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La colocacin de adverbios Lo primero que vamos a hacer es una clasificacin con los tipos de adverbios que hay y dnde

se colocan cada unos de ellos. Atencin: en espaol tenemos mucha ms libertad a la hora de colocar los adverbios, en ingls tenemos que seguir estas reglas. Despus y para que se nos quede bien vamos a hacer unos cuando ejercicios. Ya vereis como al final todo queda muy claro. 1.- Adverbio de modo Ejemplos: -carefully- cuidadosamente -honestly- sinceramente -quickly- rpidamente -silently- silenciosamente -happily- felizmente -quietly- calladamente -well- bien -badly- mal Lo colocamos detrs del verbo: -She eats badly. Ella come mal. Pero cuidado! Si la frase tiene complemento, obligatoriamente va detrs de ste. Nunca entre el verbo y el complemento. Ejemplo: - He eats the orange (complemento: the orange) quickly. l come la naranja rpidamente. Nota:La regla anterior vara si el complemento va precedido de una preposicin, ya que entonces el adverbio se puede colocar delante de la preposicin o detrs del complemento. Ejemplos: -She looks for her keys desperately. Ella busca las llaves desesperadamente. -She looks desperately for her keys. Ella busca desesperadamente sus llaves. Si el objeto es una oracin, el adverbio se suele colocar delante del verbo: -He carefully looks after all the children that live with him. l cuida a todos los nios que viven con l. 2.- Adverbios de lugar Ejemplos: -down-abajo -up- arriba -everywhere- en cualquier lugar -nowhere- en ningn lugar -here- aqu -there- alli -somewhere- en algn lugar -away- fuera -inside- dentro -upstairs- arriba

Los colocamos detrs del verbo (si no lleva complemento. Si lo lleva seguimos la regla que hemos puesto arriba) Ejemplo: -She went abroad. Ella sali al extranjero. Ejemplo con complemento: -She sent his son abroad. Envi a su hijo al extranjero. Si el complemento va precedido de una preposicin se coloca igualmente detrs de dicho complemento: -He went with his wife abroad. Fue al extranjero con su mujer. 3.- Adverbios de tiempo Ejemplos: -soon- pronto -lately-ltimamente -today-hoy -tomorrow- maana -yesterday- ayer -now- ahora -afterwards- despus -recently- recientemente -yet- todava, an, ya -still- todava, an Estos se pueden poner al principio o al final de la oracin: -Yesterday I played football -I played football yesterday. 4.- Adverbios de frequencia Ejemplos: -always-siempre -never- nunca -often- frecuentemente -frequently- frecuentemente -twice- dos veces -seldom- rara vez - once- una vez -sometimes- a veces -usually- generalmente Aqu tenemos que aprendernos una regla importantisima que nunca ya vamos a olvidar. Sabemos que el verbo "to be" es un verbo especial, por eso: a) Con verbos simples: a.1) Verbo "to be": detrs del verbo: -I am always at home. Siempre estoy en casa. a.2) Otros verbos: delante del verbo:

-I never answer the phone. Yo nunca contesto el telfono. b) Con verbos compuestos: detrs del auxiliar: -He has often travelled to France. l ha viajado frecuentemente a Francia. c) Con oraciones interrogativas: auxiliar+sujeto+adverbio -Do you play football often? Juegas frecuentemente al ftbol? d) Con oraciones negativas: detrs del auxiliar: -We haven't ever danced Rock & Roll. Nunca hemos bailado Rock & Roll. 5.- Adverbios de oracin Has oido hablar de estos adverbios? Puede, y lo ms seguro es que los hayas utilizado sin saber que se llamban asi.Matizan el sentido completo de la oracin. Expresan la opinin del emisor. Ejemplos: evidently, probably, apparently, clearly, certainly, naturally, luckily, officially... Regla general: pueden ir al principio o al final de la oracin (en ocasiones algunos de ellos tambin pueden ir en posiciones intermedias). -Evidently your computer is one of the most expensive in the market. Evidentemente tu ordenador es uno de los ms caros del mercado. -Your computer is one of the most expensive in the market, evidently. Tu ordenador es uno de los ms caros del mercado, evidentemente. -Naturally we can do whatever you want. Naturalmente podemos hacer todo lo que t quieras. -We can do whatever you want, naturally. Podemos hacer lo que t quieras, naturalmente. 6.- Adverbios de grado Ejemplos: -much- mucho -very- muy -quite- bastante -pretty- bastante -nearly- casi -rather- bastante -completely- completamente -rarely- rara vez -entirely- totalmente -almost-casi -extremely- extremadamente Estos se colocan delante del verbo, adverbio o adjetivo al que modifican. Si el verbo es compuesto se coloca detrs del auxiliar. Ejemplos: -He is completely crazy . l est completamente loco. -She plays golf quite well. Ella juega al golf bastante bien. -He almost died from cancer. l casi muri de cancer. -This couple have completely finished their relation. Esta pareja han acabado su relacin completamente.

EJERCICIOS Put the adverbs in the correct place in the sentence. Follow the example. Example: My computer has never made that noise before. (never) 1. Its not easy to get tickets. always 2. Why are youhere when I need you? never 3. My girlfriend cooks a hot meal for lunch. usually 4. Theyll expect us to take a bottle of wine. probably 5. McVities Plain Chocolate Digestive biscuits are the best. definitely 6. I have been so happy in my life. never 7. Do you clean your nose with your T-shirt? usually 8. I remember buying more beer. definitely 9. August is the hottest month in Spain. usually 10. I can manage to be there around three oclock. probably 11. Im terribly sorry, our dogs done that before. never 12. Yes, youre right. probably 13. Is the heating on? I feel cold in your house. always 14. You should say thank you when someone gives you something. always 15. Valencia are going to win on Sunday. Definitely

Put the words on the right into the correct position in each line of the story. More than one position may be possible. Follow the examples.

outside - still - even - quite - still - enough - hardly ever - carelessly - outside strangely - still - terribly Santis car stopped the restaurant at 10pm. He was wearing his work clothes which were dirty from a long day in the fish factory. He opened the door and didnt even look at me as he stood net to our table. It took a long time for someone to speak. I couldnt believe he had found us. Have you had to eat? he asked David. I saw panic in Davids eyes. He is lost for words, but now he just sat there. Santi took Davids napkin and threw it on the floor, Id like to speak to you David. said Santi. I felt relieved as both men left the restaurant and people around me started speaking again. I was worried and I felt guilty when I had seen the pain in Santis eyes.

both quietly never - enough curiously quite even finally freely still immediately Santi and David stood silently in the street, waiting for the other to speak. How long have you been seeing my wife? asked Santi, . About four months, replied David. Look Santi, I had any intention. Shut up! Dont you think youve done damage? cried Santi, causing late-night shoppers to look at the two men . David was surprised when Santi hit him. He didnt think Santi

would use violence. He thought that Santi might walk away and say nothing. ,When Maria left the restaurant , she saw David on the floor. Blood was running from his nose and onto his white shirt. Santi was standing there, his body shaking with anger. Almost I took Santis hand and pulled him away. We road, the engine walked to his car that he had left in the middle of the running. , I opened the car door and Santi got inside . I couldnt tell him I was sleeping with David for the money. He wasnt old enough understand .


SOLUCIONES 1. Its not always easy to (always) get tickets. 2. Why are you never here when I need you? 3. My girlfriend usually cooks a hot meal for lunch. 4. Theyll probably expect us to take a bottle of wine. 5. McVities Plain Chocolate Digestive biscuits are definitely the best. 6. I have never been so happy in my life. 7. Do you usually clean your nose with your T-shirt? 8. I definitely remember buying more beer. 9. August is usually the hottest month in Spain. 10. I can probably manage to be there around three oclock. 11. Im terribly sorry, our dogs never done that before. 12. Yes, youre probably right. 13. Is the heating on? I always feel cold in your house. 14. You should always say thank you when someone gives you something. 15. Valencia are definitely going to win on Sunday. Santis car stopped outside the restaurant at 10pm. He was still wearing his work clothes which were (still) dirty from a long day in the fish factory. He opened the door and didnt even look at me as he stood net to our table. It took quite a long time for someone to speak. I still couldnt believe he had found us. Have you had enough to eat? he asked David. I saw panic in Davids eyes. He is hardly ever lost for words, but now he just sat there. (carelessly,)Santi (carelessly) took Davids napkin (carelessly) and carelessly threw it (carelessly) on the floor, (carelessly). Id like to speak to you outside David. said Santi. I felt strangely relieved as both men left the restaurant and people around me started speaking again. I was still worried and I felt terribly guilty when I had seen the pain in Santis eyes. (Both) Santi and David (both) stood silently in the street, both waiting for the other to speak. How long have you been seeing my wife? asked Santi, quietly. About four months, replied David. Look Santi, I never had any intention. Shut up! Dont you think youve done enough damage? cried Santi, causing late-night shoppers to look curiously at the two men (curiously). David was quite surprised when Santi hit him. He didnt think Santi would use violence. He even thought that Santi might (even) walk away and say nothing. (Finally,) When Maria finally left the restaurant (finally), she saw David on the floor. Blood was running freely from his nose and onto his white shirt. Santi was (still) standing there, his body still shaking with anger. Almost immediately I took Santis hand and pulled him away.

We both walked to his car that he had left in the middle of the road, the engine still running. (slowly,) I opened the car door slowly and Santi (slowly) got inside(slowly). I couldnt tell him I was sleeping with David for the money. He wasnt (yet)old enough yet to understand(yet).

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