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Derived from ectod erm: epid ermis and sen sory epithelia
From Chapt  Histology: the lives & deaths of cells in tissues p   
Figs  to  

• Comprised of regions:
o epidermis: ectodermderived protective outer layers
o dermis: mesodermderived tough collagenrich connective tissue
ECM secreted by fibroblasts richly supplied w blood vessels
o hypodermis: underlying subcutaneous fatty layer

• good example of cell renewal in adult tissues; similar processesgenetic
pathways as used during embryogenesis
• multilayered epithelium cells adherent in sheet via lateral adhesion
• Cells in lower layers have nuclei; upper most layers are anuclear
• Bottom layer of epidermis contains stem cells basal cells
• major cell type in epidermis
• synthesize keratin intermediate filamts make epid tough
• basal cells: stem cells for ks in deepest layer where mitosis occurs
• as ks differentiate displaced ever upward; changes in keratin types
o prickle layer several layers many desmosomes
o then into granular layer start to lose nucleus & organelles via
partial activn of apoptosis machinery; gl forms waterproof
barrier to HO & solutes betw metabolically active & inactive
outer parts of epid
o finally into outer squamous layers squames: cytoskeletons of
dead cells densely packed w keratin
o Time from birth of k in basal layer to sloughing off from outer
layer of epidermis:  month

Epidermal stem cells

• Fig 
: Definition of a stem cell
 not terminally differentiated
 can divide wout limit not necessarily freqently!
 its daughters have  choices:
• remain stem cell like mom
• commit to differentiation pathway

• F ig  : Two ways stem cells produce unequal daughters:

• unequal environment  daughter gets signalcue not available to other
• asymmetric division as covered previously

• Fig  : human epidermal stem cells & pattern of epidermal cell production
• stem cells sc at tips of dermal papillae; divide infreqtly to generate:
• transit amplifying cells Fig 
: divide rapidly for limited nr
divisions then begin to differentiate move out of basal layer
• Newly differentiating ks express keratin are often attached
to baslam via thin stalk; switch keratin types as diffn proceeds
• Pulselabeling with BrdU to determine location & nr of
dividing und iffd cells: expose cells briefly to labeledBrdU
thymidine analog; incorporated into DNA during S phase; detect label
with antibody
• keratinocytes in suspension c ulture not attached to substratum
stop dividing start to differentiate attachmt necess to maintain k sc
fate; ensures scs dont increase without limit; if crowded out of stem cell
niche they differentiate

• glands that develop as ingrowths of epidermal ectoderm related to sweat
glands tear ducts salivary glands
• defining feature of mammals
• resting adult mg : branching ducts embedded in fatty connective tissue
• ducts lined w mam epith cells including stem cells for d epith &
myoepith cells
• stem cells proliferate  X during pregnancy
o prolif dept on horm inductn & signals betw epith cells & from
stromal cells; integrins impt
o term portion of ducts grow branch form alveoli w secretory cells
o postpartum horms induce milk secrn
• weaning postlactation:
o secr cells apoptose
o macrophages remove dead cells
o triggered by obstructn by milk in ducts TGF involved Fig 

• defects in mam epith prolif inducing factors common in breast CANCER

Sensory epithelia
• Nose ear and eye collect signals and deliver them to sensory epithelia
neuron or neuronlike cells
• Apical end of sensory epithelia cells carries a structure that detect the
signal and convert it to the change in the membrane potential
• At the basal end sensory epithelia cells make synapses with neurons
• Neurons relay electrical signal to the brain

Olfactory sensory neurons Fig 

• Have modified immotile cilia on their free surfaces

• Cilia contain odorant receptors: only one of hundreds of receptor genes is
expressed in each cell
• Held in place by supporting cells like glial cells for neurons
• Protected by fluid secreted by gland
• Survive for  months
• Renewed by basal cells stem cells for olfactory neurons
Sensory epithelium responsible for hearing: auditory hair cells
• Auditory hair cells are held in a structure called compex of Corti Fig 

• Auditory hair cells have stereocilia at their apical surface
• Stereocilia  giant microvilli rigid rods filled with actin filaments
• Organized in organpipe array
• Dimensions of each array are set to respond to a certain frequency of
• Sound causes particular stereocilia to tilt the one which resonance
frequency corresponds to a frequency of sound Fig 
• Tilting the cilia causes an ion channel to open Fig   Flow of ions into
the cell causes the change of membrane potential which leads release of
neurotransmitters It triggers the nerve to send a signal to the brain

Neural retina sensory epithelia responsible for vision Fig 

• Rods black and white vision in the darkFig 
• Cones  blue green red
• Rods and cones contain different rhodopsins: a complex of protein opsin
and visual pigment retinal
• Outer segment is a modified cilium filled with a stack of membranes with
photosensitive complex embedded
• Photoreceptors cells are not replaced
• But rhodopsin is replaced from the bottom to the top the turnover is 
days in ratFig  

Practice questions
 What are the tissues derived from ectoderm?
 What are the three layers of the skin?
 Which of the three layers is derived from ectoderm?

 What are the dead cells of the upper epidermis called?

 Do they have nucleus?
 Which epidermal layer has stem cells?
 What is approximate time from the birth of epidermal cell till it sheds
 What known factors play the role in decision whether the daughter of a
stem cell remains a stem cell or differentiates?
 Which cells divide faster: stem cells or amplifying cells?
 What is the location of epidermal stem cells?
 Can amplifying cells divide indefinite number of times?
 Can differentiated keratinocytes divide?
  What are the squames?

 Do squames have nuclei?
  What are the layers of epidermis?
  Which layer provides a waterproof barrier?
  What embryonic layer is mammalian gland derived from?
 Do the cells of mammalian gland shrink after lactation is stopped or do
they die by apoptosis?
 What organs have sensory epithelia?
 Can olfactory neurons be renewed?
 How many types of olfactory receptors are expressed on the surface of
each cell?
 What is the complex of Corti?
 What is stereocilia? What happens when stereocilia tilt?
 What are photoreceptors?
 Can photoreceptors be renewed?

Terms to know
Epidermis dermis hypodermis
Basal layer prickle layer granular layer squames
Adult stem cells
transit amplifying cells
Sensory epithelia
Olfactory sensory neurons
auditory hair cells
organ of Corti
Neural retina
Rods cones

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