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The Photon Belt And Soul Ascension

The Photon Belt (also called the Photon Band, Photon Ring, Manasic Ring, or Golden Nebula) was discovered in outer space in 1961 by means of satellite-born instruments. Earth is now gradually moving into the Pleiades - The Seven Sisters - an estimated 440 light years from here. This grouping of stars is the basis of mythology in many countries.

In the early 1980s, a radio announcement was made in the U.S. that our solar system was, in fact, going to collide with an "electromagnetic cloud" in the not too distant future. However, this incredibly important statement of astronomical and historical significance was expressed in the usual indifferent manner, as though of little consequence. Important data was suppressed and yet another government coverup was conceived for the sole purpose of trying to exploit natural events to camouflage 'contrived chaos'.

What is this golden electromagnetic cloud, sometimes referred to as the "Radiant Nebula" or "Golden Nebula" by extraterrestrials? Its more universal designation is known as the "Photon Belt", consisting of many bands of photon energy. Any encounter with this belt is recognized by extraterrestrials as being of great spiritual significance.

We are moving into a zone in space that is a band of photon energy (hence the term photon "belt"). Our star moves into that band for about 2,000 years and this event happens approximately every 11,000 years. The last time we were in the photon belt was during the Atlantean Epoch. The 11,000th year out of the photon belt is often referred to as the "Galactic Night". Our star system is the 8th star in the Pleiadian star group. Our star circles the star Alcyone, as do the other Pleiadian stars. Alcyone is in the photon belt all the time. Others are in and out for varying periods of time depending on their orbit. The experience we have on Earth at this time is extremely valuable for the range of moving between

dimensions that happens as we move into and out of the photon belt. Billions of souls are trying to get into a body for this unique "ride".

Our solar system has been drifting into the photon belt since the 1980s and should be entirely in it by 2012. Once our system is completely within the belt, the boundaries that separate the higher dimensions will become translucent and at times non-existent.

One of the things that has to happen as we move into the photon belt is that we have to master the 4th dimension and integrate it into this planet. The transition into and out of the photon belt is characterized by radical weather patterns and earth changes. This phenomenon will be particularly interesting as the 4th dimensional world begins to precipitate into our own 3rd dimensional reality.

The 4th dimension is polarized, much like the 3rd dimension, which means that beings in the 4th dimension also have their own agendas as well - from assistance and blessing to outright interference with our spiritual development. Our state of consciousness is the most important thing as we continue to interact with the Photon Belt.

1st Dimension - Mineral Kingdom Accessed through crystal matrices

2nd Dimension - Plant Kingdom Accessed through plant communication

3rd Dimension - Time And Space Linear time mastery

4th Dimension - Non-Physical Kingdom Of Angels & Guides Angel & spirit guide communication

5th Dimension - Cosmic Cycles And Patterns Awareness of major cosmic cycles and patterns

6th Dimension - Consciousness Patterns Crop circles, glyphs, symbols awaken specific consciousness patterns

7th Dimension - Space-Time Continuum Portal to higher dimensions

The photon belt does not exist without a reason. Its purpose is to act as the prime regulator for galactic change, by coordinating its movements with a natural energy cycle from within the galactic core. At regular intervals this core spews forth an enormous, extremely intense energy wave that is intercepted and transmuted by the photon belt.

When required, this energy can cause stars to nova, planets to change their orbit, or even their very nature - their atmospheric content - and become arid, semi-arid, or water planets. Consequently, each galaxy's divine plan painstakingly carries out the spread of physical life and its controlled evolution. Everything in Creation happens according to the sacred edicts of its specific divine plan, which a galaxy's Spiritual Hierarchy watches over. For this to be accomplished, Heaven forms countless Orders, Councils and Administrations.

The photon belt regulates these waves, moving about in a set pattern that is established by how the galactic core operates. In our particular case, the Milky Way galaxy runs in roughly 13,000 and 26,000-year cycles. Hence, the photon belt rotates around the core according to this pattern. Each emission of galactic core energies varies in intensity and dispersal pattern, because it needs to affect every section of the galaxy in a specific way.

This energy leaves behind a special pattern that encodes each section of the galaxy with a distinctive 'timetable' - that is, the way each star, planet, dust cloud, etc will react and carry out its part of the divine plan. Each aspect of a galaxy also possesses a schedule for its unique unfolding. These events shape the very nature of physicality.

The universe is held together by means of vortices within vortices of "centripetal" (directed toward the center) energy-with their associated electromagnetic fields--like whirlpools on water, within larger whirlpools (this is the machinery behind Einstein's space-time topology of general relativity). These spiraling energies give rise to natural space-time orbits--satellites around planets, planets around stars, solar systems around other major vortex centers, etc.

Our planet Earth orbits the Sun once a year, but our solar system as a whole also traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy within a period of about 26,000 years. There are many other solar (star) systems in this cyclic motion (just as there are many other planets orbiting the Sun). The Pleiades, about 440 light years from us, is part of this system, and in fact our solar system orbits the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone. The photon belt encircles the Pleiades system. In fact, it consists of many photon bands emanating from the center of the galaxy, associated with the spiral arms of the galaxy.

Thus, our solar system, and therefore planet Earth, takes some 26,000 years to come back to its same point in this particular orbit. Picture several star systems in a massive orbit, but now envision overall a doughnut-shaped cloud cutting across these orbiting star systems. This is the photon belt, or photon band. This means that our solar system goes through the belt twice each cycle of 26,000 years (that is, every half-cycle or 13,000 years). The thickness of the photon cloud is such that it takes about 2,000 years for our solar system to pass through it, and therefore about 11,000 years between each encounter with this belt (2 x 11,000 + 2 x 2000 = 26,000 years).

When will this occur? It is difficult to make a specific prediction, since the belt is oscillating randomly. There are huge discrepancies in channeled material regarding the date of this occurrence, ranging from 2010 to 2012. Other Pleiadian information suggests that our solar system skimmed the belt for a few days in 1987, then over a week in the following year (1988). However, the information also indicates that Earth does not fully enter the photon belt until around 2012.

What does the photon belt consist of? What will be its effects on the life on our planet? What is the photon belt's purpose?

The photon belt is an immense region of space which is radiating intense electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and beyond, into high-frequency invisible light; even including some x-ray spectra. Reference has already been made through the media to huge increases in intensity of "dangerous" radiation entering through the holes in the ozone layer in certain regions of our planet.

If the Earth enters first into the photon belt, the sky will appear to be on fire, but this is called "cold light", as there will be no heat. If the Sun enters first, there will be immediate darkness, which will last approximately 110 hours. The interaction between the Solar Radiation and the Photon Belt will make the sky look as if it is full of falling stars. As the Earth enters the photon radiation belt, all of its molecules will become excited. All atoms will change. Everything will become more luminescent. There Will Be "constant light".

Other spectacular effects, some of a temporary nature, are expected as our Sun system moves into the photon belt. Earth is circling the Sun. Thus, it is alternatively ahead of the Sun and behind it in its linear motion towards the belt. Consequently, either the Sun or planet Earth may enter first. It is impossible to predict which, since, as stated above, the photon belt is expanding and contracting randomly. If the Sun reaches the photon cloud before Earth, it has been prophesied that darkness will ensue for about three to five days. It will be expected to be pitch dark, with probable cancellation of electrical power sources. If however, Earth goes in first, then the darkness will be avoided.

A quick look at the Christian bible: "All the stars will fall from the sky and the sky will be no more...". It is expected that the rotation of the Earth may diminish a little. Because of the reduced solar radiation, the temperature is expected to become cooler and the ice caps are expected to extend to about 40 degrees latitude in both hemispheres. Your history books document that at least five Ice Ages have been recorded and that they seem to last about 2,000 years. It may be noted that world communication centers, fixed satellites, U.S. bases and experimental sights are within the 'safe zone.' By design or by accident?

If the ice caps form within the light years, then the increased solar radiation when leaving the belt must surely melt the ice, causing floods. If it does not rain within this period of light, it is understandable why Noah was so awed by the sight of that first rainbow. The Gilgamesh talks of a great flood, but it was apparently 10,000 years before Noah's flood. We have thought about our world and the effect on a single person, but what about humanity as a whole? This interaction with the photon belt has been referred to in channeling as the Christus. Moreover, the event is supposed to be the true nature of the ascension, or rapture, well known in various Earth prophecies.

The photon belt encounter will play a significant role in the spiritual transformation of mankind. There will be a re-birthing of planet Earth and it could replicate or divide - each part retaining wholeness and producing a 3rd density as well as a 4th density Earth. This will not be perceived physically. The planets will be in different dimensions. One will reside in a parallel universe relative to the other.

It is important to mention that there are several books on physics that cover parallel universe theories. There is nothing particularly new about this. It has been channeled that we sometimes move into parallel universe planes and back, which are usually virtually identical. A further example is that an advanced civilization exists in the center of the Earth, but this particular civilization is in a parallel plane, which is reached by entering "electromagnetic" corridors near the openings at the poles, as well as other specific regions.

The Photon Belt cycle is synchronized with the end of a number of greater cycles. For example, 225 million years (the Reptilian cycle), 26,000 years (precession of the equinoxes) and 104,000 years (prominent evolutionary peak of four cycles of 26,000 years), culminating in a harmonic convergence occurring near the 2012 encounter date.

There are three types of people in our cosmos: corporeal (like us - solid, human); atmospherean (also solid to a point, but the molecular structure is quite different); and ethereans (no mass at all). When we enter the Photon Belt, a normal healthy person is expected to feel a jolt similar to putting your finger in a live electric socket, and the transformation will be complete -- you will have changed from a corporeal person to an atmospherean person ("and ye shall be changed to immortality without the separation of death, in the twinkling of an eye"). Theologians have written at great depth on Bible characters and assert that they have lived in this period of light. The sky and atmosphere was different and apparently it never rained.

Nostradamus, in his quatrain about the end of the world as we know it, in 1999: "and it will rain no more, but in 40 years, all will be normal." In aboriginal mythology it is said "Men were different to what they are now, we had a bridge to the stars." In all their stories if they fell out with the Chief or Elder, they fled to the sky. So did the Greeks. It appears that space travel is simple within the photon belt. The year 1962 was the year that we came within the influence of the Photon Belt. The year 1962 was a year of great UFO activity. Did we come within range of space travelers using the Photon Belt?

As we hurtle closer and closer, will more UFO's look us over before our rebirth into the years of LIGHT? It would seem that this is already happening. Erich Von Daniken, when visiting South America, discovered a tribe with an object given to them by Sky People thousands of years ago. They were told to keep it clean and "when it hums like thousands of swarms of bees, we will return." (It started humming softly in 1978). A cosmic alarm clock alerting us to the coming of the LIGHT? It would seem some civilizations may live permanently within The LIGHT. When our Planet leaves this period of LIGHT and returns to the 10,000 years of darkness, do THEY return to the LIGHT and wait our eventual re-entry?

The Mayans departed hurriedly with the message of their return, which scholars now agree is imminent. Rock carvings around the world show drawings similar to the system of Alcyone. "Ball Lightning" - a phenomena about which little is known. Is it perhaps little pockets of the Photon Belt? To all UFO researchers, these craft always show an interest in nuclear installations. What will happen to a reactor within the Belt? I think our scientists are way out ahead. Photon energy seems to be the energy of the future. Many UFO reports seem to indicate photon rockets on experimental craft "the headlights were at the back." Because the radiation of our Sun will be modified by the photon energy, is this why our scientists only pay minimal attention to the development of solar energy? Aboriginal mythology says "we were cast out into darkness and were much afraid, so the gods gave us a Sun to warm us and a moon to see at night."

It is conceivable that many people will not survive the initial jolt if they are not prepared for it. If the ice extends to 40 degrees latitude, that basically covers approximately half of the United States, most of Europe and parts of Asia.

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