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What is the meaning of meaning?

- The general word denoting that which is intended to be or actually expressed or indicated. The nature of meaning, its definition, elements, and types, was discussed by philosophers Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas. According to them 'meaning is a relationship between two sorts of things: signs and the kinds of things they mean (intend, express or signify)'. One term in the relationship of meaning necessarily causes something else to come to the mind. In other words: 'a sign is defined as an entity that indicates another entity to some agent for some purpose'. The types of meanings vary according to the types of the thing that is being represented. Namely: 1. 2. There are the things in the world, which might have meaning; There are things in the world that are also signs of other things in the world, and so, are

always meaningful (i.e., natural signs of the physical world and ideas within the mind); 3. There are things that are always necessarily meaningful, such as words, and other

nonverbal symbols.


the definition of definition

- A statement which captures the meaning, the use, the function and the essence of a term or a concept - the act of defining or making definite or clear - the formal statement of the meaning or significance of a word, phrase, etc. - condition of being definite


What are the characteristics of a good definition? (principles also) a definition must reveal the meaning of the term or concept defined. By "meaning" I mean the independent and invariant meaning not the culturally dependent, narrative derived, type. The invariant meaning has to do with a function, or a use. A term or a concept can have several uses or functions, even conflicting ones. Every definition contrasts the general with the particular. The first part of the definiens is almost always the genus (the wider class to which the term belongs). It is only as we refine the definition that we introduce the differentia (the distinguishing features). A good definition allows for the substitution of the defined by its definition (a bit awkward if we are trying to define God, for instance, or love). This would be impossible without a union of the general and the particular. A case could be made that the genus is more "lexical" while the differentia are more stipulative. But whatever the case, a definition must include a genus and a differentia because, as we said, it is bound to reflect reality and reality is hierarchical and inclusive The introduction of context to definition is important. Context has four conceptual pillars: time, place, cultural context and mental context (or mental characteristics). A definition, which is able to

incorporate all four elements is monovalent, unequivocal, unambiguous, precise, universal, appropriately exclusive and inclusive, aesthetic and parsimonious. 4. What is the meaning of philosophy? a system of principles for guidance in practical affairs. the rational investigation of the truths and principles ofbeing, knowledge, or conduct. A study that attempts to discover the fundamental principles ofthe sciences, the arts, and the world that the sciences and artsdeal with the academic discipline concerned with making explicit thenature and significance of ordinary and scientific beliefs andinvestigating the intelligibility of concepts by means of rationalargument conc erning their presuppositions, implications, andinterrelationships; in particular, the rational investig ation of thenature and structure of reality (metaphysics), the resourcesand limits of knowledge (epi stemology), the principles andimport of moral judgment (ethics), and the relationshipbetween lang uage and reality (semantics) The term philosophy is taken from the Greek word "" (phileo) meaning "to love" or "to befriend" and "" (sophia) meaning "wisdom." Thus, "philosophy" means "the love of wisdom". Socrates, a Greek philosopher, used the term philosophy as an equivalent to the search for wisdom. Webster's dictionary defines philosophy as: "the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics

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what is the importance of studying philosophy? it is important to study philosophy because it helps people become more responsible, rational, improves their problem solving skills, communication skills, and persuasion skills The study of philosophy serves to develop intellectual abilities important for life as a whole, beyond the knowledge and skills required for any particular profession. Properly pursued, it enhances analytical, critical, and interpretive capacities that are applicable to any subject-matter, and in any human context. It cultivates the capacities and appetite for self-expression and reflection, for exchange and debate of ideas, for life-long learning, and for dealing with problems for which there are no easy answers. It also helps to prepare one for the tasks of citizenship. Participation in political and community affairs today is all too often insufficiently informed, manipulable and vulnerable to demagoguery. A good philosophical education enhances the capacity to participate responsibly and intelligently in public life. how would you define logic the science and art of correct thinking. Dictionaries typically suggest that logic is the act of reasoning, and reasoning is the act of logic. The definitions are circular and of no usefulness to the individual desiring to learn the how or why of logic and reasoning. ...Logic: (1) The inherent ability to mentally compare and weigh two or more perceptions and to mentally conclude accurately what the differences and/or similarities are between each perception. (2)..." give the importance of logic

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The importance of logic in reference to education is that if a student understands the logic and reasoning behind a given aspect of reality, then he/she may be able to adapt and grow, using the same reasoning, in times of difficulty. If a student just memorizes definitions without understanding why the words are defined as they are and why they are used in a given manner, then the student will only be able to understand those few words, versus the entirety of the language and definitions. 8. Relevance of logic Logic: Enables clear thought through a rigorous demand for truthfulness; Because thought processes are clarified, the use of logic enables consideration of all available options for opinion and action, and decreases the persuasive power of popular opinion; Because available options have been fairly considered, the use of logic increases the likelihood that subsequent opinions and actions will adhere most closely to the truth. Adherence to the truth, while sometimes painful, is the human condition more likely to lead to satisfactory outcomes in most situations. Therefore, logic's relevance to everyday life is that its use improves the likelihood of satisfactory outcomes in the day-to-day decisions each person makes.

9. Meaning of BSECE The Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering Program deals with the study of the transmission and reception of electrical signals via vacuum or electromagnetic spectrum. It also deals with the manufacturing of electronic devices, circuits, and communications equipment like transmitter, receiver, integrated circuits, microwaves, and fiber among others. The program aims to deepen the knowledge and skills of the students on the basic concepts and theories that will equip them in their professional work involving analysis, systems implementation, operation, production, and maintenance of the various applications in the field of Electronics and Communications Engineering.

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