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List of Abilities explained simply 0. let entity be nothing or do nothing 1. let entity be aware or do sense 2.

let entity be desirer or do satisfy 3. let entity be free or do choose 4. let entity be stable or do commitments 5. let entity be wise or do express 6. let entity be sage or do intuit 7. let entity be traveler or do move 8. let entity be local or do homestead 9. let entity be planetary or do environmentalism 10. let entity be solar system or do space flight 11. let entity be galactic or do commune with stars 12. let entity be universal or do intersect 13. let entity be multiversal or do union 14. let entity be metaversal or do mix 15. let entity be eternal or do infinite here is an extended explanation of the statutes: [quote] 0. let entity be nothing or do nothing [/quote] 1 also known as the freedom to be. this allows for monks, buddha meditating under a tree. overtly doing nothing. [quote] 1. let entity be aware or do sense [/quote] this be the freedom to record your experience. note this is also freedom of the press. make it legal to take pictures or recordings of anything or anyone. this legalizes rocks and other first density entities, whose main avenue of learning is awareness. [quote] 2. let entity be desirer or do satisfy [/quote] this legalizes people having desires, such as for sustenance, home and reproduction. this statute also legalizes fungal plant and animal life, as it is all second density it's main avenue of learning is desire and it's satisfaction. so by the precedent of plants and animals, humans can act like plants and animals. foraging for food, defending territory and procreating. [quote] 3. let entity be free or do choose [/quote] this is freedom in its simplest sense. having options, and choosing which you like. [quote] 4. let entity be stable or do commitments note this would legalize people having addictions. such as those addicted to food and water, what science calls biological life.

List of Abilities explained simply [/quote] this allows for contracts, as well as long term relationships. [quote] 5. let entity be wise or do express [/quote] this in contemporary consitutions is called Freedom of speech [quote] 6. let entity be sage or do intuit [/quote] this allows for psychics, witches, pagans, priests, spiritual. allowing ecumenical or eclectic beliefs. can be approximated to freedom of religion. [quote] 7. let entity be traveler or do move [/quote] this allows people to run away, if they should so choose. also allows for arrival. legalizing tourism and nomads. [quote] 2 experiencing reality, or whats in [quote] 8. let entity be local or do homestead [/quote] this allows someone to be in charge of their local environment, such as a homestead. one can clean their room, thus changing the local environment. can also be freedom to live self sufficiently [quote] 9. let entity be planetary or do environmentalism [/quote] this allows people to connect through their 9th chakra, to the mother spirit of earth Gaya, communing with the environment, and doing what is recommended, for planetary equilibrium. this can also legalize shortwave radio broadcasts, so entity can be electromagnetically broadcast planet wide. 10. let entity be solar systems or do space flight [/quote] this legalizes personal space flight. so if some people make a flying saucer in their garage, then they are allowed to keep it and use it. also allows for solar system wide broadcast. [quote] 11. let entity be galactic or do commune with stars [/quote] this legalizes UFO Contactees. also is the route for allowing galactic tourism. [quote] 12. let entity be universal or do intersect [/quote] this allows as entity to intersect, or interact,

List of Abilities explained simply common. also freedom to meet or freedom of assembly also freedom to be real where real is agreed-upon or common (within intersection). could also be freedom of education, where education is learning about various common beliefs. [quote] 13. let entity be multiversal or do union [/quote] this allows people to look at the whole picture. viewing seemingly contradictory things and accepting them as possibilities in union. with statute 7 movement is freedom of trade, or by itself freedom of peace, like the juda-chris-lam god. 3 also freedom to create. and freedom to do art, and freedom to copy. also freedom to have sex where a child is a product of such mixing. so it also legalizes being child or hybrid. [quote] 15. let entity be eternal or do infinite [/quote] this allows someone to live forever, or have infinite powers. Likely through reproduction and creation. like live and let live. or a we you net member. [quote] 14. let entity be metaversal or do mix [/quote] this allows for hybridization, as well as creation in the most literal sense.

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