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Behaviour management policy

At Little Oaks nursery we believe that children flourish best when they know how they are expected to behave and should be free to play and learn without fear of being hurt or unfairly restricted by anyone else. We aim to offer new opportunities and experiences for all the children within our care whilst encouraging positive behaviour. We aim to provide an environment in which there is acceptable behaviour and where children learn to respect themselves, other people and their environment through positive attitudes and role models. We have a named person who has overall responsibility for issues concerning behaviour this is Laura Tyson and Hayley Gloster, they have a job description for this position which states what is expected of them this is;

Purpose of the behaviour management coordinators job; To attend all behaviour management training and any other training to support childrens individual needs. To feedback all training to the rest of the team and to keep the behaviour management training file up to date and well organised. To implement and follow the early years foundation stage curriculum and framework. To keep the SENCO register up to date and provide information to parents on request. To work closely with outside agencies such as PRESENS to support the development of children in our care, whilst ensuring parents are kept up to date with this sessions. To work in partnership with parents at all times. To complete ABC charts, individual education plan (IEP)`s and support other staff with completing them, whilst ensuring they are relevant and up to date. Keep confidentiality at all times and follow our confidentiality policy. To keep the nursery manager up to date with any support that is being given to children whose behaviour may be challenging. To work along side the nursery manager in updating and implementing the behaviour management policy and informing other staff and parents of its purpose. Ensure all children on the SENCO register have a copy of the behaviour management policy and their parents are aware of there purpose. To use and implement Makaton and visual timetables at all times. And any other methods to support behaviour management such as a gold book, praise and positive role models.

We require the named person to: Keep up-to-date with legislation and research and thinking on handling children's behaviour; Access relevant sources of expertise on handling children's behaviour; through keeping contact with local agencies and Check that all staff has relevant in-service training on handling children's behaviour. We keep a record of staff attendance at this training.

Staffs work towards meeting each childs individual needs, implementing equal opportunities. To attend any organised meetings to support this or to provide a written report when requested. ABC charts and individual education plans are completed by the behaviour management coordinator, the childs key person and their parents, for any child requiring extra support or a child showing any behaviour difficulties. This form can be found in our behaviour management file in the office. Parents are always issued with copies of any ABC charts or individual education plans and is encouraged to have an input to them. We do all we can to work in partnership with parents.
We require all staff, and students to provide a positive role model of behaviour by treating children, parents and one another with friendliness, care and courtesy. Regular staff meetings enable us to review our behaviour management techniques and policy and through regular child and staff observations. Staffs are encouraged to manage behaviour effectively, in a manner, which is appropriate for the developmental stage of the children, and to meet the childrens individual needs. Staffs are encouraged to be at child height and to give eye contact to children when talking to them as well as using Makaton to encourage good communication with the children and to prevent frustration. Staff are encouraged to be good listeners and to allow children to talk freely without interrupting them and allowing them time to finish their conversations again to lower frustration, be good role models and encourage positive behaviour. Staff have allocated lunch breaks at least every 6 hours and shift work to allow them to have a break and to come back refreshed and motivated to encourage positive role models within the rooms. All our furniture, equipment, displays, child own work and toys are at child height, where possible to allow them to explore through play and to learn to share with others. This also enables them to communicate together and encourage positive behaviour. We require all staff and students to use positive strategies for handling any conflict by helping children find solutions in ways which are appropriate for the children's ages and stages of development - for example distraction, praise, gold book, bears to take home the use of Makaton, following our nursery rules and reward.

Avoid staff initiated intrusive physical contact with the children eg favouritism, picking children up unnecessary, let the children initiate physical contact.

We expect all members of the nursery - children, parents, staff, and students - to keep to the rules, requiring these to be applied consistently. Behaviour management techniques used within the nursery are discussed with parents during their childs settle in sessions and parents opinions are discussed at this time. We praise and endorse desirable behaviour such as kindness and willingness to share. This is promoted by using a gold book, stickers, stamps, bears to take home and staff having special helpers. Staff encourages positive behaviour with regular praise such as good listening, good sitting this gives the children realistic goals to achieve. We avoid creating situations in which children receive adult attention only in return for undesirable behaviour. All the children are encouraged to say sorry and may be asked to play at a new activity. We never use the word naughty and physical punishment is never used. Staff use Makaton to help the children visually see how we are all feeling. We recognise that codes for interacting with other people vary between cultures and require staff to be aware of - and respect - those used by members of the nursery. When children behave in unacceptable ways, we help them to see what was wrong and how to cope more appropriately. We talk about how they are feeling and how they may be making others feel we may use a feelings bag to help with this. This enables the children to understand what is happening and helps to resolve any lack of understanding. We never send children out of the room by themselves. Or leave them unsupervised at any times. We never use physical punishment, such as smacking or shaking. Children are never threatened with these, and are encouraged to not use this behaviour towards others. We do not use techniques intended to single out and humiliate individual children. Children are never called naughty or told they are something which they are not. We only use physical restraint, such as holding, to prevent physical injury to children or adults and/or serious damage to property. Details of such an event (what happened, what action was taken and by whom, and the names of witnesses) are brought to the attention of our nursery leader and are recorded in our Incident Book. A parent is informed on the same day and signs the Incident Book to indicate that he/she has been informed. In cases of serious misbehaviour, such as racial or other abuse, we make clear immediately the unacceptability of the behaviour and attitudes, by means of explanations rather than personal blame. We do not shout or raise our voices in a threatening way to respond to children's behaviour. Visual signs and Makaton may be used to ensure the children understand what is being said to them. Staff use a saying which is `I need a cup of tea` to prevent them from getting stressed and to allow them to step back from a situation, which allows another staff member to take over and support them with a difficult situation this prevents staff taking their anger or frustrations out on the children. We handle children's unacceptable behaviour in ways that are appropriate to their ages and stages of development - for example by distraction, discussion or by withdrawing the child from the situation.

We work in partnership with children's parents. Their key person regularly informs parents about their childrens behaviour. We work with parents to address recurring unacceptable behaviour, using objective observation records and ABC charts to help us to understand the cause and to decide jointly how to respond appropriately. We familiarise new staff with the nurserys behaviour policy and its rules for behaviour. And all new staff read, sign and date a code of conduct to adhere to. A copy of the policy is kept in the staff room at all times.

It is expected that all staff at Little Oaks will; It is expected that all staff, volunteers and students at Little Oaks Nursery will; Maintain high standards in safety, and hygiene. Act in the best interest of the children at all times Give equal opportunities to everyone within the nursery regardless of their age, gender, race, religion, culture or background. Ensure inclusive practise is provided at all times Be flexible, reliable and punctual Be honest and trustworthy in word and deed Be hard working and willing to do as directed Be motivated and happy to do your job Maintain a neat appearance and wear a red tee shirt and black cardigans and a name badge provided. Smart black trousers. And sensible shoes. Keeping hair tied back. And jewellery and make up to a minimum at all times, on non uniform days low cut tops, high heel shoes and skirts are not to be worn. Keep confidentiality at all times (any issues including personal concerning children, their parents, staff and students should not be discussed outside the nursery.) implementing confidential policy Read, sign, date and follow all nursery policies and procedures and implement them at all times Read, sign, date and implement the COSHH manual and Health and Safety at Law poster Work enthusiastically and support colleagues. Avoid staff initiated intrusive physical contact with the children eg favouritism, picking children up unnecessary Understand that babysitting for parents out of nursery hours is at your own risk and will not be employed by parents from the nursery for nannying purposes during your employment with us. And understand that anything that happens in this time, the nursery is not liable for. Inform the nursery manager of any medical conditions or medication that may affect their daily work Be friendly to everyone, children, parents and other staff Be supportive to colleagues Be hard working and work as part of the team Communicate with each other in a positive manner Keep confidentiality Keep the nursery safe

Keep the nursery clean Show initiative Keep finger nails clean, fairly short and without nail varnish Use and encourage children to say please and thank-you and general manners Be welcoming to everyone within the nursery smile say hello Accept constructive criticism without taking offence (it is given with the best interest of the children in mind) Give constructive criticism when necessary to other staff and students Use your lockers at all times and keep all personal belongings in the staff room Complete accident and incident forms when required and inform the nursery manager Personally inform the nursery manager or deputy manager of any reason for absence.

To ensure that Little Oaks provides high quality childcare where the childrens needs are of paramount importance. It is expected that all staff and students at Little Oaks Nursery will not; Physically punish or rough handle the children Humiliate or exclude anyone Shout at the children or other staff Make sexist or racial remarks Judge anyone or treat them differently implement our equalities policy Use inappropriate language to, or in front of the children or other staff Smoke anywhere in the nursery or in sight of parents and children outside the nursery and ensure uniform is not worn Behave violently towards other staff, parents or children Come to the nursery under the influence of drugs, alcohol or substances that may affect their daily work, including having a hang over Behave in a manner that may jeopardise the reputation or financial stability of the nursery Take anything from a colleague or the nursery without permission. Break any confidentiality policies whilst babysitting out of nursery hours Allow other employment to affect your daily work due to punctuality and tiredness, including babysitting, going out and social events to early hours of the morning on a work night. Use mobile phones in the nursery or in sight of parents Use mobile phones to take photos inside the nursery or of children and staff within the nursery without theirs or their parents permission Have bags in the nursery rooms or any medication at child height Put them selves at loan working risks where possible, including being in a situation with a child on your own.

Staff and students should note that if they behave in a manner which infringes the code of conduct they risk disciplinary action a verbal warning, written warning or instant dismissal, depending on the severity and / or frequency of the

misdemeanour. Ofsted and the Duty assessment team will be contacted at this point.

In the case of a staff member bullying the following procedure would be followed;
Bullying Bullying involves the persistent physical or verbal abuse of another adult/ child or children. We take bullying very seriously. If a child bullies another child or children: We intervene to stop the child harming the other child or children; We explain to the child doing the bullying why her/his behaviour is inappropriate; We may discuss how they are feeling and why they are feeling in such a way to cause harm to others. A feelings bag may be used to help with this and the use of visual signs and makaton. We give reassurance to the child or children who have been bullied; We help the child who has done the bullying to say sorry for her/his actions; We make sure that children who bully receive praise when they display acceptable behaviour; this may be done using regular praise, the gold book or stickers and stamps. We do not label children who bully; when children bully, we discuss what has happened with their parents and work out with them a plan for handling the child's behaviour; and When children have been bullied, we share what has happened with their parents, explaining that the child who did the bullying is being helped to adopt more acceptable ways of behaving.

Disciplinary policy At Little Oaks Nursery we aim to provide high quality child care at all times, any staff not meeting their jobs roles and responsibilities, or acting out a misconduct or gross misconduct, may be disciplined following our disciplinary procedure. Staff are issued a copy of our disciplinary procedure within their contracts and this is discussed during staff induction. It is of our best interest to put the childrens welfare fist at all times and to encourage staff to work towards this in their daily work this is clearly stated in all staffs roles and responsibilities.

Staff are asked to read, sign, date and adhere to our code of conduct at all times and issued a copy of this during their staff induction. Any staff not doing so may be issued a warning and then our disciplinary procedure will be followed. If a member of staff or student fails to comply with the code of conduct they would expect some action to be taken; In the case of a minor infringement of the code of conduct the room supervisor or deputy will talk to the person in question, outlining what is unacceptable and requesting that their behaviour and their conduct/ performance improves. If the behaviour/ performance does not improve the manager will be informed The member of staff can expect to receive a verbal request for change in behaviour from the manager/ deputy. If after a reprimand there is no permanent improvement the staff member would expect the formal disciplinary procedure


1. In the event of any misconduct an employee will be warned both orally and then in writing. 2. Between warnings the employee will be encouraged to improve within a stated time period and advised of the improvement expected. If the employee has failed to meet the required standards and has received one verbal warning followed by one written warning, he or she may be dismissed on proper notice. 3. The employee may be suspended, following oral and written warning, from duty pending an investigation. 4. In the event of gross misconduct an employee may be dismissed without warning and without notice. 5. Before any warning is given to an employee or before an employee is dismissed he or she will be given the opportunity of stating his or her case fully with the assistance of a friend or advisor if he or she so wishes. 6. Any employee may appeal to the Chair of the trustees against a decision to warn or dismiss him or her (unless that decision was made by the Chair) and again he or she may have the assistance of a friend or advisor if he or she so wishes. 7. For the purpose of these rules:

Misconduct shall include carelessness, bad time keeping, poor performance, discrimination, racial or sexual harassment, rudeness and other behaviour inconsistent with an employees duty loyally and properly to carry out his or her duties for the Nursery. Gross misconduct shall include theft, dishonesty, drunkenness, insubordination, fighting and other misconduct so serious that it would be unreasonable to expect to retain the service of the employee.

This policy should be read in conjunction with; The early years foundation stage framework, The every child matters provisions within the children act 2004, The childcare act 2006, The childrens act 1989- working together to safeguard children, The childrens act 2004, safeguarding vulnerable groups Act 2006, Little Oaks Nursery Fire procedures, non collection of children, lost child, safeguarding children, operational plan, equal opportunities, health and safety, confidentiality, complaints, equipment & resources, partnership with parents, special educational needs, staff code of conduct, transitional, toileting, settling in, policies and procedures. This policy was adopted on (date) March 06 This policy was adopted by (name) E. Brooks Reviewed on (date) feb 07 & August 08 & March 09

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