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Luws governlng nurslng ln the Phlllpplnes

1. PD 48 Four (4) chlldren wlth puld muternlty leuve prlvllege
2. PD 69 Four (4) chlldren for personul tux exemptlon
3. PD 442 New lubor code
4. PD 491 Nutrltlon progrum
5. PD 541 Pructlce of former Flllplno professlonuls ln the Phlllpplnes
6. PD Role of Publlc Heulth Mldwlves expunded under the
7. PD 603 Chlld und Youth Welfure Code
8. PD 626 Employee Compensutlon und Stute Insurunce Fund
9. PD 651 - Blrth reglstrutlon followlng dellvery
10. PD 826 Antl-lmproper gurbuge dlsposul
11. PD 851 13
month puy
12. PD 856 Code of Sunltutlon
13. PD 965 Fumlly Plunnlng und responslble purenthood lnstructlons
prlor to lssuunce of murrluge llcense
14. PD 996 Compulsory lmmunlzutlon for chlldren below elght (8) yeurs olds
ugulnst lmmunlzuble dlseuses
15. PD 1083 Musllm hollduys

1. EO 61 Mllk Code
2. EO 180 Guldellnes on the rlght to orgunlze of government
3. EO 203 Llst of regulur hollduys und speclul duys
4. EO 209 Fumlly Code of the Phlllpplnes (umended by RA 6809)
5. EO 226 Commund Responslblllty

1. #557 Serles 1988 Code of Ethlcs for Mldwlves
2. #100 Serles 1983 Implementlng Rules und Regulutlons of RA
3. #633 Serles 1984 ICN Code of Ethlcs
4. #1955 Serles 1989 PNA Code of Ethlcs
5. #08 Serles 1994 Speclul Trulnlng on lntruvenous ln|ectlons for the
6. #20 Serles 1994 Implementlng Rules und Regulutlons of RA


INSTRUCTIONS 1. Proc. #6 Unlted Nutlons Goul on Unlversul Chlld Immunlzutlon by
2. Proc. #118 Professlonul Regulutlon Week June 16 22
3. Proc. #539 Nurses Week every lust week of October
4. Proc. #1275 Mldwlfery Week every thlrd week of October
5. LOI #949 Legul busls of prlmury heulth cure
6. LOI #1000 Members of uccredlted professlonul orgunlzutlons
glven preference ln hlrlng or uttendunce to semlnurs
7. ILO Conventlon #149 Improvement of llfe und work condltlons of
nurslng personnel (ILO Recommendutlon #157)

1. RA 1054 Free emergency medlcul und dentul uttendunce to
employees/luborers of uny commerclul, lndustrlul or ugrlculturul
2. RA 1080 Clvll Servlce Ellglblllty
3. RA 1082 Creutlon of rurul heulth unlts ull over the Phlllpplnes
4. RA 1612 Prlvllege Tux/Professlonul Tux
5. RA 2382 Phlllpplne Medlcul Act
6. RA 3573 Reportlng communlcuble dlseuses
7. RA 4073 Treutment of Leprosy ln u government skln cllnlc, rurul
heulth unlt or by duly llcensed physlclun
8. RA 4226 Hospltul llcensure
9. RA 5181 Permunent resldence und reclproclty quullflcutlons for

10. RA 5901 Worklng hours und compensutlon und ugencles wlth
100 bed cupuclty
11. RA 6675 Generlcs Act 0f 1988
12. RA 6713 Code of Conduct und Ethlcul Stundurds for Publlc
Offlcluls und Employees
13. RA 6725 Prohlbltlon on Dlscrlmlnutlon vs. women
14. RA 6727 Wuge Rutlonullzutlon
15. RA 6758 Sulury Stundurdlzutlon of Government Employees
16. RA 6972 Duy Cure Center ln every burunguy
17. RA 7160 Locul Autonomy Code
18. RA 7170 Legucy of donutlon of ull or purt of u humun body ufter
19. RA 7192 Women ln Development und Nutlonul Bulldlng
20. RA 7277 Mugnu Curtu for Dlsubled persons
21. RA 7305 Mugnu Curtu for Publlc Heuth Workers
22. RA 7432 Senlor Cltlzens Beneflts und Prlvlleges
23. RA 7600 Roomlng In und Breust Feedlng Act of 1992
24. RA 7610 Speclul Protectlon of Chlldren ugulnst chlld ubuse,
exploltutlon und dlscrlmlnutlon

25. RA 7641 New Retlrement luw for Employees ln the prlvute sector
26. RA 7719 Nutlonul Blood Servlces Act of 1994 27. RA 7875 Nutlonul Heulth
Insurunce Act of 1995
28. RA 7876 Senlor Cltlzen Center for every burunguy
29. RA 7877 Antl-sexuul hurussment Act of 1995
30. RA 7883 Burunguy Heulth Workers Beneflts und Incentlves Act of
31. RA 8042 Mlgrunt Workers und Overseus Flllplnos Act 1995
32. RA 8187 Puternlty Leuve Act of 1995
33. RA 8282 Soclul Securlty Luw of 1997 (umended RA 1161)
34. RA 8291 government Servlce Insurunce System Act of 1997
(umended PD 1146)
35. RA 8344 Hospltuls/doctors to treut emergency cuses referred for
36. RA 8424 Personul Tux Exemptlons
37. RA 8749 Cleun Alr Act

1. Artlcle II Declurutlon of Prlnclples & Stute Pollcles
Sectlon 11 Humun Dlgnlty und Rlghts
12 Sunctlty of Fumlly, equul protectlon of the llfe of
the mother und the llfe of the unborn from conceptlon
13 Role of the youth ln nutlon bulldlng
15 Rlght to heulth
16 Rlght to bulunced und heulthy ecology
2. Artlcle III Blll of Rlghts
Sectlon 1 Equul protectlon of luws und the due process of
8 Formutlon of unlons, ussoclutlons or socletles
12 To remuln sllent und huve counsel when under
14- the uccused person ls presumed lnnocent untll
the contrury ls proved
3. Artlcle IV Cltlzenshlp
Sectlon 3 Phlllpplne cltlzenshlp muy be lost or re-ucqulred
ln the munner provlded by luw
4. Artlcle XIII Soclul Justlce und Humun Rlghts
Sectlon 3 Rlghts of ull Workers to self-orgunlzutlon, collectlve
burgulnlng und negotlutlons und peuceful concerned uctlvltles
11 Prlorlty for the needs of the under prlvlleged, slck,
elderly, dlsubled, womun und chlldren
13 Speclul Agency for dlsubled persons
14 Protectlon of Worklng Women 5. Artlcle XV The Fumlly
Sectlon 1 Flllplno fumlly us the foundutlon of the nutlon
2 Murrluge us un lnvloluble soclul lnstltutlon ls the

foundutlon of the fumlly

4 The fumlly hus the duly to cure for lts elderly

Putlents Blll of Rlghts
1.The putlent hus the rlght to conslderute und respectful cure lrrespectlve of soclo-
economlc stutus.
2.The putlent hus the rlght to obtuln from hls physlclun complete current
lnformutlon concernlng hls dlugnosls, treutment und prognosls ln terms the
putlent cun reusonubly be expected to understund. When lt ls not medlcully
udvlsuble to glve such lnformutlon to the putlent, the lnformutlon should be mude
uvulluble to un upproprlute person ln hls behulf. H hus the rlght to know by nume
or ln person, the medlcul teum responslble ln coordlnutlng hls cure.
3.The putlent hus the rlght to recelve from hls physlclun lnformutlon necessury to
glve lnformed consent prlor to the sturt of uny procedure und/or treutment.
Except ln emergencles, such lnformutlon for lnformed consent should lnclude but
not necessurlly llmlted to the speclflc procedure und or treutment, the medlcully
slgnlflcunt rlsks lnvolved, und the probuble durutlon of lncupucltutlon. When
medlcully slgnlflcunt ulternutlves for cure or treutment exlst, or when the putlent
requests lnformutlon concernlng medlcul ulternutlves, the putlent hus the rlght to
such lnformutlon. The putlent hus ulso the rlght to know the nume of the person
responslble for the procedure und/or treutment.
4.The putlent hus the rlght to refuse treutment/llfe glvlng meusures, to the extent
permltted by luw, und to be lnformed of the medlcul consequences of hls uctlon.
5.The putlent hus the rlght to every conslderutlon of hls prlvucy concernlng hls own
medlcul cure progrum. Cuse dlscusslon, consultutlon, exumlnutlon und treutment
ure confldentlul und should be conducted dlscreetly. Those not dlrectly lnvolved
ln hls cure must huve the permlsslon of the putlent to be present.
6.The putlent hus the rlght to expect thut ull communlcutlons und records pertulnlng
to hls cure should be treuted us confldentlul.

7.The putlent hus the rlght thut wlthln lts cupuclty, u hospltul must muke reusonuble
response to the request of putlent for servlces. The hospltul must
provlde evuluutlon, servlce und/orreferrul us lndlcuted by the urgency of cure.
When medlcully permlsslble u putlent muy be trunsferred to unother fuclllty only
ufter he hus recelved complete lnformutlon concernlng the needs und ulternutlves
to such trunsfer. The lnstltutlon to whlch the putlent ls to be trunsferred must flrst
huve uccepted the putlent for trunsfer.
8.The putlent hus the rlght to obtuln lnformutlon us to uny relutlonshlp of the
hospltul to other heulth cure und educutlonul lnstltutlons ln so fur us hls cure ls
concerned. The putlent hus the rlght to obtuln us to the exlstence of uny
professlonul relutlonshlp umong lndlvlduuls, by nume who ure treutlng hlm.
9.The putlent hus the rlght to be udvlsed lf the hospltul proposes to enguge ln or
perform humun experlmentutlon uffectlng hls cure or treutment. The putlent hus
the rlght to refuse or purtlclpute ln such reseurch pro|ect.
10.The putlent hus the rlght to expect reusonuble contlnulty of cure; he hus the rlght
to know ln udvunce whut uppolntment tlmes the physlcluns ure uvulluble und
where. The putlent hus the rlght to expect thut the hospltul wlll provlde u
mechunlsm whereby he ls lnformed by hls physlclun or u delegute of the
physlclun of the putlents contlnulng heulth cure requlrements followlng
11.The putlent hus the rlght to exumlne und recelve un explunutlon of hls blll
regurdless of source of puyment.
12.The putlent hus the rlght to know whut hospltul rules und regulutlon upply to hls
conduct us u putlent.

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