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Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide The Ultimate Wealth Creation ,


Poster · February 2020


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1 author:

Gerta Agojci
AAB college


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Magic Quick
Start Guide
The Ultimate Wealth
Creation System
Table of Contents
Introduction: Welcome To Manifestation Magic!������������������������������������������ 3
Part 1: Getting Started With The “Energy Orbiting”
Audio Program�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11
How it Works ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
The “Twilight Transformation” Delta Audio����������������������������������������������������������������17
The “10 Minute Meditator” Theta Audio (Part A & Part B)����������������������������������������17
The “Daytime Wealth Activator” Beta Audio���������������������������������������������������������������19
Instructions For The Bonus Chakra Power System Audios�������������������������������������������19
[1:The Root Base Clearing Session]�������������������������������������������������������������������21
[2:The Sacral Chakra Clearing Session] ��������������������������������������������������������������21
[3:The Solar Plexus Full Potential Session]����������������������������������������������������������21
[4:The Heart-Gratitude Abundance Session] ��������������������������������������������������������21
[5:The Throat Chakra True-Self Session ]�������������������������������������������������������������21
[6:The Pineal Gland Intuition Session]���������������������������������������������������������������22
[7:The Crown Chakra Highest Purpose Session]����������������������������������������������������22
Instructions For The Bonus Manifestation Magic 360
Transformation System�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������22
Wealth Awakening�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23
Mystical Chi Gung����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23
The Heartbeat����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23
Slow String Relaxation�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������23
Divine Tranquility������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24
Whispering Waves������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24
Part 2: The Manifestation Guide�����������������������������������������������������������������26
Step 1: Get Clear on What You Want���������������������������������������������������������������������������31
Step 2:Visualize It�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������39
Step 3: Feel Good Now!���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������46
Step 4: Allow��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������52
Step 5: Identify Obstacles and Overcome��������������������������������������������������������������������54
The Cosmic Order Form���������������������������������������������������������������������������61

2 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

Introduction: Welcome To
Manifestation Magic!
Important! Read This First.
Congratulations on securing your exclusive copy of Manifestation Magic!
You’ve made a wise decision to invest in the ultimate push-button
system for manifesting success, happiness, and more MONEY into
your life…
And doing it whenever you desire, completely on-command.
Listen, I know you may be going through something really tough in life
right now, maybe a divorce, a chronic health issue, or mounting debt.

Introduction: Welcome To Manifestation Magic! | 3

Whatever the case is... I want you to know that there IS hope...
And, with Manifestation Magic at your side, you’re going to bounce back
bigger, and better than you could have ever dreamed of!
Just imagine...what it’s going to feel like to finally be able to manifest
money and wealth easily and effortlessly, perhaps, for the first time
Imagine how excited you’re going to be to finally do something that works!
Well, imagine no more!
The answer is here.
How can I speak so confidently about Manifestation Magic?
The reason is my program is based on the same secrets I used to
transform my life, only now I’ve made it so SIMPLE all you have to do
is just click “Play...”
Then sit back and watch... as you clear away patterns that are no longer
serving you and raise your frequency in the shortest time possible.
To create Manifestation Magic, I personally worked with a renowned
audio engineer, musician, and fellow “Energy Orbiting” expert to craft
each and every one of the audios you received.
Each track uses a powerful soundwave technology known as,“Brainwave
entrainment,” combined with carefully crafted “subliminal suggestions”
to clear negative thought patterns from the deepest levels of your
subconscious mind.
Together, we worked on this program, until we were sure that this
would work for absolutely anybody.
In fact, it’s so easy...

All Of The Hard Work Has

Been Done For You!

4 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

All you do is click “Play,” and follow this simple guide...
When you use this life-changing system, you’re going to experience a
major (and really fast) transformation in your life…
A transformation that feels like no time at all…
In fact, many of my Manifestation Magic students report after listening
to the main Twilight Transformation, and completing the 5 steps inside
this guide...
They experience results within their first few days.
Sometimes results include their manifestation coming to life right away.
Other times, when people, places, events need more time to align, you’ll
see a “Unmistakable Sign” from the Universe to let you know you’re
on the right track.
I’ll explain more about that a little later on, and exactly how to call the
sign forward.
But first...
I want to discuss a pretty important topic when it comes the manifesting
your desires, and that’s the The Law of Attraction.

Introduction: Welcome To Manifestation Magic! | 5

You see...
If you’re reading this, then chances you’ve probably seen the movie
“The Secret” or, at least, have a heard of The Law of Attraction, which is
the movie’s main subject.
Put simply, this Universal law states that you create your reality based
upon how you think and feel.
When you’re in negative, low vibration state, you attract more negativity
into your life (like cars breaking down, career missteps, and the wrong
But, when you’re in positive state, high vibration state, you attract more
positivity into your life (including perfect health, success, and financial
In other words, when you purposely think positive thoughts and
feel positive emotion, you will then become a magnet to all things
The Secret did a good job of explaining this basic idea behind the Law
of Attraction, but it left out a HUGE missing puzzle piece.
What exactly was missing?
The answer has to do with not just raising yourself into a positive,
high-vibration state, but keeping your vibration raised…
In order to do that, you have to get rid of old, negative subconscious
beliefs and thought patterns that stop the things we want from coming
to us.
I’m talking about negative belief patterns that shout...
“I don’t deserve.”
“I’m not good enough.”
“I’m too old.”
“I’m not creative enough.”

6 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

“I don’t have enough time.”
And on and on the list goes.
For people who don’t have a lot of negative programming to
overcome, it’s easier to manifest what they want through the law of
attraction. This is fundamentally why it’s easy for some, and not easy
for others…
So, one problem is keeping your vibration high, which simply means
feeling good for longer periods of time. And the other problem is
getting rid of old negative programming and beliefs…
My Manifestation Magic system takes care of both common problems so
that you can finally manifest the money, the wealth, health and life that
you really want.
In addition, eliminating negative beliefs on a deep subconscious level
is the key to raising your vibration quickly and easy…

Introduction: Welcome To Manifestation Magic! | 7

You see, most people, when they watched The Secret, they thought,
“Well, all I have to do is just ‘Think positive.’” But, when you do that,
you’re only working at a conscious level...
That’s better than nothing...
But, that’s also why the “positive thinking” doesn’t stick, and while you
may be able to think positive for a short time, it’s not long before those
old beliefs from the subconscious mind begin to pop back up.
So, that’s why it’s crucial to eliminate the negative beliefs on a
subconscious level.
When you do this, you’re no longer stuck in those unconscious
negative thought patterns and in turn, you’re able to maintain “higher
vibrational” thought patterns in their place.

So... What Exactly Is In This System?

Basically, Manifestation Magic has two main modules…
Module # 1: The “Energy Orbiting” Audio Program:
This is where subliminal suggestions are weaved into
expertly produced audio tracks that use “brainwave
entrainment” technology to bring your mind into a deeper,
more open state.
A kind of “transformation state” where it’s much easier to
re-program your subconscious mind with positive beliefs
around money and wealth. And, the subliminal suggesting
we use, is the most powerful method available to do the “re-
programming.” Please note: All you have to do is listen. It’s
that easy!
The main track titled, “Twilight Transformation” is the most
important one. If you listened to only this track and did
nothing else, you WILL see results.
Many report a positive difference after listening the first
time, but I recommend listening every night before bed for

8 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

30 days.This gives ample time for the subliminal suggestions
to take hold.
Module # 2: This Manifestation Guide: This simple
guide offers a specific step-by-step process that you can use
along with the “Energy Orbiting” audio program.
Alone, the audio tracks will raise your vibration and make
manifesting much easier. But, when you combine them with
this guide, you’ll become a money manifestation magnet!
It includes a simple, yet VERY powerful 5 step process to
magically draw MONEY you can spend, touch, and hold in
your life, all in the blink of an eye!
The main purpose of this program is to help you to manifest tangible,
real-life income.
This is money that you can touch and spend. Money that you can use to
pay the bills.And most importantly, money that PROVES that the power
of manifestation is REAL.

Introduction: Welcome To Manifestation Magic! | 9

Once you crack the code, once you start to manifest more money into
your life, you’re going to get very excited! Belief is powerful. So, it will
have a snow-ball effect. Once you get the money ball rolling, it’s going
to get bigger and bigger, and better...
My goal is for you to start receiving more checks in your mailbox
than bills!
Wouldn’t that be nice?
Listen: one of the most powerful lessons that changed my entire view of
what was possible is to realize that all you want and desire already exists.
For example, if you want a BMW...
Well, there are literally thousands of them sitting in garages and parking
lots across the country, and the world.
The only thing holding you back from having it is you must become a
vibrational match to it.
Once you do that, you can’t help but bring it into your reality.
So... are you ready to get started?
Great! Let’s go!
I can’t wait for you to experience this system for the very first time, and
to start bringing your desires to life, maybe even as soon as tomorrow

10 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

Part 1: Getting Started With
The “Energy Orbiting”
Audio Program
By now, you’ve logged into the members area.
Inside, you’ll find access to the entire audio system.
Each of the tracks inside use the latest “brainwave entrainment” sound
technology. This works by stimulating the brain into synchronizing
itself into different states of mind with sound.
The sound and the music can induce many different brainwave states
such as meditation, sleep, relaxation, trance, enhanced focus, confidence
and more.

Part 1: Getting Started With The “Energy Orbiting” Audio Program | 11

As mentioned, the most important track is “Twilight Transformation.”
I encourage you to listen to it either before bed or as you’re going
to sleep for at least 30 days to begin clearing away negative thoughts
patterns around wealth.
All of the tracks are really easy to use and will effortlessly become a part
of your daily routine, but before you click play for the first time, please
note the following cautions:
First, do not use brainwave entrainment if you are prone to seizures, are
pregnant or under the age of 18.
If you start to feel dizzy, nauseous, anxious, or if you get a headache,
discontinue use.
Please note the following:
»» No Driving / Operating Machinery Whilst Using ANY Of These
»» Not Suitable If Prone To Seizures
»» Not Suitable For Persons Under The Age Of 18
In addition, please read all instructions BEFORE using the program.
Now, that we have the disclaimer out of the way, the truth is that the
vast majority of people have no problem at all listening to brainwave
entrainment audios. The most common side-effect is possibly feeling
unusual for a while.
As with anything, be cautious and take responsibility for your own

How it Works
You have about 100 billion neurons in your brain. Neurons communicate
with one another via an electrical impulse. When enough of these
neurons fire together at once, they create a brainwave which can be
measured in hertz.

12 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

Thoughts,emotions,and behaviors create a brainwave frequency signature.
The great thing is that we can control brainwaves through sound and
music, thereby creating whatever state of mind in the brain we want.
Basically, the lower and slower the wave or frequency is, the less active
the brain is. Slower, lower frequencies occur when a person is in deep
meditation or sleep. Higher states of frequency are recorded when a
person is awake.
The emotional state of a person can be measured by these brainwaves.
So, ranges of brainwave hertz can be measured in order to tell what
state of mind a person is in.
Brainwave entrainment is the process of using repetitive sound or music
in order to get the brain to “sync up” or entrain.The root of brainwave

Part 1: Getting Started With The “Energy Orbiting”Audio Program | 13

entrainment is this sort of mystical, universal phenomenon that occurs
in nature where things tend to sync up or align with one another.
That’s actually a teaching from the Law of Attraction...
This is why people love music – it quite literally changes your brainwaves
to sync up with the music in order to feel one state or another. And, this
is also why everyone at a concert usually feels the same thing at the same
time with other people. Music quite literally does bring people together!
The science behind brainwave entrainment has been around for
centuries. And it’s easy to prove because a person can be hooked up
to an Electroencephalogram (EEG) machine to record the electrical
activity of a person’s brain.
A brain can quite literally be out of balance and scientists can measure
this from their brainwaves. A person who is paranoid, stressed out, or
depressed does not emit balanced, cohesive brainwaves.
Each of the audios in your manifestation system are tuned to specific
brainwave frequencies. It takes about 8 minutes of listening in order to
sync up.
So, for example, when you listen to the theta frequency audio for 8
minutes, your brain will sync up and start producing more theta waves,
moving you into a deep meditative state.
Here are the three brainwave states used in the audios:
1. Delta wave:These brainwave causes deep unconscious programming
and relaxation to allow for clear emotional intelligence. Delta waves
are low frequency waves such a drum beat. Delta waves occur at
the deepest meditative states of mind.These waves promote healing
and regeneration.
2. Theta wave:This brainwave allows for a dream-like trance where
new unconscious connections can be created and old beliefs and
patterns can be broken down and dissolved. Theta waves occur
just before falling asleep, and right when you start to wake up. It
is known for being an excellent state for learning, intuition, and
vivid imagination.

14 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

3. Beta wave:This brainwave is for accessing states of focused attention
where the listener can work on tasks whilst the programming
happens at a background level. The beta brainwave is high and is
prominent when a person is alert such as when problem solving or
making a decision.
The audios have subliminal suggestions inside designed to work on
an unconscious level to transform thoughts, beliefs, and patterns
around wealth.
So, when you listen to these audios, you aren’t trying to “learn” anything
or “pay attention” even on a conscious level.
Instead, just relax and enjoy.

Part 1: Getting Started With The “Energy Orbiting”Audio Program | 15

Your brain will sync up regardless if you are paying attention to the
words or not. It’s not important to listen too carefully or focus on
what’s being said with your conscious mind.
When you use the audio program, your abundance blocks (including
old beliefs, mental programs, and negative thinking patterns) begin
to vanish.
This in turn will raise your vibration so that you can enjoy faster
vibrating thoughts/feelings like confidence, abundance, love, joy, and
Gone will be the slower, lower vibrating thoughts like fear, doubt, anger,
and so on…
When you raise your vibration, you will begin to match the frequency
of your desires and manifesting will become easy. Eventually, manifesting
whatever you want will become second nature to you.
The audio tracks have subliminal suggestions designed to work on an
unconscious level to transform thoughts, beliefs, and patterns around
wealth. Here’s how my co-creator and the voice you’ll hear on the
tracks describes it…
“The audios implant suggestions by repetition into the unconscious mind that
become that person’s beliefs—think if I tell you something enough times you’ll
begin to believe it, and the way they do that is by inducing states of relaxation
so the mind easily allows those repetitive suggestions to integrate into that
person’s emotions, thoughts and actions, because whilst they consciously might
want wealth in their lives, the reason they haven’t got it, most commonly is that
at the unconscious level, they don’t feel they deserve it or that it is in some way
bad for them to be wealthy or any variant thereof.”
So, one of the key points is that when you listen to these audio tracks,
you’re not going to have to “learn” anything, or even “pay attention”
on a conscious level.
In fact, the main “Twilight Transformation” track even works as you’re
falling asleep!

16 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

In the audios, you will notice that the narrator’s voice stretches
out vowels and has a cadence to match a certain rhythm. This may
seem a bit strange at first, but this manner in speaking is necessary
to ensure that the listener’s brainwaves get into sync with the sound
and the music.
For most of the audios, it is best if you find a place where you will not
be disturbed for the length of the audio. In general, there is no specific
order that has to be followed, except that it is recommended to listen
to the Twilight Transformation Audio the most.
The following instructions are for each specific audio.

The “Twilight Transformation” Delta Audio

This is the most important track. If the only thing you did was listen to
this one before bed, then you would see results. Listen to this one every
night before bed for at least a month. I like to click play on my phone
before I drift off, and it really does feel completely effortless.This audio
does all the work reprogramming you for wealth.
Here are the specific instructions:
»» Make sure you won’t be interrupted.
»» Listen to this every night just before sleep or during sleep on repeat.
»» You don’t have to do anything but listen to the audio.
»» It works by implanting suggestions that will change your money beliefs.
Just lay down, relax and enjoy the experience.

The “10 Minute Meditator” Theta Audio (Part A & Part B)

This one is great to start the day, re-center, and tap into your full inner
power. This tracks focuses on activating “Theta” brainwaves, which are
normally associated with deep meditation.

Part 1: Getting Started With The “Energy Orbiting”Audio Program | 17

There are two audios provided for you to listen to and both achieve the
same results.You can choose to alternate between the audios in different
days or you may listen to both on the same day. It’s not required that
you listen to both consecutively.
Listening to the 10 Minute Meditator Theta Audio, is like receiving an
hour’s benefit of meditation in just 10 minutes.
Here are the specific instructions:
»» Make sure you won’t be interrupted.
»» Adopt a sitting or lying position—make yourself comfortable.
»» Use this three times a week during the day.
»» It’s OK to fall asleep whilst listening. This is quite normal.
»» During this time, your unconscious mind will absorb the sounds
and suggestions.
»» Just allow yourself to enjoy the experience.

18 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

The “Daytime Wealth Activator” Beta Audio
The Beta Audio is different from the others in the sense that you can
have it running in the background while you work. It will help you to
focus on the task at hand, and help you to be more productive.
I like to use this one when I sit down at my computer and do some
writing. It really helps me to focus and to be more productive so I get
more done in less time.
Here are some key points unique to this track:
»» It’s OK if someone interrupts you.
»» Listen to this audio for when you need to be focused and alert.
»» Just carry on as normal, paying no attention to the audio (it works
better this way).
»» If you do actively listen, that’s OK too.
»» This audio is designed to keep you focused on the task at hand,
while reprograming your mind for wealth.
Now, in addition to these main tracks, you also received bonus access
to, the “Chakra Power” audio tracks that work hand-in-hand with
Manifestation Magic.
Here are the...

Instructions For The Bonus Chakra Power

System Audios
These tracks are only 10 minutes long each and leave you feeling
refreshed and empowered after each session. I enjoy listening to them
in the morning as a way to start my day.
Please note: Each abundance block clearing audio focuses
negative patterns associated with the different energy centers
in the body (as described below).

Part 1: Getting Started With The “Energy Orbiting”Audio Program | 19

Here are the specific instructions:
»» Set aside 10 minutes during your day, 3 times or more per week.
More is better with these.
»» Make sure you won’t be interrupted.
»» Adopt a sitting or lying position—make yourself comfortable.
»» Listen to the audio ideally through good headphones/speakers.
»» Listen with an open mind and be kind and patient with yourself.
»» As you’re listening, and beginning to relax, subtly focus on your body.
»» Your body will know what to do, so trust in your natural intelligence.
»» If you feel discomfort just accept it and allow the sound to
guide you.
»» It’s perfectly OK to fall asleep during a session!
»» Use one program a week and then progress to the next, starting
with the Root Base Clearing Session audio track.

20 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

[1: The Root Base Clearing Session]
Start with this one, and use it every day for a week.
»» Focuses the 1st energy center (the base).
»» Clears feelings of fear around money.
»» Unconsciously installs feelings of safety and security about money.
»» Shifts from a scarcity based to abundance based mentality.

[2: The Sacral Chakra Clearing Session]

»» Focuses on the 2nd energy center (the sacral).
»» Embeds positive feelings about money.
»» Centers around being happy generating wealth.

[3: The Solar Plexus Full Potential Session]

»» Focuses on the 3rd energy center (the solar plexus).
»» This audio helps you tune into your full money making potential.
»» It’s also about using your creativity in making money by helping

[4: The Heart-Gratitude Abundance Session]

»» Focuses the 4th energy center (the heart).
»» Helps you tap into your gratitude.
»» Welcoming and being open to the loving flow of money energy
into your life.

[5: The Throat Chakra True-Self Session ]

»» Focuses the 5th energy center (the throat).
»» This audio tunes your thoughts to an authentic wealth mindset.
»» Generating wealth in ways that allow you to express your true self.

Part 1: Getting Started With The “Energy Orbiting”Audio Program | 21

[6: The Pineal Gland Intuition Session]
»» Focuses the 6th energy center (the pineal gland).
»» This audio works on allowing the listener to trust their intuition.
»» Helps you in taking intuitive action on creating wealth.

[7: The Crown Chakra Highest Purpose Session]

»» Focused the 7th energy center (the crown).
»» This audio helps the listener to think about creating wealth.
»» Helps you to line up with your highest purpose and the greater good.

Instructions For The Bonus Manifestation

Magic 360 Transformation System
Each track has been designed to intuitively guide you into a natural
state of relaxation and well-being. As with the other audios, please

22 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

make yourself comfortable, ensure you will not be disturbed and allow
yourself the space to subtly focus and relax your attention around the
sounds you’re hearing as they work on a subconscious level.

Wealth Awakening
The best time to listen to “Wealth Awakening” would be upon first
waking and playing it in the background or maybe use it as your wake-
up tone on your mobile device. This rich, sonic landscape is expertly
designed to induce a state of calm attention as you prepare to go about
your day, enjoying every success you have planned and meeting wealth
creation challenges head-on as you think creatively to resolve them.

Mystical Chi Gung

We drive our bodies pretty hard all day long and rarely give ourselves
the time or space to tap into our subtle nature and rediscover our
natural creative energy.This music is recommended evening listening to
unwind after your daily efforts. Spontaneous movement is encouraged,
allowing your body to guide you in expressing itself, thereby releasing
any visceral tension and restoring energetic balance.

The Heartbeat
This audio is designed to focus you on your heart center, so you can make
decisions based on heart intuition and inner guidance. It is specifically
composed so you can use it to gently reflect on a situation, choice or
dilemma and then ask the question “What Would Love Choose?” and
allowing an answer to emerge. This is sometimes a slow process and
this is one audio you are strongly advised to practice with because the
more you use these audios and music, the more powerful the results
you’ll enjoy.

Slow String Relaxation

This music is composed to give you an emotional lift when you are

Part 1: Getting Started With The “Energy Orbiting”Audio Program | 23

feeling down or drained. It contains subconscious rhythms that elevate
your thinking to a better level of reality, one that you create, so just press
play and allow the sound to remind you of how good it is to feel alive.

This audio draws out your creative side with it’s spacey sounds and
textures. It is designed to create an inner space of alchemy and creative
energy so that you can use it while you work on money making ideas
to call forth your ingenuity and business acumen. You can use this
audio anytime you want and ideally you want to have it playing in the
background for a few minutes so your mind can fully tune into it’s
subtle power.

Divine Tranquility
Return to your center. Tune into your silent voice. Be still. Attune to
the refreshing frequencies of natural living. This music takes your focus
inwardly to find your peace and your reason for being in the world, so
you can make your life a success, living on purpose, being your true self in
a balanced, healthy and profitable way. Listen to this audio when you are
feeling lost or overwhelmed so that you can come back to your center, see
things from this stable position of calm, focused thought and loving heart.

Whispering Waves
Use this audio to deeply encode the rhythm of change within you,
as you transform yourself and others by becoming a wealthy person,
giving of your efforts to the world and being greatly rewarded and
recognized for the value you’re providing. The rhythm of change is
here. Fully prepare yourself with this audio. To use it, you simply lay or
sit and just focus on the sound and rhythm, and without expectation,
just allow the sound to do it’s work.
Like any skill, brainwave entrainment takes some practice to actually
become attuned to but the more you do it, the easier, faster and more
powerful effects you’ll begin to experience.

24 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

So, I re-emphasize the importance here of being open, calm, kind and
patient with yourself. Don’t force anything and just allow your body
and mind to gently re-adjust and calibrate to the deep changes you’re
experiencing through the process.
The mindset I would suggest you adopt is one of learning something
new, so openly allow yourself the experience without pressure. This is
your time.
And there you have it!
Each of these tracks are incredibly powerful.
As I mentioned, the most important one is the “TwilightTransformation”
Delta Audio reprogramming track. Just use this before bed for a month,
and you WILL notice manifesting what you want becomes easier.
Now... the main goal of this system is to help you PROVE manifestation
works by bringing money into your life.
This is why I’ve put together a simple 5-step money manifestation
guide that will allow you to focus all of your energy on wealth and
allow you to bring into your life in what feels like the blink of an eye.
This is the same process I use to create wealth whenever I desire, and I
can’t wait to share it with you.
Are you ready?
Let’s jump in.

Part 1: Getting Started With The “Energy Orbiting”Audio Program | 25

Part 2: The Manifestation
5 Simple Steps To Manifest Money
Into Your Mailbox!
Allow me to demonstrate societal/religious programming for you…
When I say, “Money is the root of all…”
What word pops into your mind?
“Evil,” right?

26 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

That saying is a mental program that many of us have. For most of us, it
has been ingrained in our subconscious mind as fact – a statement that
is usually not even challenged.
Actually, that saying is a scripture, but it’s only part of it…
The actual scripture says, “The love of money is the root of all evil.”
Many forget that first part!
So, not only have most of us been programmed with a negative belief
about money, we’ve been programmed with the wrong meaning of
that statement!
Society has also taught us to have negative thoughts and beliefs about
rich people. Most of us have been conditioned to believe that rich
people are bad, selfish, mean, greedy, money-hungry, power-hungry,
and self-serving...
So, for most of us, our subconscious mind believes that it’s bad to
become rich!
And no matter how much you consciously tell yourself that you will
be a good, nice, rich person, your subconscious mind thinks it knows
It’s no wonder that so many of us struggle to become rich. Most of us
believe that it’s bad!
Think of this as STRIKE 1…
And then, in our subconscious/conscious mind battle to become rich,
we have another culprit…
What is that?
It’s your own negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself…
“I’m not good enough” is so common for most of us that we might as
well brand it on our foreheads...
“I’m not smart enough” is another one that if you believe, will sink
your ability to make lots of money…

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 27

“I’m not worthy” is another very common belief that stops most of us
from becoming rich and manifesting what we want.
All of this negative thinking about yourself results in…
But it doesn’t end there…
According to the concepts taught from the Law of Attraction, when
you think negative thoughts about ANYONE OR ANYTHING, you
cut off the flow of abundance that was coming to you.
That’s it…
You’re out…
In the game of life, if you do these three things on a continual basis,
you strike out…
If you repeatedly do these three things, you can’t ever become rich...

28 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

Heck, if you do all three, you’ll probably struggle for most of
your life…
So, if this is the problem, what is the answer?
The answer is that you’ve got to STOP thinking negative thoughts
about money, STOP thinking negative thoughts about yourself, and
STOP thinking negative thoughts about others!
You are vibration. You emit a vibration out into the universe through
the power of your thoughts and the subsequent feeling you create.
And for most of us, there isn’t anything more that you have to do.You
don’t even really have to keep on telling the Universe what you want
because it already knows!
It’s more about how to stop doing those things that you do that are
stopping the natural flow of abundance that is coming to you...
The universe matches you up with the feeling that you radiate. Another
way to say this is that you are constantly emanating a vibrational set-
point out into the universe that it is immediately responding to.
So when you are “vibing” high and feeling good, you attract good
things to you.
But when you suddenly start thinking negative thoughts of fear, doubt,
anger, guilt or any other negative feeling, you immediately STOP what
you want from coming…
When you think negative thoughts, not only do you stop the good
stuff from coming to you, but also, you start to attract more “bad stuff.”
This is why it is so incredibly important for you to realize that you have
to give up negative thinking – negative thinking about money, yourself,
others and anything else for that matter…
These brainwave entrainment audios will greatly help you to do
just that.
In order to stop negative thinking, the key is to eliminate that program
at the deepest subconscious level, and replace it with a positive program.

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 29

Most systems only work at the surface level, and while you might be
able to “think positive” for a short time, it never lasts because you didn’t
remove it at the deepest subconscious levels...
The brainwave entrainment sets your brain up for subliminal suggestions
to accept positive thoughts and feelings.
And the subliminal suggestions re-program your subconscious mind to
remove negative programming and replace it with positive programming.
With this manifestation system, you have the necessary tools you need
to create whatever you want in life. But, it’s also important to be clear
on what you want to create.
This is why in the pages that follow, I’ll be walking you through a
simple 5 step wealth manifestation process to help you accelerate your
In addition, to help guide you through the process, I’ve included my
fill-in-the-blank “Cosmic Order Form” (located at the very end of this
document and in a separate downloadable PDF in the members area).
My recommendation is to print this document out now, and you can
fill it in as I discuss each step below.
I always suggest using a pen to fill out the form, because doing so will
activate more of your brain.
The benefit of using this form is that it will make this whole experience
much more customized and real for you. It will help you to get really
clear as to what you want because you’ll have to think about it and
then write it down.
The rest of the form will help you to raise your vibration so that you
will be a vibrational match to everything that you want.
Okay... have you got it printed out?
Let’s go-ahead and get started with our first big step in the process.

30 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

Step 1: Get Clear on What You Want
Desire is totally natural. In some cultures, they believe that it is wrong
to desire, and so they dissolve themselves of all material possessions.
They become recluse and live a life of minimal physical existence.
But the truth is that even the desire to not desire is a desire!
You cannot stop it. It’s how humans are designed, including all living
The reason that I mention this first is because I think it’s important to
see that it’s okay to desire. It’s normal and natural.
Sometimes people get labeled as being materialistic if they have too
many things. And so it’s easy to create a belief that it’s not good to be
materialistic, that it’s somehow wrong…
Yes, it’s true, that if the only reason why you want material things is
because you need it to fulfill something inside of you that is missing,
then that could be a problem.
If the only reason why you want what you want is to keep up or show
up your neighbor, that too may be a problem.

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 31

But really, who is to judge where others are? Who is to judge if they
have the right or wrong motivation?
It’s this whole judging of others that gets us into trouble to begin with…
Because based upon the Law of Attraction, ANY deeply held negative
feeling you have can stop the good stuff from coming to you.
And this is why one of the teachers from the movie The Secret said
something very profound:“Others may not deserve your good thoughts
about them, but you do!”
The point is that others may be rascals, but it’s not worth it to even
think bad thoughts about them. Why?
Because whenever you think negative thoughts about others or yourself,
via the law of attraction, you shut off every good thing coming to you.

☞☞ Bonus Tip - Positive Affirmations

Consider how you talk to yourself? Do you move, speak and act like
a confident, happy, self-assured person? Do you believe you deserve
the things you desire? A lot of our negative thinking comes from deep
and long held beliefs of being unworthy. Try looking at yourself in the
mirror every day and telling yourself “I love you, just as you are” It
can be uncomfortable at first for many people, but in time it will get
easier and you will see how self-love and self-acceptance is really the
foundation to creating the beautiful life you dream of.
So, there is nothing wrong with desiring what you want, and the best
way to get what you desire is to think positive thoughts and feelings on
every topic…
This is why it’s not a good idea to watch the news. There’s just too
much negativity there…
The other thing we need to discuss before we get into the heart of
this topic of getting clear on what you want is how you feel when you
desire something.

32 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

A desire that you don’t believe in feels pretty awful.
A powerful desire that you really don’t believe in at all is very painful
A desire that is powerful that you believe in and that has no resistance
feels great, and it will come fast.
And a desire that you sort of want but have no resistance to will feel
pretty good and come fast too.
It’s all about resistance…
The more resistance that you have toward a desire, the longer it’s going
to take in order to get to you…
Have you ever noticed that the things that you sort of want seem to come
to you easily? That’s because you offer up no resistance to the small things.
This is why it seems easier to get the small things in life, but the truth
is this…

“It’s just as easy to create a castle

as it is a button.”

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 33

But since we don’t believe this, it’s a lot harder to create a castle!
Have you ever noticed how things start to show up in your experience
that you don’t remember paying much attention to? For example,
someone mentions the name of a particular band or a type of food,
something that you haven’t heard of before or necessarily thought
about for a while.You talk about it briefly and then move on. Suddenly,
it’s as though that word is appearing everywhere. The next day you
hear it on TV or someone else mentions it to you, then you read it
in a magazine or overhear other people talking about the same thing.
That is an example of the law of attraction working hard to repeat
to you something you have absolutely zero negative energy towards,
and therefore no resistance. That’s why it keeps reappearing in your
life, there is nothing blocking it because it’s not that important to you.
Imagine what can happen when you master blocking resistance to the
things that really do matter.

☞☞ Bonus TiP - Manifest the Small Things.

You can practice creating small things in your life as a way to prove to
yourself that this really works. Turn it into a fun game, and watch how
fast the things you “lightly” care about, manifest into your experience.
Choose something to focus on, it could be anything from a butterfly to
a yellow bicycle to a red balloon. Spend at least a minute or so thinking
about that chosen object, imagine it in your mind, indulge a little in
thoughts around what it looks like, sounds like, smells like etc. Then
release it from your mind and go about your day. Before very long that
object will in some way come into your experience, probably when
you have totally forgotten about it. It might be as a drawing in a book
or a symbol, you may hear people talking about it or the actual object
itself may appear across your path. Have fun with this and practice
manifesting the small things to show yourself you really do have the
power to create anything you want.
But if we truly believed that it was easy, it would come and come

34 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

You are a powerful creator and you came here to earth in order to
enjoy the journey, and to enjoy creating what you want. But if you
don’t believe in what you desire, it’s not going to be enjoyable and it
will be delayed.
So, getting clear on what you want is this very important first step. But
here’s the thing…
It’s best to want and desire something that you believe. Stretch, but
don’t stretch too far at first…
Once you get the hang of this, you’ll be able to stretch further and
The bottom line is, get clear on what you want, but make sure that you
believe that it is possible first…
If you want a red Ferrari F12 with tan leather interior, great! But do
you really believe that you can manifest it?
If your current car is a dilapidated Toyota Corolla, wouldn’t it seem
more believable to get a car in between what you have and the Ferrari?

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 35

Make the journey enjoyable. You don’t have to have the Ferrari right
away to be happy. Your journey from better car... to better car... to
getting that Ferrari can be really fun!
Do that with everything that you want. Start off with things that you
don’t have, but that you believe that you can get.
The same thing goes for money…
When you think about how much money you want, make it something
that feels believable to you right now. And, as you see that money
flow into your experience, then you’ll be able to believe that more is
possible too.
The truth is that it is absolutely possible to attract plenty of money
quickly, but most of us have resistant thoughts about it. We believe that
“money doesn’t grow on trees,” or that you have to work very hard for
your money.
And because we have those beliefs, we pinch off the flow of money
that was coming to us…
The bottom line is to get clear of what you want but make sure that
you believe that it’s possible.
Use the cosmic order form for step 1 to answer the questions of what
you want and why you want it...
Print it out and use a pen when you write. Science has proven that it’s
better to hand-write this down instead of typing because it involves
more parts of the brain.
Write down the first item that you want, and then the corresponding
reason why.
Why do you want to write... “the why?”
Because it focuses you on the POSITIVE aspect of having the item,
whatever it is.
Here is the problem that most of us have about manifesting…
When we think of what we want, the FEELING that we have is a
feeling of LACK.

36 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

Well, if you think of what you want, but you are upset that you don’t
have it, you stop it from coming to you.
And, this is why the second column is so important. When you think
of why you want something, you focus on the good feeling of having
it.You aren’t focused on the lack of it.
A great friend of mine had been trying for some time to manifest her
own apartment. She was in a difficult financial situation and couch
surfing between friends and family. She was desperate for her own
place but couldn’t seem to bring it into her life, no matter how hard
she tried.
I told her to think hard about all the fun reasons why she wanted this
apartment. She told me she desperately needed her own space. That’s
understandable, but I could feel she was still vibrating out of lack. So I

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 37

told her to go deeper into the specifics of having her own space. It was
hard for her at first, as she was so caught up in the negative mindset of
not having what she wanted, but with a little encouragement, she was
soon was telling me how much fun she would have coming home from
work, putting her own key in the door and preparing a meal. She knew
she wanted to always have fresh flowers in a vase and scented candles
in the hallway. She wanted to invite friends over for dinner and have
privacy to practice her guitar.
When she started focusing on all the uplifting details about why
she wanted her own apartment, instead of just getting frustrated
and mad that she wasn’t able to make it happen right away, she saw
an amazing shift. My friend manifested her apartment soon after
that, but that sense of desperation had totally faded away, she was so
happy and enthusiastic about the idea of her own space, her entire
attitude had shifted.
The advantage to getting specific with what you want is that you have
a powerful ability to focus. When you focus on something specific, the
universe knows exactly what you want and it will come.
When you don’t know what you really want, and you aren’t specific,
the desire is muddled and not clear. And so nothing happens.
This is why it’s best to think of the exact car that you want or the exact
amount of money that you want.
That second column is very important relative to money…
If you what you want is $100,000, why do you want it? What will you
do with it? Will you travel? Where will you go? What will you do?
Get specific with your answers. The more reasons that you can come
up with for why you want the money, the better.
The universe is listening!

38 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

Step 2: Visualize It
Visualization is a powerful tool to create what you want.
The type of visualization that you are about to learn isn’t what you
have tried before. The type of visualization that you are about to learn
is exactly what the top athletes of the world use…
This is what they use in order to achieve their amazing goals like
winning gold medals and setting world records...
Quantum physics and brain research has shown that when we close our
eyes and visualize what we want, our subconscious minds do not know
the difference between what we are visualizing and what we are seeing.
It doesn’t know the difference between what we are imagining and
what we are experiencing…
This is why the 1976 Russian Olympic team won so many gold medals.
They won more gold medals than any other country that year, and they
were accused of cheating.
But the truth is, they perfected the ability to visualize.
What they did differently was that they had their athletes engage their
5 senses when they visualized. They didn’t just come up with a picture
of what it would feel like to win the gold medal, although that is an
important part of it…
The Russian sports psychologists had the weight lifting athletes imagine
every part of their routine.
They had the athletes imagine everything – from the moment that
they chalked up their hands, to the final success of lifting the gold
medal winning weight.
They were told to use every sense in their body…
So the athlete would close their eyes and start from the beginning.
They would imagine the feel (touch) of the chalk as they spread it on
their hands. They would see (sight) the audience and the auditorium
where the competition was held.

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 39

They would hear (hearing) the rustling of the audience as they waited
in anticipation of the lift. And they were told to do their best to engage
their sense of smell and taste too.
It was Dr. Charles A. Garfield, Ph.D. who wrote the ground-breaking
book entitled Peak Performance – Mental Training Techniques of the World’s
Greatest Athletes who documented what the Russians were able to
Dr. Garfield was a weight lifter too.
One night, when he was at a formal social function at the villa of
the mayor of Milan, socializing with the Soviet researchers, he told
them that he wanted to test it out for himself. He wanted to see if he
could increase his bench-press personal record.To his surprise, all of the
researchers wanted him to test it out right then and there – past 2 am
in the morning!
With the mayor’s help (it’s a long story!), they found a gym…

40 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

The researchers brought in their portable machines to hook him up
to monitor him. They brought in an EEG to monitor brainwaves, an
ECG for measuring cardiac activity, an EMG for monitoring muscular
activity and more.
He was hooked up to all of these machines while his associates took
They asked him if he had recently been in competition or if he was
working out regularly. He told them that he had not even been in the
gym for months.
He told them that he seldom bench-pressed over 275 or 280 pounds
in recent years.
They asked him what they thought would be his maximum right now.
He said that he might be able to lift 300 pounds right now.
The researchers encouraged him to try so that they could demonstrate
the before and after effects of visualizing.
With “enormous difficulty” as he put it, he lifted the 300 pounds –
mainly because of the excitement of the moment.
The next thing he knew, the researchers went to work…
They began measuring his height, weight, percentage of body fat,
metabolic rate, and even took a blood sample.
Then they got him to lay down on a bench and they guided him into
a deep state of relaxation.
They asked him to imagine his arms and legs becoming increasingly
heavy and warm. In his book, he said that “a warm, tingling sensation
spread all over me.”
After about almost 40 minutes, they asked him to sit up and to stare at
the bar…
They had added 65 pounds to the bar for a total weight of 365 pounds!

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 41

They asked him to mentally visualize walking over to the bar, and
confidently lifting the weight.
At this point, he started to get very apprehensive and it showed up on
the all of the monitors. He couldn’t imagine lifting 365 pounds.
They reassured him that this was normal, but to visualize it anyway.
They asked him to visualize himself and the bar from above and from
the sides. They asked him to zoom in and out on his hands and to see
his muscles tighten up as he confidently lifted the weight.
After a few minutes, all of the sudden, Dr. Garfield had this feeling that
he could do it...
He got under the bar, grasped it, and he lifted the weight!
He was astounded and the researchers celebrated.
This is just an example of what you can do when you use the power
of visualization…
But this example focuses on athletic competition. It doesn’t address the
other main component to it, which is the law of attraction…
I told Dr. Garfield’s story in order to help you to gain confidence in
your own ability to visualize.
Many people think that they cannot visualize, but the truth is, nearly
everyone can.
If I was to ask you right now, what color is your car? You would have
to visualize your car in your mind in order to “see” the color.
And if I was to ask you what color is a lemon, you’d imagine a lemon
and say “yellow.”
And if I was to ask you to peel that lemon, and smell it, you’d probably
be able to actually remember what it smells like…
And if I was to ask you to bite into that sour lemon, your mouth may
start to water just thinking about it!
You can visualize…

42 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

And just like with how the Russians were doing it, it is best to visualize
when you are relaxed and in a state of calm…
Well, that’s exactly what these audios are meant to do!
They are meant to get you relaxed, and into a state of calm.
These audios are like having a team of professional sports psychologists,
assisting you to manifest everything that you want in life!
Isn’t that exciting?
Now let’s cover how to visualize just like Olympic athletes and other
top performers do.

How to Visualize
What I like to do is to take a few minutes after I do any of the calming,
relaxing audios,keep my eyes closed,and visualize what I want… Sometimes
I use a 3 minute timer just to make sure that I don’t go too long.
Visualizing right after listening to the audios, is a great time to imagine
what you want…
(As a side-point, the only audio that I don’t recommend doing this with
is the “Daytime Wealth” beta audio. That one is more of a conscious,
wide-awake audio...)
The key is to use your imagination to see, hear, touch, smell and even
taste with your mind’s eye what you want.
In the example of a car, you want to specifically imagine the year, the
make and model of the car, and of course the color…
Imagine getting in it and feeling the upholstery…
Imagine that new car smell wafting through the inside of the car. If it’s
a leather interior, smell it!
Imagine taking the key, (or pushing a button nowadays!), and turning it…
Imagine the sound of the car and the rumbling vibrations if it’s not electric…
Then imagine taking it for a spin…

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 43

Feel its power, and how it handles around the corners…
Feel how good it feels to be driving your dream car!
And imagine driving it back to your place and parking it.
This doesn’t have to take long. Just a few minutes of visualizing will
do and I wouldn’t suggest doing it over 5 minutes because you may
dampen your enthusiasm if it goes on too long.
Another very important point is to visualize already having it. It’s not
enough to just visualize it – you’ve got to feel the emotions of having it.
This visualization doesn’t take place only in the mind…
It takes place in the emotions and in how you feel in your body, and
your heart.
The law of attraction responds to your feelings only, and so you’ve got
to feel as if you already have what it is that you want. That’s how you
become a vibrational match to the things that you want…
If you’ve tried visualization in the past, but it hasn’t worked for you, I
suggest that you give it another try using the audios.
The best audio to use for this is the “10 Minute Meditator” theta audio.
After it is over, simply keep your eyes closed, and begin to visualize
what it is that you want…
When visualizing having more money, imagine what it would feel like
to have plenty…
What figure in your bank account would excite you, but seem believable
too at first?
Then, imagine seeing that number in your bank account…
How would it make you feel?
What would you do with the money? Where would you travel? What
would you buy?
In your 3 minute visualization, visualize what it would feel like to have that

44 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

much money. But also, visualize it coming in as fast as you can spend it.
Money is supposed to come easy to you. And it’s supposed to come in
and out in a very comfortable way. So, visualize it coming into your bank
account, spending it, and it getting refilled as fast as you can spend it.
Dr. Joe Vitale from the movie The Secret used to say to himself that the
more that he spends, the more that he makes.
Be careful with this one though because you don’t want to actually do
that at first! The way to tell what to do in real life and what not to do
is to check with your gut instinct. Does it feel good to rack up a bunch
of credit card debt?
Usually, the answer is no.
But that doesn’t mean that you can’t imagine in your visualization time
the feeling of what it would be like to have an unlimited supply of
money coming to you…
Now, in the cosmic order form provided for step 2, write a visualization
session in hand-writing and engage all of your 5 senses of sight, hearing,
taste, touch and smell.

☞☞ Bonus Tip - Spend Vibrational Money

Next time you go shopping, pretend you have a $100 extra to spend.
Think about what you would purchase,try to have fun with this as though
it were a game (you don’t want to get hung up thinking you cannot
afford it and start on a negative spiral, that’s just counterproductive).Try
to just put yourself in the shoes of someone who has an extra $100 -
maybe imagine you are buying someone else, a loved one, a gift. What
would you get them? You don’t have to let the $100 run out, pretend it
in every shop you go into to. The trick here is to get into the mindset
of someone who is not worried about lack of money. When you have
fun and enjoy this game, you begin to align yourself with the reality of
being able to spend whatever you want.

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 45

Step 3: Feel Good Now!
This is a key, important point that once you get, you’ll really be well-set!
Most of us think that the reason why we should visualize is to get what
we want – in order to manifest what we want.
But that’s not the right reason!!!
Let me explain…
Visualizing what you want is like ordering what you want from the
But when you visualize something in order to get it, you can often add
resistance to your order…
This is a finer point of manifesting your desires, and once you get this
one, you’ll be extremely glad that you did…
Let me ask you a question...
Why do you want what you want? Why do you want a whole lot of
money? Why do you want a new car or a new house?
Isn’t the answer that you want it because once you have it, you’ll feel
We already know that the way the universe works is that you have to
feel the feeling first, right?
So, when you want something in order to feel better, you add resistance
to it. And then, either it won’t even come, or it will take it a lot longer
to come…
What is the point then?
The point is that since you want things in order to feel better, then choose
to feel better REGARDLESS of whether or not you have it yet…
Be happy with just the thought and feeling of having what you want.
So, when you visualize, don’t visualize because you want something…

46 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

Visualize Because It Feels good!
When you can feel good regardless of whether or not what you want
is here, then you offer up NO resistance to what you want…
And when you offer up no resistance, not only will you GENUINELY
feel better now, but also, what you want will come to you faster!
It’s ironic and annoying, yes! But that’s how it works…
When you visualize because you want something that you don’t have,
you actually focus on LACK…
When you visualize because it feels good, and it doesn’t matter when
what you want comes, you are focused on ABUNDANCE!!!
Notice that the word “abun-dance” has the word dance in it…
The universe gives us clues all the time as to what attitude to have, and
what to do!
I know that this seems strange. And some will say,“All right. I’ll sacrifice
and choose to feel good now so that I can get what I want...”
It that’s what a person says, they are missing the point!
It’s as if feeling good doesn’t even matter…
But that’s the whole reason why you want what you want in the first place!
Visualize for the pleasure of visualizing…
Feel good for the pleasure of feeling good…
Don’t wait for outside conditions to change in order to feel good!
Do it now. Do it regardless of your reality. Do it regardless of how bad
things are. Do it regardless of your bank account. And do it regardless
of what others think about you.
When you can purposely choose to feel good no matter what, you’ve
mastered the law of attraction.

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 47

☞☞ Bonus Tip - Visualization
Create a vision board, you could do this cutting out pictures of magazine
or create a pinterest board. You’ve probably heard of vision boards
before, well this one has a slight twist. Instead of only collecting images
of things you dream of having in your life, the fantasy car, beach house,
dream vacation etc, create a vision board that also reflects the parts of
your life now that you appreciate and are grateful for. The things and
people that make you happy now, perhaps photos or letters that mean
something to you. What this does is it helps to align your desires, the
vision board is not just about the things you wish to manifest but
also about your already successful manifestations and all the things that
light you up in life. It’s easier to become a vibrational match to your
desires when they are mixed up with what currently is, as our brains
do not distinguish between the two, If it’s making you feel good, you’re
attracting more of it.

48 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

Let’s look at the example of Jim Carrey…
Years ago, he went on the Oprah show and explained how he got the
law of attraction to work for him.
He said that before he made it in Hollywood, he would drive his old
dilapidated car into the Hollywood Hills on Mulholland drive. He
would park his car, and then imagine what it would feel like to have it
all. He imagined what it would feel like to have all of the money, and
all of the fame and fortune that he wanted…
But then, he said something that is THE MOST IMPORTANT
POINT of everything that he said…
He said, “But I did it just because it made me feel better...”
That’s it!
That’s the key!
He didn’t do it in order to try to make those things come to him. He
did it simply because it made him feel better!
There is another story that Jim Carrey tells about what he did with
a check…
The story goes that he wrote himself out a check for 10 million
dollars, posted dated it for a few years later around Thanksgiving and
signed it…
He kept that check for all those years, and it got weathered and torn…
And then right before that check came due, he got paid 10 million
dollars for the movie Dumb and Dumber…
When he wrote that check, he gave the universe and himself time to
orchestrate all of it. He wasn’t stressed out about the timing because it
was years off in the distance…
But the other powerful point is that he was very specific. It was for
exactly 10 million dollars.
This amount, to him at the time, was realistic because he knew that he
was starting to make it in Hollywood. So, he had a high believability
factor going on…

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 49

This is why I recommend that you visualize amounts that you believe
are possible in the best case scenario at first. When you start to see
the money flowing in more than normal, then keep on upping the
amounts to your new level of believability.
If this whole manifestation guide could be summed upon in three
words, it would be, “Feel Good Now!”
Now, using the cosmic order form, write down a list of
everything that you appreciate in your life.
In addition to the cosmic order form, for this step, we have designed a
check for you to print out…
Think about what amount you would like to manifest within a certain
period of time…
What amount feels believable, and by what date feels believable?
Next, fill out the check, date it for the future, sign it, and put it in your
pocket like it’s a real check…
What’s important here is not the act of filling out the check, but how
you feel about it…

50 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

How does it feel to you? Does the amount excite you, yet, is it believable too?
There is only one more step after writing the check and we will cover
that next…
Instructions for Your Cosmic Ordering Personal Check:
Before you fill out your check, get yourself into a good feeling place
first. The best way to do this is to listen to the “10 Minute Meditator”
Theta audio, then visualize receiving the amount of money that you
want. How does it make you feel? Once you get that feeling, then
proceed with the following:
1. Fill out your name.
2. Fill out the amount including writing it out long-hand.
3. Post date the check for when you believe it will come by.
4. Sign it.
5. Put it in your wallet or purse and carry it with you everywhere
you go.
6. When you feel like it, pull the check out, look at it and milk the
(The Cosmic Ordering Personal Check is also provided in the Cosmic
Order Form PDF for you to easily print out)

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 51

Step 4: Allow
Life is supposed to be fun. It’s supposed to be enjoyable. But for many
of us, we have been trained otherwise. And it is the belief that life is
hard that makes it so.
We are a self-fulfilling prophecy. And, that is why Albert Einstein said,
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live
in a friendly or hostile universe.”
Since you get what you believe, if you believe that you live in a friendly
universe, then you will…
And if you believe that you live in a hostile universe, then you will…
This is why the ability to simply allow the universe to support you is
so important.
Allowing in this sense means dropping all resistance to what the
universe was going to deliver to you to begin with. It means dropping
all negativity in life so that you can attract what you desire.
The message is to surrender to the power of the Universe, and trust
your desire will arrive.
This topic of allowing is really an art. We can call it the art of allowing.
The art of allowing is the act of trusting in the universe and in the law
of attraction. It’s about putting yourself in the receiving mode of what
it is that you want.
Actually, it’s really good news for all of us because what it means is that
life is a whole lot easier than we know.
The art of allowing is about NOT worrying anymore. It’s about being
better, kinder, and gentler to yourself. It’s about enjoying life more on
purpose so that you will become a vibrational match to all that you
This is why happy people attract more happiness into their lives. They
allow more of the good stuff to come to them.

52 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

And you can do the same too!
When you focus on joyful things rather than focusing on not having
what you desire, you let go of resistance.
In the cosmic order form, write down a list of things that make you feel
better. This can be anything such as taking a walk, getting a massage,
riding a bike, etc.

☞☞ Bonus Tip - Let go of tension

You cannot think your way out of negativity, you have to feel your
way out. Try this exercise of letting go to boost your ability to allow in
the good things. Lie down, take a deep breath and exhale away all the
tension in your body. Go through each part of your body and allow
everything to relax, one by one. Let your forehead relax, your arms
relax, your hands relax, your stomach relax etc. Learn to sit for a few
minutes in a state of relaxed comfort where you are training your body
to release unneeded and unwanted tension.

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 53

Step 5: Identify Obstacles and Overcome
One of the keys to growing spiritually is the idea that becoming more
aware of yourself.When you become aware of yourself, you can identify
obstacles in your way. And when you can identify the obstacles, you can
then do something about it…
For most of us, the obstacles that we encounter to being able to
manifest what we want are common. Here is a list of the top obstacles
people face:
»» Always having to be right.
»» Judging others.
»» Allowing yourself to be brought down by others.
»» Caring too much what others think about you.
»» Watching the news!
»» Partaking in gossip.
»» Fighting against things you don’t want.
»» Getting angry at anyone for anything.
»» Road rage.
»» Regret for the past.
»» Fear of the future.
These are all obstacles to allowing. When you do any one of these
things, you aren’t allowing.You are resisting…
Doing anything that causes you to think and subsequently feel negative
emotion is the opposite of allowing…
This is why these audios are so powerful…
They help to put you into a state of allowing.They help you to get into
a good feeling place and stabilize there…
And the subliminal messages make it even better!

54 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

So, how do you overcome these obstacles and other ones too?
First, continue listening to the audio program to let go of the obstacles
standing in your way.
Second, understand how vitally important it is that you purposely
choose to feel good.This means being a more positive person. It means
always looking at the cup half full instead of half empty.

☞☞ Bonus Tip - Practice Self Love

Remember that it is much easier to feel optimistic about your life when
you love and accept yourself. A true feeling of self love allows you to
believe in your worthiness and ability to live life on purpose. Instead
of worrying about eliminating all negative thoughts from your mind
choose to focus on self-love and appreciation. You will find genuine
positivity and optimism from learning to love yourself and you won’t
be forcing it. When you love yourself and you feel worthy, it’s much
easier to believe in and visualize what you want.
It means bowing out of negative conversations with others. It means
avoiding gossip and even thinking negative thoughts about anyone.
It means honoring yourself and taking good care of your body, mind
and spirit.

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 55

It means taking more walks, getting more massages, spending more
time with family, and having more fun…
Isn’t that great to know? Isn’t it great to know that one of the main
answers to attracting what you want is by being better to yourself NOW?
After all, isn’t that what you really want anyway? So, why not start to
create the life that you want by being better to yourself now?
This doesn’t mean that it’s a good idea to go spend a lot of money that
you don’t have. And it doesn’t mean spending money that you don’t
have in order to get a massage.
If money is tight, there are many things that you can for yourself that
are free…
What is one practical thing you could do towards being the person you
dream of today? What small steps could you take In the next 24 hours
that require nothing but your willingness to follow your dreams? No
money needs to be involved at all. Maybe it’s reading a book or making
a certain phone call, maybe it’s walking a different way to work or
finally cleaning out that closet. Whatever it is, know that you are 100%
in control of every small action that starts you on the path to becoming
the person of your dreams.

☞☞ Bonus Tip - Clear out Social Media

To stay positive, consider who you interact with on a regular basis.
Ask yourself whether or not those interactions encourage or detract
from your positive state of mind. Social media can unfortunately be
a hotbed of negative messages, images and opinions. Don’t be afraid
to unfollow people whose posts bring you down or make you feel
negative emotions. Your inner balance, peace and focus is the most
important thing.You cannot ever help anyone else in the world from a
place of negativity.
With every thought that you have, you have two options.You can either
think a better feeling thought, or a worse feeling thought…

56 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

You have the control. You have the ability to think the better feeling
Once you identify your obstacles, then you can overcome them.
Let the audios help you. They will do most of the heavy lifting…
But you’ve got to understand the whole picture of how this works if
you want to get it to work…
In other words, use the audios and allow them to raise your vibration.
And then when you’re not using the audios, do your best to keep your
vibration high.
That’s really all there is to it!
See, I told you this was easy.
And again, all you have to do is to listen to the audios, and then choose
to feel good no matter what.
Then, just sit back and watch as your order comes to life!
Often, many of my Manifestation Magic “Magicians” will set an intention
after completing the Cosmic Order Form to receive either...
Their manifestation right away...
OR, if more time is needed for places, people, and events to align,
they simply ask for an unmistakable, flashing “Neon Sign” from the
Universe within 24 hours to let them know they’re on the right track.
This sign can come in many forms, including...
»» “Angel Numbers” – These are repeating number patterns, such
as 111, 222, or 1212 often seen on clocks, license plates, or on TV.
When you feel magnetically drawn to look at these numbers, it
can mean a sign from your “Angels” or “Higher-Self.”
The most important ones for abundance are “888,” which as you’ll
notice form infinity symbols. For information on Angel Numbers,
I encourage to look on Google and click on the description you
feel most intuitively drawn to.

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 57

»» Synchronistic meetings or phone calls – Another very
common sign that often appears after using Manifestation Magic are
unexpected conversations with people where you’ll receive the
perfect feedback to guide you on your journey.
For example, after my first manifestation, I received a phone call
the next day from a friend of mine who connected me with a
$10,000.00 freelance job.
That said, it may not always be that straightforward. Sometimes, you
may have a conversation that simply sets up the event that actually
brings your manifestation to life.
»» Symbols from nature, such as “Spirit Animals.” For some
of my “Manifestation Magicians,” angels like to communicate to
them through nature. For instance, you may be going for a walk
and suddenly a beautiful feather falls right into your path. That can
often be a message that higher realms are working towards bringing
your desires to life.
»» Repeating objects and symbols. Another common sign is when
you see a certain object again, and again in a short period of time.
For instance, maybe you’re wanting to manifest a certain car. Well,
shortly thereafter, you might begin to see advertisements for that
car, first on the TV, then on billboards, and then in real life... all in
short order. When this happens, it can mean that you are moving
into vibrational alignment with that object.

Personal example of a manifestation.

A close friend told me her story. She was moving to California but had
no job or place to stay yet, she just knew she wanted to start a new
life there by the beach and was determined to make it work somehow.
After using Manifestation Magic, she bumped into an old school friend
she hadn’t seen in years. That in itself was strange, as she had chosen to
go a different route to work that day and was totally out of her usual
area. The old school friend invited her to a dinner party that night.
My friend was reluctant, she was so busy preparing her move and had
a long to-do list. But something told her she should throw caution

58 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

to the wind and accept the dinner invitation. Well, just as well, for at
that dinner party she was seated next to a woman from Los Angeles
who ran a small beachside hotel. The woman was looking for a live-in
assistant to start work the exact same week my friend was arriving in
town. What’s more my friend had the exact credentials and experience
this woman was looking for. It was a perfect case of the universe lining
things up, in ways and through paths that we can never predict.

☞☞ Bonus Tip - Write a letter to the Universe

When you want to get really clear on your desires and you want to ask
for a sign, write a letter to the universe. Release your fears and resistance
and just write sincerely about the things you want the universe to
help you with. The act of writing a letter can help you feel you have
really put your request into action, and as mentioned before, using a
pen (rather than typing) has a more powerful effect on your brain and
infuses your letter with more energy.
The bottom-line is...
These signs come in many shapes and forms.
And, by asking the Universe for a clear unmistakable “neon sign” that
your manifestation is coming to life, the one perfect for you will appear!
So, go-ahead and get started. Fill-out your order, and hit play on the
“Twilight Transformation” track as you go to sleep.
I can’t wait to see what you create!

Part 2: The Manifestation Guide | 59

Through the use of the Energy Orbiting Audio Program, you can quickly
and easily get into a meditative state of mind. And, once you are in a
meditative state of mind, the included subliminal messages will work
wonders to re-program your subconscious mind.
This Energy Orbiting Audio Program does almost all of the work for you.
It will clear you of negative programming, negative beliefs, and set you
up to leverage the power of the law of attraction.
It’s as easy as clicking PLAY!
The only thing you have to do outside of the program is to make sure
to not fall into the trap of thinking negative thoughts.
That’s it!
If there was only two words necessary to explain what to do outside of
the program, it would be...

Feel good on purpose. Choose thoughts that feel good rather than the
ones that feel bad…
You have the power…
You can do it…
And you can change your life for the better forever starting NOW…
Starting today…
Remember, there isn’t anything that you cannot be, do or have. The
world is your oyster, and now that you have the powerful audio tools
and the knowledge, NOTHING can stop you!

60 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

The Cosmic Order Form
Step 1: Get Clear on What You Want (and Why You Want To
Manifest Money Into Your Life).
What You Want Why You Want It

1) 1)

2) 2)

3) 3)

4) 4)

5) 5)

The Cosmic Order Form | 61

Step 2: Visualize It
As you get ready to visualize your desire, engage all of your 5 senses of
sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell to describe it…
1. What does it look like?

2. What does it smell like?

3. What does it sound like?

4. What does it feel like?

5. What does it taste like?

62 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

Step 3: Feel Good Now
The vibration of gratefulness and appreciation are both very high, so
the more that you can feel that feeling, the better...
In the space below, write down a list of everything that you are
grateful for.
I am grateful for...

The Cosmic Order Form | 63

Step 4: Allow
In the space below, write down a list of fun and joyful activities that
allow you to let loose and surrender to the power of the universe. For
example, taking a bath, going on a picnic, or going on a trip out of
town. What types of things inspire you?
I am inspired by...

64 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

Step 5: Identify Obstacles and Overcome
In the space below, write down what your obstacles are in the left
column, and how you will overcome them on the right...

My Obstacles How I Will Overcome

The Cosmic Order Form | 65

Your Cosmic Ordering Personal Check
Before you fill out your check, get yourself into a good feeling
place first.
The best way to do this is to listen to the “10 Minute Meditator”Theta
audio, then visualize receiving the amount of money that you want.
How does it make you feel? Once you get that feeling, then proceed
with the following:
1. Fill out your name.
2. Fill out the amount including writing it out long-hand.
3. Post-date the check for when you believe it will come by.
4. Sign it.
5. Put it in your wallet or purse and carry it with you everywhere
you go.
6. When you feel like it, pull the check out, look at it and milk the

66 | Manifestation Magic Quick Start Guide

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