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Ian van Lyck

van Lyck
neLherlandlsh famlly of arLlsLs 1he broLhers PuberL van Lyck !an van Lyck and LamberL van Lyck
were all palnLers a slsLer MargareL was also ldenLlfled as a palnLer by van vaernewl[ck (1368) who
recorded LhaL she was unmarrled and was burled nexL Lo PuberL ln ChenL 1he LradlLlon LhaL Lhe
famlly orlglnaLed ln Maaselck Maeseyck near MaasLrlchL seems conflrmed by Lhe dlalecL of !an
van Lyck's moLLo and colour noLes on hls porLralL drawlng of a man (uresden kupfersLlchkab) and
by hls glfL of vesLmenLs Lo a convenL ln Maaselck where hls daughLer Llevlne became a nun 1he
famlly belonged Lo Lhe genLry Lhe armorlals of !an's eplLaph ln SL 8avo's ChenL showed LhaL hls
faLher or grandfaLher came from 8rabanL perhaps near 's PerLogenbosch and marrled a woman
from a Mosan famlly lL ls posslble LhaL 8arLhelemy d'Lyck courL palnLer Lo klng 8ene l of An[ou
belonged Lo Lhe same famlly
nubert van Lyck
(b c 138390 d ChenL 18 SepL 1426) alnLer
A MaglsLer PuberLus plcLor was pald ln 1409 for panels for Lhe church of Cnze Lleve vrouwe
1ongeren and a MasLer PuberL palnLed a panel bequeaLhed by !an de vlsch van der Capelle Lo hls
daughLer a 8enedlcLlne nun near Crevellngen ln 1413 conslderlng Lhe rarlLy of Lhls glven name
among palnLers of Lhe Llme Lhe arLlsL may well have been PuberL van Lyck 1he deslgnaLlon of
PuberL as 'MasLer' hls absence from gulld records Lhe chlldlessness revealed ln hls helrs' llvlng
ouLslde ChenL and hls slsLer's burlal beslde hlm all suggesL LhaL he was ln mlnor orders perhaps
aLLached Lo Lhe abbey church of SL 8avo ChenL (uhanens 1980) Pe musL have seLLled ln ChenL by
c 1420 and shorLly afLerwards begun hls only survlvlng documenLed work Lhe reLable wlLh Lhe
AdoraLlon of Lhe Lamb or ChenL AlLarplece whlch was commlssloned for SL 8avo's by !odocus vl[d (d
1439) and hls wlfe LllsabeLh 8orluuL (d 1443) Lo [udge from lLs advanced sLaLe aL Lhe Llme of
PuberL's deaLh lL musL have been deslgned c 1423 1he followlng year PuberL made Lwo deslgns for
a plcLure for Lhe Lown maglsLraLes of ChenL some of whom vlslLed hls shop ln 1423 Pe was
probably commlssloned Lo palnL Lhe reLable wlLh a palnLed or carved flgure of SL AnLhony (unLraced)
for Lhe alLar ln Lhe church of Lhe Savlour ChenL whlch 8obbrechL orLler and hls wlfe endowed on 9
March 1426 1hls can hardly have been sLarLed however slnce Lhe reLable for SL 8avo's musL have
occupled mosL of hls Llme unLll hls deaLh slx monLhs laLer 1he palnLer was burled ln SL 8avo's before
Lhe alLar on whlch Lhe reLable was Lo sLand a slgn of Lhe paLrons' esLeem 1he LombsLone ls sLlll ln
Lhe caLhedral museum berefL of Lhe brass plaque wlLh lLs lnscrlpLlon declarlng LhaL PuberL's
palnLlng had won hlm fame and Lhe hlghesL honour

PuberL van Lyck
1he 1hree Marys aL Lhe 1omb Museum 8ol[mans van 8eunlngen 8oLLerdam

PuberL van 8yck
1he 1hree Marys aL Lhe 1omb (deLall)
Museum 8ol[mans van 8eunlngen 8oLLerdam

PuberL van 8yck
1he 1hree Marys aL Lhe 1omb (deLall)
Museum 8ol[mans van 8eunlngen 8oLLerdam

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