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ln case of cenLrlfugal pump work ls done by lmpelleron waLer

1he expresslon for Lhe work done by Lhe lmpeller onLhe waLer ls obLalned by veloclLy Lrlangle aL lnleL
ouLleL of Lhe lmpeller
1he waLer enLers Lhe lmpeller radlally aL lnleL of pump
lor besL efflclency Lhe absoluLe veloclLy of waLer aLlnleL makes an angle of 90 degree wlLh Lhe
dlrecLlonof moLlon of Lhe lmpeller aL lnleL
Pence angle 90 vw1oLeLu1 dlameLer of lmpeller aL lnleLn speed of lmpeller ln rpm
angular veloclLyu1 LangenLlal veloclLy of lmpeller aL lnleL ru1n/60 2r81n/60
81u2dlameLer of lmpeller aL ouLleL
u2 LangenLlal veloclLy of lmpeller aL ouLleLru2n/60 2r82n/6o 82v1 absoluLe veloclLy of
waLer aL lnleLvw1 veloclLy of whlrl aL lnleLvr1 relaLlve veloclLy of waLer aL lnleLvf1 veloclLy of
flow aL lnleL angle made by v1 aL lnleL wlLh dlrecLlon of moLlon of vane angle made by vr1 aL
lnleL wlLh dlrecLlon of moLlon of vane
Andv2vr2vf2 and are correspondlng value aLouLleL1orque on lmpeller raLe of change of
momenL of momenLumMomenL of momenLum aL lnleL0 (as vw10)MomenL of momenLum aL
ouLleLWvw282/g1herefore 1orqueWvw282/g
Work done per second Lorque x angular veloclLy Wvw282 x /g Wvw2u2/g (as u2 82)Work
done per second per unlL welghL of llquldvw2u2/glf flow ls noL radlalWork done per second per
unlL welghL of llquld(vw2u2vw1u1)/g (1)Lhe equaLlon (1) ls known as Luler
momenLumequaLlon for cenLrlfugal pumps

An lmpeller for a cenLrlfugal pump comprlslng a hub exLendlng along an lmpeller axls
Lhe lmpeller axls deflnlng an axlal dlrecLlon along Lhe hub Lwo vanes exLendlng from Lhe
hub ln a radlal dlrecLlon away from Lhe lmpeller axls Lo a radlal vane edge aL Lhe farLhesL
exLenL of Lhe vane from Lhe hub each vane exLendlng along Lhe hub ln Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe
lmpeller axls from an upper locaLlon Lo a lower locaLlon Lhe dlrecLlon along Lhe lmpeller
axls from Lhe upper locaLlon Lo Lhe lower locaLlon deflnlng an axlal lnleL dlrecLlon each
vane exLendlng around Lhe hub ln a flrsL clrcumferenLlal dlrecLlon Lo sweep an arc from an
upper locaLlon along Lhe lmpeller axls Lo a lower locaLlon along Lhe lmpeller axls each
vane deflnlng a hlgh pressure surface faclng aL leasL parLlally along Lhe axlal lnleL
dlrecLlon Lhe hlgh pressure surface exLendlng from a hlgh pressure surface leadlng edge
aL Lhe upper locaLlon ln Lhe axlal lnleL dlrecLlon ln Lhe flrsL clrcumferenLlal dlrecLlon Lo a
hlgh pressure surface Lralllng edge aL Lhe lower locaLlon Lhe hlgh pressure surface leadlng
edge and Lhe hlgh pressure surface Lralllng edge exLendlng ouLwardly from Lhe hub away
from Lhe lmpeller axls

a low pressure surface faclng aL leasL parLlally along Lhe lmpeller
axls ln a second axlal dlrecLlon LhaL ls opposlLe Lhe axlal lnleL dlrecLlon Lhe low pressure
surface separaLed from hlgh pressure surface ln Lhe flrsL clrcumferenLlal dlrecLlon Lhe
separaLlon beLween Lhe hlgh pressure surface and Lhe low pressure surface ln Lhe flrsL
clrcumferenLlal dlrecLlon lncreaslng wlLh dlsLance from Lhe lmpeller axls Lo a flrsL locaLlon
closely ad[acenL Lo Lhe radlal vane edge Lhe low pressure surface and hlgh pressure
surface formlng a hydrofoll beLween Lhe flrsL locaLlon and Lhe radlal vane edge LhaL causes
a fluld movlng radlally ouLwardly along Lhe low pressure surface and hlgh pressure
surface as Lhe lmpeller roLaLes abouL Lhe lmpeller axls ln a dlrecLlon opposlLe Lhe flrsL
clrcumferenLlal dlrecLlon Lo lmpose a force on Lhe vane along Lhe axlal lnleL dlrecLlon
2 1he lmpeller of clalm 1 whereln Lhe vanes furLher deflne an upper vane surface
ad[acenL Lo Lhe upper locaLlon and exLendlng from Lhe hlgh pressure surface leadlng edge
Lo meeL Lhe low pressure surface Lo form an upper vane surface Lralllng edge and a lower
vane surface ad[acenL Lo Lhe lower locaLlon exLendlng from Lhe hlgh pressure surface
Lralllng edge Lo meeL Lhe low pressure surface Lo form a lower vane surface Lralllng edge
3 1he lmpeller of clalm 2 furLher comprlslng Lhree vanes 4 1he lmpeller of clalm 3 whereln Lhe hlgh
pressure surface leadlng edge and Lhe lower
vane surface Lralllng edge of every vane deflne a generally sLralghL llne exLendlng radlally
away from Lhe lmpeller axls and each vane sweeps an arc of nlneLy degrees as measured
by Lhe angle beLween Lhe hlgh pressure surface leadlng edge and Lhe lower vane surface
Lralllng edge
1he cenLrlfugal pump ls one of LheslmplesL pleces of equlpmenL from Lhe conLrols
andlnsLrumenLaLlon polnL of vlew lL ls a Lwo porL devlce wlLh awell deflned characLerlsLlc lLs
purpose ls Lo provlde Lhenecessary pressure Lo move llquld aL Lhe deslred raLe frompolnL A Lo polnL
8 of Lhe process llgure 11 shows agenerlc process wlLh a cenLrlfugal pump connecLed Lodellver
llquld from A Lo 8llgure 12 shows Lhe characLerlsLlc curve of an acLual pump(a slngle sLage verLlcal
Lurblne pump) LogeLher wlLh LhecharacLerlsLlc curve of Lhe process known as Lhe sysLemcurve 1he
lnLersecLlon of Lhe Lwo curves deflnes LheoperaLlng polnL of boLh pump and process lL would
beforLunaLe lndeed lf Lhls operaLlng polnL ls Lhe one acLuallyspeclfled for Lhe process lL ls lmposslble
for one operaLlngpolnL Lo meeL all deslred operaLlng condlLlons slnce LheoperaLlng polnL ls by
deflnlLlon exacLly one of an lnflnlLy of posslble operaLlng polnLs ln facL Lhe enLlre polnL of
conLrolllng Lhe pump ls Lo modlfy lLscharacLerlsLlc so LhaL lLs acLual operaLlng polnL ls Lhe one LhaL ls
requlred aL every lnsLance ln Llme

llg 11
A CenLrlfugal ump and a rocess
Several deflnlLlons are presenLed ln order Lodlscuss Lhe dlagramo ulfferenLlal pressure or head
aL LheoperaLlng polnL of Lhe pump and also of Lhe processCo llow raLe aL operaLlng polnL of
Lhepump and also of Lhe processpm Maxlmum dlfferenLlal pressure acrossLhe pump (aL
huLoff)Cpm Maxlmum dlscharge flow of Lhe pumplm SLaLlc (Mlnlmum) dlfferenLlal pressure
60L8CLn1 8A1Lu lLCW
u M C P A8 AC 1 L 8 l S 1 l C
S?S1LM Cu8vL
L8CLn1 8A1Lu 8LSSu8L
10080 120C
o pm
llg 12
ump CharacLerlsLlcs and SysLem Curve
beLween polnLs 8 and A of Lheprocess1he mlnlmum sLaLlc dlfferenLlal pressure of Lhe process ls
frequenLly zero as ln a closed clrculaLlngsysLem lf Lhe pump ls ln parallel wlLh oLher pumps LhaL are
malnLalnlng Lhe sysLem pressure Lhen
ls greaLer Lhan zero lL ls clear from Lhe ouLseL LhaL lf
ls greaLer Lhan
no amounL of process conLrol can force Lhe Lwo curves Lo lnLersecL 1he pump ls slmply lnadequaLe
Pow lsprocess conLrol llke cuLLlng off a rope? ?ou can always cuL off more buL you canL cuL off less
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Assumlng Lhe pump ls more Lhan adequaLe for Lhe process requlremenLs aL Lhe momenL whaL ls
LhebesL way Lo Lrlm lL back Lo Lhe deslred operaLlng polnL
? 1here are Lhree posslble locaLlons Loplace a valve AL Lhe dlscharge aL Lhe sucLlon and as a recycle
valve Lach wlll be dlscussed lnLurn
ulSCPA8CL 1P8C11LlnC

Slnce Lhe pump exlsLs Lo serve Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe process andone of Lhe prlmary purposes of
lnsLrumenLaLlon ls Lo adapL Lhe equlpmenL Lo Lhe process leL usconslder Lhe pump from Lhe polnL of
vlew of Lhe process lL can be vlewed as a consLanL pressuredevlce wlLh an lnLernal resLrlcLlon lL ls
Lhe resLrlcLlon LhaL glves lL Lhe curve lL seems naLural LopuL a valve on Lhe dlscharge Lo furLher
resLrlcL Lhe pump 1hls has Lhe effecL of roLaLlng Lhe curve of Lhe pump/valve sysLem clockwlse
as can be seen ln llgure 13AL Lhls polnL l musL warn Lhe reader LhaL we areabouL Lo encounLer a
paradlgm shlfL (!) 1hecomblnaLlon of pump and valve wlll bepresenLed as a black box wlLh a
slnglecharacLerlsLlc curve whlch l shall Lerm Lhemodlfled pump curve
1he more LradlLlonal way of looklng aL LheslLuaLlon ls from Lhe polnL of vlew of Lhe pumplL sees Lhe
process sysLem curve as havlngroLaLed counLer clockwlse around
llgure13 shows LhaL Lhe flow C
ls Lhe same for boLh cases 1he dlfference beLween Lhe Lwopressures ls Lhe uelLa across Lhe
valveSlnce Lhe purpose of Lhe pump ls Lo serve Lheprocess requlremenLs and Lhe purpose of
Lhevalve ls Lo adapL Lhe pump Lo Lhe process lL makes sense Lo conslder Lhe valve Lo be parL of
Lhepump sysLem and Lo use Lhe modlfled pump curve raLher Lhan Lhe modlfled sysLem curve ln our
dlscusslon ln any case lL can be seen LhaL a dlscharge valve can be used Lo achleve any
operaLlngpolnL on Lhe sysLem curve so long as Lhe polnL ls below Lhe pump curve

60L8CLn1 8A1Lu lLCW
L8CLn1 8A1Lu uLL1A vALvL
M C u u M
llg 13
Modlfled Curves ulscharge 1hroLLllng

SuC1lCn 1P8C11LlnC
1he second posslblllLy for conLrol uslng valves ls Lo place Lhe valve lnLhe pump sucLlon llne 1hls
would have an ldenLlcal effecL on Lhe characLerlsLlc curve buL LhemeLhod has a faLal flaw
cavlLaLlon CavlLaLlon ls a phenomenon LhaL occurs when Lhe pressure of a llquld ls reduced below
lLs vapour pressure and broughL back up above Lhe vapour pressureagaln 8ubbles of vapour form ln
Lhe llquld and Lhen collapse upon arrlvlng aL Lhe hlgher pressurereglon 1he collapse occurs aL sonlc
speed e[ecLlng mlnuLe [eLs of exLremely hlgh veloclLy llquldWherever Lhese [eLs lmplnge on a solld
surface exLreme eroslon occurs Cver Llme even LhehardesL maLerlals wlll be desLroyed 1herefore lL
ls of uLmosL lmporLance LhaL Lhls pressurereducLlon never occurs lL ls prevenLed by havlng sufflclenL
pressure avallable aL Lhe pump sucLlonso LhaL Lhe pressure drops LhaL occur as Lhe llquld ls drawn
lnLo Lhe eye of Lhe lmpeller are aL
Llmes above Lhe vapour pressure of Lhe llquld aL lLs currenL LemperaLureAn explanaLlon of Lhe Lerm
neL oslLlve SucLlon Pead (nSP) ls ln order 1hls ls Lhe pressure of
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Lhe llquld aL Lhe pump sucLlon ln Lerms of feeL or meLers of llquld head above Lhe vapour pressure of
Lhe llquld 1he acLual nSP under operaLlng condlLlons ls called nSPA and Lhe mlnlmumrequlred by
Lhe pump Lo prevenL cavlLaLlon ls called nSP8 Clearly nSPA musL be greaLer LhannSP8 Lo avold
cavlLaLlon lL ls safe Lo leave a margln of abouL one meLer1hese pecullar deflnlLlons are very
reasonable ln Lerms of Lhe pumps acLual characLerlsLlc buL Lheycause some problems Lo Lhe conLrols
englneer lL means LhaL Lhe gauge pressure equlvalenL of aglven nSPA ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe
denslLy of Lhe llquld and ls also affecLed by lLs LemperaLure 1hevapour pressure can rlse
dramaLlcally as Lhe LemperaLure rlses 1hls means LhaL Lhe nSPA canfall wlLhouL a noLlceable
change ln pressureAnyLhlng LhaL would reduce Lhe neL poslLlve pressure aL Lhe pump lnleL below
Lhe nSP8 musL beabsoluLely avolded 1hus sucLlon LhroLLllng ls never used Lo conLrol pump flow
1he Lhlrd remalnlng posslblllLy for pump conLrol wlLh valves ls Lo bleedsome of Lhe dlscharge flow
back Lo Lhe pumpsucLlon or Lo some oLher polnL on Lhe supplyslde Cnce agaln we can vlew Lhe
resulL as amodlfled sysLem curve or as a modlfled pumpcharacLerlsLlc llgure 14 shows boLh
Lachcurve ls a roLaLlon of Lhe orlglnal 1he modlfledsysLem curve as a clockwlse roLaLlon around
noLe Lhe llLLle Lall aL Lhe lefL of Lhemodlfled sysLem curve 1hls represenLs Lheflow Lhrough Lhe
recycle valve before Lhedlscharge check valve opens Lo Lhe process1he modlfled pump curve has a
counLer clockwlse roLaLlon around Lhe hypoLheLlcallnLersecLlon of Lhe pump curve wlLh Lhe flowaxls
60L8CLn1 8A1Lu lLCW
L8CLn1 8A1Lu 8LSSu8L

M C u u M
llg 14
Modlfled Curves 8ecycle valve
1hls famlly of curves shows several problems wlLh recycle conLrol llrsLly Lhe pump ls noL raLed
Lodlscharge more Lhan Lhe flow raLe aL Lhe end of Lhe curve lL ls
of course Lo run Lhe pumpwlLh a wlde open dlscharge mlnlmum

buL lL ls unhealLhy for Lhls parLlcular pump Lo run aL sucha hlgh raLe Lxcesslve flow may cause
cavlLaLlon damage (Lxcess flow cavlLaLlon ls noL caused bynSP problems buL by hlgh veloclLy
wlLhln Lhe lnLernal passages of Lhe pump) 1hls resLrlcLlonmeans LhaL Lhe mlnlmum dlscharge
pressure may noL be lower Lhan Lhe one correspondlng Lo Lhemaxlmum flow ln oLher words Lhe
modlfled pump curve cannoL reach all polnLs on Lhe sysLemcurveSecondly alLhough many pumps
are capable of operaLlng near zero dlscharge pressure Lhe veryflaL pressure vs flow curve for much
of Lhe lower range for mosL pumps means a change of flowhas very llLLle effecL on Lhe dlscharge
pressure 1hus lL would Lake a very large amounL of flow Loproduce a small drop ln pressure ln
conLrol Lerms Lhls means LhaL conLrol would be very sloppyulscharge LhroLLllng on Lhe oLher hand
allows Lhe pump Lo develop Lhe head LhaL sulLs lL 1heunwanLed pressure ls dropped across Lhe
valve (noLe LhaL Lhe curve for Lhls parLlcular pump rlses
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raLher sLeeply lL wlll be more easlly conLrolled Lhan mosL)1hlrdly Lhls meLhod ls ofLen
lnefflclenLllgure 13 shows a sysLem curve a pumpcharacLerlsLlc a dlscharge
modlfledcharacLerlsLlc and a recycle modlfledcharacLerlsLlc Above Lhese ls a pumppower
requlremenL curve ln Lhe case of
dlscharge conLrol Lhe pump ls adapLed LoLhe process by dropplng lLs dlschargepressure lf one
follows Lhe flow llneverLlcally Lo Lhe acLual pump curve and Lhenbeyond Lo Lhe power requlremenL
curveone arrlves aL lLs power requlremenL ln Lhecase of recycle conLrol Lhe pump lsadapLed by
reduclng Lhe dlscharge flowlollowlng Lhe pressure llne Lo Lhe rlghL LoLhe acLual pump curve and
Lhen upwards LoLhe power requlremenL curve one arrlves aLLhe power requlremenL for recycle
conLrolnoLe LhaL Lhe power requlremenL curveLends Lo slope upward as flow lncreases1herefore
recycle conLrol consumes morepump horsepower Lhan dlscharge LhroLLllngwhen boLh achleve Lhe
same operaLlng polnL 1hls ls noL always so lf Lhe power requlremenL curvewere flaL Lhere would be
no dlfference noLlce on Lhe curve LhaL Lhere ls a sllghL drop ln horsepower near Lhe rlghL hand end
lf clrcumsLances were such LhaL Lhe operaLlng polnL corresponded Lo adownward sloplng power
curve recycle conLrol would be more efflclenL 1hls ls rare

60L8CLn1 8A1Lu lLCW233073100
u l S C P A 8 C L
L8CLn1 8A1Lu 8LSSu8L

8 L C ? C LL
llg 13
ulscharge 1hroLLllng


1here ls of course oneoLher means of adapLlng a pump Lo Lhechanglng demands of Lhe process
SpeedconLrol 1he vlrLue of Lhls meLhod ls LhaL lLreduces Lhe energy lnpuL Lo Lhe sysLem lnsLeadof
dumplng Lhe excess llgure 16 shows asysLem curve superlmposed on a famlly of curves for a
varlable speed pump 1he curvesreach all parLs of Lhe sysLem curve below Lhefull speed curve
1herefore Lhls ls an effecLlvemeans of conLrol noLe however LhaL Lhesecurves have one feaLure ln
common wlLhrecycle conLrol AL Lhe far lefL end of Lhe sysLemcurve Lhe pump curve and Lhe sysLem
curve arealmosL parallel (1he parLlcular pump chosenfor Lhls example has a raLher sLeeply
rlslngcurve near shuLoff MosL are conslderablyflaLLer) ln maLhemaLlcal Lerms Lhls means LhaL
60L8CLn1 8A1Lu lLCW
L8CLn1 8A1Lu 8LSSu8L
8010010080 120
llg 16
varlable Speed

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cenLrlfugal pump
uownload Lhls uocumenL for lreerlnLMoblleCollecLlons8eporL uocumenL
lnfo and 8aLlng

rashanL uhakaLe
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