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8r|ef b|ography of 8aba Sharaf Udd|n Saharward| nyderabad

Due to the prayer of she|kh Abdu| uader I||an| the founder of Saharward|
cha|n Syed Shabudd|n Saherward| was born and who was the teacher and
master of 8aba Sharfudd|n Saherward|
ne was among the f|rst two great p|ous Suf| Masters who had |anded |n Ind|a
for the preach|ng and propagat|on work of Is|am as per the |nstruct|ons of the
prophet of Is|am 1he deta||s of two great Suf| Master who had f|rst |anded |n
Ind|a for the cause of Is|am are as fo||ows
1 nazrat Su|tan n|nd kha[a Mo|nudd|n Ch|st|
2 nazrat Su|tan of Deccan 8aba Sharaf udd|n
n|s name |s Sharaf udd|n and h|s A|qab (ep|thets ) |s known as Suherward|
n|s date of b|rth and p|ace of b|rth
ne was born on 16
Shaban |n the year S86 An |n Iraq As per h|stor|ca|
records and as per reference from the book of eer Mugan he was |anded |n
Ind|a |n the year 631 An from Iraq d|rect|y and he was reached |n Deccan |n
the year 640 An and he had |eft the wor|d |n the year 687 An As per records
of some other p|ous person he was over forty years o|d at the t|me of h|s arr|va|
|n Ind|a and at the age of 100 years he was d|ed |n nyderabad
As per the above records h|s date of b|rth |s S86 An and h|s age at the t|me
of h|s arr|va| |n Ind|a was 4S years and he was stayed |n Ind|a for the per|od of
n|ne years he was busy |n the propagat|on and preach|ng work of Is|am |n the
Ind|a and then he was proceed to Deccan (South Ind|a) when he was S4 years
o|d and th|s f|gures shows that he was busy |n Deccan ( South Ind|a ) for the
Is|am|c preach|ng and propagat|on work for the per|od of 47 years and at the
age of 101 years he |eft th|s wor|d |n the year 687 An
very year Urs ceremony (death anniversary) |s ce|ebrated on 16th Shaban
and the ceremony of Sandal carrying is held at the Sanda| nouse |n 8a|apur
v|||age near nyderabad and Sanda| ceremony |s taken out from the Sanda|
nouse As per the h|stor|ca| records and trad|t|on |t |s c|ear that he was born
on 16
Shaban |n the year S86 An
Dur|ng h|s ||fe t|me he used to conduct h|s preach|ng meet|ngs on 16

Shaban every year |n wh|ch he was used to teach Is|am|c ru|es and regu|at|ons
and other Is|am|c teach|ngs to the genera| pub||c
n|s educat|on and tra|n|ng
n|s educat|on and tra|n|ng was comp|eted |n the c|ty of 8aghdad I|rst he was
comp|eted h|s uran|c |earn|ng w|th h|s father and then he became the student
of great Suf| Master Syed Shabab udd|n Saherwad| and |earned the fo||ow|ng
from h|m successfu||y
1 1afs|r ( eges|s of the ho|y uran )
2 nad|th (1rad|t|on of the ho|y rophet )
3 I|qah ( Is|am|c |aw)
Due to ||v|ng |n the company of above great Suf| Master for the |onger per|od
he became h|s great famous d|sc|p|e and he had got kh||fat (spiritual
successorship) and due to great endeavors and tra|n|ng |n the company of the
She|kh Syed Shabadudd|n Saherward| he became perfect |n the worsh|p and
|mproved h|s manners at the great |eve| wh|ch resemb|e the manners of h|s
she|kh and h|s great master
n|s conduct and character
ne possessed good manners and attract|ve |anguage s|nce beg|nn|ng so he
was attracted |arge number of peop|e |n the areas of Deccan and h|s |anguage
sty|e he|ped for the preach|ng and propagat|on work of Is|am n|s worsh|p and
endeavors were very great
Dur|ng the who|e n|ght he used to pray the Naf|| (supererogatory) prayers n|s
worsh|p sty|e was very hard and tough as he used to perform the Wazu (
ab|ut|on) w|th co|d water 4 hours before the sunr|se and he used to perform
the 1ah[ud (supererogatory prayers |n the ear|y hours of morn|ng ) prayers
dur|ng the n|ghts w|th great care and attent|on When there w||| be s|gns of
morn|ng then he used to perform the morn|ng prayer Upon f|n|sh of the above
worsh|p he was used to busy |n the fo||ow|ng works
1 Worsh|p
2 k|yazat (Myst|ca| eerc|se )
3 Work preach|ng and propagat|on of Is|am
Is|am|c reach|ng and ropagat|on
ne was great|y |nterested |n the preach|ng and propagat|on work of Is|am
Dur|ng h|s speech there w||| be great effect on the ||steners |n the meet|ngs Ior
th|s reason there was great effect of h|s speech on the non Mus||ms who w|||
attend h|s meet|ngs and so they w||| |eave the|r re||g|on and enter |n the fo|d
of Is|am at the t|me of |eav|ng h|s meet|ngs
n|s speech w||| be free from controvers|es and prob|ems and for th|s reason
there was great effect on the ||steners so there was great surpr|se on the
persons Due to h|s great effect of h|s speech so many nonbe||ever and non
Mus||ms not on|y accepted the re||g|on Is|am but ga|ned h|gher status |n the
re||g|on of Is|am and had become great masters of Is|am for the pub||c
gu|dance and |nstruct|onsIn the morn|ng t|me he w||| used to v|s|t the pat|ents
and other needy persons a|ong w|th h|s She|kh
n|s conduct and characters
ne was k|nd hearted man and h|s manners were very good and a|so he was
very s|mp|e man and possessed f|ne conduct and characters ne had great
contro| on h|s nafas ( sou|) Due to h|s great persona||ty there was great 8arkat
( b|ess|ng )and gu|dance for the peop|e of the area ne was much |nterested to
he|p the poor and he|p|ess persons ne never ||ked r|chness and wea|th as we||
as h|gher |eve| of ||fe and he was a|ways preferred to ||ve among the poor
persons and never ||ked to have re|at|on w|th the r|ch persons

n|s Se|f|essness
ne was great he|per of poor commun|ty and needy persons and was great
fo||ower of sar (s|ef|essness) ne was a|ways used to he|p the poor persons by
send|ng them h|s food |f he w||| f|nd any person hungry and w|thout food wh||e
he h|mse|f used to ||ve w|thout food
Whenever he used to get any presents from h|s d|sc|p|es or fr|ends then he w|||
used to send the same to poor students When he w||| used to s|t for food eat|ng
then he w||| used to ask about h|s poor ne|ghbors and |f he w||| f|nd any hungry
persons then he w||| send h|s food to them
ne had possessed a|| goods qua||t|es wh|ch h|s great Master had w|th h|m
n|s arr|va| |n Ind|a
ne was arr|ved |n Ind|a dur|ng the ru|e of 8ahman| k|ngdom of Deccan |n the
year 631 An and for a per|od of n|ne years he was busy |n the preach|ng and
propagat|on work of Is|am |n the Ind|an reg|on
n|s arr|va| |n Deccan
In the year 640 ah he was arr|ved |n Deccan At that t|me there was great
|gnorance wh|ch preva||ed |n th|s area and due to th|s reason |f they used to
see any Mus||m person |n the morn|ng t|me and they fee| bad good th|ng If
any Mu|s|m trave| who w||| v|s|t the area then he w||| be g|ven many troub|es
and hardsh|ps and even the food prov|s|ons w||| not g|ven them aga|nst the
payment of money to them
reech|ng and ropagat|on work of Is|a|m |n Deccan
Dur|ng troub|esome per|od he was arr|ved |n Deccan to propagat|on and
preach|ng work of Is|am w|th the he|p of h|s great manners and good conduct
Upon h|s arr|va| he was |mmed|ate|y sett|ed down on the top of the mounta|n
ne was arr|ved w|th h|s 60 fr|ends and Darwesh persons w|th h|m ne was used
to busy |n the worsh|p of A||ah and propagat|on and preach|ng work of Is|am
for h|s d|sc|p|es Many n|ndu persons were used to v|s|t h|m and used to pay
h|m great respect Many thousand n|ndu persons accepted the re||g|on of
Is|am due to h|s gu|dance and great endeavors 1here was great effect of h|s
truth and greatness on n|ndu persons and for th|s reason they |eft the |do|
worsh|p and they came |nto the fo|d of re||g|on of Is|am
n|s Compan|ons
1here were tota| 60 compan|ons w|th h|m who arr|ved a|ong w|th h|m |n
Deccan ne used to send them |n the v|||ages and ham|ets for propagat|on and
preach|ng work of Is|am Among h|s great compan|ons who were sent to the
v|||ages are as fo||ows
1 nazrat 8aba Syedna Shabudd|n
2 nazrat 8aba Syedna Iakherudd|n
nazrat 8aba Syedna Shabudd|n who spent some t|me w|th 8aba Sharaf udd|n
and had gone to the p|ace where now h|s tomb |s there and |n that p|ace
Nawab Iakher udd|n Shamsu| Umra 8ahadur had constructed some shops and
popu|ated th|s p|ace w|th the name of Shamsabad ne had spent h|s a|| ||fe t|me
there and upon h|s death he was bur|ed there
Upon h|s death nazrat 8aba Syedna Iakherudd|n was bur|ed |n the v|||age
kha[a Gadh Iag|r on the mounta|n wh|ch |s |ocated on the good natura|
|ocat|on nazrat 8aba Syedna Iakherudd|n a|so d|d many great endeavors for
the propagat|on and preach|ng work of Is|am
n|s brother's name |s 8aba Musa Saherward| and h|s (8aba Musa Saherward|)
son's name |s 8aba Iar|d udd|n saherward| to whom nazrat 8aba Sharaf udd|n
had appo|nted h|m as h|s successor and from h|m the ||nage of the fam||y |s
cont|nued as the custod|ans of the shr|ne for the serv|ce of the shr|ne v|s|tors
s|nce |ong t|me

Ya Haq
Translated from Urdu to English
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Hyderabad, India.
Email : atherhafeezanwar@yahoo.com
Kindly read my book Tadhkiral Awliya on thebelow web
Aqlim Hind ke hain Qutub
Mere sarkar Syed Shah Afzal Biabani

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