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2 user lnsLrucLlons

21 Cvervlew
211 1hls parL of Lhe Culdellnes beglns by descrlblng Au8's operaLlonal lendlng
approaches (lendlng modallLles) lL Lhen proceeds Lo descrlbe how Lhese Culdellnes apply
Lo dlfferenL Au8flnanced pro[ecLs programs and secLors 1he resulLlng classlflcaLlon
provldes a basls for ldenLlfylng sLepbysLep flnanclal managemenL requlremenLs
LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL cycle ln dolng so by flrsL referrlng Lo Lhls parL readers can
qulckly ldenLlfy whaL needs Lo be done by whom and by when
22 Au8 Lendlng and 1echnlcal AsslsLance
221 Au8 makes loans from lLs Crdlnary CaplLal 8esources (CC8) and from Lhe
Aslan uevelopmenL lund (Aul) 1he Aul ls deslgned Lo provlde loans on concesslonal
Lerms Lo ueveloplng Member CounLrles (uMCs) wlLh low per caplLa gross naLlonal
producL (Cn) and llmlLed debL repaymenL capaclLy 1he small slze and locaLlon of
counLrles may also consLlLuLe a crlLerlon for Aul ellglblllLy 1he Aul ls malnLalned by
regular member conLrlbuLlons Au8 also provldes Lechnlcal asslsLance from lLs own
resources and from speclal funds 1hese lnclude Lhe 1echnlcal AsslsLance Speclal lund
(1ASl) and Lhe !apan Speclal lund (!Sl)
222 Au8's CharLer permlLs lL Lo make parLlclpaLe ln or guaranLee loans Lo lLs
uMCs or Lhelr governmenLs Lo any of Lhelr agencles or pollLlcal subdlvlslons and Lo
publlc or prlvaLe enLerprlses operaLlng wlLhln such counLrles as well as Lo lnLernaLlonal
or reglonal enLlLles wlLh economlc developmenL concerns ln Lhe reglon Loans are made
only for pro[ecLs or programs of hlgh developmenLal prlorlLy
223 Au8 has four prlmary Lypes of lendlng
- ro[ecL Loans Among oLher Lhlngs pro[ecL lendlng ls almed aL developlng energy
agrlculLure LransporL and communlcaLlons and oLher baslc lnfrasLrucLure as well as
healLh educaLlon and flnance
- SecLor Loans CM u3 (SecLor Lendlng) seLs ouL Au8 pollcles ln relaLlon Lo secLor
lendlng SecLor lendlng ls a form of Au8 asslsLance Lo a uMC for pro[ecLrelaLed
lnvesLmenLs based on conslderaLlons relaLlng Lo a secLor or subsecLor as a whole ln Lhe
uMC 1he purpose of a secLor loan ls Lo asslsL ln Lhe developmenL of a speclflc secLor (or
subsecLor) by flnanclng parL of an lnvesLmenL ln Lhe secLor planned by Lhe uMC A secLor
loan ls expecLed Lo lmprove secLor pollcles and sLrengLhen lnsLlLuLlonal capablllLles user lnsLrucLlons
llnanclal ManagemenL and Analysls of ro[ecLs
2 of 12
SecLor lendlng ls parLlcularly approprlaLe when a large number of subpro[ecLs ln
Lhe secLor (or subsecLor) are Lo be flnanced
1echnlcal asslsLance may be glven for pro[ecL preparaLlon secLoral sLudles and/or
lnsLlLuLlon bulldlng prlor Lo or LogeLher wlLh Lhe provlslon of Lhe secLor loan
SecLor loans are ordlnarlly glven Lo wellesLabllshed lnsLlLuLlons wlLh experlence
ln pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon
SecLor loan proceeds wlll be uLlllzed prlmarlly Lo meeL Lhe forelgn exchange cosLs
of subpro[ecLs maklng up Lhe loan 8ecurrlng cosLs (eg fuel and essenLlal
supplles) and local currency expendlLures or subpro[ecLs may also be flnanced
under secLor loans ln accordance wlLh relevanL Au8 pollcles (see CM P3)
Au8 lendlng Lerms are Lhe same for secLor and pro[ecL loans
- rogram Loans CM u4 (rogram Lendlng) seLs ouL Au8 pollcles ln relaLlon Lo
program lendlng rogram loans are glven by Au8 Lo asslsL a uMC ln developlng a
secLor (or subsecLor) as a whole and lmprovlng a secLor's performance Lhrough
approprlaLe pollcy and lnsLlLuLlonal lmprovemenLs over Lhe medlum Lo long Lerm
rogram loans are glven only Lo uMC governmenLs Advlsory Lechnlcal asslsLance
may be aLLached Lo a program loan Lo furLher sLudy unresolved pollcy lssues or Lo
sLrengLhen Lhe capaclLy of key secLor lnsLlLuLlons AlLhough program lendlng dlffers
from pro[ecL lendlng ln ob[ecLlves Lhe procedural and admlnlsLraLlve sLeps ln
processlng a program loan are generally Lhe same as Lhose for pro[ecLs
- rlvaLe SecLor Loans LqulLy and CuaranLees CM u10 (rlvaLe SecLor CperaLlons)
seLs ouL Au8 pollcles ln relaLlon Lo prlvaLe secLor lendlng Au8 asslsLance Lo Lhe
prlvaLe secLor ln uMCs ls deslgned Lo help ln resource moblllzaLlon and more
efflclenL use of lnvesLmenL funds for economlc developmenL Au8 supporL for Lhe
prlvaLe secLor ln uMCs alms Lo (l) creaLe a favorable envlronmenL for Lhe prlvaLe
secLor ln uMCs (ll) sLrengLhen flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons and caplLal markeLs (lll) asslsL
ln prlvaLlzlng publlc secLor enLerprlses (lv) caLalyze exLernal and domesLlc resource
flows Lo lnfrasLrucLure pro[ecLs uLlllzlng bulldownoperaLe (8CC)/bulldownLransfer (8C1) modallLles
(v) lnvesL ln selecLed producLlve prlvaLe enLerprlse ln
accordance wlLh sound banklng prlnclples and (vl) asslsL economlcally aLLracLlve
and flnanclally sound prlvaLe secLor pro[ecLs LhaL requlre Au8 flnanclal supporL Lo
compleLe Lhe flnanclng plan or Lo provlde comforL Lo oLher lenders and lnvesLors
Au8 asslsLance may be provlded ln one or more of Lhe followlng forms (l) loans Lo
flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons Lo flnance small and medlumscale prlvaLe enLerprlses
(ll) dlrecL loans Lo medlum and largescale prlvaLe enLerprlses (lll) equlLy
lnvesLmenLs ln prlvaLe enLerprlses lncludlng prlvaLe flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons
(lv) underwrlLlng of lssues of equlLy or debL lnsLrumenLs on naLlonal or lnLernaLlonal
securlLles markeLs (v) asslsLance Lo lnfrasLrucLure pro[ecLs (vl) equlLy lnvesLmenLs
and (vll) guaranLees of Lhe debLservlce obllgaLlons of prlvaLe enLerprlses wlLh or
wlLhouL counLerguaranLee by a uMC governmenL user lnsLrucLlons
llnanclal ManagemenL and Analysls of ro[ecLs
3 of 12
224 Au8's 1echnlcal AsslsLance (1A) ls classlfled lnLo four developmenL
acLlvlLles (l) pro[ecL preparaLory Lechnlcal asslsLance (1A) for asslsLlng ln Lhe
preparaLlon of one or more pro[ecLs a program loan or a secLor loan for flnanclng by
Au8 and oLher exLernal sources (ll) pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon Lechnlcal asslsLance for
asslsLlng ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon operaLlon and managemenL of an Au8flnanced pro[ecL
(lll) advlsory Lechnlcal asslsLance for flnanclng lnsLlLuLlonbulldlng planformulaLlon and
secLor pollcy and lssuesorlenLed sLudles and (lv) reglonal Lechnlcal asslsLance (8L1A)
coverlng more Lhan one uMC CM u12 (1echnlcal AsslsLance) seLs ouL Au8 pollcles ln
relaLlon Lo Lechnlcal asslsLance
223 Au8 encourages coflnanclng 1he coflnanclng sLraLegy comprlses
(l) maxlmlzlng Lhe amounL of coflnanclng from oLher offlclal fundlng agencles and
(ll) lncreaslng Lhe flow of prlvaLe caplLal Lhrough coflnanclng Lo uMCs 1he purpose of
Lhls sLraLegy ls Lo maxlmlze Lhe lmpacL of Au8's asslsLance ln Lhe developmenL of lLs
uMCs and Lo moblllze addlLlonal resources for such developmenL Coflnanclng funds
come from (l) offlclal fundlng agencles (ll) exporL credlL agencles and (lll) commerclal
flnance lnsLlLuLlons
23 Applylng Lhese Culdellnes
231 1he provlslons of Lhese Culdellnes apply Lo lnvesLmenL pro[ecLs and pro[ecL
execuLlng and lmplemenLlng agencles ConsequenLly Lhey malnly relaLe Lo ldenLlflable
lnvesLmenL acLlvlLles LhaL have been underLaken wlLh supporL from pro[ecL secLor and
prlvaLe secLor loans Powever Lhe provlslons of Lhese Culdellnes wlll also apply where
program loans lnclude dlscreLe ldenLlflable lnvesLmenL componenLs neverLheless for
program loans wlLh a llsL of lnellglble lLems of lmporLs (negaLlve llsL) borrowers are
requlred Lo submlL a cerLlflcaLe ln supporL of loan wlLhdrawal appllcaLlons Au8 also
reLalns lLs rlghLs Lo audlL any accounLs or Lo verlfy Lhe valldlLy of Lhe cerLlflcaLlon
provlded by borrowers wlLh each appllcaLlon (See paragraphs 1181111 Au8 Loan
ulsbursemenL Pandbook)
232 1he revlsed Culdellnes apply Lo prlvaLe secLor operaLlons (SC) ln Lhls
respecL Lhe Culdellnes wlll be sLrengLhened ln fuLure updaLes Lo Lake accounL of
developmenLs ln Lhls area and Lo reflecL Lhe guldance provlded ln Lhe CredlL 8lsk Manual
LhaL Lhe rlvaLe SecLor CperaLlons ueparLmenL (SCu) ls preparlng
233 1hese Culdellnes are also relevanL Lo 1As 1As are deslgned and
lmplemenLed prlor Lo Lhe beglnnlng of a program or pro[ecL 1hese guldellnes sLrongly
recommend LhaL 1A resources be used (ln parL) Lo appralse Lhe flnanclal aspecLs of user lnsLrucLlons
llnanclal ManagemenL and Analysls of ro[ecLs
4 of 12
pro[ecLs and pro[ecL execuLlng agencles and where necessary Lo develop sufflclenL
flnanclal managemenL capaclLy Lo lmplemenL and manage Lhe pro[ecL
24 ro[ecL 1ypes and Ceneral 1reaLmenLs
241 1hese Culdellnes effecLlvely classlfy pro[ecLs execuLlng agencles and
lmplemenLlng agencles lnLo Lwo dlsLlncL groups (l) nonrevenueearnlng and (ll)
revenueearnlng (lncludlng publlc secLor prlvaLe secLor and flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons) Au8
LogeLher wlLh oLher lnLernaLlonal flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons (llls) lncludlng Lhe oLher Mu8s
ls acLlvely encouraglng borrowers and LAs Lo adopL unlform sLandards of accounLlng and
flnanclal reporLlng Powever some Llme wlll be requlred Lo achleve a hlgh level of
242 ln Lhe case of nonrevenueearnlng LAs ln Lhe publlc secLor Au8 expecLs
sound flnanclal pollcles adequaLe accounLlng records proper lnLernal conLrol sysLems
Llmely reporLlng Lo managemenL and sound and Llmely audlLlng
AccounLlng SLandards AudlLlng SLandards
and 8eporLlng ArrangemenLs

243 AccounLlng SLandards Lxamples of accounLlng sLandards accepLable Lo Au8
are Lhe lnLernaLlonal AccounLlng SLandards (lAS) publlshed by Lhe lAS8 whlch are
normally used for commerclal enLlLles and Lhe lnLernaLlonal ubllc SecLor AccounLlng
SLandards (lSAS) publlshed by Lhe ubllc SecLor CommlLLee of Lhe lnLernaLlonal
lederaLlon of AccounLanLs (llACSC) llnanclal reporLs may be prepared ln accordance
wlLh naLlonal accounLlng sLandards LhaL are [udged Lo be accepLable by Au8 Au8
LogeLher wlLh Lhe oLher members of Lhe Mu8 1echnlcal Worklng Croup on llnanclal
ManagemenL ParmonlzaLlon and Lhe CLCuuAC underLake Lo supporL Lhe work of
llACSC ln developlng an accounLlng sLandard for developmenL asslsLance was
publlshed ln 2004
243 (a) AudlLlng SLandards Lxamples of audlLlng sLandards accepLable Lo
parLlclpaLlng Mu8s are Lhose publlshed by Lhe lnLernaLlonal CrganlzaLlon of Supreme
AudlL lnsLlLuLlons (ln1CSAl) and Lhe lnLernaLlonal SLandards on AudlLlng (lSA) lssued
by Lhe lnLernaLlonal AudlL and Assurance SLandards 8oard (lAAS8) Au8 may also
accepL naLlonal audlL sLandards LhaL Lhey conslder Lo be conslsLenL ln all maLerlal respecLs
wlLh lnLernaLlonal sLandards or where any maLerlal lnconslsLency wlLh lnLernaLlonal
sLandards ls ldenLlfled and dlsclosed user lnsLrucLlons
llnanclal ManagemenL and Analysls of ro[ecLs
3 of 12
244 1he followlng Lable lllusLraLes Lhese caLegorlzaLlons and assoclaLed LreaLmenLs
SecLor SLaLeCwned (ubllc SecLor) rlvaLe SecLor
8evenueLarnlng rlvaLe SecLor
1ype of ro[ecL
LxecuLlng Agency
or lmplemenLlng
llnanclal lnsLlLuLlons
8road Culdellnes
Approach and
- Sound flnanclal pollcles
- AdequaLe accounLlng records
- roper lnLernal conLrol sysLems
- 1lmely reporLlng Lo
- Sound and Llmely audlLlng
- Cradual lmprovemenLs ln
flnanclal reporLlng as capaclLy
- Move Lowards besL pracLlce
prlvaLe secLor managemenL
lnLernal conLrol and
governance arrangemenLs
- Lnsure LhaL ongolng
operaLlons are susLalnable
- Compllance wlLh naLlonal
AccounLlng SLandards
- Move Lowards reporLlng ln
accordance wlLh lASs
23 Cvervlew of ro[ecL rocesslng SLeps
231 Cnce a pro[ecL ls ldenLlfled by agreemenL beLween a governmenL and Au8 lL
ls processed and lmplemenLed 1he varlous sLeps from pro[ecL ldenLlflcaLlon Lo
compleLlon comprlse whaL ls known as Lhe pro[ecL cycle lurLher deLalls and lndlcaLlve
LlmeLables for Lhe pro[ecL cycle are avallable from wwwadborg/ro[ecLs/cycleasp 1he
sLeps ln a Lyplcal Au8flnanced pro[ecL lnclude (l) pro[ecL ldenLlflcaLlon (ll) facLflndlng
Lo esLabllsh pro[ecL feaslblllLy (lll) appralsal Lo assess pro[ecL soundness and vlablllLy (lv)
conslderaLlon and approval by Au8's 8oard of ulrecLors and (v) pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon
wlLhln Lhe guldlng framework of Au8's loan admlnlsLraLlon procedures Many Au8flnanced pro[ecLs are
also sub[ecL Lo operaLlons evaluaLlon when compleLed

232 1he flrsL sLep of pro[ecL ldenLlflcaLlon ls generally underLaken durlng Lhe
preparaLlon of Lhe CounLry SLraLegy and rograms (CSs) CSs are usually prepared
every 3 years for each uMC and are updaLed annually ln consulLaLlon wlLh member
233 ln appralslng a pro[ecL lLs Lechnlcal flnanclal economlc soclal
envlronmenLal producLlon markeLlng managemenL aspecLs and loan condlLlonallLles are
closely examlned 1hls helps Lo plnpolnL speclflc sLeps necessary Lo ensure lLs smooLh and
efflclenL lmplemenLaLlon and operaLlon Au8 loans are ofLen channeled Lhrough (l) exlsLlng
agencles (ll) governmenL deparLmenLs (lll) semlgovernmenL and publlc enLerprlses (lv)
and Lo Lhe prlvaLe secLor ofLen Lhrough naLlonal developmenL banks user lnsLrucLlons
llnanclal ManagemenL and Analysls of ro[ecLs
6 of 12
234 Loan approval by Au8 does noL mean LhaL Lhe amounL of Lhe loan ls
lmmedlaLely Lransferred Lo Lhe borrower ln a lump sum 1he loan ls dlsbursed Lo meeL
expendlLures under Lhe loan agreemenL as and when Lhey are lncurred Speclflc
procedures are lald down ln Lhe loan documenLs and ln Au8's Loan ulsbursemenL
233 normally Lhe loan documenLs allow 90 days for Lhe loan Lo become
effecLlve 1he preparaLory work for consLrucLlon (lncludlng recrulLmenL of consulLanLs
preparaLlon of Lender documenLs and deLalled deslgns procuremenL of equlpmenL and
selecLlon of conLracLors for consLrucLlon) may Lake from 12 Lo 18 monLhs or longer
usually Lhese acLlvlLles cannoL begln unLll Lhe loan becomes effecLlve Powever cerLaln
prellmlnary sLeps ln Lhe procuremenL of goods and selecLlon of consulLanLs may begln aL
an earller sLage Lo speed up pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon lmplemenLaLlon Llme generally
ranges from 2 Lo 3 years and depends on Lhe Lype and naLure of Lhe pro[ecL 1he progress
of pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon ls assessed by Au8 revlew mlsslons whlch vlslL Lhe pro[ecL
abouL Lwlce a year LhroughouL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon perlod
26 SLep 1 ldenLlflcaLlon and Larly reparaLlon
261 When compared wlLh Lhe needs of lLs borrowlng members Au8 resources
are llmlLed ConsequenLly pro[ecLs are selecLed carefully 8efore any pro[ecL ls ldenLlfled
for Au8 flnanclng Au8 sLaff revlew a counLry's economy parLlcularly lLs naLlonal and
secLoral developmenL programs and deLermlne Lhe prospecLs for lLs success CounLry
programmlng mlsslons vlslL uMCs regularly Lo dlscuss Loplcs of muLual lnLeresL wlLh
governmenL offlclals and selecL sulLable pro[ecLs for Au8 asslsLance
262 Slnce Lhe levels of economlc growLh and Lhe prlorlLles for developmenL vary
from one uMC Lo anoLher Au8 Lrles Lo selecL Lhose pro[ecLs whlch wlll mosL effecLlvely
conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe economlc and soclal developmenL of Lhe counLry concerned ln
conformlLy wlLh Lhe counLry and Au8 sLraLegles
263 Cnce lL ls conflrmed LhaL Lhe pro[ecL lnvesLmenL ls [usLlfled Au8 evaluaLes
Lhe pro[ecL ln some cases especlally ln Lhe smaller and lessdeveloped uMCs pro[ecL
ldenLlflcaLlon may requlre Lhe help of ouLslde experLs lf so Au8 can provlde Lechnlcal
asslsLance Lo a uMC Lo help lL ldenLlfy and prepare a pro[ecL for posslble Au8 flnanclng
1he followlng Lable ldenLlfles relevanL acLlvlLles durlng pro[ecL ldenLlflcaLlon and early
pro[ecL preparaLlon user lnsLrucLlons
llnanclal ManagemenL and Analysls of ro[ecLs
7 of 12
ro[ecL 1ype
and/ or

- lf pro[ecL ls noL ldenLlfled
ln Lhe CounLry SLraLegy
and rogram (CS) Lhen
ConcepL aper ls prepared
for ManagemenL approval 9
- osslble pro[ecL Lypes 32
- 8egln preparlng forecasLs 9 9 341
- lnform borrowers of Au8
accounLlng and audlLlng
requlremenLs 9 33
- underLake prellmlnary
conslderaLlon of LA/lA
flnanclal pollcles and
flnanclal managemenL
sysLems (CM C2 ldenLlfy
arrangemenLs 9
426 429 428 428 62 63
- 8evlew accounLlng and
audlLlng arrangemenLs 9
32 33
- 8evlew earller Au8 revlews
of and World 8ank
cerLlflcaLlon of LxecuLlng
and lmplemenLlng Agencles 9 41
- Conslder Lhe lnformaLlon
requlremenLs Lo supporL
flnanclal analyses 9 43 64
- Where avallable revlew
CounLry ulagnosLlc SLudy
of AccounLlng and
AudlLlng (uSAA) 9 423
- ldenLlfy consulLlng
requlremenLs for
lnsLlLuLlonal sLrengLhenlng 9
- llnanclal AnalysL's
responslblllLles durlng
pro[ecL appralsal 9 4242
- ro[ecL reparaLlon 8eporL 9 372
- Lnsure LhaL 1A 1C8s
reflecL flnanclal
managemenL needs 9 372
A 9" ldenLlfles who has Lhe key responslblllLy each sLep " lndlcaLes noL appllcable"
1he secLlon number where Lhe requlremenLs and relaLed guldance can be locaLed ls provlded ln Lhe
Lable " lndlcaLes
LhaL no lnformaLlon ls avallable or LhaL Lhe general requlremenLs apply Lo Lhe pro[ecL Lype
LA execuLlng agency lA lmplemenLlng agency 1A pro[ecL preparaLory Lechnlcal asslsLance 1C8
Lerms of reference user lnsLrucLlons
llnanclal ManagemenL and Analysls of ro[ecLs
8 of 12
27 SLep 2 Loan reparaLlon
271 Loan preparaLlon lnvolves [usLlfylng Lhe Lechnlcal feaslblllLy economlc
vlablllLy and flnanclal soundness of a pro[ecL 1hls preparaLlon phase can be underLaken
by Lhe governmenL or any oLher agency buL Au8 can also asslsL by provldlng Lechnlcal
asslsLance granLs Lo Lhe governmenL uslng Lhe granLs Au8 hlres consulLanLs Lo
underLake a pro[ecL feaslblllLy sLudy 1he consulLanLs' work ls closely monlLored by Au8
sLaff and Lhe drafL flnal reporL ls revlewed aL a meeLlng aLLended by represenLaLlves of Lhe
governmenL Au8 and Lhe consulLanLs 1he followlng Lable ldenLlfles relevanL acLlvlLles
durlng loan preparaLlon
ro[ecL 1ype
(l) ConsulLanLs' SLage
- CbLaln coples of annual
flnanclal sLaLemenLs for 3
prevlous flnanclal years (lf
posslble) 9 337 337 337
- repare ro[ecL CosL LsLlmaLe
1able 9 9 343 64
- repare llnanclng lan 9 9 346
- lorecasL annual neL cash flows 9 9 347
- repare flnanclal cosLbeneflL
analysls 9 33
- underLake senslLlvlLy and rlsk
analysls 9 334
- 8evlew LA/lA flnanclal pollcles
and flnanclal managemenL
sysLems ldenLlfy deflclencles
and correcLlve acLlons (CM C2) 9
426 429 428 428 63 64
- 8evlew flnanclal ob[ecLlves and
cosLrecovery sysLems 9
- repare flnanclal Lables
(forecasL flnanclal sLaLemenLs) 9 9
- ldenLlfy key flnanclal ob[ecLlves
and selecL approprlaLe
performance measuremenL
lndlcaLors and covenanLs 9 44 44 44
- Conslder governance aspecLs
(CM C4) 9 423
- ueLermlne loan covenanLs
(rellmlnary) 9 9 36 64user lnsLrucLlons
llnanclal ManagemenL and Analysls of ro[ecLs
9 of 12
ro[ecL 1ype
- 8evlew accounLlng pollcles
(CM !7 and C 43) 9 9 323
- ueLermlne flnanclal reporLlng
requlremenLs and LlmeLable
(rellmlnary) (CM !7 and C 43) 9 9 33
- ueLermlne audlLlng
arrangemenLs (rellmlnary)
(CM !7 and C 43) 9 9 33 34 663
- llnanclal AnalysL's
responslblllLles durlng pro[ecL
appralsal 9 4242
- CompleLe Appralsal CheckllsL 9 33 77 78 79 710
- repare llrsL urafL of 88 9 373
- 8evlew 88 (llnanclal CheckllsL) 9 76
(ll) reparaLory 8eporLs
- Supervlsory AcLlons (Al 101) 9 3741
- reparaLlon of CosL LsLlmaLes 9 3741
- ro[ecL lncepLlon Mlsslon (Al
602) 9 3741
(lll) ro[ecL 8udgeL 8rleflng
A 9" ldenLlfles who has Lhe key responslblllLy each sLep " lndlcaLes noL appllcable"
1he secLlon number where Lhe requlremenLs and relaLed guldance can be locaLed ls provlded ln Lhe
Lable " lndlcaLes
LhaL no lnformaLlon ls avallable or LhaL Lhe general requlremenLs apply Lo Lhe pro[ecL Lype
LA execuLlng agency lA lmplemenLlng agency 88 8eporL and 8ecommendaLlon of Lhe resldenL
28 SLep 3 ro[ecL LxamlnaLlon
281 ro[ecL feaslblllLy as presenLed ln Lhe consulLanLs' reporL ls Lhen examlned
by Au8 flrsL Lhrough a facLflndlng mlsslon and Lhen Lhrough an appralsal mlsslon
mlsslon Leams ln consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe governmenL examlne Lhe pro[ecL's Lechnlcal
flnanclal economlc envlronmenLal and managemenL aspecLs and poLenLlal soclal lmpacL
Loan Lerms and condlLlons are dlscussed lollowlng Lhe examlnaLlon aL Lhe fleld Lhe
appralsal mlsslon Leam prepares a reporL and draws up a drafL loan agreemenL for
negoLlaLlon 1he followlng Lable ldenLlfles relevanL acLlvlLles durlng pro[ecL examlnaLlon

no separaLe facLflndlng mlsslon wlll be requlred lf Lhere ls sufflclenL agreemenL beLween Au8 and Lhe
durlng Lhe pro[ecL deslgn processes Lo permlL Lhe preparaLlon of a comprehenslve drafL 88 for M8M
(Au8 2002
8uslness rocesses for Lhe 8eorganlzed Au8 para 41)
lurLhermore lf a pro[ecL ls ad[udged aL M8M Lo be sufflclenLly prepared Lo go dlrecLly lnLo loan
negoLlaLlons Lhe M8M
may declde LhaL (l) appralsal has been compleLed (no furLher mlsslon ls requlred) and (ll) Lhe S8C
meeLlng be walved user lnsLrucLlons
llnanclal ManagemenL and Analysls of ro[ecLs
10 of 12
ro[ecL 1ype
(l) lacLllndlng Mlsslon
- 8evlew LA/lA flnanclal
pollcles flnanclal
managemenL sysLems
and audlLlng
arrangemenLs and
ldenLlfy deflclencles and
correcLlve acLlons (CM
C2 CM !7 and C 43) 9
33 429 428 428
- 8evlew Appralsal CheckllsL 9 33 77 78 79 710
- updaLe 88 9 373
- 8evlew 88 (llnanclal
CheckllsL) 9 76
- llnanclal AnalysL's
responslblllLles durlng
pro[ecL appralsal 9 4242
- 8evlew Mlsslon 8eporL 9 3741
(ll) ManagemenL 8evlew
(lll) Appralsal Mlsslon
- 8evlew LA/lA flnanclal
pollcles and flnanclal
managemenL sysLems and
ldenLlfy deflclencles and
correcLlve acLlons (CM
C2 CM !7 and C 43) 9
- 8evlew Appralsal CheckllsL 9 33 77 78 79 710
- updaLe ro[ecL CosL
LsLlmaLes 9 9 343
- updaLe 88 9 373
- 8evlew 88 (llnanclal
CheckllsL) 9 76
- llnanclal AnalysL's
responslblllLles durlng
pro[ecL appralsal 9 4242
(lv) SLaff 8evlew
CommlLLee (S8C)
(v) 8oard ConslderaLlon
A 9" ldenLlfles who has Lhe key responslblllLy each sLep " lndlcaLes noL appllcable"
1he secLlon number where Lhe requlremenLs and relaLed guldance can be locaLed ls provlded ln Lhe
Lable " lndlcaLes
LhaL no lnformaLlon ls avallable or LhaL Lhe general requlremenLs apply Lo Lhe pro[ecL Lype
LA execuLlng agency lA lmplemenLlng agency 88 8eporL and 8ecommendaLlon of Lhe resldenL
user lnsLrucLlons
llnanclal ManagemenL and Analysls of ro[ecLs
11 of 12
29 SLep 4 Loan negoLlaLlons
291 AfLer negoLlaLlons wlLh Lhe governmenL Lhe loan proposal ls submlLLed Lo
Au8's 8oard of ulrecLors for approval 1he loan agreemenL ls Lhen slgned by Lhe Au8
resldenL and represenLaLlves of Lhe governmenL and Lhe execuLlng agency 1he loan
Lakes effecL once cerLaln condlLlons are meL
210 SLep 3 ro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon
2101 1he pro[ecL ls lmplemenLed by Lhe LA accordlng Lo Lhe agreed schedule and
procedures ro[ecL consulLanLs are recrulLed Lhe deLalled englneerlng deslgn and
blddlng documenLs are prepared machlnery and equlpmenL are procured and clvll
works are consLrucLed and lnsLalled Au8's reglonal dlvlslons revlew Lhe lmplemenLaLlon
ln close coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe borrower and Lhe LAs Au8 dlsburses Lhe loan for
approved expendlLures as provlded ln Lhe loan agreemenL 1he followlng Lable ldenLlfles
relevanL acLlvlLles durlng pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon
ro[ecL 1ype
AcLlvlLy ConsulLanLs
or llnanclal
- updaLe pro[ecL CosL LsLlmaLes 9 9 343
- 8evlew flnanclal reporLs (Al 309) 9 33
- 8evlew audlLors' reporLs (Al 309) 9 36
(l) Supervlslon 8eporLs
- 8evlew Mlsslon 8eporL (Al 602) 9 3741
- Loan AdmlnlsLraLlon Mlsslon
8eporL (Al 603) 9 3741
- Supervlslon 8eporL (Al 602) 9 3742
- rogress reporLlng (Al 310) 9 3741
- rovlslon of localcosL flnanclng
by borrower (Al 308) 9 3741
- ro[ecL admlnlsLraLlon revlew
(Al 601) 9 3741
- LxamlnaLlon of audlLed
accounLs AAs and AlSs (Al
309) 9 3741
- SLaff responslblllLles for dayLoday loan admlnlsLraLlon
(Al 102) 9 3741
A 9" ldenLlfles who has Lhe key responslblllLy each sLep " lndlcaLes noL appllcable"
1he secLlon number where Lhe requlremenLs and relaLed guldance can be locaLed ls provlded ln Lhe
Lable " lndlcaLes
LhaL no lnformaLlon ls avallable or LhaL Lhe general requlremenLs apply Lo Lhe pro[ecL Lype
AA audlLed pro[ecL accounLs Al ro[ecL AdmlnlsLraLlon lnsLrucLlon AlS agency flnanclal
sLaLemenLs user lnsLrucLlons
llnanclal ManagemenL and Analysls of ro[ecLs
12 of 12
211 SLep 6 ro[ecL CompleLlon
2111 AfLer Lhe pro[ecL faclllLles are compleLed and commlssloned Au8 prepares a
pro[ecL compleLlon reporL (C8) Lo documenL Lhe lmplemenLaLlon experlence Au8's
CperaLlons LvaluaLlon ueparLmenL (CLu) evaluaLes pro[ecLs on a selecLlve basls lL
prepares pro[ecL performance audlL reporLs LhaL assess pro[ecL formulaLlon and
lmplemenLaLlon economlc flnanclal and soclal beneflLs and envlronmenLal lmpacLs

ro[ecL 1ype
AcLlvlLy ConsulLanLs
or llnanclal
(l) CompleLlon 8eporLs
- ro[ecL CompleLlon
8eporL (Al 607)
9 3741

A 9" ldenLlfles who has Lhe key responslblllLy each sLep " lndlcaLes noL appllcable"
1he secLlon number where Lhe requlremenLs and relaLed guldance can be locaLed ls provlded ln Lhe
Lable " lndlcaLes
LhaL no lnformaLlon ls avallable or LhaL Lhe general requlremenLs apply Lo Lhe pro[ecL Lype
Al pro[ecL admlnlsLraLlon lnsLrucLlon

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