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1.- Utiliza THERE IS/THERE ARE segn corresponda :
-_______________ a girl in the shop. -_______________ a film on TV. -_______________ ten books here. -_______________ six dogs next to me. -_______________ a big restaurant. -_______________ twenty CDs.

2.- Completa y responde segn corresponda con la forma adecuada del verbo CAN.
People ________ smile when they are sad. Peter ________ speak two languages. ________ you play tennis without rackets?________ His brother ________ play the piano everyday. My grandfather________ ride a horse because he is too old.

3.-Traduce estas acciones al castellano:

-read= -cook= -ski= -climb= -buy= -drink= -dance= -pull= -drive= -eat= -sing= -sleep=

4.-Completa esta tabla con los adjetivos posesivos que correspondan:


5.- Completa la tabla con los meses del ao en Ingls:

Enero Febrero Marzo Abril Mayo Junio Julio Agosto Septiembre Octubre Noviembre Diciembre


6.-Escribe estas fechas en Ingls respetando el orden (mes, da, ao):
-20 de Junio de 1997 -3 de Marzo de 2001 -8 de Septiembre de 2010

7.-Traduce las estaciones del ao al castellano:

INGLS Spring Summer Autumn Winter ESPAOL

8.-Completa con el fenmeno atmosfrico que corresponda:

When it When it When it When it When it When it When it When it is ____________ you can see the sun. is ____________ people wear a coat. is ____________ you cant see the sun. is ____________ you wear sunglasses. is ____________ people need a raincoat. is ____________ you need to hold your hat. is ____________ the countryside is white. is ____________ people wear light clothes.

9.- Completa las siguientes oraciones usando los adjetivos posesivos y una de las palabras siguientes:
Coat / Homework / House / Husband / Job / Key / Name Jim doesnt enjoy _____ _____. Its not very interesting. I cant open the door. I havent got _____ _____ . Sally is married. _____ ______ works in a bank. Its very cold today. Put on _____ _____ when you go out. What are the children doing? Theyre doing _____ _____ . Do you know that man? Yes, but I dont know _____ _____ . We live in Barton Street. _____ _____ is at the end on the left.

10.-Realiza una descripcin de tu habitacin utilizando THERE IS/THERE ISNT/THERE ARE/THERE ARENT:

11.-Traduce estas oraciones al Ingls:

-Este es mi coche nuevo -Nuestra casa es muy pequea -Tu camiseta es azul y roja -Hace fro en invierno -Hace calor en Ciudad Real

12.- Escribe oraciones completas usando la forma afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa del presente simple, segn corresponda.
1- Tim/ sometimes / go / riding 2- Alice/ usually / study / Maths 3- they / not / drive / cars 4-Tommy / not drink / wine 5- we / often / listen to / the radio 6-I / not like / bananas 7-you / want / an ice-cream? 8-Peter / play / tennis?

13.-Traduce estos adverbios de frecuencia al castellano:

Always Never Sometimes Usually Often Occasionally Ever

14.-Escribe utilizando el verbo LIKE 2 cosas que te gusten y otras 2 que no.

15.-Traduce estos adjetivos:

-angry= -busy= -crowded= -fat= -heavy= -noisy= -short= -thin=

-bad= -cold= -famous= -good= -hungry= -poor= -small= -young=

-big= -close= -far= -happy= -old= -sad= -tall= -enormous=

16.-Coloca cada sustantivo en su lugar correspondiente:

-banana, fish, soup, butter, salt, carrot, potato, sugar, pasta, apple, egg, steak, milk, water, book.



17.- Completa las siguientes preguntas con HOW MUCH / HOW MANY, segn corresponda:
- _______________salt do you take in your salad ?

- _______________glasses of milk do you have for breakfast? -_______________ time have we got to clean the bedroom? - _______________milk do you want? -_______________ eggs can you eat? -_______________ knives and forks are there? - _______________money do you need? - _______________bottles of wine can you see?

18.-Traduce al castellano este vocabulario relacionado con la comida :

-apple= -bread= -carrot= -cookies= -milk= -pasta= -salt= -water= -bacon= -butter= -cheese= -egg= -orange= -potato= -sugar= -tomato= -banana= -cake= -chicken= -fish= -juice= -rice= -soup= -sausage=

19.- Completa las oraciones con SOME/ANY segn corresponda:


I want __________ pizza. He says that he doesnt need __________ help with his homework. Would you like __________ fruit? There is __________ coke in the fridge. Have you got __________ water?

20.- Completa estas oraciones con el presente continuo:

a) I_____(play) with my dog. b) She_______(love) her mother. c) They_______(be) happy. d) My English teacher _________(be) nice. e) ___________ (have / he) got any sister ?

21.-Contesta a las siguientes preguntas:
-Do you play tennis? -Does she play tennis? -Is he a lawyer? -Are you a teacher? -Does he go to school? -Is Marvin a doctor?

22.-Coloca el adverbio en uno de los lugares segn corresponda:


What do you___________have___________for breakfast? (usually) I __________ am __________ sick. (never) Do you___________ eat __________ breakfast at work? (ever) Do you _________ drink water ___________ for dinner? (ever) She________ isn't ___________ home in the evenings. (usually)

23.-Pon en Ingls estas horas:

-10:25 -9:45 -8:00 -6:30 -5:15

24.-Pon estos nmeros cardinales en ordinales:

-1 -3 -2 -4

25.-Elige en cada caso la preposicin que corresponda IN/ON/AT:

a) I've been working in the office...........lunch time. b) He was born ...........February 2nd, 1965. c) The weather is rather cool .........Autumn. d) ...............Sunday Jill went to bed late. e) ...............the morning she went shopping. f) He starts work............half past six.

26.-Traduce estas oraciones:


-Mary va al colegio los lunes -Peter va al colegio los viernes -Kate va al colegio los mircoles

27.-Pon en imperativo estas oraciones:

-No contestes! (answer) -No comas!(eat) -No llores!(cry)

28.-Completa con comparativo o superlativo segn corresponda:

-William Shakespeare is _________________(famous) writer in England. -That book is __________________(interesting) than the newspaper. -This is __________________(bad) programme in television history. -That picture is ________________(clear) than this one.

29.-Traduce estas preposiciones de lugar:

-behind= -in front of= -between= -on= -by= -under= -in= -over= -at=

30.-Traduce estas palabras al castellano:

-fridge= -wardrobe= -table= -oven= -carpet= -chair=

-bed= -picture= -bath=

31.-Traduce al Ingls estas oraciones:

-La pelota est debajo de la caja. -La pelota est encima de la caja. -La pelota est al lado de la caja. -La pelota est dentro de la caja.

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