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Sympathetic ↓sympathetic stimulation → ↑sympathetic stimulation →

Division vasodilation of renal arteries→ vasodilation of renal arteries→
Response ↑renal blood flow→ ↑filtrate ↓renal blood flow→ ↓filtrate
formation and more water is lost in formation and less water is lost
the urine in the urine
Renin- Inhibition of renin→ angiotensin- Stimulation of renin→
Angiotensin- aldosterone mechanism: ↓ADH also angiotensin and aldosterone
Aldosterone ↑ANH → ↓Na+ reabsorption in the mechanism:
mechanism distal tubules and collecting ducts ↑ADH also ↓ANH → ↑Na+
→ ↑Na+ and H2O in the urine reabsorption in the distal tubules
and collecting ducts → ↓Na+ and
H2O in the urine
Atrial ↑ANH secretion → angiotensin- ↓ANH secretion → angiotensin
Natriuretic aldosterone mechanism: ↓ADH also and aldosterone mechanism:
Hormone ↑ANH → ↓Na+ reabsorption in the ↑ADH and ↓ANH → ↑Na+
(ANH) distal tubules and collecting ducts reabsorption in the distal tubules
mechanism +
→ ↑Na and H2O in the urine and collecting ducts → ↓Na+ and
H2O in the urine
Antidiuretic ↓ADH secretion→ ↓permeability of ↑ADH secretion and ↑thirst →
Hormone distal tubules and collecting ducts ↑permeability of distal tubules
(ADH) to water → less water returns to and collecting ducts to water →
mechanism the blood and more water is lost in more water returns to the blood
the urine and less water in the urine

Effects of Blood Volume to Urine Volume and Concentration

Urine Production

• 21% of the blood pumped by the heart/minute flows through

the kidneys
• 19% of the total volume of blood plasma that flows through
the glomerular capillaries passes through the filtration
membrane into Bowman’s capsule to become filtrate.
• 180 L of filtrate are produced/day but only 1% or less of the
filtrate becomes urine

Definition of Terms

Capsular Pressure - opposes the movement of fluid into the lumen

of Bowman’s capsule; caused by the pressure of filtrate already
inside the Bowman’s capsule
Colloid osmotic pressure - also opposes the movement of fluid into
the Bowman’s capsule; caused by plasma proteins which are not
allowed to enter Bowman’s capsule.
Filtration - Movement of plasma through filtration membrane of
renal corpuscle.
Filtration pressure - forces fluid from the glomerular capillary
across the filtration membrane into Bowman’s capsule

Glomerular capillary pressure

- Capsular Pressure
- Colloid osmotic pressure
Filtration Pressure
Glomerular Capillary Pressure - blood pressure in the glomerular
capillary which causes fluid to move from the glomerular capillary
across the filtration membrane into Bowman’s capsule
Reabsorption - Movement of substances from filtrate back into the
Secretion - Transport of substances, usually waste products, into
the filtrate.
Urine - produced by the nephrons; consists of the substances that
are filtered and secreted into the nephron minus those substances
that are reabsorbed.

Glomerular Capillary Pressure is greater than both the Capsular

and colloid osmotic pressure.

↑ Filtration Pressure ↑ Urine Volume

↓ Filtration Pressure ↓ Urine Volume

Factors that influence FP

A. BP in the glomerular capillaries
B. Blood protein concentration
C. Pressure in the Bowman’s Capsule

A. BP in the glomerular capillaries


 BP is normally higher in the glomerular capillaries than it

is in most capillaries.
 BP in the glomerular capillaries is constant because the
efferent and afferent arterioles either dilate or constrict to
even though the systemic BP may fluctuate.

B. Blood protein concentration - Colloid osmotic pressure

↑ Blood protein concentration ↑ water movement ↓ FP

↓ Blood protein concentration ↓ water movement ↑ FP

↑ Blood protein concentration ↓ solvent, water will move to the

blood through osmosis bec. it has more solute and less water

C. Pressure in the Bowman’s capsule - Capsular Pressure

The concentration of blood proteins and the pressure inside
the Bowman’s capsule are fairly constant.
↑ Pressure of filtrate inside the Bowman’s capsule ↓ FP

About 99% of the original filtrate volume is reabsorbed

and enters the peritubular capillaries to the renal veins for the
general circulation of blood.

1. Proximal tubule (figure 18.11)

• 65% of the filtrate is reabsorbed here.
• Proteins, sugar, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Hydrochloric
Acid, and Chlorine ions, amino acids, fructose molecules
plus water through osmosis.
• Cuboidal cells have numerous microvilli and mitochondria

2. Descending Limb (Fig. 18.12a)

• Functions to concentrate the filtrate by removing water
and adding solutes
• 15% of the filtrate is reabsorbed and the filtrate is as
concentrated as the interstitial fluid of the medulla.
• Permeable to water and moderately permeable to solutes
• As the filtrate passes through the descending loop, water
moves out of the nephron wall by osmosis, and some
solutes move into the nephron by diffusion.

3. Ascending Limb (Fig. 18.12b)

• Functions to dilute the filtrate by removing the sodium
and chloride ions from the filtrate
• Water is not permeable
• Removes solutes in the solution to dilute it
• Thick segment of the ascending limb actively transport
sodium out of the nephron, and K+ and Cl- are
cotransported with Na+ (Fig. 18.13)
• Only 20% of the original filtrate volume is left
• By the time the filtrate reaches the cortex of the kidney,
the concentration of the filtrate is approx. 100 mOsm/L.
• The filtrate is more dilute than the interstitial fluid (300
mOsm/L) of the renal cortex.
4. Distal tubule and collecting duct
• Here, sodium ions and chloride are removed from the
filtrate and water follows through osmosis.
• 19% of the filtrate is reabsorbed, leaving only 1% of the
original filtrate volume.

Proximal tubule
• Most of the useful solutes that pass through the filtration
membrane to the Bowman’s capsule are reabsorbed
• 65% - 15% in the descending loop of Henle
• Na+, K+, Cl+ are reabsorbed leaving the filtrate less
concentrated (dilute)
Distal tubule…
• Furthermore, Na+ and Cl+ ions are removed, water moves out
by osmosis and the filtrate volume is reduced by 19% leaving
only 1% of the original filtrate concentration


• Transport of substances usually, waste products, into the

• Hydrogen ions are actively secreted in the proximal tubule of
the nephron.
• Potassium ions are secreted in the distal tubule and collecting
duct of the nephron. Potassium ions play an important role in
the regulation of the body fluid pH.
Regulation of Urine Concentration and Volume

• Kidneys function to maintain the concentration of the body

fluids by increasing water reabsorption from the filtrate
when the body fluid concentration increases and by
reducing water reabrsorption from filtrate when the
body fluid concentration decreases.
o ↑ above normal body fluid concentration : the kidney
produce a smaller than normal amount of concentrated
o ↓ below normal body fluid concentration : the kidney
produce a large volume of diluted urine.
• Urine formation maintains blood volume and therefore BP.
o ↑ blood volume: large volume of urine
o ↓ blood volume: small volume of urine

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