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Plane Waves

Plane Electromagnetic Waves Plane waves in lossless media Plane waves in lossy media Group velocity Flow of electromagnetic power Poynting vector Incidence at conducting boundary Incidence at dielectric boundary Incidence at multiple dielectric interfaces

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


Plane Waves

Energy Transmission
Energy stored in the static electric and magnetic fields. Electromagnetic waves carry with the electromagnetic power. Energy is transported through space (media) to distant receiving points by electromagnetic waves.

1 2E E 2 =0 2 c t

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


Plane Waves

Maxwells Equation
Differential Form E = B t Integral Form Significance Faraday's Law Ampere's Circuital Law Gauss' s Law No Isolated Magnetic charge

E dl =

d dt

D H = J + t D = B = 0

D H dl = I + t ds c S

D ds = Q

B ds = 0

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


Plane Waves

For a source free medium, EM relations:

H E = t E = 0

E H = t H = 0
1 2E 2 E 2 2 = 0 c t 1 2H 2 H 2 =0 2 c t

( H ) 2E E = = 2 t t E = ( E ) 2 E = 2 E 2E 2 E 2 = 0 t 1 2E if c = 1 / 2 E 2 2 = 0 c t
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


Plane Waves

Time-Harmonic Fields
Arbitrary periodic time functions can be expanded into Fourier series of harmonic sinusoidal components; and transient nonperiodic functions can be expressed as Fourier Integral Maxwells equations are linear differential equations, sinusoidal time variations of source functions of a given frequency will produce sinusoidal variations of E and H with the same frequency in the steady state. Thus, for source functions with an arbitrary time dependence, electrodynamics fields can be source functions.

E ( x, y, z , t ) = Re[ E ( x, y, z )e jt ] E = jH H = jE E = H = 0
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004

= 0(source free)


Plane Waves

Source-Free Fields
For free-space (simple, non-conducting source-free medium), Helmholtzs equation

r r 2 E + ko E = 0

r r 2 H + ko H = 0

where free-space wavenumber

k o = o o =
ko =

where c =

o o

3 10 8 ( m / sec)

o =

2 ko

In Cartesian coordinates, each field component follows this equation. Consider the E field component in the x direction.

2Ex 2 2 2 2 2 ( 2 + 2 + 2 + k o ) E x ( x , y , z ) = 0 uniform plane wave + ko E x = 0 E x ( x, y , z ) = E x ( z ) x y z z 2

Consider uniform plane wave with z-dependence
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 6


Plane Waves

Plane Waves in Lossless Media

Solutions of wave equation are traveling waves (unique solution).
+ E x ( z ) = E x ( z ) + E x ( z )

= Eo+ e jko z + Eo e + jko z

+z direction -z direction

Constants are determined by B.C. Instantaneous fields

E x+ ( z , t ) = Eo+ cos(t ko z )

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


Plane Waves

Traveling Waves
At successive times the curve effectively travels in the positive z direction. For a point of a particular phase (fixed phase),

t ko z = const
Phase velocity in free space the velocity of propagation of an equi-phase front.

dz up = = = dt ko

o o


C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


Plane Waves

Magnetic Field
Associated magnetic field can be determined by curl E.
Consider only Ex component exists.

ax E = 0
+ Ex ( z)

ay 0 0

az + + = j o (a x H x + a y H y + a z H z+ ) z 0

+ k 1 E x ( z ) 1 1 + Hy = = ( Eo+ e jko z ) = o Eo+ e jko z = E x+ j o z j o z o o


H y ( z) =

E x ( z )

Intrinsic impedance for free-space. (real number)

o =


o = 120 377 () o

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


Plane Waves

Example 8-1
Uniform plane wave propagates in a lossless simple medium in the +zdirection.
Write the instantaneous expression for E for any t and z. Write the instantaneous expression for H. Determine the locations where Ex is a positive maximum when t=10^-8(s)

r E = ax Ex

r = 4, r = 1, = 0
f = 100MHz , E x ,max = 10 4 (V / m) at t = 10 -8 & z =
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004

1 8


Plane Waves

Example 8-1 (cont)

wavenumber and wavelength.

k o = =

2 3 = (m) k 2

2 10 8 r r = 3 10 8


4 ( rad / m ) 3

Expression for E field.

r E = a x E x = a x 10 4 cos(t kz + )

1 k maximum @ 2 10 0 k + = 0 = = (rad ) 8 8 6 r 4 x 10 4 cos(2 108 t E=a z+ ) 3 6 4 1 ( z )] = a x 10 4 cos[2 108 t 3 8

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 11


Plane Waves

Example 8-1 (cont)

Expression for H field.

r Ey H ( z, t ) = a y H y = a y

o = 60 () r

10 4 4 1 = ax cos[2 108 t ( z )] 60 3 8
At t=10^-8 (sec)

maximum of cosine function occurs at


4 1 2 10 (t = 10 ) ( z ) = 2n 3 8 13 3 13 z = n = n n = 0,1,2 K 8 2 8
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 12


Plane Waves

Transverse Electromagnetic Waves

A transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave is a wave for which the electric and magnetic field vectors lie in a plane which is transverse or perpendicular to r r jkz the axis of propagation.

E ( z ) = Eo e

Phasor expression for a general form.

r r jk x jk y y jk z E ( x , y , z ) = Eo e x e e z

r r 2 E+k E =0 r 2 2 2 2 ( 2 + 2 + 2 + k ) E ( x, y , z ) = 0 x y z

r H

r E

2 where k x2 + k y + k z2 = 2 = k 2

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Constant Phase Plane

Define wavenumber vector.

r k = a x k x + a y k y + a z k z = kan r R = ax x + a y y + az z
r r r r r jkr R r jka R n E ( R ) = Eo e = Eo e

Constant phase plane.

r r r k R = kan R = constant

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Characteristic of Plane-wave Solution

r r In charge-free region, E = 0 E (e jk R ) = 0 o

(e jk R ) = (a x

jk y + ay + a z )(e jk x x e y e jk z z ) x y z
jk y y jk z z

= j (a x k x + a y k y + a z k z )e jk x x e = jkan e jk R
r r jk R Eo ( jkan e ) = 0 Eo a n = 0

E field is transverse to the direction of propagation.

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

TEM Waves
Uniform plane wave is a TEM wave with E and H field perpendicular to each other. Express H field in terms of E field.

r r r r r r 1 1 H ( R) = E ( R ) = an E ( R ) j
Express E field in terms of H field.
r r r r jkr R H ( R) = H o e

r r r r jka R 1 n H ( R ) = ( a n Eo ) e

r r r r r r 1 E ( R) = H ( R) = an H ( R) j
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 16


Plane Waves

The polarization of a uniform plane wave describes the time-varying behavior of the electric field intensity vector at a given point in space. Linear polarization.
Field is fixed in one direction (in space quadrature, but in time phase).

Circular polarization.
Superposition of two linearly polarized waves (both in space and time quadrature).

General expression. r time harmonic field

E ( z ) = a x E1 ( z ) + a y E2 ( z ) = a x E10 e jkz a y jE20 e jkz (*assume E2(z) leads E1(z)by 90 0 r E ( z , t ) = Re{[a x E1 ( z ) + a y E2 ( z )]e jt }

instantaneous field

= a x E10 cos(t kz ) + a y E20 cos(t kz ) 2

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 17


Plane Waves

Circular Polarization
Observe field at z=0.

r E (0, t ) = a x E1 (0, t ) + a y E2 (0, t ) = a x E10 cos(t ) + a y E20 sin(t )

angular velocity

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Circular Polarization (cont)

Right-hand (positive circularly polarized wave)
Finger of the right hand follow the direction of the rotation of E, the thumb points to the direction of wave propagation. Counterclockwise direction. r

E ( z ) = a x E1 ( z ) + a y E2 ( z )

= a x E10 e jkz a y jE20 e jkz

Left-hand (negative circularly polarized wave)
Clockwise direction.

r E ( z ) = a x E1 ( z ) + a y E2 ( z ) = a x E10 e jkz + a y jE20 e jkz

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Linear Polarization
If E2(z) and E1(z) are in space quadrature, but in time phase.

r E (0, t ) = (a x E10 + a y E20 ) cos t

General expression.

r E ( z , t ) = a x E10 cos(t kz ) + a y E20 cos(t kz )

Note: the reception of transmitted signal must be coincident with the polarization.

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Example 8-3
Decomposition of linearly polarized plane wave into a right-hand circularly polarized wave and a left-hand circularly polarized wave of equal amplitude.

r E ( z ) = a x E0 e jkz = E0 E (a x ja y )e jkz + 0 (a x + ja y )e jkz 2 2

left-hand circular polarization

right-hand circular polarization

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Plane Waves in Lossy Media

In a source-free lossy medium, the homogeneous vector Helmholtzs equation:

2 E + kc E = 0

kc =

c = ( ' j " ) =

1+ j

Define propagation constant

= jk c = j c " = j ' 1 j = j 1 + ' j = + j phase constant

attenuation constant
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 22


Plane Waves

Low-Loss Dielectrics
Low-loss dielectric is a good but imperfect insulator with a nonzero equivalent conductivity.

= + j j '[1 j "

(Np/m) 2 ' 1 " 2 '[1 + ( ) ] (rad/m) 8 ' " 1 / 2 " c = (1 j ) (1 + j ) ' ' ' 2 '

" 1 " 2 + ( ) ] 2 ' 8 '

complex impedance implies E and H fields are not in time phase.

1 1 " 2 up = [1 ( ' ) ] ' 8

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Good Conductors
A good conductor is a medium for which
>> 1

= j 1 +
= = f

j j

= j

j =

1+ j 2

c =

= (1 + j )

f = (1 + j )

magnetic field intensity lags behind the electric field intensity by 45 deg.

2 up =
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 24


Plane Waves

Skin Depth
At very high frequencies the attenuation constant tends to be very large for a good conductor. The amplitude of a wave will be attenuated by the factor z

The distance through which the amplitude of a traveling plane wave 1 decreases by a factor of e , or 0.368, is called the skin depth, or the depth of penetration of a conductor. conductor

1 f



penetration depth


C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Skin Depth of Various Materials

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Current Distribution
At high frequencies, electric current distribution is no longer uniform due to the effect of skin depth. Cross-sectional view of a good conductor.

high frequency

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Ionized Gases
Gases become ionized due to high energy excitation, e.g., ionosphere. The electron and ion densities in the individual ionized layers of the ionosphere are essentially equal called plasmas. When electromagnetic waves passing through the ionosphere, the electrons are accelerated by the electric fields more than positive ions. Assume the intensity of plasmas is low and ignore the collisions between the electrons and the gas atoms.

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Ionized Gases
An electron of charge e and mass m in a time-harmonic electric field E in the x-direction at an angular frequency experiences a force eE.

Such a displacement gives rise to an electric dipole moment:

d 2x e eE = m 2 = m 2 x x = E 2 dt m

Ne 2 D = 0 E + P = 0 (1 )E 2 m 0

p = ex

p = 0 (1 2 ) E ( p =

p is called plasma angular frequency

Ne 2 ) m 0

p 1 fp = = 2 2

Ne 2 m 0

2 fp p2 p = 0 (1 2 ) = 0 (1 2 ) f

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Ionized Medium
Consider wave propagation in an ionized medium:

= o 1 ( f p / f ) 2 =
At =p, =0.

1 ( p / ) 2

no propagation.

At =p, propagation is possible.

c up = = c 2 1 ( p / )
ug = 1 = c 1 ( p / ) 2 c d / d

u p ug = c2

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Wave Velocity
Phase velocity is defined as the velocity of propagation of an equi-phase wavefront. Group velocity is defined as the velocity propagation of the wave-packet envelope.

ug =

1 d / d

up =

1 = /

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Time-Harmonic Traveling Waves

Consider a wave packet that consists of two traveling waves having equal amplitude and slightly different angular frequencies.

E ( z , t ) = Eo cos[(o + )t ( o + ) z ] + Eo cos[(o )t ( o ) z ] = 2 Eo cos(t z ) cos(ot o z )

amplitude of slow variation with an angular frequency Phase velocity: u p =

dz = = dt k

ug = dz 1 = = dt /

1 d / d

Group velocity: t z = const. u g =

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

For plane waves in a lossless medium, phase constant is a linear function of . As a consequence, phase velocity is a constant. In general, phase constant is not a linear function of . Dispersion: waves of the component frequencies travel with different phase velocities, causing a distortion in the signal wave shape.

Fast wave region

Slow wave region

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Ionized Medium
Consider wave propagation in an ionized medium:

= o 1 ( f p / f ) 2 =
At =p, =0.

1 ( p / ) 2

no propagation.

At =p, propagation is possible.

c up = = c 2 1 ( p / )
ug = 1 = c 1 ( p / ) 2 c d / d

u p ug = c2

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

General Relation
General relation between the group and the phase velocities.

d d 1 du p = ( )= 2 d d u p u p u p d

ug =


du p 1 u p d
du p d =0

Three possible cases: No dispersion (independent of frequency) Normal dispersion Anomalous dispersion

ug = u p

du p d du p d

<0 >0

ug < u p

ug > u p

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


Plane Waves

Flow of Electromagnetic Power

Relation between the rate of energy transfer and the electric and magnetic field intensities associated with a traveling electromagnetic wave. r r

r r r r r r r r r B r r r D ( E H ) = H ( E ) E ( H ) = H EJ E t t
In a simple medium,

r B E = t

r r D H = J + t

r r r r r B r ( H ) 1 ( H H ) 1 H =H = = ( H 2 ) t t 2 t t 2 r r r D r (E ) 1 2 E = E = ( E ) t t t 2 r r E J = E 2

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


Plane Waves

Flow of Electromagnetic Power

r r r r r B r r r D EJ E (E H ) = H t t 1 2 1 = ( E + H 2 ) E 2 t 2 2
The integral form

r r r 1 1 ( E H ) ds = ( E 2 + H 2 )dv E 2 dv S V t V 2 2
Time-rate of change of the energy stored in the electric and magnetic fields. rate of decrease of the electric and magnetic energies stored The Ohmic power dissipated in the volume

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Poynting Vector
To be consistent with the law of conservation of energy, the LHS must equal to the power leaving the volume through the surface. Poynting vector is defined to represent the power flow per unit area (leaving the enclosed volume) r r r in the direction normal = E H (W/m 2 ) to both E and H Poyntings theorem

r r P ds = ( we + wm )dv + P dv S V t V
this term vanishes in a static situation
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004

this term vanishes if the region of concern is loseless



Plane Waves

Example 8-7
Find the Poynting vector on the surface of a long, straight conducting wire (of radius b and conductivity ) that carries a direct current I. DC situation; uniform current distribution over the cross-sectional area.

r I J = az 2 b

r r J E = = az

r I I H = a 2 b 2b

on the surface

r r r = E H = ar

I2 2 2b 3
I2 2 2b l ) = I 2R b 2

To verify Poynting theorem.

r r r P ds = P ar ds =

2bl = I 2 ( 3

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


Plane Waves

Where the previous equation, the resistance of a straight wire, R=l/S, has been used. The above result affirms that the negative surface integral of the Poynting vector is exactly equal to the I2R ohmic power loss in the conducting wire.

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Instantaneous Power Densities

Care with nonlinear operations on phasor expressions.

r r E ( z , t ) = Re[ E ( z )e jt ] = a x Eo cos(t z ) r r E H ( z , t ) = Re[ H ( z )e jt ] = a y o e z cos(t z ) | |


r r r r jt jt Re[ E ( z )e ] Re[ H ( z )e ] Re[ E ( z ) H ( z )e jt ]

Instantaneous power density.

r r r r r j t P( z , t ) = E ( z , t ) H ( z , t ) = Re[ E ( z )e ] Re[ H ( z )e jt ]

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Instantaneous Power Densities

Power density vector.

r r r jt P ( z , t ) = Re[ E ( z )e ] Re[ H ( z )e jt ] = az = az
On the other hand.


e 2z cos(t z ) cos(t z ) e 2z [cos + cos(2t 2 z )]


not the same!

r r Eo2 2z Re[ E ( z ) H ( z )e jt ] = a z e cos(t z )

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Average Power Densities

As far as the power transmitted by an electromagnetic wave is concerned, the average value is a more significant quantity than the instantaneous value.

r 1 Pav ( z ) = T

r Eo2 2z P( z , t )dt = a z e cos 2

Make use of this identity.

1 1 1 * * Re[ A] Re[ B ] = ( A + A ) ( B + B ) = Re[ A B * + A B] 2 2 2

r 1 Pav ( z ) = T
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004

r r r jt P( z , t ) = Re[ E ( z )e ] Re[ H ( z )e jt ] r r* r r 1 = Re[ E ( z ) H ( z ) + E ( z ) H ( z )e j 2t ] 2

r r r* 1 P( z, t )dt = Re[ E ( z ) H ( z )] 2



Plane Waves

Bounded Region
In practice, waves propagate in bounded regions where several media with different constitutive parameters are present. When an electromagnetic wave traveling in one medium impinges on another medium with a different intrinsic impedance, it experiences a reflection. Two cases will be considered:
normal incidence oblique incidence.

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004

(perfect conductor)


Plane Waves

Normal Incidence
Assume the phasors of the incident fields inside medium 1.

Ei ( z ) = a x Eio e j1z H i ( z) = ay Eio

j1 z

take z=0 Eio is the magnitude of field intensity @ z=0.

Pi ( z ) = Ei ( z ) H i ( z )
Inside medium 2 (PEC), both electric and magnetic fields vanish. is transmitted across the boundary into the z>0 region. no wave

The incident wave is reflected, giving rise to a reflected wave (Er, Hr).

Er ( z ) = a x Ero e + j1 z
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 45


Plane Waves

Normal Incidence
The total field in medium 1.

E1 ( z ) = Ei ( z ) + Er ( z ) = a x ( Eio e j1 z + Ero e + j1 z )
Boundary condition (continuity of the tangential components) at z=0 demands that

E1 (0) = a x ( Eio + Ero ) = E2 (0) = 0 Ero = Eio

E1 ( z ) = a x Eio (e j1z e + j1z ) = a x j 2 Eio sin 1 z

The magnetic field intensity Hr of the reflected wave is related to Er:

H r ( z) = = 1

anr Er ( z ) =
j1 z

a z Er ( z ) e j1z

a y Er 0 e

= ay

Ei 0

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


Plane Waves

H1 ( z ) = H i ( z ) + H r ( z ) = a y 2

Ei 0

cos 1 z

No average power is associated with the total eletromagnetic wave in medium 1, since are E1(z) in H1(z) phase quadrature. Instantaneous electric and magnetic field intensities:

E1 ( z , t ) = Re E1 ( z )e jt = a x 2 Eio sin 1 z sin t E jt x 2 io cos 1 z cos t H1 ( z , t ) = Re H1 ( z )e =a

( (

While 1z = -n , or z = -n n = 0,1,2,...........

, zero of E1 ( z , t ) maxi. of H1 ( z , t )

While 1z = -(2n + 1) , or z = -(2n + 1) n = 0,1,2,............

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004

, 4 maxi. of E1 ( z , t ), zero of H1 ( z , t )


Plane Waves

Standing Wave

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Oblique Incidence at a Plane Conducting Boundary

Perpendicular polarization, Ei is perpendicular to the plane of incidence. (i, angle of incidence).

ani = a x sin i + a z cos i

Ei ( x, z ) = a y Ei 0 e j1ani R = a y Ei 0 e j1 ( x sini + z cosi ) H i ( x, z ) = = Ei 0 1

[ani Ei ( x, z )]
1 i i

[ ax cos i + az sin i ]e j ( x sin + z cos )

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

For the reflected wave:

anr = a x sin r a z cos r where r is the angle of reflection.

Er ( x, z ) = a y Er 0 e j1 ( x sin r z cos r ) at z = 0 : E1 ( x,0) = Ei ( x,0) + Er ( x,0) = a y ( Ei 0 e j1 x sin i + Er 0 e j1 x sin r ) = 0 Ei 0 = Er 0 and i = r
Snells law of reflection: the angle of reflection equals to the angle of incidence.

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Er ( x, z ) = a y Ei 0 e j1 ( x sin i z cos i )
H r ( x, z ) = = Ei 0 1

[anr Er ( x, z )]
1 i i

[ ax cos i az sin i ]e j ( x sin z cos )

H1 ( x, z ) = 2
j1 x sin i

E1 ( x, z ) = Ei ( x, z ) + Er ( x, z ) = a y Ei 0 (e
j1 z cos i

Ei 0

j1 z cos i


[a x cos i

= a y j 2 Ei 0 sin( 1 z cos i )e j1 x sin i

cos( 1 z cos i )e j1x sin i + a z j sin i sin( 1 z cos i )e j1x sini ]

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Along the z-direction, E1y and H1x maintain standing wave patterns. No average power is propagated. Along the x-direction, E1y and H1z are in both time and space phase and propagate with a phase velocity. u u1x = = = 1 1x 1 sin i sin i 2 1x = = 1 1x sin i The propagating wave in x-direction is a nonuniform plane wave because its amplitude varies with x. When

1 z cos i =

z cos i = m ,

m = 1,2,3.....................
E1=0 for all x since

sin( 1 z cos i ) = 0

A transverse electric (TE) wave (E1x=0) would bounce back and forth between the conducting planes and propagate in the x-direction.

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

OA' =


OA = b =

2 cos i

1 1

The traveling wave in the parallel - waveguide has a guide wavelength equal to 2OA " : OA' = 1 > 1 sin i sin i

g = 2OA" = 2

i = 0, no wave propagating along x axis

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

H-Polarization Incidence

Ei ( x, z ) = Ei 0 [a x cos i a z sin i ]e j1 ( x sin i + z cos i ) H i ( x, z ) = a y Ei 0

Incidence wave

e j1 ( x sin i + z cosi )

Er ( x, z ) = Er 0 [a x cos r + a z sin r ]e j1 ( x sin i z cos i ) H r ( x, z ) = a y

at z = 0 :

Reflective wave

Er 0

e j1 ( x sin r z cos r )

Eix ( x,0) + Erx ( x,0) = 0 ( Ei 0 cos i )e j1x sin i + ( Er 0 cos r )e j1x sin r = 0 Ei 0 = Er 0 and i = r
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 54


Plane Waves

E1 ( x, z ) = Ei ( x, z ) + Er ( x, z ) = a x Ei 0 cos i (e j1 z cos i e j1z cos i )e j1x sini a z Ei 0 sin i (e j1z cos i e j1z cosi )e j1 x sin i = 2 Ei 0 [a x j cos i sin( 1 z cos i ) + a z sin i cos( 1 z cos i )]e j1 x sin i H 1 ( x, z ) = H i ( x, z ) + H r ( x, z ) = ay 2 Ei 0 cos( 1 z cos i )e j1x sin i

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Along the z-direction, E1x and H1y maintain standing wave patterns. No average power is propagated. Along the x-direction, E1z and H1y are in both time and space phase and propagate with a phase velocity. u u1x = = = 1 1x 1 sin i sin i 2 1x = = 1 1x sin i The propagating wave in x-direction is a nonuniform plane wave because its amplitude varies with x. When 2

1 z cos i =

z cos i = m ,

m = 1,2,3.....................
E1x=0 for all x since

sin( 1 z cos i ) = 0

A transverse magnetic (TM) wave (H1x=0) would bounce back and forth between the conducting planes and propagate in the x-direction.

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Normal Incidence at Plane Dielectric Boundary

Incidence Wave

Ei ( z ) = a x Eio e j1z H i ( z) = a y


Reflective Wave

e j1z

Er ( z ) = a x Ero e j1z H r ( z ) = a z

Er ( z )

= a y


e j1z

Transmitted Wave

Er ( z ) = a x Eto e j 2 z H t ( z ) = az
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004

Et ( z )

= ay


e j 2 z , Eto = Et ( z = 0)


Plane Waves

B.C. :Tangential components of the electric and magnetic field intensities must be continuous:

Ei (0) + Er (0) = Et (0) Ei 0 + Er 0 = Et 0

H i (0) + H r (0) = H t (0) ( Ei 0 + Er 0 ) = 1 2 2 1 Er 0 = Ei 0 2 + 1 1 Et 0

2 2 Et 0 = Ei 0 2 + 1

Transmission coefficient =

Et 0 2 2 = Ei 0 2 + 1

Er 0 2 1 Reflection coefficient = = Ei 0 2 + 1
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004

+1 =



Plane Waves

and may themselves be complex in the general case. A complex or simply means that a phase shift is introduced at the interface upon reflection or transmission: Example: if medium 2 is a perfect conductor, 2=0. Then, =-1 and =0. Thus, Er0=-Ei0., and Et0=0. The incident wave will be totally reflected, and a standing wave will be produced in medium 1. If medium 2 is not a perfect conductor, partial reflection will result.

E1 ( z ) = Ei ( z ) + Er ( z ) = a x Ei 0 (e j1z + e j1z ) = a x Ei 0 [(1 + )e j1 z + (e j1z e j1z )] = a x Ei 0 [e j1 z + ( j 2 sin 1 z )]

Ei 0 : traveling wave
2 Ei 0 : standing wave
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 59


Plane Waves
j1 z

E1 ( z ) = a x Ei 0 e

(1 + e

2 j1 z

H1 ( z ) = a y

Ei 0

>0, (2 > 1):

e j1 z (1 e 2 j1z )

The maximum value of E1(z) is Ei0(1+) occurs when 21zmax=-2n (n=0,1,2,3) zmax= -n/ 1=-n1/2, n=0,1,2,3 The minimum value of E1(z) is Ei0(1-) occurs when 21zmin=-(2n+1) (n=0,1,2,3) zmax= -(2n+1)/ 21=-(2n+1)1/4, n=0,1,2,3 The maximum value of E1(z) is Ei0(1-) occurs when 21zmax=(2n+1) (n=0,1,2,3) zmax=-(2n+1)/ 21=-(2n+1)1/4, n=0,1,2,3 The minimum value of E1(z) is Ei0(1+) occurs when 21zmin=-2n (n=0,1,2,3) zmax= -n/ 1=-n1/2, n=0,1,2,3

<0, (2 < 1):

In a dissipationless medium, is real; and H1(z) will be a minimum at locations where E1(z) is a maximum, and vice versa. In medium 2:

E2 ( z ) = a xEi 0 e
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004

j 2 z

, H 2 ( z) = a y Ei 0 e j z 2



Plane Waves

Standing Wave Ratio

Definition: the ratio of the maximum value to the minimum value of the electric field intensity of a standing wave.


Emax Emin

1+ 1

While the value of ranges from 1 to +1, the value of S ranges from 1 to . The standing wave ratio in decibels is 20 log10 S.
S=220log102=6.02 dB. =1/3 SWR:2dB S=1.26, =0.015

S 1 S +1

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Normal Incidence at Multiple Dielectric Interfaces

X-polarized incident field:

E1 = a x ( Ei 0 e j1 z + Er 0 e j1 z )
The reflected field in medium 1:
The field reflected from the interface at z=0 as the incident wave impinges on it The field transmitted back to medium 1 from medium 2 after a first reflection from the interface at z=d The field transmitted back into medium 1 from medium 2 after a second reflection at z=d And so on How to determine it?

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Er0 can be solved base the following procedure:

Write down the electric and magnetic field intensity vectors in all three regions Apply the B.C. to solve the equations.

E1 = a x ( Ei 0 e j1 z + Er 0 e j1 z ) 1 H1 = a y ( Ei 0 e j1 z Er 0 e j1 z )

BC.s (tangential component continuous) At z = 0, E1 (0) = E2 (0) H 1 ( 0) = H 2 ( 0) At z = d, E2 (d ) = E3 (d ) H 2 (d ) = H 3 (d )

E2 = a x ( E2 e H 2 = ay 1

+ j 2 z +

+ E2 e

j 2 z


( E2 e j 2 z E2 e j 2 z )

E3 = a x E3 e j 3 z H 2 = ay 1

E3 e j 3 z

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Wave Impedance of The Total Field

Wave Impedance of the total field: the ratio of the total electric field intensity to the total magnetic field intensity at any plane parallel to the plane boundary. For instance, a z-dependent uniform plane wave as shown in the previous figure, we write, in general:

Total E x ( z ) Z ( z) = Total H y ( z )
For previous case (normal incidence)

E1x ( z ) Ei 0 (e j1 z + e j1z ) = Z1 ( z ) = H1 y ( z ) Ei 0 (e j1z e j1z )

e j1z + e j1 z = 1 j1 z e e j1z
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 64


Plane Waves

Z = l

2 cos 1l + j1 sin 1l E1x (l ) e j1l + e j1l Z1 (l ) = = 1 j1l = 1 j1l 1 cos 1l + j 2 sin 1l H1 y (l ) e e 2 1 = 2 + 2

Which correctly reduces to 1 when 2=1. In that case there is no discontinuity at z=0; hence there is no reflected wave and the total-field wave importance is the same as the intrinsic impedance of the medium. If the plane boundary is perfectly conducting, 2 =0 and =-1, and

Z1 (l ) = j1 tan 1l
Which is the same as the input impedance of a transmission line of length l that has a characteristic impedance 1 and terminates in a short circuit.

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Impedance Transformation with Multiple Dielectrics

The total field in medium 2 is the result of multiple reflections of the two boundary planes at z=0 and z=d; but it can be grouped into a wave traveling in the +z direction and another traveling in the z direction. The wave impedance of the total field in medium 2 at the left-hand interface z=0 can be found from the right side by replacing 2 by 3 , 1 by 2 , 1 by 2 , and l by d. thus,

Z 2 (0) = 2

3 cos 2 d + j 2 sin 2 d 2 cos 2 d + j3 sin 2 d

The effective reflection coefficient at z=0 for the incident wave in medium 1 is

0 =

Er 0 H Z (0) 1 = r0 = 2 Ei 0 H i 0 Z 2 (0) + 1

0 differs from only in that has been replaced by Z2(0)

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

A dielectric layer of thickness d and intrinsic impedance 2 is placed between media 1 and 3 having intrinsic impedances 1 and 3 , respectively. Determine d and 2 such that no reflection occurs when a uniform plane wave in medium 1 impinges normally on the interface with medium2. Sol:

z = 0, 0 = 0, or Z 2 (0) = 1

2 (3 cos 2 d + j 2 sin 2 d ) = 1 ( 2 cos 2 d + j3 sin 2 d ) 3 cos 2 d = 1 cos 2 d

and 2 sin 2 d = 13 sin 2 d

3 = 1 or cos 2 d = 0 2 d = (2n + 1) n = 0,1,2,3......

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 67

or d = (2n + 1)



Plane Waves

On the other hand, 2 sin 2 d = 13 sin 2 d


2 = 3 = 1 or sin 2 d = 0 2 d = n or d = n n = 0,1,2,3......
When 1= 3 , we require d=n2/2, n=0,1,2. That the thickness of the dielectric layer be a multiple of a half-wavelength in the dielectric at the operating frequency. Such a dielectric layer is referred to as a half-wave dielectric windows. Since 2 =up2/f=1/f, where f is the operating frequency, a half-wave dielectric window is a narrow-band device. When 1 3 . We require 2 = 1 3, and d=(2n+1)2/4, n=0,1,2. When media 1 and 3 are different, 2 should be the geometric mean of 1 and 3 , and d should be an odd multiple of a quarter wavelength in the dielectric layer operating frequency in order to eliminate reflection. Under these conditions the dielectric layer acts like a quarter-wave impedance transformer.


C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Oblique Incidence at a Plane Dielectric Boundary

Line AO, O' A' , O' B are the intersecti on of the wavefronts (surface of constant phase) of the incident, reflected, and transmitt ed wave, respective ly, with the plane of incidence. Since both the incident and the reflected waves propagate in medium 1 with the same phase velocity u p1 , OA' = AO ' OO' sin r = OO ' sin i r = i The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence, which is Snell' s law of reflection .
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 69


Plane Waves

In medium 2 : OB AO ' OB OO ' sin t u p 2 = = = u p 2 u p1 AO ' OO ' sin i u p1 sin t u p 2 1 n1 = = = sin i u p1 2 n2 where n1and n2 are the indices of refraction for media 1 and 2
Snells law of refraction: at an interface between two dielectric media, the ratio of the sine of the angle of refraction (transmission) in medium2 to the sine of the angle of incidence in medium1 is equal to the inverse ratio of indices of refraction n1/n2. In medium 2 :

For nonmagneti c media, 1 = 2 = 0 sin t 1 r1 n1 1 = = = = sin i 2 r 2 n2 2

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 70


Plane Waves

Total Reflection
Setting : t =

sin c =

2 1

c : incidence angle (which corresponding to the threshold of total reflection : t = ) is called the critical angle. c = sin 1
? If i > c sin t =
2 2 n = sin 1 ( 2 ) 1 n1

1 sin i > 1 2 1 2 sin i 1 2


cos t = 1 sin 2 t = j

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


Plane Waves

In medium 2, the unit vector ant ant = a x sin t + a z cos t , Both Et and H t vary spatially e -j2ant R = e -j2 ( x sin t + z cost ) For i > c e 2 ze j 2 x x , 2 = 2

1 2 sin i 1, 2 x = 2 1 sin i 2 2

The positive sign has been abandoned because it would lead to the impossible result of an increasing field as z increase. For i> c an evanescent wave exists along the interface (in the x-direction), which is attenuated exponentially in medium 2 in the normal direction (zdirection). This wave is tightly bound to the interface and is called a surface wave. Obviously, it is a nonuniform plane wave. No power is transmitted into medium 2 under these conditions.

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

The permittivity of water at optical frequencies is 1.750. It is found that an isotropic light source at a distance d under water yields an illuminated circular area of a radius 5 m. Determine d.

The refractive index of water nw = 1.75 = 1.32 The radius of illuminated area, O'P = 5m

c = sin 1 (
Thus, d =

1 1 ) = sin 1 ( ) = 49.2o nw 1.32 O'P 5 = = 4.32m tan c tan 49.2o

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

A dielectric rod or fiber of a transparent material can be used to guide light or an electromagnetic wave under the conditions of total internal reflection. Determine the minimum dielectric constant of the guiding medium so that a wave incident on one end at any angle will be confined within the rod until it emerges from the other end.

sin 1 sin c ,

1 =

t cos t sin c , 1

sin t =


sin i 1


sin 2 i

1 r0 = r1 r1

which requires : r1 1 + sin 2 i the dielectric constant of the guiding medium to be at least 2 n1 = 2 glass and quartz can be satisfied.
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 74


Plane Waves

Perpendicular Polarization
Incidence wave

Ei ( x, z ) = a y Ei 0 e j1 ( x sin i + z cos i ) H i ( x, z ) =

Ei 0

(a x cos i + a z sin i )e j1 ( x sini + z cosi )

Reflective wave

Er ( x, z ) = a y Er 0 e j1 ( x sin r z cos r ) H r ( x, z ) =

Er 0

(a x cos r + a z sin r )e j1 ( x sin r z cos r )

Transmitted wave

Et ( x, z ) = a y Et 0 e j 2 ( x sin r + z cos r ) H t ( x, z ) = Et 0

(a x cos t + a z sin t )e j 2 ( x sint + z cos t )


C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


Plane Waves

B.C.: tangential components of E and H be continuous at the boundary z=0

Ei (0) + Er (0) = Et (0) Ei 0 e j1x sin i + Er 0 e j1x sin r = Et 0 e j 2 x sin t

H i (0) + H r (0) = H t (0)

( Ei 0 cos i e j1x sin i + Er 0 cos r e j1x sin r ) =

Et 0 cos t e j 2 x sin t

For all x, all three exponential factors that are functions of x must be equal (phase matching)

1 x sin i = 1 x sin r = 2 x sin t

Snells law of reflection and refraction

i = r
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004

sin t u p 2 1 n1 = = = sin i u p1 2 n2


Plane Waves

Ei (0) + Er (0) = Et (0) and H i (0) + H r (0) = H t (0)

2 2 1 Er 0 2 cos i 1 cos i cos t cos i = = = 2 Ei 0 2 cos i + 1 cos i + 1 cos t cos i =

2 2 cos i 2 2 cos i Et 0 = = 2 Ei 0 2 cos i + 1 cos i + 1 cos t cos i

Ei 0 + Er 0 = Et 0 and

( Ei 0 Er 0 ) cos i =

Et 0 cos t

When i=0, making r= t=0 these expressions reduce to those for normal incidence

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


Plane Waves

1 + =
If medium 2 is a perfect conductor, 2 =0. We have

= 1, Er 0 = Ei 0 , = 0, ( Et 0 = 0)
Now, we inquire whether there is a combination of 1 , 2 and i, which makes = 0 for no reflection. Denoting this particular i by B

2 cos B = 1 sin t
n12 cos t = 1 sin t = 1 2 sin 2 i n2

sin 2 B =

1 1 2 2 1 1 ( 1 2 ) 2

The angle B is called the Brewster angle of no reflection for the case of perpendicular
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004 78


Plane Waves

For nonmagnetic media, 1= 2 = 0 B does not exist. In the case of 1= 2, 1 2 :

sin B =

1 1 + ( 1 2 )

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

Parallel Polarization
Incidence wave

Ei ( x, z ) = Ei 0 (a x cos i a z sin i )e j1 ( x sin i + z cos i ) H i ( x, z ) = a y

Ei 0

e j1 ( x sin i + z cos i )

Reflective wave

Er ( x, z ) = Er 0 (a x cos r + a z sin r )e j1 ( x sin r z cos r ) H r ( x, z ) = a y

Er 0

e j1 ( x sin r z cos r )

Transmitted wave

Et ( x, z ) = Et 0 (a x cos t a z sin t )e j 2 ( x sin r + z cos r ) H t ( x, z ) = a y Et 0

e j 2 ( x sint + z cost )

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


Plane Waves

B.C.: tangential components of E and H be continuous at the boundary z=0, also lead to snells law of reflection and refraction:

Ei (0) + Er (0) = Et (0) and H i (0) + H r (0) = H t (0) ( Ei 0 + Er 0 ) cos i = Et 0 cos t ,

Er 0 2 cos t 1 cos i // = = Ei 0 2 cos t + 1 cos i

( Ei 0 Er 0 ) =

Et 0

// =

Et 0 2 2 cos i = Ei 0 2 cos t + 1 cos i

cos t 1 + // = // cos i
C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

If medium 2 is a perfect conductor, 2 =0. We have

// = 1, // = 0, making the tangential component of the total E field on the surface conductor vanish.

> // for all i except i = 0 Polaroid sunglass.

2 2

Now, we inquire whether there is a combination of 1 , 2 and i, which makes // = 0 for no reflection. Denoting this particular i by B

2 cos t = 1 sin B // 1 2 1 1 2 sin 2 B // = 1 ( 1 2 ) 2 The angle B // is called the Brewster angle of no reflection for the case of parallel

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004



Plane Waves

1= 2

sin B // =

1 1 + ( 1 2 )

B // = tan

2 1 n2 = tan n 1 1

Because of the difference in the formulas for Brewster angles for perpendicular and parallel polarizations, it is possible to separate these two types of polarization in an unpolarized wave.

C-N Kuo, Winter 2004


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