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Math Summary

Subject Fractions

Things to Remember
fractions comparison cross multiply the numerator stays put fraction behavior: (positive fraction) X < X , when X is positive. (positive fraction) X > X , when X is negative If 0 < X < 1
1 X

Trips & Traps

Infinite Decimal + Infinite Decimal = Infinite Decimal Infinite Decimal + Finite Decimal = Infinite Decimal Finite Decimal + Finite Decimal = Finite Decimal

1 X 3

; If - 1 < X < 0 X < X 3 < 0 < X 2 ; If X > 1 0 <

1 X

If - 1 < X < 0

< -1

1 X

If 0 < X < 1 X < X 2 < X

; If X < - 1 - 1 <


rounding off: 0-4 ; 5-9 When dividing - pay attention to rounding off. scientific notation: 360,000,000 = 3.6 10 8 ; 0.00053 = 5.3 10 -4 When solving an equation (involving roots), you can raise both sides to the same power. exponential equation: compare bases and then exponents. 3a = 5b a > b or a = b = 0

Powers & Roots

X 2 + X 4 X 6 (not necessarily) 20 + 40 20 + 40

Subject Ratios

Things to Remember
reduction and expansion allowed addition and subtraction forbidden just like in fractions

Trips & Traps & D.S. Emphasis

Ratio Vs. Ratio Trap Ratio change Both sides Form an equation with x. From ratio alone you cannot tell reality.

Ratio Vs. Reality find the reality factor.


Ratio Vs. Ratio The common quantity should be represented by the same number in both ratios. Ratio Multiplication: If A = B C Ratio A = Ratio B Ratio C


a b

c d

cross multiply ad = bc

(a + b )2 = a 2 + 2ab + b 2 (a - b)2 = a 2 - 2ab + b 2 (a + b ) (a - b ) = a 2 - b 2

1. All answers are numbers and 2. Asked to find a specific unknown.

Remember: x - 5 =

x- 5


x+ 5

1. Variables in the answers or 2. What must be true data sufficiency: Beware of identical coefficients: 4 X + 1 = 4 X + 9 insufficient. Beware of identical equations: 3 X + Y = 5 6 X + 2Y = 10 Don t Calculate - Evaluate. X 2 = 16 X = 4 (insufficient)

two equations: Look for shortcuts (adding, subtracting, etc.) Pay attention to what you are asked to find. Quadratic Equation: X 1,2 =

-b b - 4ac ; 2a

data sufficiency: If number of equations = number of unknowns sufficient Otherwise insufficient

Subject Percents

Things to Remember
Part = Percent Whole how to recognize: what percent of Y is X ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
X 100 Y

Trips & Traps

the Arrow Method + 20% + 30% > +50% of the final price + 10% - 10% < 0% of the final price - 10% - 20% > -30% of the final price + 25% + 30% = 25 + 30 + 2.5 3 = +62.5% + 1 - n1 1 the original price n +

~ Tree Problems 72% 30% = 7.2 3 = 21.6% ~ Compound Interest: New Price new whole (100%) data sufficiency: 3 part formula: 2 parts given sufficient otherwise insufficient Don t Calculate - Evaluate. converting fractions to % multiply by 100

General Problems

The name is the game Help the needy Time Tunnel - all participants grow-up - form the equations before/after the tunnel data sufficiency: number of equations = number of unknowns sufficient 3-part formula: percents, probability, rate, average, etc. two parts given sufficient; otherwise insufficient Don t Calculate - Evaluate.

Subject Averages

Things to Remember
Average =

Trips & Traps

Communism Trip the change for the entire group, shared equally change to the average new term admission fee weighted average trap When only the average is given, nothing is known about specific terms.

Sum of Items Number of Items

The average is always between the smallest and the greatest number. The average does not have to be one of the items. When the average is added to or discarded from the group no change Sum Way : Sum = Average x Number of Items New Balance : When the average is given and one term is missing. Weighted Average = A Number of Items A + B Number of Items B Number of Items A + Number of Items B

Scale Method : the average is closer to the greater quantity, and the average s distance from either quantity is in the same ratio of the quantities. data sufficiency: 3-part formula: two parts given sufficient otherwise insufficient Don t Calculate - Evaluate.

Subject Inequalities

Things to Remember
Allowed: add, subtract, multiply, divide, raise to an odd power. Forbidden: multiply/divide by unknown (sign is unknown). Caution: - When multiplying or dividing by a negative number flip the sign. - When neither side is negative, it is allowed to raise both sides to an even power - When neither side is positive, it is allowed to raise both sides to an even power, but remember to flip the sign. Draw the inequalities on the number line. Remember: if X > 4 then X = 4.01 and X = 100,000 are possible. Two inequalities check extreme values. Data sufficiency: plug-in numbers ( weird numbers) to get contradicting conclusions.

Trips & Traps

Use weird numbers. when inequalities are involved an equation cannot be the correct answer to a must be true question. Beware of misleading intuitions.

Odd & Even

~ Odd & even rules: forget about the rules; plug-in numbers. odd not whole even = even integer = even 2 is the only even prime. even = 2 D (where D is an integer) integer integer = integer ; integer integer = integer integer integer = ?? ; (integer)n = integer (n is a positive integer) multiple of X multiple of X = multiple of X multiple of X not multiple of X = not multiple of X.


Things to Remember
Remainder: The smallest remainder is 1. The greatest remainder is 1 less than the number divided by. The remainder of a sum = sum of the remainders. If X is divisible by 9 X is divisible by 3. If X is divisible by 3 X is not necessarily divisible by 9. Rate = Work Time the Arrow Method . 1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds Total Work Total Time two objects in motion find common rate: different directions add rates Average Rate = same direction subtract rates rate & ratio When the times are equal rate ratio = work ratio. When the work is equal rate ratio is reciprocal to time ratio. Team Work : half the team requires double the time data sufficiency: 3-part formula 2 parts given sufficient. otherwise insufficient Don t Calculate - Evaluate.

Trips & Traps

Odd & Even


average rate trap - remember: the average rate is closer to the longer time.

Subject Algebra Misc.

Things to Remember
Absolute Value: Plug in both positive and negative numbers X - 3 = 3- X Digit Behavior: Digit Rules see your notebook consecutive: X , X + 1, X + 2... (postivie, negative and zero) average: middle number; average of the edges. Total Combinations = No. of possibilities A No. of possibilities B with/without repetition: letters & digits can be repeated, people cannot. without repetition: number of possibilities decreases by one every step. OR - Sum up distinct possibilities.

Trips & Traps


Germs : (No. of occurences) Number of germs = (Initial number) (Multiplication size)

Subject Probability

Things to Remember
Probability = Desired Outcomes Total Possible Outcomes

Trips & Traps

One-By-One Trip Timing is not an issue. Add up the probabilites of all the different possible orders of the same desired outcome.

Impossible = probablity 0 probability that event A will occur +

Certain = probability 1

probability that =1 event A will NOT occur

OR : sum of probabilities (Beware of overlapping) at least one = 1- (probability of none) data sufficiency: 3-part formula 2 parts given sufficient otherwise insufficient Don t Calculate - Evaluate.


Overlapping = Sum of Groups - Whole Graphic solution is best Range: minimum overlapping = Sum of Groups - Whole maximum overlapping = the smaller group specific overlapping: two groups, whole & fixation data range overlapping: two groups & whole only.

Pay attention to what you are being asked.

Subject Coordinate System

Things to Remember
Reflection across the y-axis Y is constant, X s sign is reversed. Reflection across the x-axia Y s sign is reversed, X s signis constant. distance between points: Use Pythagorean Thorem. slopes:

Trips & Traps

Pay attention to negative - positive value. Inequality: Form a linear equation and draw a figure according to Inequalities sign.

DY DX Y = 2 ; parallel to X-axis slope is 0 X = 5 ; parallel to Y-axis slope is infinite positive/negative: driving from left - going up positive going down negative Parallel lines have equal slopes. The slopes of perpendicular lines produce (-1)
Slope = linear equation: Y = mX + b ; m slope, b y-intercept All points on the same line satisfy the linear equation of the line. Number of symbols = Number of plug-ins Pay attention to what you are being asked.


Subject Quadrilaterals

Things to Remember
data sufficiency: rectangle: if two measures are known (length, perimeter) all measures are known ~ shortcuts:

Trips & Traps

x x

1 shaded area = white area = area of the figure 2

area of inner square =

1 area of outer square 2

diagonal features to remember: square -3, rectangle - 2, parallelogram -1, trapezoid - 0

Subject Geometry

Things to Remember
1 area of outer circle 2

Trips & Traps

area of inner circle =

circumference of outer circle = sum of circumferences of inner circles


volume of one cone

volume of 1 volume of = series of cones = cylinder 3

Geo End

similarity (area ratio) = (linear ratio)2

Misleading Intuitions:
Data Given Misleading Intuition
x>0 y>0 x>0 y>0
x2 > y2 x>0 y<0 x> y

Must be True
= or
x, y have the same sign

xy > 0
x >0 y

x, y have the same sign

= or


x> y

x3 > y 3 x- y >0

x2 > y2

x> y x2 + y2 > 0 x0
x> y x, y have the same sign x> y

x2 > 0 x >1 y
x3 > y 3

x>0 x> y

P&R Rules
All rules are written with numbers, which are given as examples. Basic Rules:

73 = 7 7 7

71 = 7

70 = 1

5 = (5) 7

(5) 7 = 7 53

(7 5)

5 = (5) 2

All the following rules can be used for powers and roots as well.

(1) common base (2)

7 3 7 5 = 7 3+5 = 78

2 6 2 7 = 2 6+ 7 = 213

7 3 7 = 72 73 = 76

710 78

= 710-8 = 7 2

25 28

= 2 5-8 = 2 -3


62 64

=64 = 4 6

(3) common exponent (4)

35 7 5 = (3 7) 5 = 215 ; 2 3 7 3 = 14 3 ;

5 3 = 5 2 3 2 = 15 2 = 15

12 5 3

12 = = 45 ; 3

1 = 3 7 42


3 3

20 4

20 3
1 43

= 53 = 3 5


(7 )

3 5





(2 )

5 -2




1 1 5 11 = 11 3 = 1115 = 15 11


7 -3 =

1 73

2 3


3 = 2

Divisibility Signs:
A number is divisible by 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 if it ends with an even digit - ex: 85,794. if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3 - ex: 11,247. if the last two digit number is divisible by 4 - ex: 11,932. if it ends with 0 or 5 - ex: 17,460, 17,465. if it is divisble by both 2 and 3 - ex: 11,256. if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9 ex: - 35,505. if it ends with 0 .


THE RULES Two straight lines that cross each other create 2 sets of equal angles. MORE LINES & ANGLES THE SHAPE

a + b = 180

Two perpendicular lines create 4 right angles.

A straight line that crosses 2 parallel lines creates 8 angles: 4 equal acute angles 4 equal obtuse angles

a + b = 180

The sum of the angles in any triangle is 180. The sum of any 2 sides is greater than the third side. The greatest angle is opposite the greatest side, and so on. An external angle is equal to the sum of the 2 angles that are not adjacent to it.

TRIANGLES a + b + g = 180

a+b > c; b+c > a ;a +c > b

if g > b > a then c > b > a

The area of a triangle equals half the product of a side and its height.

d=a+g The area of the triangle: ah 2


The height to the base is a symmetry axis of the triangle. The 2 other sides are equal. The angles adjacent to the base are equal.

If a is the base, then h is the axis of symmetry. Area of equilateral triangle:

a2 3 4
The hypotenuse is the longest side. The area of the triangle is half the product of the legs. The Pythagorean Theorem: (leg 1)2 + (leg 2) 2 = (hypo)2 RIGHT TRIANGLE a,b legs ; c hypotenuse The area: a b 2 The Pythagorean Theorem:

a 2 + b 2 = c2


Two pairs of opposite parallel and equal sides. Two pairs of opposite and equal angles. The sum of any 2 adjacent angles is 180. The diagonals bisect each other. The area is the product of a side and its height. The diagonals are perpendicular and bisect each other. The diagonals bisect the angles.


a + b = 180

The area: a h RHOMBUS

RECTANGLE A rectangle is a parallelogram with 4 right angles. The diagonals are equal and bisect each other. The area is the product of the length

and breadth. Each diagonal divides the rectangle into 2 identical right triangles.

The area: a b

SQUARE A square is a rectangle with 4 equal sides. The diagonals are equal, perpendicular and bisect each other. The diagonals divide the square into 4 identical right isosceles triangles. The area is the square of the side. The diagonal equals: side 2 Two of the sides are parallel, and are called "bases".

The area: a 2 or

( diagonal )

TRAPEZOID a,b bases ( a + b) h Area = 2

THE RULES Radius: the distance from the center to the circumference. Chord: a line that connects 2 points on the circumference. Diameter: a chord that passes through the center. p 314 . All inscribed angles that lie on the same arc are equal. An inscribed angle equals half the central angle that lies on the same arc. An inscribed angle that lies on the diameter equals 90. Tangent: A line that touches the circle at a single point. The angle between the radius and the tangent is 90.

MORE CIRCLE Radius = r Diameter = 2r Circumference = 2pr Area = pr 2


a - central angle b - inscribed angle

a = 2b

Rectangular solid: the base is a rectangle.

3D SHAPES Volume = a b c Lateral surface area =

2( a + b) c

2(a + b) c + 2ab
Cylinder: the base is a circle. Volume = pr 2 h Lateral surface area = 2pr h Surface area = 2prh + 2pr 2 Cube: all the sides are identical squares. Volume = a 3 Lateral surface area = 4a 2 Surface area = 6a 2

Surface area =


Volume = p r h

h r


Volume = base h

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