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Cosmetic surgery is usually performed to correct a physical abnormality or to enhance an otherwise normal physical feature and thus improve appearance. Cosmetic surgery is an extremely broad field that may offer reconstructive surgery for a patient after a damaging burn or other physical trauma, yet can also be used to smooth out wrinkles, enlarge breasts, or reshape a nose. In the not so distant past, cosmetic surgery was confined only to surgery which was absolutely necessary to the health and well-being of the patient -- for instance, skin-grafting for serious burns, reconstructing a dislodged eye, repairing a broken nose or jaw, or treating an unseemly birthmark across the face. Cosmetic surgery was first used regularly after World War I, when treatment and reconstruction of war injuries gave hope to young soldiers. As recently as fifty years ago, as the rich and famous began opting for elective cosmetic surgery, the subject was whispered about and considered taboo. Celebrities and others in elite circles would disappear for months and then emerge after secret cosmetic surgery looking younger, prettier, and thinner. Over time, cosmetic surgery has become accepted and even encouraged in some circles. Today there is open acceptance of cosmetic surgery to the point that there are even television reality shows about it. There are a wide range of choices for cosmetic surgery, from tiny tucks and snips to full-blown face lifts. Some of the more popular forms of cosmetic surgery are liposuction, in which excessive fat is sucked out of the body with a tube and vacuum device; laser facial resurfacing, which smoothes lines on the face around the eyes and mouth and eliminates facial blemishes; facelift, which pulls back the skin around the face, jowls and neck; breast enlargement, which enhances the size of the breasts using saline implants; and hair replacement surgery, which fills in balding areas using a patient's own hair. There are many more forms of cosmetic surgery, including variations of these. Anyone interested in cosmetic surgery should consider the risks and remember that it is, ultimately, surgery. Not all procedures come out exactly the way doctor and patients foresee, and recovery is just like any other surgery, complete with pain and the possibility of infection. While cosmetic surgery is an option, patients should choose doctors wisely, obtain several references, and keep realistic expectations.

Source : wiseGEEK-clear answers for common questions http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-cosmetic-surgery.htm

Reconstructive surgery
Reconstructive surgery is corrective surgery to repair the body due to birth defects, disease or trauma. It is usually performed for the purpose of returning function to the body, but can also be used to improve the appearance of a person, particularly in the case of trauma or birth defects. Some examples of circumstances that would call for reconstructive surgery follow:

Repairing scar tissue from burns or other trauma Repairing a cleft palate or lip Reduction of breasts

Reconstruction of breasts after a mastectomy Reconstruction of knees or elbows from sports injuries Reconstruction of facial features after trauma Reconstruction to correct overly large or deformed ears in children Reattachment of fingers or limbs Removal of tumors or skin cancers Repairing crushed bones

Reconstructive surgery differs from cosmetic surgery in that cosmetic surgery does not correct abnormalities. Reconstructive surgery, even when elected for aesthetic reasons, is usually done to correct an abnormality One of the most pervasive uses of reconstructive surgery is in professional sports. Contact sports like football and soccer result in many injuries that can only be effectively repaired by reconstructive surgery. Knee injuries, shoulder, and broken facial bones commonly involve reconstructive surgery. However, repetitive motion in non-contact sports also takes its toll over time. Cartilage, a natural cushion between close-fitting bones in the knee, elbow and other joints, can wear thin from over use. A painful, chronic condition develops as bones begin to rub against one another. People who have developed chronic pain of this type will complain of a dull ache even when at rest. Often the only relief is pain medication, or reconstructive surgery. Even nonathletes can develop injuries of this nature. An extreme use of reconstructive surgery is sexual reassignment. This is the last radical step in a long mandatory process for the patient, which involves months of pre-surgery preparation, working with a series of specialized doctors. Sexual reassignment surgery is a specialty that relatively few doctors perform.

Source : wiseGEEK-clear answers for common questions http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-reconstructive-surgery.htm

Reconstructive Surgery
Do you have a child who was born with a birth defect, such as cleft lip or palate? Are you a woman who has undergone a mastectomy? Or, perhaps you've experienced a traumatic injury or disease that has permanently affected some part of your body that you want fixed. Reconstructive surgery can help repair the part of your body that is affected from any of these issues. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 1 million reconstructive surgery procedures are performed each year. What Are the Different Types of Reconstructive Surgeries? If you can imagine how many injuries, birth defects, or disfigurement issues arise in our imperfect lives, there is a procedure that can help improve the problem, whatever it may be. These include: Breast reconstruction or reduction. These procedures are available for women who have undergone a mastectomy or for women who have abnormally large breasts that are causing back problems or other related health issues; men also undergo breast reduction.

Surgeries for feet and hands. This surgery is available for people affected by any number of maladies, including tumors (cancerous and non-cancerous); webbed toes or fingers; extra fingers or toes. People also can receive treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. Wound care. For individuals who have been severely burned or cut, skin grafts or other reconstructive techniques are available. Microsurgery or flap procedures. These surgeries can be performed to replace parts of the body affected by injury or disease, such as cancer. Facial surgeries. These can be performed to correct facial defects such as cleft lip, breathing problems, or chronic infections, such as those that affect the sinuses, or even snoring. How Will the Surgeon Evaluate My Case? Like your issue that you want corrected, your procedure will be very individual. Your surgeon will take a detailed medical history and evaluate your case based on your desired results and medical necessity. For example, do you have a traumatic burn that affects underlying muscles and impacts your mobility? Have you had cancer and require surgery to multiple body parts? He or she will evaluate the severity of your case and advise you on the available options. Like the procedures themselves, there are multiple surgical methods to achieve the desired results. Your surgeon will help you weigh all the options and the two of you can decide together which one best suits you. Will Insurance Cover Reconstructive Surgery? Unlike elective cosmetic procedures, most insurance carriers do cover reconstructive surgery. To be safe, be sure to have your surgeon write a letter and take photos detailing your case.

Source : WebMD-Better Information. Better Health. http://www.webmd.com/healthy-beauty/guide/reconstructive-surgery


In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, Mutilation of ones body has been clearly prohibited in Islam. Allah Almighty mentions in Surah al-Nisa the words of Shaytan, when he said: I will mislead them and I will order them to slit the ears of cattle, and to deface the (fair) natural creation of Allah. (4: 119) To deface the fair nature created by Allah, both physically and spiritually is what Shaytan likes and orders to practise. Sayyiduna Abd Allah ibn Masud (Allah be pleased with him) said: Allahs curse is on those women who practise tattooing and get themselves tattooed, and those who remove hair from their faces, and those who make space between their teeth artificially to beautify themselves. They are such that they change the nature and features created by Allah. Allahs Messenger also cursed such women. (Recorded by Imam al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim in their respective Sahih collections)

In view of the above, the jurists (fuqaha) have declared all types of mutilation to ones body to be unlawful (haram) unless when Shariah permits to do so, such as: circumcision, trimming the hair of the body, cutting the nails, etc or that which is considered an adornment for the body, such as: piercing the ears or the nose, etc. Cosmetic Surgery: Cosmetic surgery for the purpose of beautifying oneself is also (in light of the above explanation) impermissible. The body given to us by our creator is a trust (amanah), thus it is unlawful to tamper with it in any way. If one does so, one will be committing the sin of changing the nature created by Allah (taghyir khalq Allah). However, if there is a genuine need, for example, a particular organ of the body is severely deformed, the nose is damaged or a child is born with six fingers, etc, then to perform cosmetic surgery will become permissible. Imam Abu Dawud, Imam Nasai and Imam Tirmidhi (Allah have mercy on them) relate in their respective Sunan collections, that a Companion (sahabi) by the name of Arfajah ibn Aswad (Allah be pleased with him) had his nose damaged in the battle of kulab. He replaced it first with silver, and then with a nose made of gold, with the order and consent of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace). It is stated in al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya: If one intends to cut off an extra finger, it will be permissible as long as there is no fear of perishing. (4/114) It should be also remarked here that, if cosmetic surgery was carried out due to a genuine reason, then the ablution (wudu) and obligatory bath (ghusl) will be valid by letting the water flow on the surgical area, even though the water does not reach the actual body. (See: Raddal-Muhtar, 1/104) In conclusion, cosmetic and plastic surgery for the purpose of beautifying and adornment is impermissible. However, if there is a genuine need due to something being abnormal or deformed, then there is a dispensation of permissibility. And Allah Knows Best Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari Darul Iftaa, Leicester, UK Source: Central Mosque - http://www.central-mosque.com/fiqh/cosm.htm

Beauty is an Art and Imagination in the spirits of all human beings; it is not only for women but also for men. Some people seek for beauty for their partners, others for self-satisfaction and others for perfection. The plastic surgeries are the only way to acquire these needs. The studies showed that the rate of such surgeries had been increased by about eight times over the past ten years. The Reality of Cosmetic Surgery: By analytical Studies for Cosmetic Surgeries, the fat aspiration (liposuction) procedures are the most common wanted surgeries. In addition, other body contouring surgeries (like abdominoplasty, brachioplasty, breast surgeries ...etc), come in the second level for the common plastic surgeries all over the world. Chemical peeling, Nose-Reshaping (Rhinoplasty) and Ear-Reshaping (Otoplasty) are also common surgeries. These studies attribute the increase in demand for cosmetic surgery to several factors, including: increasing the proportion of older persons in the distribution of the population, rising incomes, as well as the new methods of plastic surgery that made it easier, safer and faster, prompting many to rush out without fear of pain or long recovery periods. So the Questions are, that cosmetic surgeries are frivolous or luxury or a real need for improvement organic and psychological status? And what are the opinions of cosmetic surgeons, what are the opinions of Islam scientists? Cosmetic Surgery specialist actually differs from the general surgeon, cosmetic surgeon deals with the following types of peoples who need: 1 - Cosmetic Surgeries: as reshape of nose and ear, and eyes, hair implantation, Obesity and excess skin in all over the body, breast or buttocks augmentation and reduction of huge male breast. 2 - Reconstructive Surgeries: as treating of congenital defects as cleft lip, rebuild wounded organs as hand, breast reconstruction after mastectomy, reform broken nose after an accident and removing the effects of skin distortions and scars of previous surgeries. 3 - Microscopic surgery: as re-implanting of amputated parties, tissue and muscle transfer, liver implantation, micro-vascular surgeries and peripheral nerve surgeries. 4 - Burns: as treatment of severe burns and late burn deformities and scars. However, there are many unnecessary plastic surgeries in love with only a change of form, and harmony with the model circulated by Hollywood or the media; as much talk about the female attempts to breathe like the lips of American actress Jane Smith and similar sports stars and other, which is in essence non-core are not connected with the concealment of defects, or to address problems in the body. These types of surgeries are common in Europe and America. In Egypt and Arab countries, the Cosmetic surgeries started to be public, especially after advancement in medical equipments and availability of well trained highly qualified Arab Plastic Surgeons, since eighties. The Acceptable Cosmetic Surgery: There are many conditions where plastic and cosmetic surgeries are acceptable. Allah Says in Quran: "We have created man in the best stature," and we have already mentioned that one of

the categories that describe plastic surgery is the reconstruction surgeries, and God created man in the best of creation, but as a result of certain conditions or certain diseases a part may lose its form or functions, and here plastic surgeon can reconstruct these parts to regain their natural forms and functions. The origin of humanity to be beautiful, and people took the wrong idea about the topic and entered in the subject of Halal and Haraam. The Qualified Plastic Surgeon should avoid religiously unacceptable surgeries. For example, if a person has a deviation or curvature of the nose, however, the origin of creature of the nose should be a natural harmonious, so, we can reshape his nose (Rhinoplasty). In this situation, we do not change anything in the created nose but we regain the original form. We deal with complaints, which may psychologically affect the patient or generate alienation from the others around him or from himself. So, we should solve these psychological problems before treatment of the patients' deformities. Anthropometric Studies have stated that every part of the face (nose, mouth and ear, eye, etc...) has proportional dimensions with the other facial features. For the majority of population, these proportions are fixed. However, some people have proportions that differ from the normal ones. For example, the nose occupies middle one fifth of the facial width and the middle one third of the facial height. If the dimensions of the human nose are beyond these proportions, this nose is abnormal and may cause psychological problems. Here, there is a true need to correct this dimensions to fit the normal proportions by nose reshaping. But, if the proportions of the nose are within the normal ranges, there is no need for cosmetic surgery. Some people consider the plastic surgeries are luxuries; however, it may be the meaning of life to others. For example, if a woman has small atrophied breasts that reduce her femininity and cause psychological problems?! Breast augmentation using an external prosthesis is the best way to regain her femininity and to solve her problem, why she can not do this operation?! The others do not consider it to be important, but for her, she may lose her husband and her life at all. On the contrary, if a woman has huge breasts, that cause back ache, she should think about breast reduction to get rid of pain. Therefore, the vast majority of patients have cosmetic complaints effective, except for few exceptions. As we have stated in advance of such operations religious and morally acceptable and there is no deviation from the Islamic beliefs. The patient comes to us named Abdullah, also came out Abdullah is not changed, but his deformities were corrected or modified. If we will change God's creation, we will remove the nose and put it somewhere else!! We do not think that people are generally opposed to these issues, but they are looking for reassurance; because they fear no man's land (Haraam). To say that plastic surgery is considered an interference in the trunks of creation, is to ignore the fact that the miraculous nature of creativity and begin the moment of fertilization and one cell to end after nine months of pregnancy to the thousands of billions of cells that have been developed to provide a wellthousands of jobs unique staggering, hence man's creation is only a fraction of universe beauty and creativity. The plastic surgery is to add a touch of beauty to one of these posts. We can not say that the use of air-conditioned is to interfere in God's creation. Therefore, Islam does not oppose the rights to make man-life more comfortable, productive and happy. Talk or Hadith of our Lord Mohammed bin Abdullah Allah bless him and peace says: "God loves a beautiful beauty."

Relations between plastic surgery and psychological treatment: This issue "Is cosmetic surgery Halal or Haraam?" "i.e. Is Cosmetic Surgery is religiously legal or illegal" of concern to both the cosmetic surgeon and the patient in order to verify that they do not conflict with Islamic beliefs as it relates to the human body. Recently, after spread of cosmetic surgeries in Islamic countries due to the propaganda in media and advanced medical technology, there have been opinions that reject these surgeries as they are not in conformity with Islamic beliefs as they change God's creation. Yet, as plastic surgeon, we can divide plastic surgeries into three categories: Section I: (more than 60%), what is so-called complementary, compensatory, or reconstructive surgeries. Section II: (approximately 30%), this group includes the patients who have changes that occur as a result of progress in life; such as obesity, tummy tucks, breast ptosis especially after pregnancy and lactation, here are forced to undertake the operation; in order to maintain the cohesion of the family and the regain of some of lost Fitness. Section III: (less than 10%), this group includes the patients who seek for just changes and there are no obvious deformities. Most of these patients are not treated by the plastic surgeons, but a psychiatrist. There is up to 5% - 10% of cosmetic surgeries which are religiously unacceptable; because their goals are only luxury and the tradition of the West. This type of cases we - as plastic surgeons - should face them with red card; where the patient comes with a model or an image and he wants to make him like its nose, mouth, or even eyes. In addition, gender transfer surgeries and conversion to the opposite sex (male to female and vice versa) is debatable issue. This problem is divided into two groups: - The first group that includes the patients who are suffering from hormonal imbalance in the genes level. The patient's sex could be determined easily by the laboratory tests that confirm that hormonal dominance is female hormones, or vice versa. In addition, the examination of the external genitalia, and the report of the scientific committee, which do not have an interest in this surgery, could help the surgeon to make the decision. - The second group which suffers from a moral and behavioral disorders, abnormal sexual problems, and rebellion of the values, customs and religion. This type of patients we can not deal with them, according to their whims. However, in Western countries these surgeries are not uncommon! Therefore, the relationship between the surgery to the body and the spirit, "if the plastic surgery are necessary to correct a deformity (congenital or accident), it is acceptable." The standards of beauty vary according to each region and race, but the logic of fashion and the anthropometry of western body, with pressure imposed by the media in the cinema and television to make the individual seek for more and more perfection, even if there are not of real benefit, so, self-awareness and the value of the spirit will be the key to get rid of this mirage. Islamic scientists' opinions:

- Sheikh Dr. Mohamed Salah said, in Huda Channel:

- Prof. Ali Alsoa / Professor of Jurisprudence: Amendment of creature to its original form is legally permissible; as this change is due to an abnormal incidence that interferes with the form and functions of this creature. As regard the gender transfer, organ transplantation, teeth implantation, hair transplantation, cornea transplantation, breast augmentation or reduction, nose reshaping and management of postburn deformities, Who can determine that such a needed thing or not? - Sheikh Gamal Kotb - Chairman of the Fatwa Committee of Al Azhar former: He has an opinion for cosmetic surgery that is" he opposed to the word cosmetic surgery because of congenital defects, and instead preferred to say, evaluate the surgery because of defects resulting from inborn error in the diet or because of a genetic factor resulting in an increased shortage of finger or toe or so. Sheikh Gamal has been identified the creature as the normal pattern for God's creation, which most people have, but the distortion occurs because of a defect. Islam does not prevent the enjoyment of human beauty; the Prophet Muhammad said: (God loves beauty beautiful). From religious aspect, there is no objection for reconstructive surgery; that the islamic beliefs agree with: "No Darr or Dirar" i.e. (we can do anything if it is legal and there is no harmful effect on mankind or others), where the return to normalcy and the origins of the creatures that God created people without an increase or a change of God's creation. He wonders: Is, with the development of technological and medical advances, it acceptable that we leave the disease and suffering by the patient or have a plastic surgery?! - While the Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Awadi - President of the Islamic Medical Association - stated that change of sex is not allowed totally in Islamic believes; as this may lead to confusion on the issue of inheritance. However, homosexual disorders should be corrected for dominant gender, but it is not allowed for normal man and these procedures are wrong and prohibited. However, cosmetic surgery in general is not entirely forbidden as long as the surgical procedure will not change anything from God's creation. In addition, all reconstructive surgical procedures should be done without any objection. As Regard the circumcision of girls, He said that It is regrettable that some of female circumcision is an Islamic obligation, and the Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him is the "Akhvdi not Tnehki" - i.e. little not total excision - It is the firm islamic believes that we do not allow it but if only it is a medical indication; to limit its malpractice, and protect women rights. - Sheikh Abdul Bari Elzimzmi - one of the most prominent Islamic scholars of Morocco - said: "cosmetic surgery has two indications: one is to seek for beauty to improve the human look, and the second dealing with the congenital defect and repair of the lesion on the body after accidents. The beauty of the good demand is categorically forbidden taboo; because of the work of the devil The steps and God said in Quran the people will follow the devil way and devil

said "I will mislead them, and I will create in them false desires; I will order them to slit the ears of cattle, and to deface the (fair) nature created by Allah". So, cosmetic surgery is prohibited even to animals. For these causes the Prophet prohibited any changes in features of the face if the indication is seeking for beauty. He - by Son of Masood - said, may Allah be pleased with him: "God's curse women, who extend her hair by using natural hair from other woman; who sell their hair; who remove eyebrow hair to make it thinner; who use tattoo; who make it; who widen spaces between front teeth and who seek for beauty, changing what God created. The beauty is permissible if the treatment of a congenital defects or correction of defects after an accident as burning with fire. - Sheikh Mohamed Hassan, Sheikh Mohamed Hussien Yaquop, Sheikh Mohamed El Areefe, Doctor Abd El Aziz Fawzan, Sheikh Mustafa El Adawy:

- Sheikh Sharawy, one of the most prominent Islamic Scientist of Egypt:

Islam's view of plastic surgery: Every living organism has the right to enjoy health. Man as one of those creatures may get sick, and as he is the best of creatures, he has the right to seek for health to be in the best condition to devote himself to religious duties. Therefore, it was necessary to clarify those Islamic provisions for the Muslim patient, the treating physician and everyone to be aware of them; in order to get convenience with them. Many of the Islamic religious provisions should be applied by a trusted doctor who can medicate the disease, and help the patient to get off his illness as soon as possible, to be ready to continue his normal life. However, there are diseases which are not medical organic disease, but affect Man health. These types of diseases affect mainly the psychological state of the patient. They include congenital defects, like someone who was born with a cleft lips or six finger in hand, or it may happen to man during his life, such as accidents and burns. They affect the patient by the psychological pain which may be more harmful than organic pain. With the advances in medicine in the modern era of surgery, it has been easy to eliminate these harmful psychological pains. Medical researches continue to reveal the secrets of the human body, and ways to ease and simplify the cosmetic surgery. This type of surgery is not a new phenomenon, but this type of surgery was widespread among Arabs and Muslims. Proof of this statement in the book "the history of medicine and pharmacology at the Arabs," on the subject of orthodontics: "If teeth grew abnormally; that make ugly look, especially with women and slaves, we try carving or extraction of these teeth" The purpose of medicine - one of two things: the conservation of health, and the second

treatment of diseases or their effects. Says Ezz Bin Abdulsalam: "medicine, such as Islamic law, designed to bring the interests of safety and wellness, and prevent the consequences of disease." Medication in the Islamic religion is lawful. That is not different as regard the cosmetic surgery. Leaving these defects in the human body affects the psychological state and causes pains. The Prophet - peace be upon him - stated the importance of medications to strengthen the hearts and souls, the narrated in his Sunan Ibn Maajah from the Hadith of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri said: The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him: "If you visit a patient, ask God for him a long life, this is not something, but which is a pleasure for the patient". In this type of very Sharif treatment, the treatment by words extends to the pleasure to regain the health, helping to eliminate the illness. But if there are distortions in the body, it causes the worry and sadness; because selves always tend to self-perfection. Summary and Conclusion: The medicine is developed to bring the interests of safety and wellness, and prevention of harm. Anthropometric Studies have stated that every part of the face (nose, mouth and ear, eye, etc...) has proportional dimensions with the other facial features. For the majority of population, these proportions are fixed. However, some people have proportions that differ from the normal ones. Cosmetic operations are divided into three types: Type I: This is necessary to correct congenital defects. This type includes patients with the proportions which are not within the normal ranges. Type II: This is necessary to correct and compensate defects in the body resulted from an accident during lifespan. Type III: Which is frivolous or luxury and is intended to excessive standards of beauty. This type is forbidden in the Hadith. Here, Cosmetic Surgery could be needed to the overcome first two types (I, II). However, type III is contrary to Islamic religious law. Source: Arabi Bellezza- http://www.elroubyegypt.com/it/islamic_opinion.html


Hadith - Bukhari 7:773, Narrated Ibn 'Abbas Allah's Apostle cursed those men who are in the similitude (assume the manners) of women and those women who are in the similitude (assume the manners) of men.

Tattoos, plucking eyebrows, cosmetic surgery, etc.

Hadith - Bukhari 7:815, Narrated 'Abdullah

Allah has cursed those women who practise tattooing and those who get themselves tattooed, and those who remove their face hairs, and those who create a space between their teeth artificially to look beautiful, and such women as change the features created by Allah. Why then should I not curse those whom the Prophet has cursed? And that is in Allah's Book, i.e. His Saying: "And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad ) gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it), and fear Allah." (59.7) Source: Muttaqun Online- http://muttaqun.com/women.html
Undergoing Plastic Surgery to Remove a Birthmark Islam denounces excess in beautifying oneself to the extent of altering one's physical features as created by Allah. The Quran considers such alterations as inspired by Satan, who will command them (his devotees) to change what Allah has created (An-Nisa: 119). If the plastic surgery to remove a birthmark will lead to extreme harm, then it should not be performed. If it is badly needed and no harm will be inflicted, then it may be performed to remove a greater evil. Responding to the above question, the prominent Muslim scholar, Zeinab Al-`Alawani, researcher at the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), Herndon, Virginia and instructor of Fiqh, School of Islamic Social Sciences, Leesburg, Virginia, states: "Your question can be answered through examining the considerations of individual and public interest and the objectives of Divine Law. The objectives of Divine Law are based on defining three different levels: essentials which deal with the preservation of life, religion, reason, progeny and property, and prevention of what could lead to hardship, but not to death or harm in the life of the individual or community. Finally, improvement and perfection are related to that which permits the improvement of either the spiritual or the material aspects of life. we need to carefully measure and calculate the advantages and disadvantages of this surgery. Additionally, we need to evaluate our purposes and test our reasons for taking this step. Then, if we find the disadvantages, Allah forbid, more or equal to the advantages, then the surgery is not allowed. This means that if the doctor shows any concern or if damage may occur during or after the surgery, it becomes absolutely invalid. Consequently, as long as the birthmark is not on her face, for example, there is no need to do it unless you think it will have a negative effect on her marital future." Fatawa Issuing Body : islam online Author/Scholar : Zeinab Al-`Alawani Date Of Issue : 27/Jun/2004

Source: Fatwa Management System (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia) http://infad.usim.edu.my/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=10691&mo de=thread&order=0&thold=0

Islam allows plastic surgery when it is needed: Lecturer

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN Thursday, May 19, 2011 ALTHOUGH there are slightly different points of view among scholars, there is a consensus that certain types of plastic surgery are Islamically lawful, while others are not, said a senior lecturer from the Faculty of Syariah and Law at Unissa yesterday. Dr Ayman Ali Abdelraouf Saleh explored plastic surgery from an Islamic perspective yesterday at the final day of the seminar on 'Contemporary issues in Syariah and law'. Noting that plastic surgery, including cosmetic plastic surgery, has become very popular, Dr Ayman Ali explored the stand of Syariah and Islamic fiqh on this matter, based on research by contemporary Muslim scholars over the past decade. His working paper briefly demonstrates the views of scholars so one can figure out whether a specific type of plastic surgery in a specific situation is lawful or not. He said despite its encouragement of the acts of beautification in general, Islam puts many restrictions on cosmetic surgery. "Viewed in the light of these restrictions, we found that it is unlawful to undergo plastic surgery without a genuine need for it," he added. Surgery is necessary and as a result, lawful when it aims mainly to enhance the performance of a part of the body, or to beautify it, provided that this part is disfigured, is shaped in an odd way or looks ugly to the extent that it draws the attention of others. Any other plastic surgery than this is Islamically unlawful, he said. Meanwhile, another lecturer from the same faculty, Dr Nurol Huda PDSMDSU Dr Hj Ismail presented a paper on violence against women particularly in relation to marriage. Her paper discussed on the causes of violence towards wives, types of violence and ways to overcome it. "Mukmin ( those who believe in Allah (SWT)) must know and understand Islamic law on marriage before entering into one. This knowledge is what will be practiced in the household," she said. "Marriage is a place for one to complete their faith.They must then work toward completing

the other half of their faith, by performing good deeds," she added. She said one needs to work towards getting close to Allah (SWT) and prevent oneself from engaging in matters that could lead to disputes. 'Marriage is a (trust). The husband and wife are entrusted to perform their responsibility. Both are leaders in the household according to their (duties)." She said a wife is one's companion and is a trust from Allah (SWT). "Evil starts from within. One must admit their mistakes and accept their partners' flaws," she said. "Work towards avoiding mistakes and vow to never repeat it, and always remember Allah (SWT)," Dr Nurol Huda said. The lecturer said there is a need to expand their knowledge on marriage and strengthen it by listening to and reading materials related to marriage and take the lessons from Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the righteous. Rasidah HABThe Brunei Times

Sorce: The Brunei Times- http://www.bt.com.bn/news-national/2011/05/19/islam-allowsplastic-surgery-when-it-needed-lecturer

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