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Dpenses de calories durant une activit d'une heure pour un individu de poids moyen de 70kg Faire de la course pied:

: 1000 Calories Faire de la natation 25m/min: 360 Calories Faire de la marche pied 3km/h: 170 Calories Faire du vlo 16km/k: 350 Calories Faire du football: 870 Calories Faire du basketball: 410 Calories Faire du handball: 720 Calories Faire du tennis: 450 Calories Faire du tennis de table: 310 Calories Faire de la musculation: 330 Calories Faire du yoga: 250 Calories Faire du golf: 270 Calories Faire les courses: 240 Calories Faire l'amour pendant 15 minutes: 70 Calories L'apport quotidient varie selon l'age, la dpense physique et le sexe. Pour une personne moyennement active, par jour: -2000 Kcal pour une femme -2200 Kcal pour une femme enceinte -2500 Kcal pour un homme -2700 Kcal pour un adolescent Noix de cajou 612 Olives noires 326 Olives vertes 123 Pistaches 617 Rillettes de saumon 320 Moules 70 Poulpe 61 Poissons (pour 100 g) Aiglefin Anchois Anguille Anguille fume Araigne de mer Bar Barbue Baudroie ou lotte Brme Brochet Cabillaud ou morue Calmar Carpe d'levage Carpe sauvage Carrelet Caviar Colin ou merlu Congre Daurade Eglefin Encornet Eperlan Espadon Esturgeon Fltan Gardon Goujon Grondin Haddock Hareng

Hareng frais Hareng fum Lamproie Lanon ou quille Lieu Limande Lotte ou baudroie Maquereau (conserve) Maquereau frais Merlan Merlu ou colin Mrou Morue Morue sale Morue sche Mulet Murne Oeufs de lump Oeufs de poissons Omble ou ombre Ormeaux Pagre Perche Pieuvre Plie Poissons l'huile Poissons demi-gras Poissons fums Poissons gras Poissons maigres Poissons pans Poissons schs Raie Rascasse Requin Rollmops Rouget-barbet Rouget-grondin Roussette Saint-Jacques Saint-Pierre Sandre Sardines l huile Sardines fraches Saumon (conserve) Saumon frais Saumon fum Saumonette Silure Sole Soupe de Poissons (1 louche) Sprats Tanche Thon l huile Thon au naturel Thon frais Truite Truite saumonne Turbot Turbotin

71 Calories 160 Calories 250 Calories 305 Calories 95 Calories 90 Calories 117 Calories 79 Calories 100 Calories 78 Calories 79 Calories 89 Calories 90 Calories 145 Calories 65 Calories 275 Calories 92 Calories 110 Calories 77 Calories 71 Calories 89 Calories 78 Calories 116 Calories 125 Calories 117 Calories 112 Calories 62 Calories 95 Calories 103 Calories 200 Calories 149 Calories 200 Calories 177 Calories 79 Calories 90 Calories 78 Calories 79 Calories 205 Calories 128 Calories 90 Calories 92 Calories 225 Calories 79 Calories 163 Calories 322 Calories 151 Calories 176 Calories 80 Calories 225 Calories 123 Calories 92 Calories 77 Calories 112 Calories 61 Calories 65 Calories 325 Calories 120 Calories 265 Calories 180 Calories 75 Calories

175 Calories 320 Calories 89 Calories 98 Calories 106 Calories 224 Calories 148 Calories 95 Calories 106 Calories 74 Calories 74 Calories 112 Calories 125 Calories 77 Calories 170 Calories 200 Calories 265 Calories 106 Calories 250 Calories 78 Calories 90 Calories 160 Calories 75 Calories 280 Calories 225 Calories 225 Calories 103 Calories 151 Calories 118 Calories 118 Calories Viandes (pour 100 g) Abats Abats en sauce Agneau Agneau (cervelle) Agneau (ctelettes) Agneau (paule) Agneau (foie) Agneau (gigot) Agneau (langue) Agneau (rognon) Agneau (selle) Aiguillette de boeuf Aloyau de boeuf Aloyau de veau Andouille Andouillette Bacon Bavette (boeuf) Bifteck de boeuf Bifteck de cheval Boeuf Boeuf (aiguillette) Boeuf (aloyau) Boeuf (araigne) Boeuf (bavette) Boeuf (cervelle) Boeuf (coeur) Boeuf (corned-beef)

Boeuf (cte) Boeuf (culotte) Boeuf (chine) Boeuf (entrecte) Boeuf (paule) Boeuf (faux-filet) Boeuf (filet) Boeuf (foie) Boeuf (gte) Boeuf (hampe) Boeuf (langue) Boeuf (macreuse) Boeuf (noix) Boeuf (onglet) Boeuf (paleron) Boeuf (palette) Boeuf (plates ctes) Boeuf (rognon) Boeuf (rond de gte) Boeuf (rosbif) Boeuf (rumsteack) Boeuf (tendron) Boeuf (tournedos) Boeuf (tripes) Caille Carr de porc Carr de veau Cerf Cervelas Cervelle Chair saucisse Charcuterie Cheval Chevreau Chevreuil Coeur Corned-beef Cte de boeuf Ctelettes d agneau Ctes de mouton Ctes de porc Ctes de veau Culotte de boeuf Culotte de veau Dinde Echine de boeuf Echine de porc Escalope de veau Faux-filet (boeuf) Foie Foie gras Fromage de tte Grenouille (cuisses) Hamburger Hot-dog (unit) Jambon cru Jambon cuit Jambon de Paris Jambon fum Jambonneau

Jarret de veau Langue Lapin de garenne Lapin domestique Lard fum Lard Livre Macreuse (boeuf) Marcassin Merguez Moelle Mortadelle Mousse de foie Mouton Mouton (cervelle) Mouton (coeur) Mouton (ctes) Mouton (paule) Mouton (filet) Mouton (foie) Mouton (gigot) Mouton (langue) Mouton (rognon) Mouton (selle) Museau de porc Noix de boeuf Noix de porc Noix de veau Pt de campagne Pt de foie Pt de tte Petit sal Pied de veau Poitrine de porc Porc Porc (carr) Porc (cervelle) Porc (coeur) Porc (ctes) Porc (chine) Porc (filet) Porc (foie) Porc (jambon fum) Porc (jambon) Porc (langue) Porc (lard fum) Porc (lard) Porc (noix) Porc (palette) Porc (pied) Porc (poitrine) Porc (rognons) Porc (rti) Porc (travers) Quasi de veau Rillettes Ris de veau Rognons Rond de gte Rosbif

Rti de porc Rti de veau Rumsteack (boeuf) Salami Sanglier Saucisses Saucisson Steack de boeuf Steack de cheval Tartare (steack) Tendron de boeuf Tte de veau Tournedos (boeuf) Travers de porc Tripes Veau Veau (aloyau) Veau (araigne) Veau (carr) Veau (cervelle) Veau (coeur) Veau (ctes) Veau (paule) Veau (foie) Veau (hampe) Veau (langue) Veau (longe) Veau (noix) Veau (onglet) Veau (pieds) Veau (quasi) Veau (ris) Veau (rognon) Veau (rti) Veau (tte) Veau jarret) 120 Calories 290 Calories 280 Calories 112 Calories 330 Calories 289 Calories 132 Calories 250 Calories 193 Calories 87 Calories 234 Calories 200 Calories 266 Calories 175 Calories 300 Calories 320 Calories 385 Calories 200 Calories 200 Calories 110 Calories 250 Calories 200 Calories 266 Calories 200 Calories

200 Calories 130 Calories 126 Calories 275 Calories 260 Calories 289 Calories 257 Calories 200 Calories 216 Calories 156 Calories 180 Calories 116 Calories 300 Calories 200 Calories 200 Calories 242 Calories 184 Calories 200 Calories 216 Calories 242 Calories 250 Calories 125 Calories 225 Calories 160 Calories 200 Calories 300 Calories 200 Calories 94 Calories 115 Calories 330 Calories 171 Calories 116 Calories 320 Calories 125 Calories 422 Calories 450 Calories 110 Calories 160 Calories 120 Calories 122 Calories 275 Calories 260 Calories 330 Calories 300 Calories 330 Calories 168 Calories 289 Calories 171 Calories 125 Calories 257 Calories 302 Calories 170 Calories 360 Calories 133 Calories 450 Calories 342 Calories 72 Calories 560 Calories 400 Calories 330 Calories

290 290 380 290 183 200 133 160 670 575 100 242 104 520 605 305 410 265 120 157 300 289 225 132 250 264 105 250 342 184 289 160 455 465 342 330 342 300 300 330 129 115 330 302 290 135 385 300 207 670 575 289 300 342 300 102 300 305 171 250

Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories

125 Calories 120 Calories 225 Calories 160 Calories 300 Calories 168 Calories 200 Calories 410 Calories 104 Calories 330 Calories 440 Calories 200 Calories 110 Calories 200 Calories 300 Calories 210 Calories 200 Calories 305 Calories 94 Calories 170 Calories 175 Calories 171 Calories 171 Calories 120 Calories 127 Calories 168 Calories 168 Calories 137 Calories 200 Calories 123 Calories 171 Calories 160 Calories 171 Calories 342 Calories 171 Calories 116 Calories 123 Calories 168 Calories 210 Calories 183 Calories Volailles (pour 100 g) Bcasse Canard Canard sauvage Dinde Dindonneau Faisan Grive Oie Perdreau Perdrix Pigeon Pintade Poule Poulet 115 Calories 250 Calories 126 Calories 260 Calories

260 106 120 350 115 115 108 108 300 150

Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories

Lgumes (pour 100 g) Artichaut Asperges Aubergine Avocat Avocat (1 petit) Bette ou blette Betterave rouge Bouillon de lgumes (1 louche) Brocolis Carde ou cardon Carotte Carotte (jus) Cleri (feuille) Cleri-rave Cpes Champignons Chanterelles Chicore frise Chou Chou brocolis Chou chinois Chou de Bruxelles Chou-fleur Chou-navet Chou-rave Chou-rouge Choucroute Citron Citron (jus) Citrouille Coeur de palmier Concombre Condiments Cornichons Courge Courgette Crme de lgumes (1 louche) Cresson Cresson (soupe) (1 louche) Echalottes Endive Epinards Fenouil Fve Fve sche Flageolets Gingembre Girolles

Haricot de Lima Haricot mange-tout Haricot mungo Haricot sec (cru) Haricot sec (cuit) Haricot vert Laitue Lgumes secs Lgumes verts Lentilles Lentilles (soupe) (1 louche) Macdoine de lgumes Mche Mas (conserve) Mas (grain) Manioc (racine) Morilles Navet Oignons Oignons (soupe) (1 louche) Palmier (coeur) Panais Patate douce Petits pois Pissenlit Poireau Pois (petits pois) Pois casss Pois casss (soupe) (1 louche) Pois chiche Pois secs Poivron Pomme de terre Pomme de terre (chips) Pomme de terre (flocons) Pomme de terre (frites) Pomme de terre (pure) Potiron Pourpier (feuille) Pousses de bambou Radis Romaine Rutabaga Salade verte Salsifis Scarole Ttragone Tomate Tomate (concentr) Tomate (jus) Tomate (sauce) Topinambour Truffe frache 40 Calories 26 Calories 29 Calories 200 Calories 425 Calories 33 Calories 40 Calories 30 Calories

34 Calories 33 Calories 38 Calories 24 Calories 20 Calories 44 Calories 28 Calories 28 Calories 28 Calories 20 Calories 28 Calories 34 Calories 12 Calories 54 Calories 30 Calories 34 Calories 40 Calories 36 Calories 27 Calories 40 Calories 32 Calories 30 Calories 56 Calories 13 Calories 0 Calories 13 Calories 30 Calories 30 Calories 200 Calories 20 Calories 120 Calories 75 Calories 20 Calories 25 Calories 20 Calories 117 Calories 345 Calories 120 Calories 61 Calories 28 Calories 330 Calories 40 Calories 344 Calories 330 Calories 120 Calories 40 Calories 18 Calories 330 Calories 47 Calories 338 Calories 360 Calories 72 Calories 36 Calories 140 Calories 356 Calories 140 Calories 28 Calories 35 Calories 46 Calories 90 Calories

56 Calories 74 Calories 110 Calories 70 Calories 48 Calories 42 Calories 70 Calories 356 Calories 380 Calories 360 Calories 330 Calories 22 Calories 90 Calories 570 Calories 357 Calories 420 Calories 95 Calories 30 Calories 15 Calories 35 Calories 20 Calories 18 Calories 34 Calories 18 Calories 77 Calories 25 Calories 25 Calories 20 Calories 90 Calories 16 Calories 120 Calories 78 Calories 92 Calories Fruits (pour 100 g) Abricot frais Abricot jus Abricots secs Airelle Amande (unit) Amandes Ananas (conserve) Ananas frais Ananas jus Banane Banane plantain Banane sche Brugnons Cassis Cerises Chtaignes Clmentines Coco (lait) Coco (noix frache) Coco (noix sche) Coing Compotes Dattes Dattes "Deglet Nour" Figue

Figue sche Fraises Framboises Framboise (jus) Fruit de la passion Fruits (compote) Fruits (jus 100%) Fruits (nectars) Fruits au sirop Fruits confits Fruits secs Gele de fruits Goyave Grenade Groseilles Igname Jujube Jus de fruit 100% Kaki Kiwi Limette Litchis Macdoine de fruits Mandarine Mangue Marrons Marrons (crme) Marrons (pure) Marrons glacs Melon Mirabelles Mousserons Mres Myrtilles Nectars de fruits Nfles Noisette (unit) Noisettes Noix Noix (unit) Noix de cajou Noix de coco Orange Orange jus Pamplemousse Pamplemousse jus Papaye Pastque Pche Pche (jus) Pches au sirop Poire Poire (jus) Pomme Pomme (jus) Prune Prune (jus) Pruneaux Quetsches Raisin

Raisin jus Raisins secs Rhubarbe 60 Calories 272 Calories 25 Calories 10 Calories 634 Calories 96 Calories 51 Calories 54 Calories 90 Calories 126 Calories 290 Calories 64 Calories 60 Calories 77 Calories 211 Calories 40 Calories 20 Calories 371 Calories 594 Calories 32 Calories 100 Calories 306 Calories 311 Calories 80 Calories 270 Calories 36 Calories 40 Calories 44 Calories 100 Calories 100 Calories 48 Calories 70 Calories 100 Calories 380 Calories 300 Calories 280 Calories 60 Calories 64 Calories 30 Calories 100 Calories 135 Calories 48 Calories 63 Calories 53 Calories 51 Calories 68 Calories 100 Calories 40 Calories 62 Calories 211 Calories 298 Calories 211 Calories 305 Calories 31 Calories 58 Calories 28 Calories 57 Calories

45 Calories

16 Calories 70 Calories 97 Calories 10 Calories 656 Calories 660 Calories 20 Calories 612 Calories 371 Calories 40 Calories 42 Calories 40 Calories 42 Calories 44 Calories 30 Calories 47 Calories 52 Calories 70 Calories 61 Calories 60 Calories 52 Calories 47 Calories 56 Calories 68 Calories 290 Calories 56 Calories 81 Calories 76 Calories 324 Calories 16 Calories Produits laitiers (pour 100 g) Babybel Beaufort Beurre Beurre (1 noix) Beurre allg Beurre sal Bleus Bonbel Boursault Boursin Brie Camembert Cantal Carr de l'Est Chavignols Cheddar Chvre Comt Coulommiers Crme de gruyre Crme frache Crme frache (1 c. soupe) Crottins (fromage) Demi-sel Edam Emmenthal Fromage blanc 0% aux fruits Fromage blanc 0% MG

Fromage blanc 20% MG Fromage blanc 40% MG Gorgonzola Gouda Gruyre Hollande Kfir Lait 1/2 crm Lait concentr Lait concentr sucr Lait crm Lait crm (poudre) Lait entier Lait entier (poudre) Margarine (1 noix) Margarine Maroilles Mimolette Morbier Mozzarelle Munster Parmesan Pav d Auge Petit-suisse (40 %) Petit-suisse (60 %) Pont-Lvque Port-salut Pyrnes Reblochon Roquefort Rouy Saint-Florentin Saint-Marcellin Saint-Nectaire Saint-Paulin Tartare (portion 20 g) Tomme Yaourt 0% (unit) Yaourt 0% sucr Yaourt aromatis Yaourt au chocolat Yaourt aux fruits Yaourt nature (unit) 335 Calories 396 Calories 760 Calories 70 Calories 410 Calories 760 Calories 410 Calories 353 Calories 354 Calories 414 Calories 263 Calories 312 Calories 386 Calories 362 Calories 330 Calories 382 Calories 330 Calories

396 Calories 278 Calories 280 Calories 300 Calories 60 Calories 80 Calories 174 Calories 353 Calories 415 Calories 80 Calories 44 Calories 80 Calories 116 Calories 405 Calories 353 Calories 392 Calories 353 Calories 44 Calories 49 Calories 130 Calories 330 Calories 34 Calories 375 Calories 65 Calories 482 Calories 75 Calories 755 Calories 420 Calories 344 Calories 300 Calories 332 Calories 320 Calories 393 Calories 300 Calories 146 Calories 236 Calories 300 Calories 362 Calories 365 Calories 354 Calories 405 Calories 362 Calories 312 Calories 228 Calories 354 Calories 365 Calories 69 Calories 354 Calories 44 Calories 80 Calories 120 Calories 140 Calories 100 Calories 55 Calories Matires grasses (pour 100 g) Arachide (huile) Beurre Beurre (1 noix) Beurre allg

Beurre sal Colza (huile) Graisse d'oie (1 cuil. soupe) Huile (1 c. soupe) Huile de paraffine Huiles Margarine Margarine (1 noisette) Olives (huile) Saindoux Soja (huile) Tournesol (huile) Vgtaline 900 Calories 760 Calories 70 Calories 410 Calories 760 Calories 900 Calories 180 Calories 100 Calories 0 Calories 900 Calories 755 Calories 75 Calories 900 Calories 850 Calories 900 Calories 900 Calories 900 Calories Fculents & Boulangerie (pour 100 g) Ptes cuites Ptes fraiches cuites Riz blanc cuit Riz basmati cuit Riz complet cuit Apple-pie Baguette (unit) Biscotte (unit) Biscottes Biscottes au gluten Biscottes sans sel Biscuits Biscuits pomme Regain Boudoirs Bretzel (unit) Brioche Chapelure Chausson (unit) Clafoutis (1 part) Congolais (unit) Crakers Craquelin (unit) Crpe nature (unit) Crpes orientales Croissant (unit) Croquants (unit) Ficelle (unit) Fondants

Friand (unit) Gteaux Gteaux sals Gteaux secs Gaufres Gaufrettes Gaufrettes fourres Gressins Macaron (unit) Macarons Madeleine (unit) Madeleines Massepain Mille-feuille (unit) Muffins (unit) Pain au chocolat (unit) Pain au lait (unit) Pain au raisin (unit) Pain azyme Pain bis Pain blanc Pain brioch Pain complet Pain d'pice Pain de mie Pain de seigle Pain de son Pain grill Pain viennois Ptes cuites Ptes fraiches cuites Petit-beurre (unit) Petit-beurre Pudding (1 part) Quatre-quarts Quiche (unit) Sabls Sandwich (gruyre) Sandwich (jambon) Sandwich (rillettes) Sandwich (saucisson) Sandwich (thon) Sandwich (viande) Tarte (1 part) Triscottes 90 Calories 84 Calories 90 Calories 90 Calories 98 Calories 300 Calories 510 Calories 39 Calories 390 Calories 406 Calories 390 Calories 400 Calories 470 Calories 388 Calories 80 Calories 386 Calories

382 Calories 300 Calories 270 Calories 130 Calories 360 Calories 100 Calories 40 Calories 345 Calories 180 Calories 218 Calories 382 Calories 380 Calories 370 Calories 465 Calories 510 Calories 420 Calories 400 Calories 368 Calories 523 Calories 350 Calories 120 Calories 452 Calories 95 Calories 490 Calories 550 Calories 320 Calories 150 Calories 280 Calories 120 Calories 270 Calories 255 Calories 255 Calories 255 Calories 267 Calories 230 Calories 350 Calories 284 Calories 241 Calories 257 Calories 416 Calories 258 Calories 90 Calories 84 Calories 35 Calories 420 Calories 360 Calories 400 Calories 340 Calories 460 Calories 480 Calories 430 Calories 580 Calories 530 Calories 450 Calories 450 Calories 360 Calories 390 Calories http://les.calories.free.fr/ http://www.musculaction.com/table-calories.htm

http://www.thecaloriecounter.com/Foods/900/9040/Food.aspx APRICOTS, RAW 3 APRCOT 0 50 12 1 0 106 0 http://www.ntwrks.com/~mikev/chart1.html BANANAS, SLICED 1 CUP 1 140 35 2 0 150 0.3 A sedentary 30 year old female, who weighs 140 pounds and who is 64 inches tall would need to consume 1700 calories a day in order to maintain their weight. As above to gain weight they would need to consume more calories in foods and less if they wanted to lose weight. A female of the same age who exercised lightly (1-3 times a week) who also weigh ed 140 pounds and who is 64 inches tall would need to consume 1947 calories a da y to maintain their current weight. Now here is a list of calories in foods that most people can expect to find in t heir daily diet so you can begin to see how many calories you may consume and th en use the above to grasp a rough idea of how many calories you should be consum ing in order to maintain your weight. Brewed coffee with 2tbsp whole milk - 20 calories Cappuccino with whole milk - 73 calories Cup of tea with milk and sugar - 2 calories Hot chocolate with whole milk - 226 calories Cup of cola (8fl oz.) - 88 calories Orange (8.7 fl oz.) - 119 calories Regular beer (8fl oz.) - 102 calories BLT sandwich - 550 calories Bowl of cornflakes (0.7oz) - 76 calories Plain salted potato chips/crisps (1 oz.) - 155 calories Hamburger roll or hotdog bun (1oz) - 84 calories Corn bread (2.1 oz.) - 188 calories Mars chocolate bar - 441 calories Ham and cheese burrito (3.5oz) - 212 calories Frozen lasagne (10.5oz) - 377 calories Spaghetti with meat sauce (10 oz.) - 255 calories Small banana - 72 calories Small apple with skin - 52 calories Fresh pasta salad (1/2 cup) - 197 calories Tuna salad(3oz) - 159 calories Drained boiled potatoes (1.2oz) - 21 calories Whole ripe tomato - 3 calories Mushrooms (0.2oz) - 2 calories Whole kernel yellow sweet corn, no salt or butter - 66 calories Chicken breast meat and skin (4oz) - 194 calories Lean half leg lamb shank roasted (4oz) - 203 calories Bacon breakfast strip (0.4oz) - 52 calories Lean sirloin steak pan fried (4oz) - 269 calories Cheeseburger (8.3oz) - 450 calories Hot dog (6.4oz) - 464 calories Pepperoni 6 inch pizza (8.6oz) - 660 calories Oranges come in a number of different varieties and sizes and are full of vitami n C and also a good source of sodium. Please see below for calories in an orange : Calories in orange - Small orange 3.4oz - There are 45 calories in a small orang e Calories in orange - Medium orange 4.6oz - There are 62 calories in a medium ora nge

Calories in orange - Large orange 6.5oz - There are 86 calories in a large orang e The above examples of calories in orange are for a general fresh orange that has been peeled.

How many calories in grapes? Grapes come in a number of forms, red or green, seeded or seedless and they are a brilliant source of energy. They help to build the body and also the blood and their alkaline value helps to neutralise uric acid that will benefit the kidney s, part of the help it gives to the blood is preventing clots. Although both gre en and red grapes taste wonderful the red ones are those that offer more vital n utrients. If you eat these on a daily basis your heart will be aided by the anth ocyanins, flavanoids and rescveratrol that they hold. Please see below for calor ies in grapes, these are the red or green seedless variety that the calories in grapes are based upon: Calories in grapes - 10 grapes weighing 1.7oz have 34 calories How many calories in watermelon? Continuing with calories in fruit we come to the watermelon which is a delicious fruit made up of over 90% of water. It is packed with many useful vitamins and minerals that assist the body in producing energy. The watermelon is notorious f or being full of beta-carotene, vitamins C and B5, folic acid, calcium magnesium , sodium, potassium and also phosphorus. The watermelon is also full of antioxid ants and is believed to be useful in preventing heart disease, the risk of cance r and also erectile dysfunction. More inforamtion on our how many calories are i n watermelon page. How many calories in pineapple? The pineapple fruit is a very popular for it's succulent sweet taste and it's ve rsatility to be included also in savory dishes. But 'how many calories in pineap ple?' is a question asked by many and one that is answered below. Pineapple has vitamins, minerals, fiber and enzymes that are good for your digestive system an d helps in maintaining ideal weight and balanced nutrition. Pineapples are a goo d source of vitamin C and can be eaten raw or used in cooking. Pineapple has min imal fat and sodium with no-cholesterol. The pineapple also has medicinal benefi ts with the micronutrients that it holds being believed to be beneficial in prev enting blood clots and aiding good circulation. Pineapple contains certain enzymes called Bromelain which blocks the production of kinins that form when there is inflammation. Tests have shown that this block ing property of Bromelain in pineapple helps reduce swelling brought about by ar thritis, gout, sore throat as well as acute sinusitis. Furthermore it is believe d that this can accelerate the healing of wounds due to injury or surgery. To he lp in reducing inflammation it is adviseable to eat pineapple in between meals. If it is eaten during or after mealtimes, the enzymes will be utilized for diges ting food. For information on how many calories in pineapple please see below. In a cup of pineapple chunks that weigh 5.8oz there are 83 calories in pineapple In 100g of pineapple there are 50 calories in pineapple The calories in pineapple shown above are for raw pineapple. How many calories in strawberries? This popular and tasty fruit contain several nutrients, most notably a high cont ent of vitamin C. Other benefits of eating strawberries are the high levels of a ntioxidants and phytonutrients that they contain, these help fight off the signs of aging. As you will see as far a calories in fruit go, strawberries have a lo w calorie content. Strawberries also provide an excellent source of vitamin K, m anganese, and also folic acid, potassium, riboflavin, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, co

pper, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Please see below for information on ho w many calories in strawberries: How many calories in a small strawberry? There are 2 calories in a small strawberry weighing 0.2oz How many calories in a medium strawberry? There are 4 calories in a small strawberry weighing 0.4oz How many calories in a large strawberry? There are 6 calories in a small strawberry weighing 0.6oz How many calories in an extra-large strawberry? There are 9 calories in a small strawberry weighing 1.0oz In a cup of strawberries weighing 5.1oz there are 46 calories. In an 8oz cup of pureed strawberry there are 72 calories. The calories in strawberries shown above are for raw strawberries. How many calories in a peach? Peaches are one of the most mouthwatering fruits that there are, but how many ca lories in a peach? Before we provide you with the information you require on cal ories in peach we will briefly discuss some of the other health benefits that ea ting peaches can bring. Peaches are known to regulate blood pressure and help in the treatment of gastritis, acidosis, asthma and nephritis as well as keeping y ou regular by assisting with digestive transit. Peaches are believed to aid skin health and increasing the color in your complexion, you heard carrots help you see in the dark well peaches help you look good! It is always advisable to keep the skin on when you eat a peach because the vitamins and minerals are found pri marily in the skin. Peaches hold a high vitamin C content as well as many other antioxidants. Please see below for information on how many calories in peach: Small peach 2.8oz - There are 31 calories in a small peach Medium peach 3.5oz - There are 38 calories in a medium peach Large peach 5.5oz - There are 61 calories in a large peach In a cup of peach slices weighing 5oz there are 55 calories. In 100g of peach there are 39 calories in peach. The calories in peach shown above are for raw peach. We hope that the above information on how many calories in a banana and also the banana nutrition facts that we have provided you with has been useful, for more information on calories in foods please visit the other pages on our site. Ther e is much more to our site than finding out how many calories are in a banana.

How many calories in blueberries? There can be a great many benefits obtained from eating blueberries and these in clude anti-oxidants that assist in helping fight off the aging process. You will find vitamins A, B C and E in blueberries and these alone provide a plethora of benefits to the human body. Blueberries are known to prevent the effects of uri nary tract infection. One of the key positive aspects of eating blueberries are that they help keep your immune system strong due to the vitamins and minerals t hat they provide, the vitamins already mentioned and notably anthocyanin too. Se veral useful minerals such as anthocyanin, sodium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese prevent the degeneration of cells in the brain and thus are good for neurological disorders. Copper, sodium, fructose and aforementioned vi tamins help keep the body regular and therefore blueberries are very useful for the digestive system. See there is much more to blueberries than just the answer to how many calories in blueberries? Please now see below for details on calori es in blueberries: In a portion of 50 blueberries weighing 2.5oz there are 40 calories. In a 5oz cup of blueberries there are 80 calories in blueberries. In 100g of blueberries there are 57 calories in blueberries. The calories in blueberries shown above are for raw blueberries.

The above amounts of calories in fruits are approximations, obviously each fruit differs in size to another. Thank you for reading our page on calories in fruit. If you require more informa tion on calories in food in general please see our main page as well as our dedi cated pages to calories in banana and also calories in avocado. 110 g of watermelon flesh has 30 watermelon calories in Calories in an apple (112g): 53kcal Calories in an avocado pear (145g): 275kcal Calories in 100g of bananas Calories 95.0kcal Fruit Calories List Search: Fruit Calories (per piece) Carbs (grams) Water Content (%) Apple 95 25.1 85 Apricot 30 6.7 85 Avocado 150 2 60 Banana 107 26 75 Blackberry 1 0.2 85 Cherry 2.4 0.6 83 Clementine 24 5 66 Fig 10 2.4 24 Grape 3 0.9 82 Grapefruit 100 23 65 Kiwi 34 8 75 Lemon 20 3.4 85 Mango 40 9.5 80 Honeydew Melon (wedge) 36 9 90 Cantaloupe (wedge) 25 6 93 Nectarine 25 9 93 Olive 6.8 0.5 63 Orange 35 8.5 73 Peach 35 7 80 Pear 45 12 77 Pineapple 50 12 85 Plum 25 6 79 Prunes 9 2.2 37 Raisin 5 1.4 37 Raspberry 1.1 0.2 13 Strawberry 2.7 0.6 90 Tangerine 26 6 60 Tomato 9 2.2 93 Cherry Tomato 2 0.5 90 Fruit contains many vitamins and minerals and is part of a healthy Calorie Content in Popular Foods Search: Food Calories Bagel 140 Buttermilk Biscuit 281 White Bread (one slice) 96 Whole Grain Bread (one slice) Chocolate Cake 235 Cheeseburger 300 Potato Chips (handful) 160 French Fries (large serving) Chile Fries (medium serving)


539 370

Frozen Yogurt (1/2 cup) 117 Hamburger 250 Macaroni and Cheese 207 Mashed Potatoes 237 Fried Rice 500 Steak (3 oz) 158 Salsa 36 Scrambled Eggs 102 Spaghetti 109 Vegetable (per 100 grams cooked) Calories Carbs (grams) Water co ntent (%) Aspargus 26 1,5 90 Aubergine 15 2 90 Beetroot 38 9 82 Broccoli 32 1 90 1 average broccoli floret (11g) 3 Brussels spourts 40 3,5g 87 Cabbage average 24 2,4 93 Carrot 32 5 90 Cauliflower 32 2 91 Celery 8 1 95 Chicory 10 3 90 Courgette 20 2 93 Cucumber 10 1 97 Fennel 13 1,5 95 Gherkins 15 2,5 93 Gourd 12 1 90 Leek 22 2,5 92 Lettuce (average) 13 1,5 95 Marrow 10 1,6 95 Mushroom 15 0,5 93 Okra 30 2,5 88 Onion 35 3 92 One average red onion (150g) 49 2,3 90 Onion spring 23 2 88 Parsnip 60 10 78 Peppers red average 18 5 90 Potatoes 86 19 77 pumpkin 12 2 95 Radish 13 2 90 Spinach 23 1 92 Average sprout (10g) 4 88 Sprouts 43 4 88 Swede 22 2 96 Sweet corn 24 12 40 Tomatoes 18 2,2 93 Tomatoes cherry 17 0,5 90 Turnip 21 2 90 Watercress 21 0,5 90 Yam 110 30 65 Natural complex carbohydrate foods (100g - 3.5oz) Carbs (grams) Oat bran (raw) 66.2 Wheatgerm (crude) 51.8 Barley (pearled - raw) 28.2 Maize 77.7 Buckwheat 71.5 Cornmeal (whole-grain, Yellow) 73 Oatmeal 62 The food list below shows healthy sources of processed complex carbohydrates. Sources of complex carbohydrates (100g-3.5oz) Carbs (grams)

Pasta (corn - cooked) 27.9 Wholemeal macaroni (cooked) 26.5 Spaghetti (corn - cooked) 30.9 Brown rice (long grain- cooked) 23 Potatoes (boiled - cooked in skin) Whole-wheat breads 41.2 Granary bread 43.3 Rye Bread 48.3 Bagel plain 53.4 High fiber breakfast cereals 80 Porridge oats 62 All bran 80 Weetabix (whole grain biscuit) 82.8 Shredded Wheat (Spoon-size - Post) Crispbread (rye) 82.2 Muesli 77.8 Cassava (raw) 38.1 Yam (raw) 27.9 Oat Cookies (regular) 68.7 Peas (edible-podded, raw) 7.5 Beans (baked) 21.6 Lentils (boiled) 20.1



Aubergine (eggplant), raw, 3 oz (100g) 15 Alfalfa sprouts, raw, 3 oz (100g) 24 Artichoke Jerusalem, boiled, 3 oz (100g) Asparagus, boiled, 3 oz (100g) 22 4 Asparagus, canned, drained, 3 oz (100g) Bamboo shoots, canned, 3 oz (100g) 11 Beansprouts mung, raw, 3 oz (100g) 31 Beetroot, raw, 3 oz (100g) 36 4.6 Beetroot, boiled, 3 oz (100g) 46 9.5 Beetroot, pickled, drained, 3 oz (100g) Broccoli, green, boiled, 3 oz (100g) 24 Broccoli, green, raw, 3 oz (100g) 33 Broccoli, purple, boiled, 3 oz (100g) 19 Broccoli, purple, raw, 3 oz (100g) 35 Brussels Sprouts, boiled, 3 oz (100g) 35 Cabbage spring, boiled, 3 oz (100g) 18 Cabbage Chinese, raw, 3 oz (100g) 12 Cabbage red, boiled/steamed 3 oz (100g) Cabbage Savoy, boiled/steamedraw, 3 oz (100g) Cabbage, white or green raw, 3 oz (100g) Capsicum Pepper, green, raw 3 oz (100g) Capsicum Pepper, red, raw 3 oz (100g) 32 Carrots, old, boiled, 3 oz (100g) 24 Carrots, young, raw, 3 oz (100g) 30 Cassava chips, 3 oz (100g) 354 92 Cassava, steamed, 3 oz (100g) 142 37 Cauliflower, boiled, 3 oz (100g) 28 Celeriac, raw, 3 oz (100g) 18 2.3 Celery, raw, 3 oz (100g) 7 0.9 Corn, baby sweetcorn, boiled, 3 oz (100g) Corn kernels, canned, 3 oz (100g) 123 Corn kernels, raw 3 oz (100g) 93 17 Corn-on-cob, boiled, plain, 3 oz (100g) Courgette (Zucchini), raw, 3 oz (100g) 18 Curly Kale, raw, 3 oz (100g) 35 1.4 Cucumber, unpeeled, raw 3 oz (100g) 10 Chicory, raw, 3 oz (100g) 14 1

2.2 0.4 41 19 0.7 4 28 1.3 1.8 1.3 2.6 3.1 0.6 1 29 24 28 15 6.4 4.9 6 2.3 24 27 66 1.8 1.5

10.6 3


7 5 6 2.6

2.7 11.6

Eggplant (aubergine), raw, 3 oz (100g) 15 Endive (Escarole), 3 oz (100g) 11 2.8 Fennel, raw, 3 oz (100g) 12 1.8 Garlic, fresh, raw, 3 oz (100g) 98 Leeks, raw, 3 oz (100g) 22 2.9 Lettuce leaf, butterhead, raw, 3 oz (100g) Lettuce, cos, romaine, raw, 3 oz (100g) Lettuce, Iceberg, raw, 3 oz (100g) 13 Marrow, boiled, 3 oz (100g) 9 1.6 Mushrooms, common, raw, 3 oz (100g) 13 Potatoes, new, boiled/steamed, 3 oz (100g) Potatoes, old, boiled/steamed 3 oz (100g) Potatoes, roasted in oil, 3 oz (100g) 151 Potato, 1 medium baked (6.1 oz or 173g) 161 Okra, raw, 3 oz (100g) 31 3 Onions, raw, 3 oz (100g) 64 7.9 Parsnip, raw, 3 oz (100g) 64 12.5 Peas, frozen, raw, 3 oz (100g) 66 9.3 Peas, fresh, raw, 3 oz (100g) 83 11.3 Pumpkin, raw, 3 oz (100g) 13 2.2 Radish, red, raw, 3 oz (100g) 12 2 Spinach, raw, 3 oz (100g) 25 1.6 Squash, butternut, baked, 3 oz (100g) 32 Squash spaghetti, baked, 3 oz (100g) 75 Zucchini (Courgette), raw, 3 oz (100g) 18 Sweet potato, baked, 3 oz (100g) 115 Tomatoes, canned, & liquid, 3 oz (100g) Tomatoes cherry, raw, 3 oz (100g) 18 Tomatoes, ordinary, raw, 3 oz (100g) 17 Water chestnuts, canned, 3 oz (100g) 28 Watercress, raw, 3 oz (100g) 22 0.4 Yam, baked, 3 oz (100g) 153 37.5 Zucchini (Courgette), raw, 3 oz (100g) 18 1200 Calorie Diet Menu Plan Day One Breakfast 1 cup of fat free plain yogurt tbsp of honey cup of granola 12 ounces of coffee Total Calories: 441 Snack 1 Apple Total Calories: 81 Lunch

2.2 16 12 16 1.9 0.4 75 86 27 37 1.2 1.7

17 20

7.4 18 1.8 28 16 3 3 7 1.8

Sandwich 2 slices of whole grain bread 1 tsp of mustard as spread 2 slices of turkey cup of lettuce cup of almonds Total Calories: 364 Dinner 1 tilapia filet 1 tbsp of butter 2 cups of cooked zucchini and squash Total Calories: 330 Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Season the tilapia with salt, pepper, and 1 tbsp of butter. Wrap in foil and bake for about 40 minutes. Quarter the squash and zucchini and place into boiling water. Cover with a lid a nd let simmer. Boil squash for 45 minutes to an hour, when you can easily pierce the skin with a fork it s done. Season with salt and pepper. Total Daily Calories Day Two Breakfast 1 cup of oatmeal prepared with water 12 ounces of coffee Total Calories: 69 Snack 1 ounce (14 halves) of walnuts Total Calories: 185 calories Lunch Salad 1 cup of sliced avocado-235 calories 10 cherry tomatoes- 40 calories

tsp of olive oil- 60 calories cup of mozzarella cheese- 200 calories Salt and Pepper to taste Total Calories: 535 Mix avocado, cherry tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and olive together. Add salt an d pepper to your liking. Dinner Tuscan Chicken Salad (makes four servings) 1 15-ounce can of cannellini beans, rinsed and drained 2 1/2 cups diced cooked chicken breast 1 1/2 cups diced celery 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese 1 cup coarsely chopped fresh basil, Salt & freshly ground pepper to taste (optional) 2 cups torn escarole or romaine lettuce 2 cups torn radicchio leaves Vinaigrette: 1 medium clove garlic 1/4 teaspoon salt 5 tablespoons olive oil 1/4 cup white-wine vinegar or red-wine vinegar 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard Total Calories: 428 calories (per serving) To prepare vinaigrette: Peel the garlic and chop finely. Whisk in 5 tablespoons oil. Add vinegar and mustard; whisk until well blended. Season with salt and set aside. To prepare salad: Combine beans, chicken, celery, cheese in a large bowl until w ell blended. Add chopped basil and 3/4 cup vinaigrette; toss until combined. Tas te and season with salt and/or pepper, if desired. Add in salad greens at the en d to prevent wilting. Total Daily Calories: 1,217 Day Three Breakfast

3 scrambled egg whites raw, red pepper sliced on the side 12 ounces of coffee Total Calories- 82 Use a cooking spray when scrambling your eggs. Lunch Leftover Tuscan Chicken Salad Total: 428 Calories Snack Apple- 81 calories Dinner: Taco Night cup of black beans (drained and rinsed) 2 small flour tortillas 1 cup of shredded lettuce cup of feta cheese cup of salsa 1 cup of sliced avocado Total Calories: 697 Total Daily Calories: 1,207 Day Four Breakfast 1 cup of oatmeal prepared with water 12 ounces of coffee Total Calories: 69 Snack: cup of almonds Total Calories: 204 Lunch: Tuna Wrap

4 ounces tuna, packed in water 2 tbsp. of olive oil 1 cup of shredded carrots 1 cup sliced cucumbers 2 whole-grain tortillas Salt and Pepper to taste Total Calories: 400 Mix tuna and veggies with olive oil. Place filling into the tortillas and garnis h with salt and pepper. Dinner: Whole Grain Pasta with Creamy Ricotta 2 oz. whole-wheat spaghetti noodles 3/4 cup low-fat ricotta cheese 1 cup zucchini, chopped 1/2 cup fresh herbs: oregano basil and parsley Total Calories: 498 Cook the noodles in lightly salted water (check package for cooking times) Drain and return to the pot. Add the ricotta, zucchini, and fresh herbs to the pot. S tir until the pasta is thoroughly coated and let heat until everything is warm. Total Daily Calories: 1,171 Day Five Breakfast Slice of low-calorie bread 1 tbsp of peanut butter 1 apple 12 ounces of coffee Total Calories: 289 Lunch: Fancy Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Tomato and Turkey 2 slices whole grain bread 1 slice cheddar cheese 2 oz. sliced turkey

1 slice tomato Total Calories: 349 When grilling your sandwich make sure to use a low calorie cooking spray. Snack: 1 Orange Total Calories: 86 Dinner: Brown Rice Salad with Fresh Basil 1 cup brown rice -218 2 teaspoons kosher salt, divided 1/4 cup rice wine vinegar 2 tsp sugar - 32 1 tbsp olive oil -119 Pepper 2 large tomatoes, diced- 66 1 cup packed basil leaves, chopped Total Calories: 435 Bring 2 1/4 cups water to a boil and add the rice and 1 teaspoon of the salt. Re turn to a boil, cover, and simmer for 30 to 40 minutes, until the rice is tender and all the water is absorbed. Transfer the rice to a bowl. Whisk together the vinegar, sugar, olive oil, remaining teaspoon of salt, and a pinch of pepper. Pour the dressing over the rice. Add the tomatoes and basil. Mi x well and check the seasonings. Dessert: 2 squares of dark chocolate Total Calories: 44 Total Daily Calories: 1,203

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