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- Gnome cheat : L1, L1, R1, X, X, Atas

- Kuda sebagai peliharaan : Masukan cheat pada pilihan breed ketik L1, R1, X, Bulat, Kotak, R1, R1, X, X.

- Upgrade seluruhnya The Pet Emporium : Masukan cheat pada saat dalam permainan ketik Kanan, Bawah, Kanan, Atas, Kanan, Bawah, Kanan, Atas

- Semua motif : Pada saat permainan berlangsung ketik X, X, segitiga, Kotak, Kotak, D-Pad bawah, bawah, kiri, kanan, kanan.

- Membuka semua keturunan : Saat Anda memilih anjing atau kucing ketik D-Pad atas, atas, bawah, kiri, kiri, kanan, Bulat, x, x, segitiga.

- Membuka semua Objek : selama permainan ketik Segitiga, Bulat, Bulat, x, x, D-pad atas, atas, bawah, kiri, kiri, kanan

- Uang : Selama permainan ketik X, X, segitiga, Bulat, D-Pad atas, bawah, bawah, kiri, kanan, kiri

- Semua pakaian : Selama permainan ketik D-pad atas, atas, bawah, kanan, kiri, kanan, segitiga, Bulat, Kotak, Kotak. R1, L1, R2, RIGHT, LEFT, UP, CIRCLE, UP, RIGHT, L2 R2, SQUARE, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, X L2, CIRCLE, DOWN, LEFT, UP, 9,000 simlones (money) All Motives filled Unlock All Recipes All Objects Unlocked


pen game and your sims house and press x,circle,circle,x and it will apears box and then tipe: x,circle,L1,L2,x,triangle x,x,circle,L2,L1,x unlimited money kill neigborghs


Unlock the Cheat Gnome

Cheat code: Pause the game and enter L1, R1, Up, X, R2 Important note: You will need to activate the gnome before any of the cheats will work.

More info on the Gnome: The Gnome is a trophy that appears after the above code is entered. It looks like a statue and will appear on the lot near the mailbox.

The key to entering cheats in The Sims 2 on PS2 is to enter the Gnome cheat first, then to enter the other cheats. Once you have entered the cheats you would like to use, go up to the Gnome and activate it. It will then list the cheats you have entered and you can select which ones to activate.

All Motives Filled

Cheat code: Up, Circle, Up, Right, L2 Note: The All Motives Filled cheat requires the Cheat Gnome to be activated, then the code can be set into action by selecting the Gnome and then selecting this cheat.

Unlock All Recipes

Cheat code: R2, Square, Up, Down, Right, X Note: The Unlock All Recipes cheat requires the Cheat Gnome to be activated, then the code can be set into action by selecting the Gnome and then selecting this cheat.

Unlock All Clothing

Cheat code: Square, R2, Down, Right, Square Note: The Unlock All Clothing and Fashions cheat requires the Cheat Gnome to be activated, then the code can be set into action by selecting the Gnome and then selecting this cheat.

Unlock All Objects

Cheat code: L2, Circle, Down, Left, Up Note: The Unlock All Objects cheat requires the Cheat Gnome to be activated, then the code can be set into action by selecting the Gnome and then selecting this cheat.

Horn Audio

Cheat code: R1, L1, R1, L1, Triangle Note: The Horn Audio cheat requires the Cheat Gnome to be activated, then the code can be set into action by selecting the Gnome and then selecting this cheat.

Unlock All Lots / Locations

Cheat code: Circle, L2, Left, Circle, Up, Circle

Note: The Unlock All Lots and Locations cheat requires the Cheat Gnome to be activated, then the code can be set into action by selecting the Gnome and then selecting this cheat.

Advance Clock 6 Hours

Cheat code: Circle, Square, L1, Up, Down Note: The Advance Clock 6 Hours cheat requires the Cheat Gnome to be activated, then the code can be set into action by selecting the Gnome...

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