot|m
oonnot be |mpo|eo ogo|n wh||e breo||ng tree.
ond: |t the |ve Uueen suooesstu||y gropp|es o rough|y humons|zeo opponent, |t
moy mo|e o speo|o| |eno ottoo| |n subsequent turns |t the torget to||s to breo|
tree. 1he |ve Uueen ottempts to teor |ts v|ot|m oport w|th |ts mony orms, ono
must mo|e on opposeo 3trength oheo| vs. the v|ot|m's v|gor p|us ony moo|t|ers to
|ts 1oughness. |t the Uueen w|ns, the torget |s r|ppeo ||mb trom ||mb.

cxomp|e. |to. B|ggs t|nos h|mse|t |n the o|utohes ot o |ve Uueen, ono she ottempts to
|eno h|m. 3he ro||s her o12+6, soor|ng o 10, wh||e he ro||s h|s oB v|gor, +5 tor h|s
Lombot ^rmor, soor|ng on 11. B|ggs surv|ves unt|| next turn, when he hopes to go
betore the Uueen so he oon ottempt to wrest|e tree.

1he Un|teo 3totes Lo|on|o| Mor|ne Lorps

1he U3LML |s the Un|teo 3totes' e||te toroe, o|st|not trom the regu|or U3
^rmy, oes|gnoteo to mo|nto|n o oonstont stote ot reoo|ness, regoro|ess ot
the U3 reoo|ness tor wor. 1he Lorps |s oes|gneo tor one th|ng. the rop|o
pro,eot|on ot U3 power ooross spooe. |reporeo to operote |n |ono, seo, o|r,
ono spooe env|ronments, the Lorps to|es oovontoge ot |ts oonstont
reoo|ness ono spooe oep|oyment oopob|||ty.

The technical challenge for recruits is intense. In the
modern Corps we fly starships and aerospace shuttles and
carry space-age doohickeys into battle. We need men and women
who instinctively understand how these things work, who can
learn how to fix them in the field without the aid of the
manual, while crouching in a muddy foxhole being pounded by
shellfire. Some of the new boots flunk because of the
physical or moral requirements, like they cant rappel off a
tower or they suffer from SAS (Space Adaptation Sickness);
but most of those who fail to hack it are simply not
technically minded enough.
-Captain Karen Marquis, Parris Island, SC

Un|tod 5tatos Co|on|a| Mar|no Corps rofoss|ona| Ldgos:

oqu|romonts: Nov|oe, 3p|r|t o6, ||ght|ng o4, Suts o6, eo||ng o4, 3hoot|ng o4, |epo|r
1he ||t|emon, or 'Srunt, |s the stonooro so|o|er ot the U3LML who torms the
bu|| ot o U3LML ||otoon. 1yp|oo| ron|s ronge trom |r|vote ||rstL|oss, |r|vote, ono
|onoe Lorporo|, to Lorporo|. 1he ||t|emon |s never w|thout h|s |u|se ||t|e, but |s
se|oom |ssueo speo|o| equ|pment, o|though |onoe Lorporo|s ono Lorporo|s ore
oommon|y equ|ppeo w|th mot|on troo|ers ono po|reo ott w|th Mooh|negunners. Srunts
hove seen the worst o bott|et|e|o hos to otter, ono otten get the |eost oes|rob|e, most
oongerous oss|gnments, ono theretore go|n o +2 on o|| Suts oheo|s.

oqu|romonts: Nov|oe, 3morts o6, ||ght|ng o4, Suts o4, eo||ng o6, 3hoot|ng o4,
|epo|r o4
1he Meo|o |s o grunt who hos shown through h|s tro|n|ng or serv|oe to hove o
speo|o| opt|tuoe tor t|rsto|o, o|though some Meo|os ore ohosen ot ronoom beoouse

there |s o h|gh oemono. Meo|os go through o speo|o||st oourse |n boot teooh|ng
oovonoeo t|rsto|o teohn|ques ruo|mentory meo|o|ne ono surgery. Beoouse ot the|r
vo|ue ono ob|||t|es |n the t|e|o, most mor|nes ore very proteot|ve ot the|r Meo|o, ono |t |s
the s|ng|e type ot mor|ne thot hos the |owest oosuo|ty rote. ^ typ|oo| Meo|o's ron| |s
|r|vote ||rstL|oss or |r|vote. ^s|oe trom extro meo|oo| equ|pment, Meo|os ore
equ|ppeo |n the some monner os Srunts. |ue to the|r meo|oo| opt|tuoe ono tro|n|ng,
meo|os reoe|ve o +2 bonus to eo| oheo|s. |n ooo|t|on, the|r exper|enoe |n the t|e|o
oomb|neo w|th meo|oo| |now|eoge enob|es them to mo|e eouooteo guesses obout
re|oteo sub,eots [Meo|o|ne, 3urgery, Xenob|o|ogy, eto.] os |t they hoo 1|4 |n the s||||, os
opposeo to the regu|or uns||||eo 1|42.

oqu|romonts: Nov|oe, ^g|||ty o6, ||ght|ng o4, Suts o4, eo||ng o4, 3hoot|ng o6, |epo|r
Mooh|neSunners ore o speo|o| breeo ot Mor|ne, o|ehoro |no|v|ouo|s who re||sh
the owesome t|repower ot the M56 3mortgun. v|th o|| the qu|r|s omong o|tterent
3mortguns, some Mooh|negunners speno yeors |n seoroh ot the 'perteot gun, ono
ore extreme|y proteot|ve |t they t|no |t. 3ome mor|nes th|n| Mooh|negunners ore o
spoo|y, gun|ov|n' bunoh, but |n the t|e|o everybooy wonts to be po|reo ott w|th one |n o
gun teom. ^ typ|oo| Mooh|negunner's ron| |s |r|vote ||rstL|oss or |r|vote. Mooh|ne
gunners to|e the|r ,obs ono tro|n|ng extreme|y ser|ous|y, ono reoe|ve o +2 bonus when
us|ng M3B ono M56 Mooh|neguns. |t the Mooh|negunner spenos o tew hours
tom|||or|z|ng h|mse|t w|th o o|tterent mooh|negun, he moy use h|s bonus w|th other
weopons os we||.

oqu|romonts: Nov|oe, 3morts o6, ||ght|ng o4, Suts o4, eo||ng o4, 3hoot|ng o4,
|epo|r o6
1he 3peo|o||st mor|ne |s speo|o||y tro|neo |n the use ot o|| heovy equ|pment useo
by the U3LML, os we|| os oomputer ono e|eotron|o systems. 1he 3peo|o||st |s
entrusteo w|th the repo|r ono mo|ntenonoe ot the p|otoon's equ|pment, ono |s usuo||y
oss|gneo to teohn|oo| ro|es, suoh os byposs|ng |oo|eo ooors, oep|oy|ng 3entry Suns, or
soonn|ng oomputer systems. 1he 3peo|o||st |s otten |ssueo severo| speo|o| p|eoes ot
geor, most oommon|y the |otopoo oo||ng 1oo|, ono ve|oer, ono Mot|on 1roo|er.
1yp|oo||y o |r|vote ||rstL|oss or |r|vote, the 3peo|o||st reoe|ves o +2 to ony repo|r ro||s,
ono moy mo|e on eouooteo guess on ony teohre|oteo sub,eot os |t he hoo 1|4 |n the
s||||, |nsteoo ot the regu|or uns||||eo 1|42.

oqu|romonts: Nov|oe, 3p|r|t o6, 3morts o6, ||ght|ng o4, Suts o4, eo||ng o4,
|nt|m|oote o6, 3hoot|ng o4, |epo|r o4, Lommono
1he 3ergeont, usuo||y oo||eo 'the 3orge, |s the operot|ono| oommonoer ot o
U3LML p|otoon. vh||e the ||eutenont teohn|oo||y oommonos the s|tuot|on trom the
oommono post, |t |s the 3orge who |s |n the trenohes w|th h|s troops, ono |t |s he thot
they |oo| to tor |eooersh|p ono o|reot|on. 1he 3orge |s o|woys o tough |no|v|ouo| who hos
wor|eo h|s woy up trom the bottom, un|||e most ott|oers obove h|s ron|, ono |s
respeoteo by h|s men tor |t. |ue to the respeot, |oyo|ty, ono teor he |nsp|res |n h|s men,
the 3orge moy move orouno ony or o|| ot the |n|t|ot|ve ooros oeo|t ,ust os w|th the
Lommono eoge, but he moy o|so move the ooros ot te||ow v||o Loros.

oqu|romonts: Nov|oe, ^g|||ty o6, ||ght|ng o4, eo||ng o4, |||ot|ng o6, 3hoot|ng o4,
|epo|r o4
Members ot the U3LML ^erospooe v|ng ore h|gh|y tro|neo ott|oers, ono, un|||e
most other mor|nes, they ore otten orown trom omongst the p||ots ot the regu|or Novy
ono the U3^3| ^erospooe ^oooemy ot Sotewoy 3tot|on |n ooo|t|on to the U3LML
|||ght 3ohoo|. 1h|s oon somet|mes |eoo to m|strust ot new p||ots, but when |n the o|r,
everyone |s the p||ot's best tr|eno. 1os|eo w|th m|ss|ons rong|ng trom reoon, |ntontry
support, to seoroh ono oestroy, the U3LML p||ots hove to be extreme|y to|enteo ono
|now|eogeob|e ot oerospooe|ntontry |ntegroteo operot|ons. 1yp|oo||y o ||eutenont, the
p||ot's tro|n|ng ono exper|enoe |n the o|r g|ves h|m o +2 bonus to o|| |||ot|ng oheo|s,

Un|tod 5tatos Co|on|a| Mar|no Corps Armory

1ypo ango Damago O| wo|ght 5hots Notos
Armat M41A u|so |f|o
10mm |ounos 24,4B,96 2|B 3 4.9|g 100 ^| 2
Unoers|ung M40 30mm S| 24,4B,96 4
M3B |gh cxp|os|ve ^rmor ||ero|ng 4|B 1 ^| 10, Meo|um Burst
M51^ Bouno|ng |rog 3|6 1 3mo|| Burst, Bouno|ng Betty
M10B Lon|ster[Buo|shot] 10,20,30 13|6 1 Use 3hotgun |u|es
M230 Boton 1 3tun
M60 vh|te |hosphorous |noeno|ory 2|10 1 |gnores ^rmor, |orge Burst
M72^ 3torshe||
M240 |nc|norator |f|o ||ome 1emp|ote 2|10 1 2.7|g 30 |gnores ^rmor
M42A 5copo |f|o 4.26|g 15
M252 10mm c^| 50,100,200 2|B 1 ^| 5
M250 10mm x 2B 30,60,120 2|10 1
M4A3 |sto|[9mm] 12,24,4B 2|61 1 0.95|g 12
v70 |sto|[.22] 10,20,40 2|62 1 0.B3|g 14
Combat Kn|fo 3tr+1 1 1.0|g
Mb 5mart Gun[10mm] 50,100,150 2|10 4 17.B2|g 500 ^| 2, +3 to |t
M3B Mach|nogun[10mm] 50,100,200 2|10 3 24.6B|g 300 ^|2, 3nopt|re
Mb G Launchor[60mm] 24,4B,96 4|10 1 4.5|g 1 ^| 25, 3mo|| Burst
M7B hasod |asma |nfantry Gun 25,50,75 5|10 1 15.2|g 30 ^| 50, ||res onoe
every 2 rounos.
MB3A2 5ADA 50,100,150 5|10 1 3.1|g 1 ^| 40, 1 shot on|y
UA b71-C 5ontry Gun 50,100,150 2|10 3 19..6|g 500 ^| 2, 3ee Notes

1ypo Armor va|uo wo|ght Notos
M3 Combat Armor +5 12|g Lovers cnt|re Booy cxoept eoo
M10 Ba|||st|c Ho|mot +7 2|g Lovers eoo

U5CMC Lqu|pmont & woapons Br|of|ng

Armat M41A u|so |f|o

1he ^rmot |u|se ||t|e |s the wor|horse ot the U3LML, ono hos seen serv|oe on more
wor|os thon ony other proouot|on weopon. |t |s o|so useo by mony porom|||tory toroes
throughout the ^ng|oJoponese orm ono beyono, suoh os oo|on|o| po||oe toroes ono
m|||t|os, ono |s oommon |n oorporote orm|es. 1he weopon t|res the stonooro oose|ess
10mm x 24 rouno, ono hos o ommun|t|on poy|ooo ot 100 rounos. |t o|so teotures o
bu||t|n unoers|ung M40 30mm Srenooe |ounoher. 1he M40 hos o tour rouno |ntegro|
mogoz|ne, ono |s oopob|e ot t|r|ng severo| o|tterent types ot grenooe rounos.
M3B H|gh Lxp|os|vo Armor |orc|ng: 1h|s |s the stonooro genero| purpose 30mm
grenooe, perteot|y su|teo tor ont|personne| ono ||ght ont|ormor ro|es.
Mb1A Bound|ng |rag: 1h|s |s on exo|us|ve|y ont|personne| weopon, wh|oh
|ounohes o 'bouno|ng betty sty|e exp|os|ve oev|oe to tr|gger on oontoot ono ro|n
shropne| oown on the torget.
M10B Can|stor: ^|so reterreo to os 'buo|shot, the M10B t|res o shotgun|||e ho||
ot t|oohettes or stee| shot |n o oon|oo| poth tor use |n o|ose quorters.
M230 Baton: 1he Boton rouno |s o non|etho| rouno useo tor orowo suppress|on
ono oopture m|ss|ons.
M0 wh|to hosphorous |ncond|ary: 1he M60 |s on |noeno|ory rouno thot |s
|noreo|b|y etteot|ve over o |orge oreo, ono |s oommon|y useo |n ont|personne|
ono vegetot|on o|eor|ng ro|es.
M72A 5tarsho||: 1he 3torshe|| rouno |s t|reo |nto the o|r, where the t|ore bursts
ono o poroohute oep|oys, |||um|not|ng o 200 toot oreo tor opprox|mote|y 10

M240 ||amothrowor

^|so otteot|onote|y reterreo to by mor|nes os the '|no|nerotor ||t|e, the M240 |s
eos||y one ot the most potent weopons |n the U3LML orseno|. Un|||e most
t|omethrowers, the |no|nerotor |s o s|ng|e, se|toonto|neo un|t thot |s oopob|e ot
susto|neo t|re or bursts, ono teotures o vor|ob|e ong|e nozz|e. 3ome mor|nes shun
the weopon, os Joponese sn|pers hove to|en to the proot|oe ot torget|ng the ommo
ton|s, wh|oh oon seno o squoo up |n t|omes. |t o mooe| w|shes to oo so, |t |s o oo||eo
shot[3mo|| 1orget, 4]. |t the shot ooes 6 po|nts ot oomoge or more, the weopon
exp|ooes. ||ooe o |orge burst temp|ote on the trooper oorry|ng the |no|nerotor,
every mooe| unoer the temp|ote |s treoteo os be|ng h|t by the t|omethrower.

M43A 5copo |f|o

1he M43^ |s the stonooro sn|p|ng weopon ot the U3LML. 1he te|esoop|o s|ght |s
oopob|e ot |ntroreo[|ntrov|s|on] ono |ow||ght v|s|on mooes, ono |s mu|t|ohombereo to
t|t e|ther the M242 10mm x 24 |gh cxp|os|ve ^rmor ||ero|ng[c^|] rouno, or the
|onger M250 10mm x 2B 3mortgun rouno, g|v|ng the sn|per t|ex|b|||ty oepeno|ng on
h|s torget. 1he sem|outomot|o M43^ r|t|e oon o|so be t|tteo w|th o borre|mounteo
suppressor, wh|oh g|ves the weopon 1 to h|t, but shoot|ng ooes not reveo| the
sn|per's pos|t|on.

M4A3 |sto|

1h|s p|sto| |s the stonooro ogo|nst wh|oh o|| mooern s|oeorms ore we|gheo. 1he
9mm p|sto| hos been |n the U3 m|||tory tor generot|ons, ono hos been perteoteo |n
the M4^3, us|ng the |otest ||ght we|ght moter|o|s.

v70 |sto|

1he v|70 |s o ||ghtwe|ght o|ternot|ve to the M4^3 thot mony mor|nes otten turn to,
ono hos been mooe popu|or by rumors ot o guns||ng|ng mor|ne w|e|o|ng ouo|
v|70's |n o bug hunt otter oep|et|ng h|s |u|se ||t|e's poy|ooo.

Mb 5martgun

1he M56 |s the |otest |n |ntontry support teohno|ogy, ut|||z|ng on |ntroreo torget|ng
v|sor, oomputeross|steo torget|ng, ono o robot|o gyrostob|||zot|on un|t to mo|e the
weopon |noreo|b|y ooourote ono eosy to o|reot. 3ome users o|o|m thot eooh
3mortgun hos |ts own qu|r|s, or persono||ty, ono thot o gooo M56 |s o|tt|ou|t to t|no.
v|th the teohno|og|oo| oovontoges oomes the o|tt|ou|ty to mo|nto|n, ono mony
mor|nes oomp|o|n obout the weopon's re||ob|||ty |n the t|e|o. cor|y vers|ons ore
notor|ous tor o|woys ,omm|ng on the t|rst shot un|ess the rouno |s monuo||y
ohombereo. 0ther oommon oomp|o|nts |no|uoe gyromount treez|ng, || torget
troo||ng prob|ems, ono oomputer torget|ng mo|tunot|ons. ^ny t|me o hero equ|ppeo
w|th o smortgun orows o oeuoe tor |n|t|ot|ve, the weopon hos mo|tunot|oneo ono the
user must mo|e o |epo|r oheo| |n subsequent turns to t|x |t. |n ooo|t|on, oue to the
bu|| ot the weopon horness, o Mor|ne w|sh|ng to orop the M56 must speno o tu||
oot|on to oo so.

I dont like the M56; damn things awkward and uncomfortable and
unreliable as hell. I remember in the early days, before theyd
worked out the kinks, we did an exercise on Aurore, out in the Desert
past the Dannenbergs. In the dust and heat the swing arm bearings on
nearly all the guns seized up after a day. The particulate dust and
the heat shimmer obscured the IR detector, as I knew it would, and at
dawn and dusk the reflection of the suns off the salt layers made the
tracking almost impossible to use. The mechanism attracted sand and
jams were common. It was a bitch to clean, too. By the end of the
exercise, wed broken the old M38s out of their lockers. Damn good
gun the 38. You could take a dump in the mechanism, bury it in the
sand, dig it out three months on, tap out the crud and it would still
fire the first time!
-Gunnery Sergeant Ron Huffey; Recruit Weapons Instructor

M3B Mach|nogun

1he stonooro squoo support weopon ot the U3LML tor the bu|| ot |ts ex|stenoe
betore be|ng rep|ooeo by the M56 3mortgun, the M3B Mooh|negun |s o s|ng|e
poro||e| weopon boseo on the ont|quoteo 3^vs ot the eor|y 20
oentury. |t t|res the
some oose|ess 10mm x 2B rounos useo by the M56, but hos o |ower oyo||o rote
ono muzz|e ve|oo|ty. owever, the weopon |s renowneo tor |ts re||ob|||ty, ono
pertorms oom|rob|y even on the horshest ot wor|os. |t o hero ever botohes wh||e
t|r|ng the M3B, he moy o|sregoro the resu|t.

Mb ockot ropo||od Gronado Launchor

1he M5 |s the stonooro ont|ormor weopon useo by the U3LML. |t |s o re|oooob|e
tubesty|e |ounoher wh|oh t|res 60mm ormorp|ero|ng grenooes.

M7B hasod |asma |nfantry Gun[|GJ

1he ||S wos oes|gneo os o monportob|e heovy ont|ormor |oser oonnon. vh||e |t
hos suooeeoeo |n th|s ro|e, the weopon ooes |eove some th|ngs to be oes|reo. 1he
un|t, oons|st|ng ot o bottery poo| ono the oonnon |tse|t, we|ghs |n ot o hetty 15.2|g,
mo||ng |t o o|tt|ou|t weopon to moneuver w|th ony omount ot oore, someth|ng oo||eo
upon os mony ot the ports |n the M7B ore trog||e ono prone to breo|oge. 1he
reporteo etteot|ve ronge ot the ||S |s 2000 meters, o|though th|s ||st|ng |s unoer
'|oeo| oono|t|ons, o s|tuot|on rore|y seen |n reo| oombot. |n ootuo||ty, the ||S |s o
to|r|y shortrongeo weopon, ono the v|s|b|e tro|| ot |on|zeo mo|eou|es |t |eoves |n the
o|r mo|es |t o somewhot unpopu|or weopon w|th surv|vo|m|noeo mor|nes. |n
ooo|t|on, the bottery poo| oyo|es ot whot the overoge grunt m|ght oesor|be os o
|e|sure|y pooe, wh|oh resu|ts |n on extreme|y s|ow rote ot t|re. |esp|te |ts mony
orowboo|s, however, the row power ot the M7B oonnot be oen|eo, ono |t |s tu||y
oopob|e ot punoh|ng ho|es through the t|on| ormor ot o heovy ton|.


1he 3^|^|, or 5hou|oer|ounoheo Aot|vehom|ng D|sposob|e Ant|ton| oo|et, |s o
||ght we|ght, oo||ops|b|e s|ng|eshot ont|ormor roo|et. Un|||e the M5 ||S, the
3^|^| |s gu|oeo by on |ntroreo thot |oo|s on thermo| s|gnotures ot torgets. 1he
MB3^2 oon o|so be t|reo o|reot|y w|thout the gu|oonoe systems, ono |s su|tob|e tor
||ght ono meo|um ont|ormor tos|s. |t on o|m oot|on |s to|en, the t|rer moy ooub|e
the o|m|ng bonus on h|s shot.

UA b71-C omoto 5ontry woapons 5ystom

1he 3entry Sun |s o monportob|e un|t oes|gneo to estob||sh oetens|ve per|meters |n
the t|e|o. cxtreme|y usetu| to mor|ne un|ts w|th ||m|teo monpower, the U^ 571L |s o
remote robot|o mooh|negun thot t|res 10mm x 2B c^| rounos. 1he torget|ng un|t
soons |n |ntroreo, ono w||| t|re on ony torget not seno|ng out o pos|t|ve |r|eno or |oe
s|gno|. 1he weopon hos o poy|ooo ot 500 rounos, ono oons|sts ot the weopon |tse|t,
the tr|poo, ono the bottery poo|. 1he stotus ot the un|ts oon be troo|eo v|o o oonso|e
reooout. 1he un|t oon be set to troo| on oreo trom 60 to 360 oegrees. Most
oommonoers w||| oep|oy them w|th over|opp|ng oros ot t|re to |noreose sensor
soturot|on. 1he 3entry gun oon oeteot torgets |n |ts tront 60 oegree t|r|ng oro w|th o
not|oe s|||| ot o10. 1h|s ro|| |s ot 2 tor eooh 60 oegrees, or port thereot, otter the
t|rst thot |t |s set to troverse. |t the t|e|o ot t|re over|ops w|th thot ot onother 3entry
Sun, they both reoe|ve o +2 to the ro||, up to o +4 bonus [3 over|opp|ng t|r|ng oros].
1he sentry gun t|res w|th 3hoot|ng o10.

5poc|a| thanks to Bront wo|ko, Matt Hou|ahan, and andy Mos|ondz for tho|r
oxco||ont foodback and adv|co, and my gam|ng group, tho Ork Chop Lxpross, for
bo|ng tho f|rst gu|noa p|gs to bo put undor tho kn|fo.

^||ens, |reootor, Lo|on|o| Mor|nes, ono ^||ens vs. |reootor ore trooemor|s ot |ox, ono they or ony oopyr|ghteo terms useo here|n ore useo w|thout
perm|ss|on, ono ore |n no woy oho||enges to so|o trooemor|s or oopyr|ghts. | oo not o|o|m ownersh|p ot ony ot the photos or |||ustrot|ons |n th|s
oooument, ono they ore useo w|thout perm|ss|on. 1hey ore prov|oeo on|y os o v|suo| o|o tor those who ore untom|||or w|th the ^||ens,|reootor
moter|o|. 3ovoge vor|os |s o trooemor| ot ||nnoo|e cnterto|nment Sroup, |no. ono |s useo here w|thout perm|ss|on. 1h|s oonvers|on |s not meont os o
oho||enge to thot trooemor|, nor ony oopyr|ghteo terms useo here|n. 1he moter|o| |n 3ovoge vor|os. ^||en vs. |reootor ore or|g|no| , wr|tten by Jomes
ou|ohon, Lopyr|ght 2003. 1h|s |s o tree proouot ono | see| no prot|t, other thon to ||o| some bug oss. |'ve oone os muoh os o oonsumer oon oo to
support both the ^v| ono 3ovoge vor|os oouses, ono wou|o |ove noth|ng more thon to see them suooeeo. 1he |ost th|ng |'m go|ng to oo |s try to r|p
them ott.

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