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Term 2

Immanuel and St. Andrew CE Primary School Year 2O Class Bulletin

November 2011

Dear%Parents%/%Carers,% It%is%lovely%to%see%the%children%after%their%half%term%break.%%They%have%been%very%keen%to%tell%me%what% they%got%up%to!%%It%is%going%to%be%a%busy%term%with%lots%of%exciting%events%coming%up,%including%our% class%collective%worship,%a%trip%to%the%Tower%of%London%as%well%as%the%Nativity%at%the%end%of%term.% There% have% been% a% few% changes% to% the% organisation% of% the% beginning% of% the% day% and% to% the% timetable.%%%At%the%beginning%of%the%day,%the%children%need%to%line%up%beside%the%main%school%notice% board%on%the%newly%paved%area.%%I%will%be%there%from%8:45,%so%if%parents%or%carers%have%anything%to% discuss%with%me,%they%can%do%so.%%I%have%displayed%a%new%copy%of%the%timetable%in%the%window%of%my% classroom%and%it%now%means%that%our%PE%days%will%be%Monday%(Outdoor)%and%Thursday%(Indoor).%%The% class% will% be% taught% by% Mrs% Turner% on% Wednesday% morning% and% by% Mrs% Matthews% on% Friday% afternoon.% It% was% great% to% chat% to% you% at% parents% evening.% % I% hope% that% you% all% received% the% targets% that% we% agreed% on.% % I% am% encouraging% the% children% to% know% their% targets% and% to% identify% when% they% have% achieved%them,%so%that%they%can%be%set%new%targets.%%If%you%have%any%questions,%queries%or%concerns,% please%do%not%hesitate%to%contact%me.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hannah%Owen%% % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%howen@immanuelschoollambeth.org.uk.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %%%%%%!
Reading Books Reading books will be changed on Tuesdays and Fridays so please ensure that your child has their book bag in school on these days so that their books can be changed. The children should be reading everyday at home. This does not have to be the whole book, but a few pages will ensure that they are continuing to make good progress. Please continue to ask them questions about the book to develop their understanding of what they are reading. It also helps them develop an understanding of the organisation of stories, and of characters and events. It also provides an excellent starting point for their writing. We will also be doing this in school as part of their literacy units. Our class novel at the moment is Horrid Henry. We will then be moving onto The Twits by Roald Dahl. Homework: I will be handing out homework on Wednesday and it should be returned on the following Monday. The homework will generally be Literacy or Maths and will link to the work that we have been doing in class that week. From time to time, I will also hand out homework related to our topic for the term. This terms topic is The Great Fire of London. Thank you for your support with homework, for returning it on time and ensuring that it is completed with care.
Important D ates

Playtime Now that it is getting colder, please ensure that your child comes to school with a jumper and a warm, waterproof coat.

Thurs. 10th Nov. Year 2O Assembly Mon. 14th Nov. - Anti-Bullying Week Wed. 16th Nov. Trip to Tower of London Mon. 12th Dec. School Christmas Concert at 6pm in Lewin Church Wed. 14th Dec. Year 2 Nativity at 9:30am and 2:30pm. Thurs. 15th Dec. Christmas Service in church at 9:15 Friday 16th Dec. Last day of school 3:30 finish Tues. 3rd Jan. Back to school

Term 2

Immanuel and St. Andrew CE Primary School Year 2O Class Bulletin


November 2011

Phonics and Spellings

The children are still split into different phonics groups to best suit their current phonics understanding and their spellings will be based on what they have been learning in this session. Spelling tests will continue to take place on Friday. Please ensure that children have their phonics books in school so that they can record their scores and stick their new spellings in.

In literacy we will be looking at non-fiction texts. This will be linked to our trip and topic work. When writing these texts we will be looking at including interesting information, organising our ideas and using different sentence openers, as well as practising using correct punctuation. Towards the end of the term we will be looking at different stories by the author Anthony Browne, reading and discussing his stories before writing our own narratives. Numeracy: In numeracy, we will be continuing to practise our number facts at the beginning of our Maths lessons. In addition to this, we will be focusing on developing our calculation skills in addition and subtraction. The children will be encouraged to use mental strategies for simple sums as well as different equipment to perform more tricky calculations. They will also be given more open-ended tasks in which to apply what they have learnt and develop their problem-solving skills. We will also be having short times table tests each week on a Monday, where the children are encouraged to beat their score from the previous week. In Year 2 these will start by focusing on remember the number patterns when counting in twos, fives and tens.

PSHCE New Beginnings

Children will be exploring how to get along with people, thinking about what makes a good friend and how to resolve conflict between friends.

R.E. Light at Christmas

In R.E. we will be looking at Light and the significance of light in the Christmas story

Outdoor - Children will learn a variety of skills to help them with ball games. They will learn how to throw a range of objects using pulling, slinging and pushing actions. They will play competitively in games, throwing and catching the ball. Outdoor PE will be on Monday afternoons. Kit required: plimsolls, navy shorts and pale blue t-shirt. Indoor In gymnastics the children will be focusing on linking movements together, using balances, rolls and different ways of travelling to create short sequences. Indoor PE will be on Thursday afternoons. Kit required: trainers or plimsolls, navy shorts and pale blue t-shirt.

Topic The Great Fire of London This topic will explore the Great Fire of London, asking and answering questions, using different sources of information and discussing the consequences of these events. We will be looking at images of London past and present, developing our skills and techniques to produce our own images. We will also be looking at different materials, comparing them and looking at how they can be changed. When using the computers, we will be focusing on inputting and presenting text.

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