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Edexcel Level 3 BTEC Nationals in


To support specifications for first teaching

from September 2007

October 2007

Tutor support materials

Edexcel, a Pearson company, Is the UK's largest awardIng body offerIng academIc and
vocatIonal qualIfIcatIons and testIng to more than 25,000 schools, colleges,
employers and other places of learnIng here and In over 100 countrIes worldwIde. Dur
qualIfIcatIons Include CCSE, AS and A Level, CN7Q, N7Q and the 8TEC suIte of
vocatIonal qualIfIcatIons from entry level to 8TEC HIgher NatIonal 0Iplomas and
FoundatIon 0egrees.

We delIver 9.4 mIllIon exam scrIpts each year, wIth over J.8 mIllIon marked onscreen
In 2006. As part of Pearson, Edexcel has been able to Invest In cuttIngedge
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AuthorIsed by Foger 8eard

Prepared by Lucy Stewart

All the materIal In thIs publIcatIon Is copyrIght

Edexcel LImIted 2007

ntroductIon 1

&nIt 1: The HospItaIIty ndustry 3

&nIt 3: HeaIth, Safety and SecurIty In the HospItaIIty

ndustry 2

&nIt 5: HospItaIIty Team LeadershIp and SupervIsIon 4

&nIt 13: PrIncIpIes of HeaIthy EatIng 65

&nIt 14: HospItaIIty usIness EnterprIse 81

&nIt 1: &nderstandIng Large-scaIe Events 10

Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

ThIs publIcatIon supports delIvery of the Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonal Award,
CertIfIcate and 0Iploma In HospItalIty. t should be read In conjunctIon wIth the
publIshed specIfIcatIon (publIcatIon code 8N018J65). ThIs gIves the content that must
be covered In the unIt, and the gradIng crIterIa to whIch learners must be assessed.

All 8TEC NatIonal unIts In the publIshed specIfIcatIon Include an Essentcl yudcnce
]or tutors sectIon. ThIs brIngs together the unIt's abstract, learnIng outcomes,
content and gradIng grId, provIdIng an overvIew of how the unIt may be delIvered
and assessed.

The tutor support materIals In thIs publIcatIon are desIgned to supplement the
guIdance gIven In the unIts. They provIde a suggested programme of learnIng where
the unIt content has been dIvIded Into a number of manageable teachIng sessIons.
There Is a number of generIc study skIlls sessIons to enable learners to develop the
skIlls requIred to achIeve the assessment crIterIa. Centres may wIsh to group these as
separate sessIon plans rather than attrIbutIng them to a specIfIc unIt. These skIlls wIll
be requIred generally throughout the whole course.

Also Included for each unIt are possIble sample assessment actIvItIes drawn from the
suggested programme of learnIng. These provIde opportunItIes to cover all of the
gradIng crIterIa, but the tutor may wIsh to wrIte other assIgnments for the unIt. All
assIgnments, IncludIng those from thIs document, should be subjected to the centre's
normal qualIty assurance procedures.

These tutor support materIals are not prescrIptIve. Tutors may feel that the unIt can
be delIvered and assessed more effectIvely In a dIfferent way. ThIs may be because
of the way the qualIfIcatIon Is organIsed wIthIn theIr centre or because of theIr
groups learnIng styles and prIor learnIng. These support materIals should be used to
provIde guIdance and Ideas to tutors, who can develop theIr own plans and Ideas to
engage theIr learners.

For further InformatIon please call Customer ServIces on 0870 240 9800 (calls may be
recorded for traInIng purposes) or vIsIt our websIte (www.edexcel.org.uk).
Edexcel Limited 2007

Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
Tutor support- Edexcel Level 3 BTEC Nationals in Hospitality- Issue 1 -October 2007
Edexcel Limited 2007

&nIt 1: The HospItaIIty ndustry

" LeveI 3: TEC atIonaI

uIded IearnIng hours: 60

&nIt abstract

ThIs unIt gIves learners knowledge whIch wIll be relevant to all unIts In the

Learners wIll develop an overvIew of the Importance of the hospItalIty Industry

wIthIn the economy, In terms of Its scale, scope and dIversIty. They wIll InvestIgate
the commercIal and caterIng servIces sectors of the Industry, and develop an
understandIng of the operatIons that provIde accommodatIon, caterIng and related
servIces. Learners wIll explore the dIverse types of ownershIp, Internal structures,
products and servIces offered, as well as customer types, and wIll develop an
understandIng of trends wIthIn the Industry.

Learners wIll also fInd out about the range of natIonal and InternatIonal classIfIcatIon
systems for food and beverage and accommodatIon provIders, and the standards
requIred to achIeve specIfIc levels wIthIn these systems.

The unIt gIves learners an opportunIty to explore the Internal structure of hospItalIty
busInesses. They wIll learn about the operatIonal areas, the staffIng structures,
hIerarchIes and job roles that exIst wIthIn the varIous parts.

Learners wIll look at the range of functIons that hospItalIty organIsatIons use In order
to support the busIness and provIde opportunItIes for growth. ThIs Includes human
resources, fInance, marketIng and customer servIces. The unIt gIves learners an
overvIew of the roles of these support functIons, and provIdes a fIrm foundatIon for
more detaIled study of these areas In other unIts wIthIn the %EC Nctoncls n
Hosptclty qualIfIcatIon.

These materIals provIde a suggested format for the delIvery of the unIt, whIch has
been dIvIded Into a number of sectIons for teachIng purposes. ThIs Is an IllustratIon
of how the unIt can be dIvIded Into manageable learnIng blocks. t Is not prescrIptIve.
Tutors may fInd the learnIng outcomes can be delIvered more effectIvely In a dIfferent
order, based on the way the qualIfIcatIon Is organIsed wIthIn the centre and theIr
learners abIlIty levels, learnIng styles and prIor learnIng.

A sample assIgnment has been provIded to cover all the gradIng crIterIa for the unIt
and Is IndIcatIve of how assessment could take place, however thIs Is an example
only and assessment may take place In alternatIve ways.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

LearnIng outcomes

n compIetIon of thIs unIt a Iearner shouId

1 Understand the scale, scope and dIversIty of the hospItalIty Industry

2 Understand the range of classIfIcatIon systems and theIr standards

J Know the organIsatIon and structure of hospItalIty operatIons

4 Know the purpose of support functIons In hospItalIty busInesses.

Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007

ExempIar programme of IearnIng


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

1 ntroductIon to unIt
and the hospItalIty

7IsIt or guest
nItIally the tutor should spend some tIme goIng through the learnIng outcomes and the
assessment crIterIa for the unIt, to ensure that the learners are aware of the content
they wIll cover and the general requIrements of the unIt.

The tutor should aIm to use thIs fIrst sessIon to Increase the learner's awareness of the
sIze of the hospItalIty Industry. n later sessIons more specIfIc reference wIll be made to
the scale, scope and dIversIty. To do thIs the tutor should run a braInstormIng actIvIty,
askIng the learners to thInk of all the dIfferent busInesses (wIth names If known) that
make up the hospItalIty Industry. UsIng thIs lIst the tutor should group the busInesses
accordIng to sector (commercIal or servIce) and types of product or servIce. ThIs gIves a
very broad overvIew of what wIll be comIng later In the programme.

At thIs early stage In the programme, vIsIts could be organIsed to aId learners'
understandIng of the Industry. deally vIsIts organIsed should be dIverse one could be to
a local hotel and another to a caterIng operatIon In a school or college.

8efore the vIsIt, learners should put together a lIst of questIons that they should ask
whIch may be relevant to all the aspects of the unIt. At thIs early stage the tutor should
guIde learners so thIs opportunIty Is not mIssed, sample questIons can be found In the
resources sectIon of thIs unIt as a startIng poInt.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

2 SessIon on research


dea generatIon

PaIr work
As much of thIs unIt wIll requIre learners to conduct research to fInd InformatIon, thIs
second sessIon could be used to delIver guIdance on research skIlls, so that learners are
equIpped to carry out purposeful and accurate research.

As a startIng poInt the tutor should ask the learners what research methods are avaIlable
to them (books, artIcles, the Internet and journals should all be covered). The
advantages and dIsadvantages of each should then be dIscussed, especIally wIth regards
to the Internet as thIs Is a popular resource. The bad practIce of 'cuttIng and pastIng'
InformatIon should be mentIoned.

The tutor should then Introduce learners to a research flow dIagram explaInIng the
followIng stages

W Stage 1 Analyse the problem gaIn a good understandIng of what Is requIred In terms
of the research. dentIfy the kInd of InformatIon needed and where to look for It.

W Stage 2 dentIfy key words learners IdentIfyIng the key words that they wIll ask a
search engIne to fInd here wIll save tIme at a later stage.

W Stage 3 Create the research strategy defIne the search area. For example learners
mIght use academIc texts specIfIc to theIr subject area, or mIght need to look at the
relevant busIness sector. They mIght also need to consIder how uptodate theIr
InformatIon needs to be.

W Stage 4 dentIfy InformatIon sources learners could vIsIt the lIbrary to famIlIarIse
themselves wIth text book locatIons, journal locatIons and archIve materIal.

W Stage 5 FetrIeve the InformatIon Dnce all InformatIon Is gathered, learners must
consIder the InformatIon and assess Its level of relevance, and reexamIne the task to
ensure they have the correct InformatIon needed to complete It.

Learners should be dIvIded Into paIrs and gIven a research exercIse, for example to
research the dIfferent types of hotels found In the UK In terms of star ratIngs. A tIme
lImIt should be set for the exercIse, and once thIs has elapsed each paIr should report
back on the InformatIon they found and the research methodology they used.

A handout on Internet research can be found In the resource sectIon for thIs unIt.
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ThIs sessIon should be dedIcated to lookIng at the scale, scope and dIversIty of the
hospItalIty Industry. The tutor should explaIn what Is meant by each term. The
InformatIon below has been taken from the resource sectIon of the People1st websIte
and provIdes a startIng poInt. Tutors may eIther ask the learners to fInd out the
InformatIon themselves from the websIte, or can gIve the learners the InformatIon.
WhIchever method Is chosen the tutor should ensure that learners understand the
termInology, and that thIs Is dIscussed In terms of the unIt content.


W There are 182,J4J hospItalIty, leIsure, travel and tourIsm establIshments In C8; a
thIrd are pubs, bars and nIghtclubs, and an addItIonal thIrd are restaurants.

W Small busInesses domInate the sector, wIth 81 per cent employIng between one and
49 employees, but they account for only 42 per cent of the workforce.

W DrganIsatIons wIth over 50 staff account for 0.2 per cent of busInesses, but represent
45 per cent of the workforce.

W The sector employs two mIllIon people.

W The restaurant Industry Is largest In terms of employment, employIng over half a

mIllIon people.

W The greatest share of the sectors Is In England (8J per cent), however In Scotland,
reland and Wales the presence Is strong and Important.

W The sector employs a young workforce, wIth just over a thIrd of the staff under the
age of 25.

W The sector contrIbutes 4 per cent of the C0P.

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J Scale, Scope and
Croup work

W There are 14 IndustrIes Included In the hospItalIty sector; from hotels and restaurants
through to events, gamblIng and travel servIces. Tutors should ask learners to
IdentIfy the full lIst (hotels, restaurants, pubs and nIghtclubs, contract food servIce
provIsIon, hospItalIty servIces, membershIp clubs, travel servIces, tourIst InformatIon
servIces, events, gamblIng, vIsItor attractIons, hostels, holIday centres and self
caterIng accommodatIon), and should explaIn any that the learners are unfamIlIar
wIth. The tutor should explaIn that they fall under two umbrellas the commercIal
sector (hotels, restaurants, fast food outlets etc) and the servIces sector (educatIon,
InstItutIonal, school meals, contract caterIng etc).

W The tutor should explaIn the followIng contracts

A tIed contract eg where an IndIvIdual Is tIed to a bank for a loan or where a pub
Is tIed to a brewery.

A tIme contract eg where a contract lasts for a set amount of tIme, eg a pub Is
managed for two years, and then the contract Is revIewed.

A managed contract eg where the caterIng In a college Is managed by an

Independent company.


The tutor should fIrst explaIn that the term 'dIversIty' can be defIned as range and

Learners should be dIvIded Into small groups and each gIven three or four IndustrIes from
the hospItalIty sector (lIsted above). They should then lIst the products and servIces found
In each, the types of customer and theIr requIrements. ThIs should result In a
large lIst, hIghlIghtIng how dIverse the Industry Is.
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FollowIng thIs the tutor should Introduce the dIfferent levels of ownershIp, eg owner
managed, partnershIp, prIvate and publIc lImIted companIes, local and multInatIonal. n
the resources sectIon there Is a short slIde show, whIch could be used to explaIn the
dIfferent types of ownershIp by ways of legal status. The tutor should help learners to
examples of dIfferent companIes that fall under each of the dIfferent ownershIp types,
eg multInatIonal - |arrIott.

n the fInal part of the sessIon, tutors should braInstorm wIth the group what the current
trends are In the Industry (poInts to pIck up on vegetarIan, healthy eatIng, organIc food,
websIte reservatIons, fusIon cuIsIne, sushI etc).
4 PresentatIon skIlls Tutorled

To prepare the learners for plannIng and conductIng presentatIons a sessIon on
presentatIon skIlls would be approprIate.

A power poInt presentatIon on presentatIon skIlls can be found In the resources sectIon
of thIs unIt.
5 ClassIfIcatIon
systems and
PaIr work
To begIn thIs sessIon the tutor should explaIn the dIfferent types of classIfIcatIon systems
In the hospItalIty Industry, and theIr purpose In terms of settIng standards and
maIntaInIng qualIty.

At the conclusIon of thIs sessIon learners must present to the group an explanatIon of
each of the classIfIcatIon systems hIghlIghted, and the standards expected by them.

n paIrs, the learners should research the dIfferent classIfIcatIon systems of AA, |IchelIn
and the TourIst 8oard. For each they should descrIbe the classIfIcatIon system by lookIng
at Its purpose and focus. AddItIonally learners need to descrIbe the dIfferent standards
of each In terms of areas that they affect, eg food and beverage or accommodatIon.

Useful websItes for thIs actIvIty can be found In the resource sectIon. The HampshIre
Hotels websIte Is a good startIng poInt for IntroducIng the dIfferent hotel classIfIcatIon
systems, Ie AA, Star and 0Iamond.

After the learners' presentatIons, the tutor should dIscuss wIth the group that even
though there are classIfIcatIon systems In place there Is stIll a lack of standardIsatIon In
the Industry. ThIs has led to some hotels claImIng sIx stars and even at one poInt the 8urj
alArab hotel In 0ubaI brIefly marketIng Itself as 'the world's fIrst sevenstar hotel'.
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TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

6 DrganIsatIons and
PaIr work
Croup work
For thIs sessIon learners should revIsIt the lIst of 14 dIfferent IndustrIes, and In small
groups take a selectIon and lIst all the dIfferent operatIonal areas (Ie food preparatIon,
food and beverage servIces, accommodatIon servIces and front of house servIces). The
tutor should ensure that, between the groups, all 14 IndustrIes are covered.

n terms of structure the tutor should explaIn to the group what Is meant by hIerarchy In
terms of the chaIn of command found In dIfferent busInesses. UsIng specIfIc hospItalIty
organIsatIons, learners should be asked to thInk about the number of employees wIthIn
each busIness. The tutor should encourage those wIth parttIme jobs In the Industry to
Input theIr own experIences, and all learners should dIscuss the hospItalIty busInesses
they have vIsIted.

Tutors should ensure learners look at the profIle of the employees In theIr hospItalIty
busIness, In terms of age (Ie many are under J0) and gender; and dIscuss the ImplIcatIons
of thIs wIth the group.

n thIs sessIon, learners need to look at roles In the hospItalIty Industry, should research
an approprIate hospItalIty busIness, thIs could be the learners place of part tIme work If
suItable. n paIrs or IndIvIdually learners must draw up an organIsatIon chart for the
IdentIfIed hospItalIty busIness. For each role IdentIfIed learners should brIefly descrIbe
the dIfferent responsIbIlItIes of the staff.
7 Purpose of support
functIons -
|arketIng and
Human Fesources
Cuest speaker
Croup actIvIty
The purpose of thIs sessIon Is to look at how marketIng and HF support the core actIvItIes
of accommodatIons, food and beverage.

t would be useful to have a guest speaker from a marketIng or HF department to explaIn

generally what theIr role Is and how they support the hospItalIty organIsatIon In Its

FIrstly the group should braInstorm what they understand of the role of marketIng
departments. t Is Important to realIse that the marketIng efforts of the sales and
marketIng department affect the entIre hotel.
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The role of a hotel marketIng department mIght Include

W 0evelopIng marketIng materIals, eg brochures

W PlannIng a strategy for advertIsIng, Ie what, when and how

W 0evelopIng products and servIces

W FesearchIng competItIon

W WorkIng wIth fInance to determIne prIcIng and specIal promotIons

W 0evelopIng a marketIng strategy for the busIness

W dentIfyIng through research the customer profIle gIvIng them knowledge on whIch
theIr target market Is

W dentIfy the wants and needs of exIstIng and potentIal customers.

After thIs the tutor should ask the group to thInk of ways In whIch the marketIng
department can support the actIvItIes of accommodatIon and food and beverage.

Some examples are gIven below as a startIng poInt

AccommodatIon sellIng rooms, advertIsIng specIal breaks, sellIng partIcular types of

room (eg famIly rooms, honeymoon suItes), marketIng for overnIght conferences,
promotIng weddIngs and specIal packages for overnIght guests.

Food and 8everage marketIng and advertIsIng specIal promotIons In terms of restaurants,
conferences, banquets and specIal events. n lIaIson wIth the food servIce and bar
manager can work together on specIal promotIons offers, eg drInk. PromotIons can be
used to support the department by sellIng stock that may be comIng out of date - helpIng
to reduce wastage and support effectIve budgetIng.

The dIscussIons should leave learners wIth an understandIng that the food and beverage,
accommodatIon and marketIng departments need to work together to agree promotIons,
get customers through the door and run the promoted events to ensure that customers'
needs are met.
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eIIvery methods


n the second part of the sessIon the tutor needs to lead a braInstormIng sessIon on what
learners understand the role of the human resources department to be. TakIng thIs
forward the learners should, In groups, thInk of the ways In whIch HF can support the
actIvItIes of accommodatIon and food and beverage.

The roles of HF Include

W CarIng for every employee wIthIn the busIness

W FaIr treatment of all employees and ImplementIng company polIcIes

W AssIstIng wIth recruItment and selectIon actIvItIes

W mplementIng orIentatIon and traInIng programmes

W EvaluatIng performance

W CompensatIon

W Labour relatIons

W mplementIng health and safety

W EnforcIng legal rules and procedures

W EnsurIng all staff are paId



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Edexcel LImIted 2007


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

8 Purpose of support
Cuest speaker
Croup actIvIty
ThIs sessIon contInues lookIng at support functIons In hospItalIty busInesses and
InvestIgates how customer servIce and fInancIal control support the core actIvItIes of
accommodatIon and food and beverage.

ThIs Is another opportunIty to InvIte a guest speaker from a customer servIces or fInance
department to explaIn generally what theIr role Is and how they support the organIsatIon
as a whole.

The tutor should lead the group In a braInstorm on what they understand to be the role
of the customer servIces department. PoInts to raIse Include

W monItorIng guest accounts

W meetIng guests

W dealIng wIth complaInts

W developIng and IssuIng relevant guest InformatIon

W managIng a call/reservatIon centre

W evaluatIng guest comments/feedback

W settIng up systems to meet customer expectatIons.

For each of the roles IdentIfIed, the tutor should encourage learners to come up wIth
ways In whIch It provIdes support for the actIvItIes of accommodatIon and food and

Tutors should explaIn that the customer servIces department Is there to support all areas
of the hotel In terms of pleasIng and meetIng the guests' needs. The department wIll
assIst wIth dealIng wIth complaInts and In buIldIng and developIng customer relatIonshIps

For the second part of the sessIon the tutor should lead a dIscussIon on the learners'
understandIng of the role of the fInance department, and the ways It can support the
actIvItIes of accommodatIon and food and beverage.
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eIIvery methods


PoInts to be covered

W settIng and agreeIng budgets (monthly, annual and longterm)

W centralIsed and decentralIsed accountIng systems

W fInancIal forecastIng (rooms revenue and food and beverage revenue)

W management of other revenue, eg gIft shop sales, telephone, parkIng charges, guest
laundry, paypervIew movIes, health club usage fees.

W monItorIng the organIsatIon's profIt and loss and cash flow (management accounts)

W overall responsIbIlIty for payroll and salarIes

W overseeIng guest accounts

W InvoIces/orders/purchases/bIllIng/payIng accounts, eg settlIng supplIers bIlls

W Internal fInancIal audItIng and supportIng external fInancIal audItIng

W settIng and agreeIng prIcIng strategIes.

FInally, as an outcome of the past two sessIons on support, the tutor must ensure
learners realIse each department wIthIn a hospItalIty busIness supports and lInks wIth
other departments; there are no departments In the hospItalIty Industry that work In
IsolatIon. The tutor could put on the board the dIfferent departments and then draw
lInes showIng and dIscussIng how the departments are lInked In terms of support.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
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eIIvery methods

9 How dIfferent
busInesses operate
Tutorled PaIr
For thIs area of the unIt, learners need to be supported In analysIng the lInks between
the sIze and style of hospItalIty busInesses both small and large. Learners need to look at
how small, Independentlyrun busInesses operate dIfferently to large branded

FIrst learners should be asked to work In paIrs to IdentIfy a small, Independentlyrun

hospItalIty busIness - thIs could be a local restaurant, 8E8, publIc house etc and a large
branded hospItalIty busIness, eg HolIday nn, PIzza Hut, PIzza Express or |erIdIan. These
should be In theIr local area.

Dnce learners have made theIr choIces, the tutor should ensure that each paIr has a lIst
of suItable questIons to ask or research, Ie websItes. These must help them analyse the
structure, scale and scope of each of the organIsatIons, In terms of each sector, and the
dIversIty In terms of the products and servIces offered and how the busIness Is organIsed
In terms of dIfferent departments and organIsatIons charts.

Some of the InformatIon for thIs sessIon can be taken from sessIon J.

Learners should arrange to vIsIt theIr chosen establIshments to carry out theIr research. f
thIs Is not possIble, guest speakers or communIcatIon over the telephone would be good
alternatIves. The companIes' websItes should also be utIlIsed as these often offer a good
deal of InformatIon on the busInesses.

FollowIng theIr research and vIsIts, the paIrs should present theIr fIndIngs to the rest of
the group.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

10 ComparIson and
usage of dIfferent

n sessIon fIve, learners had to InvestIgate dIfferent classIfIcatIon systems. ThIs sessIon
buIlds on thIs knowledge and supports learners who may wIsh to achIeve the hIgher grade

WIth the knowledge that they have already gaIned, learners need to show that they are
able to compare the dIfferences between natIonal and InternatIonal systems. ThIs could
be done In a table format and look at how customers use the dIfferent classIfIcatIon
systems. An example of a suItable comparIson would be the AA and |IchelIn
classIfIcatIon systems.

Learners may need support from the tutor In terms of fIndIng resources (examples are
gIven In the resource sectIon). Learners can also draw on knowledge gaIned from
Industry vIsIts, guest speakers and websItes to complete thIs exercIse.
11 ComparIson of
PaIr work
Case study
Learners should use the same two companIes they researched for sessIon 9 for thIs
sessIon. WorkIng In paIrs they should compare the support functIons covered In sessIons 7
and 8 lookIng at the strengths and weaknesses of each, In terms of the level of support
that they provIde to the success of the organIsatIon, for both of theIr two chosen
hospItalIty organIsatIons.

As an InItIal exercIse It could be useful to use a vIdeo to demonstrate how supportIng

functIons contrIbute to the success of the busIness, or not as the case may be. ThIs type
of actIvIty brIngs to lIfe the meanIng of support functIons and theIr Importance to the
success of the busIness. The vIdeo could be taken from a recordIng of the 'FIskIng t All'
serIes, whIch hIghlIghts the Importance of supportIng functIons and how often they are
12 FecommendatIons
for support
PaIr work
Case study
ThIs lInks to sessIon 11 and agaIn a vIdeo could be used as a startIng poInt to help
learners evaluate the effectIveness of the support functIons and put forward

Learners should then work wIth theIr two chosen companIes, analysIng the support
functIon and puttIng forward suggested recommendatIons.

f vIsIts and speakers are ImpossIble to arrange tutors could wrIte case studIes that look
at the organIsatIon of a small and large busIness, whIch the learners could then analyse.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
SampIe assessment actIvIty


You are the 0eputy |anager of a new hotel. The Ceneral |anager Is thInkIng of
dIversIfyIng theIr busIness Into the caterIng servIces sector of the Industry and has
asked you to carry out some research.

The Ceneral |anager Is new to the hospItalIty busIness and before buyIng the hotel
owned a marketIng company.

Task 1 (provIdes evIdence for P1, P3, h1 and 1)

As a startIng poInt, you feel It would be most approprIate If you could present to the
general manager an overvIew of the scale, scope and dIversIty of the Industry as a
whole. To do thIs you have decIded to gIve a presentatIon coverIng the followIng

W dentIfy at least sIx hospItalIty outlets - three that operate In the commercIaI
sector and three In the caterIng servIces sector (IncludIng one contract caterIng
company). 0escrIbe each of theIr ownershIp types and the range of facIlItIes,
products and servIces they offer. (P1)

W HavIng presented the dIfferent types of busInesses, you should analyse the
structure and dIfferent ways of runnIng the busIness that you have IdentIfIed,
explaInIng why dIfferent sIzes of busIness are operated dIfferently. You should
ensure that you make lInks wIth the scale, scope and dIversIty of the Industry.

W You should develop your evIdence to assess how the scale and scope of your
chosen hospItalIty organIsatIons affect the dIversIty of the products and servIces
they offer. (01)

W FInally, for three of the organIsatIons (one each from the commercIal, servIce and
contract caterIng sectors), you should explaIn for each the organIsatIon and
structure IncludIng the staffIng and department structures. You may wIsh to show
an organIsatIon chart or sImIlar, and you should make reference to Internal and
external factors that affect the structure of the chosen organIsatIons. (PJ)

Task 2 (provIdes evIdence for P2 and h2)

To help your manager decIde on the standard to whIch they would lIke to operate In
the hotel, and provIde a glImpse Into the standards In other establIshments, you have
decIded to compIle a handout of the dIfferent classIfIcatIon systems that are used In
the Industry.

W ProvIde a descrIptIon of the key classIfIcatIon systems for both accommodatIon and
food standards, IncludIng the purpose of such systems, used In the hospItalIty
Industry. ThIs should Include the symbols used In relatIon to these. (P2)
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

W You should also Include an analysIs of the varIous classIfIcatIon and gradIng
systems used by hospItalIty organIsatIons and compare natIonal and InternatIonal
standards and systems. You should also provIde evIdence showIng how customers
use the dIfferent systems, and analyse the use and value of two systems, for
example AA and |IchelIn. (|2)

Task 3 (provIdes evIdence for P4, h3 and 2)

As the hotel Is brand new, and support functIons are at the stage of beIng planned,
you feel that In recognIsIng the Importance of the dIfferent support functIons wIthIn
the hotel, you have the Ideal opportunIty to wrIte a short report to the Ceneral

W ThIs should detaIl how you see the purpose of the support functIons In terms of
the role of the dIfferent department Ie HF, FInance, |arketIng and Customer
servIces. (P4)

W You should base your report on two organIsatIons. The new hotel and an
establIshed hotel of your choIce. You should Include an outlIne of the role each
department should fulfIl along wIth an explanatIon of how each department can
support the overall runnIng and success of the hotel. You should compare how the
establIshed hotel uses Its support functIons agaInst your proposals for the new
hotel. (|J)

W Your report wIll conclude wIth a recognItIon and acceptance that even In an
establIshed hotel, there wIll be recommendatIons to be made In terms of the
effectIveness of Its support functIons. These functIons for the establIshed hotel
should be evaluated and approprIate recommendatIons for Improvement should
be made. (02)
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
#esource IIst

ooks and pubIIcatIons

CeseranI 7, Foskett 0 and KInton F - %heory o] ccterny, 10th Edton (Hodder and
Stoughton, 200J) S8N 0J40850418

CousIns J, Foskett 0 and CIllespIe C - ood cnd evercye Mcncyement, Second

Edton (Pearson, 2001) S8N 0582452716

Knowles K - Hosptclty mcncyement: An lntroducton (Longman, 1998)

S8N 0582J1271X

hagazInes, journaIs and other pubIIcatIons

Ccterer cnd Hotelkeeper - Feed 8usIness nformatIon

Hosptclty - Feed 8usIness nformatIon

cbour Mcrket Revew 2004 - People1st
%he Hosptclty Yecrbook - HC|A

TV programmes

FIskIng It All - Channel 4 T7





ArtIcle on ratIng systems

ExplanatIon of hotel star ratIngs In SpaIn

Journal artIcle Sylt C- Common

Stcndcrds: How do you mecsure quclty,
P42 (Caterer and Hotelbook, 2006)

Channel 4 sIte on T7 programme -

'FIskIng It All.'

ArtIcle - udny Stcrs

www.mIchelInguIde.com/ The |IchelIn CuIde uses a system of

symbols to IdentIfy the best hotels and
restaurants wIthIn each comfort and
prIce category.

www.people1st.co.uk/research Fesearch done In the hospItalIty, leIsure,

travel and tourIsm sector, IncludIng
facts and fIgures, artIcles
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

Handout - sampIe questIons for a hospItaIIty organIsatIon vIsIt

1 What Is the sIze of the organIsatIon In terms of numbers employed and number of

2 What products and servIces do you provIde:

J What Is the type of ownershIp Ie owner/manager, partnershIp, prIvate/publIc

lImIted company. Local/InternatIonal:

4 What level of servIce do you provIde:

5 What dIfferent customer types do you have:

6 What do you consIder to be the current trends In thIs Industry:

7 f you have one, what Is your classIfIcatIon and how Is thIs mIrrored In the
servIces and products that you provIde:

8 What are the operatIonal areas wIthIn the busIness, eg food preparatIon,

9 Please explaIn the structure of the organIsatIon In terms of the hIerarchy and
organIsatIon chart.

10 What support functIons do you have and how are they of use to the runnIng of the
busIness: (Ie fInance, customer servIces, marketIng and human resources.)
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
Handout - conductIng Internet research

TakIng Into account the quantIty of InformatIon, combIned wIth the fact that there Is
no central regulatory body to oversee what Is publIshed on the web, sIftIng out qualIty
InformatIon can be a dIffIcult task. However, If you bear In mInd the same crIterIa
when searchIng, as you would to prInted evIdence, It wIll help you to judge the
qualIty of a partIcular resource. These Include

W Who has wrItten the InformatIon: Names, affIlIatIons and credentIals should be
clearly marked so that you can judge whether It Is a reputable source.

W Are facts referenced: Any external sources of InformatIon should be clearly

marked (just as you would expect when readIng a book or journal artIcle) as thIs
wIll help you judge whether research has been properly conducted.

W How up to date Is the InformatIon: s the InformatIon quIte recent: Has It been
updated recently: |any websItes wIll dIsplay when the page was last amended.

CharacterIstIcs of web pages

You can also fInd out Important facts about a web page by lookIng at Its address or
UFL (UnIversal Fesource Locator). For example '.com' sIgnIfIes a commercIal
organIsatIon, whIlst '.ac.uk' sIgnIfIes an academIc InstItutIon In the UK.

&sIng search engInes

f you are lookIng for a new sIte or pIece of InformatIon, there are many types of
search engInes avaIlable on the Internet.

|ost search engInes have an advanced search feature, whIch wIll allow you to lImIt
the search to certaIn fIelds such as tItle, languages, date added, etc.

|ost wIll also accept phrase searchIng so you should use 'and' or 'or' between search
terms, where you are lookIng for more than one concept.

t Is defInItely worth tryIng a few to make sure you are coverIng as much of the
Internet as possIble.

oogIe (www.google.com)

The advanced features on thIs search engIne allow you to choose a language for
results and choose where you want search terms to appear on the page.

W use + to make sure a word Is present, and - to ensure It Is not

W use 'or' to combIne search terms together so that eIther Is relevant

W use '' around terms to search for them as a phrase

Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

ahoo! (www.yahoo.com)

ThIs search engIne Is a subject dIrectory, whIch means that the searcher can browse
by subject, or use keywords.

W use '' for phrase searchIng

W at the end of the word wIll look for all words wIth that stem

W + sIgnIfIes that a word must be present, - that It shouldn't

W lImIt to words appearIng In tItle or UFL by placIng t or u at the begInnIng of the

search term.

ItaVIsta (www.altavIsta.com)

ThIs search engIne allows you to search a huge database of over J50 mIllIon web
pages by browsIng by category or searchIng by keyword, wIth advanced features that
allow you to lImIt results by country of orIgIn or fInd your term In the UFL only.

sk (www.ask.com)

Natural language can be used to search the Internet vIa thIs search engIne.

hetacrawIer (www.go2net.com/search.html)

ThIs |etasearch tool allows you to sImultaneously search up to eIght Internet

databases at once and combInes the results to elImInate duplIcatIon. The power
search feature allows you to pIck whIch search engInes to use.

You can search for multIple topIcs usIng the terms 'and' 'or' and 'not'.

Subject gateways

These are qualIty assessed sItes whIch wIll dIrect you to web InformatIon whIch has
been judged to be of good qualIty and of a reputable source.

&L L (www.bubl.ac.uk/lInk/e/educatIonlInks.htm)

Catalogues of selected evaluated Internet resources for many academIc subjects, thIs
one Is for chIld development. You can browse or search the resource.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
SampIe PowerPoInt - types of ownershIplIegaI status


- Sole trader
- PartnershIp
- Company
- CooperatIves
- FranchIse.

Sole Trader

- Dne person Is the owner

- Can employ other people
- Sole traders take all the rIsks and all the
- Known as an 'unIncorporated' busIness
- LIabIlIty Is unlImIted your home may be
at rIsk.


- PartnershIp Act 1890

- |ay employ other people
- |axImum number of partners Is normally
- ProfIt dIvIded equally
- LIabIlIty - both joIntly and severally -
each wIll be lIable for the other partner's
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

LImIted LIabIlIty

- Legal body In Its own rIght

- Small company usually 'prIvate' and Includes
the word 'lImIted' In It's name
- |ust have a shareholder, 0Irector and Company
- LImIted lIabIlIty - lImIted to the InItIal cost of
the shares.
- Fecords have to be submItted to the FegIstrar
of CompanIes
- Would normally start as eIther a PartnershIp or
Sole Trader movIng onto a company at a later


- Dwned and run joIntly by Its members

- All share equal status
- ProfIt used as a bonus to Its members or
reInvested back Into the busIness
- Have lImIted lIabIlIty
- DutsIders may not own a share.


- CIves you the rIght to sell a company's

goods and servIces
- Examples |c0onalds, ProntaprInt
- StatIstIcally hIgh success rate.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
SampIe PowerPoInt - presentatIon skIIIs

CreatIng an EffectIve

|aIn content


Cet everyone s attentIon

EstablIsh your credIbIlIty

Set the mood.

|aIn content

Tell them what they need to know

Use Images
Create opportunItIes for InteractIon
0on t waffle
Use sIlence.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007


hen you come to the end stop!
No last minute ideas
Always finish on a positive note

Hints for a successful presentation:

#lan carefully
Do your research
Know your audience
Time your presentation
#ractice your presentation
Speak comfortably and clearly.

ffective #ower#oint Slides

se design templates
Standardize position, colours and styles
!nclude only necessary information
Limit the information to essentials.

ffective #ower#oint Slides

ontent should be self evident
se colours that contrast
Keep the design simple
Be consistent with effects, transitions and
Too many slides can lose your audience.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
Text guidelines

enerally 6 words a line

enerally 6 lines a slide
Avoid long sentences
Larger font indicates more important
Font size generally ranges from 18 to 48.

Text guidelines (cont.)

Be sure text contrasts with background

Fancy fonts can be hard to read
Words in capital letters are hard to read
Avoid abbreviations
Limit punctuation marks.

lip Art and raphics

Should balance the slide

Should enhance and complement the text,
not overwhelm
No more than two graphics per slide.
Edexcel Limited 2007

Tutor support- Edexcel Level 3 BTEC Nationals in Hospitality- Issue 1 -October 2007
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

&nIt 3: HeaIth, Safety and SecurIty In

the HospItaIIty ndustry

" LeveI 3: TEC atIonaI

uIded IearnIng hours: 60

&nIt abstract

ThIs unIt Introduces learners to health, safety and securIty In the hospItalIty Industry
and theIr Importance to the employer, the employee and the customer. t wIll gIve
learners a fIrm groundIng In the key legIslatIons and regulatIons that apply In
hospItalIty organIsatIons, IncludIng those relatIng to food hygIene, common hazard
and protectIve equIpment. ThIs wIll cover the responsIbIlItIes and the ImplIcatIons of
noncomplIance on the part of the employer and the employee.

Learners wIll IdentIfy common workplace health, safety and securIty hazards In
hospItalIty organIsatIons. These wIll Include health and safety hazards relatIng to
equIpment, hazardous substances, fIres, contamInatIon and InfestatIon, as well as
securIty and hazards such as theft, bomb threats and assault.

Learners wIll fInd out about, and carry out rIsk assessments In dIfferent sItuatIons.
Learners are requIred to determIne realIstIc control measures to reduce the rIsk of
Injury or Illness arIsIng from the hazard.

There are dIfferent methods of communIcatIng health, safety and securIty

InformatIon, whIch Include common sIgnage, notIces and staff InductIon and traInIng.
ThIs unIt covers the sources of InformatIon and advIce, IncludIng safety offIcers, the
Health and Safety ExecutIve and safety commIttees.

t Is Important to make lInks from thIs unIt to the delIvery of the followIng practIcal

W UnIt 8 KItchen DrganIsatIon and Food Safety

W UnIt 9 Food ServIce DrganIsatIon

W UnIt 22 AccommodatIon DperatIons

W UnIt 2J Front DffIce DperatIons In HospItalIty.

These materIals provIde a suggested format for the delIvery of the unIt, whIch has
been dIvIded Into a number of sectIons for teachIng purposes. ThIs Is an IllustratIon
of how the unIt can be dIvIded Into manageable learnIng blocks. t Is not prescrIptIve.
Tutors may fInd the learnIng outcomes can be delIvered more effectIvely In a dIfferent
order, based on the way the qualIfIcatIon Is organIsed wIthIn the centre and theIr
learners abIlIty levels, learnIng styles and prIor learnIng.

A sample assIgnment has been provIded to cover all the gradIng crIterIa for the unIt
and Is IndIcatIve of how assessment could take place, however thIs Is an example
only and assessment may take place In alternatIve ways.
Edexcel LImIted 2007

LearnIng outcomes

n compIetIon of thIs unIt a Iearner shouId

1 Understand the Importance of maIntaInIng health, safety and securIty

2 Know common health, safety and securIty hazards

J 8e able to carry out rIsk assessments

4 Understand realIstIc control measures that can be Implemented to Improve

health, safety and securIty

5 Know the sources of health, safety and securIty advIce and how thIs InformatIon Is

Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

ExempIar programme of IearnIng


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

1 ntroductIon to the
unIt and research
PaIr work
n thIs InItIal sessIon the tutor should spend some tIme goIng through the learnIng
outcomes, the assessment crIterIa and assIgnment brIef, ensurIng that learners are
aware of the content and general requIrements of the unIt.

As much of the unIt wIll requIre learners to be able to conduct research to fInd
InformatIon, the fIrst sessIon could be used to delIver guIdance on research skIlls, so that
learners are equIpped to carry out purposeful and accurate research.

As a startIng poInt tutors should ask the learners what methods are avaIlable to them to
carry out research (books, artIcles, the Internet and journals should all be covered). The
advantages and dIsadvantages of each should then be dIscussed, especIally wIth regards
to the Internet as thIs Is a popular resource. A partIcular mentIon should be made of the
temptatIon, and bad practIce of just 'cuttIng and pastIng' InformatIon, and plagIarIsm.

The tutor should then Introduce learners to a research flow dIagram explaInIng the
followIng stages

W Stage 1 Analyse the problem gaIn a good understandIng of what Is requIred In terms
of research needed to do. dentIfy the kInd of InformatIon you need and where to
look for It.

W Stage 2 dentIfy key words IdentIfyIng the key words that you wIll ask a search
engIne to fInd here wIll save tIme at a later stage.

W Stage 3 Create the research strategy defIne the search area, should you look at
academIc texts: or should you look at the relevant busIness sector: Should also
consIder how up to date InformatIon needs to be.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
enefIts Consequences
Personal safety
Cood reputatIon
Low staff turnover
Happy staff

No legal actIon

AbIde by the law

Poor reputatIon

Loss of lIves

ncrease In
HIgh staff turnover

HIgh levels of
sIckness and


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods


W Stage 4 dentIfy InformatIon sources learners could vIsIt the lIbrary to famIlIarIse
themselves wIth text book locatIons, journal locatIons and archIve materIal.

W Stage 5 FetrIeve the InformatIon once all InformatIon Is gathered, consIder the
InformatIon and assess Its level of relevance, and reexamIne the task to ensure you
have the correct InformatIon needed to complete It.

Learners should be dIvIded Into paIrs and gIven a research exercIse, to research the most
common types of accIdents In the hospItalIty and caterIng Industry. A tIme lImIt should be
set for the exercIse, and once thIs has elapsed each paIr should report back on the
InformatIon that they found and the research methodology that they used.

A handout (see the resource sectIon for unIt 1), whIch IdentIfIes poInts to consIder when
conductIng Internet research, can be used here.
2 mportance and
purpose of
complyIng wIth
health, safety and

Croup work
At the begInnIng of the sessIon the tutor should ask learners and note on the board what
the purpose Is of health, safety and securIty for organIsatIons, employees and customers
In the hospItalIty Industry. The tutor should ensure that the learners understand that the
overall purpose Is the safety of every employee and every customer.

The tutor should then ask the learners to splIt Into two groups, wIth one group lookIng at
the benefIts good health, safety and securIty practIces can brIng to hotel and the other
at the consequences of poor health, safety and securIty practIces In a hotel.
Examples of benefIts and consequences are gIven below

FollowIng thIs exercIse the tutor should brIng all the poInts together hIghlIghtIng how
Important It Is for organIsatIons to have good health, safety and securIty practIces.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

J Key legIslatIons and

Smart 8oard

Fesearch and paIr

ThIs sessIon should be used to Introduce the learners to relevant legIslatIon; as a startIng
exercIse the tutor should ask them what they understand by the term. The tutor should
use the defInItIon of 'legIslatIon' as cws whch cre mcde. FollowIng thIs the tutor
should ask the learners of any legIslatIon they are aware of that applIcable to the
hospItalIty Industry. The tutor may wIsh to encourage learners to research websItes, such
as the busIness lInk websIte, whIch shows some of the legIslatIons that apply to the
Industry. The tutor could facIlItate thIs usIng a smart board.

The tutor should devIse a handout to gIve the learners a lIst of all the legIslatIons lIsted In
the content to be covered for thIs unIt, eg Health and Safety at Work Act, CDSHH,
WorkIng TIme FegulatIons, |anual HandlIng, FIre, PPE, F00DF etc. Learners should then
be dIvIded Into paIrs wIth each paIr researchIng a dIfferent set of legIslatIon. They
should create an InformatIve fact sheet on the legIslatIon, wrItten In plaIn EnglIsh, whIch
they can then explaIn and gIve to the rest of the group. 8y the end, each learner should
have some InformatIon on each legIslatIon that they can then use and adapt In theIr own
4 Fole of legIslatIons,
regulatory bodIes
and agencIes

8uIldIng from the InformatIon gaIned In the prevIous sessIon the tutor should ask the
learners to get back Into theIr paIrs. For the legIslatIon referred to In the prevIous
sessIon, the learners should now research the responsIbIlItIes that It would present to
employers and employees.

8efore learners begIn theIr research It may be useful for the tutor to gIve a brIef
presentatIon on the employee and employer responsIbIlItIes under the Health and Safety
at Work Act 1974. A sample PowerPoInt presentatIon can be found In the resource
sectIon of thIs unIt.

The tutor should next ask learners to fInd suItable guIdelInes for the standards applyIng
to theIr legIslatIons, any applIcable good practIce guIdes (eg Safer Food, 8etter
8usIness), the regulatory bodIes and agencIes that monItor the legIslatIons (Ie EHD and
HSE nspectors). Learners may need guIdance to fInd thIs InformatIon. The HSE websIte Is
a very good startIng poInt for gIvIng fact sheets and guIdes.
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TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods


Dnce each paIr has collated theIr InformatIon the group should braInstorm, from an
organIsatIon's perspectIve, all of the ImplIcatIons of noncomplIance for each pIece of
legIslatIon. Learners should be encouraged to make IndIvIdual notes durIng thIs exercIse.
Examples of possIble ImplIcatIons Include prosecutIon, fInes, closure, prohIbItIon notIces,
loss of busIness, poor reputatIon etc.

FInally, the tutor should go through wIth the learners what can be expected from
regulatory bodIes and agencIes In terms of the roles they carry out. The tutor should
stress that the regulatory bodIes and agencIes are there to offer specIalIst advIce and
support and want busInesses to do well. Leaflet HSC14, whIch can be found on the HSE
websIte, detaIls what to expect when an Inspector calls and may be useful for thIs
5 dentIfIcatIon of
health and safety
PractIcal actIvIty
The purpose of thIs sessIon Is to Increase learners' awareness of the types of hazards
found In dIfferent areas of the hospItalIty busIness.

FIrstly, arrange a vIsIt to a kItchen (such as at a local college or canteen) to go round

wIth learners and IdentIfy every possIble hazard. The same should be done In an offIce.
The tutor should ask learners to thInk about theIr place of parttIme work or a relevant
work placement If applIcable, and IdentIfy all the hazards to employees and customers.

f possIble a vIsIt to a hospItalIty organIsatIon, (such as a hotel) should be arranged

where learners are allowed to note down any hazards.

f a vIsIt Is not possIble the tutor could also use another resource, such as the T7 serIes
ordon Rcmscy's Ktchen Nyhtmcres where learners can look InsIde restaurants and
kItchens and IdentIfy hazards.

The tutor should ensure that learners cover all the relevant unIt content on IdentIfyIng
hazards, eg hazards relatIng to knIves, dangerous machInery, hazardous substances,
manual handlIng, worn floorIng, poor lIghtIng etc.
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6 dentIfIcatIon of
food safety hazards
Croup work
The purpose of thIs sessIon Is to Increase learners' awareness of the types of hazard
found In dIfferent areas of the hospItalIty busIness.

As a startIng poInt the tutor should ask the learners to thInk about all the lIkely food
safety hazards that could occur or be present In a kItchen. Learners could thInk about
theIr centre kItchen (partIcularly If they are workIng on theIr practIcal unIts such as
&nt 12 lntroducton to Contemporcry Cusne).

The tutor should brIng the group's feedback together ensurIng that the followIng poInts
have been IdentIfIed

W contamInatIon In terms of physIcal (materIals), bIologIcal (bacterIa), chemIcal

(bleach) and allergenIc (nuts)

W crosscontamInatIon

dIrect (eg the touchIng of raw and cooked meats) and

IndIrect (eg vIa equIpment, splashIng, chefs' cloths)

W possIble food poIsonIng caused by poor food labellIng, lack of effectIve temperature
controls, dIrty premIses, unclean staff unIforms, poor hygIene

W rIsk of pest InfestatIon.

The tutor should dIvIde the learners Into small groups where they should work together
to create a basIc fact sheet on the Food Safety Act 1990 and The Food Standards Act
1999. The tutor should guIde learners to fInd the relevant InformatIon. WebsItes can be
found In the resource sectIon of the unIt.

f It Is possIble as part of an enrIchment programme for learners to sIt a basIc hygIene

course thIs would be hIghly recommended In terms of provIdIng knowledge for thIs and
other practIcal unIts.
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7 FIre extInguIshers Tutorled
The tutor must ensure that the learners are fully uptodate wIth fIre regulatIons In
terms of what extInguIshers should be used on what fIre.

The tutor could ask learners to draw and colour In fIre extInguIshers to show that they
are all red and now just have a coloured slIp. AlongsIde each fIre extInguIsher they
should wrIte the fIres that they can be used on. The Employers' CuIde to FIre Safety can
be used as thIs lIsts the types of fIre extInguIsher.

The tutor could also gIve learners a plan of the buIldIng they study In and ask them to
mark out where the fIre fIghtIng equIpment Is located, IncludIng extInguIshers, blankets,
alarms etc.

FInally the tutor should ask learners to conduct research on fIre regulatIons. The HSE
websIte Is a useful startIng poInt.

The tutor could ask the group to get Into paIrs and set out a quIz on fIre regulatIons,
usIng questIons such as

W What Is the aIm of the new fIre safety legIslatIon:

W 0o you have to have a separate fIre rIsk assessment:

W LIst two of the lIsted fIre precautIons

W What does D0P| stand for:

W CIve two examples of process fIre precautIons.

A sImIlar exercIse could be carrIed out usIng the Employers' CuIde to FIre Safety. 0etaIls
of all websItes are In the resource sectIon. t would be worth prIntIng a few copIes of the
fIre safety publIcatIons If access to the Internet Is lImIted.
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8 SecurIty hazards Croup work
PaIr work
ndIvIdual work
Learners should splIt Into two groups and lIst all of the ways securIty could be used to
make hotels safer places. The groups should then dIscuss theIr Ideas.

Examples of poInts that should be covered are

W securIty cameras

W locks

W alarms

W lockers

W key polIcy

W locked storage areas

W safes

W openIng and closIng procedures

W external areas Ie good lIghtIng.

The tutor should then ask learners to bear thIs lIst In mInd and work In paIrs to conduct a
tour of the centre and hIghlIght possIble threats to securIty that could compromIse
learners', employees' and vIsItors' safety. Dn returnIng the learners should dIscuss theIr
fIndIngs wIth the group. FIndIngs could Include theft, unattended luggage, fraud and
bomb threats.

Learners should then IndIvIdually draw up a health, safety and securIty checklIst for a
hotel, theIr place of work (If It Is hospItalIty related) or for centre's hospItalIty
department. An example of a checklIst can be found In the resources sectIon of thIs unIt.

Tutors could brIng In some case studIes concernIng threats to securIty for dIscussIon.
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9 |Inor IncIdents Tutorled
Croup work
Case study
At the begInnIng of the sessIon the tutor should ask the learners to braInstorm the types
of accIdent common In the hospItalIty Industry.

CIve out and read through as a group the Fatty Arbuckle's TrIal case. ThIs can be found
by followIng the lInk below. www.caterersearch.com/ArtIcles/200J/02/24/47254/fatty

A more recent case can be used If preferred. The tutor should collate news storIes lInked
to the case hIghlIghtIng the poor health and safety practIces that resulted In a kItchen
assIstant beIng electrocuted. The tutor should engage learners In a dIscussIon
hIghlIghtIng the causes of the accIdent.

FollowIng thIs the tutor should lead a dIscussIon on the Importance of accIdent forms and
the group should braInstorm what needs to go on an accIdent form. The tutor should gIve
the learners a copy of the centre's form as an example, or forms can be found or bought
from the HSE.

The learners should then be gIven a case study, such as 'AccIdent wIth a 0ough |achIne'
whIch can be found In the resource sectIon of thIs unIt. Learners should be gIven tIme to
consIder the causes or factors that led to the accIdent and who had responsIbIlIty for
each. The group as a whole should then dIscuss theIr thoughts. The tutor should ensure
that they are all workIng along the rIght lInes.

The tutor should then ask learners to research F00DF, usIng the HSE websIte. Learners
need to be able to IdentIfy the reportable dIseases and dangerous occurrences that have
to be reported under F00DF. The tutor should ask learners to complete one F00DF
form for a dIsease and one for a dangerous occurrence. Learners should then be gIven a
case study, whIch they can look at IndIvIdually or In small groups. They should look at
the 8andsaw case study (whIch Is located In the resource sectIon of thIs unIt) and then
dIscuss fIndIngs as a group.
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10 FIsk assessments Tutorled
PractIcal actIvIty
ThIs sessIon should be delIvered In a practIcal way. Learners should fIrst understand the
rIsk assessment process and then carry out two rIsk assessments. The tutor should Issue a
prInted copy of the FIve Steps to FIsk Assessment CuIde to each learner. ThIs Is
obtaInable from the HSE websIte followIng the lInk below


The tutor should ensure that every learner understands the guIde. When dIscussIng
hazards, the tutor may wIsh to refer to the hazards noted In the prevIous sessIons.

Learners should be gIven at least two blank rIsk assessment forms (found In the back of
the HSE guIde). They should then be advIsed only to complete steps 1, 2 and J of the
form at thIs stage.

The tutor should then ask learners to IndIvIdually carry out one rIsk assessment for the
centre. They should report theIr fIndIngs back to the group.

The tutor should then ask learners to complete another rIsk assessment In a dIfferent
area. ThIs could be at theIr place of work or a restaurant or hotel.
11 Controls, measures
ImplementatIon of
IdentIfIed rIsks
ndIvIdual work
ThIs sessIon buIlds on the prevIous sessIon and requIres learners to complete steps 4
and 5 on the two rIsk assessments.

ThIs wIll be done as an IndIvIdual exercIse, but InItIally the tutor should ask the group to
braInstorm how common hazards can be controlled and look at how these controls could
be Implemented.

Tutors should ensure that In thIs exercIse all the content requIrements are covered. For
example PPE may lInk to hazardous chemIcals; securIty cameras and CCT7 would lInk to
securIty; evacuatIon routes for fIre hazards; food safety controls (Ie ImplementIng
temperature controls to help prevent contamInatIon) and waste dIsposal methods would
help prevent contamInatIon; and cleanIng rotas could be put In place to ensure thorough
cleanIng processes.

For each poInt dIscussed tutors should talk about who Is responsIble In terms of
ImplementIng the control measures (eg usIng Inhouse personnel or specIalIsts) and what
benefIts the control measures wIll brIng to the employer, employee and the customer.
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12 nformatIon and
PaIr work

n prevIous sessIons learners wIll have IdentIfIed where they can get advIce and support
from In relatIon to health, safety and securIty Issues.

Tutors should now support learners to enable them to gaIn an understandIng of the ways
In whIch measures and hazards are communIcated In the form of sIgns, notIces and
traInIng manuals.

The tutor should dIvIde the learners Into paIrs and dIstrIbute subject areas concernIng
health, safety and securIty and support learners In devIsIng a range of communIcatIon
methods whIch wIll then show employees the key poInts of that subject area. For

W 0evIse a traInIng sheet for manual handlIng

W 0evelop a poster IdentIfyIng employee responsIbIlItIes under the Health and Safety
and Work Act

W 0raw up a poster outlInIng the correct fIre fIghtIng equIpment and what types of fIre
each can be used on

W 0evIse a traInIng sheet for dealIng wIth chemIcals In lIne wIth CDSHH
W 0raw up an InstructIon sheet on what to do In the event of common accIdents.
Learners should show theIr work to the rest of the group, and the tutor should ensure
that copIes are avaIlable for each learner so everyone buIlds up a portfolIo of

ThIs sessIon should be desIgned to brIng together all learnIng across the unIt.
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SampIe assessment actIvIty


You are the Health and Safety |anager of a fourstar hotel, The Longrove. There
have been a number of 'near mIss' accIdents over the past few months and the
Ceneral |anager (C|) has asked you to provIde some traInIng for 0epartmental
|anagers to hIghlIght and reInforce the Importance of health and safety In the
workplace generally, and In the hotel. ThIs wIll take the form of a presentatIon.

Task 1 (provIdes evIdence for P1, P2 and h1)

You should prepare your presentatIon. You should Include

W an outlIne of the purpose and Importance of maIntaInIng health, safety and

securIty to organIsatIons, staff and customers (generally - not specIfIcally to your
hotel) (P1)

W IdentIfIcatIon of the maIn health and safety legIslatIon and regulatory bodIes that
affect hotels and caterIng organIsatIons. You should Include the focus and Impact
on hospItalIty organIsatIons, summarIsIng the legIslatIon In your own words.(P2)

W an assessment of the consequences to hospItalIty organIsatIons If health, safety

and securIty are not maIntaIned. nclude a detaIled consIderatIon of the Impact
on the organIsatIon, employees and customers of not complyIng wIth legIslatIon or
provIdIng a safe and secure workIng envIronment. You should ensure that you
state the costs and penaltIes of not complyIng wIth legIslatIon and good practIce.

Task 2 (provIdes evIdence for P3, P4, h2 and 1)

The C| has asked you to complete at least two rIsk assessments on two areas (for
example food safety and equIpment). The purpose Is to see If there are any potentIal
rIsks that could cause problems for the hotel.

The C| has asked for the followIng In wrItten form

W an explanatIon of the rIsk assessment process.

W completed documents showIng detaIls of the rIsk assessments to Include the

IdentIfIed hazards that fall under health, safety and securIty. (PJ) You should go
on to descrIbe the relevant control measures needed to reduce the rIsk to an
acceptable level. (P4)

The C| has a background In the contract caterIng sector of the Industry and has
asked you to prepare a short report on how the rIsk assessment process you have
undertaken for the Longrove compares wIth rIsk assessments undertaken In the
contract caterIng sector. ThIs wIll requIre research Into the actIvItIes of a contract
caterer. (|2)
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You should go on to hIghlIght the ImplIcatIons to the hotel of ImplementIng the

changes recommended by the rIsk assessments. ThIs would Include fInancIal aspects
and traInIng requIrements, as well as the posItIve effects of successful
ImplementatIon opposed to the negatIve effects of unsuccessful ImplementatIon of
the changes. (01)

Task 3 (provIdes evIdence for P5, h3 and 2)

As part of your brIef to provIde health, safety and securIty traInIng to departmental
managers at the Longrove, you have decIded to put together an InformatIon booklet
IdentIfyIng the range of sources of InformatIon relatIng to health, safety and securIty
matters that wIll affect the Longrove. As an appendIx to the booklet, you should
Include a range of suggestIons on ways In whIch thIs InformatIon may be
communIcated to both staff and customers. (P5)

FollowIng the Issue of thIs booklet, the recently promoted ExecutIve Chef asks you
for some assIstance In preparIng some InformatIon materIals on health, safety and
securIty for hIs kItchen staff. You must choose one aspect of eIther health, safety or
securIty In the kItchen and prepare suItable materIals to communIcate the relevant
InformatIon to a range of hIs kItchen staff. You see thIs as an example for the new
ExecutIve Chef to follow In preparIng hIs own materIals. (|J)

To help the ExecutIve Chef In hIs task, you should produce a short report IdentIfyIng
the dIfferent methods of communIcatIng health, safety and securIty InformatIon to a
range of kItchen staff. ThIs report should Include an evaluatIon of the advantages and
dIsadvantages of each method of communIcatIon related to the dIversIty of kItchen
personnel and shIft workIng patterns. (02)
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
#esource IIst

ooks and pubIIcatIons

AccIdent 8ook (forms) HSE 8 510 S8N 07176260J2

8rImson T - Heclth cnd Sc]ety Survvcl ude: A Comprehensve Hcndbook ]or

Mcnyers (|cCraw HIll, 1995) S8N 0077090497

Chartered nstItute of EnvIronmental Health - Heclth cnd Sc]ety: rst Prncples

(ChadwIck House Croup, 1998) S8N 090010J728

Cottrell S -%he Study Sklls Hcndbook, Second Edton (Palgrave |acmIllan, 200J)
S8N 140J911J55

CurrIe 0 - evelopny cnd Applyny Study Sklls (CP0, 2005) S8N 184J980649

Health and Safety ExecutIve - Essentcls o] Heclth cnd Sc]ety ct Work (HSE, 1994)
S8N 071760716X

|acAusIan E - E]]ectve ood Hyyene %rcnny (HIghfIelds PublIcatIons, 200J)

S8N 19045441J4

SatIn | - ood Alert: %he &ltmcte Sourcebook ]or ood Sc]ety (Facts on FIle nc,
1999) S8N 08160J9J56

TV programmes

Cordon Famsay's KItchen NIghtmares - Channel 4


Employer's CuIde to FIre Safety

www.busInesslInk.gov.uk AdvIce for busInesses

Channel 4 sIte on T7 programme Cordon
Famsay's KItchen NIghtmares

www.food.gov.uk The Food Standards Agency

The Food Law CuIde

www.foodsafety.gov Covernment food safety InformatIon

www.hse.gov.uk Health and Safety ExecutIve - regulator of

health and safety In the workplace

Tutor support- EdexceI LeveI 3 BTEC NationaIs in HospitaIity- Issue 1 -October 2007
EdexceI Limited 2007

seovuk/pubns/sc1tm LeaIlet HSC1- at to expect en an

inspector calls (HSC)

palravecom /ski llsstudy


Advice to elp it study at university

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Edexcel LImIted 2007
SampIe PowerPoInt sIIdes - empIoyerlempIoyee responsIbIIItIes
(HeaIth and Safety at ork ct - 174)

EmpIoyers' responsIbIIItIes

So far as Is reasonabIy practIcabIe:

- ensure health, safety and welfare of employees

- provIde and maIntaIn a safe plant and systems of work

- make arrangements for safe use, handlIng, storage and

transport of artIcles and substances

- provIde InformatIon, InstructIon, traInIng and

- provIde a safe place of work and safe entrance and exIt

- provIde a safe workIng envIronment wIth adequate

welfare facIlItIes.

EmpIoyees' responsIbIIItIes

- To take reasonable care for theIr health and safety and

those of others
- To cooperate wIth theIr employer and follow
- To be aware that It Is Illegal to tamper wIth anythIng
provIded In the Interests of health, safety and welfare
SampIe heaIth safety and securIty checkIIst





Check all keys are accounted for

Check all kItchens are locked and secure

Check frIdges and freezers are locked

Check areas are free from debrIs

Check all wIndows are shut and locked

Check bar Is locked

Check all tIlls are emptIed

Check all stock Is locked

Check for any property left unattended

Ensure no food Is left out

Ensure all equIpment has been turned off

Ensure equIpment Is fItted wIth effectIve
safety guards

Ensure equIpment Is In good workIng order

Ensure fIrst aId boxes are adequately stocked

Ensure fIre extInguIshers are checked and

Ensure chemIcals are stored safely

Ensure the accIdent book Is up to date

Check and record frIdge and freezer

Check dates of stored foods

Check alarms and securIty procedures are set
on exItIng the busIness

Check for any defaults wIth work surfaces,
ceIlIngs, wIndows and floors.

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Case studIes - ccIdent factors - whose responsIbIIIty

ccIdent wIth a dough machIne

The young man started work at around 6 o'clock In the evenIng. The company had a
polIcy that permItted staff to fInIsh early If they had completed an agreed quota.

t was well known that the seals on the machIne deterIorated over tIme to a poInt
where dough could seep In to the mechanIcal drIve area. When thIs occurred, It
became accepted practIce to take off a fIxed guard at the rear of the machIne, a
tImeconsumIng process, and remove the offendIng dough.

The fIxed guard was Interlocked wIth the machIne controls, so that when It was
removed the power to the machIne was cut off.

Dn the day of the accIdent the young man was rushIng to fInIsh, so that he could joIn
frIends at a latenIght party. The seals had deterIorated to the poInt where he had to
remove the rear guard every 20 mInutes to extract the dough. 8ecause of thIs, and
hIs eagerness to fInIsh, he decIded to try and defeat the safety Interlock swItch so he
could keep the machIne runnIng whIle he removed the dough. He was able to rIg the
machIne wIthout dIffIculty.

Unfortunately hIs loose clothIng got caught In the gears, and dragged hIm Into the
machIne, kIllIng hIm.

(Adapted from The Safety E Health PractItIoner, |arch 199J)


dentIfy as many of the causes/factors whIch led to the accIdent as you can.
Who had responsIbIlIty for them:
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Edexcel LImIted 2007

Case studIes - ##

ccIdent wIth a borrowed bandsaw not reported for two months

A restaurant owner In 8rIstol was fIned f5500 plus f870 costs In September 2006 after
an accIdent InvolvIng a bandsaw.

A chef at the restaurant severed the knuckle of hIs left hand In January whIle cuttIng
a veal bone wIth a bandsaw. The restaurant had run out of precut bones and was
usIng a saw borrowed from a local supplIer.

The defendIng solIcItor told the court the accIdent mIght stIll have happened If a
guard had been In place, because the chef's fInger had slIpped on to the blade's
cuttIng edge.

The wound eventually became Infected and had to be operated on, though at the
tIme It seemed the knuckle had been merely cut, not severed, and when the
company trIed to report the accIdent to the councIl It was told there was no need to
do so.

An offIcIal report was made to the councIl In |arch, and It was then that
envIronmental health offIcers vIsIted the restaurant and later Issued summonses.

The restaurateur was fIned f5000 for faIlIng to provIde a guard on the saw and f500
for not reportIng the accIdent wIthIn seven days.

(Adapted from Ccterer cnd Hotelkeeper)


ConsIder the events at the restaurant. What went wrong: What questIons does thIs
report leave unanswered:

ConsIder the followIng questIons.

1 Why do you thInk the ImpressIon was gIven/receIved that the accIdent dId not
have to be reported:

2 What eventually led to the accIdent beIng reported:

J What cIrcumstances may have led to the guard beIng removed:

4 As the machIne was borrowed, who should have checked that It had a guard:

5 What weaknesses does the IncIdent suggest In the management of health and
safety In the restaurant:
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Edexcel LImIted 2007
&nIt 5: HospItaIIty Team LeadershIp and

" LeveI 3: TEC atIonaI

uIded IearnIng hours: 60

&nIt abstract

The abIlIty to lead and supervIse teams Is crItIcal to the success of a hospItalIty
outlet. However, teams can be IneffectIve and lackIng dIrectIon, wIth members that
cannot work together. ThIs unIt Introduces learners to the prIncIples of team
leadershIp and supervIsIon In a hospItalIty context. t focuses on assIstIng learners to
put theory Into practIce when leadIng teams, ensurIng that theIr learners achIeve the
requIred objectIves.

Learners, therefore, need to be aware of the dIfferent types of teams operatIng

wIthIn hospItalIty organIsatIons. ThIs unIt consIders the role of teams and how
workIng In teams benefIts both IndIvIduals and organIsatIons. Learners wIll also
explore the necessary precondItIons for teams to be effectIve and objectIve

UnderstandIng and applyIng team supervIsIon and development skIlls Is a key

requIrement of thIs unIt. Learners wIll be Introduced to the prIncIples of team
buIldIng, how teams can be managed effectIvely, and the factors that threaten team
development and cohesIon wIthIn hospItalIty organIsatIons.

The abIlIty to measure the effectIveness of team performance and achIevement Is a

requIrement for any successful hospItalIty outlet. Learners wIll therefore explore the
key factors used to monItor work performance and team achIevement. They wIll also
be encouraged to revIew the role of the supervIsor and manager In hospItalIty
organIsatIons, and theIr Impact and Influence on team achIevement.

Learners wIll have the opportunIty to explaIn and demonstrate team leadershIp skIlls.
These skIlls can be developed and measured In practIcal sItuatIons where learners
have to demonstrate personal organIsatIon, flexIbIlIty and other Interpersonal skIlls
when leadIng a team towards achIevIng the desIred objectIves.

t Is Important to make lInks In the delIvery of thIs unIt to varIous practIcal unIts,
where learners would have the opportunIty to lead and supervIse a team In a
restaurant or kItchen settIng, such as

W UnIt 6 Food ServIce DperatIons

W UnIt 10 ntroductIon to European CuIsIne

W UnIt 11 ntroductIon to AsIan CuIsIne

W UnIt 12 ntroductIon to Contemporary CuIsIne

W UnIt 20 ConferencIng and 8anquetIng DperatIons.

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Edexcel LImIted 2007

These materIals provIde a suggested format for the delIvery of the unIt, whIch has
been dIvIded Into a number of sectIons for teachIng purposes. ThIs Is an IllustratIon
of how the unIt can be dIvIded Into manageable learnIng blocks. t Is not prescrIptIve.
Tutors may fInd the learnIng outcomes can be delIvered more effectIvely In a dIfferent
order, based on the way the qualIfIcatIon Is organIsed wIthIn the centre and theIr
learners abIlIty levels, learnIng styles and prIor learnIng.

Three sample assIgnments have been provIded to cover all the gradIng crIterIa for the
unIt and are IndIcatIve of how assessment could take place, however they are
example only and assessment may take place In alternatIve ways.

LearnIng outcomes

n compIetIon of thIs unIt a Iearner shouId

1 Understand the role of teams wIthIn hospItalIty organIsatIons

2 Understand the prIncIples of team buIldIng, team management and the threats to
team cohesIon

J Know how to monItor team performance and achIevement

4 8e able to demonstrate team leadershIp and Interpersonal skIlls.

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Edexcel LImIted 2007

ExempIar programme of IearnIng


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

1 Understand the
types of team
wIthIn hospItalIty

Shared thInkIng/
Ideas generatIon
The tutor could lead a braInstorm on the dIfferent types of team found In hospItalIty
organIsatIons, encouragIng the learners to draw on theIr own experIences from workIng
In the Industry. 8uIld Into the braInstormIng sessIon coverage and explanatIons of all the
dIfferent types of team covered In the &nt content. Examples of teams could Include
formal and Informal teams, small and large teams, temporary and permanent teams.

Learners' research could be In the form of textbooks or real examples, eg restaurants

and hotels, formal, Informal (where IndIvIduals form teams wIthout beIng asked to do so
In order to support one another), permanent, small and/or large teams, specIal events,
(eg WImbledon or concerts) where temporary teams are put In place.

At thIs stage the tutor could show a vIdeo of a good and bad team and refer back to
them In future sessIons. 0raw from the vIdeo the dIfferent types of team. f possIble use
a vIdeo that shows the workIngs of a hotel, where learners can see the teams at work In
dIfferent departments.

To lInk the vIdeo to learnIng, gIve the learners some areas to consIder whIle watchIng, eg
lIst the dIfferent types of team.
2 Understand the
benefIt teams can
brIng to hospItalIty
Croup work

Fesearch (Internet
and lIbrary)
The tutor should dIvIde learners Into small groups. The learners should research the
benefIts teams can brIng to hospItalIty organIsatIons, usIng the Internet, lIbrary and
vIdeo from prevIous sessIons.

t may be helpful to gIve each group a dIfferent department to research. t would not be
enough for each group to just lIst the benefIts; they should explaIn and present theIr
research to the other groups.

Tutors wIll need to facIlItate the groups and provIde resources, eg websItes and books
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TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

J What teams need In
order to be


|eredIth 8elbIn
To assIst learners wIth thIs topIc area, a vIdeo such as ordon Rcmscy's Ktchen
Nyhtmcres wIll show a poor team's transItIon towards workIng effectIvely. The tutor
should ensure the learners IdentIfy what a team needs In order to be successful and the
tutor can lead a dIscussIon on thIs topIc after the vIdeo.

The 8elbIn questIonnaIre wIll hIghlIght the roles learners could play wIthIn a team. The
group's results can be evaluated, thIs could be useful as learners may often work as a
team to complete work. t would be InterestIng to see how a group of IndIvIduals form to
create a team, what roles could be mIssIng and how those roles could be fIlled by others.
4 Feport wrItIng Tutorled dIscussIon The tutors could delIver a sessIon on report wrItIng, whIch lInks to the fIrst assIgnment.
The busIness balls websIte has a good sectIon on how to wrIte reports.

When goIng through each stage of the report structure, tutors should lInk In the
requIrements of assIgnment 1, so that learners can understand why a report structure
would be a good way of presentIng thIs assIgnment.
5 Team buIldIng tools
and technIques
Tutorled dIscussIon


Case studIes

Team exercIse
Start thIs sessIon usIng the metaphor of CanadIan Ceese (located In resource sectIon of
thIs unIt). The tutor should lInk the metaphor to seven sImIlarItIes found In work teams,
taken from Whetton and Cameron (2005)

1 EffectIve teams have Interdependent members - lInks to facts 1 and 2.

2 EffectIve teams help members be more effIcIent workIng together than alone - lInks
to fact 2.

J EffectIve teams functIon so well that they create theIr own magnetIsm - lInks to
facts 1 and 2.

4 EffectIve teams do not always have the same leader - lInks to fact J.

5 n effectIve teams, members care for and nurture one another - lInks to fact 5.
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6 EffectIve teams have members that cheer the leader - lInks to fact 4.

7 EffectIve teams have a hIgh level of trust and IntegrIty among theIr members - lInks
to all the facts.

The tutors could spend some tIme on each poInt, stressIng thIs Is what teams need In
order to be effectIve.

t would be a good Idea to arrange a team buIldIng event, to gIve learners fIrsthand
experIence at teambuIldIng actIvItIes. AlongsIde thIs, or Instead of, ask learners to thInk
about how they have buIlt teams sInce startIng the course In terms of workIng In a
FealIstIc WorkIng EnvIronment (FWE), eg the college restaurant or kItchen. The learners
should consIder the changes theIr team has gone through from the fIrst meetIng to now.
Learners should consIder what factors contrIbuted to the buIldIng of the team. At thIs
poInt an exercIse could be carrIed out. ThIs could be a strength and weakness analysIs on
the teams that work together In the FWE. From here the learners can IdentIfy what they
need as a team In order to become more effectIve.

TheorIes of motIvatIon should be dIscussed, possIbly IncludIng |aslow's HIerarchy of

Needs or |cCregor's Theory X and Y and Herzberg's HygIene Factors. LInk the theorIes of
motIvatIon to supervIsIon and leadershIp, Ie theIr Importance In terms of gettIng the best
out of IndIvIduals and teams. Ask learners for examples of when they have felt motIvated
In any settIng, and the learners should look at what contrIbuted to theIr motIvatIon.
They should also consIder when they have felt demotIvated and why.

Learners could thInk about team buIldIng In terms of recruItment, InductIon and the
traInIng of teams. Learners need to be aware of why It Is Important that thought goes
Into the type of people who would be suIted to the team, In terms of personal and
technIcal skIlls. After recruItment, learners need to thInk about an InductIon programme
and the traInIng whIch may be necessary, based on a traInIng needs analysIs. Tutors must
ensure that the learners understand and cover the &nt content requIrements.
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eIIvery methods


To demonstrate delegatIon to the learners, they should be gIven a case study In whIch
they assume the role of a leader and they must have to delegate jobs to team members.
The case study could be based on the college kItchen and restaurant, or on a department
wIthIn a hotel that they have vIsIted.

AddItIonally learners may look at a case study, where they must select team members
for a task, lookIng at the skIlls of each member, theIr team role determIned by 8elbIn
and the IndIvIdual capabIlIty In terms of helpIng others. ThIs could also be done
practIcally whereby learners are gIven an exercIse, eg makIng a teddy bear out of lImIted
resources. Learners should select theIr own team, takIng the above Into consIderatIon.
At the end of the exercIse or case study the learners can appraIse how well the team
worked and the recommendatIons they would gIve to IndIvIduals and the team to enable
further development.

Learners could also consIder what theIr needs were whIle they were workIng In a group.
ThIs InformatIon could be recorded on a smart board or on flIp chart.
6 0Ifferent stages of
team formatIon

Croup dIscussIon

ThIs sessIon needs to focus on the stages teams go through from when they fIrst develop
to beIng fIrmly establIshed. The most structured way to do thIs and one that draws on
relevant theory Is as follows

1 FormIng - where the team reaches a consensus about Issues.

2 StormIng - the team experIences and learns to manage open conflIct.

J NormIng - the settlIngIn perIod, some agreement Is reached and trust begIns to

4 PerformIng - teams have resolved Issues and have establIshed a flexIble and
functIonal structure able to provIde solutIons to problems effectIvely.

5 AlIgnment - teams are able to Implement actIon plans, revIewIng and evaluatIng
team performance.
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eIIvery methods


The tutor could share theIr experIences of workIng In teams and lInk thIs to all the
stages. Team experIences may lInk to the workplace, charIty work or clubs, eg sports.
Learners should be encouraged to do the same and feedback to the class.

The learners could watch a sports vIdeo to demonstrate team cohesIon wIthIn an
establIshed team.
7 Awareness of
factors that may
threaten team
development and

Croup dIscussIons

Fesearch (Internet
and lIbrary)
ThIs sessIon can lInk back to the Ktchen Nyhtmcres vIdeo, whIch hIghlIghted the factors
that were threatenIng team cohesIon. f necessary show that part agaIn or select a
dIfferent epIsode, or Indeed use any other vIdeo that hIghlIghts poor teamwork. Learners
should be able to IdentIfy the apparent threats to the team.

The tutor can then lead a dIscussIon on when the class has experIenced poor team
performance and cohesIon and what lead to thIs. The tutor should ensure that all the
&nt content Is covered, and why each scenarIo or experIence Is a threat to the team.

Learners could then research dIfferent types of threats usIng the Internet and textbooks.
8 PresentatIons 0elIvery on
presentatIon skIlls
The tutor should now ensure that all the learners know the fundamentals of gIvIng a
good presentatIon as AssIgnment 2 (lInked to P2 and |1) wIll be delIvered by a verbal

Tutors should support the learners, by InformIng them of what needs to be covered In
the presentatIon In order to meet the relevant crIterIa. As a mInImum learners must
descrIbe the prIncIples of team buIldIng and team management and the threats to team
development and cohesIon.

An example of a PowerPoInt presentatIon on presentatIon skIlls can be found In the

resources sectIon of &nt 1.
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TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

9 Ways to monItor
work and team
PractIcal actIvItIes
and vIsIts

t would be Ideal If learners could go and vIsIt two contrastIng hospItalIty outlets In order
to monItor work and team performance. For example, one mIght be a fast food outlet
and the other a mIdrange restaurant. The outlets need to be accessIble to the learners
who may vIsIt the outlets Independently, In small groups or wIth a tutor on a formal
college vIsIt. f It Is dIffIcult for the learners to go to external outlets then they may
choose to use the refectory, restaurant or kItchen wIthIn the college. PrIor to the vIsIt
learners, wIth support from the tutor, should draw up a checklIst of crIterIa In whIch they
can assess the teams that they observe. Learners should show full understandIng by
descrIbIng each poInt on the checklIst. After the vIsIt, they should evaluate the work
performance of the team and recommend changes that would Improve the team's

8efore learners observe a team, they should test out theIr crIterIa to see If they have
covered all the necessary poInts. ThIs could be done by watchIng a vIdeo demonstratIng
teams at work.
10 Assess the
effectIveness of
team performance
PractIcal actIvItIes
and vIsIts

Tutorled feedback
ThIs area of learnIng lInks very much to the above and the vIsIt to the outlets. As
customers the learners can assess the effectIveness of the team performance by usIng
the above crIterIon.

The prevIous crIterIa lIst should be expanded and the learners should agree on the
team's objectIves, eg, prompt servIce, good qualIty food, good customer care etc. The
team could draw up a set of performance IndIcators that they would expect to see from
the team and assess them agaInst these.

At the end learners should evaluate the team's workIng arrangements, and the measures
that could be taken to Improve the team. mprovements need to be carefully consIdered
so that they do not demotIvate the team.

As wIth the prevIous sessIon, the performance crIterIa developed by the learners could
be tested out on a vIdeo fIrst.
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TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

11 dentIfy leadershIp
and Interpersonal
Croup dIscussIon/
sharIng Ideas

8efore learners can be expected to demonstrate team leadershIp and Interpersonal skIlls
It Is Important that they know exactly what these skIlls are. The tutor should start off
wIth a braInstormIng exercIse, askIng the learners to lIst famous leaders, and have a
dIscussIon on what skIlls each leader had In order to make them well known. 8uIld on
thIs, drawIng from learners' own knowledge base and experIence, and lIst all the
necessary skIlls leaders need In order to be effectIve.

A very good vIdeo hIghlIghtIng two very dIfferent leaders comes from the Channel 4
serIes oss Swcp'. A partIcularly useful epIsode sees the leader of a small carrIer bag
company 0ecomatIc swapped wIth the leader of a large advertIsIng company
LeepeckCreenfIed. 0urIng the vIdeo, learners should IdentIfy all of the leadershIp skIlls
shown by each boss.

The vIdeo Is one hour so It can be helpful to stop the programme half way through and
gaIn some feedback from the learners before contInuIng. At the end a dIscussIon led by
the tutor should cover all the poInts requIred In the &nt content. t Is possIble to get
backdated copIes of the vIdeo from Channel 4.
12 0emonstrate team
leadershIp and
Interpersonal skIlls
PractIcal actIvIty
Tutorled feedback
PractIcal skIlls should be demonstrated durIng learner's work placements, part tIme work
or In the college restaurant and kItchen.

Learners should be assessed In terms of theIr leadershIp skIlls and tutors should draw up
a lIst of crIterIa to ensure that the skIlls requIred In the &nt content are covered (at
least three In each part). These could Include the abIlIty to motIvate a team, InItIatIve,
wIllIngness to take responsIbIlIty, good lIstenIng skIlls, concern for others, preparatIon
and good tIme management.

The crIterIa checklIst wIll need to be completed by the person observIng the learner In
the leadershIp role. thIs may be a college tutor or an employer. f the latter Is beIng
used the tutor should dIscuss the feedback wIth the employer to ensure that It Is
credIble and authentIc. The learner should also have a copy of the crIterIa agaInst whIch
they wIll be marked so that they understand the requIrements of the assessment.
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TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods


Dnce learners have been assessed the tutor must provIde feedback and support. Learners
who wIsh to achIeve |J and 02 need to evaluate theIr own team leadershIp skIlls, along
wIth recommendatIons for theIr own development. The latter could be presented In the
form of a developmental actIon plan.

For |J, learners wIll need to revIew all of theIr learnIng to date. They should also look at
the consequences for a manager wIth weak team leadershIp and Interpersonal skIlls, and
the effect thIs would have on a hospItalIty outlet. ThIs could be based on theIr own
experIences of leadIng a team.
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SampIe assessment actIvIty 1


The success of the hospItalIty Industry Is based on effectIve teamwork throughout Its
organIsatIons. These may be small departmental teams (eg In a restaurant) or larger
teams contrIbutIng to a whole hospItalIty experIence (eg In a hotel).

Task 1 (provIdes evIdence for P1 and 1)

WorkIng In small groups, you should research the dIfferent types of team used In the
hospItalIty Industry. You could carry out research by vIsItIng establIshments, usIng
your own experIences and knowledge, or usIng Internet and lIbrary resources.

The group should then descrIbe the ways In whIch the dIfferent types of team benefIt
an organIsatIon. (P1)

FInally, the group needs to evaluate how customer expectatIons are changIng and
how thIs affects team workIng approaches wIthIn the hospItalIty Industry.

Each group must then present theIr fIndIngs In the form of a presentatIon to theIr
peers and theIr tutor. (01)

Task 2 (provIdes evIdence for P3 and h2)

n paIrs, learners should vIsIt two contrastIng hospItalIty outlets to assess the
effectIveness of the team performance and achIevement.

PrIor to the vIsIt, learners wIll need to draw up a checklIst of crIterIa by whIch they
can assess the teams they observe.

After the vIsIt, learners should wrIte up theIr fIndIngs Independently. (PJ)

They should then suggest Improvements that could be made to the team performance
In the two outlets and explaIn the strategIes that they would use to achIeve thIs.
Ensure you Include the strategIes you would adopt for team members who are

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SampIe assessment actIvIty 2


'nspIred', a new restaurant In town, has recently opened and you have been
appoInted the team leader for the restaurant. Along wIth the head chef, you report
dIrectly to the restaurant owner. You have to recruIt and buIld a team of ten, of
whIch four team members wIll be full tIme and sIx wIll be part tIme.

The owner of the restaurant has assIgned you the task of recruItIng and buIldIng an
effectIve restaurant team.

Task 1 (provIdes evIdence for P2 and h1)

The owner Is expectIng you to delIver a presentatIon that wIll demonstrate your
understandIng of how to buIld and manage a team. You wIll need to Include
InformatIon on what you would consIder before recruItIng and InductIng the team
members, how the team members wIll be traIned and how you Intend to manage the
team performance. You should also show an awareness of the possIble factors that
may threaten the team, leadIng the team to become IneffectIve. (P2)

You should go on to explaIn how an effectIve and wellmanaged team can have a
great effect on the operatIon of a restaurant. (|1)

Task 2 (provIdes evIdence for P4)

The owner wants you to descrIbe, by means of a handout or checklIst, how you wIll
monItor your team's performance and achIevement In the restaurant on a weekly and
monthly basIs.

The restaurant owner expects to see that you have a good understandIng of the
Importance of effectIve monItorIng, along wIth a good explanatIon of each poInt on
the checklIst. (P4)
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SampIe assessment actIvIty 3


You wIll be gIven the opportunIty to act as the team leader In the college restaurant
and/or kItchen. ThIs Is an Important role In leadIng your team and achIevIng a
successful outcome to the servIce. You wIll plan and organIse the servIce and dIrect
your team approprIately wIth the varIous tasks necessary to meet the objectIves of
the servIce.

Task 1 (provIdes evIdence for P5 and 2)

n the college restaurant and/or kItchen, you wIll be gIven the opportunIty to act as
the team leader. Your tutor wIll assess your team leadershIp skIlls agaInst set crIterIa
and wIll provIde you wIth feedback on your performance. (P5)

The crIterIa used wIll be

W leadershIp skIlls

W accessIbIlIty and approachabIlIty

W personal organIsatIon.

You should evaluate your abIlIty as a leader and put forward suggestIons on ways to
Improve, along wIth opportunItIes that would help you to develop your leadershIp
skIlls. (02)

Task 2 (provIdes evIdence for h3)

Dn completIon of the prevIous tasks/actIvItIes for thIs unIt, you wIll need to analyse
and draw on your own experIences, knowledge and observatIons to IdentIfy the
ImplIcatIons for a hospItalIty outlet If a manager had weak leadershIp and
Interpersonal skIlls. (|J)
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

#esource IIst

ooks and pubIIcatIons

8rownIng C - rcss Roots Mcncyement (Pearson ProfessIonal EducatIon, 2002)

S8N 027J662996

Clawson J - evel J ecdershp ettny elow the Sur]cce (Pearson PrentIce Hall,
2006) S8N 01J1469029

Thomas N - %he 1ohn Adcr Hcndbook o] Mcncyement cnd ecdershp (Thorogood,

2004) S8N 1854182048

Whetton 0 and Cameron K - evelopny Mcncyement Sklls, Sxth Edton (Pearson

nternatIonal, 2005) S8N 01J2J02616

hedIa resources

Rcmscy's Ktchen Nyhtmcres


www.busInessballs.com 8usIness 8alls


Channel 4 - 8oss Swap

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Handout - TeambuIIdIng: Lessons we can Iearn from geese

act #1

As each bIrd flaps Its wIngs, It creates uplIft for the bIrd followIng. 8y flyIng In a '7'
formatIon, the whole flock adds 71 per cent greater flyIng range than If one bIrd flew

Lesson learned people who share a common dIrectIon and sense of communIty can
get where they are goIng quIcker and easIer because they are travellIng on the
strength of one another.

act #2

Whenever a goose falls out of formatIon, It suddenly feels the drag and resIstance of
tryIng to fly alone and quIckly gets back Into formatIon to take advantage of the
lIftIng power of the bIrd ImmedIately In front.

Lesson learned If we have as much sense as geese, we wIll stay In formatIon wIth
those who are ahead of where we want to go and be wIllIng to accept theIr help as
well as gIve ours to others.

act #3

When the lead goose gets tIred, It rotates back Into the formatIon and another goose
flIes at the poInt posItIon.

Lesson learned It pays to take turns doIng the hard tasks and sharIng leadershIp.

act #4

The geese In formatIon honk from behInd to encourage those up front to keep up
theIr speed.

Lesson learned - we need to make sure our honkIng from behInd Is encouragIng, and
not somethIng else.

act #5

When a goose gets sIck or wounded or shot down, two geese drop out of formatIon
and follow It down to help and protect It. They stay wIth It untIl It Is able to fly
agaIn, or dIes. Then they launch out on theIr own, wIth another formatIon, or they
catch up wIth theIr flock.

Lesson Iearned If we have as much sense as geese do, we too wIll stand by each
other In dIffIcult tImes as well as when we are strong.

Source Whetton, 0 A and Cameron, K S (2005) evelopny Mcncyement Sklls, Sxth

Edton, New Jersey, Pearson EducatIon
Edexcel Limited 2007

Tutor support- Edexcel Level 3 BTEC Nationals in Hospitality- Issue 1 -October 2007
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

&nIt 13: PrIncIpIes of HeaIthy EatIng

" LeveI 3: TEC atIonaI

uIded IearnIng hours: 60

&nIt abstract

There Is IncreasIng awareness of dIet and nutrItIon and theIr effect on people's
health, wellbeIng and even behavIour recent and wellpublIcIsed campaIgns have
aImed to Improve the nutrItIonal content of meals In care homes and schools. ThIs
unIt allows learners to explore some of the Issues connected to healthy eatIng. They
wIll look at the factors that promote thIs, IncludIng changes In customer demand,
medIa attentIon and governmental polIcy.

Learners wIll look at advIce connected to the nutrItIonal requIrements of a balanced

dIet, IncludIng government guIdelInes, the concept of Feference NutrIent ntake,
food groups and nutrItIonal classIfIcatIons.

ThIs unIt also covers the requIrements of customers of dIfferent ages In dIfferent
sItuatIons IncludIng those wIth specIal dIetary requIrements, such as dIabetes,
allergIes and Intolerances. t Is partIcularly Important to ensure a balanced dIet Is
avaIlable for customers who rely on the caterer for a large part or all theIr nutrItIonal
needs over a perIod of tIme. These 'captIve' customers can be found In hospItals,
schools and even cruIse shIps. However, thIs unIt Is not lImIted to food that Is
provIded In an InstItutIonal context, and the prIncIples of healthy eatIng are equally
applIcable to any type of caterIng operatIon.

Learners wIll have the opportunIty to plan and adapt menus wIth suItable IngredIents
for a varIety of customers such as school chIldren, restaurant customers, people In
care homes, and those wIth food allergIes and Intolerances, dIabetes, and obesIty.
However, they wIll not be requIred to prepare any food.

t Is Important to make lInks In the delIvery of thIs unIt to the practIcal &nt 12
lntroducton to Contemporcry Cusne.

These materIals provIde a suggested format for the delIvery of the unIt, whIch has
been dIvIded Into a number of sectIons for teachIng purposes. ThIs Is an IllustratIon
of how the unIt can be dIvIded Into manageable learnIng blocks. t Is not prescrIptIve.
Tutors may fInd the learnIng outcomes can be delIvered more effectIvely In a dIfferent
order, based on the way the qualIfIcatIon Is organIsed wIthIn the centre and theIr
learners' abIlIty levels, learnIng styles and prIor learnIng.

A sample assIgnment has been provIded to cover all the gradIng crIterIa for the unIt
and Is IndIcatIve of how assessment could take place, however thIs Is an example
only and assessment may take place In alternatIve ways.
Edexcel LImIted 2007

LearnIng outcomes

n compIetIon of thIs unIt a Iearner shouId

1 Understand factors that Influence and promote healthy eatIng

2 Understand advIce about the nutrItIonal requIrements of a balanced dIet

J Know the nutrItIonal requIrements for a varIety of customers and specIal dIetary

4 8e able to apply the prIncIples of healthy eatIng to recIpe and menu plannIng.

Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

ExempIar programme of IearnIng


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

1 Understand factors
that Influence and
promote healthy
ndIvIdual work
Croup dIscussIons
The tutor should Introduce the unIt to learners so that they are aware of the subject
area and what they wIll be learnIng about, Ie promotIng healthy eatIng, nutrItIonal
requIrements, specIal dIetary needs and menu plannIng. The tutor should spend some
tIme focusIng on learnIng outcome 1 understcndny ]cctors thct n]luence cnd promote
heclthy ectny.

nItIally the tutor should ask learners to wrIte down everythIng they have eaten the day
or week before. The tutor should then ask the learners what factors Influence theIr
choIce of food. t Is lIkely that responses wIll Include body Image, medIa advertIsIng,
convenIence, tIme etc. The tutor should note down how many of the factors that come
out of the conversatIon have led to the learners' eatIng healthIly.

The tutor should then dIvIde the learners Into small groups and ask them to thInk about
the factors that Influence caterers, schools etc. The tutor should then buIld on the
learner's feedback and guIde them, through questIonIng, to ensure that all of the unIt
content Is covered customer demand, eg organIc, convenIence, healthy eatIng, low fat
etc; trends In food productIon, eg organIc, C, speed, recyclIng packagIng; government
InItIatIves, eg school dInners, labellIng etc, reports on supplements, qualIty of
manufactured food avaIlable, eg Tesco and SaInsbury's expensIve ranges, addItIves, food
labellIng and educatIonal polIcy.

t would be useful for the tutor to brIng In current artIcles that concern healthy eatIng
from newspapers, Hotel and Caterer, 88C, Cood Food |agazIne, websItes from the
resource lIst etc. These can pull together poInts raIsed from the dIscussIons.
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TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

2 What do we mean
by the term
'healthy eatIng':
Croup work
ndIvIdual actIvItIes

WebsIte work
The tutor should lead a dIscussIon wIth learners, askIng them to dIscuss what the term
'healthy eatIng' means to them. As they are dIscussIng thIs, the tutor could pull out the
relevant poInts and dIsplay them.

The tutor should arrange learners Into small groups, each wIth a range of menus taken
from varIous restaurants, and ask them to dIscuss the dIshes that they consIder to be
healthy. Each group should then feed back to the other groups explaInIng why the dIshes
they have chosen fall Into the category of healthy eatIng.

Ask learners to lIst what they have eaten over the last three days and evaluate whether
In theIr opInIon they belIeve theIr dIet to be healthy. ThIs wIll be reevaluated after the
next sessIon.
J Healthy eatIng Tutorled

Lead a sessIon on each aspect of the content.

#eguIar meaIs - The tutor needs to explaIn to learners why It Is Important to eat regular
meals and the consequences of not, Ie not eatIng all day and then eatIng a bIg meal late
at nIght can cause IndIgestIon and weIght gaIn. EatIng lIttle and often can keep the
appetIte under control and prevent snackIng, or havIng very large meals and eatIng
excessIvely. Conversely, If people eat very lIttle, metabolIsm slows down and people can
experIence lIghtheadaches, nausea and loss of energy.

Tutors should brIng In artIcles examInIng real examples of the results of not eatIng

aIanced dIet - The tutor should ask learners to look at theIr own food Intake (from the
prevIous sessIon) and ask them to consIder If theIr own dIet Is balanced. The tutor should
ask the learners to present theIr fIndIngs to the group After thIs the tutor should lead a
sessIon on what constItutes a balanced dIet, Ie balance of food groups and nutrItIonal
classIfIcatIons, Ie proteIns, cereals, vegetables, carbohydrates, fats, daIry and sugars
requIred to provIde the body wIth essentIal vItamIns and nutrIents (covered In more detaIl
In the next sessIon).
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The tutor could wrIte notes on a range of typIcal eatIng habIts that learners can evaluate
to decIde whether they can be consIdered balanced In terms of nutrIents. |enus could
be used as an alternatIve and learners could select dIshes that over the course of a day
would provIde a balanced dIet and/or make up a typIcal daIly food Intake. ThIs wIll lead
the learners to evaluate whether they are balanced dIets.

ody hass ndex (h) - The tutor should explaIn to the group exactly what thIs means.
Healthy weIght range Is based on a measurement known as the body mass Index (8|).
ThIs can be determIned from your weIght and heIght.

The tutor should brIng to the class some weIghIng scales and tape measures so that the
learners can then calculate theIr 8| usIng the 88C websIte (shown In the resource lIst).
Learners can calculate theIr own 8| and then read the InformatIon gIven on the 88C
websIte In terms of what theIr results mean. t Is Important to be aware that thIs may be
a sensItIve exercIse and that some learners may not wIsh to partake.

HeaIth eveIopment gency uIdeIInes - The tutor should explaIn to the learners
about the agency and If possIble lInk to the websIte (address found In the unIt Resource
lIst). The NatIonal nstItute for Health and ClInIcal Excellence (NCE) Is an Independent
organIsatIon responsIble for provIdIng natIonal guIdance on promotIng good health and
preventIng and treatIng Ill health. Tutors could develop a small quIz that learners could
research on the Internet. ThIs would be a good way for the learners to famIlIarIse
themselves wIth the websIte and thIs wIll assIst them wIth theIr assIgnments.

The tutor should fInIsh the sessIon by goIng back to the fIrst actIvIty where learners had
to evaluate theIr own dIets, and ask them to reconsIder whether theIr dIets are healthy
or not.
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4 NutrItIonal
requIrements and
balanced dIets

Croup dIscussIons
ndIvIdual exercIses
PaIr work
The tutor should fIrst ask learners what they understand by the term 'nutrItIonal
requIrements'. t may be helpful for tutors to brIng food labels (showIng the nutrItIonal
content of dIfferent food Items) to the lesson.

As a group the tutor should lIst some nutrItIonal food and drInk, eg fruIt and vegetables
(brIngIng In the recommended 5aday guIdelInes), lean meat, water, daIry, fIsh etc.
CookIng methods should be dIscussed those that can destroy nutrIents, eg over boIlIng
vegetables, and healthy cookIng methods, eg stIr fryIng or steamIng.

Next, the tutor should dIscuss the addItIon of salt and fat to the dIet, mentIonIng the
recommended daIly allowances for men and women, (fat Intake for women 76g per day
and for men 100g) and that no more than J5 per cent of the dIet should be from fats.
AlternatIvely, learners could be asked to fInd out thIs InformatIon for themselves.

The tutor should explaIn what Feference NutrIent ntake (FN) Is, FNs are used for
proteIn, vItamIns and mInerals, and are an estImate of the amount of nutrIents that
should meet the needs of most of the group to whIch they apply, eg elderly, sIck, babIes
and so forth. t Is Important to realIse that the guIdelInes gIven are not mInImum targets.
t Is Important that learners understand that people need many dIfferent nutrIents If
they are to maIntaIn good health and reduce the rIsk of dIetrelated dIseases. The
amount of each nutrIent needed Is called the nutrItIonal requIrement. These are
dIfferent for each nutrIent and also vary between IndIvIduals and lIfe stages, eg women
of chIldbearIng age need more Iron than men.
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The tutor should fInd out what learners understand by the term 'calorIe requIrements'.
Learners should be asked to fInd out how many calorIes a typIcal female and male should
Ingest In a day. Learners can then calculate theIr own daIly amount of calorIes usIng the
'what's InsIde' websIte. ThIs fIgure can then be compared to the recommended daIly
amount. The UK 0epartment of Health estImated average requIrements (EAF) are a daIly
calorIe Intake of 1940 calorIes per day for women and 2550 for men.

Tutors should ask learners to lIst all the sources that they could get advIce on nutrItIon
from, eg food labels, supermarket leaflets, websItes (eg 88C, 8rItIsh NutrItIon
FoundatIon) and textbooks.

f It Is practIcal, a trIp to a supermarket would be a useful exercIse. Learners could be

asked to select nutrItIonal foods from across the dIfferent food groups. ThIs may then be
lInked to devIsIng theIr own recIpes and menus.
5 NutrItIonal
requIrements and
balanced dIets
PaIr work
ThIs sessIon relates to sessIon J, on healthy eatIng. n thIs sessIon, the tutor should go
through the dIfferent food groups, nutrItIonal classIfIcatIons and how the body uses

FIrst the tutor should explaIn what the food groups are and ask If learners are aware of
them. Each group should be lIsted, eg fruIt and vegetables, cereals and potatoes, meat
and fIsh, mIlk and daIry, fats and sugars.

The tutor should ensure that learners are aware that, wIth regards to nutrItIonal
classIfIcatIons, thIs means carbohydrates, proteIn, fat, fIbre, vItamIns and mInerals.

The tutor should ask learners to work In paIrs to draw up a fact sheet explaInIng one or
two nutrItIonal classIfIcatIons along wIth the relevant food group and then how the body
uses the nutrIents. All InformatIon on these food groups and nutrIents can be found at
www.nutrItIon.org.uk and www.bbc.co.uk/health.
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6 NutrItIonal
requIrements of

PaIr work

Croup dIscussIon
Learners should lIst all the dIfferent types of customer found In a typIcal hotel or
restaurant. From the lIst the tutor should be able to pull out chIldren, teenagers, young
adults, adults and the elderly.

For each type of customer IdentIfIed In the lIst the tutor should ask learners to lIst where
they may fInd themselves beIng fed by someone other than themselves, eg hospItals,
schools, prIsons, care homes, sports clubs, spas and shIps. For each case the tutor should
ask the learners to thInk about the factors they should take Into consIderatIon when
feedIng the specIfIc age groups.

WorkIng In paIrs learners should to explore the nutrItIonal requIrements of each age
group. Fesources could Include the lIbrary, websItes (www.nutrItIon.org.uk and
www.bbc.co.uk/health) and vIsIts.

FIndIngs could be presented In the form of a dIscussIon, presentatIon or fact sheet.

f It Is possIble the tutor should arrange a vIsIt to a school and/or hospItal where the
employer can talk about what nutrItIonal requIrements and dIetary needs they must
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7 SpecIal dIetary

The tutor should run a sessIon on specIal dIetary needs. The followIng InformatIon could
be adapted and put on a fact sheet for the learners.

Iabetes - 0Iabetes Is a condItIon that results In too much sugar In the blood. ThIs
happens because the body does not produce enough InsulIn, whIch Is the hormone that
controls blood sugar levels. ExcessIvely hIgh or low blood sugar levels are dangerous and
thIs condItIon Is controlled by dIet and drugs. The cause of dIabetes can be genetIc or
hormonal, as well as beIng drug or obesIty Induced.

A dIet that does not Include sugary foods or drInks Is Important. ThIs avoIds sudden rIses
In blood sugar that helps control the condItIon. Carbohydrates that are readIly absorbed
wIll Increase the blood sugar level much quIcker than carbohydrates that are more
complex. Complex carbohydrates wIll naturally control the rate at whIch sugar Is
absorbed Into the blood, and It Is suggested that dIabetIc dIets have a hIgh but
controlled amount of such substances. t Is recommended that dIabetIcs eat a dIet
sImIlar to those of other adults but control the amount and tImIng of the food they eat.
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ood aIIergIes and IntoIerances - Some people may be allergIc to certaIn food, eg
meat, fIsh or nuts. n such cases the removal of the food produce Is a necessIty.

t Is possIble for any food to cause an allergy or Intolerance. There are some foods that
are more common In causIng allergIes, the most common of whIch Is the peanut and
peanut products. AllergIes can cause anaphylactIc shock whIch Is the way In whIch the
body reacts to the food It absorbs. n extreme cases the throat closes leavIng the person
unable to breathe. People who are aware of allergIes are provIded wIth medIcIne to
counteract the effects of the shock. Dther foods that commonly cause food allergIes
Include alcohol, seafood, fIsh, fruIt and cows' mIlk. ntolerances may not be so
ImmedIately dangerous as an allergy but wIll cause dIscomfort and potentIal Illness.
People can be Intolerant to gluten and suffer from coelIac dIsease.

SpecIaI dIets - For each dIet covered below the tutor should ask the learners to
research and desIgn a menu IncludIng a starter, maIn course and dessert that would suIt
that specIfIc dIet.

Low fat - 0Iscuss ways that fats can be substItuted In dIets, eg usIng unsaturated
products Instead of saturated. 0Ieters should avoId fryIng food and addIng fat to foods,
and can buy low fat products lIke low fat cheese or skImmed mIlk. ExplaIn the reasons
why some people may be on a low fat dIet, for example obesIty related problems, hIgh
cholesterol, etc.
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aIry free - ExplaIn that thIs Is where people need to remove daIry products from theIr
dIets and could be lInked to food Intolerance. The vegan dIet Is completely meat, fIsh
and daIry free.

VegetarIan - A vegetarIan dIet omIts all meat, meat products and fIsh products from the
dIet. LactovegetarIans wIll eat daIry products. Those who omIt daIry are known as

Low saIt - A low salt dIet suggests that the person may be sufferIng from hIgh blood
pressure and/or heart problems whIch can be a sIde effect of too much salt In the dIet.
When cookIng, Ideally no salt or a mInImal amount of salt should be added to dIshes and
salt should not be added when the food Is served. f salt has to be added to the dIsh then
the amount should be mInImal. Foods hIgh In salt, for example crIsps and processed food
should be avoIded. ExplaIn that salt Is added to many foods where the learners would not
expect It to be, brIng In some labels to hIghlIght thIs poInt.
8 PresentatIon skIlls Tutorled Tutors should support learners In terms of what needs to be covered In the presentatIon
for P4. As a mInImum thIs should Involve the learners IdentIfyIng examples of healthy
recIpes and menus and provIdIng descrIptIons of what makes them healthy.

An example of a PowerPoInt presentatIon on presentatIon skIlls can be found In the

resource sectIon of &nt 5 In thIs document and could be used here.
9 Healthy recIpes and
menu plannIng
ndIvIdual work
8uIldIng on prevIous sessIons the tutor should brIng together the knowledge gaIned, and
ask learners to IdentIfy at least four healthy eatIng recIpes and menus. The learners
should explaIn to the group why, In theIr opInIon, the examples selected are healthy and
what sItuatIons (eg hospItals, schools, prIsons etc) theIr chosen recIpes and menus would
be suIted to.

Tutors could eIther take the group to the lIbrary and advIse where relevant texts would
be or brIng Into the class a selectIon of uptodate cookery books. Tutors could also
suggest websItes that would help wIth the task, eg 88C 8akIng |ad, what's InsIde guIde,
and the Covernment's healthy lIvIng websIte.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
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10 PresentatIon of
recIpes and menus
ndIvIdual work Learners should present theIr fIndIngs from the prevIous sessIon eIther In a dIscussIon or
a presentatIon.
11 FecIpe and menu


Tutors support learners to devIse a set of menus for a gIven locatIon, eg a school or
hospItal. Learners could work In paIrs or IndIvIdually to complete thIs. The menus must
last for one week and show a healthy balance over the course of the week. |enus must
be realIstIc In cost and be the types of food that would suIt the people In the settIng
and/or age group.

f the tutor leadIng thIs unIt Is not a chef, It would be useful for a chef to come and
speak to the learners about recIpe costIng, foods In season etc.

Dther factors that learners need to take Into consIderatIon are the cookIng methods,
avaIlabIlIty of IngredIents (choIce and varIety), and the skIlls and tIme avaIlable.

The tutor could stIpulate the settIng, for example a chIldren's department of a hospItal
and then have a hospItal spokesperson come Into the college to lIsten to the learner
menu Ideas and provIde feedback. ThIs would gIve the task greater purpose and could be
used for any scenarIo, eg menus for a school, prIson, hotel and so forth.

ThIs Is very much a work shop sessIon that would run over one or two sessIons. To
support learners wIth the task, tutors can use all of the resources mentIoned In prevIous
12 FecIpes and menus ndIvIdual work PresentatIon of menus to specIalIst vIsItor.
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Edexcel LImIted 2007
SampIe assessment actIvIty


You have been appoInted as a nutrItIonIst for Sculthorpe 8oardIng School. The head
teacher of the school has been there for 20 years and durIng that tIme has not paId
much attentIon to the meals that have been served to the boarders. Pressure has
been buIldIng from the medIa, parents and Covernment In terms of the qualIty of
school meals. The pressure has Increased so much that the head teacher has become
aware that the school must act In order to meet Covernment requIrements and the
needs of the boarders.

The head teacher does not have uptodate knowledge on aspects of healthy eatIng
IncludIng the nutrItIonal content of food or the types of food thIs age group (11 - 18)

Your remIt Is to Improve the qualIty of the school dInners for all the boarders In lIne
wIth Covernment thInkIng, In terms of what should be provIded wIthIn the next 12

Task 1 (provIdes evIdence for P1, P2, P3, P5, h1, h2 and 1)

You wIll be requIred to make a presentatIon to a panel of school cooks on the topIc of
'Healthy EatIng for all at Sculthorpe'. The head teacher has asked you to Include the
followIng poInts.

W 0escrIbe to the school cooks what Is meant by healthy eatIng and the factors that
could promote healthy eatIng wIthIn the school. (P1)

W nclude In your presentatIon an example of menus for a typIcal school week

(|onday - Sunday) provIdIng a balanced dIet. (P5)

W ExplaIn the nutrItIonal content of each dIsh and what makes the dIshes healthy.
ThIs wIll help the cooks to understand what Is meant by nutrItIonal requIrements.
(P2, |1)

You should descrIbe the specIfIc nutrItIonal requIrements of the groups that the
school caters for IncludIng young people, teenagers and adults (teachers). ThIs should
be extended to Include people wIth specIfIc dIetary needs such as vegans, those wIth
allergIes or Intolerances and actIve sports team members.(PJ)

FollowIng on from the above you should compare the nutrItIonal requIrements of the
dIfferent groups IdentIfIed. (|2)

n an attempt to ensure that you get the school cooks to 'buy In' to the concept of
healthy eatIng, you are requIred to provIde a leaflet that they can take away from
your presentatIon, whIch provIdes InformatIon assessIng the relatIve Importance of
the factors and advIce that promote a healthy dIet. (01)
Edexcel LImIted 2007

Task 2 (provIdes evIdence for P4, h3 and 2)

You have been gIven a selectIon of menus and healthy recIpes. You are requIred to

W IdentIfy the suItabIlIty of the recIpes and menus for the school In terms of how
they address theIr nutrItIonal needs and the prIncIples of healthy eatIng (P4)

W recommend ways of ImprovIng the menus to better meet the needs of the school.

Fecommend ways In whIch the menus could be adapted If they were to be used In
the local hospItal. (02)

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Edexcel LImIted 2007
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

#esource IIst

ooks and pubIIcatIons

8arasI | - Humcn Nutrton: A Heclth Perspectve, Second Edton (Hodder Arnold,

200J) S8N 0J40810254

C ood ood Mcyczne (88C PublIcatIons)

8ean A - tness on c Plcte: ude to Heclthy Ectny (A E C 8lack PublIshers Ltd,

200J) S8N 071J66J812

8ean A - Heclthy Ectny ]or Kds: Dver 100 Mecl ldecs, Recpes cnd Heclthy Ectny
%ps ]or Chldren, Second Rev Ed Edton (A E C 8lack PublIshers Ltd, 2004)
S8N 071J682604

Ccterer cnd Hotelkeeper (Feed)

Health 0epartment Today (onlIne publIcatIon). To receIve an emaIl alert when the
latest Issue of Health 0evelopment Today Is publIshed on the websIte, send an emaIl
to hdtoday@hadonlIne.org.uk and wrIte 'H0T alert' In the tItle.

H|SD - Ccterny ]or Heclth: c ude ]or %ecchny Heclther Ccterny Prcctces
(The StatIonery DffIce 8ooks, 2002) S8N 01124J0678

KInton F, CesaranI 7 and Foskett 0 - %he %heory o] Ccterny, 10th Edton (Hodder
and Stoughton, 200J) S8N 0J40725125

Le Quesne S - Nutrton: c Prcctccl Approcch (Thomson LearnIng 7ocatIonal, 200J)

S8N 1861529082


www.bakIngmad.com The place for everythIng you ever

wanted to know about bakIng



88C Health - what Is your 8|:

and a 8| calculator

8lood Pressure AssocIatIon

www.foodstandards.gov.uk Food Standards Agency
www.healthylIvIng.gov.uk/healthyeatIng/ NHS - healthy lIvIng guIde
www.nIce.org.uk/ NatIonal nstItute for Health and
ClInIcal Excellence
www.nutrItIon.org.uk 8rItIsh NutrItIon FoundatIon
www.whatsInsIdeguIde.com The What's nsIde CuIde - tells
you what Is InsIde foods
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

Tutor support- Edexcel Level 3 BTEC Nationals in Hospitality- Issue 1 -October 2007
Edexcel Limited 2007

&nIt 14: HospItaIIty usIness EnterprIse

" LeveI 3: TEC atIonaI

uIded IearnIng hours: 60

&nIt abstract

The hospItalIty Industry offers a dIverse range of opportunItIes for the entrepreneur.
ThIs unIt wIll allow learners to explore the Issues Involved In startIng a busIness and
to put some of them Into practIce. The busIness Idea could be almost anythIng, such
as a market stall, a cleanIng servIce, outsIde caterIng, farmhouse holIdays, or
dIversIfIcatIon Into a arrange of related actIvItIes or servIce provIsIon wIthIn an
exIstIng hospItalIty outlet

However, startIng a small busIness enterprIse can be dIffIcult and the orIgInal
busIness Idea may not always be successful. People startIng such a venture wIll need
to consIder a number of Issues, such as laws, regulatIons, fInancIng, the potentIal
market, and the competItIon.

Learners wIll develop theIr understandIng of the legal status and tradIng terms and
condItIons of theIr proposed busIness, legal aspects such as fIre regulatIons, tradIng
standards and taxatIon, and fInancIal aspects, such as startup and operatIonal costs.

Learners wIll have the opportunIty to devIse a proposal for sImple busIness enterprIse
and to put theIr proposal Into actIon. TheIr proposal Is lIkely to Include such
consIderatIons as the type of busIness, Its target market, avaIlable resources, fInancIal
InformatIon, forward plannIng and goals for the busIness. The proposal must be
realIstIc because learners wIll then have to plan and Implement It. They wIll be
requIred to collect feedback and apply evaluatIon crIterIa to judge the extent to
whIch they were successful In meetIng theIr orIgInal goals.

t Is Important to make lInks In the delIvery of thIs unIt to the followIng unIts

W UnIt 4 HospItalIty 8usIness DperatIons

W UnIt 6 Food ServIce DperatIons

W UnIt 21 PlannIng and |anagIng a HospItalIty Event.

These materIals provIde a suggested format for the delIvery of the unIt, whIch has
been dIvIded Into a number of sectIons for teachIng purposes. ThIs Is an IllustratIon
of how the unIt can be dIvIded Into manageable learnIng blocks. t Is not prescrIptIve.
Tutors may fInd the learnIng outcomes can be delIvered more effectIvely In a dIfferent
order, based on the way the qualIfIcatIon Is organIsed wIthIn the centre and theIr
learners abIlIty levels, learnIng styles and prIor learnIng.

A sample assIgnment has been provIded to cover all the gradIng crIterIa for the unIt
and Is IndIcatIve of how assessment could take place, however thIs Is an example
only and assessment may take place In alternatIve ways.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

LearnIng outcomes

n compIetIon of thIs unIt a Iearner shouId

1 Know the legal and fInancIal consIderatIons that affect the startup of small
hospItalIty busInesses

2 8e able to produce an outlIne hospItalIty busIness enterprIse proposal

J 8e able to plan and set up a hospItalIty busIness

4 8e able to apply evaluatIon and Improvement crIterIa to a hospItalIty busIness


Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007

ExempIar programme of IearnIng


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

1 ntroductIon and
8usIness Ideas

Croup dIscussIon
The tutor should Introduce learners to the unIt, gIvIng an overvIew of the learnIng

ThIs sessIon can be dedIcated to braInstormIng and comIng up wIth Ideas for a small
hospItalIty busIness.

0ependIng on the sIze of the group, the tutor should ask learners to get Into small groups
(mInImum 2 and maxImum 4). Together they should decIde on what would be a feasIble
busIness opportunIty that they could run practIcally, wIthIn theIr centre.

t Is lIkely that learners wIll need guIdance from the tutor In terms of suItable Ideas.
These could Include afternoon tea In the centre's restaurant for employees and learners,
market stalls sellIng food produce (eg chutneys, cakes, coffees, bakery produce or
sandwIches) or a specIal themed lunch or dInner.

Tutors should be mIndful of the needs and tIme frame of the unIt and should dIscourage
Ideas that are too ambItIous In terms of tIme, money and resources.

When the groups have fInalIsed theIr Ideas, they should be encouraged to share theIr
Ideas wIth the other groups who may be In a posItIon to offer advIce.
2 Legal
consIderatIons that
affect the start up
of a small
hospItalIty busIness
PaIr work
Tutors need to ensure that learners understand the legal consIderatIons that could affect
theIr chosen busIness. The consIderatIons lIsted In the content for the unIt should be
covered wIthIn thIs sessIon. |any are detaIled below, wIth potentIal delIvery strategIes

LegaI status - The dIfferent types of legal status should be covered, such as sole trader,
partnershIp, lImIted company, franchIse and cooperatIve. A good way to descrIbe these
could be to use a PowerPoInt slIde show sImIlar to the one found In the resource sectIon
of &nt 1. Dnce the tutor has explaIned what they are, learners should be In a posItIon to
determIne the best legal status for theIr own small busIness.
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LegaI IIabIIItIes - The tutor should explaIn that when you own your own busIness, you
have a legal responsIbIlIty towards your employees, customers and the publIc. The tutor
should ensure that learners understand that the owner of the busIness wIll be legally
lIable If anybody usIng your premIses Is Injured, and how the empIoyers' IIabIIIty
compuIsory Insurance (ELC) wIll help protect agaInst havIng to pay legal costs. ThIs
Insurance Is desIgned to pay any compensatIon and legal costs that occur If an employer
Is found to be at fault. Further InformatIon on ELC can be found on the 8usIness LInk
websIte lIsted In the resource sectIon.

TradIng terms and condItIons - The tutor should explaIn what Is meant by tradIng
terms and condItIons - the terms of your contract between you and your customers.
Learners should be aware that they are desIgned to protect your rIghts, IImIt your
IIabIIItIes and provIde you wIth some securIty when you sell your goods or provIde a
servIce. They must be clear to the customer at the start of the busIness relatIonshIp.

f terms and condItIons are not clearly outlIned you may fInd that people do not pay you
on tIme, or at all. f you don't get your condItIons rIght then It may be dIffIcult for you
as the owner to chase bad debts.

Your terms and condItIons should cover

W prIce

W arrangements for delIvery

W payment terms (If you faIl to agree a credIt perIod wIth your customers then the law
does set a default perIod of 30 days by whIch tIme the purchaser Is obIIged to pay)

W your rIght to charge Interest on late payments and If requIred to claIm compensatIon
for debtrecovery costs.
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TradIng standards - To break up the sessIon the tutor should ask learners to InvestIgate
what the term 'tradIng standards' means, usIng the busIness lInk websIte. Learners may
work IndIvIdually or In paIrs, and tutors may wIsh to set out a serIes of questIons for
learners to answer. Some examples are

1 Where does the tradIng standards servIce operate from:

2 What are TradIng Standards DffIcers responsIble for doIng:

J Name two legIslatIons whIch fall under the tradIng standards.

4 What are the types of customer complaInt that may be dealt wIth by tradIng

5 From a customer poInt of vIew, why Is tradIng standards Important:

6 What do we mean by faIr tradIng:

7 What are the areas covered under faIr tradIng law:

8 What busInesses are affected by sector specIfIc laws:

9 Under faIr tradIng, trade descrIptIons and tradIng standards complete and get a
personalIsed lIst of regulatIons for a proposed busIness Idea.

10 When descrIbIng goods they must be accurate In what three ways could the
descrIptIon be communIcated:
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LIcences - To cover thIs area, the tutor should ask each group to research the types of
lIcence that would be applIcable for theIr proposed busIness Idea. They would need to
cover premIses, alcohol and entertaInment. The busIness lInk websIte wIll assIst wIth
thIs. Learners can then explaIn to theIr peers all of the lIcences that would apply to theIr

#ecord keepIng - The tutor should braInstorm wIth the learners all of the records that
need to be kept legally when settIng up a busIness. Examples Include fInancIal records
for tax purposes, premIses rental agreements, terms and condItIons of the busIness,
stock sheets, InvoIces, sales receIpts and employee records. The tutor should ensure that
learners realIse the complIcatIons that could arIse If records are not kept. Learners
should see who Is organIsed and able to manage records, eg settIng up fIlIng systems and
databases, for theIr busIness Idea.

LegIsIatIonlreguIatIons - The tutor should ask learners to draw on prevIous knowledge,

perhaps gaIned from &nt J Heclth, Sc]ety cnd Securty n the Hosptclty lndustry, and
In paIrs draw up a lIst of legIslatIon and regulatIons that wIll apply to theIr busIness Idea.
Dnce agaIn the 8usIness LInk websIte wIll assIst wIth thIs. LegIslatIons wIll Include
premIses, health and safety, FIre FegulatIons, 0ata ProtectIon, Trades 0escrIptIon,
CDSHH, F00DF and employment law. Ask learners to Include In theIr research the
regulatory bodIes that they can turn to for advIce about theIr busIness.

8y the end of thIs sessIon the tutor should ensure that learners are comfortable wIth the
legal consIderatIons that may apply to theIr busIness. t may be worth askIng that
learners are stIll happy wIth theIr orIgInal choIce of busIness, rememberIng that the
more straIghtforward the busIness Is, the fewer legal consIderatIons It Is lIkely to have.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

J FInancIal
consIderatIons that
affect the start up
of a small
hospItalIty busIness


PractIcal actIvItIes
n thIs unIt learners are not expected to have an Indepth knowledge of fInancIal
consIderatIons, but should be able to know what they are and how they relate to theIr
busIness start up. The fInancIal consIderatIons that apply are as follows

Start-up costs - Cost of premIses, equIpment and marketIng. To research the cost of
buyIng typIcal premIses, the Internet could be used or a vIsIt to an estate agent who sells
commercIal propertIes would help. f they are rentIng then the same applIes learners
should look at how much rent they should expect to pay. The tutor should explaIn that
these wIll be fIxed costs, as they are a set amount each month, and that on a profIt and
loss sheet they are shown under expendIture.

Learners wIll also need to be aware that If they are rentIng or buyIng premIses that have
not been prevIously used for theIr type of busIness, then equIpment wIll have to be
bought as an InItIal outlay. Learners could look at equIpment catalogues lIke NIsbets to
get an Idea and understandIng of the cost of commercIal equIpment.

PrIor to a busIness startIng, marketIng actIvItIes need to take place. |arket research may
be carrIed out by the learner but thIs would stIll have a cost attached In terms of
prIntIng off questIonnaIres and the learners' tIme In cIrculatIng these and analysIng the
feedback. As a busIness owner you may ask a market research organIsatIon to carry out
the research for you, or you may wIsh to buy a database from a company. All these wIll
have fInancIal ImplIcatIons.

You may decIde to market your busIness on a websIte or on the radIo. The tutor could
therefore ask learners to fInd out the cost of advertIsIng on the radIo and In the local
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007


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eIIvery methods


#unnIng costs - The tutor should braInstorm wIth learners what they thInk the term
runnIng costs means. They can help the learner by askIng them to thInk of all the bIlls
they pay or theIr parents or guardIans have to pay on a monthly or yearly basIs, eg rent
or mortgage, gas, electrIcIty, telephone, water rates etc. Dther costs a busIness owner
wIll pay Include salarIes, materIals and supplIes, eg food, drInk and maIntenance
(although thIs may not be a cost each month, money must be allocated In the budget In
case maIntenance Issues arIse). t Is not necessary to get exact costs but If some actual
costs could be gIven that would be useful. The tutor could advIse on gas and electrIcIty
rates etc. t would be useful for learners If a speaker could come from a local busIness to
explaIn fInancIal and legal consIderatIons.

ssets and IIabIIItIes (assessIng your cash needs assets and lIabIlItIes) - Learners wIll
need to compare the assets and lIabIlItIes of the busIness. Dne way of doIng thIs Is to
complete and use a cash flow forecast. UsIng the lInk below, learners could go through
each area on a cash flow lInkIng It to theIr own busIness. ThIs Is a good actIvIty for tutors
to lead on an InteractIve whIteboard.


The tutor should explaIn that cash Is essentIal to a busIness and therefore a cash flow
forecast Is one of the most Important management tools a busIness owner can use. t
predIcts the money comIng Into and goIng out of the busIness.

PersonaI survIvaI budget - An example of one of these that learners can complete can
be found In the resource sectIon. Tutors need to explaIn the Importance of workIng out
thIs budget and It Is a good way to get learners to start to thInk about how much It costs
to lIve on a monthly basIs. n some cases It wIll hIghlIght the need to budget and cut

PrIcIng poIIcy and break even - ThIs lInks back to tradIng terms where prIces must be
stIpulated. Learners need to thInk about how much they wIll sell theIr goods for and wIll
need to research from caterIng supplIers how much goods are to buy and how much gross
profIt they want to make. ThIs Is often between 60 - 70 per cent.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods


The tutor could dIvIde the learners Into paIrs and ask them to lIst the goods that they are
sellIng. They should then compare prIces from a caterIng supplIer and a local
supermarket for lIkeforlIke amounts. The tutor should explaIn that they Ideally need to
break even In theIr fIrst year of tradIng. ThIs Is when theIr Income covers all of theIr

ProfIt and Ioss budgets and accounts - Tutors should be aware that learners may have
completed profIt and loss and balance sheets In &nt 4 Hosptclty usness Dperctons
so some reference can be made here. An example handout, wIth InformatIon on profIt
and loss and balance sheets, can be found In the resources sectIon. The tutor could ask
learners to IndIvIdually research examples of each, whIch can then be brought to the
lesson and dIscussed as a group.

Sources of fInance - To ensure that learners are aware of all sources of fInance that
may be avaIlable to small busIness, the tutor should braInstorm these wIth learners.
Tutors should ensure that they cover grants from the PrInce's Trust, Covernment
InItIatIves, loans from banks, borrowIng from prIvate Investors and sponsorshIp from
large companIes. The tutor should dIvIde learners Into small groups, and ask each group
to research one source of fInance and produce a fact sheet explaInIng how the fInance
could be sourced. The learners should Include examples they have come across In theIr

The tutor should ensure that the learners' fact sheets cover what the owner of a new
busIness may have to supply In order to secure the fInance.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

4 |arketIng

ndIvIdual actIvItIes

Learners should now have fIrmly In theIr mInd the type of busIness that they wIsh to set
up In theIr small groups. They wIll now need to carry out market research to see how
vIable theIr busIness Is. Some useful websItes for market research can be found In the
resource lIst.

The tools that the tutor should Introduce to the learners to help them do thIs are lIsted

ST anaIysIs - A SWDT analysIs measures a busIness Idea. A template can be found In

the resources sectIon. WIthIn theIr groups the tutor should ask learners to thInk of all the
strengths that theIr busIness Idea has, all the weaknesses, the opportunItIes In terms of
new busIness and fInally what the threats may be to that busIness.

PEST anaIysIs - A pest analysIs most commonly measures a market. t looks at the
PolItIcal, EnvIronmental, SocIal and TechnologIcal aspects of that market. A template
can be found In the resource sectIon.

harket research - Learners need to answer such questIons as who wIll theIr customers
be: What do they want from you: Where are they located: How many potentIal
customers are they lIkely to have: How much wIll customers pay for your
product/servIce: Learners need to know who theIr maIn competItors are and what these
competItors' products, servIces, strengths and weaknesses are.

Learners need to gauge consumer reactIons to theIr busIness Idea. ThIs can be done by
learners, who could desIgn a questIonnaIre, for the prospectIve target audIences. The
questIonnaIre could establIsh whether the target market lIkes the busIness Idea, the
types of food people want to eat, prIces people are wIllIng to pay and so forth. Learners
could then be expected to get 10 of the questIonnaIres completed. Support wIth
desIgnIng a questIonnaIre can be found at www.statpac.com/surveys

#esearch methods - The tutor should ensure learners are aware of the desk research
they can conduct concernIng the vIabIlIty of theIr busIness, through the Internet, lIbrary,
and trade dIrectorIes as well as by usIng fIeld research as prevIously mentIoned.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

5 0evelopIng a
8usIness proposal

ndIvIdual work
Learners need to put together theIr own busIness proposal. Templates can be accessed
from banks or the busIness lInk websIte, whIch gIves a very detaIled guIde on everythIng
that should be Included In a busIness plan.

t would be useful for the learners to vIsIt a bank, or have a spokesman from a bank
come In as a guest speaker, to talk learners through the completIon of a busIness plan.

Tutors may need to support learners In obtaInIng a busIness plan. ThIs can be done easIly
from local banks that offer a new busIness start up servIce, from lIbrarIes or from a local
busIness lInk. Tutors wIll then need to support learners In completIng theIr plans. A lot of
the work wIll have already been covered In the prevIous sessIons. The busIness plan wIll
most probably be added to through out the course.
6 AdvertIsIng
PaIr work
Learners should consIder how they are goIng to advertIse theIr busInesses. Tutors should
ensure that In groups the learners have gIven thought to

W onsIte advertIsIng, eg 'A' boards, contact InformatIon on the sIde of a vehIcle,

unIforms, wIndow dIsplays, etc

W medIa advertIsIng, eg local papers, free magazInes, free newspapers, local radIo
advertIsements and post cards In shop wIndows

W other medIa, eg own websIte, lInks on other sItes, Yellow Pages, local exhIbItIons and
country faIrs.

W publIc relatIons, eg doortodoor leaflet drops, talks and presentatIons, word of


The tutor should ask learners, workIng In theIr groups, to decIde what would be the best
advertIsIng medIum for theIr busIness, and justIfy theIr choIce. The groups' feedback can
then be developed Into a dIscussIon.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

7 DbjectIve settIng Tutorled

Croup work
The tutor should braInstorm wIth the learners the Importance of settIng out clear
objectIves for what they need to achIeve In order to get theIr busIness started. The tutor
should gIve out a template whereby learners can put together a S|AFTEF actIon plan
detaIlIng S|AFT objectIves. An example handout for thIs can be found In the resource
sectIon, along wIth a template for a personal actIon plan. Tutors wIll need to support
learners In completIng theIr actIon plans lInked to the work that they need to do to get
theIr busIness started.
8 PlannIng skIlls Tutorled

Croup work
Learners need to plan and set up a small busIness enterprIse. To enable them to achIeve
thIs, tutors must ensure that learners have addressed the followIng areas In theIr

WIth guIdance, the learners need to plan theIr objectIves. hey should consIder

W how much money they want to make

W how they are goIng to promote the event, eg emaIl, posters

W theIr resources, eg kItchen, chefs

W what they wIll produce, eg bread

W presentatIon table

W the key legal requIrements, eg food hygIene factors, health and safety.

Learners need to consIder the role they wIll play In the busIness enterprIse. The tutor
should make sure that each learners looks at

W the skIlls they brIng

W what workIng procedures they wIll be followIng

W who they wIll be reportIng to

W what theIr responsIbIlItIes wIll be.

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eIIvery methods


To help learners achIeve thIs, tutors could encourage each team to set up job
descrIptIons detaIlIng what Is expected of them at each stage. Together wIth the job
descrIptIons, sImple workIng procedures could be produced. The busIness team can put
these together and then work agaInst them. Learners could also draw up a lIst of the
personal strengths and weaknesses they brIng to the enterprIse, so when the team looks
at the roles, they can possIbly balance out each other's weaknesses and strengths.

The actIon plan consIdered In the prevIous sessIon should become a workable document,
and learners should be encouraged to keep It uptodate, showIng revIsIons to the plan,
prIor to and durIng the event, eg notIng changes to the plan In terms of tImIngs, roles
and costs, and If applIcable, any contIngency plans that had to be put Into place.
9 FunnIng the
Tutor support

PractIcal actIvIty
The tutor wIll need to allow learners suffIcIent tIme to fully plan theIr busIness
enterprIse usIng the theoretIcal means outlIned In the prevIous sessIons. Tutors should
also be avaIlable to support the learners creatIng and runnIng theIr busIness enterprIses.

Tutors should make notes on how the busIness enterprIses are beIng run and then gIve
feedback to learners after the event. Feedback should follow the crIterIa laId out In the
contents, Ie the achIevement of objectIves, effectIveness of the laId down workIng
procedures, effectIve use of resources, whether fInancIal targets had been met, whether
health and safety regulatIons were followed etc.
10 CatherIng feedback

Types of feedback
Tutor support

CollectIon of
Although the tutor wIll provIde feedback, the tutor should advIse and support learners In
obtaInIng addItIonal feedback to analyse the effectIveness of the operatIon. ThIs should
be gathered from a varIety of sources, such as fInancIal data (eg theIr takIngs and overall
gross profIt), peers, customers solIcIted (eg In the form of a questIonnaIre). Learners wIll
need to desIgn a questIonnaIre prIor to the event, whIch wIll provIde them wIth the
feedback they need to evaluate the success of theIr busIness Idea.

Tutors should suggest that learners use InformatIon from a mInImum of 10 completed
questIonnaIres from customers, reIteratIng that the questIonnaIres need to measure the
level of customer satIsfactIon, qualIty of the produce and servIce, etc.
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Edexcel LImIted 2007


TeachIng topIc

eIIvery methods

11 Feport wrItIng Tutorled As part of the assessment for thIs unIt wIll be In the form of a report, tutors may fInd It
useful to Include a sessIon on report wrItIng. A handout can be found In the resource
12 EvaluatIon and

The unIt could end wIth the learners takIng on board all the feedback gathered and usIng
It to put the fInIshIng touches to theIr busIness plan.

f possIble, learners could present theIr plans to a bank manager to see just how vIable
theIr proposItIons are. The feedback gathered can then be put towards the overall
evaluatIon of the busIness Idea.
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Edexcel LImIted 2007
SampIe assessment actIvIty


You have the opportunIty to research, plan and run a small busIness enterprIse, usIng
the centres facIlItIes.

Task 1 (provIdes evIdence for P1, P2, h1, and h2)

n a report format you need to

1 DutlIne your busIness Idea. CIve detaIls of the research you have carrIed out to
establIsh that your busIness Idea Is a good one.
2 0escrIbe the legal and fInancIal consIderatIons for your busIness enterprIse. (P1)
Learners wIshIng to work to a merIt level, should assess the ImplIcatIons of these
consIderatIons. (|1)

J UsIng an agreed busIness proposal format (thIs wIll be an appendIx that you wIll
refer to throughout your report), outlIne your busIness proposal. (P2)

Learners wIshIng to work to a merIt level should do thIs Independently and show
InItIatIve. (|2)

Task 2 (provIdes evIdence for P3 and partIaI evIdence for P4)

n small groups (maxImum 4, mInImum 2) you are requIred to

1 Plan all aspects of settIng up and runnIng your chosen busIness Idea. 0etaIled
plans must be produced along wIth allocatIon of job roles, possIble contIngency
plans, workIng procedures, job descrIptIons, marketIng actIvItIes etc everythIng
you need to do prIor to the runnIng of the event. (Some of thIs InformatIon may
be detaIled In your busIness proposal.)(PJ)

2 Fun the event as a commercIal enterprIse wIthIn the centre, followIng the plans
IdentIfIed In poInt 1. (PJ)

J 0evelop prIor to the event, usIng agreed crIterIa, a checklIst whIch you can
complete to evaluate the effectIveness of your busIness enterprIse. (P4)

Task 3 (provIdes partIaI evIdence for P4 and provIdes evIdence for h3 and 1)

Complete a report outlInIng the chosen enterprIse, IncludIng

1 an assessment of the effectIveness of all stages of the busIness enterprIse, Ie

pre, durIng and postevent. Feedback can be collected from varIous sources, Ie
tutor, customers, peers and the completed checklIst developed In Task 2 (P4)

2 an analysIs of the factors that affected the smooth plannIng and runnIng of the
event and justIfIcatIon of the changes that were made to the orIgInal plan. (|J)

J followIng thIs analysIs, an evaluatIon of the chosen busIness enterprIse wIth

recommendatIons for changes that would Improve It. (01)
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Edexcel LImIted 2007

#esource IIst

ooks and pubIIcatIons

|orrIs | - Stcrtny c Success]ul usness, ourth Edton (Kogan Page, 2004)

S8N 07494J52J2

FeuvId J - Stcrt up cnd run your own busness, ourth Edton (Kogan Page, 2006)
S8N 07494447J8

Stoky 0 - Smcll usness Mcncyement, ourth Edton (Thomson, 2002)

S8N 082645679


T7 ChoIces StartIng a 8usInesses - The Caf 8ar from T7 ChoIce ProductIons, 22

CharIng Cross Foad, London WC2H DHF 0207J79087J.


www.busInesslInk.gov.uk/bdotg/actIon/home 8usIness LInk - practIcal advIce for

www.dtI.gov.uk 0epartment of Trade and ndustry
www.ento.co.uk Employment NatIonal TraInIng
www.essexcc.gov.uk Essex County CouncIl
www.essexchambers.co.uk Essex Chambers of Commerce
www.mIntel.com |Intel nternatIonal Croup Ltd -
consumer, medIa and market
www.nIsbets.co.uk NIsbets - caterIng equIpment
www.plaInenglIsh.co.uk/reportguIde.pdf PlaIn EnglIsh - guIde to wrItIng a

www.prIncestrust.org.uk PrInce's Trust

www.sbs.gov.uk 0epartment of Trade and ndustry -

PolIcy sIte on Small 8usInesses
www.smallbusIness.co.uk Small busIness advIce
www.startups.co.uk/ Startups - InspIrIng new busInesses
www.statpac.com/surveys/ Survey and QuestIonnaIre 0esIgn
www.thebfa.org 8rItIsh FranchIse AssocIatIon
www.thomsonlocal.com Thomson Local - search for UK
busIness detaIls
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
Handout - PersonaI survIvaI Income

ThIs sImple exercIse wIll Introduce you to budgetIng. 8efore you start up your own
busIness It Is Important to establIsh monthly outgoIngs and compare thIs to monthly
Income to work out how much money you need In order to be able to lIve. f you fInd
that your Income does not cover your expenses you may need to look over your
expendIture Items and see where cuts can be made!

Some of the expendIture wIll apply to you now. Some you may have to guess or ask
advIce from somebody who pays the bIlls. When completIng the chart It Is better to
overestImate rather than underestImate.

Wages f
Any other Income f

tem of expendIture honthIy cost In f

|ortgage or rent f
CouncIl tax f
ElectrIcIty f
Cas/oIl f
Water f
Telephone/Internet (Inc mobIle) f
House and contents Insurance f
TelevIsIon lIcence IncludIng Sky etc f
Car Insurance and tax f
Car servIcIng and |DT f
Petrol or publIc transport costs f
Loan/credIt card repayments f
Food f
ClothIng f
EntertaInment, Ie cInema, concerts f
Presents (bIrthdays and ChrIstmas) f
0ays out/weekend breaks/holIdays f
SavIngs f
Dther f
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

Handout - ProfIt and Ioss and baIance sheet

A profIt and loss account Is a summary of busIness transactIons for a gIven perIod -
whether your busIness made a profIt or loss at the end of that perIod.

A profIt and loss account Is produced prImarIly for busIness purposes - to show
owners, shareholders or potentIal Investors how the busIness Is performIng. 8ut most
of the InformatIon Is also used by H| Fevenue and Customs to work out your tax bIll.

A balance sheet Is a fInancIal statement at a gIven poInt In tIme. t provIdes a

snapshot summary of what a busIness owns or Is owed - assets - and what It owes -
lIabIlItIes, at a partIcular date.

Contents of the baIance sheet

W FIxed assets - what the busIness owns

W Current assets - what the busIness Is owed

W Current lIabIlItIes - what the busIness owes and must repay In the short term

W Longterm lIabIlItIes - IncludIng owner or owners' capItal

W FIxed assets Include

TangIble assets - eg buIldIngs, land, machInery, computers, fIxtures and fIttIngs -

where relevant shown at theIr deprecIated or resale value

ntangIble assets - eg goodwIll, Intellectual property rIghts, patents, trademarks,

websIte domaIn names, longterm Investments.

Current assets are short-term assets whose vaIue can fIuctuate from day to day,
and can IncIude:

W stock

W workInprogress

W money owed by customers

W cashInhand or at the bank

W shortterm Investments

W prepayments, eg advance rents.

Current IIabIIItIes are amounts owIng and due wIthIn one year. These IncIude:

W money owed to supplIers

W shortterm loans, overdrafts or other fInance

W taxes due wIthIn the year - 7AT, PAYE, NatIonal nsurance

Long-term IIabIIItIes Include

W credItors due after one year - the amounts due to be repaId In loans or fInancIng
after one year, eg bank or dIrectors' loans, fInance agreements

W capItal and reserves - share capItal and retaIned profIts, after dIvIdends

W the balance sheet must by law Include the elements shown above In bold.
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Edexcel LImIted 2007
#eIatIonshIp a between baIance sheet and profIt and Ioss account

The ProfIt and Loss (PEL) account summarIses a busIness's tradIng transactIons -
Income, sales and expendIture - and the resultIng profIt or loss for a gIven perIod.

The balance sheet, by comparIson, provIdes a fInancIal snapshot at a gIven moment.

t doesn't show daytoday transactIons or the current profItabIlIty of the busIness.
However, many of Its fIgures relate to, or are affected by, the state of play wIth PEL
transactIons on a gIven date.

Taken and adapted from

Tutor support- Edexcel Level 3 BTEC Nationals in Hospitality- Issue 1 -Oct ober 2007
Edexcel Limited 2007

Handout - A personal SOT analysis

Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
Handout - PEST anaIysIs


W ecologIcal or envIronmental Issues

W current legIslatIon home market

W future legIslatIon

W European or InternatIonal legIslatIon

W regulatory bodIes and processes

W government polIcIes

W government term and change

W tradIng polIcIes

W fundIng, grants and InItIatIves

W home market lobbyIng or pressure


W InternatIonal pressure groups

W wars and conflIct.


W home economy sItuatIon

W home economy trends

W overseas economIes and trends

W general taxatIon Issues

W taxatIon specIfIc to product or


W seasonalIty and weather Issues

W market and trade cycles

W specIfIc Industry factors

W market routes and dIstrIbutIon


W customer or enduser drIvers

W Interest and exchange rates

W InternatIonal trade and monetary


W lIfestyle trends

W demographIcs

W consumer attItudes and opInIons

W medIa vIews

W law changes affectIng socIal factors

W brand, company, technology Image

W consumer buyIng patterns

W fashIon and role models

W major events and Influences

W buyIng access and trends

W ethnIc and relIgIous factors

W advertIsIng and publIcIty

W ethIcal Issues.

W competIng technology development

W research fundIng

W assocIated or dependent

W replacement technology or solutIons

W maturIty of technology

W manufacturIng maturIty and capacIty

W InformatIon and communIcatIons

W consumer buyIng mechanIsms and


W technology legIslatIon

W InnovatIon potentIal

W technology access, lIcensIng, patents

W Intellectual property Issues

W global communIcatIons.

Sourced from www.busInessballs.com/pestanalysIsfreetemplate.htm

Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

Handout - CreatIng an actIon pIan

Dnce you have IdentIfIed a range of objectIves for personal and professIonal
development, the next step Is to prIorItIse them and consIder exactly how you are
goIng to achIeve them and what support you wIll need to help you.

ctIon pIannIng

An actIon plan helps you to IdentIfy exactly what It Is that you need to do to achIeve
a partIcular aIm or objectIve. t Involves settIng specIfIc actIon poInts to enable you
to achIeve an overall outcome or objectIve, as IndIcated In the dIagram below.


Ie what you want

to achIeve


For achIevIng

ActIon poInts
showIng what you
wIll do to reach
your goal and how
you Intend to
achIeve It

ActIon plannIng can be done usIng a range of formats and you wIll need to consIder
quIte carefully the way you want to organIse yours, bearIng In mInd that there Is no
set way of doIng It.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
Handout - S.h..#.T.E.#. objectIves


DbjectIves should not be vague eg 'to Improve'. 8e precIse about what you want to
achIeve. Can It be broken down Into smaller, more specIfIc objectIves:


SpecIfIc objectIves should be measurable. You should be able to measure and judge
the extent to whIch you have met your objectIves. ThIs way, you wIll be able to
recognIse your degree of success In meetIng objectIves, and measure your progress
along the way.


DbjectIves should be relevant to your personal and professIonal development. CaInIng

agreement about your objectIves confIrms theIr relevance. You wIll probably need
support and authorIty to pursue your objectIves, so agreement wIth superIors needs
to be gaIned (partIcularly at the plannIng stage).


DbjectIves should be challengIng but achIevable (wIth approprIate resources). Ensure

that you are able to achIeve the objectIves wIthIn the constraInts of your current
abIlItIes, commItments, tIme and resources.


The pursuIt of your objectIves should not stretch on forever, and should be
contInually refIned. Set dates by when you want to achIeve your objectIves.
Femember to be realIstIc.


s the objectIve worth pursuIng, gIven the Investment In tIme and effort It wIll
requIre: Agreement of objectIves wIll probably requIre prIor evaluatIon.


You wIll need to revIew your progress towards meetIng your objectIves. ThIs wIll
requIre you to IdentIfy a revIew date and means by whIch progress can be measured.

Handout - PersonaI actIon pIan






(compIetIon date)

honItorIng and revIew

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Edexcel LImIted 2007
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
Handout - #eport wrItIng

From www.plaInenglIsh.co.uk/reportguIde.pdf

When wrItIng reports, make your audIence's job as easy as possIble. Use actIve verbs
and short sentences and keep to the poInt, just as you would In any other kInd of

ThIs guIde covers the maIn stages of wrItIng a report

W defInIng the purpose

W InvestIgatIng the topIc

W organIsIng the report Into sectIons

W order of presentatIon

W order of wrItIng

W numberIng sectIons and paragraphs

W plannIng the wrItIng

W revIsIon.

efInIng the purpose

ThIs helps you to be clear about

W why you are wrItIng;

W what to Include;

W what to leave out; and

W who your readers are.

f you can express the purpose In a sIngle sentence, so much the better.

nvestIgatIng the topIc

How you do thIs depends on the topIc and purpose. You may need to read, IntervIew,
experIment and observe. Cet advIce from someone more experIenced If you need to.

rganIsIng the report Into sectIons

Your job Is to make It easy for the readers to fInd the InformatIon they want.

n reports that are one or two pages long, readers should have no trouble fIndIng
theIr way around. WIth a 'long' report (more than four or fIve pages), you need to
take great care In how you organIse the InformatIon.

Feports can be set out In eIght parts, but you won't always need them all.

W TItle or tItle page

W Contents lIst

W Abstract

W ntroductIon
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

W 0IscussIon

W Summary and conclusIons

W FecommendatIons

W AppendIx.

A short report won't need a tItIe page, but should have a tItle.
The contents IIst Is only needed In long reports.
The IntroductIon should be brIef and answer any of the followIng questIons that
seem relevant.

W What Is the topIc:

W Who asked for the report and why:

W What Is the background:

W What was your method of workIng: f the method Is long and detaIled, put It In an

W What were the sources: f there are many, put them In an appendIx.

The dIscussIon Is the maIn body of the report. t Is lIkely to be the longest sectIon,
contaInIng all the detaIls of the work organIsed under headIngs and subheadIngs.
Start wIth the most Important, follow It wIth the next most Important, and so on.
You should follow the same rule wIth each paragraph. 8egIn wIth the maIn poInts of
the paragraph, then wrIte further detaIls or an explanatIon.

The summary and concIusIons sectIon Is sometImes placed before the dIscussIon
sectIon. t descrIbes the purpose of the report, your conclusIons and how you reached

The conclusIons are your maIn fIndIngs. Keep them brIef. They should say what
optIons or actIons you consIder to be best and what can be learned from what has
happened before. So they may Include or may lead to your recommendatIons what
should be done In the future to Improve the sItuatIon:

The appendIx Is for materIal whIch readers only need to know If they are studyIng the
report In depth. Felevant charts and tables should go In the dIscussIon where readers
can use them. Put them In an appendIx only If they would dIsrupt the flow of the

rder of presentatIon

We recommend the followIng order of presentatIon. You won't always need all these
sectIons, especIally those In brackets.

W Long reports

W TItle or tItle page

W (Contents lIst)

W (Abstract)

W ntroductIon

W Summary and conclusIons

Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
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W FecommendatIons

W 0IscussIon

W (AppendIx).

Short reports

W TItle

W ntroductIon

W 0IscussIon

W Summary and conclusIons

W FecommendatIons

W (AppendIx).

rder of wrItIng

The order In whIch you wrIte needn't follow the order of presentatIon.

We recommend the followIng order of wrItIng, because each sectIon you fInIsh helps
you wrIte the next one.

W ntroductIon

W 0IscussIon

W Summary and conclusIons

W FecommendatIons

W (Abstract)

W TItle or tItle page

W (Contents lIst)

W (AppendIx).

After wrItIng all the sectIons, read and revIse them. FewrIte sectIons If necessary.

umberIng sectIons and paragraphs

f you use plenty of clear headIngs and have a full contents lIst at the start of the
report, you should fInd thIs Is enough to show where each part begIns and ends, and
to crossrefer If necessary.

f you do have to label sectIons and paragraphs, keep It as sImple as possIble. Use
capItal letters to label sectIons and numbers to label paragraphs (A1, A2 and so on).
f necessary, use small letters on theIr own for parts of paragraphs.

PIannIng the wrItIng

Usually you wIll have collected such a mass of InformatIon that you cannot decIde
where to plunge In and begIn. So, before you start to wrIte you must make some kInd
of plan.

ThIs wIll save you hours of wrItIng and wIll help to produce a better organIsed report.
Here are two dIfferent ways of plannIng.
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Edexcel LImIted 2007

An outIIne begIns as a large, blank sheet of paper onto whIch you pour out all your
facts, Ideas, observatIons and so on, completely at random. WrIte In note form, and
try to get everythIng down as fast as possIble.

When you have got all your poInts on paper, start to organIse them, group them, and
assess them for strength, relevance, and theIr place In the report.

You can then number the poInts In order or put headIngs next to them such as 'ntro',
'0IscussIon', 'ConclusIon' and so on. Use lInes and arrows to lInk up related poInts.

Cradually you wIll create a network of Ideas grouped under headIngs - thIs Is the
structure of your report. Leave It for a day or two If you can. Feturn wIth fresh Ideas,
add poInts you've forgotten, and cross out anythIng you don't need.


Always read crItIcally what you've wrItten. f possIble, leave It alone for a few days
and then reread It. Dr ask someone else to read It for you. Ask 's thIs clear, concIse
and persuasIve:' 8e prepared to revIse your language and structure. You may even
have to rewrIte parts that don't work.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
&nIt 1: &nderstandIng Large-scaIe

" LeveI 3: TEC atIonaI

uIded IearnIng hours: 60

&nIt abstract

Largescale event management Is a growIng employment sector. WorldwIde It

employs 1.5 mIllIon people, workIng In partnershIp wIth many servIce provIders,
especIally the hospItalIty and tourIsm Industry. |any learners wIll have observed
events as customers or watched them on televIsIon, and some mIght have

n thIs unIt they wIll not be requIred to partIcIpate In or plan an event, but they wIll
examIne the way that the events Industry works and the Importance of the smooth
runnIng of events In ways whIch mInImIse the rIsks and maxImIse the enjoyment for

ThIs unIt has some sImIlarItIes wIth UnIt 20 Conference and 8anquetIng DperatIons.
8ut whereas conference and banquetIng takes place In venues that typIcally employ
theIr own staff to organIse and run events, largescale event management companIes
usually do not own venues; rather, they hIre venues and subcontractors accordIng to
the IndIvIdual needs of an event. ThIs unIt also focuses on events that are on a larger
scale, whIch could be defIned as beIng more than 200 people.

Largescale events are expensIve, wIth hIgh expendIture over a short perIod of tIme;
careful plannIng Is essentIal, not just to secure safety and provIde a good customer
experIence, but also to reduce fInancIal rIsk.

Safety securIty and crowd management are key features of largescale event plannIng.
Safety of the event audIence, staff and subcontractors Is a major concern. Learners
wIll develop an understandIng of the methods used to elImInate rIsk and the servIces
provIded by the polIce, fIre offIcers and fIrstaId staff. Events management
Is a demandIng but also an excItIng Industry In whIch to work, aImIng to provIde
customers wIth an experIence that Is memorable an excItIng. Learners wIll have the
opportunIty to dIscuss the skIlls requIred and get a clearer Idea of the jobs avaIlable.

t Is Important to make lInks In the delIvery of thIs unIt to the followIng unIts

W UnIt J Health, Safety and SecurIty In the HospItalIty ndustry

W UnIt 4 HospItalIty 8usIness DperatIons

W UnIt 20 Conference and 8anquetIng DperatIons

W UnIt 21 PlannIng and |anagIng a HospItalIty Event.

Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

These materIals provIde a suggested format for the delIvery of the unIt, whIch has
been dIvIded Into a number of sectIons for teachIng purposes. ThIs Is an IllustratIon
of how the unIt can be dIvIded Into manageable learnIng blocks. t Is not prescrIptIve.
Tutors may fInd the learnIng outcomes can be delIvered more effectIvely In a dIfferent
order, based on the way the qualIfIcatIon Is organIsed wIthIn the centre and theIr
learners abIlIty levels, learnIng styles and prIor learnIng.

A sample assIgnment has been provIded to cover all the gradIng crIterIa for the unIt
and Is IndIcatIve of how assessment could take place, however thIs Is an example
only and assessment may take place In alternatIve ways.

LearnIng outcomes

n compIetIon of thIs unIt a Iearner shouId

1 Understand the features of dIfferent types of largescale events

2 Understand the maIn tasks and skIlls requIred for largescale event management

J Understand the key plannIng consIderatIons for largescale event management

4 Understand essentIal requIrements for safety, securIty and crowd management.

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ExempIar programme of IearnIng


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eIIvery methods

1 ntroductIon to the
module and
dIfferent types of
largescale event


The tutor should Introduce thIs unIt to learners, outlInIng the maIn areas of study and
the work requIred to complete the unIt In full.

The tutor should InItIally braInstorm wIth the group the dIfferent types of largescale
events drawIng a lIst on the board. EssentIally the tutor should be able to group the lIst
Into four categorIes

W corporate leIsure - celebratIons, partIes, themed events

W corporate busIness - conferences, product launches, brand promotIons, awards


W exhIbItIons and faIrs - art, fashIon antIques, jobs

W festIvals - musIc, food and drInk, arts, fIrework dIsplays, carnIvals.

The examples that learners come up wIth could Include Clastonbury, musIc concerts (eg
IndIvIdual performers or events lIke LIve 8), WImbledon, Crand PrIx, large work partIes
(eg ChrIstmas), nternatIonal Food ExhIbItIon, the DlympIcs etc.

The tutor should splIt learners Into four groups and gIve each one a category to research.
Learners should lIst what they consIder to be the maIn features of theIr category In
terms of where they could be located, the sIze of the budget (If It Is a product launch
then probably the budget would be hIgh, eg a celebrIty perfume launch) the duratIon of
the event, (eg one day or two weeks), the type of clIentele they could expect to attend,
the guest profIles and the sIze of the event.

Another useful exercIse Is to look at the DlympIc and London DlympIc websItes (detaIls
can be found In the resource sectIon) and look at some of the features relevant to thIs
kInd of largescale event. Learners could do thIs IndIvIdually or as a group wIth the tutor.
At the end of the sessIon the tutor should ensure that learners fully understand the
dIfferent types and features of largescale events.
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2 PlannIng and
wrItIng proposals
Croup work
ThIs sessIon buIlds on the work covered In sessIon 1, requIrIng learners to prepare a
wrItten proposal for a largescale event.

FIrst, the tutor should dIvIde learners Into two groups, and ask them to research and lIst
all the key tasks Involved In the management of a large scale event. 8ooks and the
Internet can be used to support thIs (see resource sectIon).

FollowIng thIs actIvIty the tutor should spend some tIme emphasIsIng why It Is Important
to plan such an event, and what the consequences could be If these events are not
planned properly. The tutor should cover poor reputatIon, loss of revenue, danger to
safety of attendees and employees, start and fInIsh tImes beIng delayed, resources beIng
too few or Incorrect and so forth. The tutor should hIghlIght that, for these reasons, tIme
has to be gIven to the plannIng stage.

The tutor may fInd It useful to desIgn an exercIse, hIghlIghtIng the pItfalls of bad
plannIng, usIng the |IllennIum 0ome as a case study. The 88C news websIte has
InformatIon on thIs and a wrItten case study can be found on page 88 of the textbook
Success]ul Event Mcncyement (see resource sectIon). Another case study could focus on
the mIstakes that have been made wIth regards to the new Wembley StadIum. The tutor
could lead a dIscussIon lookIng at the pItfalls that have been made In the plannIng
process, whIch led to costly delays. Dther good case studIes can be found In the Events
Mcncyement text (see resource sectIon).
J Case study -
wrItIng a proposal
PaIr work
Tutor support
For thIs sessIon the tutor should Issue learners wIth two clIent brIefs and ask them to put
together a proposal for each. A handout on the flow chart template, whIch can be found
In the resource sectIon, could be used to assIst them. Tutors should support learners
and, If necessary, gIve as a handout notes on what should go Into a wrItten proposal.

W cover letter to the clIent

W tItle page

W profIle of the event company, eg mIssIon statement, credentIals

W event specIfIc InformatIon

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for example

W objectIves W themes, desIgns and Ideas

W sIte/venue assessment W resources requIred

W marketIng and promotIonal plans W budget

and servIces requIred

W possIble sponsorshIp W responsIbIlItIes

W schedules, eg transport, runnIng W envIronmental Impact, eg traffIc, waste

order dIsposal.

W rIsk assessment.

The tutor may ask learners to prepare theIr proposal In paIrs and may need to gIve
support In terms of conductIng research. Dnce completed, the proposals could be
presented to the group and the dIfferent events learners have devIsed, dIscussed.

ThIs proposal exercIse wIll support learners when they have to make theIr own proposals
for theIr assIgnments, so the tutor should gIve constructIve feedback to enable learners
to Improve.

n order to allow learners to practIce the hIgher order skIlls, they should also be gIven
the opportunIty evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of theIr own proposal and that of
another paIr's proposal for a dIfferent event.
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4 SkIlls requIred In
largescale events
Croup work
PaIr work
The tutor should fIrst ask learners to thInk about all the dIfferent job roles that would be
requIred to manage a largescale event. Tutors should lIst these vIsually for learners.
They mIght Include

W events manager

W caterers - chefs, waItIng staff, cleaners

W lIghtIng and sound engIneers

W equIpment specIalIst

W tIcketIng manager

W entertaInment manager

W health, safety and securIty manager.

For each of the key job roles IdentIfIed, the tutor should ask learners to work In paIrs to
lIst the skIlls and attrIbutes needed for each role. Fesearch, for thIs actIvIty, could
Include lookIng at job adverts for these specIalIst roles In the press, trade journals, eg
caterer and hotelkeeper, on the Internet or In books.

PrIor to the above exercIse, the tutor could use an example of an advert, as found In the
resource sectIon, and ask learners as a group to work through the advert makIng a lIst of
all of the skIlls and attrIbutes needed for that role.
5 PlannIng Tutorled

PaIr work

PractIcal plannIng
The tutor should spend tIme here dIscussIng the Importance of plannIng. The tutor
should ask learners to come up wIth all the reasons why they need to take tIme at the
plannIng stage and what the consequences wIll be of poor plannIng. Then In two groups
ask them to thInk of all the factors that need to be taken Into consIderatIon when
plannIng the actual event. The tutor may wIsh to refer to the handouts avaIlable In the
resources sectIon of &nt 14 on actIon plannIng.

The tutor should advIse learners that they have won the busIness for a clIent brIef. At
the request of the clIent, the learners should prepare a presentatIon detaIlIng how the
event wIll be planned.
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The tutor should explaIn the process of plannIng usIng Cantt chart, explaInIng that these
charts are usually used In the lead up to an event. Dn a Cantt chart dates are lIsted
across the top of the chart and rulers or lInes are used to show how long each task Is
estImated to take. The advantage of a Cantt charts Is that one can clearly see each
IndIvIdual task and the tIme allocated. 8y usIng a lIne to block out tIme It can be easIly
seen If there Is any overlap.

The tutor should ask learners to work In paIrs to draw up a Cantt chart that can be
presented to the clIent, explaInIng how every aspect of the event wIll be planned.

The tutor must ensure that learners understand and Include on the chart the content
requIrements. There should be consIderatIon gIven to operatIonal plans, IncludIng crowd
control, transportatIon, safety, event tImIngs, procedures and checklIst pre, before
durIng and after the event, and contIngency plans. Where possIble ask learners for a
'plan 8' for some of theIr plans, In case of poor weather, power cuts etc. Learners need
to consIder where the power wIll come from, what fIrefIghtIng equIpment wIll be
needed, any emergency plannIng measures (eg In the event of a bomb threat) and the
logIstIcs for settIng up and takIng down.
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6 LIaIson Tutorled
PaIr work
There wIll be many people that learners need to lIaIse wIth to get the event off the
ground. LIaIson wIll need to take place before, durIng and after the event.

UsIng the clIent brIef the tutor should ask learners to consIder all the people that they
may need to lIaIse wIth In the plannIng of the event. TheIr feedback could be recorded
on a smart board or flIpchart, and the tutor should ensure that the followIng are

W polIce - routIng and road closures, sIgnage and transport/parkIng requIrements

W the venue - prIce, date

W caterIng supplIers - menu, quantIty, cost, staffIng

W equIpment hIre - tables and chaIrs, lIghtIng, sound, portable lavatorIes

W bookIng entertaInment, eg band, 0J

W applIcatIon for lIcences - musIc, drInk

W fIre brIgade and fIrst aId organIsatIons.

Learners should be aware that all of the above need to be consIdered wIthIn the Cantt
chart completed In the prevIous sessIon. The plannIng must allow tIme for lIaIson wIth
the above people.

The tutor should dIvIde learners Into paIrs and ask them to consIder the types of questIon
and conversatIon that they would need to have wIth the above thIrd partIes, drawIng up
a lIst of questIons they would ask.

Tutors could ask learners to draw up a 'run sheet' for the actual event, from the arrIval
of the fIrst guests to the clear down. A 'run sheet' Is essentIally the detaIled schedule of
the event. t should Include all the actIvItIes that wIll occur durIng the event along wIth
the tImes that they should be happenIng, eg guests arrIve, doors open, welcome drInks
are served, guests take theIr seats, etc.
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7 PresentatIon skIlls Tutorled

Tutors should support learners In developIng and delIverIng theIr presentatIon to the
clIent regardIng how the event wIll be planned. The class can act as the clIents.

An example of a PowerPoInt presentatIon on presentatIon skIlls can be found In the

resource sectIon of &nt 1.
8 Safety Tutorled
Croup work
UsIng the clIent brIef, learners should research all the safety aspects of runnIng the
event, IncludIng crowd management.

deally, It would be useful If a spokesperson from the Industry could come and talk to
learners about the health and safety factors that should be consIdered when managIng a
largescale event.

Learners can use the Internet and books to assIst wIth thIs task. All of the books lIsted In
the resource sectIon dIscuss health and safety.

Learners need to understand the followIng relevant legIslatIon and factors, assocIated
wIth event management.

W Local government acts and regulatIons - these may vary from area to area but
learners should fInd the approprIate ones for the area In whIch theIr event wIll be
takIng place. These could Include the need to apply for the use of premIses or
property for entertaInment purposes. Plans may need to be drawn up If temporary
structures need to be erected, eg marquees. The followIng could be covered

W entertaInment Industry legIslatIon

W musIc copyrIght

W lIquor lIcence

W food Safety Act

W Health and Safety and Work Act

W manual handlIng
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W publIc lIabIlIty Insurance

W use of electrIcal equIpment

W safety sIgns



W fIrst aId.

The tutor should ask learners to research areas and produce a fact sheet. f learners are
splIt Into groups, each group could research two or three areas and present theIr
9 FIsk assessment Tutorled PaIr
work Fesearch
ndIvIdual work
PractIcal actIvIty
ThIs sessIon should be practIcal. Learners should start by understandIng the rIsk
assessment process In the context of event management, and then carry out a rIsk
assessment on an aspect of the event.

The tutor should gIve each learner a prInted copy of the 'FIve Steps to FIsk Assessment
CuIde' from the HSE websIte (www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/Indg16J.pdf). ThIs should be read
through as group to ensure every learner understands It.

When dIscussIng hazards the tutor could ask learners to braInstorm all of the possIble
hazards that could occur durIng a largescale event.

The tutor should copy some blank rIsk assessment forms, whIch can be found In the back
of the HSE guIde, so each learner has at least two. The tutor should ask learners to
complete steps 1, 2 and J for an aspect of the event, eg the rIsk of fIre, crowd control,
or the settIng up or shuttIng down of the event. f learners wanted to they could rIsk
assess the total event.

HavIng completed steps 1, 2 and J the tutor should then ask learners to complete steps 4
and 5 on the two rIsk assessments.
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ThIs should be done as an IndIvIdual exercIse, but learners should fIrst choose some of
the hazards that need to be controlled and look at what could be put In place to control
the hazard to mInImIse rIsk.

For each poInt dIscussed talk about who would be responsIble In terms of ImplementIng
the control measures, eg the event organIser, thIrd partIes or staff.
10 SecurIty Tutorled Croup
thInkIng PractIcal
The tutor should Introduce learners to securIty In the context of event management.
They should explaIn why securIty needs to be consIdered when plannIng and runnIng a
largescale event. These should Include

W to protect all users - staff, thIrd partIes, customers

W to protect personal valuables

W to secure valuable equIpment

W to support crowd control

W to assIst In the management and admInIsterIng of medIcal servIces

W to assIst In the management and monItorIng of health and safety

W to monItor and control behavIour.

The tutor should dIscuss wIth learners who Is responsIble for the securIty at an event.
The overall securIty would rest wIth the event manager who should, when plannIng,
lIaIse wIth thIrd partIes who can assIst wIth the securIty of the event. t may be useful
for the tutor to dIscuss wIth learners who these thIrd partIes could be and what theIr
roles are.

LocaI poIIce - Cenerally local polIce provIde theIr servIces eIther at no or lImIted cost
for a communIty event. The number of polIce requIred Is negotIated between the event
organIser and the polIce themselves and Is determIned by the sIze of the crowd, the
context of the event, hIstorIcal data (Ie If the event was run prevIously, what securIty
and safety Issues arose) and whether alcohol wIll be served. PolIce may attend on horse
back or on foot dependIng on the nature and scale of the event.
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SecurIty personneI - ThIs may be sourced from a securIty company. The securIty
Industry Is regulated to ensure the correct servIces are provIded. All securIty offIcers
have to undergo a crImInal records check prIor to employment. The role of a securIty
guard In relatIon to event management can be to act as a bodyguard, bouncer or crowd
controller, to patrol and protect premIses, to Install and maIntaIn securIty equIpment
could ask learners what thIs may Include), to provIde securIty advIce on equIpment and
procedures and If requIred, to traIn staff In securIty procedures.

The tutor should ask learners to draw up a securIty checklIst for a largescale event (thIs
could be based on the clIent brIef). An example of a checklIst template can be found In
the resource sectIon for thIs unIt.
11 Crowd management Tutorled

Case study
The tutor should braInstorm wIth learners what Is meant by the term 'crowd
management'. Dnce a general consensus Is gaIned, dIscuss crowd management problems
that the learners have eIther wItnessed or heard about, eg HIllsborough, World Cup
events, polItIcal rallIes and so forth.

n the resource sectIon there Is an artIcle taken from the 88C news archIve about the
HIllsborough tragedy. Handouts could be gIven to learners and a dIscussIon could be held
regardIng all the mIstakes that were made In the context of health, safety, securIty and
crowd management.

The tutor should ask learners to IdentIfy the types of events and the contrIbutIng factors
that mIght gIve rIse to crowd management problems. These could Include

W musIc festIvals - drugs, alcohol, fIghtIng

W polItIcal - speeches, planned vIolence, drugs

W street events, eg NottIng HIll carnIval - alcohol, drugs, boredom, fIghtIng

W sports events - alcohol, drugs, fIghtIng.

Note Alcohol and drugs appear In all and are most defInItely contrIbutIng factors to
unreasonable behavIour In crowds.
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For crowd management to be successful the followIng Issues need to be addressed and
taken Into consIderatIon when plannIng for a largescale event

W level of attendance

W number of people who wIll be usIng specIfIc entrances, aIsles and seatIng

W the requIred number of ushers or securIty personnel needed

W what crowd control measures need to be used, eg barrIers, walkways, emergency


W approprIate evacuatIon procedures

W areas that need to be restrIcted for medIcal purposes, back stage etc

W IdentIfIcatIon processes for restrIcted areas

W hazards, eg temporary structures

W emergency servIces routes

W means of communIcatIon for staff at the event, eg walkIe talkIes, etc

W a system for reportIng IncIdents.

W n the text 'Event |anagement' (see resource sectIon), there are case studIes on
crowd management, whIch could be used by the tutor to hIghlIght to learners the
consIderatIons for crowd management.
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12 ComparIson and
evaluatIon of large
scale events

ndIvIdual actIvItIes
For learners wIshIng to achIeve merIt and dIstInctIon grades, some support must be gIven
In terms of comparIng and evaluatIng largescale events.

All learners would benefIt from attendIng two largescale events fIrst hand (one could be
an exhIbItIon, eg nternatIonal Food ExhIbItIon and another could be a large horse racIng

The tutor should support learners In comIng up wIth crIterIa (usIng the knowledge gaIned
from prevIous sessIons) whIch they could compare and evaluate the two events. The
comparIson should focus on

W plannIng and lIaIson requIrements

W safety, securIty and crowd control requIrements.

The tutor should braInstorm wIth learners to come up wIth poInts that need to be
Included In comparIson crIterIa. These could Include

W the dIfferent types of people who needed lIaIsIng wIth, eg polIce, securIty, fIrst
aIders, fIre brIgade

W the poInts detaIled and mIssIng from the plan

W the legIslatIon that needed to be consIdered

W the securIty features that were stated

W how the crowd was planned to be managed.

The evaluatIon wIll need to Include the effectIveness of staff, securIty and crowd
management at each event.
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The tutor should also ensure that the group knows what needs to be Included In
evaluatIon crIterIa. Examples could be

W personal presentatIon of staff

W knowledge of staff

W where staff were located

W Interpersonal skIlls of the staff

W whether It was easy to get through the maIn entrance

W whether It felt comfortable or too crowded

W how easy It was to fInd amenItIes, eg toIlets, food, drInk

W whether there were large queues

W whether alcohol was avaIlable

W how safe you felt as a member of the crowd

W what crowd control measures were In place.

ThIs actIvIty should brIng together all the learnIng covered In prevIous sessIons.
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SampIe assessment actIvIty


Your manager Is consIderIng settIng up a new branch of theIr busIness In events

management. They have asked you to conduct Indepth research regardIng the
dIfferent types of large scale events and the varIous features of these events. To help
them understand the busIness, they have asked you to prepare proposals for two
dIfferent events to demonstrate the key management tasks, and the attrIbutes and
skIlls of the staff Involved In these events.

Task 1 (provIdes evIdence for P1)

You are requIred to conduct Indepth research Into two dIfferent types of largescale
event, IdentIfyIng the varIous features Involved. Your fIndIngs can be presented In the
form of an Illustrated report.

You should choose two of the followIng types of event

W corporate leIsure (eg celebratIons, partIes, themed events)

W corporate busIness (eg conference, product launch, brand promotIon)

W exhIbItIons and faIrs (eg antIques, jobs, fashIon)

W festIvals (eg musIc, food and drInk).

You should consIder the followIng features

W event purpose

W venue

W audIence

W fInancIal consIderatIons (charItable fund raIsIng or commercIal revenue earnIng)

W tImIng IncludIng season, tIme of day and duratIon

W event team members

W contractors used

W marketIng

W any potentIal rIsks.

Task 2 (provIdes evIdence for P2, P3, P4, h1 and 1)

FollowIng thIs research, you are requIred to prepare proposals for two largescale

1 a threeday resIdentIal busIness sales conference culmInatIng In the launch of a

new concept to the publIc.

2 a formal weddIng breakfast followed by an evenIng dIsco.

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These proposals should IdentIfy key management tasks (P2) as well as descrIbIng the
maIn attrIbutes and skIlls Involved In the management of the events (PJ).

WIthIn these proposals, you should descrIbe the key plannIng consIderatIons and the
necessary lIaIson wIth thIrd partIes essentIal for the success of the events. (P4)

You should go on to explaIn the Importance of these skIlls and attrIbutes In relatIon
to these key management tasks (|1). You should also show a comparIson of the
plannIng and lIaIson requIrements of the two events, hIghlIghtIng the dIfferences.

After preparIng these proposals, you should go on to evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of your proposals so that your manager Is aware of these when
consIderIng the feasIbIlIty of events management. (01)

Task 3 (provIdes evIdence for P5 and h3)

CertaIn events requIre dIfferIng levels of safety, securIty and crowd management.
WIthIn a report to your manager, you should descrIbe the essentIal features of safety,
securIty and crowd management for largescale events. (P5)

SpecIfIcally lookIng at your two proposals created for Task 2, you should compare the
safety, securIty and crowd control requIrements for the dIfferent types of event.(|J)

Task 4 (provIdes evIdence for 2)

Choose two recent examples of where a securIty breach has occurred at a largescale

ProvIde a brIef summary of each IncIdent and evaluate the effectIveness of the
followIng control measures

W staff

W securIty

W crowd control.

n the evaluatIon, you should Include a brIef descrIptIon of the control measures that
you feel should have been taken to ensure the safety of attendees prIor to each
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#esource IIst

ooks and pubIIcatIons

8owdIn E et al - Events Mcncyement, Second Edton (ElsevIer 8utterworth

HeInemann, 2006) S8N 0750665JJ5

Shone A and Parry 8 - Success]ul Event Mcncyement, Second Edton

(Thomson, 2004) S8N 1J9781844800766

Tarlow P - Event Rsk Mcncyement cnd Sc]ety, %he Wley Event Mcncyement Seres
(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2002) S8N 0471401684

Tum, J Norton P and Nevan WrIght J - Mcncyement o] Events (ElsevIer 8utterworth

HeInemann, 2006) S8N 075066J626

7an 0er Wagen L and Carlos 8 - Event Mcncyement (Pearson, 2004) S8N 01J1149J85


FadIo 4 reports archIve - The |IllennIum
www.caterer.com The place for jobs In hospItalIty
www.eventjobs.net/Index.htm Jobs In the events Industry
www.london2012.com London 2012 - London DlympIcs
www.olympIc.org DffIcIal websIte of the DlympIc


UK Sports - |ajor Sports Events The

Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
Handout - Iow chart tempIate

Template to assIst wIth the wrItten proposal of a largescale event.






InancIaI pIan

peratIonaI pIan
Fesources, locatIon, sIze
Team, equIpment, health
and safety, contIngencIes
FIsk assessment, crowd
harketIng pIan
TIcketIng and sales

utcomes of the above and dIscussIon of pIans

TooIs for evaIuatIon and feedback

Adapted from Shone and Parry (2004)

Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007

Handout - ScenarIo: CIIent brIef

t Is January and your clIent Is a large local employer who wIshes to launch a new
product Into the marketplace. The employer has contacted your events management
company and asked you to draw up a proposal for the management of the followIng
largescale event.

The clIent wIshes you to meet the followIng needs for hIs event whIch he wIshes to
hold on August 8ank HolIday |onday.

W Attendance capacIty of 2000

W LIght fInger nIbbles

W PromotIon and servIce of the new drInk 'Summer Cooler'

W Summer theme

W SuItable musIc

W Car parkIng

W Full staffIng.

Your proposal should cover all of the poInts gIven to you by your tutor.
Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
Handout - ExampIe job advert

ob detals rovded by www.Event-Jobs.net


CIosIng ate:
#SH#E - &
f17000 - f17000
08 har

Dur clIent works wIth a range of IndustrIes from manufacturIng and
healthcare to bluechIp companIes. They are passIonate about what
they do and offer a professIonal, yet personal and flexIble event
management servIce. They arrange conferences and IncentIve events
all over the world and aIm to create a truly unIque and memorable
occasIon for theIr clIents.

WIth the contInued growth of the company, they are now seekIng an
experIenced Event/Account |anager to develop and manage theIr
exIstIng clIent base. You wIll be Involved In a range of dutIes

Proposal preparatIon and presentatIon - comIng up wIth creatIve

0evelopment and relatIonshIp buIldIng wIth key clIents
Full event management for a range of events
ClIent, venue and supplIer lIaIson
Lots of onsIte and sIte vIsIt responsIbIlIty
8udgetary control on all projects

To be successful In thIs role, you need to have a proven track record

of events experIence wIth If possIble, an agency background, have
fantastIc destInatIon knowledge and the urge to joIn a hIghly
organIsed busIness.

Taken from www.eventjobs.net/Index.htm

Handout - Event checkIIst






Tutor support - Edexcel Level J 8TEC NatIonals In HospItalIty - ssue 1 - Dctober 2007
Edexcel LImIted 2007
Handout - HIIIsborough dIsaster

ou are in: Liverpool > Local History > Discover > The Times > Hillsborough disaster

llsborouyh dsaster
8y Paul Coslett
The death of 6 LIverpooI supporters before the 18 Cup semI-
fInaI at HIIIsborough was rItaIn's worst ever sportIng dIsaster.

The terrace at HIllsborough

The Sun The death of 96 LIverpool fans In a crush before the 1989 FA Cup semIfInal at
HIllsborough led to an outpourIng of grIef on |erseysIde and the subsequent
IntroductIon of allseater stadIums.

The 1989 FA Cup semIfInal between LIverpool and NottIngham Forest was held on 15

AprIl 1989. 8oth teams had played In a semIfInal at the same ground the prevIous year
wIth no problems but a combInatIon of factors led to dIsaster In 1989.

TraffIc delays had led to many LIverpool fans arrIvIng late and In the moments prIor to
kIck off there were several thousand fans outsIde the turnstIles at the LeppIngs Lane
end of the ground. As a bottleneck developed outsIde the ground polIce, fearIng a
crush, opened a set of gates leadIng In to a narrow tunnel at the rear of the terrace.

Fans streamed down the tunnel Into the already crowded central sectIon of the terrace,
at the front fans were pushed agaInst steel fencIng Installed to prevent hoolIganIsm.
|any fans trIed to escape by clImbIng over the fence or beIng pulled up by other
supporters In to the upper tIer. 96 people dIed as a result of the crush at HIllsborough
wIth 766 Injured.

Dn the Wednesday followIng

the dIsaster The Sun
newspaper prInted a front
page story wIth the headlIne
'THE TFUTH' claImIng
wrongly that fans pIcked
pockets of vIctIms, urInated
on polIce and beat up a
polIceman gIvIng a fan the
kIss of lIfe.

Dn |erseysIde The Sun was

boycotted and sales slumped.
The Taylor InquIry later
found the allegatIons were
wIthout foundatIon.

The paper's cIrculatIon

fIgures on |erseysIde have
never recovered to pre
HIllsborough levels.

n the days followIng HIllsborough there was a publIc

outpourIng of grIef on |erseysIde. People queued outsIde of AnfIeld to lay flowers on
the Kop eventually coverIng half of the pItch.

Lord JustIce Taylor was appoInted to conduct an InquIry Into the events surroundIng the
dIsaster. The conclusIons of hIs report led to the removal of fences from grounds and
the abandonment of terracIng In favour of a move to allseater stadIums.

n 1996 LIverpool wrIter JImmy |cCovern wrote a 90 mInute T7 dramadocumentary

about the dIsaster. The drama starred ChrIstopher Eccleston as Trevor HIcks who lost
two teenage daughters at HIllsborough.
TrIbutes outsIde AnfIeld


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Edexcel LImIted 2007

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advancing Iearning, changing Iives

October 2007

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