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20/09/2011 10:46

Ultrasound Technician Schools in Kentucky

ist of Ultrasound Technician Schools in Kentucky together with the info such as campus location, the type of degree on offer, campus contact information. The process to becoming an ultrasound technician requires that students first acquire an associates or bachelors healthcare degree, before theyre qualify to enter a medical ultrasound program. Hence, if college students who dont already have a healthcare degree, getting that degree from an online school is an reasonably priced and flexible choice. Potential ultrasound technician are advised to ensure that the program they shortlisted and planned to attend is accredited. Ultrasound technician can work in physician workplaces, clinics, and includesd also veterinary clinics due to the advancement of ultrasound equipment technology. In all of these instances, each ultrasonographer should receive proper curriculum and practical training in the particular discipline which theyre pursuing. Upon completion of this system, graduates can register as a professional ultrasound technician with the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS), a standard procedure for employment broadly accepted in health and well being care facilities across the country.

Bowling Green Technical College

Address: 1845 Loop Dr, Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101-3601 Contact: (270) 901-1000 Website: www.bowlinggreen.kctcs.edu Type of School: 2-year, Public Programs Offered: Less than one year certificate;One but less than two years certificate;Associates degree Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 22 to 1 Accrediting Agency: Council on Occupational Education, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges

Saint Catharine College

Address: 2735 Bardstown Rd, Saint Catharine, Kentucky 40061 Contact: (859) 336-5082 Website: www.sccky.edu Type of School: 4-year, primarily associates, Private not-for-profit Programs Offered: One but less than two years certificate;Associates degree;Bachelors degree Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 15 to 1 Accrediting Agency: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges

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Employment: 550 Hourly Mean Wage: $26.52 Annual Mean Wage: $55,170


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ultrasound-technicians-schools. com
Ultrasound Technician Schools in Kentucky

20/09/2011 10:46

West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Address: 4810 Alben Barkley Drive, Paducah, Kentucky 42002-7380 Contact: (270) 554-9200 x0 Website: www.westkentucky.kctcs.edu Type of School: 2-year, Public Programs Offered: Less than one year certificate;One but less than two years certificate;Associates degree Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 17 to 1 Accrediting Agency: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges Please re-visit this page to get the updated list of Ultrasound Technician Schools in Kentucky.

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