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Implementation of a Door Lock Device Operated Using ProMOTE Software

in a Mobile Phone via Bluetooth Technology on Selected

Computer Shops in Intramuros

Presented by:
BELBES, Emerson Jopet C.
FERIAS, Jomari Mager S.
JUNSAY, Lawrence Anthony L.
MOGAR, Addie Mar S.
UY, George Dane S.

Engr. RaIael G. Maramba

School oI EE ECE COE
Mapua Institute oI Technology
June 201
Chapter I - Introduction

Background of the Study
Bluetooth is a standard wire-replacement communications protocol primarily designed
Ior low power consumption based on low-cost transceiver microchips in each device. This
technology allows a broad range oI electronic devices such as cell phones and many other
peripherals to connect and communicate with each other. A lock is a mechanical device
Iurnished with a bolt and, usually, a spring, Ior Iastening a door, strongbox, etc. and prevents it
Irom opening. A lock is operated with a key or a combination. Intramuros is an old city located
in the heart oI Manila, and it serves as an attraction due to its historical background. Crime rates
in Intramuros are quite high due to poverty. Implementation oI a new security system that
involves a cell phone application to operate a door lock via Bluetooth is a good way to improve
and innovate security systems especially in Intramuros.

Statement of the Problem
The main problem is that Intramuros as part oI Manila, has a high crime rate so there is a
need to innovate security systems. The door lock device controlled using PROmote soItware in a
mobile phone via Bluetooth technology is an innovative way to modernize security systems but
is it relevant and does it improve security?
Specific Problems
SpeciIically, the study tends to solve the Iollowing:
1. ould the new door lock device be proven eIIective to increase selected computer shop
owners sense oI security?
2. Is there a signiIicant diIIerence between using this new door lock device and using the
old mechanical door locks?

Significance of the Study
This study will be a signiIicant endeavour in promoting security, convenience, and
modernization. This study will also be beneIicial to the people who will be using this device and
as well as to technological aspect who will serve as the producer oI this device. This study will
also serve as a reIerence to other researcher who plans on making a research work regarding to a
topic related to this study.

Objective of the Study
The study aims to implement a door lock device that can be operated by ProMote
soItware on a cell phone through Bluetooth technology and to know whether it is beneIicial to
computer shop owners in Intramuros.
Specific Objectives
SpeciIically, the study aims to:
1. Gauge the eIIectiveness oI the new door lock device through computer shop owner`s
2. Know whether this new door lock device will be more eIIective than traditional
mechanical locks.

Issues and Concerns
Intramuros is a popular tourist attraction, due to its historical background. Intramuros is
located in Manila and is beside the busiest sea port in the city. Few schools are located within the
vicinity oI Intramuros, the list includes Mapua Institute oI Technology, Pamantasan ng Lungsod
ng Maynila, Lyceum University oI the Philippines, and San Juan de Letran College. Because oI
these attractions many people visits Intramuros, due to such large population many
establishments like restaurants, recreational centers, banks, and general merchandise stores are
also located in Intramuros.
Manila Utah
115 63 100
1 41 100
425 110 100
31 4 100
52 31 100
146 56 100
107 127 100
41 71 100
Table 1

Table 2
Table 1 shows the comparison oI crime rate index oI Manila, Utah, and United States.
Table 2 shows the graphical representation oI Table 1. Both tables show that Manila has a high
crime rate. (Demographic Information FAQ)
Traditional mechanical door locks are widely used today and so many techniques are
developed to tamper it so it can no longer give us absolute protection against burglary especially
in a place that burglary risk is high.

Scope and Delimitation
The study is Iocused on the implementation oI a door lock device that can be operated
using a mobile phone via Bluetooth on selected computer shops in Intramuros. The study will
only involve 20 selected computer shops located in Intramuros, preIerably those computer shops
which uses traditional mechanical locks, already experienced being robbed and near Mapua
Institute oI Technology. The device will be handed to the subjects and there will be no payments
involved because the researchers will cover maintenance and installation costs oI the device. In
the design oI the door lock device, only the mobile phone application ProMote and NCD
unlLed SLaLes
Bluetooth relays that control the door lock device are included. Other Iorms oI door lock
controllers and modes oI connection will not be covered. Other areas not related to the
eIIectiveness oI the device such as owners capability oI buying such device, the programming
involved upon using the device, power losses problems, and material strength oI the door will
not be covered. Upon device malIunction, the device will be Iixed immediately. Circuitry oI the
door lock device will not be covered in this study.

Duration of the Study
The study will last Ior one school term oI Mapua Institute oI Technology.

Chapter II - Review of Related Literature

Basic Concepts
Bluetooth technology is a global short-range wireless standard that allows a broad range
oI electronic devices to connect and communicate with each other. Bluetooth technology is
essentially a cable-replacement technology. From mobile phones and headsets to MP3 players,
PCs and peripherals, Bluetooth technology allows these devices to connect. Many iI not all
telecommunications and cellular phone manuIacturing companies includes Bluetooth technology
on their products. Due to its beneIits Bluetooth technology in gadgets is becoming a necessity
since it allows Iast data transIer and easy connectivity.
A relay is best deIined as a switch that is operated by an electromagnet. A relay
controller is a device that is used to control a bank oI switches. A relay controller works by
turning on and oII magnetic coils under logic control. A computer controlled relay driver allows
your computer to send simple commands to activate a switch or a group oI switches. Relays are
ideally suited Ior controlling everything Irom lights and motors to telecommunication, audio, and
video signals. Some relays can be used Ior switching radio Irequency signals. Relays come in
many sizes and ratings. There are literally tens oI thousands oI relay varieties on the market.
National Control Device, NCD is the world`s largest manuIacturer oI computer
controlled switching devices since 1995. NCD products include costumer speciIied services,
diIIerent kinds oI relays which can be controlled through diIIerent kinds oI controlling modes,
and soItware or hardware based controllers. NCD relay controllers allow you to switch electrical
equipment Irom a computer via RS232, USB, or ireless communications. There are many
advantages to using a computer controlled relay controller. hen the controlling computer is
connected to the internet, relays can be controlled Irom anywhere in the world. The picture
bellow is a NCD 12 channel Bluetooth relay.

Figure 1: BTADR85 PROXR 300 12 Channel Bluetooth relay

The ProMote SoItware is an NCD developed soItware that allows you to control any
NCD Bluetooth device using a PDA or cell phone. The ProMOTE SoItware now eliminates the
need Ior programing. Simply download and install the Iree soItware Irom the PROmote website
and conIigure the buttons to Iit your needs, upload conIigurations to your PDA or mobile phone
and you're ready to go. ith no drivers required Ior the Bluetooth Connection and no
programming Ior the control using ProMote will make controlling NCD Bluetooth device much
easier. (National control device, LLC, MO, Canada)

Figure 2: A 4 Channel Bluetooth relay and a PDA with PROmote as its controller
Related Studies
Cell Phone Controlled Door Latch

Figure 3: Cellphone controlled door latch circuit and a Nokia phone

This project is inspired by the 'Knock to Open Door lock device that will unlock when
the correct knock pattern is perIormed that is already available in the market place(Geek orkz,
Manhattan, NY). In this project a 24V dc pull solenoid is used because it doesn`t have any
complicated control circuitry. The solenoid is Iastened in to the door knob with a use oI a metal
wire. Positioning the door knob is the mechanical challenge in making this door knob opener. It
is theoretically inversely proportional the square oI the length oI the air gap. Thus, strongest
Iorce is generated when the air gap is smallest.
The second part oI this project was to build a DTMF decoder circuit. A CM8870PI tone
decoder IC was used. The circuit is Iairly simple, and can be used Ior controlling up to Iour
devices. A cell phone with hands-Iree accessory was also connected into the circuit. AIter
connecting the circuit to the solenoid and Iastening it to the door knob you can now use the
device just dial the code and the DTMF will decode and send the output to the controller relay
and the door knob will open. Basically you can open your door anytime anywhere using a nokia
cell phone with one phone call%Ashish Derhgawen, Bangalore, India)
Conceptual Framework
Based on our speculations upon implementing our door lock device the Iollowing
variables were derived in order to help us answer our speciIic problems.

1. Implementing our door lock device will lessen robbery rates concerning selected
computer shops in Intramuros.
2. The study will show that our door lock device is proven to be eIIective in improving
3. The study will show signiIicant diIIerence when using our door lock device and a
traditional mechanical lock.

Independent Variables
1. EIIectiveness oI the device
2. DiIIerence oI the device and
the traditional mechanical lock

Dependent Variables
1. Sense oI security oI the owner
2. Relevance oI the device

Definition of terms
$olenoid Electromechanical device Ior use with liquid or gas. Used as control elements with
switching capability. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/solenoidvalve)
DTMF Dual tone multi Irequency signal. Used Ior telecommunication signalling over analog
telephone lines in the voice-Irequency band between telephone handsets and other
communications devices and the switching centres. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/dtmI)
IC Integrated circuit. Is an electronic circuit manuIactured by the patterned diIIusion oI trace
elements into the surIace oI a thin substrate oI semiconductor materials. Is used in virtually every
electronic device nowadays. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ic)
Transceiver A device that can transmit and receive signals.
Burglary Also called housebreaking. Is a crime, the essence oI which is illicit entry into a
building Ior the purposes oI committing an oIIense. Usually that oIIense will be theIt, but most
jurisdictions speciIy others which Iall within the ambit oI burglary.

Chapter III - Methodology

Research Design
Descriptive survey design is the most suitable type oI research design to be used in this
study. Since we will be using survey questionnaires as our data gathering tool, subjects` Ieedback
will tend to vary among them because oI the Iact that everybody has his or her own perception.
Data Irom the survey questionnaires will be more oI value to us researchers than past researches
and other pre-existing speculations about our topic. Only Irom our processed data will we derive
an answer to the inquiries involved in this study.

Out subjects in this research are the computer shops that can be Iound here in Intramuros.
e are going to select at least 20 computer shops in order to conIirm that are implemented
device is what our hypothesis states.

Data Gathering Instrument
e will be using a survey type questionnaire as our data gathering material in this study.
The selected computer shops owners will be the ones to answer our questionnaires and Irom
there we will process there Ieedbacks to come up with a processed data.

Survey Questions
Please rate the II. questions about the device. Use the rating below:
4 very effecLlve
3 effecLlve
2 neuLral
1 lneffecLlve
LffecLlveness of Lhe devlce 8aLlng
1 usage of phone as conLrolllng devlce

4 lnsLanL
3 normal
2 slow
1 very slow
LffecLlveness of Lhe devlce 8aLlng
2 8esponse Llme of Lhe devlce

4 very sLrong
3 sLrong
2 ordlnary
1 weak
LffecLlveness of Lhe devlce 8aLlng
3 SLrengLh of Lhe door lock agalnsL Lamperlng

4 never
3 rare
2 someLlmes
1 always
LffecLlveness of Lhe devlce 8aLlng
4 8ugs or Lechnlcal errors and dlfflculLles

4 flLs perfecLly
3 [usL flne
2 qulLe large
1 Loo large
LffecLlveness of Lhe devlce 8aLlng
3 Slze of Lhe devlce


4 hlghly secured
3 secured
2 same
1 noL secured

SecurlLy raLlng
6 SecurlLy Lhe devlce provldes upon lnsLallaLlon on shops door


4 very convenlenL
3 convenlenL
2 normal
1 dlfflculL Lo use
uoor lock devlce vs mechanlcal locks 8aLlng
7 new devlce
8 Cld devlce

4 hlghly secured
3 secured
2 normal
1 noL secured
uoor lock devlce vs mechanlcal locks 8aLlng
9 new devlce
10 Cld devlce


Data Gathering Procedure
Our data gathering procedures are as Iollows. First we the researchers will go to the
computer shops and ask permission Irom the owners iI they would like to be a respondent Ior the
study. II the owners said yes then we will install the door lock device into the computer shops
door without removing the existing lock mechanism already installed at the door. e will leave
the owners with our door lock devices and install on their cell phones the already programmed
PROmote soItware. In case that the owner does not have a cell phone that is PROmote
compatible then we will lend them a cell phone that is compatible. AIter we brieI the owners on
how the device works we will leave the device in their custody until their used to using the door
lock device and the cell phone as its controller. AIter three weeks we will hand out our data
gathering materials which are the survey type questionnaires to our respondents to collect their
Ieedbacks. The data that will be acquired Irom the questionnaires will be processed and Iorm
there we will get our conclusions.


ook for compuLer shops ln lnLramuros
Ask permlsslon from owner lf Lhey would
allow Lhe researchers Lo conducL Lhelr
sLudy ln Lhe compuLer shop
?LS / nC
lnsLall Lhe door lock devlce on Lhe
compuLer shop door/s
8rleflng on how Lo use Lhe door lock
devlce and Lhe cellphone appllcaLlon as
Lhe conLroller
eave Lhe door lock devlce and cellphone
leL Lhe owner Lo geL used Lo Lhe devlce
lf nC

Statistical Tool
Using descriptive survey research design, the respondents` Ieedbacks is expected to vary
Irom one another. In order to collect and correctly tabulate data Ior processing purposes the table
below will be used.

Survey Questions
1. usage of phone as conLrolllng devlce
2 8esponse Llme of Lhe devlce
3 SLrengLh of Lhe door lock agalnsL

4 8ugs or Lechnlcal errors and dlfflculLles
3 Slze of Lhe devlce
6 SecurlLy Lhe devlce provldes upon
8esearchers wlll hand ouL
quesLlonalres for Lhe respondenLs
reacLlon/experlence Lo Lhe devlce
rocess Lhe feedbacks of Lhe
7 Convenlence ln uslng door lock devlce
8 Convenlence ln uslng old door lock devlce
9 SecurlLy ln uslng Lhe door lock devlce
10 SecurlLy ln uslng old door lock devlce

N number oI respondents

mean score Ior each question
eII. percent eIIectiveness oI the door lock device
sec. percent score Ior door lock device security oIIered
diII. percent diIIerence oI the door lock device with the ordinary mechanical door lock


_ scoc o] n

_ n
5 4


mcun scoc o] |(mcun o] 7+9)-(mcun o] 8+10)]
mcun scoc o] (mcun o]
s 7,8,9 und 10)


O www.wikipedia.com
O www.hack-a-day.com
O www.ncd.net
O Demographic InIormation FAQ
O Research methods and thesis writing by: Calmorin


Bluetooth Technology
Bluetooth is a standard wire-replacement communications protocol primarily designed
Ior low power consumption, with a short range (power-class-dependent, but eIIective ranges vary
in practice; see table below) based on low-cost transceiver microchips in each device. Bluetooth
technology is a global short-range wireless standard that allows a broad range oI electronic
devices to connect and communicate with each other. Bluetooth technology is essentially a
cable-replacement technology. From mobile phones and headsets to MP3 players, PCs and
peripherals, Bluetooth technology allows these devices to connect.

Bluetooth Relays
Our Bluetooth Relays Ieature a wide range oI controllers to Iit just about any application!
DPDT and SPDT controllers are available with your choice oI eight channel 8/10-Bit Analog to
Digital Conversion or UXP Expansion Port on selected models and all are oI course
SignalSwitch compatible. Select Bluetooth Relays Ieature the ProXR Command Set and an XR
Expansion Port. Built Irom the ground up with expansion in mind, simply chain the XR
Expansion Modules to the XR Expansion port, one aIter another, to meet your computer
controlled switching requirements up to 256 relays.
Summary oI Bluetooth Relay Specs.
WA Bluetooth ireless InterIace mounts as a Virtual COM Port on your PC, laptop or PDA
WPair with Your Computer, Open the COM Port and Start Sending Commands
WSupports 2-way communications at any baud rate up to 115.2K
WFastest wireless technology we oIIer
WProXR versions expandable to control up to 256 Relays using the XR Expansion Port
WControl one relay or all 256 at once with manual or automatic reIreshing command set
WSPDT, SPST, DPDT and Reed Relay versions
W1, 3, 5, 10, 20, & 30 amp versions available
WNo special soItware needed
WAll Bluetooth Controllers are ProMOTE Compatible
WAll Bluetooth Controllers are SignalSwitch Compatible

PROmote SoItware
Simply download and install the Iree soItware, conIigure the buttons to Iit your needs and you're
ready to go. ith no drivers required Ior the Bluetooth Connection and no programming Ior the
control, what could be easier. ProMOTE Designer allows you to conIigure the soItware to Iit
your requirements and make it easy to use. The Relay Command tab (shown here) allows you to
set the caption oI the button and the content (what the controller does). e have all the
commands that you will need and they can be Iound on our ProXR Standard Ior I/O and Relay
Control page. Simply put in the number code and the controller does it.

Table of Contents

Title Page........................ i
Table oI Contents....................... ii
List oI Figures...................... iv
List oI Tables........................ v

Introduction....................... 1
Background oI the Study.................. 1
Statement oI the problem.................. 1
SpeciIic Problems..................... 1
Objective oI the Study.................... 2
SpeciIic Objectives...................... 2
Issues and Concerns.................... 2
Scope and Delimitations................... 4
Duration oI the Study..................... 5

Review oI related literature................. 6
Basic Concepts........................ 6
Related Studies...................... .. 8
Conceptual Framework................... 9
Hypothesis....................... ... 9
DeIinition oI Terms......................10

Research Design........................11
Data Gathering Instrument....................11
Data Gathering Procedure..................15
Statistical Tool........................17

List of Figures

Figure no. Description page

1 12 Channel Bluetooth Relay 7
2 4 Channel Bluetooth Relay and a PDA with Promote 7
SoItware as its controller
3 Cell phone controlled door latch circuit and a Nokia Phone 8

List of Tables

Table no. Description page
1 2010 Crime Risk Table (Manila, Utah and USA) 3
2 2010 Crime Risk Graphical Representation 4
(Manila, Utah, USA)

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