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age 1 of 19

1983 a new company was developed named Sagar Chemlcal alnL lad LLd lLs brand name ls
8omana alnLs" whlch was sLarLed by MrMA Cuddus and Mr Abul kalam larhad
lrom Lhe lasL Lwo decades 8omana alnL has become an lnLernaLlonal sLandard palnLs by
fulfllllng Lhe demand mllllons of people 8omana alnL malnLalns lLs lndlvldual sLandard
quallLy value and wlns a permanenL poslLlon ln Lhe hearLs of Lhe clLlzens of 8angladesh wlLh
dlfferenL class and professlonals WlLhln 2003 lLs alm ls Lo become number one and besL
palnL selllng lndusLry ln Lhe counLry
A blg number of acLlve sales Leam and an efflclenL managemenL coordlnaLe respecL a
wonderful markeLlng resulL Lspeclally 8omana glve aLLenLlon Lo choose people who know
Lhe value of money now 8omana glvlng exLra care Lo Lhe eleganL people buL noL neglecL Lo
Lhe general people ln facL 8omana dreamlng palnL Lhlnklng palnL developlng palnL and lL
could be 8omana's moral commlLmenL 8elleve ln Lhe beLLer and go for Lhe beLLer"
roducts of komana a|nts ||m|ted

Cn producL llnes 8omana alnLs 8angladesh LLd can be dlfferenLlaLed lnLo decoraLlve
lndusLrlal and Marlne palnLs
Decorat|ve roducts 1he ob[ecLlve ls Lo beauLlfy Lhe surfaces wlLh proLecLlon from
corroslon and eroslon 1hls buslness caLegory malnly LargeLs household segmenL and
producLs are belng offered Lo Lhe consumers Lhrough a dealer neLwork roducLs fulflll Lhe
aesLheLlc value of Lhe consumers 1hls secLlon consLlLuLes Lhe ma[or revenue earnlng
buslness area of 8omana alnLs 8angladesh LLd uecoraLlve producLs lnclude luxury sllk
Acryllc lasLlc Lmulslon Lasy clean Super Closs SynLheLlc Lnamel (8SL) Acryllc ulsLemper
(Su) WeaLher CoaL SmooLh Alumlnlum alnL 8alnbow llluslons 8alnbow color bank
producLs Zlnc hosphaLe rlmer SynLheLlc undercoaL eLc
Industr|a| protect|ve coat|ngs 1hese are Lallor made producLs used Lo caLer Lo Lhe speclflc
needs of cusLomers 1hese producLs glve proLecLlon Lo Lhe surfaces ln exLreme slLuaLlons
llke severe hazardous envlronmenL hlgh LemperaLure movemenL of heavy maLerlals and
machlnery eLc ulrecL markeLlng approach ls belng used Lo promoLe Lhe lndusLrlal CoaLlngs
Maln cusLomer groups are CarmenLs lacLorles Chemlcal lanLs lerLlllzer ManufacLurlng
age 2 of 19

lanLs and Consumer uurable ManufacLurlng lanLs eLc lndusLrlal proLecLlve coaLlngs are
caLegorlzed lnLo lndusLrlal flnlshes hlgh proLecLlve coaLlngs lndusLrlal prlmers and oLher
Mar|ne roducts roducLs are belng offered malnly Lhrough dlrecL markeLlng approach
1he maln user groups of Lhese producLs are uock ?ards 8angladesh navy and assenger
Shlps MarkeL ls mosLly concenLraLed ln uhaka and ChlLLagong
8alnbow's marlne coaLlngs lnclude Seaborne Plgh Closs Lnamel Seaborne Alumlnlum alnL
Seaborne Alumlnum Pold alnL Seaborne 1opslde Seaborne ueck alnL 8alnbow Marlne
Lnamel Seaborne Plgh erformance Lpoxy CoaLlngs Seaborne Chlororubber AnLlfoullng
Seaborne 8ed Lead rlmer Seaborne Zlnc ChromaLe rlmer 8alnbow Marlne 8ed Lead
rlmer 8alnbow Marlne AnLlcorroslve rlmer Seaborne alnL 8emover Seaborne 8usL
8emover eLc
Iunct|ona| Departments |n komana a|nts

1he funcLlonal deparLmenLs ln 8omana alnLs 8angladesh LLd are Sales and MarkeLlng
llnance Supply chaln Puman 8esource l1 and 8u deparLmenL
Murketlng epurtment
luncLlon of Sales and MarkeLlng deparLmenL lnclude
- reparaLlon of markeLlng plan
- reparaLlon of drafL LexL for promoLlonal maLerlals
- 8eplylng Lo quarrles from Lhe cllenLs and as well as Lhe frlend forces relaLed
Lo Lhe brand
- ArrangemenL of Lour and acLlon plan
- ALLendlng dlfferenL conference wlLh Lhe cllenL Lo promoLe Lhe relevanL
- ConducL preconference as asslgned by markeLlng manager
- All responslblllLles relevanL Lo Lhe launchlng of a new producL
- Sales forecasL
age 3 of 19

- reparaLlon of yearly markeLlng plan LhaL lncludes LherapeuLlc class
markeLlng slze and growLh raLe dlrecL and lndlrecL compeLlLlve markeL
slLuaLlon sLrengLh and weakness of compeLlLors promoLlonal campalgn
Lools and budgeL
- ulsLrlbuLlon Lhe sales LargeL flxed by company ln Lhe respecL of markeL slze
- ay regular vlslL Lo Lhe prospecLlve cllenL show Lhe beneflLs Lo new and
exlsLlng producLs wlLh Lhe help of promoLlonal Lools
- MonlLorlng and analysls of Lhe compeLlLor's acLlvlLles and reporL Lo Lhe
markeLlng manager
- rovlde flnanclal offer Lo Lhe cllenL
- 8ecelved work order from Lhe cllenL
- rovlde Lhe new lunchlng producL lnform acLlon Lo Lhe exlsLlng cllenL

lnunce Jepurtment
under flnance Lhere are 4 deparLmenLs 1hey are AccounLs deparLmenL CosL budgeL
deparLmenL vaL LaxaLlon deparLmenL and CorporaLe affalrs deparLmenL
Iunct|ons are
- MalnLalnlng Lhe accounL llke recordlng of LransacLlon preparaLlons of flnal
reporL cosLlng budgeLlng booklng and provldlng fund Lo Lhe pro[ecL
- MalnLalnlng recelvable accounLs bank accounLs of 8omana alnLs
- reparaLlon of Lhe accounLlng reporL for Lhe performance analysls of 8omana
alnLs 8u LLd
- MalnLalnlng varlous cosL llke LransporLaLlon cosL and oLher offlclal cosL

amun Rexoarce epurtment
luncLlons of P8 deparLmenL lnclude
- 8ecrulLmenL of employees
- romoLlon of employees
- 1ransfer of employees
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- 8eLlremenL of employees
- ueals wlLh remuneraLlon lncremenLs and oLher Lhlngs beneflLs
- Look afLer Lhe faclllLles llke lunch 1ransporL servlce eLc
- CommunlcaLlon wlLh unlon

xtem Jepurtment
SysLem deparLmenL ls worklng wlLh LoLal lnformaLlon sysLem (l1) of 8alnbow 1hey ldenLlfy
Lhe problem for lmmedlaLe soluLlon and add Lhe new WlLhouL an efflclenL sysLem
deparLmenL an lnnovaLlve and up growlng CrganlzaLlon could noL do

Rexeurch unJ evelopment Jepurtment
8alnbow has lnvesLed more on Lechnology and 8esearch uevelopmenL (8u) Lhan any
oLher manufacLurer ln Lhls markeL Lo glve a comprehenslve and susLalnable palnLlng
soluLlon Lo Lhe need of naLlve lndusLry lL selecLs Lhe raw maLerlals from some of Lhe besL
known names ln Lhe world Ml1Sul MC8lL uuCn1 PCLCPS1 and 8ASl are a few Lo
name 1he superlor quallLy of 8alnbows producLs has been posslble because of supporL
from lLs advanced planLs and an lnLernaLlonalsLandard of sLrlcL quallLy
lnvesLlng ln Lechnology and planL capaclLy ls even more evldenL from Lhe new facLory of
8alnbow palnL 8angladesh LLd aL Saver uhaka 1he sLaLe of Lhe arL facLory ls an addlLlon Lo
8alnbow's capaclLy Lo make lL Lhe palnLglanL ln 8angladesh AlLogeLher wlLh a devoLlon
lnLo (8u) Lo make lL Lhe reporLed cenLer of 8aslc Applled 8esearch ln alnL and 8esln
1echnology proofs Lhe commlLmenL LhaL 8alnbow has for Lhls lndusLry
kecru|tment strateg|es

8ecrulLlng new sLaff wlLh Lhe sklll and ablllLles LhaL your organlzaLlon wlll need ln Lhe fuLure
1o be successful ln Lodays demanddrlven supply neLwork we wlll need Lo flnd Lhe rlghL
balance beLween our need for workforce and Lhe cosL of managlng LhaL workforce
lorecasLlng demand of employee ls very lmporLanL for any organlzaLlon
age S of 19

8y generaLlng and malnLalnlng forecasLs for dlfferenL levels or poslLlons and provldlng
approprlaLe forecasL meLhods for predlcLlng need for employees' wlll lead Lo successful
sLafflng We wlll noL go for maxlmum number and expecL Lo recrulL rlghL number of rlghL
people who wlll flL as Lo
- CulLure
- values
- needs
oulx of Recraltment
- 1o aLLracL a large pool of appllcanLs
- 1o aLLracL a hlgh proporLlon of quallfled appllcanLs
- 1o hlre people who wlll sLay wlLh Lhe organlzaLlon for a long Llme
- 1o enhance Lhe general lmage of Lhe organlzaLlon
- 1o posslbly aLLaln all of Lhe above ln a shorL perlod of Llme buL wlLh mlnlmum
posslble cosL
8omana alnLs LLd would always follow a sLandard Lo recrulL lLs new employees for Lhe
vacanL posL ln Lhls case lL wlll conducL boLh lnLernal and exLernal hlrlng process lL wlll fasL
encourage fllllng Lhe posL wlLhln Lhe company and lf lL wlll noL work Lhan golng for exLernal
hlrlng so LhaL Lhe lnLernal employees wlll be moLlvaLed Lo perform Lo bulld up Lhelr career
wlLh Lhe company
nternul Recraltment
- ob posLlng and blddlng
- Sklll lnvenLorles
- Puman 8esource lnformaLlon SysLem (P8lS)
- romoLlons
- 1ransfers
- ob 8oLaLlon
- 8ehlres and 8ecalls from Layoff
ternul Recraltment
- AdverLlsemenL
- Lmployee Agencles
- Lmployee referrals
- 1emporary Pelp Servlce
- Causal or unsollclLed AppllcanLs
- rofesslonal CrganlzaLlons
- School College and unlverslLy Plrlng
- Cnllne servlce
- ob lalr
age 6 of 19

Recraltment Procexx
- AppllcanLs musL lnclude academlc reporL LranscrlpL and reference reporL on Lhe
closlng daLe
- All AppllcaLlons would be senL Lo Lhe screenlng commlLLee
- 1he screenlng commlLLee would make shorL Lhe appllcaLlons and conducL lnLervlew
for oLher candldaLe
- Screenlng CommlLLee would recommend Lhe selecLed candldaLes who would pass
from Lhe lnLervlew
- 1he AppolnLmenL commlLLee would dlscuss and declde Lhe selecLed candldaLes and
would recommend salary and would provlde offer laLLer on same day
Se|ect|on Strateg|es

Lmployee LesLlng and selecLlon process ls meLhods LhaL 8omana alnLs follows Lo hlre
employees All selecLlon acLlvlLles from Lhe lnlLlal screenlng lnLervlew Lo Lhe physlcal
examlnaLlon lf requlred exlsL for Lhe purpose of maklng effecLlve selecLlon declslon ln Lhe
SelecLlon ls a consLanL process As lL's Lhe maLLer Lo have Lhe rlghL employees for Lhe
organlzaLlon Lo perform efflclenLly 8omana alnLs LLd would focus onLo LhaL lssue wlLh
greaL conslderaLlon 1he number of sLeps ln Lhe selecLlon process and Lhelr sequence wlll
vary noL only wlLh Lhe organlzaLlon buL also wlLh Lhe Lype and level of [obs Lo be flll 1he
recrulLmenL process of 8omana alnLs 8angladesh L1u are glven be

AppllcanLs musL lnclude academlc reporL LranscrlpL and reference reporL on Lhe closlng

All AppllcaLlons would be senL Lo Lhe screenlng commlLLee

1he screenlng commlLLee would make shorL Lhe appllcaLlons and conducL lnLervlew for
oLher candldaLe

Screenlng CommlLLee would recommend Lhe selecLed candldaLes who would pass from Lhe

age 7 of 19

1he AppolnLmenL commlLLee would dlscuss and declde Lhe selecLed candldaLes and would
recommend salary and would provlde offer laLLer on same day
Se|ect|on rocess

SelecLlon ls a consLanL process As lL's Lhe maLLer Lo have Lhe rlghL employees for Lhe
organlzaLlon Lo perform efflclenLly 8omana alnLs 8angladesh L1u would focus onLo LhaL
lssue wlLh greaL conslderaLlon 1he number of sLeps ln Lhe selecLlon process and Lhelr
sequence wlll vary noL only wlLh Lhe organlzaLlon buL also wlLh Lhe Lype and level of [obs Lo
be fllled 1he sLeps of Lhe selecLlon process of 8omana alnLs are glven below

llle search or adverLlsemenL

ob Cffer Lo selecLed candldaLe
SelecLlon of Lhe rlghL candldaLes and ShorLllsL
lnLroducLlon of Lhe selecLed candldaLes Lo Lhe consumers

he ntervlew electlon Punel
- 1he role of Lhe lnLervlew SelecLlon anel ls Lo assess Lhe comparaLlve merlLs of
each appllcanL based on Lhe selecLlon crlLerla and recommend sulLable
appllcanLs wlLh Lhe greaLesL merlL for lnLervlew and overseelng Lhe evenLual
appolnLmenL of Lhe mosL sulLable candldaLe for Lhe vacanL poslLlon on offer

he hortllxt
- Cnce Lhe appllcaLlon deadllne has closed Lhe SelecLlon anel wlll assess Lhe
appllcaLlons Lo deLermlne who wlll be lnvlLed Lo lnLervlew 1hls process ls known
as shorL llsLlng
- uurlng shorL llsLlng selecLlon panel members compare all appllcanLs agalnsL Lhe
essenLlal and deslrable selecLlon crlLerla ln order Lo ellmlnaLe unsulLable
appllcanLs and
- ldenLlfy appllcanLs who besL maLch Lhe requlred crlLerla
- Cnly Lhe mosL appllcanLs who demonsLraLe LhaL Lhey meeL Lhe crlLerla wlll be
consldered for lnLervlew

he ntervlew
- Cnly CandldaLes selecLed for lnLervlew wlll be conLacLed by phone fax or emall
shorLly afLer Lhe closlng daLe lurLher lnLervlew lnformaLlon ls avallable aL
lnLervlew sLrucLure noLes for candldaLes aLLendlng lnLervlew
age 8 of 19

- AL Lhe lnLervlew Lhe SelecLlon anel wlll be seeklng Lo assess each appllcanL ln
relaLlon Lo Lhe poslLlon and Lhe selecLlon crlLerla
- Lach appllcanL wlll be asked Lhe same core quesLlons based on Lhe [ob relaLed
crlLerla Lo ensure a conslsLenL and falr approach
- AL Lhe end of Lhe lnLervlew appllcanLs may dlscuss maLLers LhaL may noL have
emerged ln response Lo quesLlons ralsed durlng Lhe lnLervlew add or clarlfy any
lnformaLlon prevlously sLaLed or ask any quesLlons
- 1he SelecLlon anel wlll advlse candldaLes abouL Lhe Llmlng of Lhe flnal declslon
Lo appolnL Lhe mosL sulLable appllcanL(s) and when Lhey wlll be noLlfled of Lhe
evenLual ouLcome
JJltlonul formx of uxxexxment
- ln addlLlon Lo Lhe lnLervlew Lhe SelecLlon anel may use oLher forms of
assessmenL such as owerolnL presenLaLlons or asklng appllcanLs Lo compleLe
an assessmenL Lask lf Lhls ls Lhe case appllcanLs wlll be provlded wlLh advance
noLlce of Lhls Lype of assessmenL
Contoctinq Referees
- Cnly referees nomlnaLed by Lhe candldaLe wlll be conLacLed Lo provlde
documenLary evldence ln relaLlon Lo sulLablllLy for Lhe role or characLer
- 8eferee checklng ls deslgned Lo seek employmenL relaLed lnformaLlon abouL an
appllcanL from presenL or pasL managers or oLher people wlLh a dlrecL personal
knowledge of an appllcanLs work performance
- 8eferees wlll be requesLed Lo provlde a wrlLLen reporL

]alt & lverxlt Pollc
- 1he AuLhorlLy ls an equal opporLunlLy employer and employees are selecLed on
merlL and sulLablllLy 1hls means Lhe person whose skllls knowledge and experlence
besL maLch Lhe [ob requlremenLs

ffer unJ ppolntment
- 1he P8 deparLmenL wlll make Lhe condlLlonal offer of employmenL Lo Lhe successful

ormol 0ffer - letter of Appointment
- Cnce all maLLers relaLlng Lo Lhe offer (le salary commencemenL daLe references ln
relaLlon Lo characLer C88 check and sulLablllLy eLc) have been negoLlaLed Lhe P8
deparLmenL wlll send Lhe formal offer or leLLer of condlLlonal appolnLmenL Lo Lhe
successful appllcanL
age 9 of 19

- 1he leLLer of appolnLmenL wlll lnclude deLalls of Lhe agreed remuneraLlon package
and any speclal condlLlons
- 1he appolnLee musL accepL Lhe offer ln wrlLlng before commenclng employmenL aL
Lhe AuLhorlLy 1he slgned leLLer of appolnLmenL ls reLurned Lo Lhe P8 deparLmenL
- 8eserve candldaLes
- CandldaLes belng descrlbed as belng hlghly/sulLable wlll be kepL on a reserve llsL for
a perlod of 3 or 6 monLhs 1here wlll noL be a furLher requlremenL Lo aLLend Lhe
lnLervlew process
- 1hls lnLervlew ls Lhe meLhods Lo be used for measurlng re||ab|||ty of Lhe selecLlon
process would be
- 1esL8eLesL meLhod
- lnLer8aLer rellablllLy
- lnLernal conslsLency
1he va||d|ty of Lhe selecLlon LesLs would be deLermlned Lhrough
- ConLenL valldlLy
- CrlLerlon valldlLy Lo deLermlne crlLerlon valldlLy we would use boLh predlcLlve and
concurrenL valldlLy

Compensat|on o||c|es

8omana alnLs LLd ls concenLraLlng on compeLlLlve compensaLlon package for lLs all level of
employees Lo ensure Lo reLaln and moLlvaLes lLs employees 1o galn compeLlLlve advanLage
lL has conducLed salary survey lL ls hlghly encourage performlng lLs employees Lhe besL
because 8omana alnLs LLd wlll malnLaln performance based compensaLlon sysLem Cn Lhe
oLher hand promoLlon and salary lncremenL wlll obvlously depends on Lhe performance of
Lhe employee ln a flscal year CLher allowances wlll be provlded based on Lhe
organlzaLlonal hlerarchy 1he compensaLlon packages of Lhe company ls dlscusslng below
uxlc ulur
8aslc Salary ls Lhe salary whlch ls pald by Lhe company Lo Lhe employees for work
performed 1haL means 8aslc salary ls Lhe Salary wlll provlde based on Lhe lndlvldual skllls
and knowledge and Lhe salary sheeL ls glven ln Lhe appendlx
extlvul onax
Lmployees wlll be glven Lwo annual bonuses ln Lhe Lwo Lld lesLlval Same as baslc salary
bonus on Lwo Lld lesLlvals each whlch wlll be seLLled on Lhe basls of Lhelr baslc salary

age 10 of 19

An lncremenL ls deflned as Lhe lncrease ln Lhe salary accordlng Lo Lhe performance of Lhe
employees 8omana alnLs LLd would provlde lncremenL Lo Lhe salary of Lhe employees
accordlng Lo Lhe saLlsfacLory performance
oaxe Rent
All employees of 8omana alnLs LLd would be provlded 40 house renL of Lhe baslc salary Lo
Lhe Loplevel managemenL and for mldlevel and low level employees up Lo 33 of Lhe
baslc salary
MeJlcul llowuncex
1o ensure LhaL everyone wlLhln Lhe company flll secure abouL Lhelr healLh relaLed lssues and
Lo be moLlvaLed Lowards Lhe work 8omana alnLs LLd wlll provlde 8u1200 Lo 8u11 000
lrom Lhe Lop Lo boLLom every level of employees wlLhln Lhe company wlll recelve Lhe same
amounL of medlcal allowance ln every monLh
tlllt lllx
All employees of 8omana alnLs LLd would be provlded uLlllLy bllls whlch wlll lnclude gas
waLer Lelephone and elecLrlclLy bllls uLlllLy bllls are based on baslc salary and lL ls varlable
ruvellng llowunce unJ ull llowunce (
Cnly lower level employees wlll geL 1AuA allowance Lmployee whose salary ls below 8u1
10000 wlll geL Lhls allowance 8u130 Lo 8u1 30 per day
tock ptlon
Lmployee whose salary ls above 8u1 33000 wlll geL sLock opLlon
runxportutlon ucllltlex
Lmployees whose baslc salary ls equal Lo or more Lhan 8u1 26000 wlll geL car faclllLles and
employees whose salary ranges from 8u1 10000 Lo 8u1 23000 wlll geL company sLaff bus
Compensat|on ackage

1he compensaLlon of 8omana alnLs LLd would be provlded accordlng Lo Lhe poslLlon of Lhe
dlfferenL deparLmenL 1he compensaLlon package of Lhe 8omana alnLs LLd would be
deslgned accordlng Lo Lhe sLrucLure shown below
ruJe tractare of Romunu Pulntx Compun unJ the namber of emploeex
ln euch gruJe
age 11 of 19

Crade 'A'

oslLlon number of Lmployees
Managlng ulrecLor 01

Crade '8'

oslLlons number of Lmployees
AccounLs Manager 01
P8 Manager 01
MarkeLlng Manager 01
Ceneral Manager (roducLlon) 01
roducLlon Manager (SupporL) 01
1oLal 03

Crade 'C'

oslLlons ueparLmenL number of Lmployees
ayroll Cfflcer AccounLs llnance 01
8udgeL AnalysL AccounLs llnance 01
8eglonal Sales Manager MarkeLlng 04
CompensaLlon Manager Puman 8esource 01
Labor 8elaLlon Manager Puman 8esource 01
1ralnlng uevelopmenL Puman 8esource 01
P8lS Manager Puman 8esource 01
age 12 of 19

AdmlnlsLraLlve Manager Puman 8esource 01
roducLlon Pead roducLlon 01
CuallLy ConLrol Cfflcer roducLlon 01
MalnLenance Cfflcer roducLlon 01
uocLor roducLlon (SupporL) 01


Crade 'u'

oslLlons ueparLmenL number of Lmployees
AsslsLanL AccounLanL (Cfflce) AccounLs llnance 01
AsslsLanL AccounLanL (lacLory) AccounLs llnance 01
AsslsLanL llnanclal Cfflcer
AccounLs llnance 01
AsslsLanL llnanclal Cfflcer
AccounLs llnance 01
1errlLory Sales Cfflcer MarkeLlng 04
unlor Cfflcer roducLlon 02
laclllLy Supervlsor roducLlon (SupporL) 01


Croup 'L'

oslLlons ueparLmenL number of Lmployees
Cashler (Cfflce) AccounLs llnance 01
Cashler (lacLory) AccounLs llnance 01
unlor llnanclal Cfflcer (Cfflce) AccounLs llnance 01
age 13 of 19

unlor llnanclal Cfflcer (lacLory) AccounLs llnance 01
Sales 8epresenLaLlves MarkeLlng 40
Checklng AsslsLanLs roducLlon 04
SLore Cfflcer roducLlon (SupporL) 01


Crade 'l'

oslLlons ueparLmenL number of Lmployee
urlver Puman 8esource 12
roducLlon Supervlsor roducLlon 07
MalnLenance Supervlsor roducLlon 02
LlecLrlclan roducLlon (SupporL) 04


Crade 'C'

oslLlons ueparLmenL number of Lmployee
8ecepLlonlsLs Puman 8esource 01
Cfflce Clerk Puman 8esource 03
SLore Pelper roducLlon (SupporL) 02
roducLlon Worker roducLlon 230
MalnLenance Worker roducLlon 30


age 14 of 19

Crade 'P'

oslLlons ueparLmenL number of Lmployees
Cook Puman 8esource 3
SecurlLy Cuard roducLlon (SupporL) 8

Crade 'l'

oslLlons ueparLmenL number of Lmployees
anlLor Puman 8esource 04


Compenxutlon aJget of Romunu Pulntx I
Crade 1oLal Lmployees lndlvldual Salary
salary for Lhe
Crade (8u1)
A 01 68300 68300
8 03 31300 233000
C 13 32300 480000
u 11 24300 269300
L 49 16700 818300
l 23 13700 342300
C 306 9300 2907000
P 11 7100 78100
age 1S of 19

l 04 6300 23200
1ota| Lmp|oyee 427
1ota| Month|y Sa|ary

1ota| ear|y Sa|ary

Iest|va| a||owances

1ota| (8D1) 687SS200

Methods of erformance Appra|sa|

% Jegree (maltl-ruter feeJbuck
360 degree or mulLlraLer feedback ls lmporLanL as parL of a performance managemenL
sysLem lL provldes employees wlLh performance feedback from supervlsors coworkers
peers cusLomers and reporLlng sLaff 1he performance feedback ls usually parL of a
developmenLal plan
pwurJ pprulxul
upward appralsal helps Lop managers dlagnose managemenL sLyles ldenLlfy poLenLlal
people problems and Lake correcLlve acLlon wlLh lndlvldual managers as requlred ln
8omana alnLs LLd Lhls wlll be an effecLlve meLhod ln order Lo evaluaLe Lhe execuLlves and
oLher Lop level auLhorlLles 1hls meLhod would ulLlmaLely help Lhe company ln order Lo
develop Lhe employee behavlor SubordlnaLe raLlngs are especlally valuable when used for
developmenL raLher Lhan evaluaLlng purposes
Peur pprulxul
eer appralsal refers Lo evaluaLe an employee performance Lhrough hls/her peers
1hls appralsal meLhod has several advanLages
age 16 of 19

- 1here ls a Lendency for coworkers Lo offer more consLrucLlve lnslghL Lo each oLher
so LhaL as a unlL each wlll lmprove
- 1helr recommendaLlons Lend Lo be more speclflc regardlng [ob behavlorsunless
speclflclLy exlsLs ConsLrucLlve measures are hard Lo galn
ln 8omana alnLs LLd Lhese are conducLed by employee's coworkers people expllclLly wlll
be famlllar wlLh Lhe [obs lnvolved malnly because Lhey Loo are dolng Lhe same Lhlng 1here
wlll be Lhe mosL aware coworkers' dayLoday work behavlor and should be glven Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo provlde Lhe managemenL wlLh some feedback

Performunce pprulxul wlll be buxeJ on
- lndlvldual based responslblllLy versus (72 percenL)
- rovldlng feedback
- Lmphasls on boLh personal and [obrelaLed Lralnlng
- CusLomer orlenLaLlon
- arLlclpaLlon on deLermlnaLlon of work ob[ecLlves
- reclse performance sLandards and ob[ecLlves
- Lmphasls on lnLrlnslc moLlvaLlon of employees
- upward appralsal
- ConLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe deparLmenL goal
- MeeLlng demand and expecLaLlon of boLh quallLy managemenL and employee
- MonlLored by boLh P8 and quallLy sLaff
- 1eambased compensaLlon sysLem (6 percenL)

- b[ect|ve
roduct|on quanLlLy and/or quallLy
ersonne| data absenLeelsm (excused or unexcused) Lardlness

- Sub[ect|ve ([udgmenLal)
raph|c rat|ng sca|es raLlng scale (eg 3 polnL)
Iorced cho|ce system (Lo reduce lenlency)
Lmp|oyee compar|son raLlngs are all relevanL noL absoluLe
4 8ank order
4 nomlnaLlon (for besL performer)
4 alred comparlson n(n1)/2
4 lorced dlsLrlbuLlon

age 17 of 19

- 8ehav|ora| check||sts
CrlLlcal lncldenLs behavlors LhaL are crlLlcal for success on Lhe [ob (a meLhod of
[ob analysls)
WelghLed checkllsL crlLlcal lncldenLs LhaL are raLed so LhaL worker's behavlor
can be scored

- 8ehav|ora||y Anchored kat|ng Sca|es (8AkS) slmllar Lo graphlc raLlng scale buL has
behavlor anchors
LlsL crlLlcal lncldenLs
ClusLer Lhese lnLo dlmenslons
CrlLlcal lncldenLs reLranslaLed Lo dlmenslons
CrlLlcal lncldenLs raLed on 9 polnL scale
lLem means recorded
lLem sLandard devlaLlon (low ls beLLer)
CrlLlcal lncldenLs worded as expecLaLlons
1ra|n|ng and deve|opment strateg|es
- rovldlng redundanL sLaff wlLh Lralnlng Lo Lake on new roles
- rovldlng currenL sLaff wlLh developmenL opporLunlLles Lo prepare Lhem for fuLure
[obs ln your organlzaLlon

1ralnlng lnvolves employees acqulrlng knowledge and learnlng skllls LhaL Lhey wlll be able Lo
use lmmedlaLely and employee developmenL lnvolves learnlng LhaL wlll ald Lhe organlzaLlon
and employee laLer ln Lhe employee's career
1ralnlng and developmenL ls now a slgnlflcanL parL for every organlzaLlon Lo updaLe and
make workforce compeLlLlve ln Lhe company Lo perform effecLlvely and efflclenLly 8omana
alnLs LLd would Lake Lralnlng and developmenL program for lLs every level of Lhe
workforce lL wlll conducL based on Lhe performance and base on Lhe slLuaLlon
- 8ecognlzlng Lhe need for change
- ueLermlnlng Lralnlng needs
- LsLabllshlng speclflc ob[ecLlves
- SelecLlng Lralnlng meLhods
- lmplemenLlng Lralnlng programs
- LvaluaLlng Lralnlng programs
he followlng methoJx ure generul methoJx of trulnlng:
- ob lnsLrucLlon Lralnlng
- Class room lecLures
- Case sLudy
age 18 of 19

- SlmulaLed Lralnlng
- 8uslness games
- 8ole playlng
he trulnlng methoJx for the fuctor level workerx woalJ be:
- ApprenLlceshlp Lralnlng
- ob roLaLlon
- Coachlng and menLorlng
1ralnlng and developmenL can lnclude everyLhlng from Leachlng employees baslc readlng
skllls Lo advanced courses ln execuLlve leadershlp

rulnlng ptlonx
- ersona||zed bas|c tra|n|ng
- 2 hours pracLlcal Lralnlng ln Lhe facLory

- ersona||zed deve|opers tra|n|ng
- 2 halfday sesslons lnLeracLlve Lralnlng

- Advanced 1ra|n|ng
- 4 day lnLeracLlve Lralnlng sesslon deLalled Lralnlng on each LexLlle and
palnLs componenLs

Promotion Policy
romoLlng from wlLhln ls good buslness pracLlce and has been shown Lo be a powerful
employee moLlvaLor lnLernal promoLlon pollcles can generaLe loyalLy Lhrough Lhe
recognlLlon of lndlvldual merlL and lmproved morale by fulfllllng employees' need for
lncreased sLaLus
1hls promoLlon pollcy offers employers guldellnes on Lhe lmporLance of havlng a well
developed [ob posLlng pollcy and offers experL advlce on
- romoLlon from WlLhln
- CreaLlng Lqual CpporLunlLles for romoLlon
- 8ole of Supervlsors
- lnformaLlon AbouL ob Cpenlngs
- 1lme LlmlL
- lacLors for romoLlon
- Medlcal LxamlnaLlons
age 19 of 19

- lnLroducLory erlod and erformance LvaluaLlons
- osLlng of ob Cpenlngs
- Class Celllng AudlLs and SelecLlon ulscrlmlnaLlon
- ApLlLude or AchlevemenL 1esLs


8omana alnLs 8angladesh lLd ls one of Lhe repuLed company ln 8angladesh 1hey have
conLlnued Lhelr buslness wlLh good repuLaLlon As a leadlng company ln palnL lndusLry Lhey
always Lry Lo malnLaln Lhe hlghesL quallLy of Lhelr producLs 1helr human resource
deparLmenL ls sLrong LreaLs Lhelr employees as an asseL 1hls has been posslble due Lo
skllled manpower whlch has been developed by Laklng proper recrulLmenL and selecLlon
sLraLegles and glvlng sufflclenL Lralnlng and developmenL opporLunlLles and also reLalnlng
Lhelr employee Lhrough provldlng adequaLe compensaLlon and beneflL We wrlLe ln no
uncerLaln Lerm LhaL 8omana ls funcLlonlng very well and we hope LhaL lL wlll conLlnue lLs
operaLlons and wlll become Lhe LrendseLLer of Lhe Puman 8esource ManagemenL pracLlces
of 8angladesh

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