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Lesson 4

The Father:
God's Homemaker


● Read Proverbs 1-7. Write down the reference for each section of instruction from the father to
the child. Then write down the goal/purpose of the instruction and the basis for the instruction.
● Read Christian Living in the Home, Ch. 7-10.


✔ To understand the biblical role of the Father

✔ To implement the role in our own families

I. Introduction

A. Biblical definition of Home:___________________________________________________

(Proverbs 1:7-9)
B. The key to a biblical home is the _____________ of the Father. (Proverbs 2)

C. The Father has been blessed with a __________________ to the heart of the children.

II. The Atmosphere

A. The Father's __________________ determines the atmosphere of the Home. (1 Tim 3:1-4)

B. Our homes should be places of:

1. Joy
2. Worship
3. Fun
4. Forgiveness
5. Purpose
6. Safety
7. Tradition
8. Biblical Priorities
9. Prayer
11. Living scripture
a) The bible should be ___________

b) The bible should be ___________

III. The Basis (Galatians 3:26-27, Romans 8:15-25)

A. Just like being a husband starts with understanding our status as Christ's bride; being a
Godly Father starts with understanding our status as ____________ _______________.

B. God ____________ ______ you.

C. God ___________ being your Father.

D. God's goal for you is that you __________ His ____________.

E. Likewise, Dad's should ______________ _____ their children, _________ being their

father, and encourage their children to be like _____ as we become more like _________.

F. Being a Son of God means that we:

1. Have special __________________.

2. Have family __________________.

3. God ___________________ us.

IV. The Goal: Character (Romans 6:8-14)

A. Transforming ___________________ children into ___________________ adults.

B. Launching!

C. Becoming more _____________________ ourselves as we emulate ____________.

V. The Role (Romans 8:31-39)

A. Intimacy: The ________________ of our hearts. (Emulates God the Son, God the Father)

1. With God

2. With parents

3. With each other

B. Christ lived a life of complete intimacy with God. The gospels allow us to

______________ their relationship. (Matthew 11:27)

C. Your wife and child become ______________ to God the Father as you become

_______________ to God the Father.

D. Allowing God to be __________________ with you comes through _______________, but

is not the same as following rules.

E. Nurturing (Emulates God the Father) (Job 5:17, Prov 3:11)

Definition of Nurture: ____________________________________________________.

1. Discovering our _____________ and __________________ bents and

__________________ ____________.

2. __________________ them to pursue God's design for them. (1 Tim 1:18-19)

3. __________________ in them when they are Christlike.

4. __________________ them when they sin.

5. __________________ them regardless.

VI. Discipline (Emulates God the Father) (Hebrews 12:5-13)

A. Discipline is an aspect of _____________________. (Colossians 3:21)

“Fathers, do not provoke your children, so they will not become disheartened” NETB

B. ______________ ___________________ to God's discipline.

1. Through _______________. (Ephesians 5:18b-21)

2. In _______________. (1 Timothy 1:12-17)

C. Lay out the ___________________.

1. Define things like “clean room” or “no tv” in detail.

2. Make sure the rules are understood.

3. Spell out the natural consequences.

4. Follow through (this builds trust).

5. Inspect what you __________________.

6. ________________ obedience. (Ephesians 6:1-4)

D. Spanking (Proverbs 19:18, 22:15)

1. In ______________.

2. With a passion for our child's _______________.

3. For direct __________________.

E. With forgiveness

1. Discipline the sin

2. Encourage the ____________ choice

3. Only bring up the sin as a _____________ __________, never out of


4. Remember, you are a ___________________, too.

VII. The Heartbreakers

A. Hard-hearted children

B. Prodigals

C. Loss

D. When our children hurt

VIII. Step-Fathers

A. Supporting the kids' Dad

B. Loving the kids' Mom

C. Loving like a Dad

D. Unrequited love

IX. Legacy (Proverbs 4)---It doesn't end with us, but it can begin with us.

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