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This document describe the following sections

1. Domain Model
2. System Sequence Diagram
3. Sequence Diagram
4. Collaboration Diagram
5. State Transition Diagram
6. Operation Contracts
7. Design Class Diagram
8. Data Model

1. Domain Model
2. System Sequence Diagram

UC_ Admin_ Login

Teletec Admin
: Administrator


Authentication Info (Un, Pwd)

Show Home Page ()

UC_ Add_ Product

: Administrator
Teletec Admin

AddProduct(Name, Desc, Image URL)

Product Added( )
UC_ Add_ Attribute

Teletec Admin
: Administrator

Attribute(Code, Price, Desc)

Image (Url)

Attribute Added( )

UC _Update _Product

: Administrator
Teletec Admin

Update ()

Attribute (Code, Price, Desc)

Image (Url)

Product Updated ( )
UC_ Delete _Item

: Administrator
Teletec Admin

Delete Product( )

Product (Id)

Product Deleted( )

UC_ Payment

: Administrator
Admin Teletec

Pay Pal ( )

Manual ( )
UC_ Contact _Detail

: Administrator

Teletec Admin

Contact Args(Name,Add, Ph, Fax, Email)

Save ( )

UC_ Logout

: Administrator

Teletec Admin
Login ( )

Logout ( )

Session End( )
UC_ Select _Product

: Administrator
Teletec Client

Visit Product ( )

Product (Id, Quantity)

UC_ View_ Sub _Product

Teletec Client
: Administrator Site

Visit Product ( )

Sub Product (Id, Qty)

UC_ View _Terms_ Conditions

: Administrator Teletec Client


Terms and Conditions ( )

UC_ View _Cart

Teletec Client
: Administrator
Visit Product ( )

VIew Cart( )
UC_ Fill _Require _Fields

Teletec Client
: Administrator Site

VIew Cart ( )

Fill Form ( )

UC_ Send _Email

Teletec Client
: Administrator
Visit Product ( )

View Cart ( )

Fill Form ( )

Send Mail ( )
UC_ Submit _Order

: Administrator

Teletec Client
Visit Product ( ) Site

View Cart( )

Fill Form ( )

Submit Order( )
3. Sequence Diagram

UC_ Admin_ Login

Teletec Online Admin Site DBMS Home Page

Shopping Mall
Authentication Info(Un, Pwd)
Validating User

UC_ Add_ Product

Admin Site Add Product
Add New()
AddProduct(Name, Desc, Image URL)

Product Added( )
UC_ Add_ Attribute

Admin Site Add Attribute DBMS

Add New()
Attribute(Code, Price, Desc)

Attribute Added( )

UC_ Update_ Product

Admin Site Add Product DBMS

Update( )
Attribut(Code, Price, Desc)


Product Updated ()
UC_ Delete_ Item

Admin Site Product DBMS

Delete ( )
Product (Id)

Product Deleted ( )

UC_ Payment

Admin Site Payment DBMS

Paypal ()

Manual ()
UC_ Contact_ Detail

Admin Site Contact DBMS

Contact Info()
Contact Args(Name, Add, Ph, Fax, Email)

Save ( )

UC_ Logout

Admin Site Homepgae Logout

Logout ( )

Session End( )
UC_ Select_ Product

Teletec Online Product Select Product

Shopping Mall
Visit Product()
Product (id, Quantity)

UC_ View_ Sub_ Product

Teletec Online Product Select Product Sub Product

Shopping Mall
Visit Product()
Product(id, Qty) Sub Product(id, Qty)
UC_ View_ Terms_ Conditions

Teletec Online Terms and

Shopping Mall Conditions
Terms and Conditions()

UC_ View_ Cart

Teletec Online Product Select Product Shoppimg

Shopping Mall Basket
Visit Product()
Product (id, Quantity)
VIew Cart()

UC_ Fill_ Require_ Fields

Teletec Online Product Select Product Shoppimg Order Form

Shopping Mall Basket
Visit Product()
Product (id, Quantity)
VIew Cart()
Fill Form()
UC_ Send_ Email

Teletec Online Product Select Product Shoppimg Manual

Shopping Mall Basket Payment
Visit Product()
Product (id, Quantity)
VIew Cart()
Fill Form()

UC_ Submit_ Order

Teletec Online Product Select Product Shoppimg Order Form Submit Order
Shopping Mall Basket
Visit Product()
Product (id, Quantity)
VIew Cart()
Fill Form() Submit()
4. Collaboration Diagram

UC_ Admin_ Login

1: Visit()
Teletec Online Admin
Shopping Mall Site

3: Validating User

2: Authentication Info(Un, Pwd)

4: ShowHomePage()

UC_ Add _Product

1: Add New()
Admin Add
Site Product

3: Product Added( )

DBMS 2: AddProduct(Name, Desc, Image URL)

UC_ Add _Attribute

1: Add New()
Admin Add
Site Attribute

4: Attribute Added( )

2: Attribute(Code, Price, Desc)

DBMS 3: Image(Url)
UC_ Update _Product
1: Update( )
Admin Add
Site Product

4: Product Updated ()

2: Attribut(Code, Price, Desc)

DBMS 3: Image(Url)

UC_ Delete _Item

1: Delete ( )
Admin Product

3: Product Deleted ( )

2: Product (Id)


UC_ Payment
1: Payment()
Admin Payment
Site Method

2: Paypal ()
3: Manual ()

UC_ Contact _Detail
1: Contact Info()
Admin Contact

3: Save ( )

2: Contact Args(Name, Add, Ph, Fax, Email)


UC_ Logout
1: Login()
Admin Homepg
Site ae

3: Session End( )

2: Logout ( )


UC_ Select _Product

1: Visit Product()
Teletec Online Product
Shopping Mall

2: Product (id, Quantity)

UC_ View _Sub _Product

1: V is it P rod uct()
Teletec O nline P roduc t
S hopping M all

2: P roduc t(id, Q ty )

3: S ub P roduc t(id, Q ty )
S elec t S ub
P roduc t P roduc t

UC_ View _Terms _ Conditions

1: Term s and Conditions ()

Tel etec O nline Term s and
S hopping M all Conditions

UC_ View _Cart

1: V is it P roduc t()
Tele tec O nline
P roduc t
S hopping M all

2: Pr oduc t (i d, Q uantity)

3: V Iew Cart()
S elec t Shoppim g
P roduct B as k et
UC_ Fill _Require _Fields

1: Vi s it P roduct () 2: P rodu c t (id, Qua ntity)

S elec t
Teletec O nline P roduc t
P roduc t
S hopping M all

3: V Iew C art()

4: F ill F orm ()
S hoppim g O rder
B as k et F orm

UC_ Send _Email

1: V is it P roduc
2: P roduc
t() t ( id, Quant it y)
Teletec O nline P roduc t S elec t
S hopping Mal l P roduct

3: V Iew Cart()

4: F ill F orm ()
S hoppim g M anual
B as k et P ay m ent
UC_ Submit _Order

1: V is it P roduc t() 2: P roduc t (id, Q uantit y)

Teletec O nline P rodu ct S elec t

S hopping M all P roduc t

3: V Iew Cart()

4: F i ll F orm () 5: S ubmit()
S hoppim g O rder S ubm it
B as k et F orm O rder
5. State Transition Diagram

UC_ Admin_ Login

Validating User

Start Teletec Online Visit Admin Site Authentication Info( Un, Pwd ) DBMS
Shopping Mall

Show Home Page



UC_ Add _Product

Start Admin Site Add New Add


Product Saved

Add Product( Name, Desc, Image Url )


UC_ Add _Attribute

Start Admin Site Add New Add


Image( URL )
Attribute( Code, Price, Desc )

UC_ Update _Product

Start Admin Site Update Add


Attribute( Code, Price, Desc )

Image( Url )


UC_ Delete _Item

Start Admin Site Delete Product

Product( Id )

Product Deleted


UC_ Payment

Start Admin Site Payment Payment


UC_ Contact _Detail

Start Admin Site Contact Info Contact


Contact Args( Name, Add, Ph, Fax, Mail )


UC_ Logout

Start Admin Site Login HomePage

Session End

Logout End

UC_ Select _Product

S tart flow T eletec O nline V is it P roduc t P r oduct

S hopping M all

P roduc t( id, Q uantity )

S elec t
P roduc t

S top
UC_ View _Sub _Product

S tart flow Teletec O nline V is it P roduc t P roduc t

S hopping M all

P roduc t(id, Q ty )

S elec t
P ro duct

P roduc t(id, Q ty )

S ub S top
P roduc t

UC_ View _Terms _ Conditions

S tart flow Teletec O nline V is it P roduc t P r oduct

S hop ping M all

Term s and Conditions ()

Term s and

S top
UC_ View _Cart

S tart flow Teletec O nline V is it P roduc t P roduc t

S hopping M all

P rodu c t( i d, Qu anti ty )

S elec t V Iew Cart S hoppim g

P roduc t B as k et

S top

UC_ Fill _Require _Fields

S ta rt Teletec O nline V is it P roduc t Pr oduct

S hopping M all

P roduc t( id, Q uantity )

S elec t V Iew Cart S hoppim g

P roduc t Ba s k et

F ill F or m

O rder F or m

S top
UC_ Send _Email

S ta rt Teletec O nline V is it P roduc t Pr oduct

S hopping M all

P roduc t( id, Q uantity )

S elec t V Iew Cart S hoppim g

P roduc t Ba s k et

F ill F orm

M anual
P ay m ent

S top

UC_ Submit _Order

S tart flow Teletec O nline V is it P roduc t P r oduct
S hop ping M all

P roduc t( id, Q uantity )

S elec t V Iew Cart S hoppim g

P roduc t B as k et

F ill F orm

S top S ubm it O rder F orm

O rder
S ubm it
6. Operation Contracts

Name: Contract CO1: (Administrator Login)

Responsibilities: Manage the whole shopping cart

Cross References: UC1:UC_Admin_Login

Exceptions: First time admin will specify whole setting for the site..

Preconditions: Admin must have valid account to login.

Postconditions: Admin will go to home page

Name: Contract CO2: (Add New Product)

Responsibilities: Will add new products to shopping cart.

Cross References: UC2:UC_Add_Product

Exceptions: None

Preconditions: Admin must be login.

Postconditions: After Save changes user will bring back to the Admin main page.

Name: Contract CO3: (Add Attribute)

Responsibilities: Will add new sub products attributes

Cross References: UC3:UC_Add_Attribute

Exceptions: None

Preconditions: Before adding sub product the main product must be already

Postconditions: After Save changes user will bring back to the Admin main page.

Name: Contract CO4: (Update Changes)

Responsibilities: Will update changes made to cart

Cross References: UC5:UC_Update_ Product

Exceptions: None
Preconditions: Add sub product or product attributes to cart

Postconditions: After Save changes user will bring back to the Admin main page.

Name: Contract CO5: (Delete Product)

Responsibilities: Will remove products from product list

Cross References: UC5:UC_Delete_Item

Exceptions: None

Preconditions: Must check a product before deleting it from list

Postconditions: A sub product is deleted and user will remain on same sub product
list screen

Name: Contract CO6: (Payment Method)

Responsibilities: Will specify the payment methods user can choose to made

Cross References: UC6:UC_Payment

Exceptions: None

Preconditions: None

Postconditions: A paying method will save and user will pay through this
specifying method.

Name: Contract CO7: (Contact Info)

Responsibilities: Will specify the contact information

Cross References: UC7:UC_Contact_Detail

Exceptions: None

Preconditions: None

Postconditions: This information will be shown at the Home page of the client site.
Name: Contract CO8: (Admin Logout)

Responsibilities: Will specify the contact information

Cross References: UC8:UC_Logout

Exceptions: None

Preconditions: Admin must be logged in

Postconditions: Session will expire and user will be bringing at the login page.

Name: Contract CO9: (Select Product)

Responsibilities: Client select product to view information about product

Cross References: UC9:UC_Select_Product

Exceptions: None

Preconditions: Client must be at Home Page

Postconditions: New page with details will appear

Name: Contract CO10: (View Sub Product)

Responsibilities: Client select product to view information about sub product

Cross References: UC10:UC_View_Sub_Product

Exceptions: None

Preconditions: Client have selected product

Postconditions: New page with details about sub products will appear

Name: Contract CO11: (Term and Conditions)

Responsibilities: Provide detail of terms and condition

Cross References: UC11:UC_View_Terms_Conditions

Exceptions: None

Preconditions: Client must be at Home Page

Postconditions: New page with details about terms and conditions will appear

Name: Contract CO12: (View Cart)

Responsibilities: Provide detail information of shopping

Cross References: UC12:UC_View_Cart

Exceptions: None

Preconditions: Client must add products to cart

Postconditions: Display a screen contains a lot of information i.e. Quantity of the

product, sub total, tax and so on.

Name: Contract CO13: (Order Form)

Responsibilities: Client fills form to provide detail along with mailing address and
payment method

Cross References: UC13:UC_Fill_Require_Fields

Exceptions: None

Preconditions: Client must add products to cart

Postconditions: Order will generate and sent to admin site.

Name: Contract CO14: (Send Mail)

Responsibilities: Client fills form to provide detail along with mailing address and
payment method

Cross References: UC14:UC_Send_Email

Exceptions: None

Preconditions: Client have filled all mandatory fields of form

Postconditions: Credit Card information will break in two parts and will sent to the
admin in two separate mails.

Name: Contract CO15: (Submit)

Responsibilities: Client fills form to provide detail along with mailing address and
payment method

Cross References: UC15:UC_Submit_Order

Exceptions: None

Preconditions: Client have filled all mandatory fields of form

Postconditions: All text boxes will become empty.

7. Class Diagram
8. Data Model:
We will describe the data model of our project under following sections.

Identify Entities:
Following entities will be the part of system database.
1. Customers
2. Users
3. User Types
4. Products
5. Product Type
6. Sub Products
7. Sub Product Attributes
8. Site Settings
9. Orders
10. Order Details
11. Customer Addresses
12. Customers Cards
13. Contact Information
Entity Relationship Matrix
Fully Attributed ERD:

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