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MaLchlng Lype (MaLch Column A wlLh Column 8 Column 8 wlLh Column C) WrlLe your answers on Lhe space provlded
Co|umn A Co|umn 8 Co|umn C
1 |ay|ng for money under cond|t|ons not
perm|tted by |aw
(a) 8r|bery
(c) Iorgery
(f) S|mu|at|on of b|rth
(g) er[ury
(h)S|ander by deed
(l) I||ega| gamb||ng
([) Corrupt|on
(k) raft
(l) Indecent exposure
(r) Murder
(s) Infant|c|de
(L) om|c|de
ACr|me Aga|nst ersons
8Cr|me Aga|nst Chast|ty
CCr|me Aga|nst roperty
uCr|me kegard|ng C|v|| Status of

LCr|me Aga|nst ub||c Interest
lCr|me Aga|nst onor
CCr|me Aga|nst ersona| L|berty
and Secur|ty

PCr|me Aga|nst ub||c Mora|s
lCr|me Connected w|th ub||c
2 A cr|me comm|tted by a man or woman who
engages |n sexua| |ntercourse for pay

3 kece|v|ng money or g|fts |n exchange for favor]s
done |n the performance of off|c|a| dut|es

4 D|shonest transact|ons made wh||e |n pub||c

3 Intent|ona| exposure of one's pr|vate parts |n

6 1he act of br|b|ng pub||c off|c|a|s for favors
asked |n connect|on w|th pub||c off|ce

7 A|ter|ng a wr|tten document for purpose of

8 Lnter|ng a b|rth cert|f|cate that d|d not occur
9 Contract|ng a second marr|age even after hav|ng
contracted a f|rst

10 Intent|ona| damage to property of another
11 An act wh|ch causes d|shonour to another
12 1he |ntent|ona| burn|ng of other person's

13 1e|||ng a ||e under oath
14 Cohab|tat|on of a marr|ed man w|th a woman
other than h|s w|fe

13 Sexua| re|at|ons w|th sexua| |ntercourse of a
marr|ed woman

16 ||||ng of a ch||d |ess than 3 years of age
17 ||||ng of another w|th cr|m|na| or de||berate

18 ||||ng of another person w|thout de||berate or
cr|m|na| |ntent

19 ||||ng of a fetus w|th|n the uterus before the
per|od of v|ab|||ty

20 ||||ng of one's father mother ch||d spouse
ascendants or descendants

1 Impr|sonment from one day to 30 days AkkLS1C MLNCk
Impr|sonment from one month and one day to 12 years ____________________
2 L|fe |mpr|sonment kLCLUSICN LkL1UA
Impr|sonment for 12 years and one day to 20 years ____________________
3 Impr|sonment form 6 months and one day to 6 years kISICN CCkkLC1ICNAL
Impr|sonment from 6 years and one day to 12 years ____________________
4 A court summon order|ng a person to appear before the court w|th the necessary documents SU8CLNA DUCLS 1LCUM
A court summon to g|ve ora| test|mony ____________________
3 Cffender beg|ns to do the cr|m|na| act but the |ntent was not ach|eved A11LM1LD ILLCN
Cffender has performed a|| acts needed but the ob[ect|ve was not ach|eved ____________________
6 Cap|ta| pun|shment or death kAVL ILLCN
Impr|sonment from one day to 30 days ____________________
7 Cr|me done w|th de||berate |ntent DLCLI1 or "DCLC"
Cr|me resu|ted from |ack of |nte|||gence ____________________
8 C|t|zensh|p |s determ|ned by h|s p|ace of b|rth IUS SCLI
C|t|zensh|p |s determ|ned by c|t|zensh|p of h|s]her parents ____________________
9 A person who d|ed w|th a ||v|ng w||| 1LS1A1L
A person who d|ed w|thout a ||v|ng w||| ____________________
10A man who d|ed w|th a ||v|ng w||| 1LS1A1Ck
A woman who d|ed w|th a w||| ____________________
11Cm|ss|on of a requ|red duty NCNILASNCL
A wrongfu| conduct wh|ch |nterferes w|th the performance of off|c|a| dut|es ____________________
12Cne who d|rect|y |nduces or forces others to comm|t the cr|me kINCIAL
eop|e who have know|edge of the cr|me but have not part|c|pated ____________________
13An ora| w||| wh|ch requ|res a w|tness NUNCUA1IVL WILL
A wr|tten w||| dated and s|gned by the testator ____________________
14Wr|tten defamat|on LI8LL
Cra| defamat|on ____________________
13A wr|tten order to appear |n court as w|tness SU8CLNA
A wr|tten order to appear |n court as a respondent ____________________

_________________________ 1 A person found to be |nnocent
_________________________ 2 A wr|tten sworn statement or dec|arat|on
_________________________ 3 Se|f|ess concern for others
_________________________ 4 When a country turns over a suspected cr|m|na| or fug|t|ve or pr|soner to another country
_________________________ S Leav|ng |n haste w|thout due perm|ss|on or author|zat|on
_________________________ 6 |fts made by a dy|ng person |n ant|c|pat|on of death
_________________________ 7 A court case of a |ega| su|t to estab||sh one's c|a|ms or r|ghts
_________________________ 8 A command of a h|gher court to a |ower or to a pub||c off|cer corporat|on or person
requ|r|ng them to do a certa|n act|on as requ|red by |aw
_________________________ 9 Any |nd|ctab|e or chargeab|e offense wh|ch |s |ess ser|ous than a fe|ony
_________________________ 10 A cr|me of sever nature as murder and pun|shab|e under the rev|sed pena| code
_________________________ 11 When two or more persons come to an agreement |n the comm|ss|on of cr|me
_________________________ 12 Incorrect or fa|se representat|on
_________________________ 13 Conduct contrary to [ust|ce honesty modesty or good mora|s
_________________________ 14 Stepp|ng beyond one's pr|v||ege to pract|ce a profess|on
_________________________ 1S Ia||ure to do what a prudent and reasonab|e man wou|d do
_________________________ 16 A person who carr|es on a bus|ness d|shonest|y
_________________________ 17 A forma| order under sea| |ssued |n the name of the government court or other author|ty
_________________________ 18 Inferred |mp||ed from s||ence
_________________________ 19 A wrongfu| act resu|t|ng |n an |n[ury or |oss for wh|ch the |n[ured part can br|ng a su|t for
_________________________ 20 A so|emn or forma| dec|arat|on w|th a sense of respons|b|||ty from od to perform an act
fa|thfu||y and truthfu||y
_________________________ 21 A resort to an upper court or tr|buna|
_________________________ 22 V|o|at|on of an agreement
_________________________ 23 A set of pr|nc|p|es wh|ch govern the r|ght act|on conduct or norms of a profess|on towards
the pub||c co||eagues c||ents |n the pract|ce of one's profess|on
_________________________ 24 A|| |earn|ng exper|ences acqu|red by a profess|ona| or pract|t|oner beyond h|s]her bas|c
preparat|on of her profess|on
_________________________ 2S A ru|e c|v|| conduct prescr|bed by the supreme power of the |and (Supreme Court)
command|ng what |s to be done because |t |s r|ght and what |s to be proh|b|ted because |t's
_________________________ 26 Mutua||y |n the grant and en[oyment of pr|v||eges
_________________________ 27 8ranch of the |aw wh|ch re|ates to the r|ghts of property and the re|at|ons of persons
engaged |n commerce
_________________________ 28 8ranch of |aw wh|ch has the doub|e purpose of organ|z|ng the fam||y and regu|at|ng
_________________________ 29 8ranch of [ur|sprudence wh|ch treats of the nature extent and degrees of every cr|me and
ad[usts to |ts adequate and necessary pena|ty
_________________________ 30 art of |aw wh|ch f|xes the organ|zat|on and determ|nes the competences of the author|t|es
wh|ch execute the |aw and |nd|cates to the |nd|v|dua| the remed|es for the v|o|at|on of h|s
Clve Lhe meanlng of Lhe followlng
1 "Iorce Ma[eure"
2 "kes Ipsa Loqu|tor"
3 "kespondeat Super|or"
4 "Dura Lex Sed Lex"
3 "Do ut Des"
6 "Sa|us opu|| Suprema Lex"
7 "Carpe D|em"
8 "Lp|k|a"
9 "r|ma Iac|e"
10 "abeas Corpus"
SLaLe wheLher Lhe followlng clrcumsLances are !uS1ll?lnC LxLM1lnC Ml1lCA1lnC ACC8AvA1lnC or AL1L8nA1lnC
1 Cffender |s under 18 years of age or over 70 years ____________________
2 Advantage of pub||c pos|t|on ____________________
3 Menta| retardat|on ____________________
4 erson under 9 years of age ____________________
3 Cffender has no |ntent|on to comm|t such as grave wrong ____________________
6 Cne acted |n obed|ence to an order |ssued by a super|or for some |awfu| purpose ____________________
7 Cne acted |n fu|f||ment of some |awfu| duty ____________________
8 Cr|me was comm|tted dur|ng cr|s|s as earthquakes ep|dem|cs sh|pwreck or other ca|am|t|es ____________________
9 Cffender vo|untar||y surrendered or vo|untar||y confessed h|s gu||t to the proper court before presentat|on of ev|dence
10 A person acted under compu|s|on of an |rres|st|b|e force or an uncontro||ab|e cause ____________________
11 Act comm|tted w|th premed|tat|on ____________________
12 A cr|me done under |ntox|cat|on ____________________
13 Cr|me was comm|tted because of a pr|ce reward or prom|se ____________________
14 Cne acted |n se|fdefense ____________________
13 Cffender acted under pass|on or obfuscat|on ____________________
Supply Lhe followlng laws LhaL affecL nurslng racLlce
1 kA 4704
2 kA 7164
3 kA 9173
4 D 6S1
3 kA730S
6 kA 7432
7 kA 7600
8 kA 9288
9 D 223
10 D 8S6
11 D 996
12 LC S1
13 LC 209
14 kA 667S
13 kA 7160

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