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斑点长 颈鹿 :优雅的祝福 2002-5-17(无名氏译)

The Spotted Giraffe

斑纹 长颈鹿
Blessings of Gentleness

对温 柔的祝福

The Giraffe Kingdom through Karen Danrich "Mila",May 17, 2002

鹿王国通过 Karen Danrich "Mila"传递,2002 年 5 月 17 日


Translated by 无名氏 2008-10-3

Giraffes are often looked at with great

interest in human zoos or upon wildlife
preserves. What makes Giraffe so
interesting? Is it our long neck, and an
ability to balance therein? Is it our large
brown eyes? Is it our gentle manner? We are
related to the Deer Kingdom, although grew
a very different form over time given the
special region that we live and the
requirement to dine upon leaves 10 feet or
higher in the air.

的特别的区域,以及在离地 10 英尺或更高的空中进食树叶的需要,随时间我们

Giraffe holds the vibrations of gentleness upon earth. Gentleness can be equated with
a soft summer's breeze upon the face, or a gentle rolling lake that one is pushed to and
fro within as one swims. Gentleness has all but been lost upon earth due to the harsh
electrical elements that pervaded beginning some 6 million years ago, and became
even more prevalent due to human manipulations and electrical sacred geometry
launched some 46,000 years ago. Why are electrical elements so harsh? They do not
originate within this creation. As a matter of fact, it is now understood that such
elements never originated in any creation; they are a part of the programming for
destruction and stripping of creation on the part of certain souls that never ascended
home to the "Tao".

大约六百万年前的粗糙的电性元素的普及,且由于 46,000 年前人类的操控与电

Such souls soon dwindled and dwindled in chi as all else returned home after an
extensive period of contraction. Soon such souls recognized that they would move
into extreme distortion without the presence of the life force of the Tao. One can
equate this to what would occur if the light of the sun disappeared. If earth failed to
ascend and the sun accomplished this task seeming to disappear, earth would be left to
die or become extinct. In essence, this is what occurred for such souls.

由 于所有其他的灵魂都在一个漫长的收缩期之后回家了,这样的灵魂的气于是
端扭曲。 你可以将这等同于,如果太阳的光辉消失了将会怎样。如果地球提升失
亡或灭绝。基本 上,这就是在这样的灵魂上所发生的。
Such souls then chose to demolish a part of themselves in order to sustain the rest. But
which part? Was any part ever going to volunteer? Of course not. And so the
governance chose to trick a portion of self into being destroyed all the while thinking
that something else was going to occur. This indeed is the dance upon earth to this
day, and eons and eons of time later. Why is this occurring again? Because the forces
designed to destroy a part of this group of souls was so clever and so good at what
they do that the dance carried on even during subsequent full expansion periods of the
Tao were in motion, and when such a dance really and truly was not necessary.

这 样的灵魂于是选择粉碎他们自己的一部分以为了维系其余部分。但是哪部分
部分进入 毁灭,最后选择了那些始终在思考着会有些什么其它事将要发生的部
直都在演绎着。 为什么会再次发生?因为被设计去毁灭这一部分灵魂群体的势
在道的完全扩展时期仍在 进行,可在那个时候这样的一个舞蹈真的是不必要的。

Earth was a gentle being and experience once. She never volunteered to be destroyed
or experience so many falls in consciousness. Those in this dance manipulated and
manipulated and manipulated, as they have done for eons of time, ripping apart
creation after creation. In her choice to ascend, earth has had to fight back; fight the
forces that wish to continue to manipulate and destroy her. Sometimes in such battles,
one looses sight of the gentle side of self for a time.

地 球曾是一个温柔的存在与体验。她从未自愿去被毁灭或体验这么多次的意识
剥夺了 一个造物又一个造物。在地球选择提升中,她必须要反击;要与那些希

Mila and Oa have had their share of battles. From all angles the dark work often to
attempt to destroy their form or destroy their dream of ascension; or destroy the dream
for human ascension that they co-create with earth. The battles seem endless, although
in the mastery of thought-form, over time the battles lesson as one simply commands
the dark into submission. This is occurring at last with the bottom level of
manipulation that causes a tearing of creation, or a ripping apart of the threads that
hold creation together. For this is what the forces of the dark are gifted at, and it is for
this reason that humanity along with all species knows such a shortened lifespan in
the current paradigm.

Mila 与 Oa 已 在并肩作战。由于所有的黑暗天使们常常企图毁灭他们的形体或

斗似乎没有止境,即 使在思想形态掌握中,但随着时间的推移,战斗课程后来
物,或去撕毁用以结合造物 的丝线。因为这是黑暗势力所拿手的。正因为此,人



Through ascension, the lifespan will increase in preparation for birthing new young
with more genetic material and a more greatly and finely tuned weaving of the threads
of creation of one's own form. This is what also occurs in ascension, one reweaves the
etheric body, chakra system, subtle bodies and light body into an ever-increasingly
finely woven garment. The finer the weave, the more chi is available to be held in the
form for the purposes of increasing vibration and resurrection to a regenerative and
self sustaining biology.

通 过提升,生命期限将会延长。提升为自己诞生了一个年轻的新形体。这一形体
会将以 太身体,脉轮系统,精微体及光体重织成为一件无限精美编织的外衣。
生和自我维生的 生物体。
Reweaving the threads of creation is a gentle task; much like a gifted maker of cloth
in human form, it requires great attention to detail, and a willingness to sit quietly for
long periods to handle such a task. In the etheric, this is what Giraffe and Deer
participate in, the reweaving of the etheric grid work of the earth mother. She too just
as with all form is reweaving herself, reweaving herself for ascension.


The latest reweaving causes a new dreamtime that is global to be present. This
dreamtime allows all upon the land or within the oceans to be bathed in a new dream
of ascension. The dream for ascension has been launched at last, and shall now come
to fruition. Much care to weave the dream has been taken so that all species are
accounted for, including mankind. Indeed it was giraffe and deer that have woven the
new dreamtime for all to partake in.


It is a great truth that the forces of the dark wishing to retain dominion would like to
shred this dream. Sometimes they work through other creations upon other
dimensions, reaching down the dimensions with shattering blows against earth.
Sometimes they reach up through the human species, who in their slumber understand
not the changes underfoot upon earth. Earth is learning to modulate herself around
upper dimensional forces of the dark along with humanity through the creation of a
new tapestry that is strong enough to hold the dimensions in place. Earth is stratified
now with 24 planes, and those who exist in deep slumber of non-awakening are in the
lowest tier of all. The new weaving holds their presence therein along with all in the
nonphysical realm that so dances with such forms. In so doing, earth is less plagued
with human interference or multidimensional interference at this time.
一 个巨大的真相就是,希望保住统治权的黑暗势力想撕碎这一梦想。有时,他
时,他们 通过地球上处于昏睡中的,不了解脚下的变化的人类物种来达成它们
维系此维度的新 织锦造物来调整自己。地球现在分成 24 个层面,那些处在非觉

Much like an ascending master masters thought-form altering the reality that one
manifests to serve ascension, so is earth altering her reality to serve ascension. The
new dream sets in motion a time of cleansing ahead. The cleansing will trigger an
awakening of those in human form that can ascend, and a new tomorrow will be
constructed that serves the ascent of the whole. As the cleansing is complete and the
dissonant vibrations and energy patterns that tear creation apart cleansed in full, a
return to gentler times are ahead.

正 如一位提升掌握者,掌握思想形态而改变实相,你显化它来服务提升,地球
触发那些 能够提升的人类形体的觉醒,且将创造一个全新的明天来服务整体的
方就会迎来温柔 时代的回归。

As an ascending initiate, one often becomes the warrior. One becomes aware of the
forces in the old consensus that wish to tear one apart, or take one's information for
themselves without earning it through ascension, or simply prevent one from attaining
the next level in one's ascent. Such forces rip at any ascending field day and night.
One learns to live in the defensive, protecting oneself from harm, retrieving what has
been lost on a recurring basis so that one's ascent does not fail to come forth.

作 为一名提升者,你常常会变成一名战士。你变得对旧一致实相中的势力警觉,
只是阻 止你提升至下一级别。这样的势力日夜剥夺任何提升的能量场。你学习在
提升得以实 现。
Becoming the warrior leaves little time for gentleness. However as one leaves the
cities and density of human thought-form behind, moving further into nature,
gentleness can return again. For the nature kingdoms do not tear apart at one's field,
but gently share in energy exchange through communion that strokes one's field much
like the gentle summer breeze, and rocks one's field much like the gentle waves of a
lake. For the warrior of ascension, retreating for such moments of gentleness is
important, as it allows one to receive, revive and regenerate.

可 变成战士就几乎没为温柔留有时间了。然而,当你将人类思想形态的致密与
撕裂你的 能量场,而是温柔地通过交流在能量交换中分享,这样的交流就仿佛
的战士,退隐至 这样温柔的时光是很重要的,因为它允许你去接受、接受并再

What does Giraffe and Deer wish to say to ascending humans today? Be gentle with
yourself. Give unto yourself those things that make the body happy. The body is your
temple; it is the home of your god goddess within. Allow the body to receive what it
requires in order to ascend; whether it is food, nurturing, or time alone to meditate, or
time in the country or by the sea. Give unto yourself, for the body is not a machine; it
is a living, breathing conscious organism.


For along time, the body has been anticipated to act like living machines. Mechanized
devices were inserted into the field, and humans often pride themselves upon acting
like a well-tuned machine. Working 9 to 5, 52 weeks a year without a break and
without becoming ill is deemed "good behavior". Such behavior does not take into
consideration at all the needs of the form, which is a conscious organism.
Consciousness will never agree to work 9 to 5. One works when there are creative
spurts that bring joy to the form to participate in. Then one rests whether rest is sleep
or moments of nurturing that also brings the body joy.

52 周, 没有休息并没有生病就被誉为“行为楷模”。这样的行为完全不考虑身

黑。你工作, 当创造灵感的时候,只要是能给参与其中的身体带来欢乐的。然后

One will notice in nature that nature does not work as humans work. We seek out food
and eat a portion of the day, and then rest, roam or bathe in a rain shower or lake.
Working might be equated with searching for food; however this is not really work as
humans would define it, but a part of the adventure of life. A portion of any day is also
spent making love. Lovemaking might be physical, but more often than not it is an
energetic phenomenon in which the sexual energy exchanges with one another of any
given species, and with all species upon earth along with the earth mother herself.
Sometimes in the height of such energetic love making, which occurs in every 18-
hour cycle at this time, the form must remain still. These are the moments, in which
any species may simply rest, closing the eyes, and experiencing the ecstasy of the
union. Often Mila and Oa join in during these peak moments. They too must lie still
as the energy movement is so great in its expanse that the form does not wish to
move, just experience.

你 将注意到,本质上,大自然并不会像人类那样工作。我们当天寻找食物,并
也许等同 于寻找食物;然而,这并不是真的如人类所定义的那样工作,而是生
但时常,它却是 一个能量上的现象。在其中,任何物种彼此之间性能量交换,
此时会每 18 个小时出现一次,身体必须保持安静。这些是任何物种可以单单休

息、闭上眼睛,并体验结合的狂喜的时刻。通常 Mila 与 Oa 会加入这样的巅峰时


In time, all humans will join this rhythm with nature. The ecstatic moments are the
expansion of field that occurs concurrently amongst all species upon earth through the
intent to ascend. Each period of global lovemaking causes the field of earth to expand
farther and further than before. This is a gentle time, and one of great intimacy and
love amongst the species. In order for humans to partake, they must be invited, and
this requires having attained an absolutely harmless field, for any adverse energy
movement could rip up earth to such a great extent that earth and all species therein
are careful with the boundaries, less the opportunity to ascend each day be lost.

到 时候,所有物种将加入这大自然的律动中。这狂喜的时刻,是在地球上所有
球能量场 比以往扩展得更远。为了人类也来参与,必须邀请他们,不过这需要
的地步。因此,地 球与其内的所有物种都很小心界域,去减少会失去每天的提

We invite humans to return to a gentler way of life. The cycles of the earth, the cycles
of planting and harvesting along with celebration, have been lost, as farming practices
became big business. Once humans tilled the land. In so doing, they were closer to the
rhythm of earth and the heartbeat of lovemaking that we speak of. Now humans have
pulled far away, except for those living a more indigenous life. Even those living such
a life are few and far between.

我 们邀请人类返回到一个更温柔的生活方式。当农业实践变成大型商业,地球
他们将 更接近地球的节奏,以及我们所谈到的做爱的心跳。现在,除了那些过
活的人类是少 之又少了。
Giraffe foresees a return to such gentle preoccupations in the decade ahead. One may
spend a few hours in one's garden each day, with the rest of the day free to focus upon
one's ascent. Ascension requires focus, and a focus that is relentless. There is not
much more time for the map carvers to complete upon carving the map. Beyond this
each will still have to tend to embodying the map 100%. This may take another 10
years, and there may continue to be changes along the way that one embraces, as
more efficient manners of holding and moving energy are created into the future, or
new manners or relating to changes in earth's global energy flow become a necessity.

长 颈鹿预见前方十年内会返回这样的温柔的工作。你可以每天花几小时在花园
地图绘制 者没有太多的时间去完成地图绘制。除此之外,每一提升者仍必须倾
一起继续变化, 但这要当未来创造了更多保持和运作能量的有效方式,或新的

The expression of love requires gentleness. One cannot be on the defensive and open
the heart to receive love. It is not possible. Alas the harm that flows through the
human expression makes it hard for humans to trust enough to open the heart. And
indeed in Mila's own experience often the opening was followed by a shattering
through one or another in her circle of association many a time. However she
proceeded opening the heart nonetheless understanding that an open heart is vital to

经人类的表达,这让人类可以足够信任去打开心灵会很困难。的确,在 Mila 的



It is through the open heart that one communes with soul, earth and the nature
kingdoms. It is through the open heart that the ecstatic movement of energy can flow
each day. It is through the open heart that one learns to feel again; feel the love of the
creator for its creation or soul for form; feel the love of the earth mother for all
species including mankind; feel the love of the beloved if one has a beloved; and feel
the love of nature as one connects therein. Without an open heart, a return to
gentleness is not possible.

正 是通过打开心灵,你才可以与灵魂、地球与大自然王国交流。正是通过打开心
感受 创造者的爱,为它的造物或形体的灵魂;感受地球母亲的爱,为包括人类
当你在内在 联接大自然时。没有一个打开的心灵,就不可能返回温柔。

So many humans try and skip over this segment of work in one's ascent. Why? It is so
painful. For hundreds of thousands of years, forces of the dark have used the human
heart to destroy the human species, and then to destroy earth. Why the heart? As the
heart goes numb, one no longer feels and allows the harmful energetic dance to carry
on out of slumber and non-knowing. The dark know that in order for humanity to be
used in such a manner, the closing of the heart is essential, and much of the early
human history caused this to such a great degree that opening the heart through
ascension is very painful.

所 以,许多人类在提升中尝试跳过这一环节。为什么?因为,这是如此地伤痛。
球的目 的。为什么它们选择利用心灵?因为,只有当心灵进入昏睡,你才不再
式利用人类, 关闭心灵是基本要素。所以大量人类早期的历史导致人类关闭心

Mila cried and cried and cried for seemingly years and years in her earlier ascension.
Each layer of pain and times that her ancestry had been harmed in the heart, betrayed,
used, prostituted, killed, tortured, imprisoned and so on, was examined and
understood; the karma was released and as the pain released, and the heart opened
another notch further than before. It is a lengthy process, this business of opening the
heart in full to return to full consciousness in human form. For the human heart
spiraled closed over millions of lifetimes, each of which must be examined and
understood and the pain released in order for the heart to open in full.

在 Mila 早 期的提升中,仿佛就是年复一年地一再哭泣。她祖先在心灵中曾受过
在提升中得 以检查与理解;当伤痛愈合,业力得以解除,于是心灵就比以往打
因为,在无数的 生命体验中,人类心灵也无数次地反复关闭。如要完全打开心


Many would rather numb themselves through addictive use of substances or

preoccupations, such as alcohol, cigarettes and television. Ascending initiates cannot
afford such preoccupations, as they prevent the opening of the heart. Cigarettes in
particular have agreements with entities that enter the field as one smokes that spirals
the heart shut in full. Those that smoke are in terror often of pain. And yet pain when
felt and released only leads to a greater expansion of the heart and greater joy.

许 多人类更喜欢通过沉溺于一些事物或事情来麻木自己,例如酒精、香烟和电
你吸烟时 进入能量场的存有们是有协议的,这些烟雾会盘旋着让心灵完全关闭。
以走向心灵的 更大扩展以及更大的欢乐。

Television and other media such as reading newspapers, books and magazines,
bombard the form with antimatter. So this is also so in going to a movie or spending
time in shopping malls, or living or working in the cities of your world. Human
thought-form that is dogmatic is recorded in the vibration of antimatter, and as
initiates attune to any printed matter in the current paradigm or spend time in places
that collect antimatter such as shopping malls and cities. Antimatter rips holes in and
through one's field. How can one ascend if one is continuously ripped apart? One
cannot as one will spend more time reweaving one's field than focusing upon the next
phase of ascension in the addictive use of such forms of entertainment or places.

电 视与其它媒体,例如阅读报纸或书刊杂志,会利用反物质轰炸形体。所以,
调谐至当 前范例中的任何出版物,或花时间聚集在反物质的地方,例如购物商
撕裂出一个个漏 洞并穿过。如果你不断地被撕裂,你怎么能提升呢?你不能。因
能量场,而不是聚焦在 提升的下一阶段。

Alcohol much like cigarettes also have entities associated. Such entities tend to push
soul out of the form. This is what a state of "drunkenness" is, one's soul has moved
out of the body. As one's soul leaves the body, one does not feel, and this allows the
pain to subside for a time. However one is also leaving the form unprotected. One
drunken night and one may be shattered by the darkness surrounding oneself setting
back one's ascension by 3 months or more due to the repair to the field necessary
thereafter. One cannot afford to be drunk therefore if one's intent is to ascend.

酒 精,与香烟一样,也有与之有关的存有们。这样的存有们倾向于将灵魂推出
当你的灵 魂离开你的身体,你无法感觉,这允许了伤痛暂时沉淀。然而,你也
碎,而让你的提 升倒退至少 3 个月或更长,因为此后必需修复能量场。然而,

Giraffe recommends that ascending initiates move out of the cities, and move out of
preoccupations that retain one there. Giraffe also recommends that ascending initiates
give up television, playing video games, smoking, drinking to excess, and any other
preoccupation hat does not serve ascension. Instead, spend time out in nature and
commune with the trees, lakes, ocean, mountains or forests that surround one. In lieu
of being ripped apart, one will be supported and nurtured, leaving such time spent
revived and expanded instead.

长 颈鹿推荐提升人类迁离城市,并且处理完所有使你留在那里的事物。长颈鹿
升的事 情。取而代之,花些时间外出,徜徉在大自然中,并与周围的树木、湖泊、
用以复 苏与扩展吧,而不要将时间用来被撕裂。

There is a use of alcohol and tobacco that can serve, however it requires the absolute
intent of sacredness to do so. A small amount of alcohol when blessed and infused
with one's soul and the vibrations that one requires to integrate the day's worth of
ascension can be beneficial to the form. Tobacco with the intent of sacred purpose,
making one's intents, or calling of one's boundaries may be useful in holding space for
one's ascent. Mila often utilizes both of these substances in a sacred manner.

或召唤你的界域,从而为你的提升持有空间。Mila 通常以神圣的方式使用这两者。

However in Giraffe's perception, many an initiate in their school takes the use of such
substances many steps beyond sacred purpose. This only has the affect of closing the
heart or pushing one out of form, which then causes the ascent to move backward in
vibration rather than forward. All initiates must address addictive behavior and
transcend it. Then as the behavior is transcended in full, one may return to the
utilization of such things in a sacred manner, and in small amounts to serve one's
continued ascent.

然 而,在长颈鹿的觉察中,在他们学校的许多提升者使用这些事物的很多步骤
升中振动 倒退而不是提高。所有提升者必须关注自己沉溺的行为并去超越它。之
很小的剂量,来 服务于你持续的提升。

What exactly is addiction? From Giraffes point of reference, addiction is the

combination of a mechanized way of being with addictive personality entities that
engage in the act of smoking, drinking or engaging with the media. Ascending
initiates will require removing the psychic machinery out of the field and releasing
karma, along with the breaking contracts with the addictive entities. Then one may
transcend any addiction enough to ascend. Giraffe and Deer will hold space for such
transcendence if one so intends it so. One may call upon us for support. However do
not ask us to ground you into form after becoming intoxicated, or open your heart
after you smoke. This one will have to do after they come down from the "high" and
then intend to release the patterning for good.

那 什么才是沉溺?以长颈鹿的观点,沉溺是机械化的状态与沉溺人格存有们的
精神机械 并释放业力,以及毁掉与沉溺存有们的契约书。然后你才可以足以超
可以召唤我们来 支持你。然而,请不要在你喝醉了之后要求我们帮你根植入形
来之后才能做,然后, 你就可以来意愿永久地释放此模式。

Ascension requires an act of will. One must will oneself beyond certain patterning
that does not serve ascension, or will oneself into a new preoccupation or place of
living that serves. Why is will so important? One is highly mechanized upon the earth
plane. As such, one must override one's own mechanized nature in order to bring forth
change; for the machine internal to self wishes only to do the same thing day in and
day out each day, week, month or year. The machine knows not how to change. One
must learn to override the machine with will to bring forth the change, and in the
process one will dismantle the very machines holding one in particular place,
preoccupation or habit through ascension.

提升需要意志行为。你必须意愿自己超越某一不服务提升的模式,或意愿自 己
械 化性质;因为机器内在自我只希望日复一日、周复一周、月复一月或年复一年
并且 在此过程中,你要意愿通过提升拆除这些使你固定在某一特定地方、事务

Overriding habit therefore will not occur by itself. It requires the intent to do so, and
the intent to redirect all of one's energy and time towards that which supports
ascension. Any ascension will only go so far without intent of will behind it.
Therefore this is an important skill for ascending humans to learn. Mila and Oa have
developed strong wills. They can will their dream to fruition, even against great forces
attempting to undo and shatter their dream. Each year forces of the dark remaining
upon earth generally manipulate their events. Each year Mila and Oa will their events
to fruition, and succeed. They have proven that human will can override anything that
wishes to manipulate or retain one in an imprisoned state of being.

会走远。然而,这是提升人类要来学习的重要技巧。Mila 与 Oa 已发展了强大的
Mila 与 Oa 都会将他们的会议实现,并成功举行。他们证实了,人类的意志可以




Therefore Giraffe reminds all initiates that intention is everything. Intention is an act
of will. When one intends this or that, one utilizes the power center or will center
which is in the third chakra region in the solar plexus. It is this region that as it
engages pulls the dream that one is intending towards oneself with the tone of power.
This is the true purpose of will and power, the gift of willing one's dream to fruition
and the power to do so. Notice that one is not willing another's dream to fruition or
controlling them or manipulating them in any manner. This is wrong use of power,
and one that the forces of the dark have engaged with since they manipulated earth
into her first fall in consciousness. In essence, they willed their will of destruction
over earth's will of ascension and succeeded.

因此,长颈鹿提醒所有的人类,意愿就是一切。 意愿是一种意志的行为。当你意
这个区域,它参与将你正在意愿的梦想用力量的音调 拉向你自己。这就是意志
意的是,你不要意愿他人的梦想实现,以及以任何方式控制 或操纵他们。这是

Earth subsequently lost her power and will to live. As the will to live leaves, falls in
consciousness follow. In human form, when one loses the will to live, one intends to
die, and often diseases or accidents then manifest. Humans by in large have lost their
collective will to live. This was shattered and shattered until it all but ceased to exist,
which is why the human collective lifespan is less than 100 years of age. Ascending
humans are repairing their will to live, both individually and collectively. Those with
diseases who ascend out of the illness will repair the will to live, and then utilize their
returned power to intend and bring their dream of recovery into the physical. Those
who are choosing to ascend will intend their dream of ascension and utilize their
power to bring such a dream into the physical.

随 后,地球就丢失了她的力量与生存的意志。当生存的意志离开,意识下跌便
病或意外 随之显化。人类,普遍而言,已丢失了他们集体生存的意志。它被一再
正在修复他们 的生存意志,个体地与集体地修复。那些患病的人提升出疾病将
物质层。那些选择提升 的人将意愿他们提升的梦想,并使用他们的力量来将这

Humans were designed to be fully conscious, and conscious of the act of dream
weaving. Dream weaving is an ability to intend one's dream, weave it in the
nonphysical, and then call the dream one has woven into the physical until it
manifests. Dream weaving became an unconscious state of being under the control of
the dark some 28,000 years ago in the collective human dance. As this occurred, the
human dream was then used to shatter earth and all species therein, rather than fulfill
upon it's original purpose.

直到它显化。大约 28,000 年前在黑暗的控制下,梦想编织变成了在集体人类舞

Many humans are in a deep illusion that they are not unconsciously harmful.
Unconscious patterns have little to do with physical behavior. However one will see
their unconscious patterns mirrored around them and in all others. Does one have an
abusive partner or boss? This is a mirror of one's own unconsciously abusive
patterning within. Does one witness an accident or beating of a child? Then it is a
mirror of one's own unconsciously abusive patterning within. As one utilizes the
mirrors to address such patterning, dismantling the original cause, one may transcend
such unconscious and energetic abusiveness. Such transcendence is not an overnight
process; it will take one's ascent to Bodhisattva to accomplish.

许 多人类处在深深的幻想中,幻想着他们没有无意识的伤害。无意识模式几乎
镜射。你 有一个虐待的伴侣或老板吗?这是一面你自己无意识中虐待模式的镜
式的镜子。当你 使用镜子来关注这样的模式,清除最初的致因,你就可以超越
升至菩萨级别时才能完 成。

Transcending harmful patterning is also an act of will. It requires diligence and a

willingness to observe all mirrors around one, even the mirrors that nature presents.
During an extremely difficult moment in Mila's ascent, dead bird after dead bird
presented itself over a three-week period. Indeed spell after spell for her death had
been laid in, and it took the development of cancer in the form for her to recognize
how deep such manipulations were against her; for there was not karma to justify
such. Nature will always give one clues to one's internal state of being, and if one
pays attention, one can avoid the manifestation of the cosmic two by four and ascend

镜子,包括大自然出现的镜子。在 Mila 提 升中的一个极度艰难的时刻,一只接
给她了癌症形体的发展,这让她意识到这样的势 力在多么疯狂地攻击她;因为

Giraffe will leave humans with this thought. Ascension requires that one examine all
things about oneself upon all planes of reality that one resides. As one examines such,
they will find parts of self not acting in resonance with the whole of one's being. Such
parts ultimately destroy oneself through disease and aging, as they are related to
dissonant parts of the biology. Go within, and transcend such patterning. Judge it not,
for all species partake in this patterning. In so doing, one will ascend out of harm and
the related experience of disease and aging into a new harmless and regenerative

长 颈鹿将在这段话的结束后离开你们。提升,需要你检查关于你自己所处的所
和谐的自 我片段。这样的片段最终会通过疾病与老化摧毁你自己,因为他们与
有物种都参与了 这个模式。这么做,你将提升出伤害以及疾病和老化的体验,


The Giraffe Kingdom



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