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From Alpha to Omega and Back Again; Free Will and Predetermination By Anthony Forwood Copyright 2011 All

l rights reserved Sarfattis Science In the words of quantum physicist Dr. Jack Sarfatti, We are the 3D hologram images projected back from the future from the 2D future horizon celestial sphere that surrounds us. He talks the heavily technological jargon of quantum physicists that to the rest of us lay people sounds too arcane to interpret, but in reading it carefully, some understanding begins to come through. He mentions Alpha Points and Omega Points, wormholes, black holes, event horizons, and signal nonlocality. At least that much is understandable to someone who knows a little bit about quantum mechanics, and the rest of it seems to come through intuitively so that, for me at least, the whole of it makes sense. In my own understanding of what he theorizes about our universe, the Omega Point, which can be understood as our farthest future, ripples back to the present and even beyond into the past all the way to the initial Alpha Point of the Big Bang singularity, continually filling out the order of space and time (and thought) and harmonizing them with itself, bringing what was closer to what will be by way of what is, while still allowing room for free will to operate within the ever-momentary balance of consciousness between the past and the future. Everything that we are aware of about physical reality, even the laws that govern it, are established first by the certainty of the future finality, and we see the reflections of this awareness as physical reality itself. The more we evolve in mind and become ever more consciously aware, the closer we come to that final result at the Omega Point, but at the same time, the more free will we have to exercise our choices. This is interesting, because it describes a feedback loop, from past to future and future to past, allowing for guidance in the flow of creation, and this feedback loop reminds me of how the human brain has evolved in its design, so as to allow for checks and balances to be made at the highest levels of consciousness, in relation to what arises from the lowest levels of consciousness. This feedback loop in the brain gives us the ability to have greater free will and self-control, and to not be dependent on the more primitive emotional and instinctive responses of the lower levels of consciousness. In the same way, the future can reach back in time and make minor adjustments to the course of events so that less efficient thoughts,

actions, and events become more aligned to a future outcome that will ultimately be. In the brain, many millions of signals race through the neural paths of feedback loops every fraction of a second, each one providing a single bit of information that will be weighed against millions of other bits of information being carried through all the other neural paths in the loop. All these bits might comprise the information necessary to make a choice of action. Somewhere along this loop sits consciousness, able to exercise its free will and decide what information gets acted on and what doesnt. This act of deciding might only constitute the firing of a single neuron, requiring a minimal of energy enough for pure consciousness to easily muster up in only a few units of Planck time. Sarfatti describes the brain as an interferogram, which is a sort of hologram. It acts on the interference of past and future to give us a sense of the present. For every wave of energy that flows out into the future, a simultaneous backpropagating wave flows in from the future, and where they cross is the juxtaposition of the present. Consciousness sits at the crossroads, acting as a navigator that guides itself towards the final fulfillment of its pre-chosen destiny. Sarfatti also sees a cosmological connection between the duration of a single moment of consciousness to the age of the universe. This seems to suggest that at the very earliest stages of conscious evolution, a single moment of conscious awareness would be extremely short, while at the final stages, when the universe reaches its Omega Point, conscious awareness will encompass all of time and space it will become omniscient. Traveling Backwards in Time According to current scientific theories, time travel might be possible by using wormholes to bend spacetime. No matter how you do it, however, theres a seeming paradox that arises when you consider what would happen if you were to go back to a time before you were born and killed your own father, thus altering history and your own existence. It has been generally assumed that for this reason alone, time-travel isnt possible. But thats just an assumption. Perhaps theres a way that time-travel can be possible without any chance of causing this paradox. Perhaps time-travel must begin with consciousness, and only later, when were more technologically (and spiritually) advanced, it can be followed with physical time-travel. It might be that it just isnt possible any other way, and our level of spiritual maturity must first reach a certain point where we would never physically interfere in

any significant way. Leaving strange footprints in the sand might be one thing, but eliminating yourself by killing your father before you were born would be quite another. Theres a difference between subjective and objective interference. Subjective interference would include telepathic messages from the future, or perhaps even mysterious lights in the sky. Objective interference, on the other hand, would be any actions that physically alter anything in any way. If a mysterious light in the sky was seen, and it moved closer and showed itself to be a flying saucer, it would become more objectively real to us, and would be more objectively interfering in our reality. If it came and landed nearby, and its occupants got out and zapped someone dead with a ray gun, that would be objective interference. Whats important is how the interference affects the course of history. However, if time-travel is possible in both directions, then the universe is either predetermined or it splits into an infinite number of possible futures the many-worlds hypothesis. In a completely predetermined universe, interference wouldnt make a difference, since if it happens, it was already written. In the many-worlds scenario, it can still pose a paradoxical problem in the timeline that the time-travelers came from unless there are timelines where people and things can just suddenly never have existed. It seems to me, at this point, that time-travel technology is probably going to start with machines that will mentally project a person into the past or future, rather than physically. This is akin to astral travel, but using technological assistance. Some of the secret government remote-viewing projects have been rumored to employ psychotronic technology to do just this, and the Montauk Project is said to have been involved in time-travel experiments. The time machine in those projects was called the Montauk Chair, which operated through the thoughts of the person sitting in it. Whether this is a real technology or not is up to the reader to decide. Whatever the case, its still described as just the consciousness or astral body of the time-traveler that travels, and not necessarily the physical body as well. Considering all of this, theres some plausibility that some UFOs are time travelers, and whats seen by witnesses to these phenomena is an effect of the technology, or of the consciousness of the time-traveler, or a combination of the two. The Probabilities of Changing the Past This is where probabilities and potentials come into the picture. Scientists make a great deal out of probabilities they couldnt perform their quantum

physics without probability statistics to determine where a particle might be at any given time or how many of these particles might be required to fill a chamber or make up the mass of an object. Probabilities rely on many individual components for a final result to be determined. The same goes for events. The probability that some event might occur depends on the probabilities of all the events that will lead up to it. There might be any number of ways that the final event can be arrived at, through any number of series of intermediate events, and how its arrived at isnt as important as the fact that eventually it will be. Just as long as certain factors are met that the final event requires and is ultimately defined by. When we think about changing the past and the effect it can have on the future, were concerning ourselves with probabilities. Large or significant changes will usually cause a redirection of events that will result in a totally different future than otherwise. Small and insignificant changes will cause so little redirection of events that theyll result in very little difference at all. Something that has great potential to occur has a lot of probability bearing on it, and will require equally great changes to affect that potentiality and redirect it to some other outcome. In quantum physics, theres a lot of leeway in quantifiable outcomes, meaning that small variations do not necessarily affect final results, and individual intermediate events are less important than the final outcome. Absolute quantities (measurements) are never able to be determined because not every intermediate event or quantity that makes up the final outcome can ever be certain, and yet, that final outcome can still be determined, and even ahead of time. Theres even room for particles that travel backwards in time (tachyons) to affect other particles that are traveling forward in time, and this usually has no great influence on a predetermined final outcome (although it would have some). The probabilities and potentials for that final outcome are greater than the effect the back-traveling particles might have on it. If we consider this in relation to the possibility of traveling back in time and affecting the course of history, it becomes more understandable that we would have to affect it significantly, and even then, the probabilities may still be so highly in favor of a particular final outcome that we wouldnt make a significant difference. Probabilities and potentials are the key factors in whether the course of history might be changed by altering the past. Small interferences will make no difference if they dont upset the weight of probabilities too drastically. This means that certain outcomes are so probable that they will not be easily affected by small intermediate events. Just as in a quantum system, internal

readjustments are continually made that even out the perturbations of random interferences so that equilibrium is maintained and the system holds together. In the same way, the course of history (whether a personal history or a world history) will essentially follow a similar response to interferences so that the final outcome (the same predetermined future) is maintained. There can be many routes to a single destination, and each route can offer different experiences and may even take a more roundabout way that takes longer and requires more effort, but in the end, they all reach the same final point. Even though the end goal might ultimately be predetermined, how one gets there is open to many different possibilities, and free will is still unhindered by absolutes.

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