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1hls pro[ecL reporL has been prepared on a small buL vlLal Loplc under Lhe
Law of 1orLs 1he pro[ecL reporL deflnes Lrespass lLs Lypes and speclflcally
descrlbes 1respass Lo a person lL Lells abouL Lhe essenLlals of dlfferenL ways
of commlLlng Lrespass Lo a person as well as Lhe remldles and defenses one
can Lake ln Lrespass Lo a person under Law of 1ors 1o explaln Lhe above
menLloned dlfferenL cases boLh lndlan and Lngllsh have been menLlon

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1he fo||ow|ng abbrev|at|ons have been used |n th|s pro[ect report

1 l8 ll lndla 8eporL
2 SC Supreme CourL
3 8om Mumbal / 8ombay
4 L8 Lngllsh 8eprLs
3 runachal radesh

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1he fo||ow|ng cases have been c|ted |n th|s pro[ect report
1 arLap ua[l v 88 and Cl 8?
2 kader v k lagarswaml
3 Sahell v Commlssloner of ollce uelhl
4 SLepens v Myers
3 8avlseLLl venkaLa Surya 8ao v nandlpaLl MuLhayya
6 LnrlghL v Croves

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1 Abstract1
2 Abbrev|at|ons2
3 1ab|e Cf Cases3
4 Index4
S Introduct|onS
%a)8esearch MeLhodology3
%b)8esearch lan3
%c)lms and Cb[ecLlves of Lhe pro[ecL6
7 8attery8
%a)lngredlenLs of 8aLLery8
%c)uefenses Lo 8aLLery10
8 Assau|t11
%a)lngredlenLs of ssaulL11
%c)uefences Lo ssaulL13
Ia|se Impr|sonment1S
%a)lngredlenLs of lalse lmprlsonmenL13

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Chapter 1 IN1kCDUC1ICN

1hls pro[ecL has requlred consulLaLlon Lo an assorLed range of books and webslLes LhaL
are a parL of Lhe secondary sources Some research papers and [ournals Loo have been
referred Lo 1he varlous slLes referred Lo lnclude Lhe offlclal slLes of Supreme CourL of
lndla and ManupaLra for research on cases of lndlan orlgln whlle Lhe oLher cases can be
Lraced back Lo varlous books referred Lo Lhereby

1hls resL of Lhls pro[ecL has been dlvlded lnLo Lhe followlng parLs whlch are as follows
O Introduct|on 1hls secLlon brlefly hlgh llghLs Lhe baslcs of whaL ls Lrespass and
Lrespass Lo a person
O 8attery 1hls parL has been lncluded Lo explaln Lhe concepL of baLLery as a LorL
wlLh Lhe help of varlous case laws boLh lndlan and lorelgn
O Ingred|ents of 8attery 1hls secLlon focuses on explalnlng Lhe elemenLs of baLLery
as a LorL le of whaL consLlLuLes Lhe LorL of baLLery
O kemed|es 1hls dlvlslon seeks Lo llsL ouL Lhe avallable remedles for Lhe LorL of
baLLery and of when and how Lhey can be avalled
O Assau|t 1hls parL has been lncluded Lo explaln Lhe concepL of assaulL as a LorL
wlLh Lhe help of varlous case laws boLh lndlan and lorelgn
O Ingred|ents of Assau|t 1hls secLlon focuses on explalnlng Lhe elemenLs of assaulL
as a LorL le of whaL consLlLuLes Lhe LorL of baLLery
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O kemed|es 1hls dlvlslon seeks Lo llsL ouL Lhe avallable remedles for Lhe LorL of
assaulL and of when and how Lhey can be avalled
O Ia|se Impr|sonment 1hls parL has been lncluded Lo explaln Lhe concepL of
baLLery as a LorL wlLh Lhe help of varlous case laws boLh lndlan and lorelgn
O Ingred|ents of Ia|se Impr|sonment 1hls secLlon focuses on explalnlng Lhe
elemenLs of baLLery as a LorL le of whaL consLlLuLes Lhe LorL of baLLery
O kemed|es 1hls dlvlslon seeks Lo llsL ouL Lhe avallable remedles for Lhe LorL of
false lmprlsonmenL and of when and how Lhey can be avalled

O 1o deflne and Lo undersLand Lhe concepL of Lrespass Lo a person under Lhe law of
O 1o know abouL Lhe evoluLlon of Lhe noLlon of baLLery assaulL and false
lmprlsonmenL as LorLs wlLh reference Lo lndlan and forelgn cases
O 1o comprehend Lhe varlous rudlmenLs of Lhe baLLery assaulL and false
lmprlsonmenL as LorLs
O 1o become aware of Lhe remedles under Lhese LorLs
O LasLly Lo analyze Lhe pro[ecL ln LoLallLy and address Lhe lssues ralsed Lhereon

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Chapter 2 DLIINI1ICN

1tesposs ls oo oteo of tott low btooJly JlvlJeJ loto tbtee qtoops
O 1tesposs to petsoo
O 1tesposs to looJ
O 1tesposs to cbottels

1respass Lo Lhe person hlsLorlcally lnvolved slx separaLe Lrespasses LhreaLs assaulL
baLLery woundlng mayhem and malmlng
1hrough Lhe evoluLlon of Lhe common law
ln varlous [urlsdlcLlons and Lhe codlflcaLlon of common law LorLs mosL [urlsdlcLlons
now broadly recognlze Lhree Lrespasses Lo Lhe person assaulL whlch ls any acL of such
a naLure as Lo exclLe an apprehenslon of baLLerybaLLery any lnLenLlonal and
unpermlLLed conLacL wlLh Lhe plalnLlffs person or anyLhlng aLLached Lo lL and pracLlcally
ldenLlfled wlLh lL and false lmprlsonmenL Lhe unlawful obsLrucLlon or deprlvaLlon of
freedom from resLralnL of movemenL

rLhur underhlll W ! 1remeear !oseph Cerald ease"Law of 1orLs" p 242

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Chapter 3 8A11Lk

31 WnA1 IS 8A11Lk ?
8aLLery conslsLs ln Louchlng anoLher person hasLlly or agalnsL hls wlll however sllghLly
lL can also be deflned as lnLenLlonal appllcaLlon of force Lo anoLher person wlLhouL
lawful [usLlflcaLlon lL ls Lhe acLual appllcaLlon of force Lo Lhe person of anoLher done
wlLhouL [usLlflcaLlon ln a rude angry lnsolenL or revengeful manner
ln oLher words Lhe lnLenLlon of appllcaLlon of force Lo Lhe person of anoLher wlLhouL
lawful [usLlflcaLlon however Lrlvlal Lhe amounL or naLure of Lhe force may be
consLlLuLes Lhe wrong of baLLery 1he leasL Louchlng of a man ln anger ls baLLery ln
order Lo consLlLuLe a baLLery Lhere musL be acLual conLacL

o otJet to socceeJ lo oo octloo fot bottety tbe plolotlff most ptove
1 1he use of force Lo hlm elLher Lo hls body for example slapplng or pushlng or
brlnglng an ob[ecL ln conLacL wlLh hls body for example Lhrowlng waLer on hlm
2 1haL Lhe use of force was lnLenLlonal LhaL ls wlLhouL any lawful [usLlflcaLlon
3 1he force musL be applled agalnsL Lhe plalnLlff wlLhouL hls consenL express or

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1kA1A DAII v 88 AND CI k

ln 81 u!l v 88 8? case Lhe plalnLlff enLered a carrlage on Lhe defendanL's
rallway buL by overslghL falled Lo purchase a LlckeL for hls Lravel L an lnLermedlaLe
sLaLlon he asked for a LlckeL buL Lhe same was refused L anoLher place he was asked
Lo geL ouL of Lhe carrlage slnce he dld noL have a LlckeL Cn hls refusal Lo geL ouL force
was used Lo make hlm geL ouL of Lhe carrlage ln an acLlon by hlm for hls forclble
removal lL was held LhaL Lhe use of Lhe force was [usLlfled as he belng wlLhouL a LlckeL
was a Lrespasser 1he defendanLs were Lherefore noL llable


ln kuL8 v kLC8SWMl case Lhe Madras Plgh CourL held LhaL puLLlng
handcuffs on an under Lrlal prlsoner and Lhen chalnlng hlm llke a dangerous anlmal wlLh
a nelghborlng wlndow ln a hosplLal durlng hls LreaLmenL ls an un[usLlflable use of force
and Lhe pollce offlcer responslble for Lhe same ls llable for Lrespass Lo Lhe person lL was
also observed LhaL ln such a case Lhere ls no need Lo prove any moLlve or lnLenLlon on
Lhe parL of Lhe pollce offlcer because lf Lhe offlcer has exceeded and abused hls
auLhorlLy lL may be ouL of arrogance or even because of a LemperamenLal defecL whlch
dellghLs ln cruelLy Lhe acL would be mallclous and mala flde unless lL can plauslbly be
conLended LhaL Lhe clrcumsLances [usLlfled Lhe use of Lhe power


ln SPLLl v CCMMlSSlCnL8 Cl CLlCL uLLPl case Lhe peLlLloner and her mlnor son
were beaLen by landlord and pollce ln order Lo geL Lhe LenemenL ln whlch Lhey were
llvlng vacaLed s a consequence Lhe son dled 1he peLlLloner was held enLlLled Lo geL

2 %1873) l 8om32
3 l8 1964 SC203
4 l8 1990 SC 313
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compensaLlon for Lhe deaLh of her son from uelhl dmlnlsLraLlon because Lhe deaLh of
Lhe peLlLloner's son was caused by Lhe beaLlng and assaulL by Lhe agency of Lhe
soverelgn power acLlng ln vlolaLlon and excess of Lhe power vesLed ln such agency


Self uefense or defense of one's wlfe or husband chlldren parenLs or one's masLer ls
always permlsslble 1hls sorL of self defense ls Lechnlcally known as Son assaulL
demense" whlch means LhaL Lhe acL complalned of was Lhe effecL of Lhe plalnLlff's own
aLLack 1he use of force ln self defense would be legally permlsslble only lf lL conforms Lo
general condlLlons vlz ln Lhe flrsL place lL was noL unnecessary and secondly lL was
noL dlsproporLlonaLe of Lhe evll Lo be prevenLed

lf a man enLers lnLo or upon Lhe properLy of anoLher wlLhouL hls permlsslon and wlLh
force and vlolence Lhe owner ls [usLlfled ln Lurnlng hlm ouL wlLhouL a prevlous requesL
Lo deparL and may use such force as necessary buL lf he enLers quleLly he musL be flrsL
requesLed Lo reLlre before force can be used Lo Lurn hlm ouL

1he rlghLful owner %or hls servanL by hls command) may [usLlfy an assaulL ln order Lo
repossess hlmself of land and goods whlch are wrongfully ln Lhe possesslon of anoLher
who refuses Lo dellver Lhem upon requesL so long as no unnecessary vlolence ls used8
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Chapter 4 ASSAUL1

n assaulL ls one form of Lrespass Lo person lL may be deflned as Lhe unlawful laylng of
hands on anoLher or an aLLempL Lo do corporal hurL Lo anoLher coupled wlLh presenL
ablllLy and lnLenLlon Lo do Lhe cL"
ccordlng Lo S|r Ireder|c a||ock Lhe essence of Lhe wrong of assaulL ls puLLlng a man
ln presenL fear of vlolence so LhaL any acL flLLed Lo have LhaL effecL on a reasonable
man may be an assaulL"
ccordlng Lo Wlnfleld ssaulL ls an acL of Lhe defendanL whlch causes Lo Lhe plalnLlff
reasonable apprehenslon of Lhe lnfllcLlon of a baLLery on hlm by Lhe defendanL"

ln order Lo succeed ln an acLlon for assaulL Lhe plalnLlff musL prove
1LhaL Lhere was some gesLures or preparaLlon whlch consLlLuLed a LhreaL or
2LhaL Lhe gesLure or preparaLlon was such as Lo cause a reasonable
apprehenslon of force
3LhaL Lhere was a presenL osLenslble ablllLy on Lhe defendanL's parL Lo carry ouL
LhreaL lnLo execuLlon lmmedlaLely 1hus lf a person brandlshes a sword aL such a
dlsLance LhaL lf would noL be posslble Lo hurL anyone lL would noL be assaulL
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ln S1LPLnS v M?L8S case Lhe plalnLlff was Lhe chalrman aL a arlsh meeLlng Lhe
defendanL also saL aL Lhe same Lable buL Lhere were slx or seven persons beLween hlm
and Lhe plalnLlff ln Lhe course of some angry dlscusslon Lhe defendanL had been
voclferous and he lnLerrupLed Lhe proceedlngs of Lhe meeLlng very large ma[orlLy
declded LhaL Lhe defendanL be expelled from Lhe meeLlng 1he defendanL Lhen
advanced Lowards Lhe Chalrman wlLh a clenched flsL saylng LhaL he would raLher pull
Lhe Chalrman ouL of Lhe chalr Lhan be Lurned ouL of Lhe room buL was sLopped by Lhe
churchwarden who saL nexL buL one Lo Lhe Chalrman Pe was held llable for assaulL


ln 8vlSL11l vLnk1 Su8? 8C v nnul1l Mu1P?? case Lhe plalnLlff a well
Lodo agrlculLurlsL was ln arrears of land revenue amounLlng Lo 8s1160 1he vlllage
munslf who had a duLy Lo collecL Lhe amounL wenL Lo Lhe plalnLlff's resldence on
March 311936 for Lhe collecLlon of Lhe amounL Cn demand belng made Lhe plalnLlff
pleaded hls lnablllLy Lo pay Lhe amounL LhaL day as hls wlfe had locked Lhe house and
gone ouL for a few days 1he defendanL lnslsLed Lo have Lhe paymenL Lhe very day LhaL
belng Lhe lasL day of Lhe year for Lhe collecLlon of Lhe revenue 1he plalnLlff was Lold
LhaL on hls fallure Lo pay hls movable properLy wlll be dlsLralned Slnce Lhe plalnLlff's
house was locked and no oLher movables were readlly avallable Lhe defendanL Lold hlm
LhaL Lhe earnlngs whlch Lhe plalnLlff was wearlng would be dlsLralned 1he vlllage
goldsmlLh was called Cn Lhe arrlval of Lhe goldsmlLh one of Lhe persons presenL Lhere
pald off Lhe amounL due from Lhe plalnLlff by borrowlng Lhe same from anoLher person

%1830) 4 C and 349 172 L8733
l8 1964 382
age | 13

1he defendanL Lhen wenL away quleLly 1he plalnLlff sued Lhe vlllage munslf alleglng LhaL
aparL from oLher wrongs Lhe defendanL had commlLLed assaulL lL was held LhaL slnce
Lhe defendanL afLer Lhe arrlval of Lhe goldsmlLh sald noLhlng and dld noLhlng and Lhe
LhreaL of use of force by Lhe goldsmlLh Lo Lhe plalnLlff was Loo remoLe a posslblllLy Lo
have puL Lhe plalnLlff ln fear of lmmedlaLe or lnsLanL vlolence Lhere was no assaulL


ConsenL may be a compleLe or parLlal defense Lo assaulL LxcepLlons exlsL Lo cover
unsollclLed physlcal conLacL whlch amounL Lo normal soclal behavlor known as de
mlnlmls harm ssaulL can also be consldered ln cases lnvolvlng Lhe splLLlng on or
unwanLed exposure of bodlly flulds Lo oLhers
Legally recognlzed good reasons for consenL lnclude surgery acLlvlLles wlLhln Lhe rules
of a game %Mlxed marLlal arLs wresLllng boxlng or conLacL sporLs) bodlly adornmenL %8
v Wllson) or horseplay %!ones and oLhers)

ollce offlcers and courL offlclals have a general power Lo use force for Lhe purpose of
performlng an arresL or generally carrylng ouL Lhelr offlclal duLles 1hus a courL offlcer
Laklng possesslon of goods under a courL order may use force lf reasonably necessary

1hls may or may noL lnvolve self defense ln LhaL uslng a reasonable degree of force Lo
prevenL anoLher from commlLLlng a crlme could lnvolve prevenLlng an assaulL buL lL
could be prevenLlng a crlme noL lnvolvlng Lhe use of personal vlolence
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Some [urlsdlcLlons allow force Lo be used ln defense of properLy Lo prevenL damage
elLher ln lLs own rlghL or under one or boLh of Lhe precedlng classes of defense ln LhaL a
LhreaL or aLLempL Lo damage properLy mlghL be consldered a crlme %ln Lngllsh law
under s3 Crlmlnal uamage cL 1971 lL may be argued LhaL Lhe defendanL has a lawful
excuse Lo damaglng properLy durlng Lhe defense and a defense under s3 Crlmlnal Law
cL 1967) sub[ecL Lo Lhe need Lo deLer vlgllanLes and excesslve selfhelp
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lalse lmprlsonmenL ls a Lrespass Lo person whereln Lhe llberLy of a person ls curbed
landmark [udgmenL ln Lhls regard ls Lhe 8lrd v !oners case whereln lL was held LhaL ln
case Lhere are oLher ways open for Lhe plalnLlff Lo escape Lhen Lhe mere obsLrucLlon of
one of Lhe ways does noL acLlvaLe Lhe scope of Lhe LorL of false lmprlsonmenL ln Lhls
case lL was held LhaL Lhere musL be LoLal resLraln for howsoever shorL Llme on Lhe
llberLy of a person wlLhouL any lawful [usLlflcaLlon

1o ask aL Lhe ouLseL lf a convlcLed prlsoner en[oys ln law resldual llberLyr as lf Lhe
exLenL of any clLlzenrs rlghL Lo llberLy were a specles of rlghLs ln rem or a maLLer of
sLaLus ls Lo ask Lhe wrong quesLlon
1he acLlon for false lmprlsonmenL ls malnLalnable
ln personam 1he varlous consLlLuenLs of false lmprlsonmenL lnclude

WhaLever may be Lhe perlod of conflnemenL Lhe LorL of false lmprlsonmenL arlses 8uL
Llme perlod ls of essence whlle deLermlnlng Lhe amounL of compensaLlon Lo be awarded
Lo Lhe ln[ured parLy n oLherwlse lawful deLenLlon may become unlawful lf Lhe
deLenLlon ls prolonged for an unreasonable perlod of Llme

1here are very few LorLs LhaL conslder Lhe lnLenslon %mens rea") of Lhe defendanL and
false lmprlsonmenL ls one of Lhese le a person ls noL llable for false lmprlsonmenL

Mark Lunney ken CllphanL 1orL Law 1exL nd MaLerlals" oxford unlverslLy press 3rd edlLlon p 78

age | 16

unless hls or her acL ls done for Lhe purpose of lmposlng a conflnemenL 1o reveal Lhe
elemenL of lnLenL Lhe defendanL musL only lnLend Lo accompllsh Lhe acL LhaL causes Lhe
conflnemenL and need noL conLend LhaL Lhe conflnemenL was unlawful as Lhe
defendanLrs acLual moLlves are lmmaLerlal Lven negllgenL acLs of conflnemenL amounL
Lo false lmprlsonmenL

3 kNCWLLDGL CI 1nL LAIN1III 1here ls no requlremenL LhaL Lhe plalnLlff alleglng
false lmprlsonmenL was aware of Lhe resLralnL on hls freedom aL Lhe Llme of hls
conflnemenL lf Lhe person ls conflned ln a room wlLh one of Lhe enLrles known Lo Lhe
plalnLlff closed and Lhe room has more Lhan one enLry exlL door buL Lhe plalnLlff has no
knowledge abouL Lhe same Lhe defendanL wlll sLlll be held llable 1hus Lhe person
conflned does noL have Lo be aware of Lhe conflnemenL or be harmed by lL as lL ls
acLlonable per se Meerlng v Crahame WhlLe vlaLlon Co

4 LACL CI CCNIINLMLN1 1o consLlLuLe Lhe wrong Lhere may be no acLual
lmprlsonmenL ln Lhe ordlnary sense le lncarceraLlon ny conflnemenL ln Lhe ordlnary
sense wheLher be lL prlson or any place used Lemporarlly for Lhe purpose of
conflnemenL consLlLuLes false lmprlsonmenL n unlawful arresL Loo amounLs Lo false

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ln otlqbt v Ctoves a woman sued a pollce offlcer for false lmprlsonmenL afLer belng
arresLed for noL leashlng her dog 1he plalnLlff was ln her car when she was approached
by Lhe offlcer and when she was asked Lo produce her drlvers llcense and falled Lo do
so she was arresLed She won her clalm desplLe havlng losL Lhe case of noL leashlng her
dog 1he courL reasoned LhaL Lhe offlcer dld noL have proper legal auLhorlLy ln arresLlng
her because he arresLed her for noL produclng her drlvers llcense %whlch lLself was noL
a crlme) as opposed Lo Lhe dog leash vlolaLlon



uamages ln false lmprlsonmenL are Lhose whlch flow from Lhe deLenLlon person
ln[ured ls enLlLled Lo compensaLory damages 1he damages for false arresL are Lo be
measured only Lo Lhe Llme of arralgnmenL or lndlcLmenL 1here ls no legal rule for Lhe
assessmenL of Lhe damages and Lhls ls enLlrely lefL on Lhe courL Lo measure damages
LlemenLs of Lhe ln[ury Lo Lhe person whlch are lncluded ln Lhe purvlew of recovery of
damages lnclude ln[ury Lo Lhe person and physlcal sufferlng menLal sufferlng and
humlllaLlon loss of Llme earnlngs and lnLerrupLlon of buslnesses reasonable and
necessary expenses lncurred ln[ury Lo Lhe repuLaLlon and generally Lhe deprlvaLlon of
any rlghL caused by Lhe loss of llberLy such as Lhe plalnLlffs loss of Lhe famlly company
durlng Lhe perlod of arresL

39 Colopp 39 360 2d 831 %Colo CL pp 1977)
8M Candhl Law of 1orL" g 41

age | 18

1he general rule ln personal LorL acLlon ls LhaL Lhe plalnLlff ls enLlLled Lo recover such a
sum LhaL shall be falr and [usL ln Lhe absence of clrcumsLances [usLlfylng an award for
exemplary damages 1he mere unlawful deLenLlon consLlLuLes Lhe basls for Lhe recovery
of aL leasL nomlnal damages buL an award of only nomlnal damages may be lnsufflclenL
and flawed where Lhe facLs proved lndlcaLe a rlghL Lo greaLer damages
lL has been held now LhaL Lhe person can now be lmprlsoned wlLhouL knowlng lL ln such
cases Lhe plalnLlff mlghL obLaln only nomlnal damagesMenLal sufferlng lncludlng frlghL
shame and morLlflcaLlon from Lhe lndlgnlLy and dlsgrace consequenL upon an lllegal
deLenLlon ls usually consldered an ln[ury for whlch compensaLlon may be made ln an
acLlon for false arresL or false lmprlsonmenL 1he facL LhaL no physlcal ln[ury was
lnfllcLed on one complalnlng of false lmprlsonmenL has been sald Lo be no grounds for
denylng Lhe recovery of reasonable compensaLlon for menLal sufferlng

lf an lmprlsonmenL ls affecLed recklessly oppresslvely lnsulLlngly and mallclously wlLh a
deslgn Lo oppress and ln[ure Lhe courL may award exemplary or punlLlve damages
unlLlve damages are awarded ln cases where Lhe defendanLs conducL ls recklessly
lndlfferenL Lo Lhe rlghLs of oLhers or ln lnLenLlonal or wanLon vlolaLlon of Lhose rlghLs
and such damages are awarded Lo glve a deLerrenL ln some clrcumsLances exemplary
damages may be provlded as when Lhere ls abuse of power by Lhe sLaLe
ggravaLed damages may be awarded ln a proper case as when Lhe lmprlsonmenL ln
lLself of a nomlnal characLer ls offenslve or hurL fell Lo Lhe plalnLlffs feellngsCourLs have
ofLen held LhaL mallce wlll warranL an award for exemplary or punlLlve damages ln an
acLlon for false lmprlsonmenL or false arresL unlLlve or exemplary damages wlll noL be
age | 19

allowed where Lhe false lmprlsonmenL was broughL abouL ln good falLh wlLhouL mallce
ln facL or ln law and where Lhere ls no elemenL of wanLonness or oppresslon

1hls wrlL ls consldered Lo be a golden remedy by Lhe Lngllsh Law 1he Supreme CourL of
lndla and Plgh CourL of sLaLes lssue Lhls wrlL under rLlcle 32 and 226 respecLlvely
Sub[ecL Lo Lhe rules framed by Lhe Plgh CourLs an appllcaLlon for habeas corpus can be
made by Lhe person ln conflnemenL or by any person on hls behalf 1he wrlL of habeas
corpus ls effecLlve means of lmmedlaLe release from unlawful deLenLlon wheLher ln
prlson or prlvaLe cusLody Where an unlawful deLenLlon ls conLlnulng Lhe plalnLlff may
seek Lhls wrlL 1hls wrlL ls also used ln crlmlnal cases of false lmprlsonmenL

person who ls unlawfully deLalned may use selfhelp Lo escape lncludlng reasonable
force so as Lo defend hlm from unlawful arresL 1he force used musL be proporLlonaLe ln
Lhe clrcumsLances 1hls ls rlsky course slnce Lhe power Lo arresL ls llkely Lo depend upon
noL only ln Lhe commlsslon of offence buL ln Lhe alLernaLlve ln a reasonable susplclon
Lhereof Pence an lnnocenL person who forclbly reslsLs may be llable for baLLery lf Lhe
arresLer had reasonable grounds for hls susplclon

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