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Lnergy conservat|on measures for note| Industry


lCCu 8LvL8ACL uLA81MLn1
1hls deparLmenL consumes approxlmaLely 23 of Lhe LoLal energy cosL so Lhe opporLunlLles Lo reduce
energy consumpLlon ln Lhls area are excellenL Some helpful guldellnes are glven below

A lCCu 8LA8A1lCn kl1CPLn
01 ueLermlne Lhe preheaLlng Llme for ovens grllls bollers fryers oLher cooklng equlpmenLs
Cenerally speaklng 10 Lo 20 mlnuLes should be sufflclenL
02 When preheaLlng ovens seL LhermosLaL aL Lhe deslred LemperaLure Lnsure LhermosLaL conLrols are
operaLlng Lhe properly
03 ueLermlne cooklng capaclLy of ovens use smaller or more energy efflclenL oven when posslble
04 use addlLlonal fry unlLs bollers oven eLc only for peak buslness hours
03 Load unload ovens qulckly lf an oven door ls kepL open for a second Lhen lL losses abouL 1 of lLs
06 Cover poLs pan swlLch llds whlle cooklng
07 1urn off cooklng heaLlng unlLs LhaL are noL needed
08 Cven should noL be opened durlng operaLlon lood wlll cook fasLer and lose less molsLure lf oven ls
kepL closed
09 lrozen food should be Lhawed ln refrlgeraLors lL wlll Lhaw easlly reduce power demand on Lhe
10 When uslng gas range for full heaL condlLlon Lhe Llp of Lhe flame should [usL Louch Lhe boLLom of Lhe
pan or keLLle ?ellow flame ls Lhe lndlcaLlon of lnefflclenL lncompleLe combusLlon and wasLage of gas
Clean burners plloL llghL regularly lf flames are sLlll yellow have gasalr mlxLure ad[usLed
11 A blue flame wlLh a dlsLlncL lnner cone ls besL llame should never flouL buL should [usL wlpe Lhe
surface Ad[usL flame unLll lL ls enLlrely blue
12 1horoughly clean poL pans Lo ensure Lhere ls no carbon bulld up aL Lhe boLLom
13 laclng foll under range burners grlddles wlll lmprove Lhe operaLlonal efflclency
14 lryers need Lo be cleaned oll fllLered aL leasL once a day
13 Cooklng rang burners should always be smaller Lhan Lhe keLLle or poL place on lL
16 Pave broken door hlnges and cracks of oven doors aLLended Lo lmmedlaLely
17 1urn off 8oLary 1oasLer when noL ln use use pop up LoasLers on lean Llmlngs
18 ShuL off sLeam PeaLer on dlshwasher when dlshwasher ln noL ln use
19 use hoL waLer only when necessary
20 ln poL washlng area flll slnk for washlng uLenslls lnsLead of runnlng waLer
21 Cleanlng should be done durlng day hours lf posslble uo noL use dlshwasher Llll full load of solled
dlshes ls avallable
22 1urn off llghLs ln Lhe walk ln refrlgeraLors and freezers when noL requlred LlghLs noL only wasLe
energy buL add load Lo Lhe box
23 Close LlghLly all walkln doors afLer operaLlng Lhem
24 Allow hoL foods Lo alr cool before placlng ln refrlgeraLors
23 uo noL sLore lLems ln fronL of Lhe refrlgeranL colls or fans ln a manner LhaL resLrlcLs alr clrculaLlon
26 lully sLored refrlgeraLors and walklns use energy more efflclenLly Lhan parLlally sLored ones
27 8e sure foods requlrlng refrlgeraLlon are prompLly placed ln sLorage afLer dellvery
28 1urn off supply and exhausL fans ln klLchens sLores eLc when areas are noL ln use
29 8eporL and leakage of gas lmmedlaLely
30 keep records of all break down of equlpmenLs Lo flnd ouL accldenL prone/uneconomlcal equlpmenL
31 1urn on equlpmenL only as needed Make sure Lhey are Lurn off aL nlghL
32 Carefully follow lnsLrucLlons ln Lhe user's gulde for all equlpmenLs
33 keep equlpmenL and door seals clean and free of debrls Lo prevenL energy wasLe
34 8educe peak loadlng ?our elecLrlcal blll ls deLermlned by Lwo facLors
(a) demand charge (lf appllcable)
(b) LoLal consumpLlon ln kWh

?ou may achleve Lhls by
(a) lnLenslve cooklng such as baklng and roasLlng durlng nonpeak demand hours
(b) use mlnlmum number of elecLrlc appllances aL a Llme SLager Lhelr operaLlon
(c) 1ry Lo use elecLrlcal appllances beLween 6 AM Lo 10 AM or afLer mld nlghL lf posslble

33 LqulpmenL should be Lurned on aL speclflc Llme Lo a speclflc LemperaLure and Lurned off aL Llmes
when noL needed A 1013 mlnuLes preheaL perlod ls requlres only 7 Lo 13 mlnuLes for preheaLlng
36 Clean heaLlng elemenLs aL leasL weakly 1hls may even be done dally lf you do hlgh volume frylng
37 Cooklng foods ln leasL volume posslble for mosL economlc use of energy
38 lf keeplng elecLrlc burner on for shorLer perlod ls lnevlLable when Lhey are noL ln acLual use keep Lhe
LemperaLure low unLll you are ready Lo cook 1hls wlll even prolong Lhe llfe of burner besldes conservlng
39 Avold Lurnlng on gas burners unLll you are ready Lo cook
40 lf posslble flll cooklng vessels accordlng Lo capaclLy Large cooklng vessel lf used for cooklng lesser
quanLlLy of food wlll consume more energy
41 use flaL boLLom poLs and pans for maxlmum heaL Lransfer
42 Croup keLLles and poLs on close Lop ranges
43 1urn down heaL as soon as food beglns Lo boll and malnLaln llqulds aL slmmer
44 Clear boll overs and splll overs prompLly Lo avold bulldup of carbon deposlLs whlch wlll affecL Lhe
efflclency of equlpmenL adversely
43 Always Lry Lo use roasLlng and baklng oven Lo full capaclLy for maxlmum uLlllzaLlon of heaL lf
posslble walL Llll oven ls loaded up Lo lLs opLlmum capaclLy prlor Lo swlLchlng on
46 8egular prompL cleanlng of roLary LoasLer saves energy
47 Avold frequenL openlng of refrlgeraLor doors uoor openlng lf planned saves energy
48 uo noL allow frosLlng on refrlgeraLor colls Lo save energy
49 Close preferably lock lce cuber blns afLer removlng lce for use
30 uslng hoL waLer for cooklng consumes less energy as compared Lo cold waLer
31 SwlLchlng off heaLer when cooklng ls over noL only saves energy lL ls safer as well
32 uo noL use dlshwasher unLll you have sufflclenL load

8 8AnCuL1S

01 Whlle alr condlLlonlng ls on Lry Lo avold uslng candles on Lhe Lable 1hey add a Lremendous heaL
02 When renLlng a space for funcLlons Lry Lo flL Lhe space Lo Lhe slze of funcLlon uo noL renL a 300
person ball room Lo 30 people even lf Lhe room can be dlvlded 8emembers you are spendlng almosL
same on alr condlLloner of Lhe space
03 When seLLlng up for a funcLlon make cerLaln LhaL heaLlng coollng and llghLlng are off unLll Z hour Lo
1 hour before funcLlon sLarLs 1urn off sysLems as soon as Lhe funcLlon ls over ln facL alr condlLlonlng
can be Lurned off even Z hours before funcLlon flnlshes Alr condlLlonlng effecL wlll sLay for Z hour
04 lf you have a cholce Lry Lo avold funcLlon LhaL requlres Lhe addlLlon of many spoLllghLs or oLher heaL
produclng equlpmenL
03 Asslgn an lndlvldual responslble for Lurnlng llghLs on and off
06 keep Lhe llghL off whenever any funcLlon area ls vacanL or unoccupled
07 Whlle AlrcondlLlonlng ls on ensure LhaL all doors and wlndows are properly closed
08 uurlng wlnLer season Lry Lo use ouLslde alr for coollng
09 8evlew llghLlng levels and prepare new sLandard lamplng plans for meeLlngs rooms Lo reduce
unnecessary wasLage of energy

C 8LS1Au8An1S

01 8eschedule cleanlng of area durlng day llghL hours
02 Avold uslng elecLrlcal llghL whlle seLLlng Lhe Lable whenever posslble
03 1urn off alrcondlLlonlng Z hour prlor Lo closlng Lhe resLauranL
04 keep wall and celllng properly cleaned for beLLer llghL reflecLlon
03 1urn off llghLs when noL needed
06 8evlew llghLlng level Lo provlde mlnlmum accepLable llghLlng level ln all food servlce area

l8Cn1 ClllCL Anu LC88? MAnACL8S

01 lronL offlce can play an lmporLanL role ln energy conservaLlon When occupancy ln unforLunaLely noL
hlgh fronL offlce should renL room by vlrLue of Lhelr locaLlon ln summer rooms on Lhe easL or norLh
sldes of Lhe bulldlng wlll be cooler Also corner rooms wlLh Lwo ouLslde exposures wlll be warmer
8ooms close Lo heaL source should also be avolded lf posslble 1hls would cerLalnly help reduce alr
condlLlonlng load and resulL ln savlng of energy
02 lronL offlce should make sure LhaL Lhe rooms whlch are noL Lo be renLed ouL durlng lean perlod are
noL alr condlLloned or venLllaLed unnecessarlly lf any one of Lhese ls Lo be renLed ouL alr condlLlonlng
or venLllaLlon can be sLarLed Z hour before Lhe guesL moves ln
03 Lower all llghLlng levels durlng laLe nlghL and day llghL hours 1urn off all llghLs ln offlces when Lhese
are closed
04 lf posslble lnsLrucL shopkeepers Lo reduce Lhe amounL of shop and dlsplay llghLlng AlLhough ln
mosL cases shopkeepers do pay for Lhelr elecLrlc consumpLlon Lhe llghLlng load sLlll affecLs hoLels
coollng sysLems
03 Lobby managers should ensure LhaL Lobby Maln LnLrance doors are noL unduly kepL opened A door
openlng wlll resulL ln lngress of heaL from ouLslde and adversely affecL alr condlLlonlng
06 Lobby Managers ln course of Lhelr duLy do Lake rounds of Lhe properLy 1hey on Lhelr rounds
should ensure LhaL no unnecessary llghLs or waLer Lape are lefL Cn by careless sLaff
07 uurlng day llghL hours reduce elecLrlc llghLlng load ln Lobby eLc Lo mlnlmum Lo make full use of
naLural llghL
08 uurlng low occupancy perlod Lry Lo block compleLe floor lf Lhls ls noL pracLlcable aLLempL should be
made Lo block as far as posslble LoLal wlngs of lndlvldual floor
09 As soon as guesL checks ouL lronL offlce should lnform Pousekeeplng so LhaL all llghLs of Lhe vacanL
room ls swlLched off aL Lhe earllesL
10 8eporL broken wlndowpanes Lo sLop lngress of alr
11 lnspecL publlc LolleLs perlodlcally and reporL leadlng WC and fauceLs Lop sLop waLer unnecessary

PCuSL kLLlnC uLA81MLn1

1he ma[or space ln a hoLel ls devoLed Lo guesL rooms and corrldors number and varleLy of ways Lo
conserve energy ln Lhese areas are sLarLllng AlLhough Lhe energy conserved ln one room or corrldor
does noL seem slgnlflcanL buL when mulLlplled by 100 or so rooms lL does become slgnlflcanL Some of
Lhe opporLunlLles for Pousekeeplng ueparLmenL where Lhey can slgnlflcanLly conLrlbuLe Lo energy
savlng llsLed below

01 1urn off guesL room llghLs when rooms are noL physlcally occupled
02 use mlnlmum llghLlng when maklng up and cleanlng rooms use naLural llghL whenever posslble
03 1urn off corrldor llghLs or reduce lL Lo 30 when naLural llghL ls avallable
04 1urn off llghLs ln llnen rooms sLorage room and malds closeLs when noL ln use
03 Check your areas for llghL level 8educe number of llghLs lf posslble use lower waLLage bulbs
wherever posslble
06 Pave lamp shades cleaned aL once 8ulb glves more llghL wlLh clean lampshades
07 keep walls and celllng walls cleaned for beLLer llghL reflecLlon
08 SwlLch off muslc 1v SeLs when rooms are noL physlcally occupled
09 1urn off PvAC sysLem when rooms are noL physlcally occupled
10 8eporL waLer leaks lmmedlaLely
11 keep wlndows closed and curLaln on 1he lngress of hoL alr ln summer and cold alr durlng wlnLer
conLrlbuLe Lo very large wasLe or energy lor example 6' wlde wlndow opened [usL one lnch would allow
hoL alr necesslLaLlng 176 kwh Lo cool 1hls ln Lerms of moneLary value wlll cosL approx 8s 1130/ per
12 keep room hoL waLer LemperaLure aL lowesL accepLable llmlL
13 Mlnlmlze use of llghLs durlng nlghL cleanlng by swlLchlng on only Lhose llghLs whlch are acLually
requlred Lo clean a parLlcular area
14 8ellhops may be advlsed Lo leave only such llghLs on whlch are acLually needed by Lhe guesL whlle
leavlng Lhe room

LAunuA8? uLA81MLn1

Cne of Lhe large consumers of waLer and heaL Lhe hoLel laundry ls an ouLleL LhaL can slgnlflcanLly
reduce energy consumpLlon wlLh no effecL on guesL comforL or saLlsfacLlon Some of Lhe lmporLanL
polnLs Lo achleve deslred resulLs are llsLed below
01 Pave llghLs Lurned off when noL ln use
02 erlodlcally clean lamps and llghLs flxLures
03 Clean and wash walls floors and celllng
04 CperaLe washlng machlnes aL full load parLlal loads may requlre same amounL waLer as full loads
03 Check and record your waLer consumpLlon Compare waLer consumpLlon dally Lo flnd wasLages lf
06 uo noL leave waLer Laps runnlng
07 Conslder uslng cold waLer deLergenLs lL wlll greaLly reduce energy consumpLlon
08 8educe hoL waLer LemperaLure Lo 120 o l
09 8epalr or replace all hoL waLer plplng lnsulaLlon
10 All sLeam llne values should be checked for leaks 1haL ls you should be able Lo shuL off sLeam Lo any
machlne noL ln use keeplng sLeam supply maln open
11 lf posslble use flnal rlnse waLer for 1sL wash
12 8educe Llme beLween loads Lo prevenL Lumblers from coollng down
13 Alr llne should be checked for leaks
14 erlodlcally clean exhausL ducL and blower of llnL and dusL
13 keep sLeam pressure aL lowesL posslble level
16 ShuL off sLeam valve whenever machlne ls noL belng uLlllsed
17 keep radlaLor colls and flns free from dlrL all Lhe Llmes
18 Lnsure all sLeam Lraps ln perfecL worklng order
19 keep an eye on Lhe prevenLlve malnLenance schedule of all laundry equlpmenLs by Lnglneerlng
ueparLmenL Lo ensure Llmely compllance
20 Lnsure LhaL urylng Lumblers and washlng machlnes are kepL clean and free from scale aL all Llmes
21 SwlLch off laundry exhausL fans when laundry ls closed
22 Lnsure LhaL exLracLors are worklng properly lncompleLe exLracLlon lncreased load on dryer and
consumes more energy for drylng
23 8eschedule machlne operaLlon Lo reduce peak demand charges
24 lnform boller room when sLeam ls noL requlred so LhaL bollers can be shuL down Lo save fuel

LnClnLL8lnC uLA81MLn1

An analysls of PoLels show LhaL approxlmaLely 60 of Lhe energy consumed ln a properLy ls ln Lhe
equlpmenL and machlnery rooms boller rooms alr condlLlonlng rooms waLer LreaLmenL and pump
areas and sewage planLs Lnglneerlng ueparLmenL ls responslble for runnlng and malnLenance Lhls
equlpmenL 1hey are also concerned wlLh enLlre bulldlng and complex

keeplng Lhe above ln vlew lL ls lmperaLlve LhaL Lhe Lnglneerlng ueparLmenL operaLes Lhese equlpmenLs
aL peak efflclency Lnglneerlng ueparLmenL can help conserve energy ln Lhe followlng Ways

01 8y acLlng as an advlsor Lo varlous deparLmenLs Lo help Lhem achleve Lhelr respecLlve Lnergy
ManagemenL goals
02 8y ensurlng efflclenL and economlc operaLlon of all Lhe equlpmenLs
03 1hey musL malnLaln hlsLory card of each machlne so LhaL lnefflclenL and uneconomlcal machlnes
can be ldenLlfled and ellmlnaLed Lo save Lhe wasLeful uses of energy 1hls wlll also help ln decldlng Lhe
prevenLlve malnLenance schedule of each machlne

Some guldellnes Lo achleve energy managemenL goals aL llLLle or no cosL are llsLed below


01 1urn off PvAC machlnery ln all unoccupled spaces
02 LllmlnaLe or reduce ducL alr leakage
03 Whlle operaLlng chlllers ensure followlng
As far as posslble keep leavlng chllled waLer LemperaLure on Lhe hlgher slde
8educe enLerlng condenser waLer LemperaLure
MalnLaln proper refrlgeranL charge
LllmlnaLe refrlgeranL and charge
MalnLaln proper flow raLe of condenser waLer
CperaLe chlllers ln proper sequence
CperaLe condenser and cooler pumps ln proper sequence

04 Lower hoL waLer LemperaLure for heaLlng when ouLslde LemperaLure rlses
03 When chlller ls noL operaLlng make cerLaln LhaL chllled and condenser waLer pumps are shuL down
06 use proper waLer LreaLmenL Lo prevenL foullng or seallng of condensers coollng Lowers and plplng
07 8epalr all hoL chllled and condenser waLer llnes valves and pumps A conslderable quanLlLy of waLer
ls losL Lhrough leaky pump glands whlch can be saved easlly
08 8epalr or replace damaged hoL or chllled waLer llne lnsulaLlon
09 Check coollng waLer Lower bleed off perlodlcally
10 Check efflclency of chlller agalnsL manufacLurer's speclflcaLlons by checklng waLer LemperaLure and
pressure drop ln and ouL of chlllers and condensers and moLor amperage on compressor
11 Condenser Lubes should be kepL clean
12 SLop all refrlgeranL leaks
13 Check dally purge operaLlon on chlller for slgns of alr leaks
14 8emove algae growLh from coollng Lowers
13 Check all belL drlves 8eplace worn ouL or frayed belLs
16 Clean APu colls and fans perlodlcally check chllled waLer sample Lo know Lhe lnLernal condlLlon of
coll uo perlodlc cleanlng of coll
17 APu fllLer musL be cleaned perlodlcally
18 Check all LhermosLaL for correcL funcLlonlng


01 Check 8ollers 8oom for negaLlve alr pressure whlch can reduce combusLlon efflclency
02 Avold mulLlple boller operaLlon Cne boller operaLlng aL 80 ls more efflclenL Lhan Lwo aL 40
03 CperaLe bollers aL as low sLeam pressure as posslble
04 Avold excesslve boller blow down
03 Clean burner nozzle perlodlcally
06 reheaL Lhe fuel Lo correcL LemperaLure before ln[ecLlon
07 MalnLaln a good waLer LreaLmenL program
08 8epalr and replace lf necessary boller and flue lnsulaLlon LhaL ls damaged
09 8epalr and replace all worn or damaged sLeam and condensaLe plplng lnsulaLlon
10 lnsulaLe all condensaLe and sLeam plpe llne flanges
11 Check and repalr all sLeam Lraps
12 LllmlnaLe all sLeam leaks
13 Check fuel llnes for leaks
14 Check combusLlon conLrol ln order Lo malnLaln maxlmum efflclency
13 Check all safeLy valves for any leaks


01 Check and back wash waLer fllLraLlon planL for hlgher efflclency and reducLlon ln waLer sysLem
02 Check waLer analysls perlodlcally
03 8epalr aL once all leaks drlpplng fauceLs and shower heads
04 Check Loller flush valves for any waLer leaks
03 Lower hoL waLer LemperaLure Lo 120ol
06 Check and ad[usL swlmmlng pool make up waLer (noL Lo exceed 10)
07 ShuL down pool fllLraLlon planL when pool ls noL ln use
08 8educe lawn and shrubbery waLerlng Lo absoluLe mlnlmum
09 Check waLer regulaLlng valves on waLer coolers refrlgeranL unlLs and lce machlnes
10 Conslder sprlnL loaded self closlng waLer valves ln klLchens

8ulLulnC Anu C8CunuS

01 Seal all exLerlor wlndows doors cracks and openlngs Lo reduce ouLdoor alr leaks
02 8educe gap under Lhe doors of alr condlLloned spaces Lo mlnlmum
03 Check grounds for leaklng plpes underground
04 Check and repalr all door closers
03 Make cerLaln all elecLrlc connecLlons are LlghL
06 keep all 'conLacLs' clean
07 Check LlghLlng levels ln all Lnglneerlng spaces Lo see lf Lhey can be reduced
08 8eplace all lncandescenL flxLures wlLh fluorescenL and energy efflclenL lamps llke L9 or SL23 eLc
09 keep all llghL shades clean use shades LhaL allow more llghL Lo pass or reflecL
10 uo noL swlLch on llghLs unless necessary
11 Arrange schedules for Lurnlng or reduclng llghLs ln guesL corrldors lobby area funcLlon spaces
resLauranLs bars shops klLchens eLc
12 Make a house lnspecLlon of all deparLmenLs Lo see LhaL energy conservaLlon ls belng observed

ubllc Areas
- 8amps glvlng access Lo mosL publlc spaces such as Lhe lobby Lhe resLauranLs and publlc resLrooms
- SeaLed checkln and checkouL avallable ln Lhe recepLlon area or Lhe guesL room
- Lscape chalrs avallable ln all flre exlsLs of Lhe guesL room floors
CuesL 8ooms
- Pandlcappedaccesslble rooms feaLure connecLlng doors Lo anoLher handlcappedaccesslble room
- 1he guesL rooms are locaLed close Lo Lhe elevaLors and flre exlLs
- LnLry door ls 94 cm wlde
- lloor Lo celllng mlrror avallable ln Lhe room
- 1he safeLy box are lnsLalled aL shoulderhelghL of a slLLlng person (100 cm)
- Lower cloLh ralls ln cerLaln areas eg lefL cupboard small rall
- 1he Lop of Lhe maLLress ls 70 cm hlgh and 46 cm when speclal maLLress base ls lnsLalled (upon
- 1he bedrooms feaLure a bench ln fronL of Lhe beds wlLh a helghL of 30 cm
- Along Lhe lengLh of Lhe bed (210 cm) beLween bed and cupboard wldLh of 133 cm maneuverlng space
nexL Lo bed
- lug SockeL ln 30 cm helghL
- LlghL swlLch ln 73 cm helghL
- A/C conLrol 73 cm helghL
- Servlce ln Lhe baLhroom ln 90 cm helghL
8aLhroom ln Lhe CuesL room
1) Ceneral
- uoor Lo Lhe baLhroom ls 120 cm wlde wlLh a Lhreshold of 1 cm
- uoor Lo WC and shower ls 88 cm wlde wlLh a Lhreshold of 2 cm
2) Slnk
- Clearance below Lhe slnk ls 69 cm ln helghL beLween Lhe floor flnlsh and Lhe apron Lo allow access Lo
wheel chalrs users
- 1he slnk ls 83 cm hlgh
- lauceLs are leveroperaLed
- Mlrror ln 90 cm helghL
3) Shower
- Slze of wldLh of 160 cm x 190 cm
- Shower equlpped wlLh a marble bench (helghL 44 cm) depLh 33 cm
- 1he shower spray unlL feaLures a hose of 143 cm lengLh whlch can be used boLh as a flxed shower
head and a handheld unlL
4) 8aLh Lub
- lnLub seaLs provlded upon requesL
- Crab bars are provlded
- 1he shower spray unlL feaLures a hose of 113 cm lengLh whlch can be used boLh as a flxed shower
head and a handheld unlL

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