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- uurlng orLhopedlc surgery careful aLLenLlon ls pald Lo Lhe surglcal envlronmenL and Lo Lechnlques Lo

decrease dlrecL boneconLamlnaLlon - rophylacLlc anLlbloLlcs admlnlsLered Lo achleve adequaLe Llssue

levels aL Lhe Llme of surgery and for 24 hours afLerf surgery - urlnary caLheLers and dralns are removed
as soon a sposslble Lo decrease Lhe lncldence of hemaLogenous spread of lnfecLlon - AsepLlc
posLoperaLlve wound care reduces Lhe lncldence of superflclal lnfecLlons and osLeomyellLls - When
paLlenLs who had [olnL replacemenL surgery undergo denLal procedures or oLher lnvaslve procedure
prophylacLlc anLlbloLlc are frequenLly recommended Medlcal ManagemenL 1he lnlLlal goal of Lherapy ls
Lo conLrol and halL Lhe lnfecLlon process - SupporLlve measure (hydraLlon dleL hlgh ln vlLamlns and
proLeln correcLlon of anemla) should be lnsLlLuLed - 1he area affecLed wlLh CsLeomyellLls ls
lmmoblllzed Lo decrease dlscomforL and Lo prevenL paLhologlc fracLure of Lhe weakened bone - Warm
weLsoaks for 20 mlnuLes several Llmes a day may be prescrlbed Lo lncrease clrculaLlon Lo Lhe affecLed
area haramacologlc 1herapy - As soon as Lhe culLure speclmens are obLalned lv anLlbloLlc Lherapy
based on Lhe assumpLlon of LhaL lnfecLlon resulLs from a sLaphylococcal
organlsm LhaL ls senslLlve Lo a semlsynLheLlcenlcllln or Cephalosphorln
(Lhe alm ls Lo conLrol Lhe lnfecLlon before Lhe blood supply Lo Lhe area dlmlnlshesas Lhe resulL of
- Around Lhe clock doslng ls necessary Lo achleve a susLalned blood level of Lhe anLlbloLlc - AfLer Lhe
resulL of Lhe culLure and senslLlvlLy sLudles are known an anLlbloLlc Lo whlch Lhe causaLlve agenL
organlsm ls senslLlve ls prescrlbed - lv Lherapy conLlnues for 3 Lo 6 weeks - AfLer Lhe lnfecLlon appears
Lo be conLrolled Lhe anLlbloLlc may be admlnlsLered
orally for up Lo 3monLhs Lo enhance absorpLlon of Lhe orally admlnlsLered
- AvClu anLlbloLlcs should noL be admlnlsLered wlLh food Surglcal ManagemenL - Surglcal
uebrldemenL lf Lhe lnfecLlon ls chronlc Also reserved for paLlenLs wlLh acuLe CsLeomyellLls LhaL does
noL respond Lo anLlbloLlc Lherapy 1he resulL of lL ls weakens Lhe bone lnLernal flxaLlon or
exLernal supporL devlces may be needed Lo sLablllze or supporL
Lhe bone Lo prevenL paLhologlc fracLure
- SequesLrecLomy 1he removal of enough lnvolucrum Lo enable Lhe surgeon Lo remove Lhe sequesLrum
nurslng ManagemenL - MonlLors Lhe neurovascular sLaLus of Lhe affecLed exLremlLy - LlevaLlon reduces
swelllng and assoclaLed dlscomforL
- aln ls conLrolled wlLh prescrlbed analgeslcs and oLher palnreduclng Lechnlques - MusL be proLecLed
by lmmoblllzaLlon devlces and avoldance of sLress on Lhe bone - 1he paLlenL musL undersLand Lhe
raLlonale of for Lhe acLlvlLy of resLrlcLlon - Lncourage paLlenL Lo have a full parLlclpaLlon ln AuL's wlLhln
Lhe physlcal llmlLaLlons Lo promoLe general wellbelng - MonlLor Lhe paLlenLs response Lo anLlbloLlc
Lherapy - Cbserves Lhe lv access for evldence of phleblLls lnfecLlon or lnfllLraLlon - WlLh long Lerm
lnLenslve anLlbloLlc Lherapy (monlLors Lhe paLlenL for slgn of lnfecLlon llke oral or vaglnal candldlasls
loose or foullngsmelllng sLool - lf surgery ls necessary (Lake measures Lo ensure adequaLe clrculaLlon Lo
Lhe affecLed
area(wound sucLlon Lo prevenL accumulaLlon elevaLlon of Lhe area Lo promoLe venous
dralnage avoldance of pressure on Lhe grafLed area) Lo malnLaln needed lmmoblllLy
and Lo ensure Lhe paLlenLs adherence of Lo welghL bearlng resLrlcLlons
- Changes dresslngs uslng asepLlc Lechnlque (Lo promoLe heallng and Lo prevenL cross conLamlnaLlon -
uleL hlgh ln proLeln and vlLamln C (promoLes a poslLlve nlLrogen balance and heallng - Lncourage
adequaLe hydraLlon as well 8eferenceManagemenL of paLlenLs wlLh MusculoskeleLal ulsorders page
ln 8runner and SuddarLhs 1exLbook of MedlcalSurglcal nurslng LlevenLh LdlLlon

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