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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Propaganda: Same Intention, Different Countries Class/Subject: CI 401- Introduction to Teaching in Diverse Secondary Schools Date: October 19, 2011

Student Objectives/Student Outcomes 1. Students will understand and define the concept of propaganda through illustrations as examples and class discussions that verifies their understanding about those illustrations. 2. Students will actively participate in free writing about the illustrations in class, and then share with the class the motivations behind the propaganda posters from both the Nazi party and the U.S war effort. 3. Student will conclude and critic the effectiveness of the propaganda posters through altering and remaking a propaganda poster of their own. Content Standards: ILS 18.B.3a Analyze how individuals and groups interact with and within institutions ILS 18.A.3 Explain how language, literature, the arts, architecture and traditions contribute to the development and transmission of culture. Materials/Resources/Technology: Computer/Projector Paper/Writing Utensil

Teachers Goals: Time: 8:00-8:05 : Teacher will project from the computer two propaganda posters and initiate a quick free write about first impressions. To demonstrate the effectiveness of propaganda in the World War II effort in Germany and the U.S. To promote and awareness of propaganda used today.

8:10: Teacher will ask the class to share what students wrote and follow up with a question pertaining to the response, as well as typing in a word document projected on the screen ideas that students wrote. 8:13: While incorporating ideas the students came up with, the teacher will define propaganda in her own terms as the following: The use of media and technology to iterate a position of favor or denial of political, militaristic, or social idea or concept Teacher will ask the following questions in collaborating definitions with the propaganda posters: What position does each poster take? Is it militaristic? political? social? or all? 8:15: Assesments/Check for Understanding Teacher will then show picture of Obamas campaign poster on the projector. Following the showing, the teacher will ask student if this poster is propaganda? If so, what is the message being sent? Is this the same technique or motivation behind the WWII propaganda posters? Additional discussion will occur based on students answers. 8:20 Review Much of the propaganda posters during WWII worked effectively to gain support either towards Americas war effort or the Nazi party and involvement. It is important to understand the effects media can play in persuading a nation to agree/disagree with an idea. It is so important, that it is still used today.

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