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XtraReports Suite Main Features

Windows Forms and ASP.NET - XtraReports works both in Windows Forms projects and ASP .NET applications. You can create a single report and then use it in either of these two distinct platforms. Simple Class Structure - XtraReports classes persist in exactly the same way as your Windows .NET classes, so there is no need for convoluted external file types. XtraReports only needs standard code files, which makes deployment a breeze for you and your team. Full Visual Studio .NET Integration - The Report Designer is completely integrated into Visual Studio .NET - if you know the VS IDE, then you know the designer. XtraReports publishes directly into your .Net code; connects to your data in exactly the same way as you do in any Windows Forms application; supports VS.Net command menus and bars. The designer also contains design-time print and html previews, so you don't need to recompile your application to see any changes you've made. Standard .NET Data Objects. Supporting IList Interface, XML Data Objects - XtraReports works with all the data objects supported by Visual Studio .NET. Also it's possible to bind a report to XML data or to any data objects implementing the IList interface. Binding to Data Created at Runtime - XtraReports allows a data source to be created, filled with data and supplied to a report at runtime. Mail Merge - Through its embedded fields feature, the XtraReports truly supports mail merge. You can insert a data field name enclosed with brackets right into a label's text, and then these fields will be populated from a datasource when a document is created. A quick and easy way of data binding. Data Filtering - The flexible design of XtraReports allows data to be filtered at several levels - the data adapter, data set or data view levels. Data Grouping - Using grouping bands makes it really easy to implement grouping in XtraReports. Note that this advanced design allows you to implement both nested and multiple grouping. Full Set of Native Controls - There are a lot of native XtraReports controls: Label, Line, BarCode, CheckBox, PageInfo, Panel, PictureBox, PageBreak, Table, ZipCode, etc. Charts in the Box - A special version of the standalone XtraCharts product is included with XtraReports. This allows you to use the XRChart control in your reports without buying extra licenses. Enhanced RichText Control - With our new RichText control you're able to load its contents from the Rich Text Format, and then print or export them to any possible format (PDF, HTML, etc.) Subreports - You may reuse XtraReport classes in your own application by using a Subreport control. Just drop a subreport control, set its report source

property - and the two reports become one. Rich Band Types - The large number of band types available (10 in total) Detail Band, Group Header, Group Footer, Page Header, Page Footer, Top Margin, Bottom Margin, Report Header, Report Footer, and Detail Report band - mean that you can display controls in any part of any page with ease. True Master-Detail Support - A master-detail report can be created using just one report and a single datasource with native ADO.NET data relations. Just define a DataSet relation, add a Detail Report band that includes this relation - and that's it! Support for 3rd Party Windows Forms Controls - XtraReports allows you to use Windows Forms controls in almost the same way as usual report controls. For instance, at design time you can drag&drop them inside a report, and they will then be correctly rendered both at design time and runtime. Creating Custom Controls - XtraReports contains a base control class XRControl - which allows you to create custom controls of any complexity. Just derive your control from this base class and use the new control in your reports! Advanced End-User Designer - No reporting solution is truly complete without an end-User report designer. All the features available in the integrated VS.Net designer are also available in the XtraReports End-User designer. Field List - Drop fields from the Field List window onto the report to create a label (or any other report control) which is automatically bound to the appropriate field. Dropping such a field onto a cell in a table will bind the cell to the field as well. Report Explorer - To quickly navigate around a report use the Report Explorer controls navigation window. XtraReports Toolbar - This special toolbar is added to the MS Visual Studio IDE when installing XtraReports and it contains some default buttons for manipulating text. Event Support - Flexible event support allows you to create event handlers at the Report, Band and even Control levels, thus giving you full control over the report. For instance, you can change how the control is drawn via events. Previewing a Report on a Form - A report can be previewed not only in a separate window, but also in a control placed on a simple Windows Forms form. Advanced Styles - Styles let you control the entire look and feel of the report. You can even apply them conditionally to reflect certain states, for instance, even and odd styles for rows. XtraReports ships with an easy to use Style editor. Summary Support - It's extremely easy to create a summary for a textbox or table cell. You only need to set two properties: Summary position (group or report) and summary type (average, count, sum, minimum, maximum,

deviation, variance, etc.). In-Place Editing - The MS Visual Studio Properties window is not convenient for entering text. That is why XtraReports gives you the ability to change the Text property of textboxes, rich textboxes and table cells using in-place editing. Double-click on any of these controls to activate in-place editing. Rich Set of Exporting Formats - Export to PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, TXT, CSV and MS Excel formats. Also you can export your report to an image - BMP, EMF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, WMF file types. Importing - You can import your old reports from MS Access, Crystal Reports, or Data Dynamics Active Reports into XtraReports. Just use the Import verb in the report designer and a new XtraReport will be created based upon the imported report. Save and Load Layouts - XtraReports allows you to save and load layouts at both runtime and design time. Scripting - XtraReports lets you use C#, Visual Basic .NET and JScript .NET scripts in your report. Watermarks - A report can contain a collection of watermarks set either for all or only the specified report pages. Search in Preview - The preview window provides a search dialog giving end-users the ability search a report for specific text. Bookmarks - XtraReports supports bookmarks, which can make your report more professional and easy to navigate. This structure can also be exported along with the report to PDF, HTML and MHT file formats. Visual Inheritance - The design of XtraReports allows you to inherit from the XtraReport class and create your own reporting system with ease. Localization - Localization of every interface element. Report Wizard - A powerful and intelligent wizard, saves you from having to worry about the time-consuming process of customizing a report at design time. Simply run the wizard and get the report you want. Measurement - XtraReports supports both imperial (inches) and metric (centimeter) units of measurement.

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