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In1ext C|tat|ons Author]Authors

Summary AA (Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon) ls mosL commonly used Lo clLe sources wlLhln Lhe soclal sclences 1hls resource revlsed accordlng Lo
Lhe 6Lh edlLlon second prlnLlng of Lhe AA manual offers examples for Lhe general formaL of AA research papers lnLexL clLaLlons endnoLes/fooLnoLes
and Lhe reference page lor more lnformaLlon please consulL Lhe ubllcaLlon Manual of Lhe Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon 6Lh edlLlon second
Contr|butorsLllzabeLh Angell !odl Wagner Llena Lawrlck krlsLen Moore Mlchael Anderson Lars Soderlund Allen 8rlzee 8ussell keck
Last Ld|ted 20111028 073733
AA sLyle has a serles of lmporLanL rules on uslng auLhor names as parL of Lhe auLhordaLe sysLem 1here are addlLlonal rules for clLlng lndlrecL
sources elecLronlc sources and sources wlLhouL page numbers
C|t|ng an Author or Authors
A Work by 1wo Authors name boLh auLhors ln Lhe slgnal phrase or ln Lhe parenLheses each Llme you clLe Lhe work use Lhe word and beLween
Lhe auLhors names wlLhln Lhe LexL and use Lhe ampersand ln Lhe parenLheses
8esearch by Wegener and eLLy (1994) supporLs
(Wegener eLLy 1994)
A Work by 1hree to I|ve Authors LlsL all Lhe auLhors ln Lhe slgnal phrase or ln parenLheses Lhe flrsL Llme you clLe Lhe source
(kernls Cornell Sun 8erry Parlow 1993)
ln subsequenL clLaLlons only use Lhe flrsL auLhors lasL name followed by eL al ln Lhe slgnal phrase or ln parenLheses
(kernls eL al 1993)
In f shou|d not be fo||owed by a per|od
S|x or More Authors use Lhe flrsL auLhors name followed by eL al ln Lhe slgnal phrase or ln parenLheses
Parrls eL al (2001) argued
(Parrls eL al 2001)
Dnknown Author lf Lhe work does noL have an auLhor clLe Lhe source by lLs LlLle ln Lhe slgnal phrase or use Lhe flrsL word or Lwo ln Lhe
parenLheses 1lLles of books and reporLs are lLallclzed or underllned LlLles of arLlcles chapLers and web pages are ln quoLaLlon marks
A slmllar sLudy was done of sLudenLs learnlng Lo formaL research papers (uslng AA 2001)
Note ln Lhe rare case Lhe Anonymous ls used for Lhe auLhor LreaL lL as Lhe auLhors name (Anonymous 2001) ln Lhe reference llsL use Lhe name
Anonymous as Lhe auLhor
Crgan|zat|on as an Author lf Lhe auLhor ls an organlzaLlon or a governmenL agency menLlon Lhe organlzaLlon ln Lhe slgnal phrase or ln Lhe
parenLheLlcal clLaLlon Lhe flrsL Llme you clLe Lhe source
Accordlng Lo Lhe Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon (2000)
lf Lhe organlzaLlon has a wellknown abbrevlaLlon lnclude Lhe abbrevlaLlon ln brackeLs Lhe flrsL Llme Lhe source ls clLed and Lhen use only Lhe
abbrevlaLlon ln laLer clLaLlons
llrsL clLaLlon (MoLhers AgalnsL urunk urlvlng MAuu 2000)
Second clLaLlon (MAuu 2000)
1wo or More Works |n the Same arentheses When your parenLheLlcal clLaLlon lncludes Lwo or more works order Lhem Lhe same way Lhey
appear ln Lhe reference llsL separaLed by a semlcolon
(8erndL 2002 Parlow 1983)
Authors W|th the Same Last Name 1o prevenL confuslon use flrsL lnlLlals wlLh Lhe lasL names
(L !ohnson 2001 L !ohnson 1998)
1wo or More Works by the Same Author |n the Same ear lf you have Lwo sources by Lhe same auLhor ln Lhe same year use lowercase leLLers (a
b c) wlLh Lhe year Lo order Lhe enLrles ln Lhe reference llsL use Lhe lowercase leLLers wlLh Lhe year ln Lhe lnLexL clLaLlon
8esearch by 8erndL (1981a) lllusLraLed LhaL
Introduct|ons refaces Iorewords and Afterwords When clLlng an lnLroducLlon reface loreword or AfLerwords lnLexL clLe Lhe approprlaLe
auLhor and year as usual
(lunk kolln 1992)
ersona| Commun|cat|on lor lnLervlews leLLers emalls and oLher personLoperson communlcaLlon clLe Lhe communlcaLors name Lhe facL LhaL
lL was personal communlcaLlon and Lhe daLe of Lhe communlcaLlon uo noL lnclude personal communlcaLlon ln Lhe reference llsL
(L 8obblns personal communlcaLlon !anuary 4 2001)
A SmlLh also clalmed LhaL many of her sLudenLs had dlfflculLles wlLh AA sLyle (personal communlcaLlon november 3 2002)
C|t|ng Ind|rect Sources
lf you use a source LhaL was clLed ln anoLher source name Lhe orlglnal source ln your slgnal phrase LlsL Lhe secondary source ln your reference llsL
and lnclude Lhe secondary source ln Lhe parenLheses
!ohnson argued LhaL(as clLed ln SmlLh 2003 p 102)
Note When clLlng maLerlal ln parenLheses seL off Lhe clLaLlon wlLh a comma as above Also Lry Lo locaLe Lhe orlglnal maLerlal and clLe Lhe orlglnal
L|ectron|c Sources
lf posslble clLe an elecLronlc documenL Lhe same as any oLher documenL by uslng Lhe auLhordaLe sLyle
kenneLh (2000) explalned
Dnknown Author and Dnknown Date lf no auLhor or daLe ls glven use Lhe LlLle ln your slgnal phrase or Lhe flrsL word or Lwo of Lhe LlLle ln Lhe
parenLheses and use Lhe abbrevlaLlon nd (for no daLe)
AnoLher sLudy of sLudenLs and research declslons dlscovered LhaL sLudenLs succeeded wlLh LuLorlng (1uLorlng and AA nd)
Sources W|thout age Numbers
When an elecLronlc source lacks page numbers you should Lry Lo lnclude lnformaLlon LhaL wlll help readers flnd Lhe passage belng clLed When an
elecLronlc documenL has numbered paragraphs use Lhe abbrevlaLlon para followed by Lhe paragraph number (Pall 2001 para 3) lf Lhe
paragraphs are noL numbered and Lhe documenL lncludes headlngs provlde Lhe approprlaLe headlng and speclfy Lhe paragraph under LhaL
headlng noLe LhaL ln some elecLronlc sources llke Web pages people can use Lhe llnd funcLlon ln Lhelr browser Lo locaLe any passages you clLe
Accordlng Lo SmlLh (1997) (Mlnd over MaLLer secLlon para 6)
Note never use Lhe page numbers of Web pages you prlnL ouL dlfferenL compuLers prlnL Web pages wlLh dlfferenL paglnaLlon
keference L|st Art|c|es |n er|od|ca|s
Summary AA (Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon) ls mosL commonly used Lo clLe sources wlLhln Lhe soclal sclences 1hls resource revlsed accordlng Lo
Lhe 6Lh edlLlon second prlnLlng of Lhe AA manual offers examples for Lhe general formaL of AA research papers lnLexL clLaLlons endnoLes/fooLnoLes
and Lhe reference page lor more lnformaLlon please consulL Lhe ubllcaLlon Manual of Lhe Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon 6Lh edlLlon second
Contr|butorsLllzabeLh Angell !odl Wagner Llena Lawrlck krlsLen Moore Mlchael Anderson Lars Soderlund Allen 8rlzee 8ussell keck
Last Ld|ted 20100713 113936
8as|c Iorm
AA sLyle dlcLaLes LhaL auLhors are named lasL name followed by lnlLlals publlcaLlon year goes beLween parenLheses followed by a perlod 1he
LlLle of Lhe arLlcle ls ln senLencecase meanlng only Lhe flrsL word and proper nouns ln Lhe LlLle are caplLallzed 1he perlodlcal LlLle ls run ln LlLle
case and ls followed by Lhe volume number whlch wlLh Lhe LlLle ls also lLallclzed or underllned
AuLhor A A AuLhor 8 8 AuLhor C C (?ear) 1lLle of arLlcle 1ltle of letloJlcol volome oombet(lssue number) pages
Art|c|e |n Iourna| ag|nated by Vo|ume
!ournals LhaL are paglnaLed by volume begln wlLh page one ln lssue one and conLlnue numberlng lssue Lwo where lssue one ended eLc
Parlow P l (1983) lundamenLals for preparlng psychology [ournal arLlcles ootool of compototlve ooJ lbysloloqlcol lsycboloqy 55 893896
Art|c|e |n Iourna| ag|nated by Issue
!ournals paglnaLed by lssue begln wlLh page one every lssue Lherefore Lhe lssue number geLs lndlcaLed ln parenLheses afLer Lhe volume 1he
parenLheses and lssue number are noL lLallclzed or underllned
ScruLon 8 (1996) 1he ecllpse of llsLenlng 1be New ctltetloo 15(30) 313
Art|c|e |n a Magaz|ne
Penry W A lll (1990 Aprll 9) Maklng Lhe grade ln Lodays schools 1lme 1J5 2831
Art|c|e |n a Newspaper
unllke oLher perlodlcals p or pp precedes page numbers for a newspaper reference ln AA sLyle Slngle pages Lake p eg p 82 mulLlple pages
Lake pp eg pp 82 84 or pp C1 C3C4
SchulLz S (2003 uecember 28) Calls made Lo sLrengLhen sLaLe energy pollcles 1be coootty 1oJoy pp 1A 2A
Note 8ecause of lssues wlLh hLml codlng Lhe llsLlngs below uslng brackeLs conLaln spaces LhaL are noL Lo be used wlLh your llsLlngs use a space as
normal before Lhe brackeLs buL do noL lnclude a space followlng Lhe brackeL
Letter to the Ld|tor
Moller C (2002 AugusL) 8lpples versus rumbles LeLLer Lo Lhe edlLor cleotlflc Ametlcoo 287(2) 12
8aumelsLer 8 l (1993) Lxposlng Lhe selfknowledge myLh 8evlew of Lhe book 1be selfkoowet A beto ooJet coottol by 8 A Wlcklund M LckerL
cootempototy lsycboloqy J8 466467
keference L|st 8ooks
Summary AA (Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon) ls mosL commonly used Lo clLe sources wlLhln Lhe soclal sclences 1hls resource revlsed accordlng Lo
Lhe 6Lh edlLlon second prlnLlng of Lhe AA manual offers examples for Lhe general formaL of AA research papers lnLexL clLaLlons endnoLes/fooLnoLes
and Lhe reference page lor more lnformaLlon please consulL Lhe ubllcaLlon Manual of Lhe Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon 6Lh edlLlon second
Contr|butorsLllzabeLh Angell !odl Wagner Llena Lawrlck krlsLen Moore Mlchael Anderson Lars Soderlund Allen 8rlzee 8ussell keck
Last Ld|ted 20110713 110334
8as|c Iormat for 8ooks
AuLhor A A (?ear of publlcaLlon) 1ltle of wotk copltol lettet olso fot sobtltle LocaLlon ubllsher
Note lor LocaLlon you should always llsL Lhe clLy and Lhe sLaLe uslng Lhe Lwo leLLer posLal abbrevlaLlon wlLhouL perlods (new ?ork n?)
Calfee 8 C valencla 8 8 (1991) AlA qolJe to ptepotloq mooosctlpts fot jootool pobllcotloo WashlngLon uC Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon
Ld|ted 8ook No Author
uuncan C ! 8rooksCunn ! (Lds) (1997) coosepoeoces of qtowloq op poot new ?ork n? 8ussell Sage loundaLlon
Ld|ted 8ook w|th an Author or Authors
laLh S (2000) 1be ooobtlJqeJ jootools kv kukll (Ld) new ?ork n? Anchor
A 1rans|at|on
Laplace S (1931) A pbllosopblcol essoy oo ptobobllltles (l W 1ruscoLL l L Lmory 1rans) new ?ork n? uover (Crlglnal work publlshed 1814)
Note When you clLe a republlshed work llke Lhe one above ln your LexL lL should appear wlLh boLh daLes Laplace (1814/1931)
Ld|t|on Cther 1han the I|rst
Pelfer M L kempe 8 S krugman 8 u (1997) 1be botteteJ cbllJ (3Lh ed) Chlcago lL unlverslLy of Chlcago ress
Art|c|e or Chapter |n an Ld|ted 8ook
AuLhor A A AuLhor 8 8 (?ear of publlcaLlon) 1lLle of chapLer ln A LdlLor 8 LdlLor (Lds) 1ltle of book (pages of chapLer) LocaLlon ubllsher
Note When you llsL Lhe pages of Lhe chapLer or essay ln parenLheses afLer Lhe book LlLle use pp before Lhe numbers (pp 121) 1hls
abbrevlaLlon however does noL appear before Lhe page numbers ln perlodlcal references excepL for newspapers
Cnell ! M Lgan ! (1992) Mens and womens gender role [ourneys A meLaphor for heallng LranslLlon and LransformaLlon ln 8 8 Walnrlb (Ld)
eoJet lssoes octoss tbe llfe cycle (pp 107123) new ?ork n? Sprlnger
Mu|t|vo|ume Work
Wlener (Ld) (1973) lctloooty of tbe blstoty of lJeos (vols 14) new ?ork n? Scrlbners
keference L|st L|ectron|c Sources (Web ub||cat|ons)
Summary AA (Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon) ls mosL commonly used Lo clLe sources wlLhln Lhe soclal sclences 1hls resource revlsed accordlng Lo
Lhe 6Lh edlLlon second prlnLlng of Lhe AA manual offers examples for Lhe general formaL of AA research papers lnLexL clLaLlons endnoLes/fooLnoLes
and Lhe reference page lor more lnformaLlon please consulL Lhe ubllcaLlon Manual of Lhe Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon 6Lh edlLlon second
Contr|butorsLllzabeLh Angell !odl Wagner Llena Lawrlck krlsLen Moore Mlchael Anderson Lars Soderlund Allen 8rlzee 8ussell keck
Last Ld|ted 20110310 031138
|ease note 1here are no spaces used wlLh brackeLs ln AA When posslble lnclude Lhe year monLh and daLe ln references lf Lhe monLh and daLe
are noL avallable use Lhe year of publlcaLlon lease noLe Loo LhaL Lhe CWL sLlll lncludes lnformaLlon abouL prlnL sources and daLabases for Lhose
sLlll worklng wlLh Lhese sources
Art|c|e Irom an Cn||ne er|od|ca|
Cnllne arLlcles follow Lhe same guldellnes for prlnLed arLlcles lnclude all lnformaLlon Lhe onllne hosL makes avallable lncludlng an lssue number ln
AuLhor A A AuLhor 8 8 (uaLe of publlcaLlon) 1lLle of arLlcle 1ltle of Oolloe letloJlcol volome oombet(lssue number lf avallable) 8eLrleved from
8ernsLeln M (2002) 10 Llps on wrlLlng Lhe llvlng Web A llst opott lot people wbo moke websltes 149 8eLrleved from
Cn||ne Scho|ar|y Iourna| Art|c|e C|t|ng DCIs
8ecause onllne maLerlals can poLenLlally change u8Ls AA recommends provldlng a ulglLal Cb[ecL ldenLlfler (uCl) when lL ls avallable as opposed
Lo Lhe u8L uCls are an aLLempL Lo provlde sLable longlasLlng llnks for onllne arLlcles 1hey are unlque Lo Lhelr documenLs and conslsL of a long
alphanumerlc code ManybuL noL allpubllshers wlll provlde an arLlcles uCl on Lhe flrsL page of Lhe documenL
noLe LhaL some onllne blbllographles provlde an arLlcles uCl buL may hlde Lhe code under a buLLon whlch may read ArLlcle or may be an
abbrevlaLlon of a vendors name llke Cross8ef or ubMed 1hls buLLon wlll usually lead Lhe user Lo Lhe full arLlcle whlch wlll lnclude Lhe uCl
llnd uCls from prlnL publlcaLlons or ones LhaL go Lo dead llnks wlLh Cross8eforgs uCl 8esolver whlch ls dlsplayed ln a cenLral locaLlon on Lhelr
home page
Art|c|e Irom an Cn||ne er|od|ca| w|th DCI Ass|gned
AuLhor A A AuLhor 8 8 (uaLe of publlcaLlon) 1lLle of arLlcle 1ltle of ootool volome oombet poqe tooqe dol0000000/000000000000
8rownlle u (2007) 1oward effecLlve posLer presenLaLlons An annoLaLed blbllography otopeoo ootool of Motketloq 41(11/12) 12431283
Art|c|e Irom an Cn||ne er|od|ca| w|th no DCI Ass|gned
Cnllne scholarly [ournal arLlcles wlLhouL a uCl requlre Lhe u8L of Lhe [ournal home page 8emember LhaL one goal of clLaLlons ls Lo provlde your
readers wlLh enough lnformaLlon Lo flnd Lhe arLlcle provldlng Lhe [ournal home page alds readers ln Lhls process
AuLhor A A AuLhor 8 8 (uaLe of publlcaLlon) 1lLle of arLlcle 1ltle of ootool volome oombet 8eLrleved from
kenneLh l A (2000) A 8uddhlsL response Lo Lhe naLure of human rlghLs ootool of 8oJJblst tblcs 8 8eLrleved from
Art|c|e Irom a Database
|ease note AA sLaLes LhaL lncludlng daLabase lnformaLlon ln clLaLlons ls noL necessary because daLabases change over Llme (p 192) Powever
Lhe CWL sLlll lncludes lnformaLlon abouL daLabases for Lhose users who need daLabase lnformaLlon
When referenclng a prlnL arLlcle obLalned from an onllne daLabase (such as a daLabase ln Lhe llbrary) provlde approprlaLe prlnL clLaLlon
lnformaLlon (formaLLed [usL llke a normal prlnL clLaLlon would be for LhaL Lype of work) 8y provldlng Lhls lnformaLlon you allow people Lo
reLrleve Lhe prlnL verslon lf Lhey do noL have access Lo Lhe daLabase from whlch you reLrleved Lhe arLlcle ?ou can also lnclude Lhe lLem number or
accesslon number ln parenLheses aL Lhe end buL Lhe AA manual says LhaL Lhls ls noL requlred

lor arLlcles LhaL are easlly locaLed do noL provlde daLabase lnformaLlon lf Lhe arLlcle ls dlfflculL Lo locaLe Lhen you can provlde daLabase
lnformaLlon Cnly use reLrleval daLes lf Lhe source could change such as Wlkls lor more abouL clLlng arLlcles reLrleved from elecLronlc daLabases
see pages 187192 of Lhe ubllcaLlon Manual
SmyLh A M arker A L ease u L (2002) A sLudy of en[oymenL of peas ootool of Abootmol otloq 8(3) 120123
lf you only clLe an absLracL buL Lhe full LexL of Lhe arLlcle ls also avallable clLe Lhe onllne absLracL as oLher onllne clLaLlons addlng AbsLracL afLer
Lhe arLlcle or source name
aLerson (2008) Pow well do young offenders wlLh Asperger Syndrome cope ln cusLody? 1wo prlson case sLudles AbsLracL 8tltlsb ootool of
leotoloq lsobllltles J6(1) 3438
8ossong C LrgaLlvlLy ln 8asque lloqolstlcs 22(3) 341392
Newspaper Art|c|e
AuLhor A A (?ear MonLh uay) 1lLle of arLlcle 1ltle of Newspopet 8eLrleved from hLLp//wwwsomeaddresscom/full/url/
arkerope 1 (2008 May 6) sychlaLry handbook llnked Lo drug lndusLry 1be New otk 1lmes 8eLrleved from hLLp//wwwnyLlmescom
L|ectron|c 8ooks
LlecLronlc books may lnclude books found on personal webslLes daLabases or even ln audlo form use Lhe followlng formaL lf Lhe book you are
uslng ls ooly provlded ln a dlglLal formaL or ls dlfflculL Lo flnd ln prlnL lf Lhe work ls noL dlrecLly avallable onllne or musL be purchased use
Avallable from raLher Lhan 8eLrleved from and polnL readers Lo where Lhey can flnd lL lor books avallable ln prlnL form and elecLronlc form
lnclude Lhe publlsh daLe ln parenLheses afLer Lhe auLhors name
ue Puff L W (nd) 1oytoys toles 1toJltloool loeblo loJloo toles 8eLrleved from hLLp//dlglLalllbraryupennedu/women/dehuff/LayLay/
uavls ! (nd) lomlllot bltJsooqs of tbe Nottbwest Avallable from hLLp//wwwpowellscom/cglbln/blbllo?lnkey1
Chapter]Sect|on of a Web document or Cn||ne 8ook Chapter
AuLhor A A AuLhor 8 8 (uaLe of publlcaLlon) 1lLle of arLlcle ln 1ltle of book ot lotqet Jocomeot (chapLer or secLlon number) 8eLrleved from
Lngelshcall 8 S (1997) Module mod_rewrlLe u8L 8ewrlLlng Lnglne ln Apocbe n11l etvet vetsloo 1J ocomeototloo (Apache modules) 8eLrleved
from hLLp//hLLpdapacheorg/docs/13/mod/mod_rewrlLehLml
ecklnpaugh ! (2003) Change ln Lhe nlneLles ln ! S 8ough and C 8 uu8ols (Lds) A ceototy of qtowtb lo Ametlco 8eLrleved from ColdSLar daLabase
NC1L use a chapLer or secLlon ldenLlfler and provlde a u8L LhaL llnks dlrecLly Lo Lhe chapLer secLlon noL Lhe home page of Lhe Web slLe
Cn||ne 8ook kev|ews
ClLe Lhe lnformaLlon as you normally would for Lhe work you are quoLlng (1he flrsL example below ls from a newspaper arLlcle Lhe second ls from
a scholarly [ournal) ln brackeLs wrlLe 8evlew of Lhe book and glve Lhe LlLle of Lhe revlewed work rovlde Lhe web address afLer Lhe words
8eLrleved from lf Lhe revlew ls freely avallable Lo anyone lf Lhe revlew comes from a subscrlpLlon servlce or daLabase wrlLe Avallable from
and provlde Lhe lnformaLlon where Lhe revlew can be purchased
Zacharek S (2008 Aprll 27) naLural women 8evlew of Lhe book ltls llke os 1be New otk 1lmes 8eLrleved from
CasLle C (2007) new mlllennlal !oyce 8evlew of Lhe books 1weotyfltst oyce oyces ctltlcs 1toosltloos lo teoJloq ooJ coltote ooJ oyces
messloolsm oote oeqotlve exlsteoce ooJ tbe messloolc self MoJeto llctloo toJles 50(1) 163173 Avallable from ro[ecL MuSL Web slLe
D|ssertat|on]1hes|s from a Database
8lswas S (2008) opomloe J teceptot A oeotoptotectlve tteotmeot totqet lo lotklosoos Jlseose 8eLrleved from roCuesL ulglLal ulsserLaLlons (AA1
Cn||ne Lncyc|oped|as and D|ct|onar|es
CfLen encyclopedlas and dlcLlonarles do noL provlde byllnes (auLhors names) When no byllne ls presenL move Lhe enLry name Lo Lhe fronL of Lhe
clLaLlon rovlde publlcaLlon daLes lf presenL or speclfy (nd) lf no daLe ls presenL ln Lhe enLry
lemlnlsm (nd) ln ocyclopJlo 8tltooolco oolloe 8eLrleved from hLLp//wwwbrlLannlcacom/L8checked/Loplc/724633/femlnlsm
Cn||ne 8|b||ograph|es and Annotated 8|b||ograph|es
!urgens 8 (2003) nlv/Al ooJ ncv lo ltlsoos A elect AooototeJ 8lblloqtopby 8eLrleved from hLLp//wwwhcscgcca/ahcasc/alL_formaLs/hpb
Data Sets
olnL readers Lo raw daLa by provldlng a Web address (use 8eLrleved from) or a general place LhaL houses daLa seLs on Lhe slLe (use Avallable
unlLed SLaLes ueparLmenL of Pouslng and urban uevelopmenL (2008) loJlooo locome llmlts uaLa flle 8eLrleved from
raph|c Data (eg Interact|ve Maps and Cther raph|c kepresentat|ons of Data)
Clve Lhe name of Lhe researchlng organlzaLlon followed by Lhe daLe ln brackeLs provlde a brlef explanaLlon of whaL Lype of daLa ls Lhere and ln
whaL form lL appears llnally provlde Lhe pro[ecL name and reLrleval lnformaLlon
Solar 8adlaLlon and CllmaLe LxperlmenL (2007) Craph lllusLraLlon Lhe SC8CL SpecLral loL May 8 2008 olot pecttol oto Access ftom tbe lM
Ol1lc ooJ \l losttomeots 8eLrleved from hLLp//laspcoloradoedu/cglbln/lonp?pagelnpuL_daLa_for_ specLralon
;ua||tat|ve Data and Cn||ne Interv|ews
lf an lnLervlew ls noL reLrlevable ln audlo or prlnL form clLe Lhe lnLervlew only ln Lhe LexL (noL ln Lhe reference llsL) and provlde Lhe monLh day and
year ln Lhe LexL lf an audlo flle or LranscrlpL ls avallable onllne use Lhe followlng model speclfylng Lhe medlum ln brackeLs (eg lnLervlew
LranscrlpL lnLervlew audlo flle)
8uLler C (lnLervlewer) SLevenson 8 (lnLervlewee) (1999) Otol nlstoty 2 lnLervlew LranscrlpL 8eLrleved from !ohnson Space CenLer Cral PlsLorles
ro[ecL Web slLe hLLp// www11[scnasagov/hlsLory/oral_hlsLorles/oral_
Cn||ne Lecture Notes and resentat|on S||des
When clLlng onllne lecLure noLes be sure Lo provlde Lhe flle formaL ln brackeLs afLer Lhe lecLure LlLle (eg owerolnL slldes Word documenL)
Pallam A oollty lo coosomet tbeoty ul documenL 8eLrleved from LecLure noLes Cnllne Web slLe
8oberLs k l (1998) leJetol teqolotloos of cbemlcols lo tbe eovltoomeot owerolnL slldes 8eLrleved from
Nonper|od|ca| Web Document Web age or keport
LlsL as much of Lhe followlng lnformaLlon as posslble (you someLlmes have Lo hunL around Lo flnd Lhe lnformaLlon donL be lazy lf Lhere ls a page
llke hLLp//wwwsomeslLecom/somepagehLm and somepagehLm doesnL have Lhe lnformaLlon youre looklng for move up Lhe u8L Lo
AuLhor A A AuLhor 8 8 (uaLe of publlcaLlon) 1lLle of documenL 8eLrleved from hLLp//Web address

Angell L Wagner ! Lawrlck L Moore k Anderson M Soderland L 8rlzee A (2010 May 3) Ceneral formaL 8eLrleved from
NC1L When an lnLerneL documenL ls more Lhan one Web page provlde a u8L LhaL llnks Lo Lhe home page or enLry page for Lhe documenL Also lf
Lhere lsnL a daLe avallable for Lhe documenL use (nd) for no daLe
Computer Software]Down|oaded Software
uo noL clLe sLandard offlce sofLware (eg Word Lxcel) or programmlng languages rovlde references only for speclallzed sofLware
Ludwlg 1 (2002) sychlnqulry compuLer sofLware new ?ork WorLh
SofLware LhaL ls downloaded from a Web slLe should provlde Lhe sofLware's verslon and year when avallable
Payes 8 1esar 8 Zuraw k (2003) C1SofL CpLlmallLy 1heory SofLware (verslon 21) SofLware Avallable from
Lmalls are noL lncluded ln Lhe llsL of references Lhough you parenLheLlcally clLe Lhem ln your maln LexL (L 8obblns personal communlcaLlon
!anuary 4 2001)
Cn||ne Iorum or D|scuss|on 8oard ost|ng
lnclude Lhe LlLle of Lhe message and Lhe u8L of Lhe newsgroup or dlscusslon board lease noLe LhaL LlLles for lLems ln onllne communlLles (eg
blogs newsgroups forums) are noL lLallclzed lf Lhe auLhors name ls noL avallable provlde Lhe screen name lace ldenLlflers llke posL or message
numbers lf avallable ln brackeLs lf avallable provlde Lhe u8L where Lhe message ls archlved (eg Message posLed Lo archlved aL)
lrook 8 u (1999 !uly 23) new lnvenLlons ln Lhe cyberworld of Loylandla Msg 23 Message posLed Lo
8|og (Web|og) and V|deo 8|og ost
lnclude Lhe LlLle of Lhe message and Lhe u8L lease noLe LhaL LlLles for lLems ln onllne communlLles (eg blogs newsgroups forums) are noL
lLallclzed lf Lhe auLhor's name ls noL avallable provlde Lhe screen name
! uean (2008 May 7) When Lhe self emerges ls LhaL me ln Lhe mlrror? Web log commenL 8eLrleved from hLLp//wwwsprlngorguk/Lhe1sLLransporL

sychology vldeo 8log #3 vldeo flle 8eLrleved from hLLp//wwwyouLubecom/waLch?vlqM90eCl3M
lease noLe LhaL Lhe AlA tyle olJe to lecttoolc kefeteoces warns wrlLers LhaL wlkls (llke Wlklpedla for example) are collaboraLlve pro[ecLs LhaL
cannoL guaranLee Lhe verlflablllLy or experLlse of Lhelr enLrles
CLC eru/Arahuay (nd) 8eLrleved Aprll 29 2011 from Lhe CLC Wlkl hLLp//wlkllapLop org/go/CLC_eru/Arahuay
Aud|o odcast
lor all podcasLs provlde as much lnformaLlon as posslble noL all of Lhe followlng lnformaLlon wlll be avallable osslble addlLlon ldenLlflers may
lnclude roducer ulrecLor eLc
8ell 1 hllllps 1 (2008 May 6) A solar flare cleoce NAA loJcost odcasL reLrleved from hLLp//sclencenasagov/podcasLhLm
V|deo odcasts
lor all podcasLs provlde as much lnformaLlon as posslble noL all of Lhe followlng lnformaLlon wlll be avallable osslble addlLlon ldenLlflers may
lnclude roducer ulrecLor eLc
ScoLL u (roducer) (2007 !anuary 3) 1he communlLy college classroom Lplsode 7 AJveototes lo Jocotloo odcasL reLrleved from

hLLp//owlengllshpurdueedu/owl/resource/360/10/CopyrlghL 19932011 by 1he WrlLlng Lab 1he CWL aL urdue and urdue
unlverslLy All rlghLs reserved 1hls maLerlal may noL be publlshed reproduced broadcasL rewrlLLen or redlsLrlbuLed wlLhouL permlsslon use of Lhls slLe
consLlLuLes accepLance of our Lerms and condlLlons of falr use

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