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New Apostolic Church Canada

Leslie Latorcai

November 7,2007

My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As children of God we move forward in our faith going from one blessed event to
the next. We constantly experience the fulfillment of the words in Proverbs
10:22, "The blessing of the Lord makes rich, And He adds no sorrow with
it." God rejoices to b l e ~ s - ~ n
d the treasures of heaven, but it is up to us
to seek Him while He may be found in order to be blessed and receive spiritual
riches (Isaiah 55: 6). Apostle Matthew advised, "but lay up for yourselves
treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do
not break in and steal" (Matthew 6: 20).

How do we come under God's blessing and receive these treasures of heaven,
which creates joy within us? The answer is, simply by accepting and following
His timely manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the ambassadors of Christ,
living Apostles, foremost in the Chief Apostle ministry. To better understand
this we can look at a parallel example in the Old Testament where Eliezer, the
servant of Abraham, was sent out to find a bride for Abraham's son, Isaac.
When he was led to meet Rebekah, he said to her father and brother, "The Lord
has blessed my master greatly ... And Sarah my master's wife bore a son ... to
him he has given all that he has" (Genesis 24: 24-35). When the offer to become
Isaac's bride was accepted, it says that he "brought out jewelry of silver, jewelry
of gold, and clothing, and gave them to Rebekah" (Genesis 24: 53). With this
example we can then better understand that the Apostles of Christ are the
Eliezers of our time who go out into all nations to find the bride for God's Son,
Jesus Christ. Those who accept this offer already receive the riches of the silver -

of God's love, the gold of the godly truth (God's word) and the rich garments of
salvation (the three sacraments of Holy Baptism, Holy Communion and Holy
Sealing). Herein the words of Christ are fulfilled, "He who receives you receives
Me, and he who receives Me receives Him (the Father) who sent Me" (Matthew
10: 40). Thus as those who will become the bride of Christ we will also share in
the eternal riches of the Son of God (who has received all things from the
Father), because we shall be "joint heirs with Christ" (Romans 8: 17).

Although we have lived through many things in the year 2007, not all of which
brought us joy, we could be uplifted and enriched through the words expressed
by our Chief Apostle Leber at Pentecost, "Let not your heart be troubled; you
believe in God, believe also in Me" (John 14: I).

Administration Office
319 Bridgeport Road East, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 2K9 Canada
Telephone (519) 884-2862 Fax (519) 746-8358

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