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Abstract The study was conducted to investigate the potential of apple snails (Pomacea caniculata) to produce power or electricity. Since, electricity is one of the basic needs nowadays, the study focused on discovering other sources of power. In this aspect, apple snails were used as they were readily available in fields and ponds as media in generating power or electricity. Not all places in the rural areas have electricity. Batteries are proven burden to find on ordinary sari-sari stores. We thought of making a simple electrical connection using several apple snails, available in making a homemade power supply which at least can power up small electronic appliances as an emergency replacement to batteries if its not available and to add that the price of electricity here in our country is much more expensive compared to other countries. The materials used in this project were the following: galvanized nails, solid copper wire strands, ordinary small sized wires preferably with polarity marks, apple snails, alligator clips (optional), electrical tape and a multi tester to measure the voltage output of the apple snails. The study aimed to find out how effective apple snails as a good source of electricity, thus, create new sources of power/electricity in the power of apple snails. Specifically, the study tested the following hypothesis: a. Live snails cannot produce sufficient electricity to power small electronic gadgets. b. Extracted juices from the apple snails have a better capacity to produce power than the live ones. c. Electrical pulses detected from the apple snails, is not sufficient to produce power and make an appliance work.

Surveys says and found out that much of the remote areas in San Ildefonso still has no supply of electricity and that batteries are very hard to find in ordinary sari-sari stores. Further investigation is recommended for the construction of a more advanced method of extracting the power from apple snails in order to bring an alternative solution to the problem of producing electricity in much larger household appliances such as refrigerators, electric fans, etc.

Introduction Background of the Study Studies indicate that many of the countrys rural areas especially in the remote areas, still has no supply of electricity. Its a fact though that even the Philippines is rapidly developing and most common household appliances is now cheap and affordable because of commercial globalization, still the source to power them up is of the opposite because the cost of electricity here in our country is very expensive compared to other developed countries in Asia. Consequently, the government infrastructure is doing all they can to supply the much needed electricity in these places but it would take a great deal of time to do so and to the fact that the cost of electricity that often rocketed sky high will never go down. So everyone should be vigilant in investigating new ways in producing alternative power other than relying mainly on fossil fuels. A. Statement of the Problem This study aimed to test the efficiency of the power in apple snails. Specifically, the following questions were answered in this study. Specifically it aimed to: 1. Construct a series of connection on several apple snails so as to produce power. 2. Generate sufficient power to make small electronic gadgets work. 3. Prove that apple snails do contain un-harnessed electricity. 4. Prove that apple snails can be an alternative way of producing power so as to minimize the dependence on fossil fuels which are becoming rare. B. Hypothesis a. Live snails cannot produce sufficient electricity to power small electronic gadgets. b. Extracted juices from the apple snails have a better capacity to produce power than the live ones. c. Electrical pulses detected from the apple snails, is not sufficient to produce power and make an appliance work.

C. Significance of the Study Problem on the alternative ways of producing power is always and ever present. We depend only on fossil fuels to make our machines and household appliances work. The costs of electricity are always dependent on the price of crude oil. But questions always arise: what if the supply of crude oil in the world is exhausted? Where can we get our supply of electricity if it is dependent on refined oil that powers up our electric plants? Will there be an alternative? There are many attempts and ingenious experiment addressing this problem but unfortunately, these questions are still remained unanswered and still we are in the stage of discovering and finding new ways. It is envisioned that as an emergency alternative to fossil fuels and high costs of electricity and commercial batteries, the Philippine Government might find a way to make a better method in improving our investigation in apple snails and be a possible solution to the problem. The study was conducted to produce power as an emergency option through the use of snails. At least prove that small amount of electricity is contained in them and if these small amounts of power are combined, it can sufficiently power up small electronic gadget such as calculators, electronic clocks, Light Emitting Diodes (LED), etc. that require only a small amount of power. D. Review of Related Literature Common Household Appliances often Used Studies indicate that an average family that has a monthly income of Php 3, 000.00 still can afford to buy some common household appliances even the remote areas because they are much cheaper now compared to the last two decades. Appliances such as television, refrigerators, electric fans and lighting have been a necessity even to the poorest of families because they are more affordable today. But the problem is, not every place in the country has electricity or can be reached by electrical lines. If they use batteries such as car or truck batteries, theyd be spending more. And the question that if these batteries get exhausted, where can they readily charge it or buy a new one if they live in a place where the nearest sari-sari store is five kilometers away? Even 10? And when you reach the said store will it be available? Car batteries cost at least Php 1, 500.00 depending on its size. Small batteries use in electronics cost at least Php 10.00 per piece (AA size). Bigger size cost more.

Methodology A. Materials: Apple snails (Preferably 8 pieces) Ordinary small used shielded wires at least 4 meters in length. Cut it in 8 even lengths. (preferably small speaker wires because they have polarity marks) 8 pairs of alligator clips (optional) Used solid copper wire preferably # 14 cut in 8 even lengths 8 pieces galvanized nails 1 electrical tape (small) 1 Multi tester B. Procedure: A. Making the Electrode connectors: 1. Cut the speaker wires into 8 pairs of equal length. 2. Connect the red marked wire (positive polarity) to the Solid Copper Strand and fasten it with electrical tape. 3. Connect the other end (positive polarity) to the red marked alligator clip one at a time so as to make 8 pairs. 4. Do the same to the black marked wire (negative polarity) one at a time but this time the connect the galvanized nail and fasten it with electrical tape. 5. Fasten the other end with the black marked (negative polarity) alligator clip and make 8 pairs. 6. We have now 8 pairs of Positive and Negative Electrodes. B. Line up the apple snails on the table in a single file. C. Insert a pair of electrodes in the apple snails not touching but not too far APART. D. Set the multi tester on the 10 volt mark and test the voltage of the apple snails and

make a comparative data. (Connect the tester electrodes on the same polarity as the electrodes we made. Positive to Positive, Negative to Negative

Results and Discussion The apple snails are lined up in a table in a single file using the electrode connectors, make a series connection and the remaining positive and negative ends connected to small electronic gadget such as calculator and a light emitting diode having the same polarity marks. Figure I. Primary Set-Up

Figure II. Experimental Use

Figure III. Powering up small electronic device; Calculator

Comparative Measurement of Voltage Output on Different Set of Apple Snails Table 1. Individual Voltage Measurement (Live Snails) SNAIL NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TOTAL VOLTAGE MEASURED 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 2.3

Table 2. Voltage Measurement (Extracted Juice of Snails) SNAIL JUICE per mL 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 TOTAL VOLTAGE MEASURED 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Table 1 and 2 shows the individual voltage measurement using a multi tester set at DC 10V range. The live apple snails showed a great potential of producing electricity however extracted juice from snails doesnt show any electrical pulses in the multi tester.

Cost Analysis Table 3. The cost of the materials used in the construction of the Snail Power Supply.

Used wire/Speaker Wires (small) Used Solid Copper Wire Galvanized Nails Electrical Tape Apple Snail Labor TOTAL

Php 4.00 per meter Php 5.00 per meter Php 2.50 per piece Free Free Free

4 meters 1 meter 8 pieces Free Free Free

Php 16.00 Php 5.00 Php 20.00 Free Free Free Php 41.00

Table 3 shows the costs analysis of the project that indicates the cost of materials and labor in the construction/making of the set up. It can be noted that the total amount of Php 41.00 was spent in the construction. An average family income earner can afford to make the said electrical set up because it is cheap and once constructed, the electrode connectors can be use for a very long time.

Conclusion Based on the cost of constructing the electrical set up and with almost no cost on the apple snails the project resulted and proved to be a much cheaper alternative in producing power on small amounts compared to commercial batteries that can be both from stores . However, this electrical set up is found to power up only small electronic devices and therefore cannot be used in mechanical devices because it would require a bigger amount of power to make a device such as motorized toys and mechanical clocks to work. It is proved that apple snails can produce power and a potential candidate to be a primary source of power in the future.

Recommendations Based on the tests and results gathered by the researchers, the following are therefore recommended: a. Every household in the rural or even in the urban areas is recommended to construct an electrical set up such as this for emergency purpose only and not as a primary source of power. b. A more comprehensive study on the refinement of the set up in order to make cheaper cost gadget/tool. c. Small electronic gadgets can be powered up by this set up and if more connections are added, possible to power up bigger electronic house gadgets such as cell phone charger. d. Recommended for follow up investigation to the higher authorities such as the Department of Energy or Department of Science and Technology.



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