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“Assumptions Brings Trouble”

Joshua 22:10-34

When we jump to conclusions we invite trouble. Today we will see that God would have
us handle things differently.

God is really teaching us about relationship but for some ungodly reason we would rather
play physic than to have a discussion.

Joshua 22:10-12
Jumping to conclusions
1. They heard of the altar built by the tribes of Reuben, Gad and Manasseh.
2. Let us go to war with them for they have given up on the LORD. Not everything
is what it looks like.
a. How about when you are passing someone on the road and they don’t
wave and they are looking straight at you (at least we assume they are).
b. How about our marriages we tend to do this all the time. Story of the

Why is it that we like to be physic’s instead of just asking what is going on Deuteronomy

c. How I felt about other denominations. I used to get a caught up in the

differences, instead of getting caught up in Jesus Christ. AMEN

How many of us are like that we see the differences instead of what we have in common
which is Jesus Christ? That’s called judging.

Matthew 7:1-2

Joshua 22:13-20
Why would you do something like this?
1. Why, why, why, they were doing all the talking.
a. How many of us shot first and ask questions later?
2. The fear of the LORD’S wrath. Numbers 25/Joshua 7
a. Right heart wrong situations.

It’s good to have zeal for the Lord we just need to make sure we got the story straight
before we start to speak.

His friends had the true principles but wrong application. Yes the LORD will punish His
people for sin, but they were wrong to assume Job had sin.

James 1:19
1. Listen for God in each situation.
2. Slow to speak is to think before you talk. Our words can turn things into a mess.
Having wisdom isn’t always having something to say. Our mouth probably gets us
in the most trouble.
3. When you do the first two you can remain calm.

We need to take into consideration the person’s circumstance and condition before we
respond. AMEN

Joshua 22:21-29
Let us explain ourselves
1. Open with praises to the LORD.
2. If we have done what you said kill us.
3. The LORD knows.
4. They explain why they built the altar. Unity of the nation of Israel and their
devotion to the Almighty God and nothing else.

The heart of the 2 ½ tribes

1. We know what we did and there was nothing wrong with it so we don’t have to
explain nothing to you.
2. No hiding in God our lives are open books for all to read.

When we love each other we need to explain our hearts and were we are coming from
and at the same time we need to open to other peoples hearts to.
1. I’m asked this all the time. Why this book, why that way, etc.

This is called communication which leads to relationship. When you feel like you don’t
have to explain yourself it’s a good chance you are walking out side of the will of God.

Joshua 22:30-34
Explanation received
1. Unity is what came out of all this.
2. Unity is what God wants for the His people.

Psalms 133:1
When Christ is part of our lives, we think less of ourselves and more of what is best for
the people in concern.

John 15:13
—the greatest love is shown when people lay down their lives for their friends.

Both of the groups needed to say “SORRY my MISTAKE”. Why?

More often then not, the strains in our relationships are two sided. We need to ask
ourselves have I added to the situation if so what can I change.
His mended the broken relationship with God. Jesus’ blood was shed on our behalf.

We are called to be like Christ than let us remember to be quick to listen, slow to speak,
and slow to get angry.

Unity in the body is the Lord desire for His people. If you have some I’m sorry to do
will you be obedient and do it that the name of Jesus will be glorified.

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