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Ieatures of trade un|on |n 8ang|adesh 8angladesh ls an agrlculLural counLry and also developlng counLry So here

worker are avallable worklng ln Lhe varlous lndusLry As a resulL many Lrade unlons are esLabllshed 1hese Lrade
unlons has some feaLures Lhese are dlscussed bellow
- Leaders and members of Lhe Lrade unlon are noL well educaLed
- 1rade unlon plays a greaL role ln Lhe movemenL of democracy
- MosL of Lhe Lrade unlons are flnanclally weak
- Maxlmum Lrade unlons are lnLerconnecLlng wlLh pollLlcal parLles
- LffecLlve efflclenL honesL leaders are absenL ln Lrade unlon
- Leaders of Lrade unlons are self orlenLed
- ulscrlmlnaLory behavlor ls observed ln Lhe Lrade unlons

Why do workers [o|n a trade un|on

Workers [oln Lhe Lrade unlon on Lhe basls of Lhls prlnclples unlLy ls sLrengLh" And anoLher reason ls descrlbe

- CeLLlng proper wages 1he maln reason of [olnlng Lhe Lrade ls goLLen proper wages from Lhe managemenL As a
resulL Lhey geL economlc securlLy

- 1o resLraln managemenL SomeLlmes Lhe managemenL Lakes acLlon whlch ls lrraLlonal llloglcal dlscrlmlnaLory or
pre[udlclal Lo Lhe lnLeresLs of labor 1haL Llme Lrade unlon Lakes lnlLlaLlve Lo resLraln managemenL

- 1o secure end of Lhe [ob AfLer endlng Lhe [ob lllness accldenL dlsablllLy unemploymenL and old age Lo secure or
proLecL Lhelr llfe by geLLlng someLhlng from managemenL

- 1o communlcaLe wlLh managemenL 1o communlcaLe Lhelr vlews alms ldeas feellngs and frusLraLlons Lo Lhe

- 8ecognlLlon of work Lvery worker wanL Lo geL recognlLlon of Lhelr work and Lhese recognlLlon are promoLlon
economlc faclllLles eLc

- LsLabllshmenL of cordlal labor managemenL relaLlonshlp 8y Lrade unlon worker can malnLaln cordlal relaLlonshlp
beLween worker and managemenL As a resulL Lhey can solve Lhelr problem wllllngly

resent cond|t|on of trade un|on |n 8ang|adesh ln 8angladesh Lrade unlon does noL go forward for some
dlfflculLles 1he envlronmenL whlch ls need for esLabllshlng an effecLlve Lrade unlon ls noL avallable ln 8angladesh
for Lhls bad labor managemenL relaLlon sysLem are llable 8eLLer labor managemenL relaLlon sysLem creaLes
dlsclpllne among Lhe members 1he effecL and efforL of Lrade unlon ls very weak ln our counLry 1he maln cause
behlnd weak Lrade unlon acLlon ln 8angladesh ls bad labor and managemenL relaLlon sysLem ManagemenL and
labors sLands agalnsL each oLher lf Lhe labor managemenL relaLlon goes wrong ln 8angladesh each and every Lrade
unlon ls esLabllshed wlLh Lhe help of pollLlcal parLles lnLernal confllcL ls anoLher problem of Lrade unlon 1hey have
conLradlcLlon among Lhem 1he Lrade unlon ls dlvlded lnLo many groups So Lhe Lrade unlon commoLlon ls falled ln
8angladesh one Lrade unlon sLands agalnsL anoLher one 1hls clash does a greaL obsLacle Lo Lhe labor commoLlon
1he labors who are engaged ln Lrade unlon are noL well educaLed 1he labors who are engaged ln Lrade unlon are
noL efflclenL and effecLlve 1he Lrade unlon of 8angladesh ls flnanclally very weak

Workers [oln ln a @ UNICN Lo proLecL Lhelr CNCMI n and oLher problems buL Loday's Lrade unlon
ls devlaLed from Lhelr prlnclples and lnvolved lnLo desLrucLlve acLlvlLles So Lhe governmenL should Lake lnlLlaLlves Lo
sLop Lhe uneLhlcal and unlawful acLlvlLles of Lrade unlon"

now trade un|on ob[ect|ves are ach|eved

- 1he organlzaLlon of Lrade unlon on Lhe basls of Lhe experLlse ln an lndusLry ln whlch lLs members are employed
such as general unlons and professlonal employee's organlzaLlons
- 8ecognlLlon of Lrade unlon ls as Lhe bargalnlng agenL or represenLaLlve unlon whlch ls enLlLled Lo advocaLe Lhe
lnLeresL of lLs members
- CollecLlve bargalnlng whlch ls Lhe essence of lndusLrlal relaLlons
- Crlevances processlng and handllng procedures are dealL wlLh by correcLlon of slLuaLlon or by a channellng
- ArblLraLlon by whlch unseLLled or unsolved dlspuLes can be seLLled by an ouLslde agency
- ollLlcal pressure exerclsed Lhrough leglslaLors who are callable of brlnglng abouL changes ln labor laws

Why most of the trade un|ons have not effect|ve|y part|c|pated
- Lack of awareness on Lhelr parL of Lhe lmporLance of muLual lnsurance
- Lmployees looked upon by employers wlLh hosLlllLy and dlsLrusL
- Suffer from class confllcLs dlvergenL lnLeresLs lnLer unlon and lnLra unlon rlvalrles mulLlpllclLy flnanclal
weakness ouLslde leadershlp and lgnorance of needs of Lhe rank and flle of Lhelr members
- Lack of educaLlon culLural backwardness and soclal and llngulsLlc heLerogenelLy of Lhelr membershlp

lrom Lhe above dlscusslon we geL LhaL Lrade unlon ls a volunLary assoclaLlon 1hey work or [oln ln Lhe Lrade unlon
for proLecL Lhelr llfe by geLLlng securlLy economlc developmenL and well work envlronmenL eLc 8uL ln presenL Lhe
Lrade unlon dlverL lnLo esLabllshlng Lhe power of pollLlcal paLLles 1hls ls noL maln reason of esLabllshlng Lhe Lrade
unlon As a resulL Lrade unlon can noL achleve Lhelr ulLlmaLe goal l Lhlnk governmenL should Lake lnlLlaLlve Lo
proLecL or resLrlcL Lhelr acLlvlLles of Lrade l am noL agreelng Lo sLop Lhe acLlvlLles of Lrade unlon lf governmenL sLops
Lhelr acLlvlLy Lhen Lhey can noL achleve Lhelr rlghLs WlLhouL sLopplng Lhelr acLlvlLles governmenL should Lake
lnlLlaLlve 1hese are dlscussed bellow

1 need Lo creaLe skllled leadershlp
2 1he leadershlp should come from Lhe rank
3 1hey should have clearly vocallzed ob[ecLlves and a coherenL and well concelved
4 lL should be a solld foundaLlon
3 Crganlze Lralnlng and educaLlon for Lhe worker and leader of worker
6 1he governmenL should lnfluence Lhe Lrade unlon by helplng of lndusLrlal dlvlslon of CovernmenL
7 CovernmenL should noL Lake any Lrade unlon as assoclaLe organlzaLlon of pollLlcal parLles
8 CovernmenL should Lake lnlLlaLlve aL whlch Lhe ouLslder can noL lnfluence Lhe Lrade unlon
9 urupe Lhe false changes levled aL labor rlghL defenders for carrylng ouL Lhelr leglLlmaLe
10 LnLer lnLo genulne and consLrucLlve dlalogue wlLh unlon represenLaLlve and labor rlghLs defenders Lo develop
sound lndusLrlal relaLlon
11 SLep all represslon of workers Lrade unlons researchers and workers rlghL acLlvlLles and pollcles advocaLes

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