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Deqe Wapxocxu

1 |ee|

arc a - Wikipedia
1 |one|


Kere a recrr! Ha cp

jac I

jac r I and you

e naara both oI us

r he

r raa he and she

re naara they both

a the man

ea the woman

ere the child

ea ]aa a Iamily

ara ]aa my Iamily

Mara ]aa e ne. My Iamily is here.

Jac cy ne. I am here.

T c ne. You are here.

T e ne raa e ne. He is here and she is here.

He ce ne. We are here.

Be cre ne. You are here.

Te cre ce ne. They are all here.



Family Members

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

e the grandIather

aa the grandmother

r raa he and she

rar the Iather

aa the mother

r raa he and she

c the son

epa the daughter

r raa he and she

par the brother

cecrpa the sister

r raa he and she

the uncle

rera the aunt

r raa he and she

He ce ea ]aa. We are a Iamily.

uaara e e aa. The Iamily is not small.

uaara e rea. The Iamily is big.



Getting to know

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

3pan! Hi!

ap e! Hello!

Ka c? How are you?

arare Enpa? Do you come Irom Europe?

arare Aepa? Do you come Irom America?

arare Aa? Do you come Irom Asia?

B xre neere? In which hotel are you staying?

Ky r cre nee ne? How long have you been here Ior?

Ky r craynare? How long will you be staying?

B ce ara ne? Do you like it here?

a cre ne a p? Are you here on vacation?

Hcerere e! Please do visit me sometime!

Ene a ara apeca. Here is my address.

Ke ce ne yrpe? Shall we see each other tomorrow?

Xa e, a nee er capa. I am sorry, but I already have plans.

ua! Bye!

nynae! Good bye!

acp! See you soon!



At school

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Kae ce? Where are we?

He ce n yrer. We are at school.

He ae acrana. We are having class / a lesson.

Ona ce yere. Those are the school children.

Ona e acranara. That is the teacher.

Ona e eeer. That is the class.

Br pane? What are we doing?

He ye. We are learning.

He ye ee a. We are learning a language.

Jac ya arc. I learn English.

T y ac. You learn Spanish.

T y repac. He learns German.

He ye ]payc. We learn French.

Be yre raac. You all learn Italian.

Te yar pyc. They learn Russian.

Veer a e repec. Learning languages is interesting.

He caae a r papae yrer. We want to understand people.

He caae a pynae c yrer. We want to speak with people.

e a


Countries and

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

H e H. John is Irom London.

H ce ara n Ara. London is in Great Britain.

T pyna arc. He speaks English.

Mapa e Map. Maria is Irom Madrid.

Map ce ara n Baa. Madrid is in Spain.

Taa pyna ac. She speaks Spanish.

Herap Mapra ce Fep. Peter and Martha are Irom Berlin.

Fep ce ara n Iepaa. Berlin is in Germany.

3pynare ne naara repac? Do both oI you speak German?

H e rane rpa. London is a capital city.

Map Fep ce cr raa ran rpan. Madrid and Berlin are also capital cities.

Ianre rpan ce re y. Capital cities are big and noisy.

upaa ce ara n Enpa. France is in Europe.

Erer ce ara n A]pa. Egypt is in AIrica.

Jaa ce ara n Aa. Japan is in Asia.

Kaaa ce ara n Cenepa Aepa. Canada is in North America.

Haaa ce ara n Cpea Aepa. Panama is in Central America.

Fpa ce ara n Jya Aepa. Brazil is in South America.

1ae ynae


Reading and writing

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Jac ra. I read.

Jac ra ea yna. I read a letter.

Jac ra ee p. I read a word.

Jac ra ea peea. I read a sentence.

Jac ra e c. I read a letter.

Jac ra ea ra. I read a book.

Jac ra. I read.

T ra. You read.

T ra. He reads.

Jac yna. I write.

Jac yna ea yna. I write a letter.

Jac yna ee p. I write a word.

Jac yna ea peea. I write a sentence.

Jac yna e c. I write a letter.

Jac yna ea ra. I write a book.

Jac yna. I write.

T yna. You write.

T yna. He writes.




Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Jac pa: I count:

ee, na, rp one, two, three

Jac pa rp. I count to three.

Jac pa aray: I count Iurther:

erp, er, ecr Iour, Iive, six,

cey, cy, ener seven, eight, nine

Jac pa. I count.

T p. You count.

T p. He counts.

Ee. Hpn. One. The Iirst.

na. Brp. Two. The second.

Tp. Tper. Three. The third.

uerp. uernpr. Four. The Iourth.

Her. Herr. Five. The IiIth.

Becr. Becr. Six. The sixth.

Cey. Ce. Seven. The seventh.

Ocy. Oc. Eight. The eighth.

ener. ener. Nine. The ninth.

acn / ee


The time

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Hnere! Excuse me!

Ky e acr, Be a? What time is it, please?

Farapa ry. Thank you very much.

uacr e ee. It is one o`clock.

uacr e na. It is two o`clock.

uacr e rp. It is three o`clock.

uacr e erp. It is Iour o`clock.

uacr e er. It is Iive o`clock.

uacr e ecr. It is six o`clock.

uacr e cey. It is seven o`clock.

uacr e cy. It is eight o`clock.

uacr e ener. It is nine o`clock.

uacr e ecer. It is ten o`clock.

uacr e eaecer. It is eleven o`clock.

uacr e naaecer. It is twelve o`clock.

Ea yra a eecer cey. A minute has sixty seconds.

Ee ac a eecer yr. An hour has sixty minutes.

Ee e a naecer erp aca. A day has twenty-Iour hours.

en n cea1a


Days of the week

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

ee Monday

nrp Tuesday

cpea Wednesday

ernpr Thursday

er Friday

cara Saturday

eea Sunday

cea the week

ee eea Irom Monday to Sunday

Hpnr e e ee. The Iirst day is Monday.

Brpr e e nrp. The second day is Tuesday.

Tperr e e cpea. The third day is Wednesday.

uernprr e e ernpr. The Iourth day is Thursday.

Herrr e e er. The IiIth day is Friday.

Becrr e e cara. The sixth day is Saturday.

Cer e e eea. The seventh day is Sunday.

Ceara a cey ea. The week has seven days.

He pare ca er ea. We only work Ior Iive days.

10 |ecer|
ea - eec - y1e

10 |ten|

Yesterday - today -

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Bepa ee cara. Yesterday was Saturday.

Bepa en n . I was at the cinema yesterday.

ur ee repece. The Iilm was interesting.

eec e eea. Today is Sunday.

eec e para. I`m not working today.

Jac crayna a. I`m staying at home.

Vrpe e ee. Tomorrow is Monday.

Jac yrpe nrp para. Tomorrow I will work again.

Jac para n aeapa. I work at an oIIice.

K e na? Who is that?

Ona e Herap. That is Peter.

Herap e cryer. Peter is a student.

K e na? Who is that?

Ona e Mapra. That is Martha.

Mapra e ceperapa. Martha is a secretary.

Herap Mapra ce pare. Peter and Martha are Iriends.

Herap e parer a Mapra. Peter is Martha`s Iriend.

Mapra e pareara a Herap. Martha is Peter`s Iriend.

11 |eaecer|

11 |eleven|


Kere a recrr! Ha cp

ayap January

]enpyap February

apr March

ap April

a May

y June

Ona ce ecr ece. These are six months.

ayap, ]enpyap, apr, January, February, March,

ap, a y. April, May and June.

y July

anrycr August

cerenp September

rnp October

enp November

eenp December

Ona ce cr raa ecr ece. These are also six months.

y, anrycr, cerenp July, August, September,

rnp, enp, eenp. October, November and December.

1 |naaecer|

1 |twelve|


Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Jac a a. I drink tea.

Jac a a]e. I drink coIIee.

Jac a epaa na. I drink mineral water.

He a c ? Do you drink tea with lemon?

He a]e c eep? Do you drink coIIee with sugar?

He na c pa? Do you drink water with ice?

One a aana. There is a party here.

Hyrer ar aac. People are drinking champagne.

Hyrer ar n n. People are drinking wine and beer.

He ax? Do you drink alcohol?

He nc? Do you drink whisky / whiskey (am.)?

He a c py? Do you drink Coke with rum?

Jac e caa aac. I do not like champagne.

Jac e caa n. I do not like wine.

Jac e caa n. I do not like beer.

Feer caa e. The baby likes milk.

erer caa aa c a. The child likes cocoa and apple juice.

Xeara caa c pra c rpe]pyr. The woman likes orange and grapeIruit juice.

1 |rpaecer|

1 |thirteen|


Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Br pan Mapra? What does Martha do?

Taa par n aeapa. She works at an oIIice.

Taa par a yrep. She works on the computer.

Kae e Mapra? Where is Martha?

B . At the cinema.

Taa rea ]. She is watching a Iilm.

Br pan Herap? What does Peter do?

T crypa a yneprer. He studies at the university.

T crypa a. He studies languages.

Kae e Herap? Where is Peter?

B a]ye. At the caIe.

T e a]e. He is drinking coIIee.

Kae caaar a ar re? Where do they like to go?

Ha epr. To a concert.

Te c ancrn cyaar ya. They like to listen to music.

Kae e caaar a ar re ? Where do they not like to go?

B c. To the disco.

Te e raynaar c ancrn. They do not like to dance.

1 |erpaecer|

1 |Iourteen|


Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Cerr e e. Snow is white.

Cer e r. The sun is yellow.

Hprar e pran. The orange is orange.

Hpeara e pnea. The cherry is red.

Her e c. The sky is blue.

Tpenara e eea. The grass is green.

3eara e a]eana. The earth is brown.

Oar e cn. The cloud is grey / gray (am.).

Anrcre ry ce p. The tyres / tires (am.) are black.

Kana a a cerr? Fea. What colour / color (am.) is the snow? White.

Kana a a cer? Xra. What colour / color (am.) is the sun? Yellow.

Kana a a prar? Hprana. What colour / color (am.) is the orange? Orange.

Kana a a peara? Hpnea. What colour / color (am.) is the cherry? Red.

Kana a a er? Ca. What colour / color (am.) is the sky? Blue.

Kana a a rpenara? 3eea. What colour / color (am.) is the grass? Green.

Kana a a eara? Ka]eana. What colour / color (am.) is the earth? Brown.

Kana a a ar? Cna. What colour / color (am.) is the cloud? Grey / Gray (am.).

Kana a aar anrcre ry? Hpa. What colour / color (am.) are the tyres / tires (am.)? Black.

1 |eraecer|
One xaa

1 |IiIteen|

Fruits and food

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Jac a ea ara. I have a strawberry.

Jac a e n ea yea. I have a kiwi and a melon.

Jac a ee pra ee rpe]pyr. I have an orange and a grapeIruit.

Jac a e a e ar. I have an apple and a mango.

Jac a ea aaa ee aaac. I have a banana and a pineapple.

Jac pana na caara. I am making a Iruit salad.

Jac aa rcr. I am eating toast.

Jac aa rcr c yrep. I am eating toast with butter.

Jac aa rcr c yrep apaa. I am eating toast with butter and jam.

Jac aa cen. I am eating a sandwich.

Jac aa cen c aprap. I am eating a sandwich with margarine.

Jac aa cen c aprap ar. I am eating a sandwich with margarine and tomatoes.

H rpea e p. We need bread and rice.

H rpea pa cre. We need Iish and steaks.

H rpea a arer. We need pizza and spaghetti.

Br yre rpea? What else do we need?

H rpeaar pn ar a cyara. We need carrots and tomatoes Ior the soup.

Kae a cyepaper? Where is the supermarket?

1 |ecaecer|
I nea
neec ycn

1 |sixteen|

Seasons and Weather

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Ona ce rre npea: These are the seasons:

per, er Spring, summer,

ece, a. autumn / Iall (am.) and winter.

Herr e e. The summer is warm.

B er cer rpee. The sun shines in summer.

B er e c ancrn a erae. We like to go Ior a walk in summer.

3ara e cryea. The winter is cold.

B a ce npe. It snows or rains in winter.

B ara craynae c ancrn a. We like to stay home in winter.

Crye e. It is cold.

Bpe . It is raining.

Berpnr e. It is windy.

T e. It is warm.

Cen e. It is sunny.

Bep e. It is pleasant.

Kan e npeer eec? What is the weather like today?

eec e crye. It is cold today.

eec e r. It is warm today.


1 |seventeen|

Around the house

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Ene a aara ya. Our house is here.

Ipe e pnr. The rooI is on top.

y e pyr. The basement is below.

Ha yara a rpaa. There is a garden behind the house.

Hpe yara ea ya. There is no street in Iront oI the house.

Hpa yara a pna. There are trees next to the house.

Ene r r cra. My apartment is here.

One ce yara aara. The kitchen and bathroom are here.

Tay ce enara ca caara ca. The living room and bedroom are there.

Beara npara e arnpea. The Iront door is closed.

H ppre ce rnpe. But the windows are open.

eec e e. It is hot today.

He e n enara ca. We are going to the living room.

Tay a ea c]a ea ]rea. There is a soIa and an armchair there.

Ceere! Please, sit down!

Tay cr r yrep. My computer is there.

Tay cr r crepe ype. My stereo is there.

Teenpr e ccea n. The TV set is brand new.

1 |cyaecer|
c1ee a ya1a

1 |eighteen|

House cleaning

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

eec e cara. Today is Saturday.

eec e ae npee. We have time today.

eec e e r cre crar. We are cleaning the apartment today.

Jac a cra aara. I am cleaning the bathroom.

Mar a e ara. My husband is washing the car.

eara r crar necere. The children are cleaning the bicycles.

Faa r ena neara. Grandma is watering the Ilowers.

eara a pacpenaar ercara ca. The children are cleaning up the children`s room.

Mar a pacpena ernara para aca. My husband is tidying up his desk.

Jac r crana arara n aara a epee ara. I am putting the laundry in the washing machine.

Jac r aayna arara. I am hanging up the laundry.

Jac r era arara. I am ironing the clothes.

Hppre ce naa. The windows are dirty.

Hr e naa. The Iloor is dirty.

Canre ce naa. The dishes are dirty.

K r cr ppre? Who washes the windows?

K ncyyna paa? Who does the vacuuming?

K r e canre? Who does the dishes?

1 |eneraecer|

1 |nineteen|

In the kitchen

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Ha na ya? Do you have a new kitchen?

Br caa a rrn eec? What do you want to cook today?

Irn a eerpa crpya a rac? Do you cook on an electric or a gas stove?

Tpea a r cea pr? Shall I cut the onions?

Tpea a r ya pre? Shall I peel the potatoes?

Tpea a a a caarara? Shall I rinse the lettuce?

Kae ce are? Where are the glasses?

Kae ce canre? Where are the dishes?

Kae e ppr a aee? Where is the cutlery / silverware (am.)?

Ha rnapa a epn? Do you have a can opener?

Ha rnapa a a? Do you have a bottle opener?

Ha neyna a yra? Do you have a corkscrew?

a a rrn cyara n naa reepe? Are you cooking the soup in this pot?

Ja p para n naa rana? Are you Irying the Iish in this pan?

I ee eeyr a naa capa? Are you grilling the vegetables on this grill?

Jac a pna acara. I am setting the table.

One ce enre, nyre are. Here are the knives, the Iorks and the spoons.

One ce are, re ca]erre. Here are the glasses, the plates and the napkins.

0 |naecer|
a arn 1

0 |twenty|

Small Talk 1

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Pacrere ce! Make yourselI comIortable!

uyncrnynare ce a a! Please, Ieel right at home!

Br caare a ce aere? What would you like to drink?

Caare ya? Do you like music?

Jac a caa acara ya. I like classical music.

Ene r re CD a. These are my CD`s.

Cnpre a e crpyer? Do you play a musical instrument?

Ene a ara rrapa. This is my guitar.

Oanare a eere ? Do you like to sing?

Hare ea? Do you have children?

Hare ye? Do you have a dog?

Hare aa? Do you have a cat?

Ene r re r. These are my books.

Jac cera a ra naa ra. I am currently reading this book.

Br anare a rare? What do you like to read?

Oanare a re a epr? Do you like to go to concerts?

Ore c ancrn n rearap? Do you like to go to the theatre / theater (am.)?

Ore pa a epa? Do you like to go to the opera?

1 |naecer ee|
a arn 2

1 |twenty-one|

Small Talk 2

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

O ae arare? Where do you come Irom?

O Fae. From Basel.

Fae ce ara n Bnaapa. Basel is in Switzerland.

Cea a n r percrana rcr Mep? May I introduce Mr. Miller?

T e crpae. He is a Ioreigner.

T pyna nee a. He speaks several languages.

a cre ne pn ar? Are you here Ior the Iirst time?

He, ac nee en ne arara ra. No, I was here once last year.

H ca ea cea. Only Ior a week, though.

Ka B ce ara a ac? How do you like it here?

Mry p. Hyrer ce ye. A lot. The people are nice.

H ara ce ara cr raa. And I like the scenery, too.

Br cre aae? What is your proIession?

Jac cy peneyna. I am a translator.

Jac peneyna r. I translate books.

a cre ca ne? Are you alone here?

He, ara cpyra / r cpyr e cr raa ne. No, my wiIe / my husband is also here.

A ray ce re ne ea. And those are my two children.

|naecer na|
a arn 3


Small Talk 3

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Hyre ? Do you smoke?

Hpa a. I used to.

H cera e ya nee. But I don`t smoke anymore.

Ke B pe , a ac ya? Does it disturb you iI I smoke?

He, nr e. No, absolutely not.

Ta e pe. It doesn`t disturb me.

Ke ce aere er? Will you drink something?

Ee a? A brandy?

He, p e n. No, preIerably a beer.

Harynare ry? Do you travel a lot?

a, ra ce aecr cye arynaa. Yes, mostly on business trips.

H cera ce ne a p. But now we`re on holiday.

Kana rpera! It`s so hot!

a, eec e ancra e. Yes, today it`s really hot.

Oe a ar. Let`s go to the balcony.

Vrpe ne e a aana. There`s a party here tomorrow.

Ke ere Be? Are you also coming?

a, e cr raa ce aer. Yes, we`ve also been invited.

|naecer rp|
Yee a c1ac a


Learning foreign

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Kae yenre ac? Where did you learn Spanish?

3aere cr raa pryrac? Can you also speak Portuguese?

a, a cr raa a er raac. Yes, and I also speak some Italian.

Jac ca ea Be pynare ry p. I think you speak very well.

Jare ce p c. The languages are quite similar.

Jac a p a r paepa. I can understand them well.

H rnpeer ynaer e re. But speaking and writing is diIIicult.

Jac yre pana ry rpe. I still make many mistakes.

Be a panare e cera. Please correct me each time.

Bar rnp e ccea ap. Your pronunciation is very good.

Hare ee a aer. You only have a slight accent.

une peana ae arare. One can tell where you come Irom.

K e nar a a? What is your mother tongue / native language (am.)?

Hcerynare ypc a a? Are you taking a language course?

Ka acrana era a pcrre? Which textbook are you using?

B ern e a a ce na. I don`t remember the name right now.

Hea a ce cera a acnr. The title is not coming to me.

I apann. I`ve Iorgotten it.

|naecer erp|
Cc1a / Cea



Kere a recrr! Ha cp

I pyr anrycr? Did you miss the bus?

Te ean na ac. I waited Ior you Ior halI an hour.

Hea e c cee? Don`t you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you?

Cer ar re / ra! Be punctual next time!

Cer ar e rac! Take a taxi next time!

Cer ar e ee ap c cee! Take an umbrella with you next time!

Vrpe cy ce / ca. I have the day oII tomorrow.

Ke ce cperee yrpe? Shall we meet tomorrow?

Xa e, ac e a yrpe. I`m sorry, I can`t make it tomorrow.

Ha er apa a nen? Do you already have plans Ior this weekend?

H a c nee rnpe / rnpea? Or do you already have an appointment?

Hpeara a ce cperee a ner. I suggest that we meet on the weekend.

Ke pane ? Shall we have a picnic?

Ke e a aa? Shall we go to the beach?

Ke e a aa? Shall we go to the mountains?

Ke re ea aeapara. I will pick you up at the oIIice.

Ke re ea a. I will pick you up at home.

Ke re ea anrycara craa. I will pick you up at the bus stop.

|naecer er|


In the city

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

F caa / caaa eeara craa. I would like to go to the station.

F caa / caaa aeppr. I would like to go to the airport.

F caa / caaa n erapr a rpar. I would like to go to the city centre / center (am.).

Ka a crra eeara craa? How do I get to the station?

Ka a crra aeppr? How do I get to the airport?

Ka a crra erapr a rpar? How do I get to the city centre / center (am.)?

M rpea rac. I need a taxi.

M rpea apra a rpar. I need a city map.

M rpea xre. I need a hotel.

F caa / caaa a aa ee anr. I would like to rent a car.

Ene a ara pera apra. Here is my credit card.

Ene a ara naa na. Here is my licence / license (am.).

Br a a ce n n rpar? What is there to see in the city?

Here n crapr e a rpar. Go to the old city.

Hapanere ea rpaca a. Go on a city tour.

Here a pcrarer. Go to the harbour / harbor (am.).

Hapanere ea pcraa a. Go on a harbour / harbor (am.) tour.

K pyr aercr r a cne ra? Are there any other places oI interest?

|naecer ecr|


In nature

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Ja rea yara ray? Do you see the tower there?

Ja rea aara ray? Do you see the mountain there?

I rea cer ray? Do you see the village there?

Ja rea peara ray? Do you see the river there?

I rea crr ray? Do you see the bridge there?

I rea eepr ray? Do you see the lake there?

Taa ra ray, ce ara. I like that bird.

Ta pn ray, ce ara. I like that tree.

T ae ne, ce ara. I like this stone.

T ap ray, ce ara. I like that park.

Taa rpaa ray, ce ara. I like that garden.

Ta nee ne ce ara. I like this Ilower.

Mca ea na e yan. I Iind that pretty.

Mca ea na e repec. I Iind that interesting.

Mca ea na e pepac. I Iind that gorgeous.

Mca ea na e rp. I Iind that ugly.

Mca ea na e ca. I Iind that boring.

Mca ea na e yac. I Iind that terrible.

|naecer cey|
x1e - c1rynae


In the hotel - Arrival

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Hare ea ca ca? Do you have a vacant room?

Jac peepnpan ea ca. I have booked a room.

Mer pee e Mep. My name is Miller.

M rpea ea epenera ca. I need a single room.

M rpea ea npenera ca. I need a double room.

Ky cara a ea neep? What does the room cost per night?

Jac caa / caaa ea ca c aa. I would like a room with a bathroom.

Jac caa / caaa ea ca c ry. I would like a room with a shower.

Ma a a rea cara? Can I see the room?

Ha ne rapaa? Is there a garage here?

Ha ne ce]? Is there a saIe here?

Ha ne ]ac? Is there a Iax machine here?

p, e a ea cara. Fine, I`ll take the room.

Ene r yenre. Here are the keys.

Ene r r ara. Here is my luggage.

B y acr e ar? What time do you serve breakIast?

B y acr e pyer? What time do you serve lunch?

B y acr e neepara? What time do you serve dinner?

|naecer cy|
x1e - a


In the hotel -

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Tyr e par. The shower isn`t working.

Hea ra na. There is no warm water.

Mere ra a r panre? Can you get it repaired?

B cara ea ree]. There is no telephone in the room.

B cara ea reenp. There is no TV in the room.

Cara ea a. The room has no balcony.

Cara e pery raca. The room is too noisy.

Cara e pery aa. The room is too small.

Cara e pery rea. The room is too dark.

Hapr e par. The heater isn`t working.

Ka yper e par. The air-conditioning isn`t working.

Teenpr e paca. The TV isn`t working.

Ta e ce ara. I don`t like that.

Ta e peca. That`s too expensive.

a are er e]r? Do you have anything cheaper?

Ha ne n a xcre? Is there a youth hostel nearby?

Ha ne n a ac? Is there a boarding house / a bed and breakIast nearby?

Ha ne n a pecrpa? Is there a restaurant nearby?

|naecer ener|
ec1a 1


At the restaurant 1

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

a e ca acana? Is this table taken?

Be a, rpea er. I would like the menu, please.

Br ee a pepaare? What would you recommend?

Jac caa / caaa e n. I`d like a beer.

Jac caa / caaa ea epaa na. I`d like a mineral water.

F caa / caaa ee c pra. I`d like an orange juice.

Jac caa / caaa e a]e. I`d like a coIIee.

Jac caa / caaa e a]e c e. I`d like a coIIee with milk.

C eep, a. With sugar, please.

Jac caa / caaa ee a. I`d like a tea.

Jac caa / caaa ee a c . I`d like a tea with lemon.

Jac caa / caaa ee a c e. I`d like a tea with milk.

Hare rap? Do you have cigarettes?

Hare ee ee? Do you have an ashtray?

Hare aaaa? Do you have a light?

Mee ]a ea nya. I`m missing a Iork.

Mee ]a ee . I`m missing a kniIe.

Mee ]a ea aa. I`m missing a spoon.

0 |rpecer|
ec1a 2

0 |thirty|

At the restaurant 2

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Ee c a, a. An apple juice, please.

Ea aa, a. A lemonade, please.

Ee c ar, a. A tomato juice, please.

Jac caa / caaa ea aa pne n. I`d like a glass oI red wine.

Jac caa / caaa ea aa e n. I`d like a glass oI white wine.

Jac caa / caaa e e aac. I`d like a bottle oI champagne.

Caa pa? Do you like Iish?

Caa rnec ec? Do you like beeI?

Caa cnc ec? Do you like pork?

Jac caa / caaa er e ec. I`d like something without meat.

Jac caa / caaa ea a c eey. I`d like some mixed vegetables.

Jac caa / caaa er, r e rpae r. I`d like something that won`t take much time.

I caare na c p? Would you like that with rice?

I caare na c recre? Would you like that with pasta?

I caare na c p? Would you like that with potatoes?

Ona e e nyc. That doesn`t taste good.

Jaeer e crye. The Iood is cold.

Jac na e r apaan. I didn`t order this.

1 |rpecer ee|
ec1a 3

1 |thirty-one|

At the restaurant 3

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Jac caa / caaa e peaee. I would like a starter.

Jac caa / caaa ea caara. I would like a salad.

Jac caa / caaa ea cya. I would like a soup.

Jac caa / caaa ee ecepr. I would like a dessert.

Jac caa / caaa ee cae c ar. I would like an ice cream with whipped cream.

Jac caa / caaa ne cpee. I would like some Iruit or cheese.

He caae a aynae. We would like to have breakIast.

He caae a pyae. We would like to have lunch.

He caae a neepae. We would like to have dinner.

Br caare a a? What would you like Ior breakIast?

Hea c apaa e? Rolls with jam and honey?

Tcr c ac cpee? Toast with sausage and cheese?

E nape ae? A boiled egg?

E ae a ? A Iried egg?

Ee er? An omelette?

Ma, yre ee rypr. Another yoghurt, please.

Ma, yre c ep. Some salt and pepper also, please.

Ma, yre ea aa na. Another glass oI water, please.

|rpecer na|
ec1a 4


At the restaurant 4

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Ea pa ]pr c ea. I`d like chips / French Iries (am.) with ketchup.

H ne c ae. And two with mayonnaise.

H rp p c pe ac c ce]. And three sausages with mustard.

Kan eey are? What vegetables do you have?

Hare rpan? Do you have beans?

Hare ap]? Do you have cauliIlower?

Jac c ancrn aa ea. I like to eat (sweet) corn.

Jac ana a aa pacran. I like to eat cucumber.

Jac pa aa ar. I like to eat tomatoes.

Jaere cr raa pa y? Do you also like to eat leek?

Oanare a aere cr raa cea ea? Do you also like to eat sauerkraut?

Oanare a aere cr raa ea? Do you also like to eat lentils?

Jae cr raa c ancrn pn? Do you also like to eat carrots?

Jae cr raa pa p? Do you also like to eat broccoli?

Oana a ae cr raa ep? Do you also like to eat peppers?

Jac e caa p. I don`t like onions.

Jac e caa ac. I don`t like olives.

Jac e caa eyp. I don`t like mushrooms.

|rpecer rp|
Ha eea c1aa


At the train station

Kere a


Kra rpryna cer n a Fep? When is the next train to Berlin?

Kra rpryna cer n a Hap? When is the next train to Paris?

Kra rpryna cer n a H? When is the next train to London?

B y acr rpryna nr a Bapana? When does the train Ior Warsaw leave?

B y acr rpryna nr a Crx? When does the train Ior Stockholm leave?

B y acr rpryna nr a Fyera? When does the train Ior Budapest leave?

Jac caa / caaa ee er a Map. I`d like a ticket to Madrid.

Jac caa / caaa ee er a Hpara. I`d like a ticket to Prague.

Jac caa / caaa ee er a Fep. I`d like a ticket to Bern.

Kra pcrryna nr n Bea? When does the train arrive in Vienna?

Kra pcrryna nr n Mcna? When does the train arrive in Moscow?

Kra pcrryna nr n Acrepa? When does the train arrive in Amsterdam?

a pa a ce peayna? Do I have to change trains?

O ep rpryna nr? From which platIorm does the train leave?

Ha nar a cee n nr? Does the train have sleepers?

F caa / caaa ca a arynae n ee pane a
I`d like a one-way ticket to Brussels.

F caa / caaa ee npare er a Kexare. I`d like a return ticket to Copenhagen.

Ky e ecr n narr a cee? What does a berth in the sleeper cost?

|rpecer erp|


On the train

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

a na e nr a Fep? Is that the train to Berlin?

Kra rpryna nr? When does the train leave?

Kra pcrryna nr n Fep? When does the train arrive in Berlin?

Hpcrere, cea a a? Excuse me, may I pass?

Mca ea na e er ecr. I think this is my seat.

Mca ea Be cere a er ecr. I think you`re sitting in my seat.

Kae e narr a cee? Where is the sleeper?

Barr a cee e a par nr. The sleeper is at the end oI the train.

A ae e narr a aee? Ha err. And where is the dining car? At the Iront.

Ma a ca y? Can I sleep below?

Ma a ca n cpeara? Can I sleep in the middle?

Ma a ca rpe? Can I sleep at the top?

Kra e ee a rpaara? When will we get to the border?

Ky r rpae arynaer Fep? How long does the journey to Berlin take?

a nr ? Is the train delayed?

Hare er a rae? Do you have something to read?

Me ne ne a e er a aee a
Can one get something to eat and to drink here?

a e paye n .00 acr Be a? Could you please wake me up at o`clock?

|rpecer er|
Ha ae

At the

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

F caa / caaa a peepnpa ee er a Ara. I`d like to book a Ilight to Athens.

a e ra e pere er? Is it a direct Ilight?

Be a e ecr pper, eya. A window seat, non-smoking, please.

F caa / caaa a a rnpa ara peepnaa. I would like to conIirm my reservation.

F caa / caaa a a raa ara peepnaa. I would like to cancel my reservation.

F caa / caaa a a pea ara peepnaa. I would like to change my reservation.

Kra ceara aa a P? When is the next Ilight to Rome?

a a yre ne c ecra? Are there two seats available?

He, ae ca yre e c ecr. No, we have only one seat available.

Kra cerynae? When do we land?

Kra e ce ray? When will we be there?

Kra a anryc erapr a rpar? When does a bus go to the city centre / center (am.)?

Ona e nar y]ep? Is that your suitcase?

Ona e naara raa? Is that your bag?

Ona e nar ara? Is that your luggage?

Ky ara a a ea c cee? How much luggage can I take?

naecer rpa. Twenty kilos.

Br, ca naecer rpa? What? Only twenty kilos?

|rpecer ecr|
1ane caa


Public transportation

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Kae e anrycara craa? Where is the bus stop?

K anryc n n erapr? Which bus goes to the city centre / center (am.)?

Ka a pa a a ea? Which bus do I have to take?

a pa a ce peayna? Do I have to change?

Kae pa a ce peaa? Where do I have to change?

Ky ee ne er? How much does a ticket cost?

Ky anryc cra a erapr? How many stops are there beIore downtown / the city centre?

One pare a ce cere. You have to get oII here.

Mpare a ce cere a. You have to get oII at the back.

Cer erp ara a yr. The next train is in minutes.

Cer rpana ara a 10 yr. The next tram is in 10 minutes.

Cer anryc ara a 1 yr. The next bus is in 1 minutes.

Kra n cer erp? When is the last train?

Kra n cer rpana? When is the last tram?

Kra n cer anryc? When is the last bus?

a are ne er? Do you have a ticket?

Be er? He, ea. A ticket? No, I don`t have one.

Tra pare a arre aa. Then you have to pay a Iine.

|rpecer cey|
Ha a1


En route

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

T aryna c rp. He drives a motorbike.

T aryna c nece. He rides a bicycle.

T ea. He walks.

T aryna c p. He goes by ship.

T aryna c ae. He goes by boat.

T na. He swims.

a ne e ac? Is it dangerous here?

a e ac, ca / caa a crpa? Is it dangerous to hitchhike alone?

a e ac, aneep a ce a pera? Is it dangerous to go Ior a walk at night?

He r rpene arr. We got lost.

He ce a rpee ar. We`re on the wrong road.

He pae a ce npare. We must turn around.

Kae e ne a ce appa? Where can one park here?

Ha ne appare? Is there a parking lot here?

Ky r e ne a ce appa? How long can one park here?

Bre c? Do you ski?

Ce nre arpe c ]rr a cae? Do you take the ski liIt to the top?

Me ne a ce aar c? Can one rent skis here?

|rpecer cy|


In the taxi

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Be a nare e rac. Please call a taxi.

Ky eeara craa? What does it cost to go to the station?

Ky aeppr? What does it cost to go to the airport?

Hpan ape, a. Please go straight ahead.

One ec, a. Please turn right here.

Tay a arr a en, a. Please turn leIt at the corner.

Fpa. I`m in a hurry.

Jac a npee. I have time.

Be a nere ea. Please drive slowly.

3acraere ne a. Please stop here.

Heare ee er Be a. Please wait a moment.

Jac nea e ce npara. I`ll be back immediately.

aere ea paa Be a. Please give me a receipt.

Jac ea cr ap. I have no change.

Baa e p, crarr e a Bac. That is okay, please keep the change.

Bere e a naa apeca. Drive me to this address.

Bere e r xre. Drive me to my hotel.

Bere e a aara. Drive me to the beach.

|rpecer ener|
n1ca era


Car breakdown

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Kae e ceara eca ya? Where is the next gas station?

Jac a ea yara rya. I have a Ilat tyre / tire (am.).

a ere a r pere rpar? Can you change the tyre / tire (am.)?

Hrpe ce ey rpa e. I need a Iew litres / liters (am.) oI diesel.

Hea nee e. I have no more petrol / gas (am.).

Hare peepna rya ? Do you have a petrol can / jerry can / gas can (am.)?

Kae a a ree]pa? Where can I make a call?

M rpea nea cya. I need a towing service.

Fapa ea para. I`m looking Ior a garage.

Ce cy cpaaa ecpea. An accident has occurred.

Kae e acr ree]? Where is the nearest telephone?

Hare e c cee? Do you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you?

Hrpea e . We need help.

Hnare ee eap! Call a doctor!

Hnare a ara! Call the police!

Bare yer Be a. Your papers, please.

Baara naa na Be a. Your licence / license (am.), please.

Baara cpaaa na Be a. Your registration, please.

0 |erpecer|
aaa a a11

0 |Iorty|

Asking for directions

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Hnere! Excuse me!

Mere a rere? Can you help me?

Kae a ne ap pecrpa? Is there a good restaurant around here?

Here en a arr. Take a leIt at the corner.

Hra ere ee e pan ape. Then go straight Ior a while.

Hra ere cr erp a ec. Then go right Ior a hundred metres / meters (am.).

Mere cr raa a eere anryc . You can also take the bus.

Mere cr raa a eere rpana. You can also take the tram.

Mere cr raa a nre a ee. You can also Iollow me with your car.

Ka a crra ]yacr cra? How do I get to the Iootball / soccer (am.) stadium?

Hpeere r crr ! Cross the bridge!

Bere ryer ! Go through the tunnel!

Bere rperr cea]p. Drive until you reach the third traIIic light.

Hra cnprere a pnara ya ec. Then turn into the Iirst street on your right.

Hra nere pan ape pey ceara
Then drive straight through the next intersection.

Hnere, a a crra aeppr? Excuse me, how do I get to the airport?

Hap e a eere erp.
It is best iI you take the underground / subway

Bere ce ecran ceara craa. Simply get out at the last stop.

|erpecer ee|

1 |Iorty-one|

Where is ... ?

Kere a


Kae e pr a ]pa a rypcr? Where is the tourist inIormation oIIice?

Hare a ee ea apra a rpar? Do you have a city map Ior me?

Me ne a ce peepnpa ea xreca ca? Can one reserve a room here?

Kae e crapr e rpar? Where is the old city?

Kae e arepaara? Where is the cathedral?

Kae e yer? Where is the museum?

Kae e a ce yar rec ap? Where can one buy stamps?

Kae e a ce y nee? Where can one buy Ilowers?

Kae e a ce yar n apr? Where can one buy tickets?

Kae e pcrarer? Where is the harbour / harbor (am.)?

Kae e aapr? Where is the market?

Kae e ar? Where is the castle?

Kra ayna ara? When does the tour begin?

Kra anpyna ara? When does the tour end?

Ky r rpae ara? How long is the tour?

Jac caa / caaa ee na r pyna repac. I would like a guide who speaks German.

Jac caa / caaa ee na r pyna
I would like a guide who speaks Italian.

Jac caa / caaa ee na r pyna ]payc. I would like a guide who speaks French.

|erpecer na|
Pareynae a ra1


City tour

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

a aapr e rnpe n eea? Is the market open on Sundays?

a caer e rnpe n ee? Is the Iair open on Mondays?

a ara e rnpea n nrp? Is the exhibition open on Tuesdays?

a ara rpaa e rnpea n cpea? Is the zoo open on Wednesdays?

a yer e rnpe n ernpr? Is the museum open on Thursdays?

a raepara e rnpea n er? Is the gallery open on Fridays?

Cee a ce ]rrpa]pa? Can one take photographs?

Mpa a ce ar ne? Does one have to pay an entrance Iee?

Ky ner? How much is the entrance Iee?

Ha ean ycr a rpy? Is there a discount Ior groups?

Ha ean ycr a ea? Is there a discount Ior children?

Ha ean ycr a cryer? Is there a discount Ior students?

Kana e naa rpaa? What building is that?

Ky e crapa naa rpaa? How old is the building?

K a rpa naa rpaa? Who built the building?

Jac ce repecpa a apxrerypa. I`m interested in architecture.

Jac ce repecpa a yercr. I`m interested in art.

Jac ce repecpa a capcrn. I`m interested in paintings.

|erpecer rp|
a raa


At the zoo

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Tay e ara rpaa. The zoo is there.

Tay ce pa]re. The giraIIes are there.

Kae ce ere? Where are the bears?

Kae ce cnre? Where are the elephants?

Kae ce re? Where are the snakes?

Kae ce annre? Where are the lions?

Jac a ee ]raapar. I have a camera.

Ha cr raa ea ]ca aepa. I also have a video camera.

Kae a arepa? Where can I Iind a battery?

Kae ce rnre? Where are the penguins?

Kae ce erypre? Where are the kangaroos?

Kae ce cpre? Where are the rhinos?

Kae a raer? Where is the toilet / restroom (am.)?

Tay a a]ye. There is a caIe over there.

Tay a pecrpa. There is a restaurant over there.

Kae ce are? Where are the camels?

Kae ce rpara epre? Where are the gorillas and the zebras?

Kae ce rrpnre pre? Where are the tigers and the crocodiles?

|erpecer erp|
Herynae anee


Going out in the

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Ha ne crea? Is there a disco here?

Ha ne e y? Is there a nightclub here?

Ha ne a]eaa? Is there a pub here?

Br a neepna n rearap?
What`s playing at the theatre / theater (am.) this

Br a neepna n ?
What`s playing at the cinema / movies (am.) this

Br a neepna a reena? What`s on TV this evening?

Ha yre er a rearap? Are tickets Ior the theatre / theater (am.) still available?

Ha yre er a ? Are tickets Ior the cinema / movies (am.) still available?

Ha yre er a ]yacr arpenap?
Are tickets Ior the Iootball / soccer am. game still

Jac caa / caaa a cea ccea a. I want to sit in the back.

Jac caa / caaa a cea eae n cpeara. I want to sit somewhere in the middle.

Jac caa / caaa a cea ccea ape. I want to sit at the Iront.

Mere a pepaare er? Could you recommend something?

Kra ayna percranara? When does the show begin?

Mere a eere ea apra? Can you get me a ticket?

Ha ne n ara rpare a r]? Is there a golI course nearby?

Ha ne n ara rec rpare? Is there a tennis court nearby?

Ha ne n ara arnpe ae? Is there an indoor swimming pool nearby?

|erpecer er|

At the

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

He caae n . We want to go to the cinema.

eec ce payna ee ap ]. A good Iilm is playing today.

ur e ccea n. The Iilm is brand new.

Kae e araara? Where is the cash register?

Ha yre c ecra? Are seats still available?

Ky ar nere er? How much are the admission tickets?

Kra ayna percranara? When does the show begin?

Ky r rpae ]r? How long is the Iilm?

Me a ce peepnpar er? Can one reserve tickets?

Jac caa / caaa a cea a. I want to sit at the back.

Jac caa / caaa a cea ape. I want to sit at the Iront.

Jac caa / caaa a cea n cpeara. I want to sit in the middle.

ur ee nyn. The Iilm was exciting.

ur e ee cae. The Iilm was not boring.

H rara a ]r ee pa. But the book on which the Iilm was based was better.

Kana ee yara? How was the music?

Kan ea ryre? How were the actors?

Hae rryna recr a arc a? Were there English subtitles?

|erpecer ecr|


In the discotheque

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

a e c na ecr? Is this seat taken?

Cea a cea pa nac? May I sit with you?

C ancrn. Sure.

Ka n ce ara yara? How do you like the music?

May e peraca. A little too loud.

H rpyara cnp ccea p. But the band plays very well.

uecr cre ne? Do you come here oIten?

He, na e pn ar. No, this is the Iirst time.

He cy / a ne ra. I`ve never been here beIore.

Taynare ? Would you like to dance?

Me a. Maybe later.

Jac e yea a rayna raa p. I can`t dance very well.

Ta e ccea ecran. It`s very easy.

Jac e n aa. I`ll show you.

He, p pyr ar. No, maybe some other time.

ueare er? Are you waiting Ior someone?

a, r pare. Yes, Ior my boyIriend.

Ene r a, ara! There he is!

|erpecer cey|
r1n a a1ynae


Preparing a trip

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Mpa a r cayna ar y]ep! You have to pack our suitcase!

He cee r a apan! Don`t Iorget anything!

Hrpee r e ee re y]ep! You need a big suitcase!

He a r apan acr! Don`t Iorget your passport!

He a r apan ancr er! Don`t Iorget your ticket!

He a r apan arre en!
Don`t Iorget your traveller`s cheques / traveler`s
checks (am.)!

3e pea a cae c cee. Take some suntan lotion with you.

3e r ara a ce c cee. Take the sun-glasses with you.

3e r epr a ce c cee. Take the sun hat with you.

Caa a ee ara apra c cee? Do you want to take a road map?

Caa a ee rypcr na c cee? Do you want to take a travel guide?

Caa a ee ap c cee? Do you want to take an umbrella?

Mc a arare, yre, pare. Remember to take pants, shirts and socks.

Mc a nparnpcre, are, caara. Remember to take ties, belts and sports jackets.

Mc a are, re are. Remember to take pyjamas, nightgowns and t-shirts.

T rpeaar en, caa . You need shoes, sandals and boots.

T rpeaar e apaa, cay e
a r.
You need handkerchieIs, soap and a nail clipper.

T rpea ee ee, ea era a a acra a
You need a comb, a toothbrush and toothpaste.

|erpecer cy|
1nc1 a nee a


Vacation activities

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

a e cra aara? Is the beach clean?

Me ne ray a na? Can one swim there?

He e ac, ray a ce na? Isn`t it dangerous to swim there?

Me ne a ce a ap a ce? Can one rent a sun umbrella / parasol here?

Me ne a ce a eaa? Can one rent a deck chair here?

Me ne a ce a ae? Can one rent a boat here?

F caa / caaa a cyp]a. I would like to surI.

F caa / caaa a ypa. I would like to dive.

F caa / caaa a ca a na. I would like to water ski.

Me a ce a aca a cyp]ae? Can one rent a surIboard?

Me a ce a pea a ypae? Can one rent diving equipment?

Me a ce aar c a na? Can one rent water skis?

Jac cy er. I`m only a beginner.

Jac cy cpe-ap / pa. I`m moderately good.

Jac nee p ce cara. I`m pretty good at it.

Kae e c ]rr? Where is the ski liIt?

Ha c c cee? Do you have skis?

Ha ca en c cee? Do you have ski boots?

|erpecer ener|



Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Ce aana c cpr? Do you exercise?

a, pa a ce na. Yes, I need some exercise.

Jac a n ee cprc y. I am a member oI a sports club.

He rpae ]ya. We play Iootball / soccer (am.).

Hera nae. We swim sometimes.

H ne nece. Or we cycle.

B ar rpa a ee ]yac cra. There is a Iootball / soccer (am.) stadium in our city.

Hcr raa a ee ae c caya. There is also a swimming pool with a sauna.

Ha e rpare a r]. And there is a golI course.

Br a a reena? What is on TV?

B ern a ]yac arpenap. There is a Iootball / soccer (am.) match on now.

Iepacr r rpa prn arcr. The German team is playing against the English one.

K eyna? Who is winning?

Hea a. I have no idea.

B ern e epee. It is currently a tie.

uyacr cya e Fera. The reIeree is Irom Belgium.

Cera a ea. Now there is a penalty.

I! Ee cpea ya! Goal! One zero!

0 |eecer|
ae a nae

0 |IiIty|

In the swimming pool

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

eec e e. It is hot today.

Ke e a ae? Shall we go to the swimming pool?

Ha ea a e a nae? Do you Ieel like swimming?

Ha ep? Do you have a towel?

Ha ra a aee? Do you have swimming trunks?

Ha cr a aee? Do you have a bathing suit?

Vee a na? Can you swim?

Vee a ypa? Can you dive?

Vee a ca n na? Can you jump in the water?

Kae e ryr? Where is the shower?

Kae e aara a peceynae? Where is the changing room?

Kae ce ara a nae? Where are the swimming goggles?

aa e nara? Is the water deep?

ucra e nara? Is the water clean?

Ta e nara? Is the water warm?

Ce cpyna. I am Ireezing.

Bara e pery cryea. The water is too cold.

Heryna cera nara. I am getting out oI the water now.

1 |eecer ee|

1 |IiIty-one|

Running errands

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Caa a a n reara. I want to go to the library.

Caa a a n apara. I want to go to the bookstore.

Caa a a rpa]ara. I want to go to the newspaper stand.

Caa a aa ea ra. I want to borrow a book.

Caa a ya ea ra. I want to buy a book.

Caa a ya ee nec. I want to buy a newspaper.

Caa a a n reara, a a aa ea
I want to go to the library to borrow a book.

Caa a a n apara, a a ya ea
I want to go to the bookstore to buy a book.

Caa a a rpa]ara, a a ya ee
I want to go to the kiosk / newspaper stand to buy a

Caa a a a rapr. I want to go to the optician.

Caa a a n cyepaperr. I want to go to the supermarket.

Caa a a a eapr. I want to go to the bakery.

Caa a ya a. I want to buy some glasses.

Caa a ya ne eey. I want to buy Iruit and vegetables.

Caa a ya ea e. I want to buy rolls and bread.

Caa a a a rapr, a a ya a. I want to go to the optician to buy glasses.

Caa a a n cyepaperr, a a ya ne
I want to go to the supermarket to buy Iruit and

Caa a a a eapr, a a ya ea
I want to go to the baker to buy rolls and bread.

|eecer na|
1rnc e1a

In the

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Ke e n rprncr erap? Shall we go to the department store?

Jac pa a aapyna. I have to go shopping.

Caa ry a aya. I want to do a lot oI shopping.

Kae ce aeapcre arepa? Where are the oIIice supplies?

M rpeaar n xapra a ca. I need envelopes and stationery.

M rpeaar eaa apep. I need pens and markers.

Kae e eer? Where is the Iurniture?

M rpea ee a] ea a. I need a cupboard and a chest oI drawers.

M rpea ea para aca ee pera. I need a desk and a bookshelI.

Kae ce rpare? Where are the toys?

M rpea ea ya e a ee. I need a doll and a teddy bear.

M rpea ee ]ya ea axnca raa. I need a Iootball and a chess board.

Kae e aarr? Where are the tools?

M rpea ee ea ea era. I need a hammer and a pair oI pliers.

M rpea ea yaa ee rpa]rep. I need a drill and a screwdriver.

Kae e arr? Where is the jewellery / jewelry (am.) department?

M rpea e ae ea apana. I need a chain and a bracelet.

M rpea ee pcre er. I need a ring and earrings.

|eecer rp|



Kere a recrr! Ha cp

He apae cprca pana. We`re looking Ior a sports shop.

He apae ecapa. We`re looking Ior a butcher shop.

He apae area. We`re looking Ior a pharmacy / drugstore (am.).

F caae e a ye ea ra a ]ya. We want to buy a Iootball.

F caae e a ye caaa. We want to buy salami.

F caae e a ye eapcrna. We want to buy medicine.

Fapae ea cprca pana, a a ye ea
ra a ]ya.
We`re looking Ior a sports shop to buy a Iootball.

He apae ecapa, a a ye caaa. We`re looking Ior a butcher shop to buy salami.

He apae area, a a ye eapcrna. We`re looking Ior a drugstore to buy medicine.

Jac apa arap. I`m looking Ior a jeweller / jeweler (am.).

Jac apa ]r pana . I`m looking Ior a photo equipment store.

Jac apa carapa. I`m looking Ior a conIectionery.

He a aepa, a ya ee pcre. I actually plan to buy a ring.

He a aepa, a ya ee ]. I actually plan to buy a roll oI Iilm.

He a aepa, a ya ea rpra. I actually plan to buy a cake.

Jac apa arap, a a ya pcre. I`m looking Ior a jeweler to buy a ring.

Jac apa ]r pana, a a ya ]. I`m looking Ior a photo shop to buy a roll oI Iilm.

Jac apa carapa, a a ya rpra. I`m looking Ior a conIectionery to buy a cake.

|eecer erp|


Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Caa a ya ee ap. I want to buy a present.

H e er pery ca. But nothing too expensive.

Me ea paa raa? Maybe a handbag?

Ka a a caae? Which color would you like?

Hpa, a]eana ea? Black, brown or white?

Ea rea aa? A large one or a small one?

Cea a a na naa? May I see this one, please?

a raa e a? Is it made oI leather?

H a e nera arepa? Or is it made oI plastic?

O a cea. OI leather, oI course.

Ona e ee ce ap narer. This is very good quality.

H raara ancra e c ry na ea. And the bag is really very reasonable.

M ce ara. I like it.

Ke a ea. I`ll take it.

a a enerya a a aea? Can I exchange it iI needed?

Ce papa. OI course.

Ke a caynae a ap. We`ll giIt wrap it.

Tay cprna e araara. The cashier is over there.

|eecer er|
Pa1a / aae



Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Br cre aae? What do you do Ior a living?

Mr cpyr e eap aae. My husband is a doctor.

Jac yen para a eca cecrpa. I work as a nurse part-time.

Hapry e e n ea. We will soon receive our pension.

H are ce nc. But taxes are high.

H pancrner crypynae e nc. And health insurance is expensive.

Br caa a e? What would you like to become some day?

Jac caa / caaa a a eep. I would like to become an engineer.

Jac caa a crypa a yneprerr. I want to go to college.

Jac cy parar. I am an intern.

Jac e aparyna ry. I do not earn much.

Jac cy a paca n crpacrn. I am doing an internship abroad.

Ona e r e]. That is my boss.

Jac a ye er. I have nice colleagues.

Haae cera e n arara. We always go to the caIeteria at noon.

Jac apa e par ecr. I am looking Ior a job.

Jac cy nee ea ra enpare / enparea. I have already been unemployed Ior a year.

B naa ea a pery enpare. There are too many unemployed people in this country.

|eecer ecr|



Kere a recrr! Ha cp

a ce a ea to Ieel like / want to

He ae ea. We Ieel like / want to.

He eae ea. We don`t Ieel like / want to.

a ce a crpan to be aIraid

Jac ce aa. I`m aIraid.

Jac e ce aa. I am not aIraid.

a ce a npee to have time

T a npee. He has time.

T ea npee. He has no time.

a ce cayna to be bored

Taa ce cayna. She is bored.

Taa e ce cayna. She is not bored.

a ce e rae to be hungry

a cre ra? Are you hungry?

He cre ra? Aren`t you hungry?

a ce e ee to be thirsty

Be cre ee / ea. They are thirsty.

Be e cre ee / ea. They are not thirsty.

|eecer cey|
Ka ea


At the doctor

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Jac a ee rep a eap. I have a doctor`s appointment.

Tepr e n ecer acr. I have the appointment at ten o`clock.

Ka e naer e? What is your name?

Ceere n eaara Be a . Please take a seat in the waiting room.

Heapr e e nea. The doctor is on his way.

Kae cre crypa? What insurance company do you belong to?

Br a a crpa a nac? What can I do Ior you?

Hare ? Do you have any pain?

Kae ne ? Where does it hurt?

Cera a n rpr. I always have back pain.

uecr a ran. I oIten have headaches.

Hera a n crar. I sometimes have stomach aches.

Ceere ce acr arpe, Be a. Remove your top!

Herere a eaara, Be a. Lie down on the examining table.

Kpnr prc e n pe. Your blood pressure is okay.

Ke n aa ea ea. I will give you an injection.

Ke n aa raer. I will give you some pills.

Ke n aa ee peer a n area. I am giving you a prescription Ior the pharmacy.

|eecer cy|
en a 1e1


Parts of the body

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Jac pra ne. I am drawing a man.

Hapn ranara. First the head.

uner c ee ep. The man is wearing a hat.

Kcara e y ce rea. One cannot see the hair.

Vre cr raa e y ce reaar. One cannot see the ears either.

Ipr cr raa e y ce rea. One cannot see his back either.

I pra re ycrara. I am drawing the eyes and the mouth.

uner rayna ce cee. The man is dancing and laughing.

uner a r c. The man has a long nose.

T n paere c ee cra. He is carrying a cane in his hands.

T y nparr c cr raa ee a. He is also wearing a scarI around his neck.

3a e crye e. It is winter and it is cold.

Paere ce c. The arms are athletic.

Here cr raa ce c. The legs are also athletic.

uner e cer. The man is made oI snow.

T e c ara ar. He is neither wearing pants nor a coat.

H ner e ce cpyna. But the man is not Ireezing.

Ta e ce. He is a snowman.

|eecer ener|


At the post office

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Kae e acara ra? Where is the nearest post oIIice?

aey e acara ra? Is the post oIIice Iar Irom here?

Kae e acr rec caae? Where is the nearest mail box?

M rpeaar ey rec ap. I need a couple oI stamps.

3a ea apra e c. For a card and a letter.

Ky rapara a Aepa? How much is the postage to America?

Ky e re aerr? How heavy is the package?

Ma a r cpara c anca ra? Can I send it by air mail?

Ky r rpae, ea a pcrre? How long will it take to get there?

Kae a a ree]pa? Where can I make a call?

Kae e ceara ree]ca rnpa? Where is the nearest telephone booth?

Hare ree]c apr? Do you have calling cards?

Hare ree]c e? Do you have a telephone directory?

I aere nynar p a Ancrpa? Do you know the area code Ior Austria?

Ca er, a pnepa. One moment, I`ll look it up.

Hara e cera a]area. The line is always busy.

K p r panre? Which number did you dial?

Hapn pare a epere ya. You have to dial a zero Iirst!

0 |eecer|

0 |sixty|

At the bank

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

F caa / caaa a rnpa ea cera. I would like to open an account.

Ene r r ac. Here is my passport.

A na e ara apeca. And here is my address.

F caa / caaa a yara ap a ara
I want to deposit money in my account.

F caa / caaa a ra ap ara
I want to withdraw money Irom my account.

F caa / caaa a ea nera a cerara. I want to pick up the bank statements.

F caa / caaa a cara ee ar e.
I want to cash a traveller`s cheque / traveler`s check

Ky ce nc racre? What are the Iees?

Kae pa a ra? Where should I sign?

Oeyna rpacaa Iepaa. I`m expecting a transIer Irom Germany.

Ene r pr a ara cera. Here is my account number.

a ce pcrrar apre? Has the money arrived?

F caa / caaa a r pea ne ap. I want to change money.

M rpeaar US ap. (aep ap). I need US-Dollars.

Be a, aere a ar. Could you please give me small notes / bills (am.)?

Ha ne aar? Is there a cashpoint / an ATM (am.)?

Kana cya e a ce re? How much money can one withdraw?

Ka pera apra e a ce pcr? Which credit cards can one use?

1 |eecer ee|
Pe en

1 |sixty-one|

Ordinal numbers

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Hpnr ece e ayap. The Iirst month is January.

Brpr ece e ]enpyap. The second month is February.

Tperr ece e apr. The third month is March.

uernprr ece e ap. The Iourth month is April.

Herrr ece e a. The IiIth month is May.

Becrrr ece e y. The sixth month is June.

Becr ece ce na ra. Six months make halI a year.

ayap, ]enpyap, apr January, February, March,

ap, a, y. April, May and June.

Cer ece e y. The seventh month is July.

Ocr ece e anrycr. The eighth month is August.

enerrr ece e cerenp. The ninth month is September.

ecerrr ece e rnp. The tenth month is October.

Eaecerrr ece e enp. The eleventh month is November.

naaecerrr ece e eenp. The twelIth month is December.

naaecer ece ce ea ra. Twelve months make a year.

y, anrycr, cerenp, July, August, September,

rnp, enp, eenp. October, November and December.

|eecer na|
c1anynae aaa 1


Asking questions 1

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

y to learn

Var yere ry? Do the students learn a lot?

He, re yar ay. No, they learn a little.

payna to ask

I paynare ecr acranr? Do you oIten ask the teacher questions?

He, ac e r payna ecr. No, I don`t ask him questions oIten.

rnapa to reply

Ornpere a. Please reply.

Jac rnapa. I reply.

par to work

Par r cera? Is he working right now?

a, r par cera. Yes, he is working right now.

ara to come

Ke ere? Are you coming?

a, e ee nea. Yes, we are coming soon.

nee to live

Xneere n Fep? Do you live in Berlin?

a, ac nea n Fep. Yes, I live in Berlin.

|eecer rp|
c1anynae aaa 2


Asking questions 2

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Jac a x. I have a hobby.

Jac rpa rec. I play tennis.

Kae a rpare a rec? Where is the tennis court?

Ha x? Do you have a hobby?

Jac rpa ]ya. I play Iootball / soccer (am.).

Kae a ]yac rpare? Where is the Iootball / soccer (am.) Iield?

Me paara. My arm hurts.

Me crar paara cr raa. My Ioot and hand also hurt.

Kae a rp? Is there a doctor?

Jac a anr. I have a car / automobile.

Jac cr raa a rp. I also have a motorcycle.

Kae a appare? Where could I park?

Jac a ynep. I have a sweater.

Jac cr raa a aa e ]apep. I also have a jacket and a pair oI jeans.

Kae a aa a epee ara? Where is the washing machine?

Jac a a. I have a plate.

Jac a , nya aa. I have a kniIe, a Iork and a spoon.

Kae ce cra epr? Where is the salt and pepper?

|eecer erp|
Herae 1


Negation 1

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Jac e r papa pr. I don`t understand the word.

Jac e a papa peeara. I don`t understand the sentence.

Jac e r papa aeer. I don`t understand the meaning.

acran / yre the teacher

I papare acranr? Do you understand the teacher?

a, ac r papa p. Yes, I understand him well.

acrana / yrea the teacher

Ja papare acranara? Do you understand the teacher?

a, ac a papa p. Yes, I understand her well.

yre the people

I papare yrer? Do you understand the people?

He, ac e r papa ccea p. No, I don`t understand them so well.

parea the girlIriend

Hare parea? Do you have a girlIriend?

a, a . Yes, I do.

epa the daughter

Hare epa? Do you have a daughter?

He, ac ea epa. No, I don`t.

|eecer er|
Herae 2


Negation 2

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Ca e pcrer? Is the ring expensive?

He, r ca cr enpa. No, it costs only one hundred Euros.

H ac a ca eecer. But I have only IiIty.

Irn / rrna c nee? Are you Iinished?

He, ceyre e cy. No, not yet.

H nea e a rrn / rrna. But I`ll be Iinished soon.

Caa yre cya? Do you want some more soup?

He, e caa nee. No, I don`t want anymore.

H caa yre ee cae. But another ice cream.

Xnee nee r ne? Have you lived here long?

He, rryy ee ece. No, only Ior a month.

H ana nee ry yre. But I already know a lot oI people.

Haryna yrpe aa a? Are you driving home tomorrow?

He, yp a ner. No, only on the weekend.

H ce npaa nee n eea. But I will be back on Sunday.

a rnara epa e nee npaca? Is your daughter an adult?

He, raa e rryy ceyaecer. No, she is only seventeen.

H raa nee a e. But she already has a boyIriend.

|eecer ecr|
cn ae 1


Possessive pronouns 1

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

ac I my

Hea a r aa r / cnr y. I can`t Iind my key.

Hea a r aa r / cnr ne er. I can`t Iind my ticket.

r rn you your

I ae rnr / cnr y? Have you Iound your key?

I ae rnr / cnr ne er? Have you Iound your ticket?

r ern he his

3ae ae e ernr y? Do you know where his key is?

3ae ae e ernr ne er? Do you know where his ticket is?

raa e she her

Here ap r ea. Her money is gone.

A eara pera apra a ea. And her credit card is also gone.

e a we our

Har e e e. Our grandIather is ill.

Haara aa e pana. Our grandmother is healthy.

ne na you your

ea, ae e nar rar? Children, where is your Iather?

ea, ae e naara aa? Children, where is your mother?

|eecer cey|
cn ae 2


Possessive pronouns 2

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

a the glasses

T r apan cnre a. He has Iorgotten his glasses.

Kae ce ernre a? Where has he leIt his glasses?

acn the clock

Hernr acn e paca. His clock isn`t working.

uacnr e aae a sr. The clock hangs on the wall.

ac the passport

T r ary cnr ac. He has lost his passport.

Kae e ernr ac? Where is his passport then?

re ne they their

eara e ar a r aar cnre pre. The children cannot Iind their parents.

Aa ene r araar nre pre! Here come their parents!

Be Ba you your

Kan ee Baer arynae, rce Mep? How was your trip, Mr. Miller?

Kae e Baara cpyra, rce Mep? Where is your wiIe, Mr. Miller?

Be Ba you your

Kan ee Baer arynae, rcr Br? How was your trip, Mrs. Smith?

Kae e Bar cpyr, rcr Br? Where is your husband, Mrs. Smith?

|eecer cy|
re - a


big - small

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

re a big and small

Cr e re. The elephant is big.

Iyer e a. The mouse is small.

ree cner dark and bright

Hra e rea. The night is dark.

er e cner. The day is bright.

crap a old and young

Har e e ry crap. Our grandIather is very old.

Hpe 0 r ee yre a. 0 years ago he was still young.

yan rp beautiIul and ugly

Heepyrara e yana. The butterIly is beautiIul.

Haar e rp. The spider is ugly.

ee ca / re Iat and thin

Xea c 100 rpa e eea. A woman who weighs a hundred kilos is Iat.

Ma c 0 rpa e ca. A man who weighs IiIty kilos is thin.

ca enr expensive and cheap

Anrr e ca. The car is expensive.

Becr e enr. The newspaper is cheap.

|eecer ener|
1ea / a 1ea - caa


to need - to want to

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

M rpea pener. I need a bed.

Caa a ca. I want to sleep.

Ha ne pener? Is there a bed here?

M rpea aa. I need a lamp.

Caa a ra. I want to read.

Ha ne ea aa? Is there a lamp here?

M rpea ree]. I need a telephone.

Caa a ree]pa. I want to make a call.

Ha ne ree]? Is there a telephone here?

M rpea aepa. I need a camera.

Caa a ]rrpa]pa. I want to take photographs.

Ha ne aepa? Is there a camera here?

M rpea yrep. I need a computer.

Caa a cpara ea E-mail paa. I want to send an email.

Ha ne yrep? Is there a computer here?

M rpea ea. I need a pen.

Caa a aa er. I want to write something.

Ha ne cr xapra ea? Is there a sheet oI paper and a pen here?

0 |ceyecer|
e1 caa

0 |seventy|

to like something

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Caare a yre? Would you like to smoke?

Caare a raynare? Would you like to dance?

Caare a ce perare? Would you like to go Ior a walk?

Jac caa a ya. I would like to smoke.

Caa ea rapa? Would you like a cigarette?

T caa aaa. He wants a light.

Caa a ce aa er. I want to drink something.

Caa a aa er. I want to eat something.

Caa ay a ce pa. I want to relax a little.

Caa a Be paa er. I want to ask you something.

Caa a Be aa a er. I want to ask you Ior something.

Caa a Be aa a er. I want to treat you to something.

Br caare, a? What would you like?

Caare a]e? Would you like a coIIee?

H nee caare a? Or do you preIer a tea?

Caae a arynae aa a. We want to drive home.

Caare rac? Do you want a taxi?

Be caare a ree]pare. They want to make a call.

1 |ceyecer ee|
e1 caa

1 |seventy-one|

to want something

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Br caare? What do you want to do?

Caare a rpare ]ya? Do you want to play Iootball / soccer (am.)?

Caare a c r cerre pare? Do you want to visit Iriends?

caa to want

He caa a aa. I don`t want to arrive late.

He caa a a ray. I don`t want to go there.

Caa a c a a. I want to go home.

Caa a craa a. I want to stay at home.

Caa a a ca / caa. I want to be alone.

Caa a crae ne? Do you want to stay here?

Caa a ae ne? Do you want to eat here?

Caa a ce ne? Do you want to sleep here?

Caare a rprere yrpe? Do you want to leave tomorrow?

Caare a craere yrpe? Do you want to stay till tomorrow?

Caare cerara a a arre yrpe? Do you want to pay the bill only tomorrow?

Caare n c? Do you want to go to the disco?

Caare n ? Do you want to go to the cinema?

Caare n a]ye? Do you want to go to a caIe?

|ceyecer na|
e1 a


to have to do
something / must

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

pa must

Mpa a r cpara cr. I must post the letter.

Mpa a r ara xrer. I must pay the hotel.

Mpa a crae pa. You must get up early.

Mpa a par ry. You must work a lot.

Mpa a e re. You must be punctual.

T pa a a e. He must Iuel / get petrol / get gas (am.).

T pa a r pan anrr / nr. He must repair the car.

T pa a r e anrr / nr. He must wash the car.

Taa pa a aapyna. She must shop.

Taa pa a r cr crar. She must clean the apartment.

Taa pa a r epe arara. She must wash the clothes.

He pae nea a e a yre. We must go to school at once.

He pae nea a e a para. We must go to work at once.

He pae nea a e a eap. We must go to the doctor at once.

Be pare a r eare anrycr. You must wait Ior the bus.

Be pare a r eare nr. You must wait Ior the train.

Be pare a r eare racr. You must wait Ior the taxi.

|ceyecer rp|
e1 cee


to be allowed to

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Cee nee a n anr? Are you already allowed to drive?

Cee nee a e ax? Are you already allowed to drink alcohol?

Cee nee ca / caa a aryna n crpacrn? Are you already allowed to travel abroad alone?

cee may / to be allowed

Ceee ne a ye? May we smoke here?

Cee ne a ce y? Is smoking allowed here?

Me a ce ar c pera apra? May one pay by credit card?

Me a ce ar c e? May one pay by cheque / check (am.)?

Me a ce ar ca n rrn? May one only pay in cash?

Cea ca a ree]pa? May I just make a call?

Cea ca a paa er? May I just ask something?

Cea ca a aa er? May I just say something?

T e cee a ce n apr. He is not allowed to sleep in the park.

T e cee a ce n anrr. He is not allowed to sleep in the car.

T e cee a ce a eeara craa. He is not allowed to sleep at the train station.

Ceee a ceee? May we take a seat?

Ceee a r ee er? May we have the menu?

Ceee a are ne? May we pay separately?

|ceyecer erp|
a e1 a


asking for something

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Mere a e rare? Can you cut my hair?

He pery par, a. Not too short, please.

May par, a. A bit shorter, please.

Mere a r panere cre? Can you develop the pictures?

urrpa]re ce a CD r. The pictures are on the CD.

urrpa]re ce n aepara. The pictures are in the camera.

Mere a r panre acnr? Can you Iix the clock?

Crar e cpe. The glass is broken.

Farepara e paa. The battery is dead / empty.

Mere a a cerare yara? Can you iron the shirt?

Mere a r ccrre arare? Can you clean the pants?

Mere a r panre enre? Can you Iix the shoes?

Mere a aere aaa? Do you have a light?

Hare pr aaa? Do you have a match or a lighter?

Hare ee? Do you have an ashtray?

Hyre yp? Do you smoke cigars?

Hyre rap? Do you smoke cigarettes?

Hyre ye? Do you smoke a pipe?

|ceyecer er|
e1 acyna /
ayna 1


giving reasons 1

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

3r e arare? Why aren`t you coming?

Bpeer e . The weather is so bad.

He ara, e npeer e . I am not coming because the weather is so bad.

3r r e ara? Why isn`t he coming?

T e e aer. He isn`t invited.

T e ara, e e e aer. He isn`t coming because he isn`t invited.

3r r e ara? Why aren`t you coming?

Jac ea npee. I have no time.

Jac e ara, e ea npee. I am not coming because I have no time.

3r e crae? Why don`t you stay?

Mpa yre a para. I still have to work.

Jac e crayna, e pa yre a para. I am not staying because I still have to work.

3r nee c re? Why are you going already?

Jac cy ype / ypa. I am tired.

C a, e cy ype / ypa. I`m going because I`m tired.

3r nee aynare? Why are you going already?

a e nee. It is already late.

Jac ayna, e e nee a. I`m going because it is already late.

|ceyecer ecr|
e1 acyna /
ayna 2


giving reasons 2

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

3r e e? Why didn`t you come?

Fen e / a. I was ill.

Jac e n, e en e / a. I didn`t come because I was ill.

3r raa e e? Why didn`t she come?

Taa ee ypa. She was tired.

Taa e e, e ee ypa. She didn`t come because she was tired.

3r r e e? Why didn`t he come?

T eae ea. He wasn`t interested.

T e e, e eae ea. He didn`t come because he wasn`t interested.

3r ne e nre? Why didn`t you come?

Har anr e paca. Our car is damaged.

He e ne, e ar anr e paca. We didn`t come because our car is damaged.

3r yrer e a? Why didn`t the people come?

Te r pyra nr. They missed the train.

Te e a, e r pyra nr. They didn`t come because they missed the train.

3r r e e? Why didn`t you come?

Jac e ceen. I was not allowed to.

Jac e n, e e ceen. I didn`t come because I was not allowed to.

|ceyecer cey|
e1 acyna /
ayna 3


giving reasons 3

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

3r e a aere rprara? Why aren`t you eating the cake?

Jac pa a caa. I must lose weight.

Jac e a aa, e pa a caa. I`m not eating it because I must lose weight.

3r e r ere nr? Why aren`t you drinking the beer?

Jac pa yre a na. I have to drive.

Jac e r a, e pa yre a na. I`m not drinking it because I have to drive.

3r e r e a]er? Why aren`t you drinking the coIIee?

Ta e crye. It is cold.

Jac e r a, e e crye. I`m not drinking it because it is cold.

3r e r e ar? Why aren`t you drinking the tea?

Hea eep. I have no sugar.

Jac e r a, e ea eep. I`m not drinking it because I don`t have any sugar.

3r e a aere cyara? Why aren`t you eating the soup?

Jac e a apaan. I didn`t order it.

Jac e a aa, e e a apaan. I`m not eating it because I didn`t order it.

3r e r aere ecr? Why don`t you eat the meat?

Jac cy nererapae. I am a vegetarian.

Jac e r aa, e cy nererapae. I`m not eating it because I am a vegetarian.

|ceyecer cy|
an 1


Adjectives 1

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

ea crapa ea an old lady

ea eea ea a Iat lady

ea paaa ea a curious lady

ea na a a new car

ea pa a a Iast car

ea ya a a comIortable car

ee c ]ycra a blue dress

ee pne ]ycra a red dress

ee ee ]ycra a green dress

ea pa raa a black bag

ea a]eana raa a brown bag

ea ea raa a white bag

ye yre nice people

yrn yre polite people

repec yre interesting people

ea loving children

pc ea cheeky children

p ea well behaved children

|ceyecer ener|
an 2


Adjectives 2

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Oeea cy n c ]ycra. I am wearing a blue dress.

Oeea cy n pne ]ycra. I am wearing a red dress.

Oeea cy n ee ]ycra. I am wearing a green dress.

Jac yyna ea pa raa. I`m buying a black bag.

Jac yyna ea a]eana raa. I`m buying a brown bag.

Jac yyna ea ea raa. I`m buying a white bag.

M rpea na a. I need a new car.

M rpea pa a. I need a Iast car.

M rpea ya a. I need a comIortable car.

Tay rpe nee ea crapa ea. An old lady lives at the top.

Tay rpe nee ea eea ea. A Iat lady lives at the top.

Tay y nee ea paaa ea. A curious lady lives below.

Hare rcr ea ] yre. Our guests were nice people.

Hare rcr ea yrn yre. Our guests were polite people.

Hare rcr ea repec yre. Our guests were interesting people.

Jac a ea. I have lovely children.

H ccere aar pc ea. But the neighbours have naughty children.

a Bare ea ce p? Are your children well behaved?

0 |cyecer|
an 3

0 |eighty|

Adjectives 3

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Taa a ye. She has a dog.

Kyer e re. The dog is big.

Taa a re ye. She has a big dog.

Taa a ya. She has a house.

Kyara e aa. The house is small.

Taa a ea aa ya. She has a small house.

T nee n xre. He is staying in a hotel.

Xrer e enr. The hotel is cheap.

T nee n enr xre. He is staying in a cheap hotel.

T a anr. He has a car.

Anrr e ca. The car is expensive.

T a ca anr. He has an expensive car.

T ra ee pa. He reads a novel.

Par e cae. The novel is boring.

T ra ee cae pa. He is reading a boring novel.

Taa rea ee ]. She is watching a movie.

ur e repece. The movie is exciting.

Taa rea ee repece ]. She is watching an exciting movie.

1 |cyecer ee|
a1 nee 1

1 |eighty-one|

Past tense 1

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

yna to write

T aa e c. He wrote a letter.

A raa aa ea apra. And she wrote a card.

ra to read

T rae e ccae. He read a magazine.

A raa rae ea ra. And she read a book.

ea to take

T ee ea rapa. He took a cigarette.

Taa ee e ape a. She took a piece oI chocolate.

T ee enepe, raa ee nepa. He was disloyal, but she was loyal.

T ee pen, raa ee npea. He was lazy, but she was hard-working.

T ee cpae, raa ee rara. He was poor, but she was rich.

T eae ap, ryy rn. He had no money, only debts.

T eae cpea, ryy aep. He had no luck, only bad luck.

T eae ycex, ryy eycex. He had no success, only Iailure.

T e ee ane, ryy eane. He was not satisIied, but dissatisIied.

T e ee cpee, ryy ecpee. He was not happy, but sad.

T e ee care, ryy ecare. He was not Iriendly, but unIriendly.

|cyecer na|
a1 nee 2


Past tense 2

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Mpae a na e n? Did you have to call an ambulance?

Mpae a r na eapr? Did you have to call the doctor?

Mpae a a na ara? Did you have to call the police?

I are ree]cr p? Cera r an.
Do you have the telephone number? I had it just

Ja are apecara? Cera a an. Do you have the address? I had it just now.

Hare apra rpar? Cera a an. Do you have the city map? I had it just now.

e r r a npee? T e ee a e
r a npee.
Did he come on time? He could not come on time.

I ae r arr? T e ee a r ae
Did he Iind the way? He could not Iind the way.

Te papa r? T e ee a e paepe.
Did he understand you? He could not understand

3r e ee a e r a npee? Why could you not come on time?

3r e ee a r ae arr? Why could you not Iind the way?

3r e ee a r paepe? Why could you not understand him?

He en a a r a npee, e eae
I could not come on time because there were no

He en a r aa arr, e ean apra a
I could not Iind the way because I had no city map.

He en a r paepa, e yara ee
ry raca.
I could not understand him because the music was
so loud.

Mpan a ea e rac. I had to take a taxi.

Mpan a ya apra a rpar. I had to buy a city map.

Jac pan a r cya par. I had to switch oII the radio.

|cyecer rp|
a1 nee 3

Past tense

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

ree]pa to make a call

Jac ree]pan. I made a call.

Jac e npee ree]pan. I was talking on the phone all the time.

payna to ask

Jac paan. I asked.

Jac cera paynan. I always asked.

pacayna to narrate

Jac pacaynan. I narrated.

Jac a pacaan eara paa. I narrated the whole story.

y to study

Jac yen. I studied.

Jac yen ea neep. I studied the whole evening.

par to work

Jac paren. I worked.

Jac paren e e. I worked all day long.

ae to eat

Jac aen. I ate.

Jac r en er aee. I ate all the Iood.

|cyecer erp|
a1 4


Past tense 4

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

ra to read

Jac ran. I read.

Jac r pran er pa. I read the whole novel.

papa to understand

Jac papan. I understood.

Jac r papan er recr. I understood the whole text.

rnapa to answer

Jac rnpn. I answered.

Jac rnpn a cre paaa. I answered all the questions.

Jac r a ra ac r aen ra. I know that I knew that.

Jac r yna ra ac r aan ra. I write that I wrote that.

Jac r cya ra ac r cyan ra. I hear that I heard that.

Jac r ea ra ac r en ra. I`ll get it I got it.

Jac r ca ra ac r ecn ra. I`ll bring that I brought that.

Jac r yyna ra ac r yn ra. I`ll buy that I bought that.

Jac r eyna ra ac r eynan ra. I expect that I expected that.

Jac r acyna ra ac r acn ra. I`ll explain that I explained that.

Jac r a ra ac r aen ra. I know that I knew that.

|cyecer er|
aaa - a1 nee 1


Questions - Past
tense 1

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Ky are ce? How much did you drink?

Ky parenre? How much did you work?

Ky aanre? How much did you write?

Ka cenre? How did you sleep?

Ka r nre crr? How did you pass the exam?

Ka r anre arr? How did you Iind the way?

C r parnapanre? Who did you speak to?

C r ce rnpnre? With whom did you make an appointment?

C r canenre pee? With whom did you celebrate your birthday?

Kae enre? Where were you?

Kae neenre? Where did you live?

Kae parenre? Where did you work?

Br pepaanre? What did you suggest?

Br aenre? What did you eat?

Ka anre? What did you experience?

Ky p nenre? How Iast did you drive?

Ky r eranre? How long did you Ily?

Ky nc canre? How high did you jump?

|cyecer ecr|
aaa - a1 nee 2


Questions - Past
tense 2

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Ka nparnpca a cee? Which tie did you wear?

K anr r y? Which car did you buy?

3a nec ce perar? Which newspaper did you subscribe to?

Kr nnre? Who did you see?

Kr cperanre? Who did you meet?

Kr peanre? Who did you recognize?

Kra craanre? When did you get up?

Kra aanre? When did you start?

Kra pecraanre? When did you Iinish?

3r ce paynre? Why did you wake up?

3r craanre acran? Why did you become a teacher?

3r eanre rac? Why did you take a taxi?

O ae nre? Where did you come Irom?

Haae rnre? Where did you go?

Kae enre? Where were you?

Ky y ra? Who did you help?

Ky y a? Who did you write to?

Ky y rnp? Who did you reply to?

|cyecer cey|
a1 a a1e
rar 1


Past tense of modal
verbs 1

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

He pane a r enae neara. We had to water the Ilowers.

He pane a r paccre crar. We had to clean the apartment.

He pane a r ee canre. We had to wash the dishes.

Mpanre a a arre cerara? Did you have to pay the bill?

Mpanre a arre ne? Did you have to pay an entrance Iee?

Mpanre a arre aa? Did you have to pay a Iine?

K pae a ce pan? Who had to say goodbye?

K pae a c pa a? Who had to go home early?

K pae a r ee nr? Who had to take the train?

He e caane a craee r. We did not want to stay long.

He e caane a ee r. We did not want to drink anything.

He e caane a pee. We did not want to disturb you.

Jac rryy caan a ree]pa. I just wanted to make a call.

Jac caan a apaa e rac. I just wanted to call a taxi.

Jac e caan a aryna a. Actually I wanted to drive home.

Jac cen, ea caae a a na rnara ea. I thought you wanted to call your wiIe.

Jac cen, ea caae a na ]pa. I thought you wanted to call inIormation.

Jac cen, ea caae a apaa a. I thought you wanted to order a pizza.

|cyecer cy|
a1 a a1e rar 2

Past tense
of modal
verbs 2

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Mr c e caae a c rpa c yara. My son did not want to play with the doll.

Mara epa e caae a rpa ]ya. My daughter did not want to play Iootball / soccer (am.).

Mara ea e caae c ee a rpa ax. My wiIe did not want to play chess with me.

Mre ea e caaa a ce eraar. My children did not want to go Ior a walk.

Te e caaa a a pacpear cara. They did not want to tidy the room.

Te e caaa a ar n pener. They did not want to go to bed.

T e ceee a ae cae. He was not allowed to eat ice cream.

T e ceee a ae aa. He was not allowed to eat chocolate.

T e ceee a ae . He was not allowed to eat sweets.

Jac ceen a c caa er. I was allowed to make a wish.

Jac ceen a c ya ]ycra. I was allowed to buy myselI a dress.

Jac ceen a c ea epa. I was allowed to take a chocolate.

Ceee a y n anr? Were you allowed to smoke in the airplane?

Ceee n ara a e n? Were you allowed to drink beer in the hospital?

Ceee yer a r ee c cee n
Were you allowed to take the dog into the hotel?

Ha pacycrr eara ceea r a craar
During the holidays the children were allowed to remain
outside late.

Te ceea r a c rpaar n npr. They were allowed to play in the yard Ior a long time.

Te ceea r a craar y. They were allowed to stay up late.

|cyecer ener|
Hea1n 1 (Haeea


Imperative 1

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

T c ry pen / pena e ry
pen / pena!
You are so lazy don`t be so lazy!

T ce ry r e c ry r! You sleep Ior so long don`t sleep so late!

T ara ry a e ara ry a! You come home so late don`t come home so late!

T ce cee ry rac e a ce cee ry
You laugh so loudly don`t laugh so loudly!

T pyna ry rn e pyna ry rn! You speak so soItly don`t speak so soItly!

T e pery e ry ry! You drink too much don`t drink so much!

T y pery e y ry ry! You smoke too much don`t smoke so much!

T par pery e par ry ry! You work too much don`t work so much!

T n pep e n ry p! You drive too Iast don`t drive so Iast!

Craere, rce Mep! Get up, Mr. Miller!

Ceere, rce Mep! Sit down, Mr. Miller!

Ocraere a ecrr, rce Mep! Remain seated, Mr. Miller!

Hare rpee! Be patient!

He pare! Take your time!

Heare ee er! Wait a moment!

Fere nare! Be careIul!

Fere r! Be punctual!

He ere ryan! Don`t be stupid!

0 |eneecer|
Hea1n 2 (Haeea qa)

0 |ninety|


Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Hp ce! Shave!

H ce! Wash yourselI!

Hcea ce! Comb your hair!

Jan ce! Janere ce! Call!

Hyna! Here! Begin!

Hpecra! Hpecraere! Stop!

Ocran r ra! Ocranere r ra! Leave it!

Ka r ra! Kaere r ra! Say it!

Ky r ra! Kyere r ra! Buy it!

He ra eece! Never be dishonest!

He ra p! Never be naughty!

He ra eyrn! Never be impolite!

F cera ece! Always be honest!

F cera yee! Always be nice!

F cera yrn! Always be polite!

Oere c c pane! Hope you arrive home saIely!

Banare p a cee! Take care oI yourselI!

Hcerere e acp nrp! Do visit us again soon!

1 |eneecer ee|
Ce ee c ea

1 |ninety-one|

Subordinate clauses:
that 1

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Bpeer yrpe e e e p. Perhaps the weather will get better tomorrow.

O ae r aere ra? How do you know that?

Ce aena, ea e e p. I hope that it gets better.

T e e ccea cryp. He will deIinitely come.

Cryp e ra? Are you sure?

Jac a, ea r e e. I know that he`ll come.

T cryp e ce an. He`ll deIinitely call.

Hancra? Really?

Mca, ea r e ce an. I believe that he`ll call.

Br cryp e crap. The wine is deIinitely old.

I aere ra c crypcr? Do you know that Ior sure?

Hpercranyna, ea e crap. I think that it is old.

Har e] rea p. Our boss is good-looking.

Mcre? Do you think so?

Mca, ea r rea yp ry p. I Iind him very handsome.

Be]r cryp a ena. The boss deIinitely has a girlIriend.

Bepynare ancra? Do you really think so?

Ccea e , ea r a ena. It is very possible that he has a girlIriend.

|eneecer na|
Ce ee c ea


Subordinate clauses:
that 2

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Me yr, ea p. I`m angry that you snore.

Me yr, ea e ry ry n. I`m angry that you drink so much beer.

Me yr, ea ara ry a. I`m angry that you come so late.

Mca, ea y rpea eap. I think he needs a doctor.

Mca, ea r e e. I think he is ill.

Mca, ea r cera ce. I think he is sleeping now.

He ce aenae, ea r e ce e c aara epa. We hope that he marries our daughter.

He ce aenae, ea r a ry ap. We hope that he has a lot oI money.

He ce aenae, ea r e ep. We hope that he is a millionaire.

Cyan, ea rnara cpyra ae ea ecpea. I heard that your wiIe had an accident.

Cyan, ea raa e n a. I heard that she is in the hospital.

Cyan, ea rnr anr e r cpe. I heard that your car is completely wrecked.

Me payna, ea nre. I`m happy that you came.

Me payna, ea are repec. I`m happy that you are interested.

Me payna, ea caare a a yre yara. I`m happy that you want to buy the house.

Ce aa, ea cer anryc e nee aar. I`m aIraid the last bus has already gone.

Ce aa, ea pae a eee rac. I`m aIraid we will have to take a taxi.

Ce aa, ea ea ap a cee. I`m aIraid I have no more money.

|eneecer rp|
Ce ee c a


Subordinate clauses:

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Hea, a r e caa. I don`t know iI he loves me.

Hea, a r e ce npar. I don`t know iI he`ll come back.

Hea, a r e e apa. I don`t know iI he`ll call me.

a r ancra e caa? Maybe he doesn`t love me?

a r ancra e ce npar? Maybe he won`t come back?

a r ancra e e apa? Maybe he won`t call me?

Ce payna, a r c a ee? I wonder iI he thinks about me.

Ce payna, a r a ea pyra? I wonder iI he has someone else.

Ce payna, a ae? I wonder iI he lies.

a r ancra c a ee? Maybe he thinks oI me?

a r ancra a ea pyra? Maybe he has someone else?

a r ancra a ayna ncrara? Maybe he tells me the truth?

Ce cena, a ancra y ce ara. I doubt whether he really likes me.

Ce cena, a e e. I doubt whether he`ll write to me.

Ce cena, a e ce e c ee. I doubt whether he`ll marry me.

a y ce ancra ara? Does he really like me?

a r ancra e e? Will he write to me?

a r ancra e ce e c ee? Will he marry me?

|eneecer erp|
Cn 1


Conjunctions 1

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

uea, ea a pecrae r. Wait until the rain stops.

uea, ea a a rrn / rrna. Wait until I`m Iinished.

uea, ea r a ce npar. Wait until he comes back.

Ke ea, ea ce cy cara. I`ll wait until my hair is dry.

Ke ea, ea a anp ]r. I`ll wait until the Iilm is over.

Ke ea, ea cea]pr cnere ee. I`ll wait until the traIIic light is green.

Kra aryna a p? When do you go on holiday?

Vre pe err pacycr? BeIore the summer holidays?

a, yre pe a ae err pacycr. Yes, beIore the summer holidays begin.

Hpan r pnr, pe a ae ara. Repair the rooI beIore the winter begins.

H c r paere, pe a cee a acara. Wash your hands beIore you sit at the table.

3arnp r pper, pe a ee. Close the window beIore you go out.

Kra e ce npar a? When will you come home?

H acranara? AIter class?

a, ra e anp acranara. Yes, aIter the class is over.

Ora r ae ecpea, e ee nee a
AIter he had an accident, he could not work

Ora r a ary parara, r aa a Aepa. AIter he had lost his job, he went to America.

Ora r aa a Aepa, r craa rar. AIter he went to America, he became rich.

|eneecer er|
Cn 2


Conjunctions 2

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

O ra raa e par nee? Since when is she no longer working?

O eara neana? Since her marriage?

a, raa e par nee, ra ce a. Yes, she is no longer working since she got married.

Ora raa ce a, raa e par nee. Since she got married, she`s no longer working.

Ora ce anaar, re ce cpe. Since they have met each other, they are happy.

Ora aar ea, re erynaar per. Since they have had children, they rarely go out.

Kra raa ree]pa? When does she call?

3a npee a neer? When driving?

a, ea n anr. Yes, when she is driving.

Taa ree]pa, ea r n anrr. She calls while she drives.

Taa rea reena, ea era. She watches TV while she irons.

Taa cya ya, ea r np cnre aa. She listens to music while she does her work.

Jac e rea r, ra / a ea a. I can`t see anything when I don`t have glasses.

Jac e papa r, ra / a yara e ry
I can`t understand anything when the music is so loud.

Jac e pca r, ra / a a acra. I can`t smell anything when I have a cold.

Ke eee e rac, y / a npe. We`ll take a taxi iI it rains.

He e arynae y cnerr, y / a
ee a r.
We`ll travel around the world iI we win the lottery.

He e aee c aeer, y / a r e
e acp.
We`ll start eating iI he doesn`t come soon.

|eneecer ecr|
Cn 3


Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Jac crayna, r asn yr. I get up as soon as the alarm rings.

Jac crayna ype / ypa, r rpea a
I become tired as soon as I have to study.

Jac e pecraa a para, r e a 0. I will stop working as soon as I am 0.

Kra e ce anre? When will you call?

Br a ee er npee. As soon as I have a moment.

T e ce an, r e a ay npee. He`ll call, as soon as he has a little time.

Ky r e parre? How long will you work?

Jac e para, ce ea a. I`ll work as long as I can.

Jac e para, ce ea cy pan / pana. I`ll work as long as I am healthy.

T e n pener, aecr a par. He lies in bed instead oI working.

Taa ra nec, aecr a rrn. She reads the newspaper instead oI cooking.

T ce n a]eaara, aecr a c a. He is at the bar instead oI going home.

Ky r a, r nee ne. As Iar as I know, he lives here.

Ky r a, ernara cpyra e a. As Iar as I know, his wiIe is ill.

Ky r a, r e enpare. As Iar as I know, he is unemployed.

Jac ce ycan, ay e en anpee. I overslept; otherwise I`d have been on time.

Jac r pyrn anrycr, ay e en
I missed the bus; otherwise I`d have been on time.

Jac e r an arr, ay e en anpee.
I didn`t Iind the way / I got lost; otherwise I`d have been on

|eneecer cey|
Cn 4


Conjunctions 4

Kere a recrr! Ha cp

T aca, a reenpr ee nye. He Iell asleep although the TV was on.

T craa yre, a nee ee a. He stayed a while although it was late.

T e e, a ene rnpe.
He didn`t come although we had made an

Teenpr ee nye. H pa ra r aca. The TV was on. Nevertheless, he Iell asleep.

Bee ee a. H pa ra r craa yre. It was already late. Nevertheless, he stayed a while.

He ene rnpe. H pa ra r e e.
We had made an appointment. Nevertheless, he
didn`t come.

Ha r ea naa na, r n anr. Although he has no license, he drives the car.

Ha yara e rana, r n p. Although the road is slippery, he drives so Iast.

Ha r e a, r n nece. Although he is drunk, he rides his bicycle.

T ea na. H pa ra r n anr.
Despite having no licence / license (am.), he drives
the car.

Vara e rana. H pa ra r n raa p. Despite the road being slippery, he drives Iast.

T e a. H pa ra r r n necer. Despite being drunk, he rides the bike.

Taa e e a ae para, a a crypa. Although she went to college, she can`t Iind a job.

Taa e a eap, a a . Although she is in pain, she doesn`t go to the doctor.

Taa yyna anr, a ea ap. Although she has no money, she buys a car.

Taa a crypa. H pa ra raa e e a ae
She went to college. Nevertheless, she can`t Iind a

Taa a . H pa ra raa e a eap.
She is in pain. Nevertheless, she doesn`t go to the

Taa ea ap. H pa ra raa yyna anr. She has no money. Nevertheless, she buys a car.

|eneecer cy|
n cn


Kere a recrr! Ha cp

Harynaer ancra ee yan, pery
The journey was beautiIul, but too tiring.

Br ancra ee re, aa pe. The train was on time, but too Iull.

Xrer ancra ee ye, aa pery ca. The hotel was comIortable, but too expensive.

T e r ee anrycr nr. He`ll take either the bus or the train.

T e e neepna yrpe yrpa.
He`ll come either this evening or tomorrow

T e nee a ac n xre. He`s going to stay either with us or in the hotel.

Taa pyna a ac, cr raa arc. She speaks Spanish as well as English.

Taa neee a n Map, cr raa n H. She has lived in Madrid as well as in London.

Taa a r a ae Baa, cr raa a ae
She knows Spain as well as England.

T e ca r e ry, ryy cr raa e pen. He is not only stupid, but also lazy.

Taa e ca r e yana, ryy cr raa e
She is not only pretty, but also intelligent.

Taa e pyna ca repac, ryy ]payc. She speaks not only German, but also French.

Jac e yea a cnpa ry a anp, ry a a
I can neither play the piano nor the guitar.

Jac e yea a rayna ry naep, ry a caa. I can neither waltz nor do the samba.

Mee e ce ara r epara, ry a aerr. I like neither opera nor ballet.

Ky pry par, ry pa e e rrn.
The Iaster you work, the earlier you will be

Ky pa e e, ry pa e a c
The earlier you come, the earlier you can go.

Ky ne crapee, ry ne crayna ye. The older one gets, the more complacent one gets.

|eneecer ener|



Kere a recrr! Ha cp

aara a ara parea my girlIriend`s cat

yer a r pare my boyIriend`s dog

rpare a re ea my children`s toys

Ona e arr a r era. This is my colleague`s overcoat.

Ona e anrr a ara ea. That is my colleague`s car.

Ona e parara a re er. That is my colleagues` work.

Ker yara e rar. The button Irom the shirt is gone.

I ea yr rapaara. The garage key is gone.

Kyrepr a e]r e paca. The boss` computer is not working.

K ce prere a ener? Who are the girl`s parents?

Ka a a yara a nare
How do I get to her parents` house?

Kyara cr a par yara. The house is at the end oI the road.

Ka ce na ranr rpa a Bnaapa? What is the name oI the capital city oI Switzerland?

K e acnr a rara? What is the title oI the book?

Ka ce naar eara a re?
What are the names oI the neighbour`s / neighbor`s (am.)

Kra ce yre pacycr a eara? When are the children`s holidays?

Kra ce repre a pere a eapr? What are the doctor`s consultation times?

Ke e parr npee a yer? What time is the museum open?

100 |cr|

100 |one hundred|


Kere a recrr! Ha cp

nee ea ra cera already not yet

a nee cre e n Fep? Have you already been to Berlin?

He, ra cera. / He, ceyre e . No, not yet.

e someone no one

Hanare ne e? Do you know someone here?

He, e ana r. No, I don`t know anyone here.

yre e nee a little longer not much longer

Ke craere yre r ne? Will you stay here a little longer?

He, ac e crayna nee rya. No, I won`t stay here much longer.

yre er r nee something else nothing else

Caare a ce aere yre er? Would you like to drink something else?

He, ac e caa r nee. No, I don`t want anything else.

nee er ceyre r something already nothing yet

Jaenre nee er? Have you already eaten something?

He, ac ceyre ea ae r. No, I haven`t eaten anything yet.

yre e nee someone else no one else

Caa yre e a]e? Does anyone else want a coIIee?

He, nee. No, no one else.

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