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Output Caching:

17.1 How can I remove the cache of a page (cached with VaryByParam)
for certain request params in code?

You can attach a cache dependency to the response that is unique per query param, then invalidate the

dependency for that particular param:

// add cache item dependency on response

string cacheKey = "xxx.aspx?" + queryParam;
Cache[cacheKey] = new object();

// invalidate the dependency

string cacheKey = "xxx.aspx?" + queryParam;

17.2 How can I set a page/control to be cached only for certain


Let's say you set your output cache directive as follows:

<%@ OutputCache Duration="86400" VaryByParam="RegionID" VaryByCustom="ProductID" %>

VaryByCustom - is a string that your application has to interpret in the GetVaryByCustomString override in

the gloabal.asax file.

Now, to avoid caching pages for certain ProductIDs you can set the cacheability to private or nocache from

your page load for those pages as follows:




Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.Private) ;

17.3 What is Output Caching?

Output caching lets you cache the output of static aspx pages or portions of pages to improve performance.

Since the pages are cached asp.net doesn't have to regenerate the html for every request.

For more information see:

• Output Caching Techniques In ASP.NET

17.4 I want to Cache based on HTTP header .How can I do that?

<%@OutputCache ... VaryByHeader="UserAgent" %>


<%@ OutputCache ... VaryByHeader="Accept-Language" %>

17.5 How to make a page expire immediately in such a way that a

warning message "This page has expired."appears?

Try the following:

<%@ OutputCache location="none" %>

17.6 How to prevent client Cache? I want every client request get sent to
the server even if it's behind a proxy server and for any browser setting.

You can use tag

<%@ OutputCache Duration="0" Location="None" VaryByParam="none" %>






17.7 Is there any way to cache by browser a page or User Control?

Try VaryByCustom="browser" in the user control/page.

17.8 Is caching PDF Files a good or bad idea?

If the PDF files are on the disk, you should just let the IIS handle them. The IIS static file handler performs

caching and is much faster than the ASP.NET cache.

17.9 How to remove Output Cache by param?

You can attach a cache dependency to the response that is unique per query param, then invalidate the

dependency for the particular param:


'add cache item dependency on response

Dim cacheKey As String = "webform1.aspx?" + queryParam
Cache(cacheKey) = New Object() '

' invalidate the dependency

Dim cacheKey As String = "webform1.aspx?" + queryParam


// add cache item dependency on response

string cacheKey = "webform1.aspx?" + queryParam;
Cache[cacheKey] = new object();

// invalidate the dependency

string cacheKey = "webform1.aspx?" + queryParam;

17.10 How can I programatically invalidate the outputcache from a


You could add a dependency to the output cached control, and change the dependency to evict the control.

Here's code to do that:


If TypeOf Parent Is System.Web.UI.BasePartialCachingControl Then

Cache("dependent") = "dependent"
Dim dep As New CacheDependency(Nothing, New String() {"dependent"}) '
CType(Parent, System.Web.UI.BasePartialCachingControl).Dependency = dep
End If

if (Parent is System.Web.UI.BasePartialCachingControl)
Cache["dependent"] = "dependent";
CacheDependency dep = new CacheDependency(null, new string[] "dependent");
((System.Web.UI.BasePartialCachingControl)Parent).Dependency = dep;

17.11 Is it possible to cache a page by Browser Version and/or some


Yes. In your page:

<%@ OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParams="abc;xyz" VaryByCustom="browsermajorversion" %>

In your global.asax file:


Public Overrides Function GetVaryByCustomString(context As HttpContext, custom As String) As String

If custom.ToLower() = "browsermajorversion" Then
Dim browser As HttpBrowserCapabilities = context.Request.Browser
Return browser.Browser + " " + browser.MajorVersion
Return MyBase.GetVaryByCustomString(context, custom)
End If
End Function 'GetVaryByCustomString


public override string GetVaryByCustomString(HttpContext context, string custom)

if (custom.ToLower() == "browsermajorversion") {
HttpBrowserCapabilities browser = context.Request.Browser;
return browser.Browser + " " + browser.MajorVersion;
return base.GetVaryByCustomString(context, custom);

17.12 Why do I get the error message "The type or namespace name
'CacheDependency' could not be found (are you missing a using directive
or an assembly reference?) "?

Use namespace System.Web.Caching or

refer to it as System.Web.Caching.CacheDependency

17.13 Is there a way that I can clear/expire a page cache from another
No, not easily unless you use the output cache APIs on Response.Cache and take advantage of the

Response.AddCacheDependency() to make the page dependent on a common key.

Then, from the other page or class you could invalidate the common key which would enforce a dependency

eviction (since the key page1 depended on changed). Refer How to remove OutputCache by param?

17.14 How to access the Cache from a compiled class?


somevar=System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache(" ")


somevar=System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache(" ");

17.15 How can I cache the page by the complete querystring?

Try the following:

<%@ OutputCache Duration="10" VaryByParam="*" %>

This should result in any changes to querystring parameters causing a new version of the page to be cached.

Keep in mind that this can significantly increase the amount of memory used for caching, depending on how

many querystring parameters you're using.

Note: "*" is not recommended - it is best to use a list of params that your page truly varies by.

17.16 How do I access the cache in the Global.asax?

Use HttpRuntime.Cache

17.17 How to display items stored in a local application Cache?


Dim objItem As DictionaryEntry

For Each objItem In Cache
Response.Write(("Key :" + objItem.Key.ToString() + "
Response.Write((" Value :" + objItem.Value.ToString() + "

foreach(DictionaryEntry objItem in Cache)
Response.Write ("Key :" + objItem.Key.ToString () + "
Response.Write(" Value :" + objItem.Value.ToString ()+ "

17.18 Is there a Cache.RemoveAll()? How can I clear / remove the total



Dim objItem As DictionaryEntry

For Each objItem In Cache
'Response.Write (objItem.Key.ToString ());


foreach(DictionaryEntry objItem in Cache)

//Response.Write (objItem.Key.ToString ());
Cache.Remove(objItem.Key.ToString () ) ;

17.19 Why do I get the error message "Exception Details:

System.Web.HttpException: Cache is not available "?

Try using "HttpContext.Current.Cache" instead of just "Cache" in your code. The compiler probably wasn't

able to resolve the Cache type.

17.20 How to remove the Cache starting with "cachedata_"?


Dim enumerator As IDictionaryEnumerator = Cache.GetEnumerator()

While enumerator.MoveNext()
Dim key As String = CType(CType(enumerator.Current, DictionaryEntry).Key, String)
If key.StartsWith("cachedata_") Then
' Print it:
Response.Write(("Deleting key " + key + "
' Remove it:
End If
End While

IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = Cache.GetEnumerator();
String key = (String) ((DictionaryEntry) enumerator.Current).Key;
// Print it:
Response.Write("Deleting key " + key + "
// Remove it:

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