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In Gods image? Do you think that human beings are typical organisms?

According to a study done by National Geographic, The world's most typical human being is a 28-year-old Han Chinese man who speaks Mandarin and owns a cell phone, the New York Post reports. However he won't be typical for long. By 2030, the most typical person in the world will be from India".1 Are humans really biologically and socially different from the rest of the created world? Are there definitive characteristics that separate humans from other forms of life, or are humans simply an improvement on the body plans of other animals, the result of random processes that have occurred over millions of years? Science tells us that we evolved from apes and through this evolutionary process we became what we are today. Religion tells us that we were made in the image and likeness of God. But which is it, evolution or religion? In most biological respects, humans are like other living organisms. For instance, they are made up of cells like those of other animals, have much the same chemical composition, have organ systems and physical characteristics like many others, reproduce in a similar way, carry the same kind of genetic information system, and are part of a food web. However, in my opinion, we are not typical by and standard and cannot be compared to any other species. I think that the most important thing separating humans from other creatures is the structure and sheer power of our brain which has been the most potent force in the evolution of human beings. Even though we are similar in many ways to other species, we are unique among the earth's life forms in our ability to use language and thought. Using our brain, we are able to think, imagine, create, and learn from experience that far exceeds that of any other species. We have used this ability to create technologies and other monumental marvels on a vast scale, and to develop a scientific understanding of ourselves and the world.

http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/world/national-geographic-reveals-the-worlds-most-typical-humanbeing/story-e6frf7lf-1226016161591. Accessed October 23, 2011

Our consciousness also, is what makes us human. The connections we have to others, and the sense of our own individuality as entities to be explored ourselves is ingrained . Wes are creative and our ability to think of new ways of doing things- from the cavemans ingenious stone tools to the wheel to the Internet to quantum physics, we continually seek to improve ourselves and to remain the dominant species in the world. We are also have a profound curiosity about ourselves: How are we put together physically? How were we formed? How do we relate biologically to other life forms and to our ancestors? How are we as individuals like or unlike other humans? How can we stay healthy? Much of the scientific endeavour focuses on such questions, which we as humans constantly seek to answer. When we begin to think about the fantastic and wondrous abilities of the human being we cannot help but be in awe of ourselves. When we think, first of all as Christians, what our bodies are capable of and secondly, as evolutionists how far we have come, we cannot help but marvel at the discovery, invention, evolutionary process, the image of God that is the Human Being, we cannot in any way shape or form be typical.

https://www.georgiehoon.multiply.com. "Ida" - The Missing Link in Human Evolution. Picture accessed on October 24, 2011


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