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Secondary research medla Lrend

A sLudy by MlnLel (2011) shows LhaL Lelevlslon sLlll leads as Lhe mosL soughL afLer
medla Lype for adverLlslng cosL wlse 1here ls evldence Lo lllusLraLe LhaL Lhls Lrend
wlll conLlnue whllsL an observed decrease ln press adverLlslng leaves a quesLlon mark
on LhaL medla Lype Cn Lhe oLher hand Lhere has been a marked lncrease on
spendlng on lnLerneL and oLher dlglLal medla accounLs 1endency Lo use Lhose medla
lnLerchangeably also prevalls
A survey of 2000 adulLs showed LhaL free vlew channels whlch are onllne channels
noL requlrlng subscrlpLlon fee are vlewed predomlnanLly aL 61 followed by sky aL
40 and LerresLrlal channels aL 30 (MlnLel 2011)

Source 8A88 (2011)
CosL wlse 1v adverLlsemenL prlces deLermlned from l1v's prlclng sLrucLure
(MarkeLplace 2010) whereby adverL lmpacLs are dlrecLly relaLed Lo cosL

1he dlsLlncLlve advanLage mlx of radlo adverLlsemenL ls low cosL hlgh LargeLablllLy
and hlgh reach (SLraLeglc Medla 2011)


Source http]]wwwadambow|ecom]web|og]arch|ve]003047htm|

CuLdoor adverLlslng
Myadbasecom (2011) sLlpulaLes LhaL prlces for ouLdoor adverLlslng can range
beLween 2000 C8 for moblle ouLdoors on vehlcle Lo 7000 Lo 8000 C8 monLhly for
blllboards on hlgh sLreeL 1helr effecLlveness ls hlgher when Lhere are more ouLdoors
acLlvlLles aLLracLlng more people and Lhe locaLlon placed 4 mllllon people commuLe
Lhrough Lhe Lube everyday (8ALnC 2011)

lnLerneL / onllne
Accordlng Lo survey from Lhe offlce of naLlonal sLaLlsLlcs (2011) Lhe reach of lnLerneL
access ls now 77 of LoLal uk household 176 mllllon people use moblle phone
lnLerneL (lncrease by 43) lnLeresLlngly Lhe blggesL growLh of 71 from 44 ln Lhe
use of Lhls Lechnology was ln Lhe 16 Lo 24 age group where soclal neLworklng (face
book LwlLLer) was ldenLlfled as Lhe mosL popular acLlvlLy

Focus group
focus group was initiated to gather qualitative feedbacks about target audiences feelings and imperative reactions to
viewing the movie trailer. 8 students (five females, three males, age group 16 24 years old)

Some interesting insights included that all males viewed the trailer as being funny, were comfortable with the content and
wanted to know more about the movies. They would recommend the movie in a conversation either online or offline. Some
female were additional supportive of the concept whilst a smaller section was uncomfortable with the language and effects
therein to the extent of feeling mischievous to have indeed watched the trailer. They were embarrassed by beginning of the
advert. They were unsure about the possibility of creating an online buzz among friends. All the British based people were
conversant with the actor and agreed he was a major factor in selling the movie.

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